~---:~.::: . Grosse Pointe -~e~s THE REO CROSS EXPECTS'GROS~e POINTE .. TO , DO ITS FULL DUTY. .......... - ......• VOLUME 7-NUMBER 9 ..... 'a- ..... ~ GROSSE POINTF., MICHIGAN, Manager Youthful Vandals Break Windows Caught in Act of. Theft As Compile.d by IIH 0'oss, ,Poi"teNeUiS Hamlin Manager Confesses Stealing Merchandise from Store for Restaurant TbQnday, February :ZI THE PEARL HARBOR hearings close a three months' session , •. the investigating comrtJ,ittee will now digest the evidence and make a reporl by June 1. SHUT down' and the Detroit area milk supply shrinks. • • • . )'IGHT AGAINST OPA folds up in Congrt!Sll and it'nowap,pears that price 'control will 00 accepled until a year from next June. • • • as the ••• OIJ)VAIIAR .'~"'~rk~'~~ the .. their' caught second of is above at clerk putting the in Drug victim' .Fresard; 'Titus's P6iJ)te Titus night,Sh~wn' Elaine on were adhesive broken tape window. the', left isJulieri . sistanf ~rria:n~ge~:at Market, boardlngup Girony, At as-. Hamlin's his win- .dow•. '. ' l)'iday,l'ebrury'Z! !"WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY •• ; oft. hUJldrec:l aIIel fourteenlh. iaaiveraary 'of the birlh of the :r.ather of his. ~o~ntry. Benefits Allay to the Opponents M.nyGrosse Fears Edward R. Ward, of 15912 Edmore st., Detroit,' acting A crowl\. citizens of the Park village, who occupied riiiuiager of the Ham Ii n everY seat iIi the Park, Council chamber and left many market at 89 Kerchevlll dur- standing in the rear of the room, were on hand Monday night to give their views, for or against, the erection of a club ing the absence of the owrihouse of the Autdmobile Club of Michigan at theN6rthwest er, Lee McGonigle, in Florida; corner of Somerset and East Jefferson avenue. More acwas. arrested by the ,Far~ curatelyput tl)ey were, there to :debatethe propriety of the Village zoning ordinance so that the Out lot police Tuesday ni~ht on Ii amending, charge of simple larceny.. H~ "A"; upon which the club desires to erect its buildirig, would Peput in a business :lone 'classification, specifically permitwas picked up at 9:30 p.ni: tmg this to be. done. . .. while in the act of. taking .. The meeting was officially. J.1eari~g. mobile owners. beion~' to it, with merchandise out of the store. sc~e~.t:Iled as, a public fr?m the situation -average of 45% tor .all of Some days ago McGonigle ~- DU!ermg whl~h prevailed ,~woyears aJo Grosse. Pointe. The percentage ceived a telegram from his sist~r w~_e~the cl~b tfJe~ ~o get per- of club members of. all aute>apprising him of her suspicions mission for Its bUIldmg, th~re mobile ownerll in Wayne county ad-- is 28%. The percentage of autothat Ward was taking merchan- were a large number of . the dise from the store. Ward and vOC;ltes ~or the cl~b present. On mobile club members.in his wife are running a restau- the prevlo~ QC(:aslon the oppon- Pointe 'jl much the highest of ellis were ~ such fo~c~ and any communityln the country. rant. at 'the corner of Kerchevlu spok.e .s~ VIolently. agamst. the Mj', Bryant mentioned alsO that and Maryland and the merchan- propo~lti.on that the, then vlllage thi! A.C. of M. was on the point . dise tak!!n from the market was commissioners ran to cover and denied life petition, (CoDUnueci on Pace .%) used in the place .. In Durererit GuiSe ---'--. Mrs. Ward, however, appears The propo~Gl now coml!!l beto 'have been an. innocent party fore .the village in a different in the affair as she had been lUise. . Since the first attempt told .by her husband that he was aU of that plot of land on both '." sides of Somerset between Jeffera part owner of the market. son avenue and St. Paul has been When McGonigle lot word acqu(red by the Contract and from his si~ter he flew back Investment company, of . which . home on Monday, having pre- Gl!Orge . H. Vwater ... Bucking. The Contract R..' U.. .... f S d ceeded hisrelurnby a phone ham is President. and Investment company desirl!!l .quest n,ficahOl'l 0 message to the Farrru! police: to erect singl~ family .dwellini' Limitation. s nc:IF. ines for .. On :ruesday evening at II 'T rilffic: Violations 'o'cIock detP.ctive Labadie . saw houses on .the plot 01,a character and design conformablilto. the , f th.' '11' • 'It. h" Ward comf:Qut of the Itore but horneso .. eVl ale,,,... ...~.rionl:ld'L •.Van ,A1ab~c:<of',th~ xnade no attempt then to appre:. fecen~jy.ftieaa .TIlviRd)'1I1a.C o~ ~,a('Dep'arlment"oLttie.'A)ltO- AUto. CIub , L..k.. M""k. S 1 e T... ra"ffi' •..C La .. WS of. te Loot'; Sti)res (Proves' DoWilfaH for 17- Year-OIcIs .~:~r~;'N4Ibb~c{.~y,PoJ;ce,'. I TAX PAYERS OF DETROIT police disclosed that they .had first thrown a tire wrench . are setting a record for the through. 'he,. w'lndow' an.d t.h,en, p\'ompl payment of taxes despite • sltikes and re ..onversion layoffs, antiCipating that the 'noise might someol)e. h,ad. gone out a"'ake'n. accordingKozeran. to County Treasurer Lincoln " . JohnJ. to Jefferson, thence cir• • •• cling around via St .. Paul place BRITAIN IS BATTLING open and had returned to the scen.el rebellion in far flung areas which to resume operations. They had if not brought under conlrol only. succeeded in taking two might signify disintegr~tion of Parker 51 Pen and Pencil sets hEr empire. through the aperture. in the • • • window when th~y saw the Saturday, February 2.l police car coming. : ~SEVEN ,YEAR OLD ROSALIE . Prior to the raid on the "Tiius , drugstore they had alsO'broken GlGANTI. victim of a vicious a window in the Hamlin market ~~~:l. ~t~afskr~~r~~n~~ ~s i~ at 89 Kercheval where they took a serious condition ••. Frank several items of canned goods in Labaido, identified by the child the .window displ11Y. . as her assailant. is being held They were taken down to the .--'. ',':. T;::"~YO~f::d~~ L~u~:il ~w ... ., Stop Vandalism _'_ Chief of Police Toni Trombly of the City intends to recommend to the City councilmen ' at their next meeting that they amend .the present curfew law of the 'city. The law, was passed on May 23, 1921 and has become . • . obsolete in many, ~pec~. ' Thee present law 'provides that '"' ,.' , "'.', '-_', .~ '.,- ,> back to the Ilore.Healld Officers Crooks and Beaupre wait.~ ed outside until 9:30 o'clock wheiJ they caught Ward coming out t,f the place and arrested him. He had $12.50 worth of merchandlR on his person when taken. He has made a confessiolito the police and was to have his hearing Wednesday afternoon. Chief Piel Home From Arizona Chief of Police Henry W. Pie! of the Park and Mrs. Piel re'turned'I'tiesday of last, week from a. month's. vacation and recuperation 10r Mrs~ Piel 'at Tucson, Arizona. The Chief spoke of the. rapid development of the country as a winter vacation resort for people from all over the norUl and the growth. of the state as a producer of winter fruitS and vegetables. They roadIe their headquarters lot Tucson and while there and in the surrounding country met several' people whom they had known in the north, Among them was an old friend of the Chiefs, former Circuit. Court Judge Merriam of Wayne county. Judge Merriam has a place about nine miles southeast of Phoenix. Mrs. Piel who had recently undergone a serious opel'ation was greatly. benefitted by the trip. all children under 15 years of age shaH be off the streets by it o'clock unless accompanied by their parents. The Chief wants it changed so the' curfew will SIOund at 10 o'clock instead, and . h h' th r' d ed Wit t IS . e age lm,t a v.anc to .1,7. TillS would pe!'IlUt the pollee to stop and questIOn a lot have Girl Lose. Front Teeth of 'IYtounfgstershw~o th . ~eF ....,.. gUi Y 0 muc 0 e mise Ie, In Pomte Auto AeC:l~ent malicious and o.therwise, that h b I th as . een p agumg e comLitl1e Lore.Ua Maison,.' a.ged 5, mumty. Wh. ere young peop l'e a,:,e re0 f 209 11 P ur t on, St. Cl alre Sh ores, had her frollt tee.th knocked .out tur~mg from some athletic or and suffered. s~rlOus lacerabo.ns SOCial event !a.ter t~an the. c!!ron her mouth In an automobile few hour a. sl.mple ~xplanatlon accident that happened at Bal- to the ~,!estlOning offIcer w0':lld four and FairCax Saturday morn- be sufflcl~J.lt. All those not glving. Riding in th.e car with. her ing'.a ,legItimate rea~on would be, Police A.k State to mother. Mrs. EhzabethMalson, sub.Ject to detention by the T k Ca d Mrs. Maison ran into a Michigan pollce.' . .' , . • . ever I r Consolidated Gas It:',uck. driven -----The residents of 521 Middlesex by Oscar Devolder. complained to thl! Park police Mrs. Oggen of 902 Balfour, who one day last week of a suspicious witnessled thhe acckidehnt Ph~:'ctned • ' looking, man .3bout the rlace. The the pol ce w 0 too t e c ,I to party had attempted to enter the Bon S e c 0 u r,~ Hospital. Mrs. house but was kept out. They Maison was given a ticket. While a. small party for the said he seemed to be badlv inyoung people of the household toxicated. The Park brought in was in progress Saturday night a party l,iving on Manistique, a at the Stanley' .Johnson' hOlJl~. man 42 )'ears old, well known to 627 Washington, a group of them and exceedingly drunk. The party was only taken into strenuous youth tried to crash protective custody until he the party. Some .dil'ficuUy being experi- sobered up but a recommenda626 Lincoln road. Mike stressed enced in keeping them out. the lion went forth to the State were summoned. Highway Poliee that his driver's his innocence but Lena didn't City police When they arrived the crashers license be taken away from him agree wilh him. ' in the interest of the publi~ The police then caHed his had vanished. Now Mrs, Johnson is wonder- saCety. home to apprise the folks oC Mike's embarrassment, but when ing whether it might have been wiser to have invi{ed the crashDAYLIGHT CA. STJUPPERS Mrs. Merwin answered shesug. Car thieves do, not limit their gested that the police keep him ers in and sent the guests, or at tonighUall herein the statilMl until he had had leait some of them. out on the depredations. A red purse contain- llbo.uts as evidenced by the extime to evapot;ate some of his ~idewalk. surplus energy for mischief. ing .$17 was taken from an up- penence of Armin Rickel of 819 Meanwbile. she said, she would stairs room. The police, w~re Edgemont. He left his car parked furnished with.a list of the names for a short time at noon one day get.i_ touch with his Cather. and Sergeant last week in the 70U block of . The domestic disposition oC of those present. 'rrombly will do a little .sleuth- BalCour and when he returned 'to the cue Is not noted on the in&' , it it WII alAuI i~ hilI». Apt. JOliN. ,0IInt. I on " Wh'OOpS Wrong ' Gues~ .Invited Spartan Mother Lets Son Release Energy in Jail. A TRUNK CONTAINING $25,000, of which $22,000 was in war 'bOnds, is stolen from the hotel room of James D. Serna in DearbOrn • • • $6,000 of the bonds repreSents the proceeds of the Lena Chkerof!, .whoruns the sirle of his farm. little refreshment stote on .Fisher . . opposite the High',schOQI, has . HEAD OF THE COLLABORA- been pestered mightily by some TIONIST PRESS in Paris during disorderly boys who she says the German oceupation, is ex- throw things' around in her place ecuted for treason. and. disturb her regular trade. Week before last, at her earnest •• • GENERAL TOMOYUKT YAM. request the City police planted ASHlTA, conqueror of Singapore an officer in the room back of llnd In charge of the defense of the store in the hope, of catching the Philippines at the American some of \hem;. bllt no 'offendeQl r~onquest, is hanged at Los Ben- were tr app,,'-t. 1. .ast. week she had os camp in the Philippines, under some of the same visitors,and the eyes of three generals detail- when the police responded they caUiht Mike Merwill, .. Ild. U, of (C."' ... rill' ,11) . ,Z'voi:r' fJ?f~~:ci~kiiid.1OM~WiP'd '.i'~~, •. • Return ••• .. . . PointeStfjresBro1{eri}Youths New Curfew Cap'.tu ..' red. F.",.0. ll.OWl. ,.ng Chase For'. Po:n.te' A neighbor.risidiiJ.gne~r,:~he Titusd~ug store at Kercheval and Fisher heard, a~untl.of breaking glass about 2 o'cl~k Friday morning and phoned the Farms police. Patrolmen Yacks and ,Be~upre,were di.'lpatched by radio and another car containing 'pdrolmen Champine and Fu~ton after. frqin .headquarters.,' ~'THE HOUSE PASSES a bill followed aimeil at curbing the powers of When the lead car with .Yacks~ .';,' '.' . Jame3 Caesar Petrillo, the czar and Beaupre hove ,in sight' they County,PrQR:Cutor's:olf)F,e by ~eof the Fecieration of. Musicians two young men' dash into t!!ctive Labadie onFriday after• • . a less drastic bill has alc their Car which' was parked in noon and again on Monday morn-, ready passed the Senate . '" They were to have their measure now goes to conference. front of the store and wheel into :ing, ,.