CP2023 Computer Networks Dr. Ian Coulson Assessment 1 Colin Hopson 0482647 19th May 2006 i Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction............................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview........................................................................................................1 1.2 Assessment Report Requirements and Evaluation ........................................2 Proposed Solution ..................................................................................................3 2.1 Preliminary Physical Topology......................................................................3 2.2 Conclusive Physical Topology ......................................................................4 Subnet Analysis .....................................................................................................5 3.1 Subnet Calculations .......................................................................................5 3.2 Inventory and Installation ..............................................................................6 3.3 Costing and Flexibility.................................................................................10 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................11 Notes ....................................................................................................................11 Reference A : Internet Research Listings ............................................................12 Reference B : Published Research Material.........................................................13 ii 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview It is given in the assessment criteria that the IP address is allocated to the network infrastructure. From this we can derive that we would use a Classful Class B network as shown in the diagram below. High Order Bits Octet in Decimal 00000000→01111111 10000000→10111111 11000000→11011111 0→127 128→191 192→223 Address Class Class A Class B Class C However, to compensate for wasting IP addresses, but in order to retain some host addresses for future expansion, we subnet the host section of the given IP address using the Network Classless Scheme (CIDR). This method helps to allocate a certain number of host IP addresses to each subnet as well as utilise a subnet routing scheme. Firstly, it is necessary to work out the quantity of subnets and the number of hosts required on each subnet. This can be deciphered from the Assessment Report Requirements. By grouping rooms to the similar number of hosts from each physical location, we list the chart below. Location of Building Room Desc. First Subnet MU Building Staff Offices Second Subnet MU Building MU023 MU Building MU029 MU Building MU032 Third Subnet MU Building MU011 MU Building MU107 MU Building MU404 Fourth Subnet MU Building Consult Room 1 MU Building Consult Room 2 Fifth Subnet Telford Building Telford Lab 1 Telford Building Telford Lab 2 Totals: 5 Subnets/350 Workstations Number of Hosts 70 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 40 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 40 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 40 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 20 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 20 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 20 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 10 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 10 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 40 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) 40 Workstations (plus networked printer/s) It is assumed that each consultancy room has 10 workstations and require an internet connection through the MU building. In calculating costs for installation, room sizes are estimated and equipment costs are averaged by current and collated internet prices as detailed later. 1 1.2 Assessment Report Requirements and Evaluation Your task is to design the network infrastructure for the school of computing as if it was separate from the rest of the university. The design is for MU building and 2 labs of 40 machines, each at Telford. The rooms MU023, MU032, MU029, have 40 workstations and MU107, MU011, MU404 have only 20. There must be a link between MU building and Telford, and also out to the internet from MU building. There are also 70 staff that are networked on a staff network and a small separate consultancy group based in 2 rooms with 10 staff allied to university but not officially part of it. You must supply a written report for your design that will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a diagram of your proposed physical topology; any subnet calculations and listings; an inventory of equipment in the system; costing for all necessary equipment and estimates of any installation costs; Listing of services from the ISP and costings for them. A brief explanation of how your design is flexible enough such that further scaling up of network requirements can be accommodated. 