George Brown College Waterfront Campus: 51 Dockside Drive, Toronto, ON June 8-9, 2015 | CONFERENCE PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Monday June 8th, 2015 – DAY 1 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 – 9:30 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 9:30 – 12:00 CHOOSE ONE SESSION Workshop 1 Academic Accommodation for Students with Mental Health Disabilities: Findings and Recommendations Workshop 2 Peer Navigation Training for Student Leaders Facilitators: Dr. Mike Condra, Director, Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Queen’s University Eleanor Condra, Research Consultant, St. Lawrence College Sarah Gauthier, Research Assistant Helen Gillis, Research Assistant Facilitators: To be Announced LUNCH BREAK 12:00 – 1:00 1:00 – 5:30 Workshop 1 Continued 5:45 – 7:00 Workshop 2 Continued Reception & Overview of New MHIF Projects (Round 3) Tuesday June 9th, 2015 – DAY 2 8:30 – 10:00 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 Stakeholder/Professional Association Meetings 5 Divisions of OUCHA Postsecondary Case Managers Group Meeting June 8-9th, 2015 | CONFERENCE PROGRAM 10:00 – 10:15 BREAK & DISPLAY BOOTHS MHIF SESSIONS 10:15 – 11:15 Key Considerations for Designing and Implementing a Peer Mentoring Program 10:15 – 11:15 CHOOSE ONE SESSION Presenters: Mira Dineen, Coordinator, 2 M Peer Mentoring Program, Queen’s University Dr. Mike Condra, Director, Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Queen’s University On-site Mental Health Support Model: Sault College’s Mental Health Hub Presenters: Morgan Levy, Mental Health Counsellor & Supervisor of the Mental Health Hub Project, Sault College. -----Safer & Accepting Campuses: Egale Canada Human Rights Trust Bridging the Gap from Hospital to University Presenters: Dr. Andrea Levinson, Psychiatrist in Chief, Counselling and Psychological Services, Health & Wellness, University of Toronto Sarah Bell, NAvigaTe Transition Coordinator (Registered Nurse) Good2Talk 11:15 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:30 CHOOSE ONE SESSION 12:30 – 1:30 1:30 – 2:30 CHOOSE ONE SESSION BREAK & DISPLAY BOOTHS Thought Spot: Addressing Barriers to Access Mental Health, Addictions and Wellness Services through Student-led Innovation FITA: Advancing Mental Health Program Development Presenters: Dr. John Meissner, Carleton Presenters: University Andrew Johnson, Manager, Larry McCloskey, Director, Client and Family Education & Paul Menton Centre for CAMH Publiciation, Centre Students with Disabilities, for Addiction & Mental Carleton University Health Niagara Postsecondary Holistic Wellness Initiative Presenters: Jill Brindle, Manager of Learning Services and Aboriginal Student Services, Brock University Sandra Wong, Aboriginal Academic Support Program Coordinator, Brock University LUNCH & DISPLAY BOOTHS More Feet on the Ground Campaign Mental Health and Wellbeing Credit Course Bridging the Distance: Lessons Learned Presenters: Melodie Shick-Porter, Director Of Student Health Services, Brock University Les McCurdy-Myers, Manager, Personal Counselling Services, Brock University Presenters: Dr. Margaret Lumley, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Guelph Presenters: Colin Kelly, Director, Applied Research, Confederation College James Lees, Counsellor, Counselling Services, Confederation College Carol Prechotko, Interim Director, Counselling and Student Disability Services, Cambrian College Kim LaPierre, Team Lead, Student Success Services, Canadore College June 8-9th, 2015 | CONFERENCE PROGRAM Sherri Pinder, Mental Health and Wellness Navigator, Canadore College Nicole Roy, Mental Health Project Coordinator/Student Advisor, Northern College Susan Alcorn MacKay, Project Activities Coordinator BREAK & DISPLAY BOOTHS 2:30 – 2:45 Campus Mental Health Partnerships: Extending the Circle of Care 2:45 – 3:45 CHOOSE ONE SESSION Presenters: Michelle DeIrish, Lead, Campus Mental Health Partnership Project, Centennial College Karyn Baker, Project Lead, Campus Mental Health Partnerships Project, Georgian College Speaking Your Language: A Pilot Program For Promoting Mental Health Awareness and Support for International Students and New Canadians Presenters: Arif Abu, Coordinator of International Student Services and the Speaking Your Language Project, Ryerson University A Campus Wide Approach to Addressing Postsecondary Student Mental Health Presenters: Dr. Su-Ting Teo, Director of Student Health and Wellness, Ryerson University Jennifer Robinson, Clinical Director at the Health and Wellness Centre, OCAD University OUCHA Annual General Meeting 4:00 – 6:00 DISPLAY BOOTHS – June 9th Only PROJECT / ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVE Provincial Mental Health First Aid Initiative: Delivering on Existing Best Practice Now Maureen Carnegie, Mental Health First Aid Project Facilitator, Humber College Mental Health Screening Tool & Mindfulness Based Supports for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Leanne Gosse, Project Manager, Conestoga College The Ontario Working Group for Early Psychosis Intervention Sarah Bromley, Occupational Therapist and Case Manager, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Complex Mental Illness / First Episode Psychosis Clinic ConnexOntario Health Services Information Andrew George, Information and Referral Specialist, ConnexOntario