Fit for Life - Shire of Dowerin

Fit for Life
Dowerin Community Gym
Shire of Dowerin
Executive Summary............................................................................................................................. 2
Project Background ............................................................................................................................. 4
Research .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Community Consultation ................................................................................................................ 5
Project Description.............................................................................................................................. 5
Management Options ..................................................................................................................... 5
Proposed Location ........................................................................................................................... 6
Equipment ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Membership & Access: .................................................................................................................... 8
Expected Outcomes ............................................................................................................................ 9
SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................... 9
Timelines ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Management Plan ............................................................................................................................. 11
Management Structure ................................................................................................................. 11
Managing Memberships ............................................................................................................... 12
Occupational Health and Safety ................................................................................................... 12
Gym Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Gym Signage ................................................................................................................................. 13
Asset Management & Operations Plan............................................................................................. 14
Service & Repairs: ......................................................................................................................... 14
Maintenance of Equipment: ......................................................................................................... 14
Marketing Plan .................................................................................................................................. 14
Financials............................................................................................................................................. 0
Capital Costs:................................................................................................................................... 0
Ongoing Expenditure/Maintenance ............................................................................................... 1
Funding: .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Lifecycle Cost Analysis......................................................................................................................... 0
Risk Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 0
............................................................................................................................................................ 0
Appendices.............................................................................................................................................. 0
Executive Summary
The establishment of a gym in Dowerin has been a concept that has been high on the Dowerin
Community’s ‘wish list’ for a number of years as outlined in the Physical Activity Plans (2007 and the
revised document in 2010) and more recently, in the Dowerin Community Strategic Plan. The
provision of a gym would create an alternative recreation opportunity in Dowerin whereby fitness
opportunities at present are largely focused on traditional team sporting pursuits.
Fit for Life - Dowerin Community Gym aims to provide the community of Dowerin with access to a
safe, modern and secure gymnasium facility. The gym will be run on a membership basis with a
keyless entry system to ensure that the facility will be accessible to all members 24 hours a day, 7
days per week. Membership will be available to all residents aged 14+ (those under the age of 18
must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during times of use) and will be marketed to all
demographics in Dowerin, irrespective of a person’s gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background
or sporting ability.
Fit for Life – Dowerin Community Gym will provide the Dowerin community with another high
quality, safe, stimulating and secure facility which aims to increase the liveability of the district and
help maintain the general health and fitness of our residents
Community Profile
The Shire of Dowerin is a small rural community located in the Central Wheatbelt region of Western
Australia, 160 kilometres north east of Perth. The Shire has a population of approximately 700
people and covers an area of around 2,000 square kilometres whereby land is primarily used for the
purposes of grain growing and sheep production for meat and wool.
As a small Wheatbelt community, Dowerin has a strong emphasis on sport and recreation as a
leisure, fitness and social activity. The town of Dowerin has a number of sporting facilities for a
community of its size and population, these facilities include a new Community Club facility which
has brought together Dowerin’s sporting fraternity to one central location and includes a modern,
state of the art function centre with change room facilities, synthetic tennis courts, a 10 rink
synthetic bowling green, football and hockey fields and a cricket pitch including synthetic practise
nets. Further to this, Dowerin boasts an Olympic sized swimming pool, badminton courts, indoor
basketball and netball courts, squash courts and a golf course located out of the town site.
Dowerin also caters for the needs of varying demographics within the community with a variety of
activities and services for seniors including Home & Community Care (HACC), a senior citizens group
(Dowerin Companion Club) and a small range of independent living and retirement housing units.
Dowerin Playgroup, safe playgrounds and the provision of a highly successful District High School
also ensures that Dowerin is a family friendly place to reside.
Dowerin also continues to be home to one of the largest and most impressive agricultural
exhibitions within Australia. From a humble suggestion for raising funds to water a tennis court in
1964, today the Dowerin GWN7 Machinery Field Days has put Dowerin on the map as home to the
biggest rural event in Western Australia and it continues to attract in excess of 20,000 visitors to the
district per annum.