7. The usual sections in a written report such as introduction etc. SCIT has been allocated the IP address of /22 This is an individual piece of work and you must not collude with any other person, or plagiarise your work. Evaluation criteria Grade A An excellent standard of work, a clearly presented report, with valid solutions to all parts of the assignment. A good standard of written English and all work referenced Grade B As in A, but with minor errors in the solution proposed, or with only an adequate standard of presentation. The report should show a good understanding of network technology applied to the current situation and a good understanding of the benefits that the proposed system would bring. Grade C The report substantially addresses the requirements, but has omissions or errors or poor presentation in some respects. Grade D The minimum pass grade will include a valid attempt at all parts of the report, but some aspects are incorrect and/or incomplete or a good attempt at some of the tasks with others poorly attempted or very poor presentation, or not in report format. Grade E The work is seriously lacking in key aspects, the proposed solution and evaluation of the current situation demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the issues involve. Grade F No serious attempt made. 2 2 Proposed Solution 2.1 Preliminary Physical Topology Pictured below is a basic physical topology of my proposed networking solution. In conjunction with the subnet grouping produced earlier, we can deduce the following; One student access zone at Telford One staff access zone at Wolverhampton One consultancy access zone at Wolverhampton Two student access zones at Wolverhampton 3 2.2 Conclusive Physical Topology Pictured below is a structured topology of my network solution, along with devised zones and hardware assemblage. 4 3 Subnet Analysis 3.1 Subnet Calculations The chart below shows the binary representation of the IP addresses - right-most octets. Here we can use the 2 static network octets plus extend the network portion using 6 bits from the host’s left octet (i.e. = (8+8+6) = 22 ). However, by using this ‘sub-netting’ method it is essential to decipher a subnet mask as this, along with the network address, specifies multiple class subnets for one address. The amount of bits used in the right-most octet is determined by the quantity of hosts required on each subnet. Additional Network Portion (Left Host Octet) 128 64 32 1 → 2 → 3 → 16 8 4 2 4 → 5 → 6 { 7 Right Host Octet 1 128 64 8 7 →}6 8 ← 32 16 8 4 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Presuming it is best to allocate the largest number of hosts first, I have worked through the areas by the highest number of hosts required. In our first subnet (MU Building – Lower Zone) we require 120 hosts so must use 128 bit to represent our subnet address as 64 is not enough. The first subnet however, is allocated to ‘routing’, therefore we must start host IP addressing and as only one subnet for 120 hosts is required we use 129+120=249, therefore 5 IP host addresses can be reserved for expansion. Remember, we cannot use 0 or 256, and 255 is the subnet broadcast address. This subnet is allocated the address, and is used to represent all the three rooms MU023, MU029 and MU032. Therefore, the subnet has the IP address range→ - broadcast address being Room MU023 would have incremented IP addresses from → Room MU029 would have incremented IP addresses from → and finally room MU032 would have incremented IP addresses from → (5 left for expansion). In our second subnet (Telford Zone) we require 80 hosts so use 128 bit again to represent our subnet address. As the first subnet ( has been utilised, we must progress onto the next subnet. This is much like a speedometer counter that turns one mile after the 9/10th, then turns the ten mile counter after 9 miles, etc. Therefore, this next subnet is and allocates 40 machines in each Lab01 and Lab02 at the Telford building - a total of 80 hosts. The next subnet ( is for the Staff Zone, which accommodates 70 hosts. Next, is the Upper Zone (, comprising rooms MU011, MU107, MU404, each having 20 hosts. The last subnet is for the Consultancy Rooms 1 and 2, which continues using address scheme to allocate 20 hosts. Although we have an extra 105 IP addresses unallocated using this subnetting scheme, continuity is controlled. All subnet addressing is displayed more clearly in the chart that follows. 