~ Fisher. A short chase, during examination on Tu~d.!lY. ..' TwENTY-ONE DAffilES ARE whiCh-follr shots were fired from '.'Pelkey and' Meldrum ,:had a NOW CLOSED, cutting off milk " . Idpply from three-fourths of De- Yack's pis.tol, drove them to, ,the hear!,.ng ,be~ore ~udge DeBliel ..e taiif. .• a milk famine threatens curb at Ridge where the olTlcers on Tuesday mornmg' on a charge U1e city. Health Department has placed them unqet arrest. They of '.burglary '.and entry in the made arrangements for the sale were foJund to bMetldwo local1'7youn01night time and were held in ,of milk incases of dire necessity' men; ames e, rum, • ., at certain designated places which ,104 Oak street and' Robert Pel- $1,000 bail each with two aYe lisled in the daily papers, key, 18, ,of 61 Oak:. sureties for ,Cir.cuitCourt. • •• ' The story extracted by the " ..... Show Members; pee '"~.~a*",~ '.',". ,"" ,'.,..,..., .._;;: ..'._~_"'..; .... ;.:~'f;~~m;. ..~ .'," ILLNESS OF C. E. WILSON, P.les. of General Motors,' d~lays 'nejotiations which the public had 'hoped would lead to the early .ettlement of the ninety-four day .trike. under $100,000 bail. Representatives A. ~:~o:~t::'t(","IIIUU~~~~'.?~~:l!1~.':,~r~~::y:.. ,'.. ~.:lm .•• . . They win- the Grosse COLLEGE has 1~':;:~~Df~~~';1= I ~~,:S.'lhoa.. .... ~, ,j .. :.. ;•• two act of,l~ting Store , ~;A MOVEMENT TO MEMORIALIZE Frarik ,N. Isbey,chair~an! of the' Michigan War Fiiiance Committee, Nate S. Sha~ ~rD, JameJi B.Webber, Jr., and JoKPh M. Dodge for their able work in Government. financing durlnc the war iJI blocked by St.oator George N. Higgins of . J'~daIe, who, is aCi:uRd of beiii, motivated. in hill action by ~liiic:al' considerations, ISbeY,bein, a Democrat and a potential Cl-dldf,te for the IOvemorahlpof MiClhilan. in stores. . • • • smashed Thieves dows . ; :DETROIT MERCHANTS rethe lottery system for distribution of nylons being tried but ill Canada too risky for use here." AAA I an ' • • • ,ani .. C d lk T D .a raws row .To Council Meeting ot • • • :;S,EGYPl' 'AND INDIA, are the murent hot ipots of re~llion and ,Ulll'est that are,plaguing the ~ritiJh Empire in far &eparated Jlirn::rs 'of, the world. ' ERSYSTEM Auto Club Building Pointe iiI. the spreading local niilk strike f,. KERCHEVAL $2.00 Per Y Mr-5c Pet Cop'( . -' WEEK DAffilES tHE ELM AT 99 FEBRUARY 28; 1940 of the MORE COME SEe US IN OUR NEW BUILDING,UNDER Coinplete News .CooeTage of. AU the Pointes HITS SHORES S ,.UEADLINES THE NEWS HAS MOVED. I au plilt'andthii revi.ion Claim~keSt. Clair Waters to Be Polluted Will Refuse Permission fo; Sewer Extension Until Pledges Are Given to Abata Sam" • The village, of Grosse Pointe Shores has reached an impasse in its sewage disposal problem which if not settled sOon will iIiterpose a barrier to its participation in the post war growth which apparently awaits the whole Grosse Pointecornmunity. The other four Pointe munici~ palities'have all made an arraDg~ ment with the Detroit' sewage treatment plant whereby their ~anitary "sewage titreated '.ona stipulated' charge'basis of. so much per' thousand gaHonsbe"; fore the purified,; water residue is .returned, to the Great:,Lakelii water course. Gf98Se Pointe Shores hasnevet done: \his.' Ins lead if' uses". lateral sewer along the lake front in, which', is received thti sewagedrom theindiviciual prop.. 'erties after it has'pasSed through sep~ic tanks,ThlSis90inadequa~ for. lIewace' .treat.ment that. the village has been pressed by the Slate Streams ConuniSSilln, which is charged witbthe:r~ponsibiliI1 of keeping the' streams., of.:the state, Includlng.~he.Great ..Lakei system itself, free frompolllitioo; Septic tanka db not dO this. In . fact a hight state health author~ ity said feC1!nUy anent thi Sho~.es sewagesysternthat"it (It least 'does the water no harm." .He denia. 1hat it any. sew.er... IY~... tern:: at all.; hi'the. mOdem '.1 Uie. , -eriS4i t,:;" ~:JZ;~~tIiIiIi~:>. u ittoft;"61~ihe'j.jil.no';:,?tniftle'VHj ~.J'd'c'.'u'riiiil"tli':villa";'"' nowft1ed~'mY~~:I;?e~f:~~ffc~~~ ~t~i!~~~h~~t~rT'~~' 9rBJ~~,,~iiy::.~incti,niPI~~ ~av~~~~e ~:~:~e';:nith:~~ ~~jnl'- d~,ot,:s~'J.i~ta. form width.oC40 feet tll a vary~ ~lon,andfti:l~,~~?\l,I~(~nst,l~J.m~ Jodo'sO,'hO.,.Pei'zpit.iOrfUriher . . 0 f lJUiGutelya,dJolDlnI'.cPffiIllUr11ties. exteniion.':Willbii;&ivk>e',:."', j~h~id:v:;~~ee. ~: .. 1.~y ~~.' ('Mr.Y~~'''''I.,b~~h~:~iln!a~y :.~ii;~~(~Urin,the:pl:ftftt~ p~ttl!rou.h a ~~edr!forrn.1Il .• ~tiOilof ~ev~,,;1.i ~~::~ntn~~ tk~toA~to";~~~~ thiS. ~~~t In,~ nu~~r.of' eorn~ juiy..nliii&;~"'mee't. It ,jj,~c:~ Chlb of 'Michigan to sell it the m4TU,WesnorWof W~ward;,'He that ~to inslall'such:a.sYitein .. Out 10t"A",for a: siteior its club hupersua.ded:.,Fercdale,1<:,>yal requiredwoUldcOlii.t'somewhere hoU!e when and .if the villa Ie Oak and 'BIT.:II!!gh~m~as. welL betWetili.$250,oijo'and$400,Ooo.' , re.zoning makes it. available for smaUe!', eommunitie:' . iil.,.that., area Apparently therear.o~ytWe the' Club's. purposes. to come tog~ther, In _(ulufprm alternatives".before'tlievil1ai/!; , .President ParshaU threw the ~ale of IIn~ a.ppllcable. to ei1lier to ip.Jtall • complete ~_r meeting open to leneral dis- mg ..speed. l!n:llts as wel~ as 111 system, includiD' sewer 'tre.~ cussion and suggested that the o,ther condltlo,ns of traffic regula~ men!; or mRJc:e some provisioll J\utomobile Ctub'start off with tlon. _ .. . '. " . for'se~d,ing ita sewage into.,the .In a. ~Sl~ ~ere l.n connection iniG~~~..tor; on ita:way its presentation. wlth hiS mlSSl.on, so .'. me d~ys a,c fo.r.•.. ,tr. 'ea.trnen .. thiDe... '.t.roit. p.oIaibl'" W. G. Bryan!, attorney, aml a h tated th t th rul ~ ~" director of the club, spokellt . el . a .. e .~ 'm orce by'iiiilking' an.arrangement:Wita length on tn£\ type of building I~ t~e City wer:":practic.ally the the Woods village on.,cDstsh~ rOposed, the service it ..would same 8lI he .~~ ~rsuaded the ing basis it might secure 'thecaP oth~r commumtles. w adopt. He operation of the. wOods for :the render to the people of Grosse bell~v~ that the ~Ity traffic and use.{lf ita newly iNtalled P\.lrnp:., Pointe and the complete respon- pumtatlve regulatlo~ could well inl plant, , sibility of the club.. The b'.lild- servt; ~s.a. J.l1odelwhIch t~e other The entente cordia.le betw~ .. ing, of which drawings were ~unlcl~htles,Qf '~e POlnt~ !e. the two villageS;.'howevei,. hu shown, woul~ be a handsome glon nug\1t w~ll. builda ,.uniform been somewhat strained since .the structure; riot greaUydissimilar syste!" of fines. , . present Shores administration r~10 the character of private homes . Chief Trombly, of the CI.ty,has fused to continue the gentlemen'a which would eventually be locat- ~Iven much thought. to th,~ su~ ag.reement whereby the Wood'. ed on the plot. It would be ject and holds that there II sbIl _ . recessed thirty feet on the Som- a great need for uniformity:jli (Conwnlecl 0. P&&,e%) . e'rset side and' twenty feet on fine:< and other features of traffic Jefferson avenue. It would be la;w enforcement. all over 'the suitably landscaped. country. He says. that exceptions 11,", Local Members would need be made in a: ml'unc' , He said there were 3,000 mem~ tainouS terrain or a' region'. oC bers . of the club living in the sharp curves, where more rigid Park village alone and 8.000 speed laws would have tQ be Park Traffic Court Wednesday more in the other four Pointe prescribed, disposed of the fellowing caSe!!: municipalities. Of the Boara of ---~-Franklyn Cai-rella; 21832'EngleDirectors of fifteen members whn GARAGE FIRE ON nSIID hard!, 51. Clair Shore.~, for reckadminister the club five are bona A fire occurred in the garage less driving,' February 12 paid fide residents of Grosse Pointe, at the J. H. Ryall home on Fisher $15.tine and $5 cost. three of them living in the Park. road at 9 o'clock Wednesday' John J. ALar, 3462 Berkshire, These .facts he mentioned, he morning which. did considerabl~ Detroit, for rpckless driving on said, to emphasize the nea.r home damage. The car first caught fire Feb. 15; paid $10 and $5, costs, character of the "lub. The club from a short circuit Il'nd was Merle Maison. 170 Lakeview, itself is by far the largest organ- backed out. Fifteen minutes later. Grol5(ie Pointe Farms, for reckization of its kind in the world. it was discovered the garage had less driving, $10 and $5. It has 248,000 members. In the caught fire from gasoline that had Oscar Devolder, 13111 Loretta. Park village 5-4% of all aut<.!- leaked out of the tank of the car. Detroit, for failure to have truck under control, $5 fine and $5 costs. Elizabeth Blay Maison, 22911 Purton. St. Clair Shore, for reckIt!Sll driving involving personal iniury a nominal fine was imposed. The injured person was Mrs. Maison's five - yea r - old daughter, who sulTered abrasions The .affair had' been arranged La~l Friday Chief of Police Piel about the mouth and was treated of the Park addressed a letter to with all of the ceremony atlend- in the Bon Secours hospital. the force saying he had received ant on, the challenge of Capt. information that .night that a Ralph Semmj!S of the Alabam:l Grease Pointe Alumnae gang of boys from the Denby and to Capt. John A. Winslow of the Party Hamtramck High Schools were Kearsarge only, unlike the his- To ~old'Reunion going to pool their forces and in- toric engagement off the coast at Bill Ludwig. Gro'sse Poinle vade the Park. Obviously the Cherbourg, the battle of Grosse High School graduate of June, challenge had been duly sent to Pointe didn't evenluate. and received by the local warriThe grapevine wireless must 19-40.is giving a reunion and tea ors oC the Grosse Pointe High. have spread the news that the at his home. 1137 Kensington, The place for the baUle to the Police were all set, and a l'onsid- Sunday, March 10, from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. death was to be in front of the erat!! warning gone also to the The tea Is an altempt to get Esquire Theater and the hour for far land oC Hamtramck that the relurned servicemen of the June, the opening skirmish :I c.'clock l~O class toiethlr. .U WOIllcl be ia. v&iD. p. III- ebarp. pa' as v~rr- thence 'P.ark. CO..urt's T ra'ffieo'T' n • Epic Battle of Gros,sePointe Prevent~d By Police Tipster ~ii'''1''''''' .' '''~ •.. -II.~ ... .. ,..,., .... ~~.... ~.' .... .,..-"' .. "","'" .... ~. ~.".\' ..~ ':"'~.. ~~~ " ',:, '.t- GROSSE Twe Sewer System (Coa.UlIued frOM Pa,c I) recentl). in the tax appea.lI otfice of the towl\Jhip. Thii .ltu'.~ tion is made no more agreeable by the imminence of the sewer problem. It is understood that Shores' President Elroy Jones is honeful that the County Roads v Commiocion "'" ma be persuaded to contribute financially to the Shores' problem. To whalexlent the County may be agreeable to chlp"ln" in for a strictly intra ,. .. village .problem gives ri.e to anxiou. ,peculation by the Shore. taxpayera. ----- ."". "..... Ie Cl't.lZens were permitted to r.•• bath'ftd on 11M th• S,,0 ~ u,..,beach -" diY' each w-k ,pee ili.... ~" , merely on .howinll a ticket iSliued by !he Wood', village clerk indicatbe f'dl'r ' lll( th at th ey were na I . eSI,. of !hI' vl'lla"e Thll WoodJ d Ill.. • .. • trl'Vl'ngfor II lond time h I d .._~ """,n...•• trip of land on the to obtain l.ke for Ita own lakeside Plirk and bathln, beach. The tOlllea) place for thia ",'(\uld have been .omcwhere on the upper end of the Shores' waterfront. The ShOres n'butl'ed the Woods' effort and .. id moreover it would fight throuth the la,t c0urt in the land , to prevent them. . 'te 'bl h n It 15 qUI m.y ponlw.nt e now. e Supreme Court Dec'lsl'onMay the Shorell help wfrom .. its neiahbor In wIving it. jH!w~r Override Subdjvjd~r's Or. problem, the Woods burghers ;"'i".1 Restrictions m.y be eheerfullY willi nil to let 11 the Shorea maintain its position While no formal acton has of splendid isolation, yet been initiated Jooking to The Tn An&,le the rezoning of the Jots I)n Another angle of the Shores the southeast side of East Jeflewa,e disposal problem which, ferson avenue between Barmay cut into the municipal purse rington and Be a con sfield is. that the State Health Depart- , . 