Rate Competitiveness & Rate Stability with Rating Tiers A Case Study for Personal Automobile Insurance CAS Spring Meeting May 2010 Outline Introduction 3 Model Design Discussion 6 Personal Auto Case Study 12 Conclusion 31 Q&A 33 Appendix 34 Introduction Introduction Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) as a Standard Tool for Rating Plan Development GLMs have gained traction as powerful modeling tools to enhance the insurance rating plan and improve the accuracy of rating factors GLMs Enhanced Usage Challenges Race in developing new and more complex insurance pricing models However, GLMs caused challenges for the industry, especially on rate stability and regulatory compliance ¡ In the 1990s, Generalized Linear Models (GLM) were introduced to actuaries for developing personal automobile pricing ¡ Frequent change of rating plans invites multiple rating products to be in production ¡ Now, GLMs are used as a standard powerful modeling tool to enhance the insurance rating plan and improve the accuracy of rating factors ¡ Personal line industry has embraced more complex rating plans, such as adding new variables or including interaction terms ¡ Price disruption on renewal business by new and more complicated products ¡ Resources and efforts needed to manage several different versions of a given rating plan is a significant challenge to insurance companies ¡ Increases insurance companies’ competiveness in the market place —4— Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ Assists avoidance of adverse selection Introduction Maintaining a Consistent Base Plan using Tier Rating One approach for maintaining rate stability is to divide the entire rating plan into two parts; an underlying base class plan and a rating tier on top of the base class plan • New or non-traditional rating variables (e.g., occupation, education, prior BI limit, etc.) • Variables restricted by certain states, but not by others (e.g., credit score, not-at-fault accidents, etc.) Rating Tier • Standard rating variables (e.g., territories, drivers, vehicles, coverage, discounts, etc.) Base Class Plan • Common across states • Potential interactions (e.g., gender and age, driver age and mileage, etc.) —5— Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt One major advantage of separating the base class plan and the rating tier is the efficiency in managing the rating plan changes and price disruption for individual risks. Model Design Discussion Model Design Discussion Frequency-Severity Models vs. Pure Premium Models Two different modeling approaches can be employed for the rating tier creation: Frequency-Severity vs. Pure Premium Frequency-Severity Approach 1) Determine Modeled Frequency Estimate • Frequency = Claim Count / Exposure 2) Determine Modeled Severity Estimate • Severity = Loss ($’s) / Claim Count 3) Estimate Pure Premium by Combining Estimates • Pure Premium = Frequency * Severity ¡ Advantage associated with the frequency-severity modeling approach is the detailed insight available of the distinct loss cost drivers between frequency and severity Pure Premium Approach 1) Determine Pure Premium Estimate Directly • Pure Premium = Loss($’s) / Exposure The Frequency-Severity approach prescribes the product of two models, while the Pure Premium approach requires one model. —7— Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ The pure premium approach directly uses pure premium as the target variable for the estimate Model Design Discussion Frequency-Severity Models vs. Pure Premium Models The pure premium approach is our preferred methodology for the development of rating tiers because the frequency-severity approach has the following issues More Effort and Less Efficient Data Credibility • Need to double the number of models • For example, liability coverage might lack data volume for its severity models Frequency-Severity Approach Issues Model Disconnect • Do both models have the same variables? • Do both models treat a given variable in similar fashion? • Does severity distribution vary among segments of the book? Difficulty in Splitting Class Plan Factors Between Frequency and Severity Effects • How to split the resulting class plan factors between the frequency and severity contributions when evaluating rating factors? 