Project Background
It is widely documented that for any community to enjoy the social, physical, mental, and
environmental benefits associated with an active lifestyle, communities rely on the creation of an
environment that promotes physical activity. The Shire of Dowerin takes pride in the provision of
high quality recreation facilities and support services which aim to encourage this active lifestyle and
continue to review and build upon the facilities available for community use in order to cater for
changing demographics and the changing needs of our residents.
Dowerin’s Physical Activity Plan 2010-2014 illustrates how being physically fit not only helps people
live healthier and happier lives but also helps people live longer. According to the Centre for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDCP), participating in physical activity on a regular basis helps to increase
strength and flexibility, improve endurance, control weight, increase bone mass, improve selfesteem, as well as reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and the risk of developing high blood pressure.
Research by the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) outlined in the Strategic Directions for
Western Australian Sport and Recreation (SD5), demonstrates that within Western Australian
Communities, there is an increased community expectation for Local Governments to provide higher
standards of infrastructure and service delivery. Local governments are now faced with a growing
community demand for safe, stimulating and accessible facilities, at a minimum cost. The Dowerin
Fit for Life proposal explores the Shire of Dowerin’s opportunity to further fulfil this growing
community expectation for safe, stimulating, accessible, low cost facilities, through the
establishment of a community gymnasium.
SD5 identifies a tendency across WA communities to move away from traditional club based
organised activities. At present sporting activities in Dowerin have a core primary focus on
traditional team sports such as football, hockey, netball and tennis. The provision of a gymnasium
within Dowerin would create an alternative recreation opportunity compared to the traditional team
sports currently available in Town. A gymnasium within Dowerin would cater for the increasing
popularity of unstructured physical activity, and provide for the recreation needs of individuals who
chose not to participate in traditional club-based sports. This is particularly sought after in Dowerin’s
strongly agricultural based community whereby a growing number of residents are unable to
commit to the requirements of a team sport due to unpredictable working hours including shift work
and seasonal events (harvest/seeding). Further to this, families of farmers/shift workers are also
impacted due to family/babysitting commitments when their partner is held up at work. Overall, the
provision of an unstructured fitness/sporting pursuit with unlimited opening hours would provide a
useable alternative to those people and will greatly assist in ensuring the health and social wellbeing
of the community of Dowerin.
Community Consultation
The development of the Fit for Life – Dowerin Community Gym proposal is based upon a number of
years of community feedback illustrating a need for such a facility. Consistently over the past 6
years, the community of Dowerin have highlighted the need for a gym facility based within the town
site for community use.
This has illustrated in a range of community feedback opportunities that have taken place over the
past 6 years including:
- The Dowerin Physical Activity Plan 2007 – 2009 and 2010 – 2014
- The Dowerin Recreation Strategy 2008
- Dowerin Strategic Community Plan 2013 – 2017
Please refer to these documents in the Appendices’ and letters of support from interested
community members.
Project Description
The Dowerin community has expressed strong support towards a gymnasium facility to be based
locally within the Town (Dowerin Physical Activity Plan 2007 – 2010 and Dowerin Community
Strategic Plan). This expressed need for a gymnasium in Dowerin creates an opportunity for Council
to react to the changing societal trends, and match the needs of the Dowerin community, through
the provision of a community gymnasium.
Within the region there are a range of different types of gym services which all have their positives
and negatives in terms of how they operate. The Shire’s of York and Cunderdin both operate an
unmanned gym with huge success whereas the Shire of Goomalling for example, operates a manned
gym with restricted opening hours.
Management Options
Manned Gym: The term ‘manned gym’ refers to a facility that operates under an appointed manager
(qualified gym instructor). Local examples of a manned gym facility include Goomalling and
Unmanned Gym: The term ‘unmanned gym’ refers to a gym which operates without the supervision
of a member of staff. Members will take an induction to order to become familiar with equipment
and sign an insurance waiver which will stipulate their rights and responsibilities. Access to the
facility is flexible, generally 24/7, 52 weeks of the year. Local examples of an unmanned gym facility
are York and Cunderdin.
