SAINT BRIDGET SCHOOL Parent/Student Handbook

Framingham, Massachusetts
Founded 1958
Parent/Student Handbook
Saint Bridget School was dedicated on September 14, 1958 by the then Most Reverend
Richard J. Cushing, D.D., Archbishop of Boston. It was established to provide children
with an understanding of the Catholic Faith and solid academic preparation in order to
proclaim the gospel in the world as active citizens of peace and justice under direction
of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.
Saint Bridget school is deeply rooted in the Catholic traditions. Our collaborative
environment nurtures academic excellence, social responsibility, and Christian values in
a changing and challenging world. Saint Bridget School partners with families and our
Church to develop the whole person within a community of faith.
Saint Bridget School, as a member of the Catholic School Community in the
Archdiocese of Boston upholds the nature and goals of the educational mission of the
Catholic school as set forth by contemporary ecclesial documents. The following is
excerpted from The Policy Book for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Boston,
We believe that the philosophy and goals of each Catholic school, achieved in
the setting of a Faith community, must be more effective, more enriching, more
enduring than that which can be defined as policy or regulation.
We believe that each Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Boston must be
aware that its purpose for existence is rooted in the mission of the Church.
We believe that each Catholic school, in fulfilling its role within the educational
mission of the Church, must be aware that its purpose for existence is rooted in
the mission of the Church.
We believe that each Catholic school, in sharing the message of Jesus Christ,
must render to today’s society, through commitment to Christian values, and to
the Christian moral code, a profound service.
We believe that each Catholic school, participating in the service mission of the
contemporary Church, must unfold its teachings, must manifest its relationship,
must reflect in its active concern for justice, the nature and demands of the
gospel of Jesus Christ.
Saint Bridget School is accredited through the New England Association of Schools and
Colleges, Inc.
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Parents as Partners
As partners in the educational process at Saint Bridget School, we ask parents:
1. To set rules, times, and limits so that your child:
a. Gets to bed early on school nights;
b. Arrives at school on time and is picked up on time at the end of the day;
c. Is dressed according to the school dress code;
d. Completes assignments on time; and
e. Has a lunch account to purchase lunch at school or brings nutritional sack
lunch every day.
2. To actively participate in school activities such as Parent-Teacher Conferences;
3. To see that the student pays for any damage to school books or property due to
carelessness or neglect on the part of the student;
4. To notify the school of a student’s absence in a timely manner and follow-up with
a written note when the students has been absent or tardy;
5. To notify the School Office of any changes of address or important phone
6. To meet all financial obligations to the school
7. To inform the school of any special situation regarding the student’s well-being,
safety, and health;
8. To complete and return to school any requested information promptly;
9. To read school notes and newsletters and to show interest in the student’s total
10. To support the religious and educational goals of the school;
11. To attend Mass and teach the Catholic faith by work and example;
12. To support and cooperate with the discipline policy of the school;
13. To treat teachers with respect and courtesy in discussing student problems.
Parents’ Role in Education
We, at Saint Bridget School, consider it a privilege to work with parents in the education
of children because we believe parents are the primary educators of their children.
Therefore, it is your right and your duty to become the primary role models for the
development of your child’s life –physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and
psychologically. Your choice of Saint Bridget School involves a commitment and
exhibits a concern for helping your child to recognize God as the greatest good in
his/her life.
Good example is the strongest teacher. Your personal relationship with God, with each
other, and with the Church community will affect the way your child relates to God and
others. Ideals taught in school are not well rooted in the child unless these are nurtured
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by the example of good Catholic/Christian morality and by an honest personal
relationship with God in your family life.
Once you have chosen to enter into a partnership with us at Saint Bridget School, we
trust you will be loyal to this commitment. During these formative years (PreK to 8),
your child needs constant support from both parents and faculty in order to develop
his/her moral, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical endowment. Neither parents nor
teachers can afford to doubt the sincerity of the efforts of their educational partner in the
quest of challenging, yet nourishing, the student to reach his/her potential. It is vital that
both parents and teachers remember that allowing oneself to be caught between the
student and the other partner will never have positive results. To divide authority
between school and home or within the home will only teach disrespect of all authority.
It there is an incident at school, you as parents must make investigation of the complete
story your first step. Evidence of mutual respect between parents and teachers will
model good mature behavior and relationships. Talking negatively about a child’s
teacher at home will only create an attitude of distrust toward the teacher, the school,
and the parent.
Students are naturally eager to grow and learn. However, sometimes in the process of
maturation new interests may cause them to lose focus. As this natural process occurs,
the student needs both understanding and discipline. At times, your child may perceive
discipline as restrictive. However, it is boundaries and limits which provide a young
person with both guidance and security.
It is essential that a child take responsibility for grades he/she has earned and be
accountable for homework, long-term assignments, major tests, service projects, and all
other assignments. Parents are encourage to let their child experience a logical
consequence for an inappropriate action or behavior. This responsibility also extends to
times of absence.
Together, let us begin this year with a commitment to partnership as we support one
another in helping your child to become the best person he/she is capable of becoming.
Right to Amend
Saint Bridget School reserves the right to amend this Handbook. Notice of
amendments will be sent to parents via the Monday Memo or through email
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Academic Program Policies
Classroom Assignments
The Principal in consultation with the child’s previous teacher will determine a child’s
placement in a particular class. The decision of the Principal in these matters is final
and binding. Students will be notified of their classroom assignment in August, prior to
the start of school, either by U.S. Mail, or email. Class size is at the discretion of the
One of the cornerstones of a Saint Bridget School education is an emphasis on strong
academics. This is reflected in our curriculum, the professionalism of our faculty and
staff, and our emphasis on small class size. Saint Bridget School follows the
Massachusetts State Curriculum Framework. A full description of the curriculum at
each grade level is available on the school website.