1 - For the pure premium approach, the Tweedier distribution, a compound distribution of Gamma and dispersed Poisson, is the sta ndard distribution assumption. The Tweedie distribution is part of the GLM and the Exponential family distributions, and is currently available in many modeling software applications. —8— Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt The above issues regarding the Frequency/Severity approach lead us to believe that the Pure Premium approach1 is a preferred approach for the rating tier development. Model Design Discussion Setting up the Pure Premium Distribution The pure premium distribution is assumed to follow the Tweedie Distribution Pure Premium Distribution ¡ Claim count is Poisson distributed ¡ Size-of-Loss is Gamma distributed ¡ Since Pure Premium equals Frequency * Severity, the resulting distribution is a Gamma-Poisson distribution (i.e., the Tweedie Distribution) ¡ Therefore, the Tweedie Distribution harmonizes the compound effect of the Gamma Severity and Poisson Frequency distributions ¡ The Tweedie Distribution belongs to the Exponential Family of Distributions, where: oVar(PP) = fmp §f is a scale parameter §p є (1,2) Øp is a free parameter – must be supplied by the modeler ØAs p à 1: Pure Premium approaches the Over-Dispersed Poisson ØAs p à 2: Pure Premium approaches the Gamma —9— Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt §m is the expected value of PP Model Design Discussion Selecting the “p value” for the Tweedier Model We select the “p value” parameter which corresponds to the maximum log-likelihood Max Log-Likelihood at p=1.45 Poisson PP Model Approaches Gamma Observations ¡ In determining the optimal result, we run a series of models with a changing “p value” (ceteris paribus) for determining the Tweedie distribution “p value” assumption ¡ The log-likelihood function exhibits a smooth inverse “U” shape — 10 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ The optimal “p value” selected corresponds to the model with the highest log-likelihood Model Design Discussion Vehicle Level Tiers vs. Policy Level Tiers It is to our knowledge that the policy level tiers are more popular in the industry Policy Level Design Vehicle Level Design Policy #: 00001 Policy #: 00001 Driver Age 75 Vehicle ID Vehicle Tier Assignment 1 38 0 19 2 ¡ Able to use both vehicle level and police level variables ¡ In theory, vehicle level tiers are more accurate because it allows different tier rates for each vehicle on a policy, while policy level tiers assign the same tier rate for all vehicles on the policy Driver Age A g g r e g a t e AVG {75,38,19} = 44 Policy Tier Assignment 2 ¡ While detailed vehicle level variables are available, some policy level variable do exhibit correlation across all vehicles on a policy (e.g., prior claims on other vehicles within policy) ¡ Efficiency gained by a policy level design typically outweighs the marginal compromise of accuracy from a vehicle level design ¡ Easily extended and integrated into other applications (e.g., Underwriting and Marketing purposes) — 11 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Vehicle ID Personal Auto Case Study Personal Auto Case Study Data Details The data used in the study is a subset of actual industry data and contains the following specifications Detail Line of Business Private Passenger Auto Coverages (1) Personal Injury Protection (PIP) (2) Collision (COLL) Policy Year 2005 Term Annual Policies Single Car Policies 40,628 Multi Car Policies 48,353 Vehicles Level Records on All Policies 175,004 Source: Deloitte Research — 13 — 71% of vehicles purchase both coverages 29% of vehicles purchase PIP only Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Component Personal Auto Case Study Data Details (continued) The rating variables used in the study Variable Target or Base/Tier Territory Base {T1, T2, T3, T4, T5} Type of Policy (TYPE) Base {M,S} Driver Age Group Base {Youthful, Mature, Senior} Vehicle Use Base {P, W}, P – Pleasure Use, W – Others Vehicle Age Group Base {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, the higher, the older COLL Deductible Base {<=250, 500, >=1000} Vehicle Symbol Group Base {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} At