SCOPE, SEQUENCE, COORDINATION and A National Curriculum Project for High School Science Education This project was funded in part by the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Foundation. The SS&C Project encourages reproduction of these materials for distribution in the classroom. For permission for any other use, please contact SS&C, National Science Teachers Association, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3000. Copyright 1996 National ScienceTeachers Association. SCOPE, SEQUENCE, and COORDINATION SS&C Research and Development Center Gerry Wheeler, Principal Investigator Erma M. Anderson, Project Director Nancy Erwin, Project Editor Rick McGolerick, Project Coordinator Arlington, Va., 703.312.9256 lowa School Sites and Lead Teachers Pleasant Valley H.S., William Roberts North Scott H.S., Mike Brown North Carolina Coordination Center Evaluation Center Charles Coble, Center Co-Director Jessie Jones, School Coordinator East Carolina University, 919.328.6172 Frances Lawrenz, Center Director Doug Huffman, Associate Director Wayne Welch, Consultant University of Minnesota, 612.625.2046 North Carolina School Sites and Lead Teachers Tarboro H.S., Ernestine Smith Northside H.S., Glenda Burrus Houston SS&C Materials Development and Coordination Center Puerto Rico Coordination Center* Linda W. Crow, Center Director Godrej H. Sethna, School Coordinator University of Houston-Downtown, 713.221.8583 Manuel Gomez, Center Co-Director Acenet Bernacet, Center Co-Director University of Puerto Rico, 809.765.5170 Houston School Sites and Lead Teachers Jefferson Davis H.S., Lois Range Lee H.S., Thomas Ivy Jack Yates H.S., Diane Schranck Puerto Rico School Site UPR Lab H.S. * * * * * * * * * * * * California Coordination Center Tom Hinojosa, Center Coordinator Santa Clara, Calif., 408.244.3080 California School Sites and Lead Teachers Sherman Indian H.S., Mary Yarger Sacramento H.S., Brian Jacobs Pilot Sites Site Coordinator and Lead Teacher Fox Lane H.S., New York, Arthur Eisenkraft Georgetown Day School, Washington, D.C., William George Flathead H.S., Montana, Gary Freebury Clinton H.S., New York, John Laffan* Iowa Coordination Center Robert Yager, Center Director University of Iowa, 319.335.1189 *not part of the NSF-funded SS&C Project. Advisory Board Project Associates Dr. Rodney L. Doran (Chairperson), University of Buffalo Bill G. Aldridge SciEdSol, Henderson, Nev. Dr. Albert V. Baez, Vivamos Mejor/USA Dorothy L. Gabel Indiana University Dr. Shirley M. Malcom, American Association for the Advancement of Science Dr. Shirley M. McBay, Quality Education for Minorities Dr. Paul Saltman, University of California-San Diego Dr. Kendall N. Starkweather, International Technology Education Association Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, Ohio Center of Science and Industry Stephen D. Druger Northwestern University George Miller University of California-Irvine National Science Education Standard—Life Science The Cell Cells have particular structures that underlie their functions. Every cell is surrounded by a membrane that separates it from the outside world. Inside the cell is a concentrated mixture of thousands of different molecules that form a variety of specialized structures that carry out such cell functions as energy production, transport of molecules, waste disposal, synthesis of new molecules, and the storage of genetic material. Teacher Materials Learning Sequence Item: 1025 Cell Size and Shape; Diffusion and Osmosis Processes March 1997 Adapted by: Bill George, Duane Dawson, and Tom Hinojosa Cell Structures That Underlie Cell Functions. Students should investigate diffusion and osmosis as important processes in cell maintenance and distinguish between hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions. They should understand that a membrane is a boundary and relate the structure of the cell membrane to the observed processes of diffusion and osmosis. Students should understand how cell size and shape are related to surface-to-volume ratio and how that ratio limits cell size and function (Biology, A Framework for High School Science Education, p. 86). Contents Matrix Suggested Sequence of Events Lab Activities 1. Solutions and Cells 2. Onion Soup 3. Osmosis Demonstration 4. Movin’ On In, Movin’ On Out 5. There’s Always Room for Gel-Oh! 6. A Cube Is a Cube Is a Cube Assessments 1. Outside Lookin’ In 2. Salty Chops 3. Speaking of Boundaries . . . This micro-unit was adapted by Bill George (Georgetown Day School, Washington, D.C.), Duane Dawson (Pleasant Valley High School, Pleasant Valley, Iowa), and Tom Hinojosa (California SS&C Project, Santa Clara) 3 1025 Cell Structures That Underlie Cell Functions. Students should investigate diffusion and osmosis as important processes in cell maintenance and distinguish between hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions. They should understand that a membrane is a boundary and relate the structure of the cell membrane to the observed processes of diffusion and osmosis. Students should understand how cell size and shape are related to surfaceto-volume ratio and how that ratio limits cell size and function (Biology, A Framework for High School Science Education, p. 86). Learning Sequence Science as Inquiry Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Science and Technology Solutions and Cells Activity 1 Onion Soup Activity 2 Osmosis Demonstration Activity 3 Movin’ On In, Movin’ On Out Activity 4 There’s Always Room for Gel-Oh! Activity 5 A Cube Is a Cube