KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY THE HON. HORACE W. DALLEY, MINISTER WITHOUT PORTFOLIO WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE, IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND PLANNING, FOR THE INAUGURAL BGLC GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT, AT THE JAMAICA CONFERENCE CENTRE, THURSDAY, 29TH MAY, 2014 “ECONOMIC GROWTH IS A TEAM SPORT” SALUTATIONS: Chairman of the Betting, Gaming & Lotteries Commission – Mr. Gary Peart Chairman of the Jamaica Racing Commission – Mr. Linton Walters Chairman of the Casino Gaming Commission – Mr. Walter Scott, QC Chairman of Caymanas Track Limited – Mr. Christopher Brown Executive Director of the BGLC, Mr. Andral “Jack” Shirley President/CEO of Supreme Ventures Limited – Mr. Brian George Project Coordinator of Rise Life Management Services – Mr. Richard Henry Licensees and other Stakeholders in the Gaming Industry Other Distinguished Guests Members of the media Ladies and Gentlemen INTRODUCTION: I am happy to address you this morning at this inaugural BGLC Gaming Industry Summit. This summit expands on the horseracing summit which was held a year ago, because, as you know, the gaming industry is a diverse platform, involving horseracing, lotteries, betting, casino and gaming. Chairman Peart and his team at the Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission have worked hard to ensure that the day’s proceedings are facilitated in an atmosphere of collaboration, KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 1 open, respectful dialogue, team spirit and cooperation; as it is only through our collective will that growth in the industry and the economy can be realised. I am also pleased that this gathering has brought together all the major stakeholders - sector leaders and regulators, operators, suppliers, attorneys, investors, bankers and other advisors - in keeping with the broad focus of finding solutions for the advancement of the Industry; while also meeting the new and emerging demands of a modern industry. I wish to urge you; therefore, to take advantage of this opportunity to raise your concerns while at the same time, benefitting from the information that will be imparted here today. I note from today’s Agenda, that the deliberations will focus on several areas of significance to the Industry. Namely include: the Legal and Regulatory Framework the Proceeds of Crime Act, Responsible Gaming; and the, Sector Outlook. The Legal and Regulatory Framework The legal and regulatory framework is central to the gaming industry. This Administration is well aware of this, and myself and my colleague Minister, Dr. the Honourable Peter Phillips, have been actively updating the legislative framework to empower the various Commissions, to adequately monitor and regulate this industry. KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 2 The recent passage of the bill to amend the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act is a key indication of our intention. The main objective of those amendments to the Act, is to provide the regulatory framework to ensure the integrity and probity of the games and key stakeholders within the betting, gaming and lotteries industry. The amendments further aim to: a. Strengthen and improve the regulatory oversight of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) so as to develop and expand the industry in an orderly manner ; b. Increase the Revenue streams through: i. the expansion of the sports betting and lottery industries through the licensing of a variety of new outlets, including mobile outlets; ii. introduction of fees for activities undertaken by the Commission in the gaming machine sector/industry; iii. licensing fees for certain persons operating in the betting, gaming and lotteries industry iv. Correct Omissions and Anomalies following from the Betting Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Act 2010 (‘the 2010 amendments’) KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 3 PROCEEDS OF CRIME ACT (POCA) Another crucial piece of legislation that the Industry has to constantly be aware of is the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) which was amended last year to allow for greater reach in the fight against money laundering and illegal betting and gaming practices in the Industry. The Proceeds of Crime Act, POCA laws, oblige you to practice due diligence in ways you may not normally be accustomed to but is an important facility that guarantees your protection and those of your customers from prosecution. The requirement now is for you to become compliant through training and orientation and developing your in-house POCA Compliance Manuals. Rest assured, you will be in safe hands with the legal minds at the BGLC and the Casino Commission, who will guide you through the process. REVENUE GROWTH I now turn attention to the Industry’s revenue performance. The data that I am about to present reflects the last three financial years starting in 2011. The Gaming Industry continues to be one of the highest grossing industries in the economy recording tremendous growth in several sectors. For the 20112012 fiscal years, the Industry recorded $2.9 billion in government revenue and taxes, which increased to $3.8 billion for the 2012-13 period and another impressive showing of $4.5 billion was recorded for the 2013-14 fiscal year. KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 4 This is not the kind of revenue intake in the economy that any administration can ignore. At the same time, the scope for expansion, a stronger economy and the creation of more jobs for our people are what we are interested in. SECTOR OUTLOOK I will now update you on the performance and some achievements that have been realised or are in progress in the respective sectors. RACING SECTOR Since the last summit, which was specifically for the Racing Sector, a number of developments have been realised in the horse racing and operational capacity of Caymanas Track Limited (CTL). CTL is now under the leadership of a new Broad of Directors led by Mr. Christopher Brown and a newly installed CEO, Mr. Cedric Stewart, who along with their staff at the CTL, have combined their efforts to improve the financial position and image of the company and horse racing in general. We have appointed an Enterprise Team to oversee the divestment of a profitable CTL; We have given you Sunday racing; CTL has significantly reduce its debt to stakeholders and other partners, It has lessened its operating costs, improved the image of Horse Racing; They have created and diversified revenue that has seen better attendance