CURRICULUM VITAE Muhammad Iqbal (Ph.D) Ex -Chairman /Associate Professor Department of Horticulture, Agriculture Faculty, Gomal University, D.I.Khan. (HEC Recognized Supervisor) Personal Information • • • • • • • • • • • • Father’s Name Date of Birth : : Illahi Bakhsh st 1 November 1961 Domicile : D.I.Khan N.W.F.P Nationality : Pakistani Marital Status : Married Religion : Islam N.I.C # : 12103-5399779-7 Sex : Male Permanent Address : Village Mithapur, P.O Lar, Teh: Paharpur, Distt: D.I.KhanK.P.K, Pakistan Contact # : (Office) 966- 750424-9 Ext: 3065 Cell # : 0345- 9875386, 0322-9822673 Email # : Academic Qualifications B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture 1984 Gomal University D.I.Khan M.Sc (Hons) Horticulture 1986 N.W.F.P, Agriculture University, Peshawar. P.hD (Horticulture) 2007 Gomal University D.I.Khan Conferences/Training/ workshop/seminar • First International Conference on Mango and Datepalm held on 21-23 July 2005 at Institute of Horticulture Sciences Agriculture University Faisalabad. • National Conference on Boosting of Datepalm production on 29-30 July, 2008 organized by Horticulture Foundation, Pakistan. • Two days training workshop on BioSand Water Filter, 9-10 Feb, 2010, Jointly organized by HEC and Gomal University, D.I.Khan. • Seminar on 50 years Golden Jubilee on 14.02.2010 at Institute of Horticulture Sciences, Agriculture University Faisalabad. • One month Training On-Farm Water Management 1984 at Department of Water Management, D.I.Khan. • Orginizer Of Growers Training Innovative Date Fruit Drying Techniques Using Solar Energy October. 17-22,2012 Faculty of Agriculture,Gomal University D.I.Khan Soponsered byUSAID,ASF(Agribusiness Support Fund). • Employment Record of Administrative & Teaching Experience 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 Period Name of Institute/ Organization S. # Gomal University D.I.Khan Faculty of Agriculture G.U. D.I.Khan Faculty of Agriculture G.U. D.I.Khan Horticulture Department Agri Faculty G.U. D.I.Khan Horticulture Department Agri Faculty G.U. D.I.Khan Horticulture Department Agri Faculty G.U. D.I.Khan Horticulture Department Agri Faculty G.U. D.I.Khan Horticulture Department Agri Faculty G.U. D.I.Khan Designation Job description (Teaching/ Research/Admin) Horticulture Officer Admin From – To 3 Years 14-09-1985 to 14-021988 15-02-1988 to 19-121990 20-12-1990 to 16-081992 Horticulture Officer Teaching Research & Admin Teaching Research & Admin 17-08-1992 Lecturer Teaching & Research 28-03-2004 Lecturer Teaching & Research 05-01-2005 29-03-2007 04-12-2008 Area of Teaching Expertise in Horticulture 1. Fruits and Vegetable Culture. 2. Landscape and Ornamental Horticulture. --do-- Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Teaching & Research Teaching & Research Teaching & Research 3. Vegetable and Vegetable Seed Production. 4. Temperate, Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. 5. Production of fruits. 6. Improvement of Horticulture crops. 7. Plant Growth Regulators and Post Harvest Physiology. 8. Fruit and Vegetable Breeding. 9. Advance Fruit Sciences 10. Fruit Breedings Conducted Ph-D Research entitle “Effect of various Dactylifera Males and Pollination innovations in Fruit setting and yield of CV Dhakki in D.I.Khan by advisorship of Professor Dr. Muhammad Qasim Khan Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, D.I.Khan. M.Sc (HONS) Students supervised= 22 M.Sc (HONS) Students in Progress (2010-2011)= 2 Ph.D Students In Progress =4 Member Board of Study in Horticulture from 1999 to 19 .11.2009 Member Gomal University Selection Board from 19.11.2009 to19.11.2012. . Chairman Department of Horticulture from 19.11.2009 to19.11.2012 Chairman Board of Study in Department of Horticulture from 19.11.2009 to19.11.2012 Reviewer of Journal of Agriculture Research (HEC Recognized Journal From 2011 onward. Reviewer of Journal of Animals and Plants (JAPS) (HEC Recognized Journal From 2012 onward. Total