Is a Cube Activity 6 Outside Lookin’ In Assessment 1 Salty Chops Assessment 2 Speaking of Boundaries ... Assessment 3 4 History and Nature of Science Suggested Sequence of Events Event #1 Lab Activity 1. Solutions and Cells (45 minutes) Alternate or Additional Activities 2. Onion Soup (40 minutes) 3. Osmosis Demonstration (20 minutes) Event #2 Lab Activity 4. Movin’ On In, Movin’ On Out Part 1: Diffusion (45 minutes) Part 2: Osmosis (45 minutes) Part 3: Optional Exercise (45 minutes) Event #3 Lab Activity 5. There’s Always Room for Gel-Oh! (20 minutes) Event #4 Lab Activity 6. A Cube Is a Cube Is a Cube (30 minutes) Event #5 Readings from Science as Inquiry, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives, and History and Nature of Science Suggested readings: Thomas, Lewis, “The World’s Biggest Membrane.” The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher. New York: Bantam Books, Inc., 1974. Assessment items are at the back of this volume. 5 Assessment Recommendations This teacher materials packet contains a few items suggested for classroom assessment. Often, three types of items are included. Some have been tested and reviewed, but not all. 1. Multiple-choice questions accompanied by short essays, called justification, that allow teachers to find out if students really understand their selections on the multiple choice. 2. Open-ended questions asking for essay responses. 3. Suggestions for performance tasks, usually including laboratory work, questions to be answered, data to be graphed and processed, and inferences to be made. Some tasks include proposals for student design of such tasks. These may sometimes closely resemble a good laboratory task, since the best types of laboratories are assessing student skills and performance at all times. Special assessment tasks will not be needed if measures such as questions, tabulations, graphs, calculations, etc., are incorporated into regular lab activities. Teachers are encouraged to make changes in these items to suit their own classroom situations and to develop further items of their own, hopefully finding inspiration in the models we have provided. We hope you may consider adding your best items to our pool. We also will be very pleased to hear of proposed revisions to our items when you think they are needed. 6 1025 Activity 1 Teacher Sheet Science As Inquiry Solutions and Cells How do substances move in and out of cells? Overview: This activity begins the micro-unit by providing students with a measurable example of movement of a substance into and out of a model cell—a salmon egg. Students create a hypertonic solution of salt and water and compare its effect on salmon eggs with that of distilled water. The activity does not attempt to explain how this happens but provides students with the empirical evidence that it does happen. The concept of osmosis as a form of diffusion is introduced, as well as the terms hypotonic solution, isotonic solution, and hypertonic solution. Subsequent activities in the micro-unit will incorporate the role of the cell membrane in controlling transport of materials into and out of the cell and explore how this process is related to cell size. Remind students to use caution when using the scalpel or scissors to cut open eggs. Materials: Per lab group (2 or 3): balance beakers (100 mL), 2 distilled water petri dishes, 2 ruler (mm) salmon eggs, 12 salt (to make saltwater solution), approx. 15 g of salt per 250 mL water) scalpel or dissection scissors Procedure: Students should first examine and measure their eggs prior to the experimental treatment. Have them carefully line up at least 10 eggs and measure the length of the row to the nearest millimeter. They should then record the length of the row and their observations on the general appearance and state of the eggs, for example, their hardness and texture. It is recommended that they use at least 10 eggs for their measured rows because any change in egg size during the experiment will be more easily measured as a total of 10 eggs rather than as a single egg. Millimeter rulers with a center groove will allow easy measurement. To get the expected experimental results, measurements must be made very carefully, and lab partners should verify each other’s measurements. While one lab partner measures and records observations on the eggs, another lab partner should prepare the distilled water and the “concentrated” saltwater solution, recording the amounts of salt and water actually used. Be sure students are given enough salt to create a solution roughly equal to 15 g of 7 1025 Activity 1 salt per 250 mL water, and that they label each beaker. Each beaker will require at least 25–35 mL of water. Have students place the measured eggs into a labeled beaker of distilled water for at least 10 minutes. While waiting, they could examine extra eggs with a dissecting scope or hand lens, calculate the exact concentration of their saltwater solution, or do related reading. After 10 minutes they should remove the eggs from the water and line them up and measure them as before. The eggs are then returned to the water bath for another 10-minute interval and removed and measured again. Next, students place the eggs into the saltwater solution. (Note: If the eggs sink in this solution, students may not have used enough salt.) Using the same procedure as with the distilled water, they should immerse the eggs and then remove and measure them. They should also note any observations about the texture, hardness, and general