5 Chart Outlay of Subnetting and IP Address Configuration IP Address Range for Expansion Broadcast Address Subnet Number Lower Zone→249→254 Telford Zone Staff Zone Subnet Mask IP Address Range Used on Hosts Area→80→126→199→254 Upper Zone Consult Zone→60→126→149→254 The chart not only shows each subnet address, but the broadcast address for each subnet. Columns clearly show the allocation for IP addresses used on each host as well as the range of spare IP addresses that can be used for future expansion. 3.2 Inventory and Installation With relation to the Conclusive Physical Topology drawn previously, an inventory of hardware requirements can be listed. However, with much research on devices quality and pricing through http://www.hardware.com/, I alleged that using CISCO compatible devices, cabling and connectivity would be best for quality, price and reliability - also an extended warranty and contract for servicing is available. Listed below are CISCO devices and cabling with given pictures and prices, but these are only examples for illustration and price estimation. Routers (4 Port Distributed) Example Model : CISCO1721-VPN/K9-A (Cisco 1712 Modular Access Router) Price: £1,095.00 (46% off List Price), Inc. VAT £1,287.00 Images and Prices courtesy of: http://www.hardware.com/product.asp?id=CISCO1721-VPN/K9-A The router detailed above ideally suits the Telford Router and the Wolverhampton Secondary Routers, whereas a more expensive but obviously more powerful CISCO router, should be implemented for the Wolverhampton Central Router, as it takes all bottleneck traffic and utilises facilities with the Internet Service Provider. I have included this also to illustrate price difference. 6 Example Model : C3745-VPN/K9 (CISCO manufactured Cisco 3745 VPN Security Bundle) Price: £6,380.00 (38% off List Price), Inc. VAT £7,497.00 Images/Prices courtesy of: http://www.hardware.com/product.asp?id=C3745-VPN/K9 Switches Example Model : WS-C2950-24 (24 port Cisco Switch) Price: £360.00 (47% off List Price), Inc. VAT £423.00 Image/Prices courtesy of: http://www.hardware.com/product.asp?id=WS-C2950-24 Example Model : WS-C29505X-48-SI (48 port Cisco Switch) Price: £1,469.00 (46% off List Price), Inc. VAT £1,726.00 Images/Prices courtesy of: http://www.hardware.com/product.asp?id=WS-C2950SX-48-SI Patch Panels Example Model : 24 Way Cat6 Value UTP Patch Panel (1U) Price: £46.00, Inc. VAT £54.05 Images/Prices courtesy of: http://www.comms-express.com/pd1132306824.htm?categoryId=20 7 Example Model : 48 Way Cat6 UTP Excel Patch Panel (2U) Price: £85.00, Inc. VAT £99.88 Images/Prices courtesy of: http://www.comms-express.com/pd-2099391648.htm?categoryId=20 Cabling Example Model : CAB-5E-UTP-BLUE-20M Price: £8.00, Inc. VAT £9.00 Example Model : CAB-6-UTP-GREY-10M Price: £10.00, Inc. VAT £12.00 Images/Prices courtesy of: http://www.hardware.com/search_category.asp?keyword=&category=FI2&current_pa ge=1&start_page=1&family_id=&val0=&val1=&val2=&val3=&val4=&val5=&val6 =&val7=&lowPrice=&highPrice=&order_by=1 Connectivity One of the most important factors to include in the network installation is a dedicated communication line between the Wolverhampton Central Router and the Telford Router (i.e. – a WAN link). This can be provided by an annual leased service from an Internet Service Provider, who is responsible for servicing a dedicated line as well as providing broadband internet accessibility. Due to the fact that this is a facility of further education, I can presume that the best choice for an Internet Service Provider is through British Telecom who, convey a hierarchy of dedicated services. Exploring the British Telecom website for basic research into Private Circuits (leased lines) from http://www.downloads.bt.com/b4b/pdf/Private_Circuit_pricing.pdf, I discovered some information which could give some approximation for a reliable and above moderate, powerful point-to-point connectivity. The MegaStream Ethernet and BT Enterprise Ethernet service connects remote sites to a single, high speed connection. The pricing structure required for the network solution detailed at this site would involve a moderately high cost, but would include many services and support such as corporate e-mail and internet access with the ‘plug and play’ adaptability to the hardware prescribed. Security and maintenance support is also on-going. 