Fault Accidents (AFA) Base {0, 1, 2+} Credit Score Group Tier {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, the higher, the better Vehicle Level Not At Fault Accidents (NAFA) Tier {0, 1, 2+} Policy Level Not At Fault Accidents (NAFA_POL) Tier {0, 1, 2+} — 14 — S – Single Car, M – Multi Car Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Source: Deloitte Research Values Personal Auto Case Study Developing the Base Class Plan The first step is to select a subset of variables (five for PIP, and eight for COLL) for the base class plan and estimate the associated class plan factors for each coverage using pure premium Tweedie approach) Territory Driver Age Vehicle Use Type AFA Vehicle Age Group Symbol Deductible Value T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Young Senior Mature P (Pleasure) W (Other) M (Multi Car) S (Single Car) 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 250 500 1000 PIP Rating Factor (Tweedie P=1.45) 0.771 0.768 0.577 0.887 1.000 1.294 1.020 1.000 0.870 1.000 0.705 1.000 0.778 0.709 1.000 COLL Rating Factor (Tweedie P = 1.25) 0.845 0.904 0.858 0.901 1.000 1.327 1.067 1.000 0.944 1.000 0.965 1.000 0.868 0.929 1.000 2.990 3.022 2.394 1.879 1.000 0.732 0.824 0.915 0.980 1.000 1.354 1.253 1.000 Source: Deloitte Research — 15 — Observations ¡ We recognize the reversal in the atfault accident (AFA) factors between 0 and 1 for PIP, as well as in the Vehicle Age factors between 0 and 1, however, these results are from the natural volatility of the data as well as model indications Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Variable Personal Auto Case Study Developing the Base Class Plan As an aside, the class plan factors in the previous slide are the optimized result by applying the GLM Tweedie assumption to the data Observations ¡ In determining the optimal result, we try a series of “p” values for the Tweedie distribution assumption ¡ For each coverage, 17 models were constructed by changing the “p” parameter from 1.10 to 1.90 in 0.05 increments ¡ The table shows the log likelihoods for the PIP and COLL models are “U-shaped” with an increasing “p” parameter The optimal “p” value was identified to be 1.45 for the PIP model and 1.25 for the COLL model. PIP has a higher “p” value that COLL because it is more severity driven. Source: Deloitte Research — 16 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Log-Likelihoods Tweedier p PIP COLL 1.10 -781.3 -12728.2 1.15 -713.6 -12494.7 1.20 -660.4 -12338.8 1.25 -619.1 -12262.3 1.30 -588.1 -12269.2 1.35 -566.0 -12367.1 1.40 -552.1 -12567.1 1.45 -546.1 -12886.6 1.50 -548.0 -13351.1 1.55 -558.8 -13998.8 1.60 -579.9 -14888.8 1.65 -614.3 -16114.9 1.70 -667.3 -17835.0 1.75 -748.4 -20334.9 1.80 -877.6 -24187.6 1.85 -1101.4 -30732.1 1.90 -1559.6 -43987.4 Personal Auto Case Study Developing the Base Class Plan After determining the class plan factors, we derive the base premium by achieving premium neutral between the actual premium and the new modeled premium Sum of Actual Premium Sum of Modeled Premium ¡ Need to determine a new base premium so that the sum of modeled premium equals the sum of actual premium PIP COLL $466.78 $211.31 Source: Deloitte Research — 17 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Base Premium Personal Auto Case Study Tier Rating Model Design The purpose of tier rating is to select a new subset of variables, most likely exclusive of those in the base class plan, to sit on top of the base class plan. We will use two variables, Not At Fault Accidents and Credit Score, for the rating tier design Not At Fault Accidents (NAFA) Modeling Variables Policy #: 00001 Vehicle NAFA (Vehicle Level) 0 NAFA (Vehicle Level) NAFA_POL (Policy Level) 0 1 ¡ For NAFA_POL, the blue car will indicate one not at fault accident due to the NAFA experienced by the red car because NAFA_POL looks across all vehicles on a policy ¡ NAFA has proven to correlate with loss and there is a trend of using NAFA as a tier factor 1 1 1 Credit Score ¡ Credit score has proven to strongly correlate with auto losses The rating tier will be built at policy level, therefore NAFA_POL and Credit Score will be used. Source: Deloitte Research — 18 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ Some states ban credit scores, therefore, using credit score as a tier factor allows rating flexibility between different states Personal Auto Case Study Tier Rating Model Design Based on Pure Premium Approach The model below indicates the specifications for a pure premium coverage specific model for PIP Model #1 log( E (PP pip )) = log( E ( pip_loss )) = log(pip_class_factor) + b × X pip _ exposure ¡ The model is coverage specific, and the equation above illustrates the PIP coverage model ¡ PIP_Class_Factors used as the “offset” term ¡ The target is the pure premium, which is the loss over the exposure for the given record and the given coverage ¡ The pip_class_factor reflects the combined effect of the class plan for PIP, i.e., territory, driver age, multi-car policy indicator, vehicle type, and at-fault accidents (AFA) ¡ X is the vector composed with the two tier elements: Credit Score and NAFA_POL Placeholder ¡ The theoretical distribution assumed is a Tweedier Distribution ¡ Used a Tweedier “P” value of 1.45 ¡ Assume the class plan is multiplicative, therefore the “log” link function is used ¡ Use weight of pip_exposure (in this case since the case study only uses annual term policies, all of the weights = 1) Source: Deloitte Research — 19 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ Use an offset of Log(pip_factor) Personal Auto Case Study Tier Rating Model Design Based on Loss Ratio Approach The model below indicates the specifications for a loss ratio coverage specific model for PIP Model #2 log( E ( LR pip )) = log( E ( pip_loss 1 ´ )) = b × X pip_exposure pip_class_factor ¡ Coverage: PIP ¡ Target Variable: Loss ratio ¡ X (or Predictive Variables): Credit Score and NAFA Multiplicative result of exposure and class factor is essentially the same as premium. ¡ Theoretical Distribution: Tweedier ¡ Tweedier P: 1.45 Therefore, the model essentially becomes a loss ratio model (i.e., loss over premium) ¡ Link Function: Log ¡ Weight: PIP Premium ¡ Offset: None Source: Deloitte Research — 20 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt A pure premium model with offsetting base class plan factors is the same as a loss ratio model. With the loss ratio as the target variable, the above model no longer needs the offset mechanism Personal Auto Case Study Tier Rating Model Result The table below illustrates the parameter estimation difference between the pure premium and loss ratio coverage specific models NAFA_POL COLL Results: Credit Score NAFA_POL P value = 1.45 1.002 1.049 0.395 0.194 0.000 0 1 2 -0.249 -0.834 0.000 Model 2: Loss Ratio Model Rating Parameter Estimate Factor 2.724 2.855 1.484 1.214 1.000 P value = 1.45 1.011 1.026 0.396 0.196 0.000 2.749 2.789 1.486 1.217 1.000 0.780 0.434 1.000 -0.308 -0.867 0.000 0.735 0.420 1.000 0 1 2 3 4 P value = 1.25 0.371 0.249 0.161 0.171 0.000 1.449 1.282 1.174 1.187 1.000 P value = 1.30 0.370 0.244 0.153 0.167 0.000 1.447 1.276 1.165 1.182 1.000 0 1 2 -0.317 -0.255 0.000 0.728 0.775 1.000 -0.319 -0.255 0.000 0.727 0.775 1.000 Observations ¡ In general and as expected, the optimal p values for the tier models are the same as, or close to, the base class plan models ¡ The maximum likelihood estimates calculated by the two generalized linear models are not exactly the same, but remain very close ¡ Parameters for both credit score and not-at-fault accidents are significant, suggesting that they can further segment the risk beyond the underlying base class plan The results given above demonstrate how we can remove the underlying class plan effect in establishing the rating tier factors via the use of premium for the loss ratio approach and the combined class plan factor for the pure premium approach. — 21 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Variable Value PIP Results: Credit Score 0 1 2 3 4 Model 1: Pure Premium Model Parameter Rating Estimate Factor Personal Auto Case Study Tier Rating Model Design The model below indicates the specifications for a loss ratio all coverages combined model Model #3 total_loss )) = b × X log( E (LR total )) = log( E ( total_premium ¡ Coverage: PIP and COLL ¡ Target Variable: Loss ratio ¡ X (or Predictive Variables): Credit Score and NAFA_POL ¡ Theoretical Distribution: Tweedier ¡ Tweedier