appearance of the eggs. All measurements and observations should be recorded in a suitable data table created by students in their lab notebooks. Background: It is expected that the eggs will swell when placed in the distilled water and shrink slightly when placed in the salt solution, both results due to osmosis. Water should diffuse into the eggs in the distilled water (hypotonic) condition, thus causing the eggs to swell. When compared to their original condition, this row of eggs should measure 3 to 10 mm longer. Water should diffuse out of the eggs in the saltwater (hypertonic) condition, causing the eggs to shrink slightly. This row of eggs can be expected to measure up to 1–3 mm less in length than it did prior to being placed in the salty water. Salmon eggs are a common fish bait and can be easily obtained at local bait shops or fishing supply outlets (a bottle of about 80 eggs is approximately $5). Do not use synthetic versions. You should test the egg supply before purchasing large quantities to be sure they work as expected in this activity (due to variations in preparation and packaging, some brands work better than others). It is assumed that students have previously studied properties of aqueous solutions, concentration, and the basic phenomenon of diffusion (see micro-unit 1024). If not, you may need to spend extra time in this activity covering the concepts of solution, solute, and concentration. This will help students to better understand the terms hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic introduced here. Some useful terms and definitions for you are: Concentration—amount of solute dissolved in a given amount of solvent Diffusion—movement of molecules of a substance from areas of high concentration of that substance to areas of lower concentration Osmosis—diffusion of water through a membrane Hypertonic solution—solution in which the concentration of the solutes outside a cell is greater than that inside the cell Hypotonic solution—solution in which the concentration of solutes outside a cell is lower than that inside Isotonic solution—solution in which the concentration of solutes outside a cell is the same as that inside the cell 8 1025 Activity 1 Water makes up 70 to 95 percent of a living cell. Since water is the most abundant substance in cells, its movement into and out of cells is of vital importance. The cell has no control over osmosis. Water will flow into or out of a cell depending on the concentration of water molecules on either side of the membrane. Water moves across the membrane in order to reach a state of equilibrium. Water will continue to diffuse back and forth across the cell membrane even after equilibrium is established. However, at equilibrium the number of molecules moving into the cell equals the number moving out. Cell Membrane Isotonic Solution Hypotonic Solution Hypertonic Solution Variations: Students could follow this activity with an attempt to create an isotonic solution using salt and water. Some students may wonder if the effects obtained here would be greater if the eggs were allowed to soak longer. You could have them leave their materials to soak overnight after this activity to be measured and observed the next day. Adapted from: Goodman, H.D., L.E. Graham, T.C. Emmel, and Y. Shechter, Biology Today, Orlando, Florida: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1991. 9 1025 Activity 2 Alternative/extension activity for Event 1 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry Onion Soup How do substances move in and out of cells? Overview: This activity can be done as an alternative to Activity 1 or as a follow-up activity. Here students are provided with a readily observable example of movement of a substance (water) into and out of a representative plant cell. Students create a hypertonic solution of salt and water and compare its effect on onion cells to that of distilled water. The activity does not attempt to explain how this happens but provides students with the empirical evidence that it does happen. The concept of osmosis as a form of diffusion is introduced, as well as the terms hypotonic solution, isotonic solution, and hypertonic solution. Subsequent activities in the microunit will incorporate the role of the cell membrane in controlling transport of materials into and out of the cell and how this process is related to cell size. Materials: Per lab group (2 or 3): balance beakers (50 mL), 2 cover slips, 2 forceps or tweezers medicine droppers, 2 microscope microscope slides, 2 onion paper towels or absorbent paper, 2 salt, approx. 2 g Procedure: Have students carefully peel off a small piece of onion tissue with forceps and prepare a wet mount. They should then observe this slide under a microscope to determine the “normal” appearance of onion cells, noting to the degree possible the existence and appearance of cell walls and membranes. These particular structures were studied in micro-units 932 and 933. All lab partners should examine the cells and record their appearance in their lab notebooks. Students then use a medicine dropper to introduce a 10% salt water solution onto the slide, thoroughly soaking the onion cells. The solution can be easily introduced by placing a few drops on the left edge of the cover slip and absorbent paper on the opposite side of the cover slip. This will help draw the fresh water out and create a mild pressure gradient that will encourage the saltwater to move under the cover slip. Students should then observe what happens to the onion cells in the saltwater condition. 