1 d' " fli me nt's edict of continued lake muc~ mforma UICU5S10n S 1 pollution means no m"re ~ewor contmues. extension may be the direct As ha, already been told the eluae of preventing leveral 1m. basis of the agitation lie. In the pen-tallt real e,tate developments unmarketablJity of theae Iota for in ill midit, which if made would residential purpO.lu, ,Bot~. their have ~n an appreciable 'conld- price Ind their undeJlra!:lIhty for 'butiCt\ to the relief of the locill home" buildin, purpose. haa re~ tax burden. Thll haa been a suited in their lying unimproved 110 ... thorn In th. municipality'. {or many,year,. No one will pay, . flde which hU been lTluch lired anything near their asldn,prlce ~an" theycllnnot now be used as building slles because they are in a restricted residential zone. c./I ....... D.. I 1••• 1 It wu stated at first that one for reuon why the rezonIng mliht eventuate at In early date W81 that the subdivider', restrlcllon would expire witl1in • ,horl lime whIch would make It pouible for the village at Gros,e Point. Park to bring it within commercial area by a .imple rezoning or~ dinance. 'rhls has' since been denied by p.rties OPPoll!dto the llxtenslon of thcocqmmerciai atea in th,t locality. The~e parties state that the subdivIder's restrictions have as many as twenty more yeari to run. Another an,le on the maUer Is that there have been two comparatlvelyreCftnl'decjjiotIJ handed down. by the Stat •. Supreme Court which .say in effect that wherethl leneral ehilracter. of We Specialize the. develllpment in a given area In Cleanin~. has changed it comes within the Lamp .Snadea power oftne municipal authority to effect zone chan,es, even th?~gh. they connlct with, the' orlgmal purpqi. of the lubdlVider many years aKo. It .~... ,.tated . on . reJponsible authoritY. that levlral bu,inen . . GROSSE POINTE~~'_ L La.te Rull.n'gsAffect' ZODI. ng SPRIN'G 'CLEA.-NING Square ~eat fIiitt'._jjj.,.~ ~I~.,'. Cleaners & Dyers I~ ~"~ 1~..M!rf'" ~~iftiI~cfY~' .. ri LEnox 4115' .. . DonitDelay~Phone'u 5' Today! ta.il' •• y" CIiIJ<,'''' hel!<L,wHh Imprllvement. whiqh woulll': .dd mlteriaIiy to .the, vil1f.I'" commerci!lt development. Wh.tlrl"k-. thll, especially :.pptiliill to thl municipality ia. that. it•. reVenue. lrQm real elitlltf taxation would be conlidllrably Increll&ed.by tt\e.e 1m. provemenllon. lilnd. which ha. been Vlllant .• inc.. tn., villale's birth,' ... . (O'!.•• "peephi, Tom" ~.pea CaptuJ'. By Police Mr, Germ.in of 1153 Mary~and. reported to the police that he .had aeon • window peeper operatinl at ihe ,lIr,t floor window. .t a neilhborinll property. ... .A.u' to C'.ZU.. b~. : = POI N TE =- NEW n,ursday, FebruarY 28, 19~ $ (Continued fro", Pa,e I) of greatly enlarging its .ervlcc to I'ts members by the operation of a Travel Bureau in which member6 would receive a gener'Ill service, such as ticket reservat;on for rllil, Iihin or plane travel, • ,. hotel reservatl'ons .nd leneral I'ntormation and service coverill' .....1 the Western Heml.phere. • .. ~ i. to be extended throu'!1fut the world liS soon as, travel c:ondl~ liollJ become compo"d. All of thi. informaUon was rr;~rshalled as argument for the advantage of the Pointe area naving such an establishment in it.midd. ,A number of the admlnlatra. tive officials and directorJ cf the club ,poke, All 'of them tTnpha.ized the non-prollt chilraeler ot the organization. Shirley Johnson spoke on the Contract and Investment eom. pany's relation to the club house project. Opponents' Innin&, When the' innini for the opponents arrived it, was obvious that the common opposition to the club was in the fear that the granting of this ~pecial privilege for the club might be the enter. Ing wedie fOr the commerciaUu. tion of the surroundln, area. The II':! that the club proper roilht In put to In the event of ill abandonment It IiOme future time wa, repeatedly menlioned. Harry J. Lipman, attorney, of 705 Weslchestor especially Itre.s. cd this point, but Karl B, God. dard, iI present member of the board of Commielonen and a former PresIdent of the "IUlle was able, out of /lIs long ell:perl. imce in Park village allaira, to' answer these fears to tile apparent satisfaction of the audience. 'rhere were thrlle petltllll'lll carrying a total of 83 names opposed to the club mealure and one pelition with 32. names for It. These were presented at the openillg of. the meetins. Others speakin&, in opJlOfitlon were Dr. Arlington LeelrJelder e! 848 Berk.hIre; Mrs. Pillabury of 1104 Nottingham and a number whose names could not be aicertalned. After each had be-n liven ample opportunity to live theIrviews President Panhall deerMd a brief reces' when the commlJsioners. retired t!l •theIr private 'room and after a few mmut .. ' absence came back and paned a motion to temporarily table the matter. It WilS agreed tll call it up allajn at an early mHtinI and make a lInal dispolltion, The impression was liven' th.t by reason of the eonv{ncu,., .~ ; the '-Oy8 ,. :. , \ ,.r.U{l:1eniol,Dr_Il!1i bv tbt:,~lllb . .•" ...... i1IH'.:AI~.~.'t.I.'ir'IHn~; wilh which the oppo.!tlon d.. e1ared it WIIS not opposed to the club per se. The matter wuuld receive lavorabl. treaUnent .1 an early date. Driver Traffic I ., Three Car Smuhup Neb Ticket Ther. Will • one-two-three auto mixup Sunday evenln, when John J, Jenninls of 2110II E. Jeller.on ran into • parked car in front of 928 Wellche.tl!r belonrinr to Andrew Miller of 2900 Manistique, . The impact rammid Mill'r'. e.r a,ainst another clr,alto parked, belongini to Georle YQung of 1338 Someraet. All three cars were more Dr lUll bruised up and Jlnninla wu ,Iven a ticket for reckle .. driving, returnable at Traffic Court ,, ===============::.::-========= * * * * * * * * * * * .i REMEMIlER BLOSSOMING Welcome sWl!Iflt springtims and all the glorious Belluty in the rin9 is top reql)irement if it is to lend gr/lce to her downy white, velvet-soft hand, •. the ha~d you take. , • forever. IIpple /lnd cherry blossoms whose advent so truly hmrds the appro!ching Theorelude "1 D~" days ••• June. is the wooing d/lYs •• ~ these days ••• of <!Icceptance • , • Kent rings, so preferr~d in, nuptials, possess styling /l$ prophetic /lnd beautiful as the risin9 sun ••• the new d/lY _ , • th~ new life. From 48.00 to 2,200 choosing the rings /lnd her<!llding fhenews ••• making ready. "'e could e~ploy glowing terms to deICribe this and many other fine Sport Shirta in our complete collections. However the facts speak for themselves. Every day, more and more men turn to us for Sport Shir'ts __• because our stocks are predicated on' quaUty and obvious good taste. ' 3.95 to 17.50 W.lll'I~IN(,'S MEN'S WEAR. .... , ,~ ,I Pa\rolmen DilIoy..ay and K... tlllollt alTived jutt in time to ae. I manrunnini out of the on March 13. rear late. He ,ot away. =- '. 617 WOODWARD Lent 13933 ' ..........- •••• w .. EAST JEFFERSON CORNEll EASTLAWN LE"ox 6466 F.3-------,--------------------------~~--~~----~ ---GROSSE Thursday, FebMUlry 28, 1946 Commission Reque~ts Due Molester of Girls Sought in Pointe A man driving a dirty ~ay car was reported at various places throughout the City area last week whO a.ttempted to molest young girls. One insta.nce reported by a woman ov~r the phone,. where he had approached two young girls 16 years old in the neighborhood of Kercheval and Lincoln sent. the scout cars on the hunt for him. He had not been apprehended up to Tuesday night and the police' believe he has abandoned his Pointe hunting ground. To Gentlemen Ov.rc .... $50 to $75 The $90 MARSHALL & O'CONNOR . ',' ,.~('., .: -,' ~ CG.) :',' ; ,. State ~partment of Aeronauti~ urges that 'ownen Df all unregistered aircraft, register th_ aircraft at the ea~li eat possible time. A supply of forms for thiI purpose are available at each air. port mansger', office or • t all Michigan State Police Posts. The Departnient of Aeronautics also announced that planes registered after Feb. 1. '194,6 shall be subject to only 50 per cent of the annual fee. Registrations made atterFeb. 1"1~15 shall extend to Aug. 1, 19415. In SOm!! instanceS applications have beell received by: the State Department of Aeronautics which have not been properly 'filled oul It is necessary that the applications be signed by the 'registered owner and in, the ~tances of joint ownership. both owners will sign the application. In.the case aircraft owned by corporations, aviation schOOlS, or'tlying clubs, an officer of the corporation, school, or club shall sign the application. citizen 14127 I......n.. An. LIu.5344 Robert Beck, Grosse Pointe AMVETS Commander, was elected Finance Officer far"the state organization at their convention. He is shown with the new commander Robert Moore of Pontiac and State Adjutant Neil Holland of Detroit. •• • Joe Clarke to Address Pointe Camera' Club Pointer Elected AMVET Officer A Grosse Pointer, was elected finance AMVETS at their coD,vention. He was voted' into., this ~o. Joe Cllll'k. nationally known commercial and i1iuStrative phoRobert Beck, ' officer of the' tographer, will lecture at the recent state Grosse Pointe, Camera' Club on unanimously Tuesday evening on the subject 3 position in ~f good pictures and how to take the state organization. , Richard .. Moore of Pontiac, . Mich .•:was elected, as commander for the, coming year, and Neil HciUand, Detroit •. was named adjlltant., Those elected' viceco.mmandei's w.ere Leroy Kirtan. as. and 'James H. Howard; Detroit, Lucy M. Andrews, Jackson, and Gilbert Rubenstein of Flint. Arthur J. Madar, commander of Snyder Post No. 5 in Wayne Coullly, was elected to the executive boar~ along with five other men :,representing' outstate coun~ ties. ... The new finance officer, Robert Beck, is ,commander of. Grosse Pointe Post No. 17 which holds .its meeti"iis at the Neighborhood Club, 171.5 Waterloo, every 2nd and, 4th Monday of each month. In 1923, the founder' of Communism, Lenin, declared: "We shalf force the United States to s~d herself into destruction." . them. " Stanley Kenn, president of the club,. through whom the talk was arranged,' stated that .Clark's talted . (:n manner of addressing his audiences will make the meetiIlg one of the y~ar's 0\ltstariding .. In addition to the lecture the members wlllsubinit' their', various prints of the'models,which were taken at the last club meeting: , President Kenn has issued an invitation to. any of. the public interes~ in photography" to, attend the meeting which ,will', be held at, the neighborhood club. ". ' . ON-lOB EXXPEKIENCE Practicai experience in such jobs.asselling, price marking,.tur storage, layaway, and wrapping desk inspection is gained in retail stores by Michigan State College students speCializing in retailing, either in business administration or in textiles, clothing and related arts. ----~-=-- - - --- -- :- --;£-;~ ~=~ ~See other Jacobson's I Men who desire commissions in the regular Army are bem, cautioned to submit their applica~ tions iis soon as possible. . Col. Walter C. Cole. Commanding officer of the Michigan Recruiting District, said that the plications must ~ received by the adjutant general of the War Department not later than March 1. Rec:ent legislation authorized the War Department to increase the commissioned strength of the regular Army to 25,000.. All the appointments be made within the next five months. Eligible, are males who served as commissioned officers in the Army of the United States any time between Dec. 1, 1941. and the enactment of the law' on Dec. 28. 1945. Former commisSioned officers now serving as enlisted men also are eligible. . Appointments wi! be made in the grades' of second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain and major. No officer will be appointed in a grade higher than that held during the war. The grade a man receives will depend on his 'age or length,of commissioned service, whichev\U' give,ll him greater credit. The age limit for medical, dental, vet. erinary, pharmacists and ~aplains corps is. 45. The age, limit for other branches is 48. . Applicants must pasS a general survey test, physical examination and. furnish certain biographical information. An appearance before an Officer's Interview Board also is required. Informataionon the method of submitting applications lri~y be. obtaiiled at' Michigan Recruiting District headquarters. 403 Federal Building, Detroit, and at all posts, camps. stations. and recruiting oUices. in the Stat~ of.. Michigan. ads on paee 9. a lD.at~h lor grey ••• that's "Belle" by Stetson. A whisper of color above and beneath framing the brim face. multiplies the charm of this cloche 'to wear with suits ... Hat Shop ••. 