Dowerin’s Fit for Life - Community Gym proposal plans to utilise the unmanned gym facility option in
order to cater for the busy lifestyles of local residents especially during seeding/harvest due to 24/7
access to the facility. Support for this management option has been demonstrated within the letters
of support received from local residents including shift workers, farmers, a registered nurse,
mothers and families.
In order to prevent any opportunity for the misuse and damage of equipment, the Shire of Dowerin
will provide an adequate security and management system including regular monitoring of key card
accessibility and the installation of a CCTV camera at the entrance to the facility.
Other benefits to the unmanned gym proposal include:
Save the Shire upfront costs associated with training up and appointing a manager.
Will reduce annual overheads (including ongoing training, wages, and insurance).
Proposed Location
A number of potential locations have been assessed within the Dowerin town site and with the colocation of facilities to the Dowerin Community Club, the former Dowerin Tennis Clubrooms have
been highlighted as prime location to house this venture for the following reasons:
Central to football grounds, hockey field, basketball/netball courts, swimming pool.
Close to a main road with ample parking available
Outdoor gym equipment is located parallel to the facility
There is the provision of ablution facilities including toilets, showers and change room facilities
on the lower level of this facility
Internal Layout:
An area of some 80.6m2 is a perfect size for a small community gym
The room is rectangular in shape and easy to work with complete with adequate power and
water supply
Flooring in Club Rooms is carpeted over concrete, removal of carpet would mean simple
installation of appropriate flooring
Good although no air conditioning in Club Rooms
Large sliding doors and windows around 50% of the Club Room.
Air conditioner will be required.
Stair access to facilities.
Level access to amenities.
Single level inside Club Rooms.
Work required to
transform this facility into
the Fit for Life – Dowerin
Community Gym
Gyp-rocking and paint the current face brick walls in order to ensure that the facility is fresh,
clean and modern.
Installation of commercial rubber gym flooring
Installation of reverse cycle air conditioner
Installation of water cooler
Installation of security system externally to the facility (monitoring access)
Installation of a keyless entry system
Installation of ramp access to the facility
Installation/relocation of suitable electricity points for equipment
Through discussions with qualified local personal trainers and consultation with a successful
Personal Trainer in the metropolitan area who runs a similar sized venture, the following items of
equipment and layout has been highlighted as suitable for the Fit for Life – Dowerin Community
1 x treadmills
1 x exercise bike (spinning)
2 x elliptical/cross trainer
1 x rowing machine
1 x weights machine
Boxing equipment
Free weights, exercise balls, medicine balls etc…
Membership & Access:
Members of the gym would be required to undertake a gym induction in order to
understand the correct use of equipment and sign an insurance waiver before being issued
with an access key/fob/swipe card.
Gym Inductions will be completed by a Shire of Dowerin recommended and certified
instructor for a cost of $20 per person.
Membership will be required to be aged 18+ unless a member aged between 14 and 18 is
accompanied by a parent/guardian at the times of use. Membership is not available to
children under the age of 14 years of age.
Membership will be priced at $100 per person per annum ($120 per new member including
gym induction fee)
Realistically the gym would be accessible 24 hours per day 7 days per week however the
Shire would have the power to limit operating hours in order to prevent misuse of the
CCTV covering the access to the facility will aim to prevent misuse and non-member usage of
the facility. Members should be given penalties if they allow access to the facility to a nonmember.
Expected Outcomes
The provision of a gymnasium within Dowerin would create an alternative recreation opportunity
compared to the traditional team sports currently available in Town. A gymnasium within Dowerin
would cater for the increasing popularity of unstructured physical activity, and provide for the
recreation needs of individuals who chose not to participate in traditional club-based sports.
Expected outcomes include:
 At least 60 members by the end of the first year of operation
 Increased levels of physical activity across all demographics in Dowerin
 Enhancement of the Shire of Dowerin’s community facilities building a sense of community
spirit and the town’s ability to appeal to visitors and potentially attract new residents.
