Welcome to the Spring 2015 Saturday DNA! Programs!

DNA Learning Center’s
Welcome to the Spring 2015
Saturday DNA! Programs!
Come to the science scene on Saturdays!!
Infection Detection
Amid Plasmids
DNA Runaway!
Join us for exciting, new
Saturday DNA! sessions!
Add some DNA to your day . . .
One session is offered for each Saturday in this
newsletter. The April and June sessions are for
ages 10-13 with an accompanying chaperone.
The May session is for students ages 14 to adult
with accompanying chaperone for participants
under 15. All sessions are two hours long:
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Chaperones fully participate in
all program activities.
Sessions are $15.00 per person ($30.00 for a
participating student and accompanying
What you need to do:
You must read and follow the instructions
on the Reservation Guidelines. Applications
not adhering to these guidelines will be
Download reservation form(s) from the
Saturday DNA! link on our website at
Reserve your space by completing and
returning a reservation form with your
payment. You must include a separate
check for each session you plan to attend.
Information hotline: (516) 367-5168.
of Event:
DNA Learning Center
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
One Bungtown Road
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
Dolan DNA Learning Center
334 Main Street
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
Directions to the DNA Learning Center and Reservation Guidelines are on the website at:
DNA Learning Center’s
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Bacteria and Antibiotics
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Ages 10-13, chaperone required
How can you kill something that can’t be seen with the naked eye? Bacteria are microscopic organisms that live on nearly
every surface you encounter. Come and explore the many varieties of bacteria and the complicated role that antibiotics
play in the treatment of bacterial infections.
In this activity, participants will:
• observe the effect of two separate antibiotics on two different strains of bacteria;
• understand the function of different antibiotics;
• learn the history of antibiotics and disease treatment.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
The Genetic Engineering Toolbox
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Ages 14 – Adult; under 15 years, chaperone required
The term “plasmid” dates back to 1952 when it was first used to describe a small piece of bacterial DNA that is separate
from the chromosomal DNA. In nature, plasmids carry genes that can help bacteria survive in adverse conditions.
Plasmids can also be created in the lab. These artificial plasmids are used as vectors in genetic engineering, allowing
organisms to express traits they never could naturally. Join us for a closer look at plasmids and how they are used in
genetic engineering.
In this lab session, you will:
• use restriction enzymes to digest artificial plasmids;
• analyze plasmid maps to predict the results of your restriction digests;
• visualize your results using gel electrophoresis.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Going the Distance
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Ages 10-13, chaperone required
Most of the time when scientists work with DNA, they are unable to see it. In the 1970s, a powerful tool called DNA gel
electrophoresis was developed that finally allowed scientists to visualize DNA molecules. This process uses electricity to
separate DNA fragments by size as they migrate through a gel matrix. Come join us and try out this technique for yourself!
Students will:
• learn the basic principles of gel electrophoresis;
• make an agarose gel and load samples of DNA;
• analyze results using UV light.