ECE-599 PHASE LOCKED LOOPS-I 1 ECE-599:Low Power, Adaptive Bandwidth Tracking Phase Locked Loop Design Guanghua Shu, Romesh Kumar Nandwana Abstract—A low power, adaptive bandwidth tracking Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is presented in this paper. Designed PLL operates over a wide frequency range of 250MHz to 1GHz with a fixed multiplication factor of 8. PLL is optimized for 0.2% UI of r.m.s. jitter over the whole frequency range with bandwidth tracking to keep the power consumption minimum. In addition, a multiplier block is used to increase the input frequency by two, which further increases the power efficiency of the PLL. The circuit is designed and simulated using 0.18µm process with supply voltage of 1.8V. Index Terms—Phase Locked Loop, Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Phase Noise, Multiplier, Bandwidth Tracking. Figure 1. Block Diagram of The Designed PLL A. Bandwidth Selection: I. I NTRODUCTION HASE Locked Loops are one of the most important and integral part of high speed communication circuits. They are used as de-facto clock generators, frequency multipliers and also plays key role in clock distribution network. This report will detail the design of an analog PLL for the specifications given in Table I. Designed PLL have the bandwidth tracking ability to relax the phase noise requirements of the voltage controlled oscillator and have maximum 0.2% of UI r.m.s jitter over the whole operating range. The first section will discuss the PLL architecture and criteria for selecting the bandwidth. The following sections will discuss the design details of each of the sub blocks of the PLL and summary of results with conclusions. P Table I P HASE L OCKED L OOP D ESIGN R EQUIREMENTS Parameters Technology Supply Voltage Operating Frequency Fixed Feedback Divider Absolute Jitter Power Consumption Specified Values 0.18µm <1.8 V 250MHz-1GHz 8 0.2% of the period(r.m.s.) Minimum II. S YSTEM L EVEL D ESIGN Figure 1 shows the block level diagram of the designed PLL. In this PLL we have a reference frequency multiplier which multiplies the input frequency by two. This multiplied signal is given as input to the PLL. The PLL loop consists of a phase frequency detector (PFD), charge pump,loop filter, voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and a divide by 4 counter block. For adaptive bandwidth tracking, we control the charge pump current based on the control voltage of the VCO, which changes proportionally with the frequency of operation. For calculating the system level parameters such as PLL bandwidth,VCO phase noise requirements etc we first check the specifications provided in table I. From here we can see that input frequency can vary from 31.25MHz to 125MHz ( fout 8 ). As rule of thumb, the maximum fref bandwidth that we can have is 10 from stability point of view. So in this case we can have maximum bandwidth of 3.125MHz for the lowest operating frequency and 12.5MHz for highest operating frequency. However if we use a classical PLL, bandwidth is fixed across all the operating frequencies to the 3.125MHz. For this bandwidth calculated the phase noise requirements of the VCO is -103dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset. Which means that we need a very high spectral purity VCO and to achieve the specifications it will consume a lot of power. To make the design power efficient, we need to reduce the phase noise requirement of the VCO. Within this design, two ways are provided to reduce the VCO power consumption to make the PLL more power efficient. One way is to increase the reference frequency of the PLL, thus in turn we can increase PLL bandwidth. For this purpose we can use a multiplier block which can multiply the input signal frequency by 2 without adding significantly high residual phase noise while consuming minimum power. With the help of this approach, we can have the bandwidth of 6.25 MHz across all the frequencies without suffering from stability issues. With the reference frequency multiplication, only the power efficiency at the lowest operating frequency is optimized. As the VCO frequency increases, phase noise also increases, and we still need to burn more power to meet the jitter requirement with a fixed bandwidth under the same reason stated above [1], [6], [7]. However if the bandwidth can increase along with the reference frequency then the PLL power performance will be optimum over all the frequency range. For this purpose, an adaptive bandwidth tracking is also adopted. Simple idea of bandwidth tracking is that by changing the charge-pump ECE-599 PHASE LOCKED LOOPS-I Output Phase Noise of Synthesizer −80 Detector Noise VCO Noise Total Noise −90 −100 −110 L(f) (dBc/Hz) current with respect to operating frequency, the bandwidth will track the changes in operating frequency. However this approach poses some potential stability issues. When we increase the charge pump current to increase bandwidth the location of poles and zeros of the loop filter does not change and it may reduce