Major Subjects
Language Arts, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science Social Studies, Spanish
Special Subjects
Art, Library, Music, Physical Education, Technology
Students are encouraged to seek extra-help from their teachers when it is needed. It is
the students or parent’s responsibility to seek the extra help from the teacher at a
mutually acceptable time.
A student’s classroom teacher/teachers may not tutor their own students privately for
The members of the Saint Bridget School Faculty are hired by the Principal with the
approval of the Pastor. Teachers hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, most hold a
Master’s degree. Faculty members hold state-level certification and actively engage in
professional development opportunities and graduate level courses to earn the
necessary Professional Development Points (PDPs) to keep their certification in good
standing, as required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Archdiocese of
Boston. In addition, all teachers are required to be certified by the Archdiocese as
Catechists, requiring active participation in coursework through Boston College School
of Theology.
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Grading Scale
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 59 or below
Formal home-study is assigned to help students become self-reliant and self-directed.
Assignments are designed to reinforce daily lessons, to supplement and enrich class
work, and to prepare for certain lessons through various experiences.
Since each student has different capabilities and interests, it would be difficult to denote
the specific amount of time to be spent on an assignment. The following are general
time allotments suggested by the Archdiocese of Boston, Department of Education. If a
problem arises, the teacher should be contacted.
Kindergarten: 3 lessons per week, 5-10 minutes each
Grades 1-3: 45 minutes/day
Grades 4-5: 60 minutes/day
Grades 6-8: 90+minutes/day
Homework Policy Due to Illness
When a student is absent for three or more days, a parent may call the school office
before 9 AM to arrange for homework assignments. Homework assignments may be
picked up at the school office between 2:30 PM and 3:00 PM.
For short absences, students should make arrangements with classmates regarding
assignments. Students may also, receive missed assignments from their teacher when
they return to school.
Students will be allowed one day for each day of absence due to illness. For example,
a student who was absent three days should be given three school days to complete
the missed work.
Homework due to Vacations/Planned Absences
The school calendar provides for extended weekends and weeklong breaks from school
throughout the school year. Parents are encouraged to schedule trips or family outings
during these times so as to eliminate the need to interrupt a child’s learning process.
Missed assignments are the student’s responsibility.
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Teachers are not required to give make-up tests or assignments for absences due to
vacations. No assignment will be given in anticipation of the vacation. There will be no
exceptions to this policy. Please do not ask the teacher to make an exception.
Honor Roll
The Honor Roll applies to all students in grades six through eight.
Principal’s List
The Principal’s List recognized students who have demonstrated remarkable
improvement academically and/or in their behavior over the course of the trimester, as
witnessed by the Middle School faculty.
High Honor
The criteria for High Honor Roll are as follows:
Student must earn 93 and above in all major subjects.
Student must earn satisfactory grades in all special subjects.
Student must earn satisfactory class conduct grades
Student may not have received disciplinary measures during the trimester.
Student must not possess any incompletes on classroom assignments or tests.
The criteria for Honor Roll are as follows:
Student must earn 85 and above in all major subjects.
Student must earn satisfactory grades in all special subjects.
Student must earn satisfactory class conduct grades.
Student may not have received disciplinary measures during the trimester.
Student must not possess any incompletes on classroom assignments or tests.
Honorable Mention
The criteria for honorable mention are as follows:
Student must earn 80 and above in all major subjects
Student must earn satisfactory in all special subjects.
Student must earn satisfactory class conduct grades.
Student may not have received any disciplinary measures.
Student must not possess any incompletes on classroom assignments or tests.
Middle School Student of the Month
This distinction honors one student in the Middle School each month who, in the eyes of
the Middle School faculty, best exemplifies the Virtue of the Month and as such, is a role
model for the student community.
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The Library seeks to provide a wide variety of materials to support school curriculum
and promote a love of reading. The following rules are to be observed:
Books may be borrowed from the Library for one week, and may be renewed.
Borrowed books are to be returned on time and in good condition.
Overdue notices are sent home monthly.
Borrowing privileges will be suspended for multiple overdue books.
Books damaged or lost must be paid for by the student. A bill will be sent to the
student’s parents prior to the end of the school year. Students who have lost or
damaged books do not receive an final report card until their account is cleared.
Reference materials do not circulate.
Students are expected to be respectful and follow the Library rules and
Parties are held at the discretion of the teacher with the help of the room parent(s).
Invitations for parties outside of school and gifts for children should not be passed out in
school. Birthdays are celebrated in school by permitting the birthday boy/girl a dress
down day (see Dress Down Policy). No food is to accompany any birthday celebration.
PE Participation
All students must participate in physical education, unless they possess a doctor’s note.
If there are medical limitations, the doctor’s note must make clear the physical
limitations for non-participation. This note should be sent to the School Nurse. All
students are required to be properly dressed in their PE uniform for physical education
class. It is up to the discretion of the PE teacher to allow students who are not
appropriately attired to participate in PE class, or not.
Promotion Policy and Retention Policy
Advancement to the next grade in Saint Bridget School is based on a student’s daily
performance, test results, recommendations of teachers, and the student’s ability to
complete work successfully on a more advanced level.