 Increase in membership by 20% in the second year of operation.
SWOT Analysis
creating a new community facility
providing community with alternative
fitness activity to traditional team sports
encouraging the community to stay fit &
Readily accessible to all members of the
Established community need
Utilising otherwise vacant building
Limited size of facility
No permanent gym instructor to
motivate members
Small population = small membership
Heightened insurance premiums
Establishing Fit for Life
Dowerin Community Gym
Opportunity for expansion
Opportunity to hire to local gym
Opportunity to establish as a manned
gym in the future should needs change
Damage/Misuse of equipment
Less than expected memberships
Ongoing costs
Decline in usage over time
Member injury
Competition from surrounding towns
The Fit for Life – Dowerin Community Gym is a shovel ready project upon the approval of external
funding to assist with the renovation and fit out of the facility.
The anticipated timeline for this project is as follows:
May 2014
September 2014
Council approval
of funds for
2014/15 budget,
submission of
Lotterwest Grant
Approval of
Lotterywest Grant
- engage
tradesmen to
renovation work
October 2014
Commence and
renovation work,
order fitness
November 2014
December 2014
Install flooring and
Membership Drive
- Grand opening of
Management Plan
Management Structure
The Shire of Dowerin will own and operate the Fit for Life – Dowerin Community Gym.
All management and operational decisions will primarily be made by the Chief Executive Officer who
will delegate shire staff to oversee:
General running of the facility
Arrange regular cleaning of the facility
Arrange regular maintenance checks of equipment
Monitor membership
Arrange member inductions
Market the facility
Ensure that the facility is running in a safe, profitable and effective manner
Due to the nature of the facility, no permanent staff will be employed in order to oversee the day to
day running of the facility however the venue will be available to local fitness instructors should they
wish to book the facility for the purposes of group training sessions. All bookings should be made
through the Shire of Dowerin and will require at least 2 weeks advance notice.
The basic management structure will be as follows:
Chief Executive Officer
Shire Administration
Arrange Cleaner
Memberships &
Marketing and
Health & Safety rep
Handle any OSH issues
Oversee repairs and
Managing Memberships
All new members must complete and sign a ‘Dowerin Community Gym New Membership Form’ as
well as having read, understood and signed the ‘Acknowledgement of assumption of risk, release
and indemnity agreement’ (see appendices for a copy of this form).
As part of this agreement all prospective members will have completed a Gym Induction with a
certified and recommended local gym instructor and also have written approval from their doctor
with regard to the safety of gym use due to any medically diagnosed conditions that may impact the
safety of the prospective member when utilising the facility.
Shire staff will:
Provide details of recommended certified gym instructor for each prospective member to
complete a Gym Induction prior to membership approval.
Complete the ‘Office Use Only’ section of the New Membership Form and ensure all
signatures on the form and any appropriate documents have been provided
Take appropriate membership fee and provide a receipt
Activate and issue access key card
Issue membership renewal forms 1 month prior to the expiration of membership
Occupational Health and Safety
Appropriate OH & S (Occupational Health and Safety) and risk management policies will be devised,
implemented and maintained in order to comply with legislative requirements and support the Shire
of Dowerin’s Insurance Cover whilst promoting positive public confidence that the gym is being
managed responsibly.
The existing Shire of Dowerin Occupational Health and Safety committee will oversee all the aspects
of the use and maintenance of the gym including an awareness of whether the gym and its
equipment will be for general fitness, resistance, weight and/or cardiovascular training or a
combination of these.
The committee must ensure there is a system in place to report and investigate hazards, incidents,
near misses and injuries and that an emergency plan has been devised and is in place if an incident
does occur.
Objectives of the Shire of Dowerin Occupational Health and Safety committee will include:
Clear gym risk management and OH&S policies
Keeping an incident register that records injuries and near misses and the circumstances
Devising and maintaining a risk treatment plan for managing specifically gym related risks
Identifying new risks which are assessed, evaluated and incorporated into the plan
Designating a health and safety representative with appropriate OH&S and first aid training.