8 A connection speed for the network proposed should be compatible with the speed of routing technologies detailed. Therefore, a moderately high speed of 100Mbit/s would be sufficient but incurs a flat connection charge and annual service charge along with contract overheads. Although it is quite difficult to estimate a total cost, some approximation for cost can be deduced from the website material. New Site Connection Charge @ 100Mbit/s £6,250.00 Annual Site Rental £14,000.00 The following table lists all devices for network inventory giving details, example model numbers and associated prices. Subnet Zone Description Number Hardware Description Example Model Price Ports for Expansion None Wolverhampton Central Router Router C3745-VPN/K9 £7,497.00 All 4 used None Wolverhampton Secondary Router Router CISCO1721VPN/K9-A £1,287.00 All 4 used Telford Telford Router Router CISCO1721VPN/K9-A £1,287.00 2 used, 2 more available Subnet 1 Lower Zone 1 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 8 Ports Spare Subnet 1 Lower Zone 2 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 8 Ports Spare Subnet 1 Lower Zone 3 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 8 Ports Spare Subnet 2 Telford Zone 1 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 8 Ports Spare Subnet 2 Telford Zone 2 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 8 Ports Spare Subnet 3 Staff Zone 1 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 8 Ports Spare Subnet 3 Staff Zone 2 Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 18 Ports Spare Subnet 4 Upper Zone 1 Switch WS-C2950-24 £423.00 4 Ports Spare Subnet 4 Upper Zone 2 Switch WS-C2950-24 £423.00 4 Ports Spare Subnet 4 Upper Zone 3 Switch WS-C2950-24 £423.00 4 Ports Spare Subnet 5 Consultancy Room 1 and 2 Switch WS-C2950-24 £423.00 4 Ports Spare 9 3.3 Costing and Flexibility By defining the inventory and installation processes for the proposed network, costing for the hardware configuration can be now estimated. The following table lists totals with reference to the table prescribed in 3.2 Inventory and Installation. Item Quantity Hardware Description Example Model Price Total Price 1 CISCO 4 Port Central Router C3745-VPN/K9 £7,497.00 £7,497.00 2 CISCO 4 Port Distributed Router CISCO1721VPN/K9-A £1,287.00 £2,574.00 7 48 Port CISCO Switch WS-C29505X-48-SI £1,726.00 £12,082.00 4 24 Port CISCO Switch WS-C2950-24 £423.00 £1,692.00 7 CISCO 48 Port Patch Panel 48 Way Cat6 UTP Excel (2U) £99.88 £699.16 4 CISCO 24 Port Patch Panel 24 Way Cat6 Value UTP Patch Panel (1U) £54.05 £216.20 5000m UTP Type 6 Ethernet Cabling CAB-6-UTP-GREY10M £12.00 £6,000.00 5 Labour/Installation 40 hrs (1week) £12.00 / hour £2,400.00 1 ISP WAN Integration BT Ethernet Private Circuit £20,250.00 £20,250.00 1 Maintenance/Overheads Ducting, Electrics, Insulation, etc. £3,000.00 £3,000.00 Total derived for Inventory and Network Installation £56,410.36 Although we can produce a figure by using the tables created above, it must be recognised that other overheads and cost may need to be taken into consideration. These are reflected on more in the next section - 4. Conclusion. Flexibility of this network reflects on expansion and possible re-developments or introduction of future technologies. By reviewing the table in 3.2 Inventory and Installation, we can conclude that; • • • • • In the Lower Zone - although 24 switch ports could give an additional 24 hosts, the subnet only allows 5 more IP addresses within that subnet range In the Telford Zone – all 16 additional switch ports can be used but some 30 subnet IP addresses cannot be utilised In the Staff Zone – a total of 26 switch ports are available for expansion, but 28 subnet IP addresses cannot be utilised In the Upper Zone – 12 switch ports are available for expansion, but 54 subnet IP addresses cannot be utilised In the Consultancy Zone – only 4 switch ports are available for expansion, leaving 101 subnet IP addresses not utilised 10 4 Conclusion Throughout the construction of my proposed networking solution, along with the allocation of subnets and configuration of hardware, I have listed a few points for conclusion, bulleted below. • • • • • • • Although