Promotion to the next grade depends on successful completion of all subject areas.
The Administration may recommend the repetition of a grade, tutoring, or summer
school classes as requirement for promotion when, after conferences with teachers and
parents, it is believed that such action will better prepare the student academically or
emotionally for the next grade.
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Report Cards/Progress Reports
Report cards are important tools for communication. Report cards will be given three
(3) times during the academic school year, or every twelve (12) weeks.
Progress reports will be given mid-way between each twelve-week grading period.
No student will be given a Progress Report or Report Card if tuition, library fines, or
Extended Day Program fees are in arrears.
Sacramental Program
The sacramental life of the children of the Catholic tradition is an important component
of the religion program at Saint Bridget School. Preparation for two sacraments,
Reconciliation and Eucharist, form the core of instruction in Grade 2. In accordance
with the diocesan guidelines, candidates for First Eucharist will receive the sacrament of
Reconciliation prior to First Eucharist.
Parents are required to be active partners in the preparation of their children for these
sacraments. The sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are only conferred to
students baptized in the Roman Catholic tradition.
Summer School
In order to be promoted to the next grade level, students who fail major subjects of
Religion, Language Arts, Reading, Math, Social Science, or Science must attend
summer school at their own expense. Proof of satisfactory completion of a summer
school program will be required for promotion to the next grade.
All school-issued, hard cover textbooks must be covered and taken home in book bags.
Only the name, grade, and subject are to be written on the cover. The student will pay
for books written in, damaged, or lost. The Principal will determine the replacement
cost of the book and the shipping cost.
Admissions Policy
Statement of Policy
Saint Bridget School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all
the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to
students at the school. It does not discriminate in its administration of its educational
policies, admission policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Because Saint Bridget School’s mission is to provide a Catholic education, Catholics will
receive a preference in admission decisions.
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Religious Education
The non-Catholic student shall be considered an integral member of the student body,
expected and required to participate in all aspects of the school program, except where
his/her religious faith does not allow it. The non-Catholic student is required to attend
and participate in religion classes. Teachers should be sensitive to the student’s ability
to understand and should be respectful of his/her personal religious convictions. NonCatholic students are required to be present for liturgical and other religious services.
They will not be required to participate in such services, but should be invited and
encouraged to do so to the extent they are able. Non-Catholic students are not
permitted to receive the Holy Eucharist or the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Admission Preference
Students applying to parish elementary schools will, if qualified, be accepted according
to the following criteria, applied in sequence:
Catholic students who have siblings presently enrolled in the school;
Non-Catholic students who have siblings presently enrolled in the school;
Catholic students from the parish(es) sponsoring the school;
Catholic students from other parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston;
Catholic students from parishes outside the Archdiocese of Boston;
Other non-Catholic students.
Entrance Criteria/Process
Students will only be admitted to Saint Bridget School after being subjected to the
following process, if applicable according to the grade level.
A copy of the most current report card and standardized test scores, if any, are
A copy of the student’s birth certificate is provided;
Copies of the student’s sacramental certificate(s) is/are provided to the school;
The student recommendation form is completed, Grades 1-8;
The student may take a placement or readiness test.
Students entering K1 must be four years of age by August 31, no exceptions.
Students entering Kindergarten must be five years of age by August 31, or have
attended an accredited Kindergarten previously, no exceptions.
Students entering K1 or Kindergarten will be required to pass a screening with
the classroom teacher.
Students will provide appropriate proof of medical examination and immunization
in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Laws.
A letter of recommendation from the student’s pastor, rabbi, or minister is
strongly preferred.
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The decision of the Principal on grade placement is final. (Archdiocese of Boston Policy
Nondiscriminatory Policy
Saint Bridget School admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin to
all the rights privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available
to students of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or
ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs, and in the hiring of school personnel.
C.A.R.E.S. Program
An acronym for Compassion, Acceptance, Respect, Empathy, and Safety, the CARES
program is our anti-bullying/teasing program designed to help students learn social
skills and discuss issues they are having or have experienced. If a student is sent to
the Principal for a disciplinary problem the following actions are taken:
1. The Principal completes an Incident form
2. The student completes the Think About It form
3. A consequence based on the CARES chart or detention is imposed.
Disciplinary Code of Conduct
Saint Bridget School attempts to provide a safe environment for all individuals. Verbal
or written threats made against the physical or emotional well-being of any individual
are taken seriously. Students making such threats (seriously, or in jest or online) face
detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.
Cheating of any type will not be tolerated. Students who choose to cheat face a failing
grade, detention suspension, and/or expulsion. A student who is involved in cheating
will be unable to participate in extra-curricular activities.
In accordance with the stated philosophy of the school, which emphasizes deep respect
for the human dignity and uniqueness of every individual, each student will be
considerate of the rights of others in all interactions. All students are expected to
cooperate with the spirit and policies of the school which are designed to foster mature
development and personal responsibility. This requires courtesy in all personal
relationships, promptness in fulfilling obligations, concern for the environment, and
many other factors which the students’ sense of appropriateness will indicate to them.
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The Principal reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of an action in any
doubt arises.
Detention may be issued for a breach of classroom and/or school rules. Parents are
provided with a Detention Form with written notification of the detention. The day, date,
and time of the detention are at the discretion of the Principal who monitors the
detention. Detention takes precedence over appointments, practices, lessons, tutoring,
ballgames, etc.
Due Process & Disciplinary Action
Students are always to conduct themselves, whether inside or outside school, as Saint
Bridget students exhibiting the behaviors expected of such students, this includes
conduct considered detrimental to the reputation of the school.