P: 1.35 ¡ Link Function: Log ¡ Weight: Total Premium The all coverages combined option is not valid for the pure premium model design since we cannot add exposure or combine the class plan factors across different coverages. Source: Deloitte Research — 22 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ Offset: None Personal Auto Case Study Tier Rating Model Result Coverage Specific: PIP (Optimal P Value = 1.45) All Coverages Combined (P Value = 1.35) Coverage Specific: COLL (Optimal P Value = 1.30) Variable Value Parameter Estimate Rating Factor Parameter Estimate Rating Factor Parameter Estimate Rating Factor Credit_Score 0 1.011 2.749 0.561 1.752 0.370 1.447 Credit_Score 1 1.026 2.789 0.492 1.636 0.244 1.276 Credit_Score 2 0.396 1.486 0.220 1.246 0.153 1.165 Credit_Score 3 0.196 1.217 0.175 1.191 0.167 1.182 Credit_Score 4 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 NAFA_POL 0 -0.308 0.735 -0.320 0.726 -0.319 0.727 NAFA_POL 1 -0.867 0.420 -0.405 0.667 -0.255 0.775 NAFA_POL 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 The combined coverages parameter estimates and the optimal p value fall between the by-coverage results. Since COLL has more premium than PIP, the combined estimates are slightly closer to the COLL estimates than the PIP estimates. Source: Deloitte Research — 23 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt The parameter estimates and optimal p value resulting from the all-coverages-combined model fall between the coverage specific model estimates Personal Auto Case Study Rating Tier Creation The selected model design for which we will build tier rating scores from is the loss ratio all-coveragescombined model (i.e., Model 3) Model #1 Model #3 • Pure Premium Target • Loss Ratio Target • Loss Ratio Target • Coverage Specific • Coverage Specific • All Coverages Combined Rating Factor 1.752 1.636 ¡ Take the results from Model 3 and apply the tier rating factors to each of the risks. (Note: only the tier rating factors are applied, i.e., they are not combined with the base plan factors) Policy Model Score Tier Assignment 001 0.561 4 002 0.172 3 003 -0.185 1 004 0 2 005 -0.23 1 … … … 1.246 1.191 1.000 0.726 0.667 1.000 Tier Assignment ¡ After applying the tier rating factors, each risk will receive a “tier rating score” ¡ Next, we will group the risks into four rating tiers based on their tier rating score — 24 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Model #3: All Coverages Combined (P Value = 1.35) Parameter Variable Value Estimate Credit 0 0.561 Score Credit 1 0.492 Score Credit 2 0.220 Score Credit 3 0.175 Score Credit 4 0.000 Score NAFA 0 -0.320 POL NAFA 1 -0.405 POL NAFA 2 0.000 POL Model #2 Personal Auto Case Study Rating Tier Creation The table below shows the final distribution of premium, loss, and loss ratio by rating tier and coverage, after grouping the risks into one of four rating tier based on their tier rating score Policy Level Rating Tier PIP Premium COLL Premium PIP Loss COLL Loss PIP Loss Ratio COLL Loss Ratio PIP Tier Factor COLL Tier Factor 1 7,196,865 11,700,975 1,566,394 5,197,147 21.8% 44.4% 0.355 0.678 2 15,464,220 25,384,564 4,725,373 13,132,471 30.6% 51.7% 0.498 0.789 3 6,549,586 10,508,607 3,870,624 6,076,159 59.1% 57.8% 0.964 0.882 4 7,680,868 10,614,534 4,709,582 6,957,082 61.3% 65.5% 1.000 1.000 Total 36,891,539 58,208,680 14,871,972 31,362,859 40.3% 53.9% Observations ¡ The indicated tier relativity are located in the last two columns. For example, if we use Tier 4 as the base (poor experience) tier, we indicate a 32% (i.e., 1-0.678), 21%, and 12% discount to tier 1, 2, and 3 risks, respectively, for their COLL premium ¡ The “final selected” tier factors for premium adjustment is also dependent on each company’s objectives Source: Deloitte Research — 25 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ The number of tier groups and the distribution of the risks can vary from one company to another, and is dependent on each company’s business objectives. The “indicated” tier factors will depend on the selected tier group number, as well as the distribution of risks Personal Auto Case Study Rating Tier Creation A premium neutral result can be achieved by rebasing the tier factors Policy Level Rating Tier