Publications =32 Hec Recognized =28 Impact Factor Papers Having Category W =8 Total Impact Factor =6.394 Papers Having Category X =5 Papers Having Category Y =6 Papers Having Category Z =4 Internationally Abstracted =1 HEC Recognized papers before 30th June 2005 =3 Non HEC Recognized papers =4 Major Author of Impact Factor paper = 4 Major Author of paper Having X Category = 5 Major Author of paper Having Y Category = 4 Major Author of paper Having Z Category = 3 Major Author of HEC Recognized paper before30 th June 2005 =1 Major Author of Non HEC Recognized papers =2 Major Author and Co-Author Paper published as Major Author =20 Paper published as Co- Author of papers =12 Last 5 years publications (2007 -2012) Papers published =22 HEC Recognized paper =20 Non HEC Recognized papers =2 Research Publications: (HEC Recognized Journals Having W Category/ impact factor) 1 2. Evaluation of whorl wise floral characters of seedling males used in pollination of cv.Dhakki date fruit 2004. M. Iqbal, A.Ghafoor, and Saif-Ur-Rehman International J. of Agri and Biology. 6(1): 100-107.Impact factor 0.94 MajorDisipline (Agriculture Sciences) Effect of pollination time on fruit characteristics and yield of date palm cv. Dhakki,2004 M. Iqbal, A.Ghafoor, and Saif-Ur-Rehman. International J. of Agri and Biology. 6(1): 96-99. Impact factor 0.94 Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 3 Effect of Different Photoperiod on Flowering Time of Quantitative Long Day Ornomentals 2011. Jalal ud Din Baloch M.Munir, M.Abid and M.Iqbal. Pak. J.Bot. 43(3); 1485-1490. Impact factor 0.836 Disipline (Natural Sciences) 4 Genetic Diversity in Radish Germplasm for Morphological Traits and Seed StorageProteins, 2011, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi1, Asif Javaid, Muhammad Iqbal, Obaid Ullah Sayal, M. Shahid Masood and sadar uddin siddiqui, Pak. J. Bot., 43(5): 25072512. Impact factor 0.836 Disipline (Natural Sciences) 5 Effect of Different Doses of Nitrogen on Economical Yield and Physio Chemical Characteristics of Apple Fruits, 2011, Muhammad Iqbal, M.Naimatullah and D. Muhammad, JAPS Pak, 22(1):165-168. Impact factor 0.585 Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 6. Effect of Various Dactylifera Males Pollinizer on Pomological Traits andEconomical Yield Index of CV’S Shakri, Zahidi and Dhakki Date Palm(Phoenix Dactylifera L.), 2011, Muhammad Iqbal, M. Naimatullah and Muhammad Munir, JAPS Pak, 22(2): 367-383 . Impact factor 0.585 Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 7 Effects of varied irradiance on flowering time of facultative long-day ornamental annuals 2012 Jalal-ud-Baloch, M.Munir, M.Abid and M.Iqbal. Pak. J. Bot., 44(1): 111-117. Impact factor 0.836 Disipline ( Natural Sciences) ) 8 Correlation and frequency distribution for different parameters among bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) Accessions 2012. M.Mohibullah, Malik A .Rabbani, Irfanullah,M.Iqbal, Zakiullah ,Manzoor .I .Khattak and Obaidullah Sayal. Pak. J. Bot., 44(1): 255-259. Impact factor 0.836 Disipline (Natural Sciences) Total Impact factor =6.394. (HEC Recognized Journals Having X Category) 9 Effect of different pollination techniques on fruit set, pomological characters and yield of Dhakki Date plam (Phoenix dactylifera L) in Dera Ismail Khan, KP 2011.M.Iqbal, Qasim Khan, Niamatullah, Munir Khan and Habib-ur-Rehman, Sarhad J. Agric . 26(4): 515-517. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 10 Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth, economical yield and yield component of tomato 2011 Muhammad Iqbal, M. Naimatullah, Muhammad Munir and M Ishfaq. Sarhad J. Agric. 27(4): 445-448. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 11 Effect of harvesting date on fruit set fruit weight and totals soluble solids of Feutrelles early and kinnow cultivars of Mandarine (Citrus reticulate) on economic conditions of farming community of Faisalabad. 