When a student is disciplined, they will be told what they have done and will be
assigned the disciplinary action required. Any questions regarding disciplinary action
should initially be directed to the teacher/staff member assigning the disciplinary action.
If still dissatisfied, the parent/guardian should appeal the decision in writing to the
Principal. The Principal’s decision may be appealed to the Pastor. The decision of the
Pastor will be final and binding. The Principal and/or Pastor are the final recourse in all
disciplinary situations and may waive any and all regulations for just cause at his/her
Expulsion is an extremely serious matter. Students who pose a threat to themselves or
to others may be expelled from Saint Bridget School. Students who have been expelled
will not be allowed to return to the school without prior permission from the Principal.
Students whose parents have violated the Parents as Partners agreement in this
handbook may also be excluded from Saint Bridget School.
Off-Campus Conduct
The administration of Saint Bridget School reserves the right to discipline its students for
off-campus behavior that is not in line with the behavior expectations of its students
during the course of the school day. This off-campus behavior includes, but is not
limited to cyberbullying.
Students who are given an in-school suspension will be required to report to the school
each day and work with a substitute teacher paid for ($80.00) by the suspended
student’s parents/guardians. Students who receive an out-of-school suspension will not
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be allowed on campus during the time of their suspension. Students must complete all
class work and tests from the days of suspension, but no credit will be given for this
Emergency Response Plan
As it has become a State mandate that all schools in the Commonwealth have and
Emergency Response Plan, Saint Bridget School has formulated a plan, in conjunction
with the Framingham Police Department, to provide a framework for responding to the
various emergencies that may occur within our school. Copies have been placed with
the Principal, Secretary, Nurse, Custodian, Administrative Assistant, and Head Teacher
so that they are readily available throughout the school building. The Rectory also has
a copy.
Our crisis plan contains various warning codes to alert the staff in the event of an
emergency situation. They are as follows:
Fire alarm or “Code Red”: this calls for an orderly evacuation of the school
“Code Yellow”: This calls for the students to go to the nearest classroom, which
will then be secured.
“Code Mellow Yellow”: This calls for the children to remain where they are, and
that the halls, remain empty.
“Code Green”: Indicates the universal all-clear signal.
Extended Day Program
The Extended Day Program is an extension of Saint Bridget School offering an
enrichment experience to students when school is not in session. Our program strives
to provide a safe and friendly environment in which a student can explore academic,
creative, and physical activities while interacting with friends in relaxed environment.
Specific information about the Extended Day Program is available on the school
Frequently Called Numbers
School Office/Nurse:
School Fax:
Extended Day:
Rectory/Tuition Manager
Framingham Dept. of Transportation
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(508) 875-0181
(508) 875-9559
(508) 572-0326
(508) 875-5959
(508) 626-9179
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General School Operation Policies
When a student is absent from school, a parent/guardian should call the office by 8:30
A.M. each day of the absence. If the office does not receive a call, a parent/guardian
will be contacted. This policy is for the protection of Saint Bridget School students and
is aligned with state statutes of the state of Massachusetts.
Students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students who are
sent home during the school day with a fever will not be allowed to return to school the
next day as this would not allow for the 24 hour protection of the entire school
A written statement giving reasons for the absence or tardiness must be brought to the
student’s teacher upon the student’s return. These notes/letters will be retained in the
Office for one year.
The following are considered excused absences:
A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is required for
appointments or circumstances of a serious nature only, which cannot be taken
care of outside of school hours.
A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental, or
emotional disability.
A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity or activities of an
educational nature with advanced approval by the Principal.
Students who are absent due to illness have one day for each day of absence to make
up the missed assignments, quizzes, or tests. For example, a student who was absent
three excused days would be given three school days to complete the missed work.
When a student is absent for three or more days due to illness, a parent/guardian may
call the School Office before 9:30 A.M. to arrange for homework assignments.
Homework assignments may be picked up at the school office between 2:30 P.M. and
3:00 P.M.
For short absences, students should make arrangements with classmates regarding
assignments. Students may also receive missed assignments from their teacher when
they return to school.
Teachers are not required to give make-up tests or assignments for absences due to
vacations. No assignment will be given in anticipation of the vacation.
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Arrangements for regular classroom tests missed because of an absence are to be
made with the individual teachers. These tests must be taken within one week of the
original test date.
Frequent or prolonged unexcused absences (more than one week) will be reported to
the local education authority attendance officer. (Archdiocese of Boston, Department of
Education Policy Manual)
Excessive absence (40) days or the equivalent of 40 days including tardies, can be
cause for a student to be retained in the current grade for another year.
Dismissal during the School Day
Students needing medical appointments during school hours require a written note by
the parent/guardian. Parents/guardians are required to sign out their child. Students
who are away from school for 3½ hours or more, will be counted as absent for ½ a day.
Three early withdrawals each of which are less than 3 ½ hours are considered a onehalf day absence. Students who are tardy or dismissed early more than 40 times will be
charged an administrative fee of $10 per tardy or early withdrawal due to the excessive
time and paperwork involved.
Release of Students
A student shall never be released from school except in the company of a
parent/guardian, or an adult presenting written parental/guardian approval. In order for
the child/children to be dismissed to someone other than the parent, the teacher and the
School Office must be informed in writing in advance.
A custodial parent who possesses a court document refusing a non-custodial parent
access to the child must send the school a copy of said document forbidding such.