8.95 DiatinlJUilhed' Chemilt Lecturer At MeetiD, (light colors slightly higher) --Hilton Ira Jones, Dr. distinguished chemist, 'psychololist,and author will be the March 12th speaker under the auspices 'of the Grosse Pointe Ledurers., Inc. Dr. Jones, is internationally Mown for, his specialized chemical, research and is the head' of his own chemical laboratory in Wilmette, Illinois. Since science has made such phenomenal progress in tm! lut few years-his topiC should be of special'interest-a "Pe1!P at Things to Come". • Talk turkey to chicken-hearted people and you live them goose ftesh. to .'wholllftrst credit is due for' notifying the police of the suspIcious' cll'r parked in front of Titus' drug store Friday morning which led to. the arrest of the two young men now held in the county.jailwB8 Jamea Trudell of 461 Lincoln road. Mr. Trudell hap~edto be passing that point a£ that hour and hi, :suspicions were aroU8ed bY thelonelY'cilE He'phoned.jo 1M,Cltj-;poliCe' .tIoil"irrid~il'Was relayed'to the Farma by the ter:' gean! Dn duty, as. the' sll8picioll8 car was ~n Farms territory. Others $4' I PI~ns Should ~Registered I Urged to Obt.in Forms at Airports or State PoIiee Posts Trudell'. Tip to Police Catchea You.thfulThieves s.its ., NEWS Friday Is Deadhne. For Vets To Apply For Ratings in Regular Army will 'Custom Tailors ,(8ClO&laDd-Tallon Pointer Amvets Officer ap- MSC DEAN NAl\IED In recognition, of the work done at Michigan State College in setting up a program of education for returning war veterans, 'So E. Crowe, dean of students, has :been appointed chairman of the steering committe& for the National Work Conference on Edu• 'cation of Veterans in Colleges and Universities. tIfUl ~OINTE WOO D W ,J. I D A , S T',A T .• , Final Clearance! 1VIiII-proInriaMi ~ ....... ~cMB~ '1" :', ...... for."..d 1.IIitIIC .... i TIIelr) ~rn-ce.0II ....... Mdt; ~dittrkt...".. ~ *-caI,m~ '. .... 111_!jlallw}of ......... -... quIty II• Malter of wIiidt. PfC"ML are pa~ FUR .TRI~IMED WINTER COATS '124 '74 '100 Drastic: reCluc:tionson our entire stock of fine.fur-trimmeCi CCHIts••• every wanted type of fu; is included ••• millk, persian, silver fox, lynx, dyed fox, nutria. etc. Of course, size ranges are broken in a" styles. SizeS 10 to 20, 33V2 to 43V2' 36 to +4. Were originally $128 to $198. groomed in gr~,..• • • UNTRIMMED WINTER COATS. there's spring in this easy, young suit by Izod of London. The croppedshort boler?s, ve.ry trim, very slim thb skid' bMded firmly ,144 1.i4 • +9 give you ~ w,el1-defined waistline. In grey yarn dy~d woolen .. Sports Shop .. sizes 10 to 16 •• '. suit 45.00 ••• p'i'luet gilet 5.95 Dressy anClcasu.tl types in f.vorite bJ.cks, browns .nC1 • f.w light eolors, A. beautifully tailored. Br~ken sizes for mi~ses, women .rid half siz8$. Sizes 10-20,36 to +4, 33V2 to 431/ •• Were originaUy $58 .nd $78. \ All SeteI " .. ( N. C:.O.D:i ... ....... , Kere ..... 1 at St. Chic: ~ < I ..... ,. - ,.;.~ .. "'.~.,'" ~~ .",,: ",'" .•. _ - ""' _ .,.. ~.".. 7" .. ~ ,.' ~ • ..' • • • '.'-FOir., GROSSE o...c Pointe Newl Tallyho-B .. A'N H,I,. TIIII,y, SMO; I~N''r G-OIN~ / TO ,.:tUR'r .~ Suppose you saw in the papers about HANK. GREENBERG'S ,mar~iage to CABAL LASKER! I always think of HANK as a Detroit~il but he isn't, ,he was born iil New York and so was the bride. I've known CARAL for along time. She is pretty, gentle, and rather shy. She is an expert e<Iuestrian .and many early mornings I've watched CARAL. her twin sister, HOPE, and their mother, MRS. BERNARD GIMBEL, put their mounts over the' jumps at "Chief tans," the family estate. She also has three brothers. Her father is the well known. department store owner. HANK, a grand guy himself, 'is moving , YOU Three Trunk Lines Member Michigan Press Ass'n. and National Editorial Ass'n. ROBERT B. EDGAR-EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER MARK .K .EDGAR. , EDITORIAL WRITER A. PRYOlL. EDITOR. WOMEN'S PAGES MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISING MANAGER JANE SCHERMERHORN ,SOCIETY ANN DOOLEY WANT ADS MARY JEANNE MURPHY , ACCOUNTS TOBY CUMMINGS ADVERTISING PATRICIA CADlEUX CIRCULATION PAID~ClRCULATION Subscription Rate: $2.00 Per Year by Mail.All !'lews and Adverlising Copy Must Be in The News Office by -r:uesdav Afternoon to Obt~in lnsertion That 'Week. Entered. as,s{'cond-c1ass matter at Ihe post office. Detroit Michigan, under the Act of March 3. 1897. ,.' • Bu:s"I'ness 'Curr'ents • 'The 'e~ae~i~ of strikes that has broken out. ~llover the ~ountry in:'.alI .S9!t.S ofwi?ely unrelated industri~s like the read of....ll..... contagious dIsease, should not be. Interpreted sp as themanifestatiori of a common discontent WIth t h e A m..-r.I'can' wa.y""of' :.life and work. In a more. r.eal sense it is lUlU" -".-'-.' a'tl'on ....0.f" the growt.hof that splnt. That great a co'.of the' pop.uliition whose sire. ngth. and skil.l con.stitutes mass the produ' ctiv,e,...fo'rce ,.of the' c,ountry IS assertmg Itself a.t thiS time wnen the economic pattern for the future lS coalescjng~n;t() f. ~rm •.. ' , :'. . . This 11!0yement, in a broad sense, is of the very essence of demOcratic America. It' is the economic antithesis of the mold into V(~,i~h.)litlersoughtto cast the German people: . ThIS'. si,.'.not . ..,..deny the. very, real .possibility of the strike movemenLprogressing too far ,and threatening the whole structUre 'of .the common welfare. . In sinlpler language, large elements. of the working peOple have stooo. in. fear that with the reconversion in i!1dustry following the end of the war in which the whole businesS structure and arrangement of the country has .~n diteeted to the single purpose of waging a gr~at war, they might flhd themselves in the squeeze of unemployment and lower wageS. . .. It is undoubtedly true that many of these strikes have beeh !=onceived and started on much the same principle as the old maxiJri in military tactics that a bold offensive is .the best defensive. . ... . . Le .. ':den.' of.'org' a'iliz.e.d labor, which always' be the . ...f,..a...rtd ..". r.essi.on o.f.labOr...as a ,whole in all millt8n '..,.' e.ffeetive ev-. its probl~ms: 'ha'ie figured, .probably . correctly, that the country is moving intoanew era of higher prices, and they wish to be aSsured that .theshare which labor gets for its proJlOrtiolJ. of th~ c~)Inmo~ income will .be n:a~ee.ertain. ~eAiiriot be dismlSSf!dasa selfish or unpatrlOtlcalm. It is merely .followingout' jh'eprocedure which is common to the,wt)ole Anierican .:.competitive system and is a com. ponentparf of free enterprise. .'.' , The,de~e19P~erit"6f.';theimovement iri the immediate futui'e mOl;tri~ t9,tp.e general welfare is that there be'~ generlll recognition'by both employer and employe of that we middle ground'on which both labor and capital ~:,;;:>'~4~.4:g:..~~io.l!.4~~taRe._~ ';'"._~ ,"",.,_';'.;". ~~M~,rmpq:r1iiit:'<lnlf~rlHe.rel'jb~.'jUll?.controI1Fot priceS maintaineq~y GOvernmel}*,'.th~:~:9illy force capable (If enfPreingcontfol, for thedtirationOf ;the period during whicb,.prieeS',wages and 'profits a:r~ undergQing their new adjustment. . . .. 'l'h~.lbility 'of Government to enforce price controls is the great unanswered question of the near future. This terror. to the whole econQmic',system of nations struggling to emerge from thewreck8ge gf war, has already caused in. ealeulable woe to peoples in. other. countries. America's danger'.does not lie in the demands of labor to .obtain a better share.of the fruits of industry. This is • natural aim. No ,element ir1 the .country is deliberately wishing for the' economic. destruction. of another' group. Reuonand the',inherent sense of fair play which has always been .na~\.lral to the Ameri~an people in every strata mar ~ rehed:~pon to ~ely naVIgate the currents through which we are.,,'. now passmg. . ;. doe.. will .....;'".'R'.,'.u'S' .5' 'Ia' n R.... __lat.lons ..' . ;-;',.~' The ..f;ime calls calmness in our view. of the rela,;;.:_ betw.' . 1 h R ' een .ourse ves and t.. e ussians. ti011S,0CA>:l...... g . I t. wci.uld .h.be. .•wholly' .unwise. and unwarranted for the pu bli . c mltld. e.re to con~lude that'matters w.eredrifting rapidly from 'padto'Worse~. ' .. .. •..... WliiIeRussia"s,fiippant answer to, the disclosures. in connection With her spy activities in Canada may be bOth aggravating and in a sense inexplicable to the American mind, it is nothing to ~ greatly upset over. We must remember . h R . that Mr • M. a I0 t ov a Iso mus t say somet hin. g to t e ussian people and somet4nes a casual treatment of this character when caught in an embarrassing situation is best for home 'consumptjon. ' "". ' , , for. Ai. ter.a . hR' 11, t b er.eh ,is probl',bly nothing .in our 'under. standmg Wlt ussla w ich precludes her from learning. all she can about our war readiness. This sort of thing goes on all the while between all major countries and no doubt our own !ntelligence service is picking up whatever and whenever It can, any convenient tidbits of military information. In our own case it might be recalled that the late President Theodore Roosevelt had the convenient habit whe!'1ever. trippe~ in a~ embarrassing situation, of quickly placing his questIOner In the Ananias group. In his seven years in office he collected a sizeable company in his private collection. In fairness we must confess that Mr. Molotov's d!sposition of his private embarrassment was mark~ly less direct and brutal. Our atomic bomb information' "wasn't worth bothering about;" and that dismissal of the matter is entirely agreeable. to us. ., . Seriously speaking, Russia has no more desire. for. war ~hat have we. She is just keeping her powder dry and It behooves us to do the same thing. We should continue to talk frankly with Russia, and softly, but at the same time carry our big stick, of which we may be assured she is well aware. The query blurted out in Congress the other day whether Russia is planning for the conquest of the world is merely ill advised and provocative bucolic statesmanship. The less we have of that sort of speechmaking for the benefit of Buncomb county the better. . The plain truth i~ that a spirit of friendship between thIS country and RUSSia has been historic in the relations of the two nations. It might be timely to recall now that when Bri?in was Jo.oking about for mercenaries to subjugate the American colomes, she was told by Catharin,e of Russia that she w?uld never lend or rent soldiers of her country to llght agamst a people who were fighting for their liberty. She got her needed troops from the Hessian Grand Duke in Gel1MllY. ,. ". i.,.: '/" ~ ~ears later during the Civil war, when the pot w .. boi:IiIiIC between us and England over the Trent Affair, a ~ teet uehored in New York harbor, the sig,~ flIf..nteh eesture wa!f fufly al'preciated in Down. ",'",.: jJII ..... ~~l~i'li:, 1<'~;'" ;/,.l. ~::f'.. 'i;;#;':~.;:'~~::~': ..... _ ...... _ __ ~ Grosse-Ezaacen-atloDe by oNe. liTTLE. Phone TU. 2.6900 0" NEWS BI:WING LET'S HOPE IT Wr1' HAIIT..fOllllNG PUBLISHED EVERY rtIURSDAY BY THE ABBE PRESS. INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE D~'TROIT WESTWARD OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE FARMS 30. MICHIGAN FULLY POINTE oJ ~'''_ into a family closely knit by affection - a representative family.. ' . ••• _ , --' -'-__ A Memorl'a I. . A •. PRYOR "My iI1SSwerslire irudequille Th Ihos,JnflltUi;"g JII)' dd dIJU, Alld ,ver s~t II'li"y shork Through slrli-tlgers tIS.i"g what's o'rlock," Whose d4)'S IW~ sP'''1 in u,hiUling rhyml , • , Wb"I's #me 10 ber, ()f sl1, 10 Time?" . . (Dorothy Parker) • • . DrlE II SWEDE. At THE STOCIHOLI ' If anyone knows, the origin of the word "Vichysoisse" (cold potato soup, to you), PLEASE write us a note.' Some guy with nothing else to think about, has been badgering us about it for weeks, knowing we wo.uldn't leave a soup bowl unturned until we found the answer. But where ~i) find it'! and' tllat brings us to an amusing inCident that happened in Boston. ,,' g We flew the.re for lunch o~e ,day dultin the war, (you cansee where thIS column gets ltS na~e.) and lunched at a "OriginfUo,s S_gllSborJ - at Rivard . .* 1.1Inohoon. Sorve<l 11;30 to 2:30 Dlnn.r. Serv~d5:30 to 10 l". M. smot ~renchres~au~~nt. . PeerIng at the menu, we across Frense SOlsse .under soups. WhIm we asked the waiter but for we an don't explana,tion! s.aid, 'fIt is the same soup, Madame, recogmze he Vichy anymore." ' Closed M_days TELEPHONES: aAndolph * Prlvat. I The r~ IIlIst 1~/1. I I And that brines to mind all the funny little thinEs tbat make lime I 1 SIlWJ._ HANK h """U .' J' WO up America ... such as; U1e day alter we cot In!o World Wir I, 0 ,II Y 1 -,. . 