2012. Muhammad Iqbal, M. Naimatullah, Zafar Nawaz and Muhammad Munir Sarhad. J. Agric.28(1):19-21. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 12. Fruit setting, monthly record of fruit drop, fruit weight and economic yield of Dhakki variety of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). Grown in Dera Ismail Khan KPK Pakistan.2012 Muhammad Iqbal, M. Naimatullah and Muhammad Munir. Sarhad J. Agric 28(3). 23-26 . Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 13. . Performance of Manago cultivars in Muzaffar Gar Districts 2012 Muhammad Iqbal, M. Naimatullah, A.Hussain , Muhammad Munir ,Imran khan and M.Qasim. Sarhad. J. Agric.28(3):395-398.. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) (HEC Recognized Journals Having Y Category) 14 Effect of Foliar application of NAA on fruit drop, yield and physio-chemical characteristics of guava (Psidium guajava L.) by M.Iqbal, M.Qasim, Jalal-u-Din, K.Rehman and M.Munir, Journal of Agriculture Research. 2009. 47(3): 259-269. .. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 15. Effect of Nitrogen level s on lettuce growth and yield by Kamran Ishaq, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Saleem Jilani and Kashif Waseem. 2009. Journal of Agriculture Research. 2009. 47(4): 405-412. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 16 Physio-chemical characteristics of fruits of different cultivars of mulberry grown under the agro-climatic conditions of miran shah, North Waristan (NWFP) by M.Iqbal, Khan Mir, M.Munir, and M. Naimatullah. Journal of Agriculture Research. 2010. 48(2): 209-217. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 17. Physio Chemical charecericts of different cultivars of Datepalm (Phoenix dactyliferaL)at various maturity stages under the Agro climatic Conditions of D.I..Khan 2011. M.Iqbal, Imranullah, M. Munir, and M. Naimatullah. Jounal of Agric. Res, 49(1):249-261. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 18 mpact of Manual Weeding Interval on Onion (Allium cepa l.) Yield and Yield Components, 2011, Kalim ur Rahman1, Habib ur Rahman, Muhammad Iqbal, Kalim Ullah, Muhammad Azim Khan and Muhammad Sadiq, Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 17(3): 277-283, . Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) Effect of different dactylifera males and their whorl pollen grain on fruit set, fruit dropand fruit characteristics of Dhakki date palm 2011 Muhammad Iqbal, M. Naimatullah and Muhammad Munir. Journal of Agric. Res, 49(4)-507-516. HEC Recognized (Category Y). Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 19 20 Periodic growth and development of fruits of different date cultivars of bett er returns of Dhakki grown under agro-climatic conditions of DIKhan. 2012 . 2012 Muhammad Iqbal, UrRehman, M. Naimatullah S.M .Khan and A.Akhtar.Pak Jour of Sci(vol-64 No3 September issue:259-264 .HEC Recognized (Category Y).MultyDisipline (HEC Recognized Journals Having Z Category) 21 22 23. 24 Effect of NAA on fruit drop control and yield of Guava Cultivar “Red Fleshed” by M.Iqbal, A. Ghafoor, Saif-Ur-Rehman and Hafiz Inayat Ullah: GUJ Res: (A) 14(1): 85-91,1996. Multy -Disipline Effect of dates of Nursery sowing and transplanting on growth and yield of early cauliflower cultivar by Khalid Rahman, M. Iqbal and M. Munir, G.U.J. Res (A) 14(2): 96-101. 1996.Multy Disipline Effect of different pollinizers on fruit characteristics and yield index of date palm cultivars, Zahidi and Dhakki. M Iqbal, A Ghaffar, Jalaludin and M. Munir. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Research,PARC Islamabad, 2008. 21(1-4): 79-85. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) FLoral characters of male palm used in pollination cv. Dhakki for fruit set and yield by M. Iqbal, Jalal-u-Din, M.Munir and Mohibullah . Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Research PARC Islamabad. 2009. 22(1-2): 36-41. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) (HEC Recognized Journals Before 30th June 2005) 25. Effect of different concentrations of IBA on root initiation and plant survival of apple cuttings by M.Iqbal, Fazal Subhan, A. Ghafoor, Kashif Waseem and M. Saleem Jilani. Pakistan J. of Biological Sc; 2(4); 1314-1316, 1999. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 26. Effect of NPK fertilizers and spacing on the yield of bottle gourd (Lagenaria Sicecrate M.) by Nek Dara Jan, M. Iqbal, A. Ghafoor, M. Saleem Jilani. Pakistan J. of Biological Sc; 3(3): 448-449, 2000. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) . 27. Impact of various combinations of NPK fertilizers on growth, yield and quality parametersof Rose, by A. Ghafoor, Musarat Shaheen, M. Iqbal, Kashif Waseem, and M. Amjad Nadeem. Pakistan J. of Biological Sc; 3(10): 1560-1562, 2000 Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) (Journals Internationally Abstcracted) 28 Effect of different dates of sowing of Cauliflower by Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman, M. Iqbal, M.Saleem Jillani, M. Kashif Waseem and K. Rehman. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 10(24):4531-4534, 2007.Abstracted/ Indexed Ulrich Periodical Dir. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) (Non HECRecognized Journals ) 29. Effect of different sowing dates on the yield of Tinda gourd (Citrullus Vulgaris) VarFistulosus under the agro-climatic conditions of Dera Ismail Khan by A. Qadeer Khan, M.Iqbal, M. Saleem Jilani, A. Ghafoor and Kashif Waseem. On line J. of Biological Sci. 1(14): 235-237. 2001 Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 30. Effect of different levels of NPK on yield of onion by M. Iqbal, A. Ghafoor, and Hizbullah Khan. Online J. of Biological Sc, 2(8): 545-547 2002 Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 31 Effect of Different Doses of Urea on the Growth and Yield of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L) under the agro-climatic conditions of Dera IsmailKhan2009 .M.Iqbal, M .Qasim Khan and M. Munir .Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. 1(1): 52-60. Disipline (Agriculture Sciences) 32. Comparitive study on effect off plant food phostrogen and grow more on Zinnia (Zinnia Elegans)growth by M.Nisar.M Akram, Shakeel A Jatoi ,M .Mushtaq Khokar and M Iqbal 2012 Accepted in Life Sci Int journal in April issue 2012 Disipline (Life Sciences) Publication of International Book Entitled Book as, “Introduction to Field Crop Production” by Dr. Adam Khan (Morrisville USA), Dr. Said Mir, Dr.Inayat, Dr. M.Iqbal, Dr. M.Niamatullah, Dr. Mohibullah, Dr. Qudratullah and Sadaf Javaria (Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, D.I.Khan, Pakistan) June, 2012 (HEC Recognized). HEC Recognized Supervisor Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is renowned HEC Recognized Supervisor in the specialized field of Horticulture to supervise Ph.D and M.Phil students. (Papers Submitted ) . 33. Effect of day pollination time on fruit set, fruit characteristic and yield index of CV’s Dhakki in Dera Ismail Khan. 2011 Submitted to Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 34. Performance of different Pansy (Viola tricolor) hybrids under the Agro-climatic conditions of D.I.Khan.2011 Submitted to Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 35 Performance of different Stock (Mithiolla incanna) hybrids under the Agro-climatic conditions of D.I.Khan.2012 Submitted to Sarhad J. Agric 36 Monthly periodic fruit weight,fruit length ,fruit drop and yield of different Date palm cvs grown under the Agroclimatic conditions of Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan.2012 Submitted to Sarhad J. Agric 37 Comparision study of stored and fresh pollen and stored pollen on fruit set, fruit weight and yield of cv Dhakki datepalm in Dera Ismail Khan.2012 Submitted to Sarhad J. Agric 38 To study the morphological,pomological and chemical fruit charactericts of date palm cultivars grown in D.I.Khan2012 Submitted to J. Agric sciences.