The transfer of a child/children between a custodial and non-custodial parent or
between parents with alternating days of custody when both are present is prohibited on
school grounds during the school day. The purpose of this policy is to avoid involving
school personnel in continuing child custody disagreements and to avoid disruptions to
the educational atmosphere.
Change of Information
Parents/Guardians are requested to notify the School Office in writing of any change of
address, custody, home telephone numbers, cell phone numbers, business phone
numbers, e-mail addresses, and/or phone numbers of emergency contacts. This will
guarantee that office records are accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
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If a student or parent has a concern about a school policy or an employee, the following
procedure should be followed in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible:
1. Contact the person with whom you have a complaint to discuss both sides of the
2. If the problem still exists, contact the Principal.
3. If it is still unresolved, contact the Pastor.
4. It is preferred that serious complaints to the Principal or Pastor be made in
5. Parents/students may request an appointment with school staff at a mutually
convenient time in order to discuss concerns. Please do not show up
6. Please do not call immediately after school with a complaint. Wait until the
following morning.
Dress Down/Birthday/Dance Policies
Periodically throughout the school year, there are days designated as Dress Down
Days. The following rules apply with regard to what Saint Bridget School considers
appropriate student dress and behavior on these occasions:
Dress Down Days
Students may wear:
 Jeans
 Athletic shoes
 Shorts no shorter than three inches above the knee
 Skirts/skorts no shorter than three inches above the knee
 Sweatshirts
 Nail polish
 Jewelry
 Large or hoop earrings
 Dresses
 Slacks
Students may not wear:
 Flip-flop sandals
 Open back shoes
 Tank tops
 T-shirts with inappropriate writing
 Pajama pants
 Make-up
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Low cut blouses/tops
Clothing that is extremely tight
Leggings, without a tunic length top
Ground Rule: If you think you shouldn’t wear it, you shouldn’t.
All uniform regulations and guidelines are subject to the discretion of the Principal.
Students are permitted a Dress-Down Day in honor of their birthday. Out of Uniform
dress code policy, as outlined above, applies.
Dance Policies
 Dances are held between 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Students must be picked up promptly
at 9:00 PM.
 Other Catholic schools may be invited only at the discretion of the Principal.
 If other Catholic schools send students, they must sign-in upon arrival and signout at departure.
 Other Catholic school students must be accompanied by a Saint Bridget student.
 Guests are permitted with an approved ticket. The Teacher/Principal reserves
the right to ask a guest to leave if they are behaving in a manner that is
inconsistent with school beliefs and policies.
 The Teacher or Principal will choose and hire the disc jockey.
 Absence from school the day of the dance means the student may not attend the
dance that night.
 Students are expected to be appropriately and modestly dressed. For all but the
spring formal dance, boys may wear long pants or dressy jeans, a collared shirt,
and casual shoes. Girls may wear dressy jeans, leggings (with a tunic length
top), skirts, or casual dresses; tops should be modest, casual shoes, but no flipflops. For the spring formal dance, all students attending should dress up for this
formal, festive event. This means a shirt and tie for the boys, dress or skirt with a
modest top for the girls, and dress shoes for all students.
 All school discipline policies are in effect at dances. Students on disciplinary
probation or who have been suspended during the marking period may not
attend dances. The Principal reserves the right to restrict a student’s attendance
at the dance.
 Any possession of a controlled substance or alcohol at a dance by a student is
grounds for immediate suspension and possible expulsion. If the student is not
from Saint Bridget School, the proper authorities will be contacted and charges
may be pressed.
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Field Trips
All trips off the school premises for any length of time that are sponsored by the school
are considered a field trip. Field trips are designed to correlate with teaching units and
to achieve curricular goals and are re-evaluated each year. The following standards
Field trips are a privilege and not a right.
There are no “traditional” field trips. Class participation in a particular field trip
over consecutive years does not mean that this trip has become a school
All grades do not always have the same number of field trips.
Field trips are permissible for all grades when advanced planning, location, and
the experience insure a successful learning opportunity.
Individual teachers, in consultation with the Administration, reserve the right to
restrict or deny student participation on any field trip due to, but not limited to,
poor academic performance and/or poor conduct.
A written official permission slip, signed by the parent/guardian, is required
before a child will be permitted to attend a field trip activity. Verbal permission
cannot be accepted. Permission slips are due no later than 24 hours before a
scheduled field trip.
A telephone call will not be accepted in lieu of the proper field trip permission slip.
Parents may refuse to permit their child from participating in a field trip by stating
so on the proper form. Students who do not attend a field trip will remain at
home with the parent and will be marked absent for the day.
Students who are participating in the field trip must ride the bus to and from the
field trip with their class. Students not on the bus may not participate in the field
trip and will be counted absent for the day.
All monies collected for the field trip are non-refundable.
Cell phones are not allowed on field trips unless otherwise directed by the
teacher and/or administration.
Parents who are “official” chaperones may not drive their car to a field trip
destination with the plan of accompanying the class on the field trip. Our risk
management insurance company insures the “official: chaperones and
participation by unofficial chaperones jeopardizes the protection for our students
and all other “official” adults on the trip.
Parents who chaperone a field trip may not bring other siblings of any age.
All chaperones must be CORI-ed (Criminal Offender Record Information) each
year and must have taken the course, “Protecting God’s Children”.
No alcohol is EVER acceptable at a SBS field trip, including Nature’s Classroom.
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Food & Beverage
Students are expected to bring nutritious food to school for both lunch and snack.