10 1025 Activity 2 Finally, have students use absorbent paper to draw out the saltwater while they irrigate the slide with fresh water. As before, they should observe and record the effects of the irrigation on the onion cells. Background: It is expected that the cell membranes will shrink away from the cell walls when placed in the saltwater and swell against the cell walls in the distilled water condition, both results due to osmosis. Water should diffuse out of the cells in the saltwater (hypertonic) condition, thus causing the cell membranes to appear shriveled or crenated. When fresh water is reintroduced to the onion cell environment, the water should diffuse back into the cells, causing the cell membranes to press against the cell walls It will take quite a bit of effort to get enough distilled water back under the cover slip to counteract the effects of the saltwater. It is assumed that students have previously studied properties of aqueous solutions, concentration, and the basic phenomenon of diffusion (see Micro-unit 1024). If not, you may need to spend extra time in this activity covering the concepts of solution, solute, and concentration. This will help students to better understand the terms hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic introduced here. Some useful terms and definitions for you are: Concentration—amount of solute dissolved in a given amount of solvent Diffusion—movement of molecules of a substance from areas of high concentration of that substance to areas of lower concentration Osmosis—diffusion of water through a membrane Hypertonic solution—solution in which the concentration of the solutes outside a cell is greater than that inside the cell Hypotonic solution—solution in which the concentration of solutes outside a cell is lower than that inside Isotonic solution—solution in which the concentration of solutes outside a cell is the same as that inside the cell Water makes up 70 to 95 percent of a living cell. Since water is the most abundant substance in cells, its movement into and out of cells is of vital importance. The cell has no control over osmosis. Water will flow into or out of a cell depending on the concentration of water molecules on either side of the membrane. Water moves across the membrane in order to reach a state of equilibrium. Water will continue to diffuse back and forth across the cell membrane even after equilibrium is established. However, at equilibrium the number of molecules moving into the cell equals the number moving out. Freshwater plants often exist in hypotonic solutions. As water diffuses into the cell, the cell swells and internal pressure is increased. The pressure that builds in a plant cell as a result of osmosis is called turgor or turgor pressure. The excess water entering a plant cell is often stored in a large central vacuole. Increases in turgor pressure force the cytoplasm and the cell membrane against the plant cell wall, causing the cell to become stiff. The cell wall prevents the cell membrane from bursting. Animal cells do not have a cell wall and therefore cannot reach equilibrium in a hypotonic solution. As water flows in, the cell may swell and burst unless the cell is able to efficiently remove excess water from the cytoplasm. A number of mechanisms have developed to remove such excess water and generally require substantial energy to pump excess water from the cell before any damage results. 11 1025 Activity 2 Variations: Other plant cell types could be used in place of onion. It might be a challenging activity for students to try to create an isotonic solution for the onion cells using appropriate calculations to determine the exact amount of solute concentration required. Adapted from: Goodman, H.D., L.E. Graham, T.C. Emmel, and Y. Shechter, Biology Today, Orlando, Florida: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1991. 12 1025 Activity 3 Alternative/extension activity for Event 1 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry Osmosis Demonstration How do substances move in and out of cells? Overview: This simple demonstration gives students a visual image and understanding of osmosis in terms of movement of water into and out of the cell. You may wish to use this as a supplement to either Activity 1 or 2. There is no student sheet for this activity. Materials: Per class: beaker, 250–500 mL molasses (heavy), approx. 6 oz ring stand and clamp rubber band (small) semipermeable membrane (e.g., goldbeater’s, cellophane tubing, dialysis tubing) thistle tube distilled water Procedure: This demonstration can be carried out when discussing the concept of osmosis and what happens to cells when they are placed in a hypotonic solution. Fill the bulb of a thistle tube with heavy molasses while holding a finger over the tube opening. (Instead of holding a finger over the opening, some teachers attach a short piece of rubber tubing with a clamp.) Thistle tube filled with molasses Next, cover the bulb with a wet semipermeable membrane and immerse in a beaker of water (see figure). Soon the water in the beaker diffuses Semipermeable membrane through the membrane, causing the level of molasses in the thistle tube to rise. Background: This special diffusion of molecules of water through the membrane is called osmosis. As the water level rises in the tube, its pressure will eventually stop further upward diffusion of water. 