the phase margin and degrades stability of PLL loop. But with the careful consideration of phase margin from the beginning, we can design the circuit in such a way that the phase margin is always sufficient for satisfying stability criteria. Here bandwidth tracking circuit is designed for increasing the bandwidth from 6.25MHz at 250MHz operating frequency to 12.5MHz at 1GHz. Just by tracking the bandwidth up to twice instead of four times, we can make sure that the phase margin is not degrading significantly. Moreover if the PLL is optimized at the center (625MHz) of the operating frequency range of 250MHz to 1GHz, equal phase margin degradation at both the corners of operating frequency range could be ensured, which is a more optimal design compared to optimizing the PLL at low operating frequency in terms of phase margin. 2 −120 −130 −140 −150 −160 −170 −180 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 Frequency Offset (Hz) 6 10 7 10 8 10 Figure 3. Calculated Phase Noise Contribution from VCO and Phase Detector/Charge Pump @ 625MHz Figure 4. PLL Open Loop Gain and Phase for Output Frequency of 625MHz Figure 2. PLL Design Assistant For Calculating Phase Noise and Pole-Zero Locations For calculating the noise contribution of all the noise sources and to calculate the phase noise requirement of the VCO, a close loop based approach is used instead of open loop based iterative process. PLL Design Assistant tool, designed by Michel Perrot, is used as shown in figure 2. All the calculations are done at the output frequency of 625MHz. Figure 3 shows the calculated phase noise contribution different blocks and the overall phase noise plot of the PLL. Pole and zero location is chosen in such a way that we have the maximum phase margin of 70◦ at the center frequency of operation (625MHz). Figure 4 shows the open loop gain and phase margin plots of the PLL at 625MHz. Figure 5 shows the phase margin variation with bandwidth. From here we can see that even with fixed pole and zero distribution, changing the charge pump current by two times degrades the phase margin to 68.70◦ which poses negligible threat to the stability of the system. With the parameter values calculated by PLL Design Assistant, now we run the behavioral simulations on PLL using CppSim also designed by Michel Perrot. Here the correctness of the closed loop calculation can be verified, and we can also see the effect charge pump current variation on PLL jitter . Table II summarizes the simulated bandwidth variations and the absolute jitter in each case. Thus with the above procedure, we can design the PLL with a sufficient phase margin of 68.70◦ and adaptive bandwidth of 6.25MHz to 12.5MHz with the phase noise requirement of -97dBc/Hz @1MHz offset for 625MHz center frequency. Figure 5. Effect of Bandwidth Variation on Phase Margin Keeping the zero location same ECE-599 PHASE LOCKED LOOPS-I 3 Table II C PP S IM S IMULATED J ITTER W ITH A DAPTIVE BANDWIDTH T RACKING Fout (MHz) Bandwidth(MHz) Absolute r.m.s Jitter (%UI) 250 6.25 0.19 625 9.375 0.14 1000 12.5 0.17 Figure 8 shows the phase noise plot of the VCO at 1GHz reference frequency. From the figure we can see that at 1MHz offset the phase noise is -97dBc/Hz, which is sufficient for satisfying the phase noise requirement of the PLL. III. PLL B LOCK D ESIGN In this section we will discuss different sub-blocks of the designed PLL. A. Voltage Controlled Oscillator Figure 6 shows the schematic of the VCO [1]. Differential delay cells with pass transistor based feed forward path are used for designing the VCO. Output is AC coupled with a buffer to make the output swing rail to rail across all the frequencies and this buffer also provides enough strength to drive the capacitive load of feedback divider . Figure 8. VCO Phase Noise Plot @1GHz Reference Frequency B. Loop Filter A standard lead-lag filter is used with two capacitors and one resistor. Figure 9 shows the loop filter schematic and the component values for optimum pole-zero distribution. Figure 6. Voltage Controlled Oscillator Schematic Figure 7 shows the output frequency and Kvco variation with control voltage. From here we can see that output frequency variation with control voltage is linear and variation in Kvco is up to ±25% from the nominal value of 1.7 GHz V . Figure 7. VCO Control Voltage Vs Frequency and Kvco Variation Figure 9. Loop Filter Schematic C. Phase Frequency Detector Figure 10. Phase Frequency Detector Schematic ECE-599 PHASE LOCKED LOOPS-I Figure 10 shows the pass transistor based phase frequency detector [2]. Here the reset time is set by the NAND gate and Inverter delay and total reset time can be given as treset = 2 × tN AN D + tIN V This circuit topology guarantees that S_RST signal always comes before M_RST signal and ensures that the overlap time is not more then the reset time. D. Charge Pump Figure 11 shows the charge pump schematic [2], [5]. In addition to the main charge-pump with a current source for biasing, it also has an additional section for bandwidth tracking. In