Course Outline - University of British Columbia

Global Food Markets
Instructor: Nisha Malhotra
Teaching Assistant: Rozita Jalili
Office: Buchanan Tower 1005,
Office Hours: Thursday 3.30-5.00
Office Hours: Mon: 9.30-10.30; Thurs: 2.30-3.30
Introduction: The course is divided into two parts. The first part will provide you with tools to understand global
trade. We will start the course by highlighting some of the important trends in agriculture trade and compare that
with overall trade patterns. In order to better understand global food markets it’s essential to understand the basis
for global food trade. Thus, we’ll discuss a few trade models to understand why trade occurs (like the Ricardian
Model), and will also highlight different forms of market structures. There will be some emphasis on various trade
remedy measures used frequently by countries and the WTO. The second part of this course will consist of various
case studies of particular food markets. While doing that we’ll use the tools learnt in the first part to analyze these
cases. We’ll also discuss ongoing food controversies or discussion from the news. In the second part of the course
we will also have visitors/guests that specialize in the above topics; these topics will be listed later in the course
Readings: Most of the articles would be placed in the course material link. Following are some suggested readings that might be helpful
for you guys. If you can follow the class slides - You don't have to buy these books. Also, these would be placed in the reserve section in
the UBC library, (Koerner - I think), after 8th of Sept. More on that later....
International Economics Theory and Policy, Krugman and Obstfeld, Custom edition for the University of British Columbia, ISBN: 0536-29791-6, Pearson custom publishing (this is available at Discount Textbooks – above McDonalds at UBC village on University
Boulevard.) store's contact (604) 221-1822
The Global Economy: Country Level Analysis and Case Studies (UBC Course Material put together by Nisha Malhotra) ISBN: 0-53630267-7, Pearson custom publishing (this is available at Discount Textbooks – above McDonalds at UBC village on University Boulevard.)
store's contact (604) 221-1822
Grading Scheme: 3 Assignments - 20%; Midterm - 35%; Final - 45%
Guest Lecturer: Dan Badulescu (classes 11th October, 16th October, 18th October, 23rd or 25th October)
Course Material:
These are not in order of presentation (for Sep and OCT; we
would be putting more information for November later in the
course). September classes: 6th Sep to 27th Sep (lectures 1-7)
October Classes: 2nd to 30th (lectures 8-16 )
Here we will highlight some of the important trends in agriculture
trade. Who are the major exporters and importers of agriculture
Overall Trade & Trade in Agriculture Goods - Patterns and Trends
(Lecture 1)
Trade in Food Products - Patterns and Trends ( Lecture 2)
Trade Models: Why do Countries Trade?
This section will help students why countries trade with each
other. Ricardian model explains trade between countries on the
basis of differences in technology where as Hecksher- Ohlin
model uses differences in endowments as the basis for trade.
Economies of Scale models explains how larger scale of
production (bigger farms) can lower costs of production and
improve comparative advantage in the world market
Ricardian Model (lecture 3 and lecture 4)
Hecksher-Ohlin Model (lecture 5 and lecture 6)
Case Study: US-Australia Free Trade Agreement and others
(Lecture 7)
What do Undergrads need to know about trade (Extra Reading)
The World Trade Organization
What is WTO? What is its role? There is also a video for you to
watch. This video follows a pair of students on an introductory
tour of the WTO building, as they question officials from the
organization and from governments about how the WTO works.
• Trade Negotiations and Preferential Trade Agreements
• The WTO
“The WTO in brief” (Extra Reading)
Virtual Tour of The WTO (View at home) (video)
Case Study of a Dispute (will decide later)
Trade Barriers in the Agriculture Sector
• Instrument of Trade Policy
• Trade Remedy Measures - Antidumping, Countervailing,
Quotas, (lecture 9)
Case Study: Antidumping in the Agriculture Sector
Case Study of a product:
Food Market - Details Including Market Structure
Here we will highlight some of the important trends in agriculture
trade. Who are the major exporters and importers of agriculture
Introduction: PC, Monopoly, Oligopolies
Factors Shaping Global Food Markets
Case Study: Technology - Mississippi entering the Sweet Corn
Market (video)
Some examples of Case Studies that we might discuss:
New Directions in Global Food Markets
Case Study: Apples Market in India
Case Study:
Farm Structure
Food Market Structure
Global Trade in Food and the Developing World
Some examples of Case Studies that we might discuss:
Case: U.S. Food Reatailing
Case: Global Soybean Market
Case: Canadian Dairy Market
Case: Global Cotton Market
News Items
US-Australia Free Trade Agreement: BBC News articles
Australian Farmers
Australian Sugar Industry
Free Trade?