13 1025 Activity 3 Variations: The living cells of a potato may be used to show the passage of water through the semipermeable membranes that surround the cells. Use an apple corer to remove a cylinder from the center of a raw potato. Do not plunge the corer through the entire length of the potato; leave about 1/2 inch of the potato at one end. Slowly pour a concentrated sucrose solution into the core and close with a one-hole stopper through which a piece of glass tubing has been inserted. Place in a beaker of water, using a clamp to hold the tube upright. Then seal the stopper with melted paraffin to prevent leakage. Adapted from: Morholt, E., P.F. Brandwein, A. Joseph, A Sourcebook for the Biological Sciences, 2nd ed. California State Series, California State Department of Education, Sacramento, Calif., 1967. 14 1025 Activity 4 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry Movin’ On In, Movin On Out How do molecules move in and out of cells? Overview: Based on Activities 1–3, students will have an understanding that substances such as water are able to move into and out of cells through the membrane. Together with their experience with micro-unit 1024 they should understand the concepts of concentration, concentration gradients, and diffusion. This activity will give students a closer look at the factors involved in diffusion and osmosis through a semipermeable membrane and give them a better understanding of how cells maintain homeostasis. Materials: Per lab group (3-4 students): balance beaker (200 mL) beaker (250 mL) beakers (500 mL), 5 corn syrup dialysis tubing, 25 mm flat width, four 15-cm pieces and one 30-cm piece, all presoaked in water eggs (fresh), 12 experimental solutions 1 and 2 (see footnote, p. 16) funnel (small) glucose solution (50%), 400 mL glucose/starch solution (15% glucose/ 1% starch), 20 mL glucose test tape graduated cylinder (25 mL) labels labeling tape Lugol’s solution (IKI) marking pen paper towels test tubes, 16 thread or 8 rubber bands vinegar Procedure: This investigation is designed for four students per lab group. It is assumed that students are familiar with the concepts of solids, liquids, gases, density, volume (Micro-unit 908), and the important cellular organelles (Micro-unit 933). The egg activity (Part III) in this investigation can be done as a demonstration with students involved in the setup. Part I: Illustrating Diffusion Students first obtain a 30-cm piece of 25-mm dialysis tubing (presoaked in water). They should tie off one end of the tubing with thread to form a bag. Note: It is important that the knots are tight to prevent leaks. Have them pour 15 mL of 15% glucose/1% starch solution in the bag and tie off the open end, leaving sufficient space for expansion of the contents. They should then record the solution color and the color of the glucose test tape when placed in the glucose/starch solution. Next, have students fill a 250-mL beaker with distilled water and add about 4 mL of Lugol’s solution to the water. At this point they should record the color of the solution. They then test the solution with glucose test tape. Now have students immerse their dialysis tubing bag in the Lugol’s bath and allow it to 15 1025 Activity 4 stand for 30 minutes. While waiting for results, students can design a data table to record their observations. After 30 minutes they should test the liquid in the beaker and in the bag with glucose test tape and record their results in their data table. Part II: Illustrating Osmosis Here students investigate the relationship between solute concentration and the movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane by the process of osmosis. They first place 10 mL of each of the following solutions in appropriately numbered and labeled test tubes: 1) distilled water; 2) 50% glucose solution; 3) distilled water; and 4) students’ experimental solution 1*. Students then obtain four pieces of presoaked dialysis tubing and tie off one end of each with thread. Note: knots must be tight to prevent leaks. They then place each of the above solutions into a dialysis bag and tie off the open end. They should place the dialysis bags on labeled paper towels to ensure proper identification. Each bag should be weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram. Have students number and label four empty 500-mL beakers to correspond to the solutions in the four dialysis bags and then fill each beaker with 350 mL of the following solutions in the order given: 1) distilled water; 2) distilled water; 3) 50% glucose solution; and 4) students’ experimental solution 2*. They then place each dialysis bag in its corresponding 500-mL beaker (by matching numbers—bag 1 in beaker 1, etc.), noting the time of placement. Students should make sure in each case that the entire dialysis bag is submerged in the solution. Students should weigh the dialysis bags three times, at 10-minute intervals. After each 10-minute interval, they remove the bags at the same time from their beakers, and carefully rinse them and blot off the excess water. Each bag should be carefully weighed and returned to the appropriate beaker. After the third weighing students can discard the dialysis bags. Note: For accurate results, dialysis bags should be removed and returned from the beakers at the same time. Have students design a data table to record the initial mass of the dialysis bag and the mass after each 10-minute interval. Part III: Chicken Egg Model for a Living Cell Membrane (Optional Exercise/Demonstration) This activity takes two days to complete. Final measurements are made on