at the Track. KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 5 Most importantly, the stakeholders and CTL are not in any acrimonious relationships. This is reflected in the upcoming agreement to be signed between CTL and the Bookmakers. With all the efforts being made to become profitable, CTL now continues its thrust to generate revenue and further reduce its debt by new policies and initiatives such as Slot machines at the track (to come on stream), Telephone betting and account wagering along with regulating the bookmakers to have them now enter into the CTL tote system. I must commend Chairman Chris Brown, Vice Chairman Andrew Azar and CEO Cedric Stewart for the tremendous work they have done to lessen the tension at the Track. LOTTERY SECTOR AND TELEPHONE AND TEXT BETTING On the matter of the Lottery Sector, I wish to, at the outset, commend Supreme Ventures Limited for continuing to operate a profitable enterprise. In order to expand the Lottery Sector, Telephone Betting and Text Betting will now be possible as a result of the amendments that I mentioned earlier. Those amendments will enable the expansion of the Industry through job creation and economic growth and the stakeholders can expect to benefit from the increased sports betting outlets facilitating World Cup fever and all future eligible sporting events. In light of these developments, the Government cannot sit idly by and allow the multi-billion dollar leakage through the illegal sales of lottery tickets, sports bets, and internet gaming. Thus, these critical amendments will serve to legitimize and protect investors. KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 6 Fact is, the operation of a national lottery is not a simple effort. Technology has helped to make this easier; however, the Government cannot and will not, renege on its responsibility to ensure that those who wish to operate a lottery company, must pass the rigorous test of being fit and proper. CASINO SECTOR As such, the MOFP is currently reviewing bids for the three proposed Vegas-style casinos that are earmarked for Jamaica. The granting of such licenses is dependent on whether the prospective licensees are fully compliant with the GOJ’s requirements. Much is at stake with only three licenses to be awarded. However, there is no room for error, and all efforts are painstakingly being made to ensure due diligence and suitability. Particularly those gaming lounges in the Exclusive Gaming Area will be happy to hear that they still have a few years before the Casinos become active. However, we predict that your current clientele are not likely to shift, as the Casinos will require players to be guests in the Integrated Resort. Nevertheless, I urge gaming lounges to be proactive and review your business models to ensure your unique positioning and customer retention in the market. INTERNET GAMING On the matter of Internet Gaming, the GOJ is reviewing the possibilities for this platform over the next year. Internet Gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry world-wide and according to the last Juniper Research study in the US, it is expected that internet placed bets will reach $100 billion by 2017. Internet KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 7 Gaming is happening right now in Jamaica. Therefore, it is time that we make that progression to this methodology of gaming, as Jamaicans are already well equipped with the devices to facilitate this. The adequate protections for minors and other vulnerable groups will have to be in place, as we have no intention of compromising their safety. Adherence to responsible gaming is the standard of true governance of the Industry. RESPONSIBLE GAMING The work of RISE Life Management will continue to be vital as the Casinos come on stream and as access to gaming machines and Gaming Lounges increase island-wide. Therefore, it is imperative that all gaming facilities practice Responsible Gaming and adopt a Responsible Gaming Code of Conduct to ensure the protection of all vulnerable groups. The Voluntary Self Exclusion Programme currently upheld by a few gaming lounges, must be expanded into all other gaming establishments, for the support of those who have gambling addictions and feel unable to control their problem. Protection of the vulnerable is a moral obligation and the greater cause for a tighter, more effective advancement towards the national goals – of being “the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”. EASE OF DOING BUSINESS KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 8 Jamaica’s development is predicated on our ability to retool and restructure the country’s agencies and statutory bodies, ministries and departments to foster greater ease of doing business. This is closely measured internationally and is critical to attracting investment. One element of this is the move towards electronic submission and processing of applications and payments. Another key element is that of adhering to the Public Sector Transformation Unit’s recommendations to condense operations for efficiency and to achieve greater cost savings, by merging like entities. The merger between the JRC and the BGLC has now been approved and is proceeding, after many years of debate and careful consideration. We look forward to the upcoming completion of the construction at Hagley Park Road which will facilitate the physical merger. We then will be facing the task of merging the Jamaica Racing Commission Act with the BGL Act to govern the two entities under one instrument. CONCLUSION As I conclude, I wish to reinforce the view that ALL stakeholders must recognise that securing the growth and development of Jamaica’s economy is a team sport. The licensees must play their roles in designing and marketing the best products they can create. The regulators, BGLC, JRC and the CGC, must play their part in licensing compliant, fit and proper applicants and identifying and apprehending those in breach. KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 9 The GOJ must enact the laws and maintains the structures in place to increase the ease with which you can do business. And the judiciary must too play their part in applying the fines prescribed by the laws. A fully functioning team like this must achieve the goals of prosperity and protection for all who are compliant. This is a relatively small community of stakeholders, so development cannot be achieved without each of you playing your part. The alternative is to be left behind in the global progression if we do not act on the prospects now. I thank you. KEYNOTE ADDRESS FOR THE 2014 GAMING INDUSTRY SUMMIT Page 10