Forgotten lunches may be dropped off at the School Office during the day prior to the
student’s lunch period. Soda is not permitted. Glass bottles are never allowed in
Gum is not permitted on school grounds.
Students in grades 5 through 8 are assigned a locker in which to store clothing and
textbooks. In order to maintain a quiet atmosphere for class, students are allowed to go
to their lockers only at specified times. Saint Bridget Parish and School are co-tenants
of all student lockers and as such reserve the right to inspect lockers at any time without
Lost and Found
The school maintains a Lost and Found in the stairwell of the main stairway to the lower
floor. If a student has lost an item, they should check the Lost and Found. Items
remaining in the Lost and Found at the end of the school year are donated to charity.
Lunch Program
The PTO operates the school lunch program, making available a nutritious meal for all
students whose parents have set up a family account. Specific information about the
lunch program is available on the school website.
Milk Program
Milk is available during lunch periods to students who have enrolled in the Milk Program
and have paid the annual fee. An enrollment form is available at the Front Desk.
Enrollment forms are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Office Hours
The school office opens at 7:00 A.M. each weekday. The office remains open until 3:00
P.M. each weekday. You may call prior to 7:00 A.M. on a school day to report your
child’s absence. During the summer, the answering machine will record any messages
you need to leave.
The school playground facilities are open only during school and extended day hours for
students who attend Saint Bridget School. Playground facilities are not for use after
hours. Students may not play unsupervised at any school playground facility.
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Students will have recess daily for at least fifteen minutes (Archdiocese of Boston Policy
on Time Allotments). The classroom teachers monitor recess. Students may play
various games on the playground. Pushing and horseplay will not be tolerated due to
the hard asphalt and gravel surface. Students who participate in misbehavior during
recess time will sit on the bench outside the door.
Students have outside recess each day, except in inclement weather or extreme
temperatures. Students should come to school each day prepared with the proper
clothing to keep them safe and comfortable outside. It is up to the discretion of the
faculty members on duty during recess or the Principal to keep a child inside if he/she is
not properly dressed for the weather. Students who are withheld from recess as a
result of improper dress will sit on the bench in the front hall during the recess period.
School Cancellation
In the event of an emergency, the Administration will issue an IRIS alert notifying all
families of school cancellations, delays, early dismissals, or other important information
pertinent to our school. It is essential that parental/guardian contact information is up to
date in order maintain the integrity of our IRIS Emergency System.
If in doubt, Saint Bridget School adheres to the school cancellation decisions of the
Framingham Public Schools. If school is cancelled for the day at Framingham Public
Schools, it is also cancelled at Saint Bridget School. This policy does not pertain to early
School Hours
Grades PreK through Grade 8: 8:00 AM – 2:15 PM. Students not in their homeroom at
8:00 AM are considered tardy.
At Saint Bridget School, we work in partnership with parents to enable each child to
develop as an independent learner. Parents should allow their child(ren) to enter the
school building on their own each morning. Various classes invite parent involvement
or visitation on particular occasions.
The school doors are opened for students at 7:30 AM. Students arriving at that time will
go to the School Hall until they are dismissed to their classrooms at 7:40 AM. As a
service to parents, Early Extended Day Care is available beginning at 7:00 AM for a fee,
$5 per child and $10 maximum per family. Students arriving between 7:00 and 7:30 AM
will go to a supervised classroom until the homeroom period begins at 7:40 AM.
Prayer and afternoon announcements begin at 2:10 PM each day. Dismissal
immediately follows. Please check the school calendar and weekly newsletter for early
dismissal dates.
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Three (3) tardies or three (3) early withdrawals are considered a one-half day absence.
Excessive tardies will have a direct impact on a student’s academic evaluation and
promotion to the next grade.
Students not picked up by the end of the dismissal period (approximately 2:45 PM) will
be sent immediately to the Extended Day Program. Parents are charged the daily per
child rate of $28.00 for using this program.
School Property
The parent of a child who carelessly destroys or damages any furniture, equipment,
buildings, or anyone’s personal property will be obligated to pay the full amount of
repairs and labor or replacement. The student will pay the replacement cost for
damaged or lost textbooks before any final reports, transcripts, or diplomas are
School Safety
Saint Bridget School attempts to provide a safe environment for all individuals. Verbal
or written threats made against the physical or emotional well-being of any individual
are taken very seriously. Students making such threats (seriously or in jest or online)
face detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.
Harassment of any type is not tolerated. The Principal investigates all complaints or
harassment. Students involved in harassing behavior face detention, suspension,
and/or expulsion.
In the event that the school suspects danger to a student or the school community, the
school reserves the right to call the police.
The school reserves the right to search anything brought on school property. This
includes cell phones and other electronic devices.
Supply lists for the coming year are posted on the school website. Students are
expected to have these supplies as the new school year commences. Whiteout and
unusual writing implements are not permitted in school.
Permission to use the telephone must be obtained from the school secretary. Students
must submit a note from their teacher. The Office phone is a business phone and
students are permitted to use it only in case of an emergency. Forgotten homework,
athletic equipment, etc. do not constitute emergencies. Arrangements for after-school
visits with friends should be made at home.
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The Northwest Education Assessment (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP
is given in Grades K through 8 three times per year.
Title IX
Saint Bridget School adheres to the tenets of Title IX: “No person in the United States
shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or
be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance.”