the third day. Have students determine the mass of two raw eggs to the nearest 0.1 gram and record this as the mass of the raw egg and shell. They should then label one 500-mL beaker “ distilled water” and another 500-mL beaker “syrup”. Have them pour 200 mL of vinegar into each labeled beaker. Caution: Vinegar is a mild irritant. Safety goggles should be used. Students now put an egg into each beaker, placing a 200-mL beaker containing 100 mL of water over each egg to keep it submerged. Have them add more vinegar if the egg is not completely covered. Beakers should be stored for 24 hours. After 24 hours students should carefully pour the vinegar into the sink, remove and rinse the eggs, and place them onto paper towels labeled “water” and “syrup.” Have them determine and record the mass of *Student Experimental Solutions. Discuss with students their ideas for beaker #4, the experimental setup. You can suggest variables such as different glucose concentrations, temperature, or disturbance of the solutions. Provide additional solutions for them to choose from, such as 1% starch solution or 1% egg albumen solution. 16 1025 Activity 4 each egg. They should now place the “syrup” egg in the syrup beaker and add syrup until the egg is covered. Similarly, they should place the “water” egg in the “water” beaker and add distilled water to cover. The beakers and eggs should be stored for 24 hours. After the allotted time students remove the eggs from the beakers and measure and record their final masses. Background: Diffusion is the process by which molecules spread throughout a space until they are equally distributed. Some molecules, like water, will diffuse freely through a membrane. Diffusion and osmosis are two passive processes that move molecules into and out of the cells. In addition to free diffusion, material may get into and out of a cell by at least two carrier-mediated transport mechanisms. If transport is driven by a diffusion gradient and involves an interaction between specific membrane-embedded molecules (carriers) and the molecules of a substance tending to enter the cell, the process is called facilitated diffusion. The name indicates that the carrier improves the cell’s permeability to a substance without altering the direction in which the substance would tend to move on its own. In other instances, transport is thermodynamically unfavorable and can be achieved only with an expenditure of energy supplied by the cell. Such translocations are referred to as active transport. For example, glucose uptake by microorganisms and by cells lining the intestines and kidney tubules of animals is typically active; in most other animal cells, it is achieved by facilitated diffusion. Part I: Dialysis tubing can be opened by rubbing the end between your fingers until the edges separate. Students may need help and/or instruction on how to carefully fill and tie the tubing. Molecules of Lugol’s iodine solution will pass through the membrane, while undigested starch does not. Thus, the characteristic blue-black color appears in the starch solution inside the dialysis tubing bag. Similarly, the glucose molecules are soluble and therefore small enough to diffuse through the membrane and into the solution in the beaker. Students should therefore obtain a positive result when testing the beaker solution with glucose test tape after 30 minutes. Of course, water will move across the membrane due to osmosis and will cause the contents inside the dialysis tubing bag to expand as the water moves from the hypotonic environment of the beaker into the hypertonic environment inside the bag. Part II: Discuss with students their ideas for beaker 4, their experimental setup. You can suggest variables such as different glucose concentrations, temperature, or disturbance of the solution. Provide additional solutions for them to choose from, such as 1% starch solution or 1% egg albumen solution. Students should find that the bag in beaker 1 is at equilibrium and will show no change in mass. The bag in beaker 2 will experience water diffusing across the membrane into the glucose solution so the mass of the bag will increase. In beaker 3 the opposite will occur; the water diffuses out of the bag and into the glucose solution in the beaker, so the bag loses mass. In beaker 4, the diffusion of substances will depend entirely on the contents of the bag and the solution in the beaker. Part III: Since this activity actually requires three class days to complete, you may want to run it as a demonstration or an additional activity concurrent with the other activities from Parts I and II. The vinegar will chemically remove the shell from the egg. The goal here is to determine if either the water or the syrup will diffuse through the membrane and into the egg. If the syrup is dense enough (hypertonic to the egg), the egg placed in the syrup will loose mass while the egg placed in the water will gain mass (due to osmosis). 17 1025 Activity 4 Variations: To save time and/or materials you could have half of each lab group do Part I of the procedure while the other two partners complete Part II. Meanwhile, you could do Part III as a concurrent demonstration. Adapted from: College Board, AP Biology Laboratory. ETS, 1995. Dyson, R.D., Cell Biology, A Molecular Approach, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1978. Johnson and Raven, Biology: Principles and Explorations, 1996. Towle, Modern Biology Laboratories. HRW, 1995. 