PIP Premium COLL Premium Initial PIP Tier Factor Initial COLL Tier Factor Final PIP Tier Factor Final COLL Tier Factor 1 7,196,865 11,700,975 0.355 0.678 0.540 0.824 2 15,464,220 25,384,564 0.498 0.789 0.758 0.960 3 6,549,586 10,508,607 0.964 0.882 1.466 1.073 4 7,680,868 10,614,534 1.000 1.000 1.521 1.216 Total 36,891,539 58,208,680 0.657 0.822 1.000 1.000 Observations By achieving the premium neutral, there will be no premium gain or loss due to the introduction of the rating tier. Source: Deloitte Research — 26 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ A tier 1 policy will receive a 46% (i.e., 1 - 0.54) and 17.6% (i.e., 1 - 0.824) premium deduction for PIP and COLL respectively Personal Auto Case Study Rating Tier Creation The table below exhibits vehicle level tier factor estimates that would’ve resulted had we used a vehicle level dataset, and compares it to the policy level tier factor estimates Policy Level Vehicle Level Value Parameter Estimate Value Parameter Estimate Credit_Score 0 0.561 1.752 Credit_Score 0 0.566 1.762 Credit_Score 1 0.492 1.636 Credit_Score 1 0.495 1.641 Credit_Score 2 0.220 1.246 Credit_Score 2 0.225 1.252 Credit_Score 3 0.175 1.191 Credit_Score 3 0.176 1.193 Credit_Score 4 0.000 1.000 Credit_Score 4 0.000 1.000 NAFA_POL 0 -0.320 0.726 NAFA 0 -0.220 0.803 NAFA_POL 1 -0.405 0.667 NAFA 1 -0.033 0.967 NAFA_POL 2 0.000 1.000 NAFA 2 0.000 1.000 Variable Rating Factor Variable Rating Factor Observations ¡ Another difference between policy level rating tiers and vehicle level rating tiers is that for the vehicle level tier rating, it is possible that different vehicles on a policy can be assigned to different tiers. Our study further indicates that for the 48,353 multi-cars policies, 6.9% of the policies will have different tier assignments among the vehicles within the given policy. Since the real word rating tiers typically contain more variables, the percentage should go up even more in practice Source: Deloitte Research — 27 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt ¡ The indicated parameters for NAFA_POL are much stronger than the parameters for NAFA (vehicle level), suggesting a vehicle on a multi-car policy with accidents of “other” vehicles on the same policy are correlated with the vehicle’s future losses. This is why policy and family account level variables are being used in rating these days Personal Auto Case Study Premium Disruption Analyzing and controlling premium disruption is a very critical step in implementing any rating plan changes, with particular respect to regulation requirements Premium Change Credit Score NAFA PIP COLL Total 1 4 1 -46% -18% -28% 1 4 0 -46% -18% -28% 1 3 1 -46% -18% -28% 2 2 1 -24% -4% -12% 2 3 0 -24% -4% -12% 2 2 0 -24% -4% -12% 3 3 4 1 2 1 47% 47% 7% 7% 22% 22% 3 0 1 47% 7% 22% 3 3 1 3 0 2 47% 47% 7% 7% 22% 22% 4 2 2 52% 22% 34% 4 0 0 52% 22% 34% 4 1 2 52% 22% 34% 4 0 2 52% 22% 34% 0% 0% 0% Total Source: Deloitte Research — 28 — Observations ¡ Since the premium impact associated with the rating tier approach is completely isolated within the rating tier assignments and associated factors, the premium disruption can be quickly analyzed and understood ¡ Since the premium impact is isolated within the rating tier assignments and the associated tier factors, we can control and manage the disruption more efficiently by changing either the factors or establishing additional tier assignment rules Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Rating Tier Personal Auto Case Study Premium Disruption The table below compares PIP’s original base class plan (i.e., excluding a rating tier) with PIP’s completely revised class plan with the inclusion of the rating tier factors Value Base Class Plan, PIP Complete Class Plan, PIP T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 $466.78 0.7711 0.7675 0.5765 0.8873 1.0000 $263.08 0.8008 0.7197 0.5791 0.8904 1.0000 Driver Age Yng Senr Matr 1.2941 1.0203 1.0000 1.2971 1.4511 1.0000 Vehicle Use P W 0.8701 1.0000 0.9388 1.0000 Type M S 0.7045 1.0000 0.6884 1.0000 AFA 0 1 2 0.7776 0.7094 1.0000 0.8686 0.8335 1.0000 Base Premium Territory Credit Score 0 1 2 3 4 3.1012 3.3218 1.6706 1.2959 1.0000 NAFA_POL 0 1 2 0.7513 0.4269 1.0000 Source: Deloitte Research — 29 — Observations ¡ The revised class plan for PIP includes NAFA_POL and credit score in the class plan ¡ The table indicates that all the base class plan factors have changed, and some of them have a fairly large change, such as AFA and senior driver factor ¡ Such significant change in class factors lead to increased difficulty in managing premium disruption ¡ The significant change in class factors require more effort for implementation on filing and system programming Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt Variable Personal Auto Case Study Practical Considerations The rating tier design provides insurance companies an excellent approach in managing an insurance book with respect to rate distribution, rate disruption, and risk segmentation ¡ It is fairly easy to manage the rate distribution for the book using the rating tier approach. For example, we can simply adjust the score cutoff to achieve different tier distributions. ¡ If the premium disruption is capped within a certain range due to business or regulatory reasons, we can simply change the final selected factors to be in compliance with the capped range • For example, if a state restricts premium change to +/- 20%, we can change the final selected factors to 0.80 for Tier 1 and 1.20 for Tier 4 in Table 4 for the state. • Another example is that we can add a business rule so that if the premium disruption exceeds a certain threshold for a risk, we can cap the change within the tier, such as Tier 2 to Tier 3, instead of to Tier 4 ¡ Rating tiers allow a quick introduction of new variables if the variables have proven correlation with insurance loss Source: Deloitte Research — 30 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt • Rating tiers approach will not affect the underlying base class plan factors, there is no need to file a new class plan. This will avoid multiple versions of class plans if certain factors, such as credit score, are allowed in some states, but not in others Conclusion Conclusion The preferred model design in this case study is at the policy level, using a loss ratio target, with the GLM Tweedier assumptions ¡ Rating tier is an excellent pricing design to help insurance companies achieve a balance in rate stability and rate complexity ¡ There are two approaches to develop rating tiers – pure premium modeling with an offset of base plan factor or loss ratio modeling. Both modeling will use GLM Tweedier assumption ¡ There are two different designs – policy level or vehicle level. It is more popular and more efficient to use policy level rating tier design ¡ The case study given in the paper is somewhat ideal and simplified. The real world applications will require considerable additional amount of work, especially on data preparation and data adjustments. • For example, for loss ratio modeling, the premium re-rate could be much more complicated. For loss, we need to develop it to ultimate level and trend it to be consistent with on level premium period § We can develop an additional underwriting tier with the same methodology, by maintaining flexibility to implement the rating tier and the underwriting tier in different fashions § Add the rating tier into the existing rating plan using the underwriting tier for company placement Source: Deloitte Research — 32 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt § Combine the rating tier and the underwriting tier for underwriting purposes Q&A Appendix Appendix Expanding the Application Tier rating can be expanded to Underwriting applications, thereby increasing efficiency in predictive modeling efforts Predictive Modeling Efficiency Generate the first level tier only using rating variables Maintain the current class plan structure and class rating factors with no change Generate the second level tier using nonrating underwriting variables in tandem with the first tier Implementation Options Option 1 § Add the first level tier to the current class plan for rating § Using the second level tier for underwriting Option 2 § Use level one and level two tiers simultaneously for underwriting § Risk Selection Source: Deloitte Research — 35 — Tier Rating Case Study v6.ppt § Company Placement Copyright © 2010 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.