0, 'Ih .IIg0, /_J 1I1''''g L ' all the bakeries 'cbanllnr the name or German Apple cake tn )'ears WIIS .. ,ntur phI' .... IZI p'-eones,'" II French Apple eake; a street in New York that had been Hamburl' WI . II :young /1 / know" annue for louler than we can remember, was chanled overnlfht to """.. j"S New "g e IsYork.'UlC'HANK we . Th e people of Grosse Pointe are going to have laid, di- was "lone III Ihe btlr IIIId 'lime Wilson Avenuej l!Dd'do ):ou nmernber the Dumber of flop hou!leS rectlyoi1 their doorstep in the near future the question of OZ'trlO Sll)" h~lIo. Big AHa all over the eountry that chanred their names to Lindberrb Hotel, whether or not they propose to honor with a suitable memordI k soon .rter Lindy mA4e his famous bop? ial the h~f~OiCse rvices off their sons and daughters who fought * .. • so magnl DOMESTIC DIARY: Woman gave a formal dinner .party. this, t ' Icent h' t yl and ef ectively in the greatest war in their grtmUII-J h'e 11,'IISwlliling for coun ry s IS ory. some girl-..""d Ihol how lu,k)' week .•. the first large social to-do' she'd had, since her new Such a memorial, if the people will it; will'also.conspicushe WIIS. , Well, he, wIISn'l. He waitress had started working for her.' Alter dinner, the woman ously memorialize the hundred young men who gave their tl'IIS IIIl a/one. He di"ea.wilb 5idled into the pantry in search of the cook to 'tell her how much lives in the struggle. .., I. us. I' WIS efllrt""'. "'" Ihe everyone enjoyed t~e food. Cookie. had departed. but the waitress _ This question, ip its many aspects,. has been the subject boy w;'s spee,hless. As II puh- was buzzing around •. , 50 the woman said: . "I'm sorry cook has of study by a small group of citizens fQr some time past. li~ figure, HANKh"s held his left. I wanled so much. to tell her what. a good dinner she preThis me~orial. will not be provided unless the pe9pleof this position wilh dig";ly "lid good pared:' Without dropping, a chore, the. waitress chirped, "Service commumty evmce a greater desire and interest in the matter grace. He. dest1'v~s the' beslwasn't bad either." than they have thus far. i' ., 1I11d he gOI ;1. • •.• Whatever is provided, if such happens, should be' beau• • • in their ''People are talldne about" dept., Harper'. Buaar will tuul and permanent and suitable to the purpose sought. In ,.BEA LILLIE was in the eertalnly have some.thlnK &0 write about next month, that'a ri(b.t design and character it should conform to this fine com- U.S,A. recently -for a week., oil Ita cwn front stoop .• • lIamely, ihe monstnlllity of art, Oall', munity of which we are all so proud. Above all' it should Someone asked her what she wife. Don.t miss this. 'nne,' eYen If you have to peek at It In the carry complete h and 11'lasting tecognition for and she .said .. "To 'dru:store. he1terstill; If be'. you banrlnraway have a dentist atapPointment. d d bl h o.fthe young' men 'came ,,' It alo~ aad Or look at It while, your molan talce ,, • ts h. womenf w.,o. ra Ie so no y to t eif country's call in' post a letter!" Reminds ~n Of he won't bave to tell ..'you 10 keep your mouth ci~ft ••• you won't lour 0 pem. . . . one time very shortly 'before be able t. shut it for ,at least ~5 minutes While ,"oG're looIllD«.at The ~tudy Group which is now weighing the matter is the war in Europe .. My h.us- the fantastic Thitll'. . . most anxIOus that there shall be the fulleSt discussion of the band Ind I had flown to Lon. Inthll samelllSue, and QUITE a eontrast to Dali's lICrewbaU subject. Tb t,his end it offered prizes for the best suggestions don from Pari~. The offiCials e!forl, is a charmin(pletufe of Mrs. Henry Ford II .... whlcb, In. from all resldents of the community. It is' anxious to know were being particululy cau- cidentally, doesn.t 'do her JUBtlee'.as rrudma w~uld Sly. The wha~ the service men and women themselves think, not with tious just then because ever~'. }'ord iace lsamODe our favorite laees .' •• IIll we take IlDlbrace the Idea that these are expected to solicit a memorial to one knew what wu tomiD(, when Ihe pboWrrapbers don't "do rirht by our AnD." themselves but to learn what they wouldmosf appreciate and IS a result, every, mall. • • • and probably use, ~ it is to take a utilitarian form. who didn't have a" cockne~' Il\'JPRESIHONS . If the commumty does not, st~rt something along this accent, was a .bloody spy. ,MRS. JOHN GARLINGHOUSE: Walking encyclopedIa. • • Ale Ime now when t.he boys ar~,r~turnmg from ~he war, it may They asked us mnumerable, ••• Fox Hunls ... Malaga grapes ... 'Rugged furniture ..• be a very. long time bef0.re It. IS undertaken, If ever. A num- a~d. what s~med 1.0us, very MRS. WILLIAM CURRAN: Peppermint sticks .• , Black lace ,ber of cIties and ..~owns In the country. have already started tr~vlal questions. Fmally, o,!e panties •• ; Sea Foam ... Jive ... Buster Brown s41ts .... ~!I~.~'--!!l~Y.!!m..ep.~~~$9,f,~tQem,;;w.i!k~.,<;.!'>mpl~,t~ ..,wltl!"',~!~,,~~w.:~~,.,~r"..1.A!-.kE~4Lc!.MRS. ERNEST KANZLER: Gowns. by'. V"leiltina .';'.Code In the next tWI?~Dr~hr'7- year~.,Gros~e ~Oll~t~ sho~ld not be ~'o.u co.me to LOnif~n jttst .at 'rri~age5~ ;/t .' Ellzabelhan- hoUSe<!."; "."Iced. teA, with .lemon ••. ruman lagga~d. The hIgh qual.lt~ of .1tS patrIOhc cItizenshIp and its thl,s trme?" Slid, Windsor Rose nail' polish •.• ,' .;, ' .r:eal, If late!1t, apprecla,h~n .of th~, deeds of its sons and qUIte casually, 1came to hu~' MRS. CARTER SALtS:tGplml's poems .•• TurUe-neclc' oaughters wIll not, p~rfl.llt It to long postpone such,action. a hat." There was a moment sweaters ..• Bicycle-bu\lt-for-hvo • ; • Sarsarparilla , , • Hamblirler . ~t the fI.l0ment It IS of the first importance that public of shocked silence. Then w~ and onions ••. opInIOn .be dlrecte~ to the matter and that the people begin all broke down an~ .llad a MRS. ROBERT MARTIN: Circus ponies •.. Pinwheels ~ " to talk It over seriously am~llg t.hemselves. !oud l~ugh,But t~_e Joke 01 Raspberry sherbet •• , chiffon scarfs in myriad shade. of blue ••• It W:ilS, that he reaUy HAD LucHe iuggage' ••• '>'.~• • .' come to buy a hat. HealWe JUST ..foutld, Ol1t:that Ted Grace who eommentates at 11 ways wore English hats an.d p. m. over WJR, Is non~ other than the oatraceollsly bandsome lOll A group styling thems~lvesthe American Sunbathing thourht he'd ret a few before 0' Ted Grace of advenisinr lame. He sounds so much older than Ass~atio~ met i~ New York'the other day and planned the war closed down. Natur- he is (o'cr the air waves) that we practically bet our shirt It drashc achon agamst the sartorial habits of the American ally, there were a coupl.e of conldn't be the same 'little' boy we knew years afo when he lived people. They are against tlie two-pants suit which is being other reasons for the trip. In G. P. Shores.. He probably wOIIldn't remember It ••• but when threatened by the clothing manufacturers. '. ..' i. •• .• lie was In short pantaand we Were In lonr skirt& ••• he eave.1IS a The president of the association, who is white-haired GIrls, what. are you doing a1repthrilat (by way or a water. IlallS, in ease you're wonderinr) and venerable, confes.s0s tha.t "this is J'ust a part of our, plan look about.like your haIr I with Do .you t d a spaniel, bits still and and It layed WI low for a loor, lon~ lime. We forlin YOII T~ a un re~s the world In the mterest of peace and harmony." wisps to ;j.'our ~houJder~? Well• ••• on aecount )'ou sound as I'ood as you looll! ~ In hiS next breath he discloses the high ideals of his whacking. get out theThe scissors and isstarl Fraternity-Sorority of simplicity. .', short bob' on Sornehow or other, our ears got tangled up in the Junior ' .He says, "If we could Just get to work on the United the way back. ANITA ''The League 'program for children, presented every Sat~rday morning N:ahon's Organization, we'd be getting someplace; even' a F8ce"COLBY, Hollywood fash. long before our eyes are open. If we hadn't been too sleepy,. we'd dl.plomat don't" stand on his dignity. when he's .sta~d;ng I'n ion adviser and one of the' pret- have turned it off when we heard it was 'for kiddies ... but we h IS a 1toge.t h er. Mr. Knapp, .the crusaders' presl'dent, u.I'S.no t'les t g'f. IS you ever saw, says it's ciidn't turn it off and we're darn glad. It (thp. one we heard) was . m.ean phIlosopher. O.ne can Invisage that if the cult of the so. S ays sh e won 't b e th e gumea simply delightful and we don't see why the J. L. 's'U:esses the uncIot.hed could be Impressed. to the point of conversl'on' o.n'. pig to start, but that there is no child angle.' Grown-ups would love it .•• jUlit as' they love "Alice h doubt-the boyish bob of the '205 . t e mIxed state folk of the UNO, while it might not conduce is s n e a ki n g bath~ I R EN E in Wonderland." to th~ composu~e of the ?eliberations, it would exemplify CASTLE was in town not long the direct and SImple clanty of approach so needed in this ago. An event casting her company, now addressed to the solution of the wounded shadow. I presume! world's problems. ANITA and MAGGI "-dlo" B h •• ut w y pants at all, as suggested by, the sunbathers" McNELLIS. not enl,". hr • ., fhe opposition to two pair? ..' easiest to look at but two of tile Years ago two groups of Amish among t.le Pennsylvania' smartest, airee abont tire' bolt: Dutch .rent as.un.de.r, not the pan.ts, but large .eleme. ',"ts of t'ne ANITA said that some of hn M oravlan religIOniSts, on the tremen'dous' 'I'SS..ue of,. "button frl e....,... '...._. h.ave.. follnd ..the :.-t . thO or no buttons'!" Why not meet this new issue by laying }'t m' allluml' IBfS un d'er th'elr " parll th 1 f th UNO' boys.". One unearthed an old, e ap 0 e In a forthright maryter'! beloved p(>wder-pll1f-Gne, Ii racLet t~ese pussyfooters decide the question, Pants or No inr sheet from Hialeah. another. Pants, WIthout further ado or sideslipping. . (Continued on Pare ') 01 Ih, Detro;t" * veddy * ;11 1014 E. Jaffel'lOil I came * ""...... ~___ MEZTlNG 'rhe regular meeting and Sew~ ingmeetirig of the Pistrict Nur •• ins SOCietywill be held on Wed. ' nesday morning. March 6 at 11 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Roy D: McClure, 1490 Iroquoi& Ave. IN2.U Parklnll: f;~,;o:,,[lo~~~ ;isl!~~n~1 Cj~; me Din~i" lb. POlPEll1 RDOI W ilIN ;"Ib, 80LD DUP" And ~, , , • to tb. smootb rhyl~s .• , of gllitllrisl CHARLES COSTEUO /IfIti his orc1leslf'_ ••• THE WHlmER LE.9000 BuflL'l at River .'f pants.', , ". . . THE un Of' GEORGE PIPER IIlLlND SIMCE Ul F...... A, OpporlllilJ CKLW Friday' 1:30 ft.... EARL B.BRIIK ABEley CA ...... 1211 JlooK nl.DG. i TIte, Cooper.t. For YNr ... 1ttI By' FRED M. KOPP. R.Ph. Centuries old in' service to mankind is the conscientious 'cooperition between'your doctor and the druggist. a team dedicated' to. your. health. Its foundation i" mutual trust. , '.. . All the skill af his command -plus up-to,the-minute acQuaintance with' every ad. vance in medical science-goe" into the diagnosis and prescription a doctor wrHl!s. • the drug~st lol. In his turn. lows the doctor's orders to a pin-point of l'xactitude. knowing full well the vallie of his work. Those affiicted with i1lnes~ are the beneficiaries of this team work. They always appreciate it when the doctor recommends a drugil(ist in whom he h~s confldence. 'rhl. I. (h~ !>OI h nr • FAllnrl., .~I'.rll .. m,nl. In thIs p.p.r .Arh ""Ie. Cnp,rlltht ,~rll'll nr ol'l' •• rlnll: INCOME TAX Experienad accountants thoroughl, familiar with tM.lntCnal Revm.u Cock This organization spedalkes the entire ,uzr in.taxes Moderate Fe.es Krausmann & Associales , •• 11.... orneE " Tu C ••• HI .... HOURS: 1. A. M. t. I.P. M. 15530 EAST WAUEN APPOINTMENTS AYE. JOHN M. CARLISLE John M. Carlisle, News roving re.porter who covereCt the war ttonb in Europe and battles of the 32nd in the Pacific, is now in "Fabulous Florida" which in his own words is enjoying the "wackiest and daffiest winter leason" in its history . Dont' fail to read what he says about ita hotels, motels, gambling palacel, dog tracks and cra~ lpending, Exclusively lit fhe Detroit News iF DESIRED TU-1-3060 FOR HOME. DILIYIIY, .CALL RANDOLPH 2~. '.' $3 '"', '. G R ~ SSE. P 0 r N TE N E. W S , ~ i f f I , ?' I i " .. ~ ri.i!:~.oftbe nationlIoWI. ~adysupply .dliHCioUl ;fr.h., foociI. tit "YOW' :' .... Jil.n.u •..•• -' • '" / DeW ei GI'OIIe Pointe A&£P ",',',f ~'!or;fresJ#Rall along the way, these.~ foods are 'giverl, sPecwat~tion.On arrival. Tender, 'young vegetables andl:i~,"jQ,icj fruits are placed in refrigerated' that keeptberttat flavor-peak and protect their valuable vitamiJu and minerals. easel Top-quality Super-Right Meats are packaged individ. uallyand refrigerated in specially designed racks, from which you ~e your own selection. Rich dairy foods ..