Transfer of Students
Notice of withdrawal of a student should be made by the parent in writing to the
Principal in advance of the withdrawal date. This enables the school to prepare
necessary information and settle accounts. No student records will be forwarded to
another school until Business Office accounts have been settled. (See previous section
on Student Records for transcript information.)
Unauthorized Use of School Name
No student, or student’s parent or guardian, without the express prior written
authorization of the school’s Principal, may utilize the school’s name, or identifying logo,
for any inappropriate purpose, including but not limited to the use of the school name:
To open up any bank account;
To solicit funds on behalf of the school;
To collect money on behalf of the school;
To sell products or services on behalf of the school;
To schedule any field trip, vacation, or any other accommodations;
To post on any website for any purpose including, but not limited to support of a
particular social or political agenda.
Any such unauthorized use of the school’s name or identifying logo, if committed by a
student may subject the student to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
Any such unauthorized use of the school’s name or identifying logo may result in legal
School visitors (volunteers, parents, etc.) must come to the Main Office. For safety and
security reasons, each person is required to sign-in at the Office when he/she enters the
building for any reason. All visitors and/or volunteers are required to wear a designated
badge that may be picked up at the Office. Visitors and/or volunteers are to sign out at
the time of departure. Visitors may be asked to show identification in the form of a
driver’s license or other government issued identification.
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Volunteering at Saint Bridget School
Parent volunteers are welcome and appreciated within the school in a wide variety of
capacities. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the PTO, the classroom
teacher, or the Principal.
Volunteer Guidelines
All volunteers must complete a CORI, background check, and attend the “Protecting
God’s Children” seminar annually by St. Bridget Parish in the fall of each school year.
Volunteers must abide by the following guidelines:
As a volunteer, your purpose is to help all children. This is not the time
conference with your child’s teacher.
Respect student right to confidentiality. Do not discuss behavior or activities of
other children in the classroom.
As a volunteer, your purpose is to support the efforts of the classroom teacher. If
you are asked to do something you are uncomfortable with, please let the
teacher know.
Health & Safety
Saint Bridget School recognizes that life threatening food allergies are an important
condition affecting many school children and positively welcomes all pupils with food
allergies. In order to minimize the incidence of life threatening allergic reactions, Saint
Bridget School will maintain a system-wide procedure for addressing life threatening
allergic reactions and maintain an Emergency Action Plan for any student(s) whose
parent/guardian, and physicians have informed the school in writing that the student(s)
has a potentially life threatening allergy.
In the event of a suspected allergic reaction (where there is no known allergic history),
the school nurse will be called and the school’s Emergency Response Plan activated.
The emergency medical services will be called immediately.
Information will be kept about students’ allergies in the classroom and in the substitute
emergency folder, accessible by teachers, substitutes or other responsible adults.
A parent or guardian of a student with food allergies is responsible for providing all food
for his/her own child. Snacks will be kept in a separate snack box or chest provided by
the parent or guardian.
Tables will be washed following any food related events held in the classroom.
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Child Abuse Laws
In the event of suspected child abuse, we are required to report verbally to the area
DCF (Department of Children and Families) office that represents the town in which the
abuse occurred. Within 48 hours, we are required to file a written report to that same
DCF office previously contacted and the Archdiocese of Boston.
Life/Death Emergencies
The school will automatically call 911 if a life threatening or a potentially life threatening
accident occurs with a student. Parents/guardians will be contacted as well.
Whenever possible, medication administration should be scheduled at times other than
during school hours.
If a child must take any medication in school which is prescribed by a doctor, that
medication must be sent to the School Nurse in the container received from the
pharmacy and must have on its label the following information:
Child’s name
Name of doctor prescribing the child’s medication
The school keeps an individual record of all medicines dispensed.
The School Nurse may dispense over the counter medication with parental permission
and her discretion.
Physicals and Immunizations
Comprehensive physical examinations are required for every new student entering
Saint Bridget School at any academic level. Periodic physical exams are required for
children entering kindergarten, fourth, and seventh grade levels. Any child that doesn
not meet the above medical criteria for enrollment in the fall may not be allowed to
attend school as determined by the School Nurse. This policy is in accordance with
Massachusetts General Law 71 section 57.
Students may be excluded from school if their immunizations are not up to date
according to state regulations.
School Nurse
A trained nurse staffs the school daily. Sick students may go to the nurse. The nurse is
responsible for checkups in hearing, vision, scoliosis, and lice as specified by the
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Massachusetts General Laws. If a child is sick during a time when the nurse is not in,
the school secretary will contact parents. Serious injuries will be recorded on incident
reports and a copy will be given to parents.
Sick Children/Communicable Diseases
Please do not send a sick child to school. If a child leaves school for an illness and has
a fever, the fever should be gone for a full twenty-four (24) hours before the child
returns to school. There will be no work sent home for short-term illness from school.
Students may be excluded from school when they have a communicable disease such
as Chicken Pox. The school nurse must see the child upon his/her return to school.
Please call the Nurse prior to reentry to see if a Board of Health release is necessary for
the child. (According to the General Laws of Massachusetts Chapter 71, Section 55.)
Student Health Record
A health record, which includes medical history, immunizations, physical examinations,
screening results, and emergency information, is kept on each student throughout
his/her school career. These records are kept in a locked fireproof file in the Nurse’s
office, separate from student academic records.
School Organizations
Saint Bridget School Advisory Board
The School Board is an advisory body to the Principal and Pastor. Members of the
School Advisory Board are approved by the Pastor. The Board assists the Principal
and Pastor in developing policies for the school. The Board works with the Principal in
developing long-range plans and development strategies.