already incorporated in my solution, a more powerful and reliable router should be implemented as the Wolverhampton Central Router as this takes all ‘bottle-neck’ traffic The Telford Router can be expanded to introduce a wireless access point and implement wireless accessibility for laptops around that campus The Consultancy Zone is allocated within the ‘student zone’ for security and as consultancy staff are not officially allocated to the university, they share no priority over students or retain official staff privileges Expansion is some subnets may already be restricted if a certain number of other devices, such as printers, are required in separate rooms Threading cable through many floors in the instance of the Upper Zone may require extensive work and future expansion to other floors may require consideration Cabling to different rooms may extend the boundaries originally proposed for each subnet. For example, although we have used only one switch in the Consultancy Zone, it provides cabling to two physically close, but separate rooms Originally, it was considered that the Staff Zone should utilise an 80-Port switch, but by using two 48-Port switches not only works out cheaper, but leaves an extra 4 IP addresses to be configured in future expansion. 5 Notes In addition to my conclusion points it must be noted that I have over estimated on installation costs in several ways (e.g. using Cat 6 cabling as opposed to Cat 5e, and by over-estimating on the cabling quantity). However, it must be remembered that in situations of installation and network continuity testing, a lot more time and so money may have to be incorporated. A lot of expenditure may be dependant on installation time and reliability of hardware components. 11 6 Reference A : Internet Research Listings The following links are internet websites, of which I researched to enhance my understanding of sub-netting, network masks, CIDR, along with collecting other technical information and prices. www.cisco.com, Cisco - IP Addressing and Subnetting for New Users: (Modified : 26 September 2005 18:54:41) [online]. Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134, USA [cited 23rd April 2006]. <http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/701/3.html> computer.howstuffworks.com, (Modified: 14 May 2006 08:20:31) How LAN Switches Work [online]. HowStuffWorks.com c/o Convex Group, Inc. One Capital City Plaza, 3350 Peachtree Road, Suite 1500, Atlanta, GA 30326 [Cited 30th April 2006]. <http://computer.howstuffworks.com/lan-switch17.htm> University of Wolverhampton, School of Computing & Information Technology (Modified : 14 May 2006 20:35:40), WOLF Topic : CP2023 Computer Networks WOLF Topic Banner : CP2023 Computer Networks [online].Wolverhampton: University of Wolverhampton [cited 28th April 2006]. <http://wolf-nt.wlv.ac.uk/common/newframeset.asp?modid=wlv0305> www.ralphb.net, (Modified: 14 May 2006 20:29:56) Subnetting [online]. Ralph Becker [cited 14th April 2006]. <http://www.ralphb.net/IPSubnet/subnet.html> www.hardware.com, (Modified : 14 May 2006 20:41:04) Hardware.com new&refurbished 3Com, Alcatel, Cisco, D-Link, Dell, Emulex, Epicenter, Extreme, Foundry, HP, IBM, Linksys, MGE, NetGear, Nortel, Polycom, PowerDsine, Prolabs, Sun, Usystems plus approved&compatible GBICs, memory, cables and accessories: [online]. Hardware.com, Trafalgar House, Kemble Enterprise Park, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6BQ, United Kingdom [cited 12th May 2006]. <http://www.hardware.com> www.comms-express.com, Cat6 Patch Panels :( Modified: 28 April 2006 10:46:43) [online]. Comms Express Limited, Unit 7 Grafton Place, Dukes Park Industrial Estate, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6TG [cited 9th May 2006]. <http://www.comms-express.com/pd-2099391648.htm?categoryId=20> www.bt.com, (Modified: 15 May 2006 22:37:36) BT.com Products & Services [online]. BT Group plc, BT Centre, 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ [cited 15th May 2006]. <http://www.bt.com/store/home.jsp?UserSegment=SME> 12 7 Reference B : Published Research Material The following references list published material, of which I used for further reading into related topics. SYBEX INC. (2002) NETWORKING COMPLETE (Third Edition), Sybex Inc., 1151 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501, 2002 ISBN: 0-7821-4143-9 PARKINSON, GEORGE (2001) NETWORKING PRINCIPLES, Computeach International Limited, University House, PO Box 51, Dudley, West Midlands DY32AG. ISBN: 13