• lDfUly rushed fro~ nenby farms ••• are inimediately, on, 'amval, ,refrigerated for freshness.: . II J, Ternptin'bU"iry'treatli, bakeddaiIy,in A&P's oWll~ le8ibakmes, ar.ruahed,tothenewJanePai'm'-~ Departzn.nt irI ' eontiners ,that. protect their .,~ oj special: ' . oven-freshn~ DelicioUs HolIy Carter Candies are hurried'frfth ~m A.&Ps own candy kitchen."'~d the pick of the fish andseafood,catches, selectedrigbt.at the docki and piers when the'fishing fleets. come in, are speeded to your A&P so you enjoy their finet' deliCate 'flavor to the fullest!, . Come in today and see A&P's new, modern Super . Ma~ket with its many ~ovatioristhatn1alce shopping qwcker and easier ••• give you freSh foods Teally fresh. You'll agree that for good eating at modest cost •.•. it pays .. shop at your new G~ PointeAIlP Super Market! , CANDY •• " "deliciou.r, 1resh, and ~ II) t4rt1l' .• " thllf's whet llou'll sell lIbout .Holl, CMter Candie, . ! .nuhed stTlIigh~.trAltP, OUlll IJIOtlea ealldll kitchelu!" . .'- .~ ... .. '1l0ZEN ,00DS of frozen {ruit.! from •.. al frozen lmciomly smooth IGtelf bugs! .. " three populor branlb alld vegetables to c~o.ose at peak of 1reshneis. Also ice cream, packed in in.m- 'ISII AND SBAfooD ••. agTllncl 1l8Tietll delicate III jl(llltJred fresh ane! .c!t .UICrteT filh " .. plus tangy seafood. 1M tcutlf appetizers aM 'lilads. See the tencleT, l/OIlftg JlCI'I1." hert, too! ' : 'RESH fRUITS AND YBGETABLES .• , .' "appetite-tempting" describes AltP'stendn, lloung vegetables. and firm, ;uke-lGdm ./ fruits ..• aU displalled in speciall" lf~4 rejrigeTtted rackJ which IJUUre ~. and flq."'MI t1/ . ' WI ARE SORRY <:.".; 'cor,n ... llljl4!rb three each qu4!itlf AltP Coffee ••• difft1ent blends rOG$U1'-fre.h and to choose from • • • Custom GrOUM to bUill fit l/OIlr coffeepot lit the,oerv minute 1/014 DAfllf CRNfBIt ••• the ploce 10 choose fnsh mille, rich crea m and outtt1, alld quality See the a7ll4Zing CMC1f'tment of both tanfl; alld fIlild-1fGwred cMeJef, too! ' It baa come to our attention that • lilN eireu.-natances beyond our zontrol, lOn'le Grosse Pointe resi. dea1II faiJed to receive their invita. tiona in dine t.o attend the op"..ning .t the _ A1cP Super Market at lT1JO Kerdleval. Tuesday evening, February 19. We Ire sorry that 111. hapjleMd and cordially invite ...,.. • 'f'iIIt 111 at Iny time • eIX/'. •••••• ..111II'1, MICHI.aN ~~C~ " I. ' ... , ". 't.~.,. ••• '.... «._ , ..... , ... ,... ,-':~.,.: ... ':"'l_.,.,"'"_"' ...., '.0,'" - ..... ~"".,:''' (;R.O SSE POIN'(E NEWS Society News Gath'ered from All of "the Pointes JIM by Scbermerbora. . Headed +owlrd Miemi BMch tod.y , , .' ~. Are the newly wedded Arthllr J. Rohde•• , • the wet. th.. .. former Virginia Rabaut, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joim. P. Itlibeut t ...and Mr. R. who ul'ltil recently was a Grosae Poil'l"r, is tt.. , son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rohd. • • • .~ Their mlrrilg' took place .It the Whitti'r onWednesd.y ~ ..••• follo....ing which'they I.ft on their Southern wedding trip ••• This Thllnday .vening ••• Mrs. Rohd.'s brOth .... i".lew y. Il'Id sister, ;', Mr•• n'd Mrs. Thor"" L. Cofllen of ClnclM.ti ••• . ~. were hosh .t • !erg•. dinn.r perty to c;om~ment 1M couple , •" l?'< They willmlk. th.ir home In theWhittief ~rtmentl Ilpolt fneir return from the ~lJ"th • , • • • • • -: MISS FOSTER TO GIVE 1946 MAY PARTY ",', Jllst.bollt the b1ggeit social news ofthi, newPNAtime' comes with th. announ~ment ••• that Mila Annie Wlrd ,. Foster's .;,nlUll May Party will be held once .lJIin • •• The data is May /7. , • end the pl.ce: the trystal balltoom 'f M o Isonic. Temp... , • . Vj b.f . the W . The last May Party. , • helcf .. ore .... •• , Will tM Silver May Party • ,~, when society .f1ocbd to old .Arcedi. to IMk. soci.1 history ; ~.. ..' . .. , . Society, weS ~presented from gf.ncllMlM •• , to tiniest '"" budJ.t (llged II?oirHhrH «four), .'. . ,. . And soon, .ftar ••• therieg Iin., ••• 10. itnportm t."May ':,: Parties ••• w.nt off to World W.r II • • • '. n D~__ of ~L ' 'th u_ P rti J! .... _~,••. ~.J ''; . ~use .TTMlwlr... • ..... '1 • • were G-mft_ :~~ until. peece • ~ • • '. .• .' .:0. C'"EA.'TEO' .•.y. D"uAND. ~1 ¥r .' 1\ '""" '.w.r From foxholes ••• end MtYlce'cIubi ... IMwwIcI •• • . dllring the Wlr .,. , ,. ~. Cam.lttte~.f~ ~ riefline ,to Misa Fatter • /~ •~. They w.r. filled.with~tllgic m.m,orlflOfdil~ing ~ooI ~. days ••• and MolYPamasOf othery .. rs.. • . ..' ~, To. men .•• " +he sOlcIiers.nc1 JIM .nchn.rines wrote, ~"I.c.l!n heer th.M.rc:h.Of the Toys right now.s I reuN tM llri =. M P rty" ,....,. ay • ..... , ,. 12. SO Mila FOit.r WllS dmrmined tNt her ""'7' L-.- shOtI. tel h..... If< ~ • ,Mer. Party et tho .. ruNt op.portvnity , ••• nd tNt",,1I be MIY 7..... . aa. erstwhile a :t~". . DEBS COVET&RANb'MARCH h •.• ~ ' • LEAD , ~~th"I'I'I'to t::,.-:gf;:-hO:or;~~n-be'''f.rl',,~~~s' .'>0 - to, ....D _..... ;c. L_ - C. D~-,-"" 1>OG11l:.... .,,";-'1' " ~1£ CIIrboft Mrs.Wormer Edwin.~III' .~~•... ,, JMrs. V.ndetwe '. Mrs. .,. StOrm ,"-,-~L..~"'..I..", (.to.:'" •• If'~_\ ~ ' .' ...... I'S. emes orwcnnn ..... _'" IV_I' ~;.m.~. ~~,: ..rm.~...'.: .....~..;;.~.:~.J .. r ur J. R0 hde Down Mexico way are the JOSEPH R. P~, whose, twins, PAMELA IiI1d JOE, are N t' Is to Be H Id' M . t St C'" d staying with their ,randparents, Up la . e In omlng Nice. • "Ir • MR. and MRS. RICHARD H. Mont_fako. Church; ReceptiOn.t the INt Club WEBBER, of Lake Shore road, -------while thelormer Navy man and Pre-nuptial plans and parties occupy every ~oment of his wife vacation South of the bride-elect Helen Ann Bayne's busy schedule these days aa . border. ••• • . .her April 30 wedding. to Richard A. Scharge nears. A family reunion' is in progreJIS Helen Annis the daughter of , . . in MRS. STANDISH. BACKUS' Mr. and .Mrs. Evan P. Bayne, Hollebeke, Mrs. Max Vivi~l'I-,Mr.. Lake Shore road home, with her of Berkshll'e road, and her fiance Charles Fisher, Mrs, Joseph Conson-in-law and daughter. COL. is the son of Mr. and Mn. W. C. lis Laura Shindler' Cathl'rine and MRS. ALFRED L. MARKS, Sch~II,e•. of Devo~ire . r~d. Kinney, Mrs. Clar~nce ' Dach, here from Winter Park,'Fla. An- Theil's WIll be," morm,ng servIce Elise Schrage and Mrs. John F. • • • other dauahter, MRS. EDWARD in St... Clair de Montefalco' Geymann. Out at Palm Springs. Calif" H. JEWWI'T, arrived fiom Lapeer Church, to be followed by a reBILL BREER is recuperating for a for~t..,. • ception in the, Detroit Boat frC!m that long stint of. Army Club . service, including a year and a MRS. HARVEY:L. KIMERLY . -rv;o mail-ON 'of honor arid 0 ff half in the ETO. He headed West and !ler daughter,. AVERY three bridesmaids will attend after 'a stay with his parents, LYNN, of Touraine road. have Helen Ann. The bridegroomIS \ljtf MR. and MRS. CARL BREER, of returned from their trek to Fort elect's ~ister; Mrs. John F. Gey-WJndmill Po~te. drlve. Lauderciale, ~la~. • mann, and Mrs. James E. Coyle, With most Pointe ex-service,. . . ..' 'of Washington, will be the honor men settling at hom,e a"ain.: 'A trio ~ •• ttlin"• on .Dt:U,cr "'.... d rOdd 'U'1>S matrons. and Mrs.. J 0 hn A, Far- CaroH Trego Ballantyne \\(ill• re. A'-- home ago• comprisestbe ,WILLIAM McTHEODORE 05Il}S, of WaahinI-Iey,'. June DittlIler. and Barbara verse things March 4 when he MILLAN family--former Navy ton road •. who Will the ,uest of Reynolds. the biidesmaidJl. leaves for New Yurk on the first Lieul McMillan. Mrs. M. Md MR, and MRS. WALLADE GIBJohn F Geymann will serve lap of his trip to England. Intheir daughter, JULlANNA. They SON in New York. as best m~ and Mr. Schrage has centive for the former corporal's have just arrived from Houston. •• • liked Peter Bayer, Jack Wei,el, journey is hi, marriale to Anne Tex. to make. their home here Braving Pointe winter blastS Bill' Staperfenne, and Josepb Garrett, daughter of Mfs. Hilda r e, JnAeaME Msr'TMHAcMyiEllRan'sMPCMIL.rcmLts~ again after ail, interlude in Schrage, hi5. cousin, to usher.' Garrett, of Highbury. Lo)nd"n~ nJ.' s Florida, MR. and MRS. HAROLD Last week Mrs. Earl MOS5Der of Bedford road. BEATTY are back in their Pine and Mrs. Joseph FieJt teted tqe The. son of Mr. and MI1I. • • • coux:-t home~ They. were the bdde-to-be. at a luncheon and How~d PI &na~t.yne. of MeQuail-shooling has attracted guesl.li of Mr. Beatty's parents, handkerchief lIhoftr.ill the Kinley place. Ted hopes to armany Pointers to Sallord, Ala., the HAROLDC. BEATTYS•.. Detr.t Y htCI b .tivein LOndon 101' a late March where the HARRY S. FINKEN. of Skaneateles. N. Y., arid Naples, .s.°tl'da' u . u_ Arth.ur wedd!nJ. to be attended only by ur STAEDTS, of Woodland place. FIa. and went down for the Schr y \oontesi-T I h membeIllof the family md close their son, JIM, the HOWARD F. weddi!'l& of .his lliSter. LAUM:, eon .:d:e~U:aho~~c ~ frienda. , . . .. SMITHS and MRS. SIDNEY T. to LiEUT.DAVlD FORSYTH the' .Lletroit Athletic Club. for After a weddUlJ trip to .the ~~tE~h~~~s.w;f~ :~~nfa1h: Before her maiTiageon Wednesday MRS. ARTHUR. ANTHONY.' 'which:Helen Ann,chose a black ~ke'C~unt:Y. the young couple trip to Boca Grande, Fla. beiori' J. ROHDE was Virginia Rabl.ut, daughter of Mr•. and • • .' frock.with awine-colored bodice ~ill arrive In the,States the end returning home. • Mrs. John P. Rabaut. Mr. Rohde is the son of Mr. and From EffinCham, lil. MRS. emcroideredin black sequiJUl, a of May.'Mr. and.M~!. Ballantyne ' • • • A h R hd F 11 . th .. South ed FRANK: MITCHELL and her two. amall bliacksequin hat and a.nd Howard,. Jr., Will meet them Mrs. nt ony 0 e. 0 owmg ~1l' ern w. small. daughteIll accompanied cot'sa"e of pu.-nleorchids. .at the doc:k.' Ul New York., The week-end brought a gala ding trl'p they will.make their hom'e in . the Whittier . • u_ ... .list were Mrs. " Th,i marriage i. the. culmina.• .. ...........""t"cue 11' 8 mo th~" eJ', ~'. On • the' guest family reunion.to the ALLAN A. Photo by Preston SWef!!t HELEN. Mac!'IE WALKER, of. f f' be h WALES' household on Lodge McKinley .road, back to the Bayne. 'Mrs. Schrage, Mrs. Earl .Ion 0 • .romance lun w en drive with their two d&ughteJ'l '... Paln'te•..The. Mi'-hells ..... p.la.n.- Mossner.Mrs. Joseph Fiest, Mrs. Ted. wI!' stationed with the and 'their husbands. LIEUT. Durin, their recent vlslti~ the MR. and MRS. HENRY sHEto ninato move to Leland, -Mich. 'in .foseph Schrage. Mrs'. Joseph USAA!' m EllIland; .eOL. and' MRE.IRVING . L. Pointe. MR. MRS. FRANK DEN, of Rathbone place, are a'few weeks. Schrage, Jr., Mrs. Maree. Ber,STRADER and MR. and. MRS. COXE, of Biltmore"N. C,' were settled. in the Kaw~a Club at . • e.. blest, Mr!.Joseph Pult!,. MIll. Phyllis c.ri Pledged GEORGE D. MOFFET, JR., on feted at numerous. gatherings of Veradero, Cuba for. SIX weeks.MRS .. GEORGE. P. CAULKINS Anthony Pul~. Mrs. Philip Van. ~ .. ' deck. The' colonel is just back old friends from Asheville. Their • • • and her .11011, JACK; of Rivard; ..' .. 'At Mlchlg.nSt.+eCollege from three and a .hall years hostess"MRS: CARTER SALES, MorePoinlers whohave chosen be . ii,h .' turned S~'Jose. ph:ta overseas. of E. Jefferson avenue,'. enter- Florida for their winter vacation . ulevar 14 lveVre 0 from a t. rme I e Phyllis Cad, Groae 1l0intl . d' art hil t' I d MR. d MRS Jaunt to t. emoll,' .,' where G .I..J 'H-!.J B'd . M"ch' ' • • e tained at a mnre p Y. w e spo. mr: ue . an ., they visited. Mrs.. C.'.son-in-Iaw Ulla QlQS n ge.p' rty sophomore at I Iglln Stat. ,Two Pointers in the East are the THOMAS F. PADDOCKS, ~AMES S. HOLDEN. of ~ash- 'and daughter the REX LAMBS College•• hu been piedi'd. by MRS. ERNEST KANZLER and of Touraine road, honored them mgton road, who are relaxmg, at JR.. ,.' ~ • • 'The st. .toseph Carmelite Quild Dela Gamma Mu., women',na. MRS. ALLAN SHELDEN, who at breakfast in their home. Punta Gorda, and the CA~R. LUCIEN:!!:DeMON.FORT.pian- is having a. St. JosePh-Sl Patrick tiona! fencing honorary. . arellpendinl a few days in New . .;..' . ON B. WATERMANS, of Lincoln !It witn the Columbia Concert celebration at a dessert. brldge.The"sororlty pledged 13 WOIneD York. A iate' winter trip will be road. M ch 5 t 1 . th cI . • •• e :. • JrOupin New York hBsrelum~. party. ar . B.•. p. m., In e 5tu entl at. a recent ceremony. launched by MR.. :and MRS. . . ed to her home at 1117 Grayton home of ~rlI.' Lynri Beadle of Miss Carl. daughter of I\-lr. and I UlU " ft _.' •• - ~. I' .. Is nt Fr. ~Ift~,._"..'..... ..... , ac .. re- . (~' y !f c:~we~ A1v." t' Ma Eng I' h ~' IS.oon ~.~.ie •.Iee .....'!'....' ~~., MR~~~dd~~er P~~~t~~~~~:e~~RFpA~~i, :~ :If' .. -::!o"f. ...,"_~;..'-'~ ...N...ALD.VRS", ....O..f." .•.~_ .. JOSEP.~~of.~ClQ.v.erly" .road, 1\i.~xc'l(.~1r (ElIenore',S.toN,Irowft) ••• th&1thi Mrs.,Paul: R ............ o.aJV .MJn. in')laich:-Th'i toiusOmeliave ~~::;Jr.' (tMry M'~:~~. -._:'Mfi..:'J~:~ beau place; hopped • train for taken a cottage at Sea ISland, n P.. ~) '.' • .H.~"'1ix Annie WmI.~. Palm Sprinls, Calif., where she where they will migrate forabe .) .... ' ......... ~ "ltaym« with' her mother, or eJght weeks. M rs.~ •. III" H, hi, Jr.,'.nd Mu. Fr.derlclt Lethe"'..... ., ... MRS. NOBLE C. BANKS, . .,. , ...• •• , ."MY -.f sChoo/) •• , the girls w~ their white c1nut.m. gOY/III .•• '; • • • MR:'.,;~d; MRS; HENRY E. embroiclerad in rhilHlSt'oMl• ,."~' ---~~_ . liJoltN P. FRAZER JR: wua BODMANlIave transferred their • ••. --'-~'-. 'ream.t,hOl~ in his honie on Wuh.vacation:.llite from Fort LauderQUEENS OF FORMER MAY,PARnESmaton road to celebrati'.bia dalli'tol'Uhta Gorda, Fla.. and -GtMrsw!l0 'he..... 1Mi GrIJldMercn.,eta: ..__ ...._.__ '._. lease' 'from the Army after .the 'JOSEPH B. SCHLOTMANS. Mrs. Spencer Oem ••• Mrs. MaClII!rt. Jr. •.•• sernnc overseas 18 monthsu_a Wl!.CL )~~,. afortni,ht in Sl Mrs. Georg. V. c.nd.llr ••• M~ Howll'd Iinth.m.. • • Mreeant.. Petersburl arid Clearwater, have Mrs. Ch.n. MUllglnT........... .-. ~ M110 ~itdleI • • • • •• likewise arrived in Punta Gorda . ,M J H 6wden III ._,~....... --. ""'-u InMWnI Beach MRS. RICH. • • • . rs. .1m". '.' .•'•• ~. rs. ARD K. DEGENER, of MeMi1lell Home allain are the EDWARD Mhllr O<MlgJ.s,Jr •• ,~. . , ". ' road, and MRS. LAWRENCE G: L BOOKS, of Neff road. 'They . MIS. Willi~ H•. Ierg .... Mrs. Itobel+ 5criPfll .. • • .nd PEEZ, of Bishop road, are vaca- traveled to Beach o' Pines in 'Mrs. RicIMrC:M. SpmIey • ,. .. ' tiOlliq for three weeks. . Grand Bend, Onl. for a.week's . This M.y PlriJ of 1946 sfIouIcf be tM riloIt joyew .nd lwiI• .. • stay with Mr. Bool.t's parents, r..nt of tMm In .'. • . , . Mary Rummel spent the week:- MR. and MRS. J. BURGESS e s.' ' Potn · ter ¥:'H . !.k.c",-. ~,.,.'f;~~.~II. . MAth rs. ,Headquarters lor Poinle folk in Miami Beach Is the ROY FRUEHAUF home. Recent guests ~f. :¥n. F. were MR. and. MRS. HARLOW STAHL and their daulhter, ANN, MRS.. ELMER HOWELL, MR. and MRS. GEORGE GAGNIER and their son. FRED, MR. and MRS. ELMER TUTTLE and MRS. CARL STEWART.' More of the FruehaU! clan, MRS. HARVEY FRUEHAUF and her daughter, BARBARA, are also winterinll at Miami Beach. and ;:: citOIen ~d the' ~r.nd M...ch: Of. Foatet:M.y Party. •• . 1!, The gins who twive led th; Mitch il'l other years 1ge from "" ............. It'S .most d"-&:..g"._L~J~.m'IIi-' ~..-rrv' ~ Th.y ineJlld.:'''n .- ",. T' I•• , • • • {!< Mrs. Edsel Ford ; , • Mrs. c.rter 51•••• MI'S. Freclenck :; S. Ford .; • Mrs,; ..George. "PCIrlW.Me.MiftOn,.'';'. Mrs., Georg.. ~ Helen Bayne Prepares For April 30 Wed9ing Short and to the Pointe From Another Pointe of View ~nd with, her part:lts.Mr. and BOOK, JR. Mrs. Eo J. Rummel. 208 McXinley Road .. She was recently elected ~~ih~':t:. va~:~~~~s ~~~~r~;s th~N~::f o~~~~ .. SMITH .. anJ! her, Muaicel~;cDI Socim brothe'f;PAuL.,"OtWindiior;'ifoi'. <~.'."" ,',',,--,,,\'-.' a' journey to Mt. .. TremblaDt, where they, will meet other Pointe skiers, Leontine's brothl!J', CPL. HENRY KEANE, has 'liJS release from the Air Corps after two years at Wright Field. • e • Before. MRS. BENJAMIN S. WARREN, of Lake Shore rOAd, left for Beea Raton, Fla. to visit MRS. RUSSE~L .A. Alger, MRS. .rAMES O. MURFIN /lonored.her at a dinner. and bridge session in her home. FLORENCE e • I . ;::~Uto~~:e~A~.:'.~~~r: lrieiML' .... .. ' ",.0' .': ,. ".. ~~ci,O::'i~ o~ lM:~n~ nonilci. ". ",' .•.'-}~",-,,'" Iltar.Hours: ' 10:00 A. K. .to 10:00 P. JI, • On the OCcasion of their first. wedding anniversary, Mr. and MRS. R. P. BAUBlE issued invites for ~ cocktail gathering in their home on Trombley roa4, preaident of the Rho •Gamma chapter Df Chi Omega, and prea!.dent of the Pan Hellenic Counell at Hillsdale Collele~ Hillsdale, Michigan. Baby's Own Shop Postian's Sale . .~:.: .....:au.l • UISJ'a . BIItIIWtN rl*d R _tcLl'1IC 14- ud bJertiI* ~ 1_ powder, too. ADdtkat 6.wcr!ReT_ ~Y!!Ga" pnna-I ORIENTAL RUGS ~ & €~~ C~";;AS~ IM3'7 Eo 1V~ at o.Iw DrIft • FAa jIIC)WIIIf ,You are inyjt.d' fo visit our showroom and see for YOll~lf our frnest coHedion of Oriental rugs and rare pieces, from throw-rugs to room size, in gorgeous colors. When YOtlbuy • rug from Postillll'Syou will buy the frnest. , # 102 Sarouk. 12x9. Reg. $695, Sale ...... _. _. $595 .175 Royal sarouk, 13'xlOJ, Reg. $1,200, Sal. 995 182 Kerman, 111Ix9, Reg. $1,000, Sa'..... • .• 895 '183 Meshed. IIIxS', Reg. $550, Sale ..•.• , •• 485 136 Dargazin, 6~x31O,Reg. $125, Sale. • 9S '145 Kerman, 5x3, Reg. $150, Sale 'liS :125 Princess 8ukhara, 5x38, Reg. $225. Sale... 175 ltiJiIJ. In t ne N.aEM-lw Lipofi<1 , .. '_"-"'''_t. This is a grellt opportunity to possess any sf these rugs at such redtlced price5. Cleaning & Repairing requires the services of one who is " master weaver. Our staff of I'lIlhlralexperts are true ertisn in this freld. They waf Mt do less then their be5t. 16926 IiERCHEVIIL IIV!~ .' .. !.)---_....._-_ ...._.._...~..._-----_ ...-------------G R 0 SSE Woman's Paige '. PO I NT E NEW ...----- ......- ....------ ...--- S by, of and for Pointe Women • • ' · te J-\J AMIVS W ',',......'WloretnceJa.ckman Poln . . o,me." ,To,"WafM,arch 2 Prod uce Hum orou~sSklt ~~~~~~'o~~t:~a~ '.februa ry Pointers Attend Marygrove Prom Bride Mary Alice Turrill 1 Weds Alfred Thomson, Last Friday. evening was a gala one for a group of young Pointen , . . 'and thl!late )fr. Jackman, has who gathered in Tweedi Baker's ! home on Bishop road for cockPl~ylet Highlighk Annual Meeting at lIArs. Sheldon's H~: .l»mp.leted'plaN for ,her March 2 and Receptiun Held in th, , • .' . " . . 'marrJa.e.to. Harvey Edward tails before going on to the Simpl •. Evening Ceremony Organization Members Played Park '. Zena .Jr., IOn otMf;:ancl Mrs. Brid.'s Home: Leave for Short Honeymoon -' Marygrove J -Prom.. . .' " ~:\.. :Harv'ey :t.. of HUva:rd road. Tweedi's date was JackAlel, '. The ~omen of the Pom~e AWVS mte1'Spe~ .. ~me ". Father Richard ParriJh will otSimplicity keynoted the evening ceremony which united and her guests included Lenora humor with the annual meetmg held ~ednesd8y at~'fii:iate .• t,the<~mony in St. Lagrou with Fred Stone; Barbara Mary Alice Turrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Alger Shelden's home on Lakeshore dnve as, I, . relaXing P.aul'. ,ehurch;'" Kennedy and Henry Melton; Turrill, of Brys .drive, and George A. Thomson,. son of contrast !o the serious imp?rt of the work they ¥~ebeen , ... ~.ot~~~ar. Flo:raru:e Rosemary Seibert. and Barney Alfred Thomson, of Alter road, in marriage Monday, Feb. 18. engaged In for so long durmg the war. ' 'willbe'Mri., Chilton;I. DrYsdale. The Rev. Andrew Rauth per-r------------Doch; Zennie Panfil and Ed Goerke; Rosemary Sarb and formed the 7, o'clock Rrvice in . A humeraus skit had been pre-'" _ " c' '," ,with',Jd.arYAnn'~w~'y, ~rraine Best man far MI'.Thomson Wd Mike O'Brien; Margaret Jane the bride's home. pared, as the composite flfort of Cooper, Mrs.~ward:~C:. Bahm ,Byer,~d' Mn. ,~Uip,C~ Wenzel Arthur Newman. . Berg and Jack Collins, and 1.ec:l ,the'amateur playwrights, whl.;:h taok charge .of prapertieil:, .,. '$~v~',.i ,brid~aids. For her .wedding Mary A~ce Mrs. TUrrill wore a corsage of. Hillebrand. iiccentuated the humorous inciThe .other Iadie; wha COllt,rib.j :tac~':~nS:iNill bebeJt inan far s.elected bndal rabes of white yellaw daffadils with her brown After the dancing sessIOn, satin and chilfon, fashianed with crepe dress when she welcomed derts whic~ had appeared in the u,ted ,to the .gaiety Qf.!he, occa: ,hlJ' br6ther.' Mr. Drysdale, Jack Rosemary Seibert invited the tiny turn-back collar, cap sleeves her guests. regular dally work, of the or- sion In varymg capacities .;were. 'Moore Mr. Wenzel Bud Nichols same group to her Berkshire road gapization. The actors, made up Mrs. R. G. Sickels, Mrs. C. B. -and Tam Jackman.' will seat the A small reception In the Turresidence for buffet supper. Evan a,nd.ful~ skirt. Her fingertip veil of ;theactive workers in the or- Swift, Mrs. Wendell Sabn!Jn, :guelts" gaJ:1ization, appeared in their Mrs. Sidney Margan, MrJ. W. J.' , ", ., " Irving and John Kelly were also of IllUSIOnfell from a halo .of rill home followed the ceremony. starched, net, a?d her ftawersThe new Mr. and Mrs. TholIlSOn' regular AWVS 1,lnifarms and -Mandrack, Mrs.:A. 'H. Whittaker, ~ Mr. ~d Mis, Zens. will ~ hosts on hand for the festivity. were white orchld~. left far a northern motor trip, were assigned to specified posts Mrs, Gideon DuI\.ocher,Mrs,' Carl ,at ~h~ reh!arsal ~lIIner ,III the Kathryn Turrill was her after which they will return to in ,the quarters which had been Lienne~an, Mrs. NormanL~e,~rl\lttier, thiS ev.enmg, and M.rs. sister's. maid of honor and only make their horne in Detroit. . simulated in Mrs. Shelden's mu- worth,' Mrs. William Walker and ~ryad~leen~r!llmed at the Spino attendant. She wore a gawn ot slc.room. Mrs. Harold Klein. • Iwdmner In her hom,eon Courpale green satin, with a lace ,St. Joseph ~Jercy AUlC'lliarV ,A girl answered perplexing inA.1l.a! the me~?ers CJl the' ..or- 'yill,eroad last night. bodlce'.and bouffant skirt. Her IV! '1. quirie50ver the phone, "bonds" gamzatJan were 'Invited t~) ~ ., ' ----headr.:oss wa sa cap' of green Prepares for Elections, .' were sold and "drives" arranged present. ,,' :~ 'W'iIIi.m A. GintJr. Weds . " . ,. , Mefubers 'of the Detroit Ober- tulle, and'she carried an arrangea II'...lil d. lie ~rd ~r, not oml.'wmg th. e.. . ... . .., "';I'~b 'M.xine K... yon inN. Mexico lin Club ,will. meet for their an- ment of pink carnations. ,The regular monthly meetin$ humoraus mClden,ts that so fr~- High SchoOl M()ther'$.~ ;. .. .'. _: ' of St. Joseph Mercy Hospital qu~ntly accompanJ.edt~e work In To Hold Dessert Bridg.': '. .. Our Lady of Guadaiupe in clo-~u..i~~~~r6::e::~~~:~rt~~e~~:~ Pointe Cou~J_' La.va to Auxiliary will be held at th~ the real undertakings In the re. ... . ; t, 'vis.: N. M. was the scene ot the dell-Sheraton Hotel. " . . fIIW nurse's home on Wednesday, ~en,t past. . .' Plans, are under. way far.!Jbe ,r~.ent marz:ia,e.of Maxine Ken'Ernest Hatch' Wilkins, llr~i- Milke Home on West Coast March 6. at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. John . Mrs. Frederick ClJlford Fo~d 'Ii'nnualdessert bridge tob~llven :yon and Carp., William A. Gant dent of Obei-lin College, wlio'is' C. Biecker, president, will preW:ls the manager .of the affair, by the.Mothers' .Club .of GWSlle'Jr. t' . ft 19. f . Chief,Warrant Omcer and Mrs. side. Prellarations for. the compresente:l ~nder the capable Painte High' School' on Frid~' ,:'Th' b' 'd.'.. . . u . l.f d re U'mg a. er years 0 service, James W. Sneed (Uie. farmer ing election of new officers will stage direction of Mrs. Gage M . . " "',.'.: e rl es.par~, .are r. an Bef' h "ed. dO" .... . F'b .1'8' Mrs .. '.G ..'.. ..A willb~guest of honor; .. .. 'Nancy'. ,.Robins.on). left this' w.eek be coinpleted. ' I arc.h 11. . .~. .., . :1.fu. Charles Kenyon ot Portales, . ore er w mg,on e.. '. f9rge .' .;' Alumnisecretary Tom Harrilj . ThiS party ,ISheld ~n!1ua~lrt0N.:' :r.J.and Corp q'ilUs:the son ,Tqomspn was. MAR,Y,ALICETURR.I1.L, daughter ,of 'will illso come from the College fo.r'the' West CQ"'t, where Jim 'The members will also discUSII SOutheilstE'rn Women's Club mcreas.ethe schalarshljl fun~Jor ,otJ,fr. and Mrs. William A, Gant . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph.W..•'TUrrill., ofBrys,di:..'ive .•-.Mr. Thom..... ~.' to'repott on news of thecanipus; ~pects to l'eceive. his discharge. plans, for a be'nem party to th.e ben.etlt oLthe::Gr~ .•Po.l1]te'St.bfGt06se,PQinte Farms. ' . , . ~ Mark Kalbeleisch is chairman AfterviJlting friendsJn.northHolds lecture at St. Marks High Schoolstudenls.Mi'S. L~n \;iJ. . . b' f h ... ..' th 'son is the son ofA~r'ed-:r'homson,of,alterroad.'1'h,e: .qf Uiecornritittee for arranging ernCaJlf.ol'nia ,and San FrancISco held at the Metropol~tan Build: J.a.cobi, Presiden.t,iS,thegenl!ral " ter a r~e, on~ymo.on" e 1 'ted th . . th' h f th "tor' a month,' the ':yoUna: couple ing on March '11.MrS.William A. chliinrlaJi.and her coiiimIUi!e'.lin-peWlyweds wll1~kethelr,ho~e young coup e repea " err vows ill . e ome.o - e the. dinner, and reservat;lons may will make their home fn Los Gant imd Mrs: StatonJ. PhilliP. '.I\.t a.meeting 0bfthe Sauthhe4ast-c1udesMr.s:Harold oS. Davis; in temporarily at the .air basem bride's parents and ai-e motoring North,.for their ~~~de'thKroll1gF~hthim,0:blY'hca!J~AD.'