Their names and contact details will be displayed to all gym users on site at the facility and in
membership packs.
Gym Policy
The Dowerin Community Gym Policy has been designed to be concise, readable, easy to understand
and available to all stakeholders, including gym users. The policy will be accessible to view at the
facility, on request and online at the Dowerin Community Website
The policy covers the following:
Brief background of the purpose of the policy
Gym operating guidelines
Description of appropriate measures if guidelines and policies are not respected
Gym user details and procedures
Gym user behaviour and safety guidelines
Shire of Dowerin contact details
Feedback form regarding equipment, safety and any other issues/near misses.
Gym Signage
Due to the unmanned management of the Dowerin Community Gym, concise and readable signage
is imperative throughout the facility. Some of the required signage is outlined below:
Required Signage
Correct attire should be worn while using the facility (e.g. athletic shoes, no denim, street wear or
shoes that could damage equipment
Ensure lights are turned off and doors and windows of toilets and showers are locked
Keep equipment in good condition (wipe equipment after use)
Replace equipment when finished
Warm up and warm down instructions
Report any abuse of equipment or person to the Shire of Dowerin
All gym users must comply with gym policy
Emergency numbers and procedure
Asset Management & Operations Plan
Service & Repairs:
Equipment is backed by Fleet Fitness’s large on-site
Service Centre (Balcatta).
Experienced technicians build, test, service, maintain and repair all equipment to an
extremely high standard.
All equipment is backed with a comprehensive Fleet Fitness Warranty (plus the
manufacturer warranty in most cases).
Fleet Fitness also more than 100 Commercial Health & Fitness locations - Mine Sites,
Offices, Strata/Apartments, Schools, Personal Training Studios, Hospitals & Major State
Government Agencies.
Maintenance of Equipment:
The cost of servicing and preventative maintenance of equipment is as follows:
$300 plus GST call out
$90 plus GST per hour there after
Servicing of equipment is recommended 6 months.
Any repairs to equipment under the terms of the warranty will not incur a labour charge
past the initial call out.
Marketing Plan
Fit for Life Dowerin Community Gym will be marketed in local media in and around Dowerin
including the surrounding towns of Goomalling, Wyalkatchem and Koorda. Advertising will also take
place via:
Shire website
Community Email drop
Via sporting clubs
Dowerin Community Facebook Page
Community Newsletters
In October 2014, a membership drive will be held at the facility whereby community members will
be free to visit the facility, look around, sign up to become a member and book an induction to the
Capital Costs:
Building Components:
Renovation of facility including flooring, gyprocking& painting
Air conditioning + installation
Keyless Entry Door System
Security System
Electrical Upgrade
Water Cooler
$ 2,197
$ 1,101
$ 3,500
$ 1,599
Equipment Costs are provided by Fleet Fitness, the equipment type and volume was established via
a needs analysis by Fleet Fitness based on Dowerin’s population and the size of the facility.
Ongoing Expenditure/Maintenance
$1000 per year
$500 per year
$3,500 per year
Replacement/purchasing of swipe cards
$140 (sets of 10)
The ongoing funding for the operation of the facility will be from the following sources:
Revenue from memberships ($100 per person per annum)
Facility hire by local personal trainers/group fitness classes
The Shire of Dowerin (Council)
Lifecycle Cost Analysis
The general Life Cycle Cost (LCC) estimate gives an indication of the base costs associated with the facility. The LCC provides an indication of the base cost of
maintaining a facility to a specified standard over a prescribed time period. Detailed Life Cycle costs for the facility and infrastructure are provided below:
Risk Assessment
Letters of support for the Dowerin Community Gym
Dowerin Physical Activity Plan
Dowerin Strategic Community Plan
SD5 – Department of Sport and Recreation
Dowerin Community Gym New Membership Form & Acknowledgement of Assumption of
risk, release and indemnity agreement
Dowerin Community Gym Policy
Equipment Costs – Quote of items from Fleet Fitness