this section, based on the VCO control voltage, the biasing current changes and the charge-pump current increases when we increase the frequency. Fixed reference current source provides about 7 µA current to the charge pump. While the control voltage changes the total output current from 20 µA to 30 µA. Thus increasing the frequency to 1.5 times of the nominal frequency. Notice that however the circuit was designed to increase the charge pump current from 20 µA to 40 µA; yet due to increasing mismatches in the charge pump at higher frequencies, the circuit is only able to increase the current up to the 30 µA, while giving the reasonable ripple on the control voltage. Further simulation using ideal charge pump shows that bandwidth could be tracked as high as 4 times of the nominal bandwidth, while the ripple on control voltage is still reasonably small. 4 the total charge-pump current is very linear with the control voltage variation. E. Divider Flip-flop based divide by 4 counter is used for the system. Figure 13 shows the divider schematic. TSPC based flip-flops are used for designing the divider [3]. Figure 13. Divider and TSPC flip-flop Schematic F. Multiplier Block For multiplying the input frequency by two, an XOR based multiplier is used with a delay block. Figure 14 shows the multiplier schematic with the timing waveforms at different nodes of the circuit. Here if the input duty cycle is not 50%, we can see high deterministic jitter at the output. However input signal source for the PLLs is usually a crystal oscillator which has very high accuracy in duty cycle, and does not vary much from the nominal value. Figure 11. Charge Pump Schematic Figure 12. Charge Pump Current Variation with Control Voltage For Bandwidth Tracking Figure 12 shows the charge pump current variation with control voltage. From here we can see that the change in Figure 14. Multiplier Block Diagram and Timing Waveforms ECE-599 PHASE LOCKED LOOPS-I PLL Power Consumption Pie-Chart @ 250MHz, 650MHz & 1GHz IV. R ESULTS After designing the PLL with the above mentioned circuit blocks, we run the simulation and get the performance parameters. Figure 16 shows the initial transient settling of the loop at different frequencies. From here we can see that the maximum control voltage ripple is around 10mV which causes 2% of UI deterministic jitter. PLL Closed Loop Phase Noise Plot −80 250 MHz 1 GHz 625 MHz −90 −100 Magnitude (dBc/Hz) Figure 15. 5 −110 −120 −130 −140 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 Frequency (Hz) 6 7 10 10 Figure 17. PLL Closed Loop Phase Noise Analysis Plot @ 250MHz, 625MHz and 1GHz Table IV PLL P OWER C ONSUMPTION B REAK - DOWN Figure 16. Initial Transient Simulation For Locking Behavior Figure17 shows the closed loop PLL phase noise plots at 250MHz, 625MHz and 1GHz output frequencies. Table III summarizes the PLL performance at the above mentioned three frequencies. From here we can see that the worst case jitter is 0.2% of UI which exactly meets the specification requirements. Total power consumption of the PLL varies with the operating frequency and maximum power consumption of 1.43mW is observed at 1GHz output frequency with 0.197% UI of random jitter. Figure 15 and table IV shows the power consumption of different blocks at different frequencies of operation. Table III PLL P ERFORMANCE S UMMARY AT D IFFERENT O UTPUT F REQUENCIES Fout (MHz) Charge Pump Current Icp(µA) Jitter (UI) VCO Phase Noise @ 1MHz offset( dBc/Hz) Total Power (mW) 250 20 0.0020 -97.1 625 25 0.0017 -97.93 1000 30 0.00197 -99.3 0.5760 1.0267 1.4274 Fout (MHz) Supply Voltage (V) VCO Current (mA) Multiplier Block Current (mA) Divider Current (mA) PFD Current (mA) CP Current (mA) Total Current (mA) Total Power (mW) 250 1.8 0.1550 0.0506 0.0150 0.0631 0.0363 0.3200 0.5760 625 1.8 0.2011 0.1260 0.0371 0.1580 0.0482 0.5704 1.0267 1000 1.8 0.2900 0.1880 0.0600 0.1950 0.0600 0.7930 1.4274 V. C ONCLUSIONS An analog PLL has been successfully designed for the given specifications with the assumption of 50% input duty cycle. Also there are a few more things to consider such as when the frequency of the operation changes, Kvco also varies and effects the bandwidth tracking ability of the circuit. Apart from these, the circuit have limitations of deterministic jitter due to charge pump mismatch and static phase offset as a classical analog PLL. R EFERENCES [1] Arakali, S. Gondi, and P. K. Hanumolu, "Low-Power SupplyRegulation Techniques for Ring Oscillators in Phase-Locked Loops Using a Split-Tuned Architecture," Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, vol. 44, pp. 2169-2181, 2009. ECE-599 PHASE LOCKED LOOPS-I [2] M. Mansuri, D. Liu, and C. K. K. Yang, "Fast frequency ac- [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] quisition phase-frequency detectors for Gsamples/s phase-locked loops," Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, vol. 37, pp. 13311334, 2002. D. Maksimovic, V. G. Oklobdzija, B. Nikolic, and K. W. 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