Saint Bridget School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
The Saint Bridget School Parent-Teacher Organization works to support and enhance
the educational ministry of the school. Fund-raising, parent education, and building
community are goals of this organization.
By-Laws for the PTO are available on the school website.
Student Records
Saint Bridget School adheres to the Buckley Amendment (Family Education Rights and
Privacy) regarding access to students records. Records of students transferring to
other schools will only be sent through the US Mail. No records will be given to parents
to transport to the new school.
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Students requesting records/transcripts/recommendations must make a five school day
request to the School Office. All forms should be submitted to the Saint Bridget School
Office for distribution. Completed forms will be sent via the US Mail. Special handling
will require that all postal fees be paid by the parents.
No records will be sent to transferring schools of students whose financial commitment
is in arrears.
Technology Policies
Acceptable Use Policy
Saint Bridget School digital technology resources are provided for the purpose of
improving and supporting the school’s mission and the educational process. Students
who have access to these resources must agree to be responsible users. Use of the
school’s technology is a privilege. The destruction of equipment, use of accounts or
access for personal or inappropriate activities, digital communications that harass or
threaten others, plagiarism, or violation of copyright is unacceptable. Information
students send or receive via the school’s computer resources and accounts may be
accessed or reviewed by school administration with or without user’s permission or
An Acceptable Use Policy Agreement is available on the school website. Students and
parents are expected to acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand this
Cell Phones
In light of technological and communication changes in our society, many parents prefer
their students to carry a cell phone for connection prior to school and after school.
Although students are permitted, with parent approval, to bring cell phone to school,
they will not be permitted to use cell phones onsite due to issues surrounding
monitoring and filtering of access.
Cell phones are no longer just a means for dialing a simple phone number to make a
call to a parent or guardian. Today, most of these devices contain applications
including photography and audio recording and have satellite access allowing
connection to a myriad of online sites including social media, personal email, chat
rooms and gaming. School faculty and staff cannot be responsible for ensuring
compliance with federal standards for children under the age of 13, compliance with the
school’s Acceptable Use Policies, nor for protecting the privacy of others if students are
using these devices during their school day or at school-related events.
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For the safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff the following rules and
procedures regarding cell phones apply:
All cell phones will be turned off and placed in the student’s backpack. The
school will not take responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.
The cell phone can be turned on again once the student has left school grounds
and is on their way home, not in the bus or rider lines, unless approved by the
supervising teacher on duty.
A student may not use a cell phone to text or phone a parent/guardian. In the
case of an emergency, a student may use the phone in the Office.
The student will provide the school with the phone number and MAC address of
the cell phone.
If a student is found in violation of this policy, the following will occur:
1. First Offense: The cell phone will be sent to the Office and a parent/guardian
will need to pick it up after 2:30 PM.
2. Second Offense: The cell phone must be turned into the office each morning
and the student may pick it up at the end of the day. This will be the routine
for the remainder of the school year.
3. Third Offense: The student will lose the privilege to have a cell phone on
school grounds for the remainder of the school year.
Prior to the start of the school year, students and parents/guardians will be required to
sign the Student Cell Phone Policy form indicating that they have read and understand
the information contained in said policy.
Blogs/Group Chats
Engagement in blogs and group chats may result in disciplinary actions if the content of
the student’s or parent’s blog/chat includes defamatory comments regarding the school,
faculty and staff, the administration, other students, or the parish.
Social Media
Photos and captions on a student or parent/guardian’s social media site that depict the
school, the faculty and staff, the administration, other students, or the parish in a
defamatory way may result in disciplinary action.
Tuition and Financial Policies
The tuition schedule, financial policies, and scholarship and financial aid information for
the current school year are available on the Saint Bridget School website. Any
questions regarding tuition and financial policies should be directed to the Business
Office at the Saint Bridget Parish Rectory.
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Fees are non-refundable. A fee listing is sent each year indicating the amounts that are
decided on by the school administration and the School Advisory Board.
Fund-Raising Obligation
Tuition pays only a part of the school cost to educate a student. In order to keep tuition
affordable, fund-raising is necessary to the school’s financial vitality. It is expected that
all families participate actively in fund-raising events, including the Annual Fund. Notice
of fund-raising events and programs are published in the school calendar, Monday
Memo, parish bulletin, and in the case of the Annual Fund, direct mail.
Uniform and Dress Code Policy
A complete outline of our uniform requirements by grade level is available on the school
website. Uniform components may be purchased through Lands’ End.
Saint Bridget School maintains a Used-Uniform closet where parents may donate gently
used uniforms back to the school. These uniform components are available for sale at
a nominal fee. All proceeds from the sale of used uniforms go to the H.A.S. (Help A
Student) Financial Aid Fund. Parents/guardians may access the Uniform Closet during
Off-School hours, before 7:30 AM and after 2:30 PM, and during the summer by
Addendums Available on the Saint Bridget School Website:
Acceptable Use Policy
Bullying/Cyberbullying Policy
Tuition and Financial Policy
PTO By-Laws
Uniform/Dress Down Day Policy
SBS Student Handbook 2015-16
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Parent and Student Signature Page
I have read the 2015/2016 Parent/Student hand book and all noted Addendums,
Saint Bridget School Acceptable Use Policy
Saint Bridget School Bullying/Cyberbullying Policy
Tuition and Financial Policy
PTO By-Laws
Uniform/Dress Down Day Policy
and agree to follow the school policies and procedures as stated.
Family Name: ______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
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