18 1025 Activity 5 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry There’s Always Room for Gel-Oh! What is the relationship between cell size and diffusion? Overview: After students have had experience with diffusion and osmosis in actual cells, it is appropriate for them to study these concepts in terms of cell models or physical analogies. In this activity students become aware of the importance of the surface-to-volume ratio of cells and how cell size is related to the processes of diffusion and osmosis. They use agar cubes of increasing size to examine the extent and rate of diffusion as a function of cell volume. Materials: Per lab group (2-3 students) agar-agar, 3% beaker, 250 mL cake pan, 6 × 9 in NaOH solution (0.04%), 2 L phenolphthalein powder razor blade plastic spoon (small) rinse bottle with distilled water Procedure: You will have to prepare the agar mixture the day before the activity is done. Follow the directions for the preparation of agar gel (3% agar-agar). As the agar is cooling, add 1/4 teaspoon of phenolphthalein powder and stir well. Pour the agar mixture into the cake pan. The depth of the agar in the cake pan should be 3 cm. Let the agar cool and harden overnight. After the agar has hardened, give each lab group enough of the gel to make three cubes measuring 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm on a side respectively. Students then place all three cubes in one 250-mL beaker and cover them with NaOH solution. They should allow the setup to stand for 15 minutes. During this time students should occasionally swirl the NaOH solution around the blocks. Warn students to swirl gently—do not break up agar cubes. While they are waiting they can calculate the surface-to-volume ratio of the three blocks. After the appropriate time, have students carefully pour off the NaOH solution and rinse the agar cubes with distilled water. Using plastic spoons, they should then carefully remove the agar cubes from the beaker and place them on a paper towel. Have them cut the cubes in half and examine and compare their inside appearance. 19 1025 Activity 5 Background: Phenolphthalein is a biological indicator that reacts with a salt solution such as sodium hydroxide, NaOH. The phenolphthalein will turn pink when mixed with NaOH. The NaOH diffuses into the agar cubes at an equal rate for each cube, but because of the differing volumes of the cubes, the results will not appear to be the same. When students cut into the larger block of agar the center will not have picked up the stain (i.e., the NaOH solution will not have diffused all the way through the block). The larger the block of agar, the greater the unstained area. This should indicate to students the importance of cell size in the diffusion of substances into cells. Diffusion is a major transport mechanism for moving substances into and out of the cell. It occurs passively; that is, it does not require expenditure of energy by the cell like some other transport systems (e.g., active transport using carrier proteins within the cell membrane.) If cells were too large, they could not efficiently absorb materials and excrete wastes via diffusion. Variations: None suggested. Adapted from: none 20 1025 Activity 6 Teacher Sheet Science as Inquiry A Cube Is a Cube Is a Cube Is a Cube! What happens to the surface area of a cube as the volume increases? Overview: In this activity students measure how much greater the increase in volume is than the increase in surface area when an object increases in size. It follows nicely after the Gel-Oh! activity and helps students fully understand what happened in that activity. Materials: Per lab group (2 students): graph paper metric ruler transparent tape pencil scissors Procedure: Part I Have students follow the pattern below to build two cubes. The first cube should be 1cm on each side and the second cube 2 cm on each side. Using graph paper, students should measure out the two patterns, using dashed lines to represent areas where folds will be made to form the cube. Measurements should be accurate so that the cubes fit easily together. Students then cut out the cubes, taking care to cut only on the solid lines. They then assemble the cubes, using tape to secure them. 21 1025 Activity 6 Have students calculate the surface area of each cube by multiplying the area of one face by six, expressing their answer in square centimeters. Working together, student groups should then assemble the completed 1-cm cubes into a single cube that has a volume equal to the 2-cm cube. Students are asked to compare the total surface area of the assembled cube to that of the single 2-cm cube. Additional: 4 mm each side Have students observe the cube-shaped cells in the diagram pictured here. The smallest cell has 1-mm sides, a surface area of 6 mm squared, and a volume of l mm cubed. If the side of the cell is doubled to 2 mm, the surface area will increase fourfold to 6 × 2 × 2, or 24 mm squared. Have students calculate 1 mm each side the change in surface area and volume as the cell doubles in size again to 4 mm on a side. 2 mm each side Surface area = 24 mm2 Volume = 8 mm3 Surface area = 6 mm2 Volume = 1 mm3 Background: Before this exercise, students should review Micro-units 932 and 933. You may need to review the formula for finding the area of a square. Focus the students’ attention on why the majority of cells making up any organisms are small. Students should be asking these questions: Is big better? What does this mean for cells? How does it affect cell function? If cell size doubled, the cell would require eight times more nutrients and would have eight times more waste to excrete. The surface area, however, would increase by a factor of only four. Thus, the plasma membrane would not have enough surface area through which oxygen, nutrients, and wastes could diffuse. The cell would either starve to death or be poisoned from the buildup of wastes products. In fact, cells divide before they reach this point. Variations: None suggested. Adapted from: Biology Dynamics of Life. Glenco/McGraw Hill, 1996. 22 1025 Assessment 1 Science as Inquiry Salty Chops Item: Use your understanding of osmosis to describe why putting salt on a pork chop before cooking it on a grill is likely to result in a dry and tough piece of meat. Answer: Putting salt on the pork chop will result in a hypertonic solution of the pork chop’s surface, causing water and other liquids in the cells of the meat to be drawn to the surface of the pork chop and turned into vapors by the heat. 23 1025 Assessment 2 Science as Inquiry Outside Looking In Item: Explain the importance of surface-to-volume ratio in a cell. Answer: If cells grow too large, they will outstrip their ability to supply needed materials to their interiors. 24 1025 Assessment 3 Science as Inquiry Speaking of Boundaries . . . Item: The membrane around a cell of a living organism is considered a boundary. However, this membrane is described as “selectively permeable.” Explain what is meant by the term selectively permeable. Use observations from the activities you’ve done here to support your answer. Answer: Selectively permeable means only certain substances can pass through the membrane. For example, water passes through cell membranes, but the substances dissolved in the water may or may not pass through. Students observed water passing through a membrane around salmon eggs in Activity 1. In Activity 2 water diffused into and out of plant (onion) cells In Activity 3 students observed water diffusing through a semi- or differentially permeable membrane (modeling the selectively permeable nature of cell membranes) into a molasses solution, while the molasses was prevented from moving across the membrane and into the water of the beaker. In Activity 4 students observed water, glucose, and iodine (Lugol’s solution) diffusing across a membrane while (undigested) starch in solution was prevented from crossing the membrane. Note: In addition to free diffusion, material may get into and out of a cell by at least two carriermediated transport mechanisms. If transport is driven by a diffusion gradient and involves an interaction between specific membrane-embedded molecules (carriers) and the molecules of a substance tending to enter the cell, the process is called facilitated diffusion. The name indicates that the carrier improves the cell’s permeability to a substance without altering the direction in which the substance would tend to move on its own. In other instances transport is thermodynamically unfavorable and can be achieved only with the expenditure of energy supplied by the cell. Such translocations are referred to as active transport. For example, glucose uptake by microorganisms and by cells lining the intestines and kidney tubules of animals is typically active; in most other animal cells, it is achieved by facilitated diffusion. 25 1025 Unit Materials/References Consumables Item Quantity (per lab group) agar-agar (3%) — corn syrup — dialysis tubing (25 mm flat width) 4 15-cm pieces; 1 30-cm piece distilled water — eggs (fresh) 12 glucose solution (50%) 400 mL glucose/starch solution (15% glucose/1% starch) 20 mL glucose test tape — graph paper — labels — labeling tape — molasses (heavy) — NaOH solution (0.04%) 2L onion 1 paper towels — phenolphthalein powder — plastic spoon (small) 1 razor blade 1 rubber band 1 salmon eggs 12 salt (to make solution) 15 g per 250 mL water salt approx. 2 grams semipermeable membrane — (e.g., goldbeater’s, cellophane tubing, dialysis tubing) thread or 8 rubber bands — transparent tape — vinegar — water — Event 5 4 4 1, 3* 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 3* 5 2 2, 4 5 5 5 3* 1 1 2 3* 4 6 4 1 Nonconsumables Item balance beaker (200 mL) beaker (250 mL) beaker (250–500 mL) beakers (50 mL) beakers (100 mL) beakers (500 mL) cake pan (6 × 9 in) cover slips forceps or tweezers funnel (small) graduated cylinder (25 mL) Quantity (per lab group) 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 26 Event 1, 2, 4 4 4, 5 3* 2 1 4 5 2 2 4 4 1025 Unit Materials/References marking pen medicine droppers microscope microscope slides pencil petri dishes plastic spoon (small) ring stand and clamp rinse bottle with distilled water ruler (mm) scalpel or dissection scissors scissors test tubes thistle tube 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 4 2 2 2 6 1 5 3 5 1, 6 1 6 4 3* Key to activities: 1. Solutions and Cells 2. Onion Soup 3. Osmosis Demonstration 4. Movin’ On In, Movin’ On Out 5. There’s Always Room for Gel-Oh! 6. A Cube Is a Cube Is a Cube Activity Sources Biology Dynamics of Life. Glenco/McGraw Hill, 1996. College Board, 1995. AP Biology Laboratory, ETS. Dyson, R.D., Cell Biology, A Molecular Approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1978. Goodman, H.D., L.E. Graham, T.C. Emmel, Y. Shechter, Biology Today. Orlando, Fla.: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., 1991. Morholt, E., P.F. Brandwein, A. Joseph, A Sourcebook for the Biological Sciences, 2nd ed. California State Series, California Dept. of Education, Sacramento, 1967. 27