.I ..eles. ' wll,l be hostesses for the day. t I!!'rnWaman's Clu on Marc .a charge of dining room and fOOd;,Sal'l A:ntanJo,T~as, where CorPdihg trip. • . " mg .....rs. Ir, 11' ,SOCUl.C aIr. 1:30 at St. Marks M~thodl.st Mrs. R. E. Chambers and Mrs. ;Oant II now ~tatloned. .' John:Hendetson phQto. man, at NI. 6731. ,Ch.urch,memb',rs and.~uests Will J. T. Keller•. ticlc:etsales;,Mrs .. ':' "" ':', ," . . • .' ,.. ' 1 '.' ,enJoy ~ l,~clu.re on Glassware .WallaceFord, tables and cards; Beth.ny L.diesGroup 'Alg.r, Mun+ to Address DON'T .WAIT'TILL'TI':fE BURGLARS STRIKE, " ~~;;~\h:~e~. ~u:;~~' ~o~ ~~~~; F~~s~ 'l;thJ:il~n,u~~:~ C» '~P.oilsor Boc)«'Review, " DinnerHorticu~~ral Society .zem, OberlinClubHolds Dinner Meeting -------------1 b9 wed- Girl Scouts Hold::Big Family :J pa~~~ will also demonstrate informal 'displays of table settings. Th,!! hostesses' are Mrs. Jesse Cloud. Mrs. i\lex ,Gillies. and .MrS. Jor.e!>hRobinson. . ---.,..----------------------e INSURE NOWI wood, PUb]jCitY'~tJia\\yLadieS' Group Na. 3 ~~erJcan taxpayers~"y ~Oo 'jS'J?O~~rillia)iln~heim a~d book lew mJliJon ann,ually to finance lav- .;re1'2vOO Tues9~y,thMar~h ~ at ernment do m.e sUe "news" :, noon a e c urc .on agencies. .Cliatll~ortli::and'()uter Drive, Mrs. 'Wieduttes,'lVell' known lite 'w' " :erary' ,critic, will review "The GirfSc~lUtsofTroop 257.~f andeVel-y~ne:votedfor a~peat ~~~~rBi~~~~P:~I~~;i~f Grosse Pointe Woods :r:l!o&e ~formanCt!:i;; ,,'., . '. . '." HorticUltural Society, will ~ fWainaSl'~yiiidig!nnan'esr wbhiI;ilic'h ~WaYas'hf?e:rl"d' ,...aa '_" ,_,; .' ,-. . 'guest speaker at a meeting to be t ,', AN'APPLE~I:/J'L.EA~E'! ,helil'i'hursday evening, Man;h 't~e Mason School last : Fnd~y'" ,The day may noChe 'far'off 7th; af8:00 ci'clOckat The Neighnight. . An~. t~ey really meal!.t When any Arrierican with a sweet borhood Club Grosse PoiJi.te,'un" a '~family dlll~er". for, eVen, the,t09tl:i: eaJ1. ,sit'down at any's,OIia der the sponsbrship,of the Grosse (:;atintlet"...., brothers and sisters ~ereinvlte(i. .fountain in the land' order an Pointe 'and Eastern Michigan ,A'ccordinr,to Mrs. B. Facb. a :r~e; part~ was afItJ~e]':unple apple sOda; an'appl~ade. or,' a Hortlculturai Society., ' bake lale' will' beh'cld in' can- of cooperation., Th~, gIrls. III tile dO,uble-dipapple sundae-and get Mr. ,Hunt'is sllperintendent' of . !'.. '.", . INSUIltANC-E , (Continiled lrum Pare 8) junction .with the 'l~ncheon.Tick- troop planned .the, e.nterta.l!UIlen~.:it! Dr. Roy Marshall, professor of the George:G. BOoth Estate at MESSAGE FROM RED CROSS' . etA.mayhe'obfained 'lit the door. T~ey were aSSistedIn ~helr p,l~~ horticulture' at Michigan State Cranbrook and will talk on _ MI'I. Formln Johnston. , • who is elllinnin for,t1t.. 6roue" -----~~ of t~e ~aL b~ a ~.o~ttee College, HYS that apple. syrup "!'>unin& and Spraying:' touch. ' "'. . . Pointe Area in the R.d Crou 1946Fund Clmp.tign (~ic:ll "gilll 'Miac:hie'YoUI Y oUDIitera ~~ rithe/ nie~rsbers•of her ~:. ~y be USked . W " make, ,Bnall.a~PJ~ i ~*t' u'~fr' thle'-PrQbl.e~ ~at a~llle ' . . ,.1 2'1-2 '~..!I t'':8 9 •• -"I cI I' <L h "'"'-) ~J '.' '-'-.... .' JUIce dr III a thtpossesses 'Ule me III u t grOWIng. ne W • - I 'o:7T1 .'. ~ .... ,"" en eon ,n~es',"roug me monm n.... 1 more v,"un,,-? ,SaowbaIl,'Autoe~WiDdcnn.. rn;t~"w~ .~ .•GI~:'l:feb>_tIUl.diarliCte?fitJc-~f\iHt'l.':1lPPti ~,jWr'c:flflIt"'dilfIaiii9_~ .'.". > , ,"'; •. '. ..,' '-:~.~F l~wl~-th"':'!!-~'~l' s':fhOllh ~to-hhOl!.M11.c:'!'~~,'1:,::.~!l:-. , .• ',~, - ;'.•.1--:::, ;:::-;..f ~,,£:::a'~;'t':!.''''~,d."'r~, J.; Brought,?n. ~ juice, or i1do(fU,and'~": correct ~!!th6ds 'of pniilirli. "i!'h .. i~U,U!; ... "-ll[ •• 1U~iRP'UA RAlllIilPRB1.('fp~ ". _ .. olcwlng I,'me lit 0 .r CDoe Ilrmen Wlm.... ~_ ~": /' The Intermittent thawilliot the mather:' provided the food and ," ,_ __ _ _2 _ .....bin .nd!he .reu the., r'prlMnt .'.' • Inyone'#~.~I1,.~.id,'':'',., ~1Y;in ~t,day.'ha8;beentoo !~e,;f~t!1~n; ~o.operat,edbygorg-. "or"': ,i,t, , the dri". IIUfg.d to eall the co-chllrm,n In h.r d'~lct:,. "", 'tenlPUac tor ma'ny"ot 'the yaung- lng, on. a de1Jclo~ dinner: . ::',< ...,'. '. '<:', t!lECOND.lTLOTHB()P rIiETKOrr , .. ~ •._Fr.• d~rick C. Ford, ,NI. 2630, G!OSMIP~inte ~ofg:IJ~,if,,,,~ ~\'~;':~~~l1t and com.plain~" of tJ:E!. I,lrIs :P;1tt!CII!a\~ . :....~, .... ,' ..-!,•• ,~.<'. ,,":' l ent md.rlck. S. Ford, LE. 6898, GrosMl POinte Crty: Mri:.$d~r'.hl~, JIOUri!(l:1ntothe pollee de. In "the .evenl~g ~ ell,tertil. ruI1 , ': .C'_ ., ,J Fink TU 2-0026 Graue Pointe Flrml' MI'I Uo.,dH~I~;IIlL"', ;P~II~"(J(~mciwballin( at au- some by puttmg on a style show ~ ' • "",-" 'tfth y. rou . gh and others their •;~'.?,":~.o,'t9U,,. Groue POinte Shores; Mrs. Augustul Le.dr.lrd. NI. 254(1... , .•'to' rnob'[I es, ~Qd'f" . requen .; by displaying .' .... . Wood." '"'-" G • P , "'_ .• '. housewindllWJ; t~ents such as plano 50105,vocal G roue POint.. I, mn . ....,roune el'ltlng, .• 1~6, ""'Ihot. . ',' . I' solos and tap dancing. Township. .' CompllJnta ,~f t1i~a'charlcter '~'tn'e leader, Mis.' Harry Find",'" , ••• have comefiO,m K.ercheval and lay, chose this opportunity to SOCIAL JOTTlNGSUnivenlty pla~,fnlm m Riv- present hard earnedbadges,imd Bits from here .nd there: ~rd,.~8'i7WaibIiliton- .Iid'. at nu- awards, and the girls .really Lilut. Comm. Ind MI'I. Chlrles CrHdon he"e solei tMir memua points where !lying snow- struttedl CloYlrlyra.d ham. and hi'" ta~.n an .p!rtment It t1t. WhitballahlV'1 made iite miserable There were about seventy tier ••• 1\14". Creedon left ThursdlY to s~nd I few wteb. in 1oi.','.ftlOtoriita. people present to enioy the fUn Winter HeY.n, Fl. .••• MI'S.J.wett Dwyer of Llk. 5tlor. roe•. ent.rtlin.d It a supper party for Mrs. C. before h~r,depar- A....'n<o',tho e'r P, O.'l nt'.e of' 'V' ,l 'e' 'St' ", ' . :'-''-';';:''''i 111 0 ture . • • .' . Th. Thomas F. StlleYI (he was stltioned h..... cluritMJtt.. wer) Ire her. frcm Rye,N; Y•• for the ~k-etld .\ ~thellcMe:guasts of Mr. and 104".Joseph S. Sherer of Ridge .:0.... " .... ,complim.nt th.ir guests t1t. $N"I'I wi. gi.,. a cI!lIMr, Party ":, SaturdlY ."ening ••• On FridlY e"ening. Dr. Inci ....... JGM ,L'; HlritelJ will be hosts for t1te SteillYS• , , .. . '." '.. 11M. J ules o OIerry 3454 •• scLuLot ~o CUSTOM leU/lis I l bat •. mats l APPLIQUEO JEWELS , { fI Fur Bvery OCCilSUHI Reduced, these fine 807 Metropolite Bid.. ITll!lts o!lre ~ ( no less a splendid qu~lity. ) t ~ ; Were 8.50. Npw 6.50. , ORIENTAL RUGS ~ t •i ASSORTED COLORS l.. In plt!lcn, blue, green, tan. are always Fashionable' ~ ~ white and yellow. and Because Oriental rugs are always in fashion:bi!c~~' they are the mast pradir.al t1oorcoverinc obtainable, they possess lastin,lt value. For that very re8l1Ot1. Yl)u. need to buy them fram II reliable dealer. one wha haa the correct knowled!feof them. who ha. the eltJll!rlence and inteln'ity 8S a dealer.' " ,' Our experience in thm bU51ness.lastlng tltlrty-silC years. Ilraperly tits us to he your dealer. Add to thiJ courtesy. patience, and. painstaking in wlitlt4l on you. and that shauld entitle us to ask for yaur patronalte, s. J. SKAFF they.'re the lo!lrgesize. ( } tl: .. : ~T ON A GAY .~ I NET I E5 BARAPRON Just the, ticket for serving the 'jolly' ",geng" • .r .50. at ~ubltn 7128 t J I ~.,. 453 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. , ( 10.50. 1" BlIsi~ss Siru;, 1910 Randolph i h.thrnp ~A; , ,-/ ~ ~ ~ } Spri., .Ih.......... h' ... ather drawing.board-that I t allunng curve •, , '. t' b' the "norm~l~ shoulder, the longer skirt. ,from bosom 0 Ip. . 1l500. Emerald Forstmann wool suit. 155.00, its SFA Sophie OriBinala:navy woo.I dress. . . f •t 1 t I liIkblouse, 49.95. Designer Collections>Second.Floor. ==================J' • j . • .' "," .' . ; •. ' 1.-5 J).A.L..~ .. O'H.,j.JJ.,., •..__ .,. , .... " ,.\.'l, ..•. " ~ R"O S S F; POI N T ,E, NEW .....;; S • ~' • 1l" aye ou ever seen 7 a rave an • JOOleWbere in the Paci&. H TAPPINJ!I) I were "occupyioS" a God.forsaken '~Of'Ce boys of the Sth ~ The bat jungle island which .ileeD taken from the laps. 'ifte he:at, and the bugs, :and the dirt wert unbearable. The lonell. beyOnd belief-beyond .DeSI was anything we who baven'theen there cuimagine. ~ ; ,,-".~~,olI~':, .. ':~r.",.:_' Theo--oo a 'sweltering airstrip one momi~g a plane ame down out ;X the sky. And out of girh. AM",",_ it stepped two Red ~ross pis. ,there. Soldien!" ~te ~ magic. .. ';: . . .. ,', l: American girls, like the sistenalid sweeth~ they l1!lclri't~ "Hi 10 many Their v~' tMm as long mooths-greeting they'? been f.~, . greeted ~ Q£~~ .. , ' in the ol~ ha ppy days at home. Yes, tears filled the eyes of moce tha~ . ODe of thOle 6ghting men. Brave men they were, crying uawbamedl , . . '., • • • . ''';,. Maay thousands of our ~ are, . t;~, . '>. "' still ~v~,'I'be9rtlC*iy. ibe1'~ ,:' ~ ue at thcic side. ;BUt JOUr cOlluibutioos ."',i, ' )IOU oM' "jO*c:ap keq,~ make it ~ble tbe~~'1~p : ! '. fQi ~ Red Cross to SII, tb,. . I ,< Gift todayl •• "."'r'> _ .• • ' . Red.Cross ; .,.," ,i, -~~ YOUR. ,1 !'~ '. bomeIick.' Tbey Deed ,out Red 'CroII.oilI. AiDci Reel ClOSI DIeD IUd . .'. wometl. , ; , ::,' \ ' . . MUST CARRY. ON • • • . This Appeal Sponsored by The Hawthome House Hamlin's, Inc. &- PoiMeF.,. GrOIN Point. Fin'" . . , . , ...; William DenIer & Co. ~ ,.,. j ohltston Optical Co. F.nIlI ... The Sign of the Mermaid Toles & Chalmers .,... ,.... N"'" .... ,... '~Il" Iflncll FI"", ., . ~, .. - .... ,". . .' ...:.;...;i>~;~':::';;':.~i\t;~~.:::\~:';~;;':~:'~.::~:~'::~~{f:/,:;t';S-,~ij~.~~ ", '["-f}'~...." ..:'.,.-:.,. ~.~ . •f . ' :: ~ , ;, iI ; 1: (, I" • ".' . : /... .0 ~ Thursday, Fe~~ry2., r 'WOMEN 1 Womea BIST • I.... MEN mea "IIdlOlutically thaa !at a report froIa the repvar Detier vialL .tudeDta atKiehiPD ,tate CoUeeeciid a1i&htly tmft, ,.. w First Deb Engagement IAnnounced~t Party • ~.rg.ret . A nl!m!, symbo~e of the fin"t wo,*menship ••• • or1ginal custom '.putetiM end first engaged i" erNn"9 ' to weer millinery: nmAY: 10A..M. to • P.M. . MON., THURS .• SAT.:, 10 A..M. to 'P.x. 1096 'I. Grand Blvd., ' at Woo4warl! ~t2. MldL Greta Turne' announces EVELYN Ann W.hitehMcl's)letrotlwllto Woodruff '80yd Cr:o"M Rev •• 1ecI on February 23 " When Margaret Ann Whitehead rev~aled her bethrothal to Woodruft Boyd Crouse Saturday evening, she becamethe irt quelify .... ••• rNdy . WINTER as _ new member 9f her' staff SPECIALISTS in Finest Oil Sfstlching a'nd Tinting Gr~te .Turn" deb of the current made theariDouncemellt at I. coclltail gathermr of the family and close frienda in their hOme on Cloverly' road. Her tlante u thf! son of Mr. and MrS. Charles Beecher CrollH, of Provencal roa.d. Th. YQUnr bride-io-~ Cho,;e • ray candy,.lripe<i dnY of alret. in red, white and ,fay shades in. w~ich to Ireet 'her IUests. She pinned a corsale Ilf ,ar-', deniu to it. Her.mother wore a .hort black .. tin dinner ,own; , Ann'. sc:hools included Grosse Pointe Country. Day and the Bal'lnol'e School in New York. She is a' member of Tau Beta Asaociatilln and the Junior League. Mrs. Whitehead introdu~J.ler to society at a tea early last fall. ' 'WOodruff .is a former private lint c:lasa who lIl!rved with the. :rim Infantry Division in the Southwest Pacific: . for two yearr. He received his discharge from the Army Dec. 23. Before 'enlutinl, he at.tended St. Geor,e'. School in Newport, R .. 1. , The couple have made no weddiJlc plan,a. In th. GrossI Pointe Bank Bldg. ,Marian Duncan. and Doris Pick, Grosse' Pointe junior and lophomore, respectively, at tendil1l Michl,an .Stale eollege, will holdotfices in the Women's Ath- \, / r ;::~.~!&OCiation Gr •• t . , English Bride' I Pointe QirZs' Hold AthletiC Offices ' ltiv.rt:lllvcl. . Ann's parents, Mr. and Mrs.,James; Frazer Whitehead, b.tluty ,,,Ion 279 seasOn. OIl campu. this Accord1na: to ,returnlat ~t~;~ A large .iJdimce T/4. :WiIliam F. Armstrong, lIOn' . -_.. ~. of Mr Freer W. Arm.tror:it., af Fair court, obtained , ~ month'. leave hom his occupation duties in Germany to marry Audrey May . Carver, daughter of Mr. and Mr... George Carver, of West Derby, Liverpool, England. The mony~as . perfonDed 'in;St: Andrew's Church in,;Clubmoor, . EIlgland, Saturday, Tell. 23 'at.' 12:30' noon.' The sergelmt'tOok his bride to Edinburgh;"Scot-. 'land for, a weddil1l trip and cere- ~~~~t~:~rn t withber to the ~-'--___ ,ilU~lilP~OO'" ~l)o!\VS of .... uti.fuI ............... ~rf SCoUtS. &m 'wg.S, ;. Entett.in nIhM .u ..... for It.,h b.y. anet ,Irl. ~""'net T.. . ,I(~r,.r.t.n ~~oIinq ,,' . Be,innln. their Khao! new memben of. Mr.. hIWI... De4.r.lt • PUBLIC SALE * {Ii ;L , ~. ,.,1. ,, , ; ..J' ~ \, ).' t',: ,, ~e other JacObso/l.'1 ..,', ,- ada .. on palle ~. ¥ , , :':, , ..• • , ) t ,f. , ,. ',.". < " t 'I , I S,mut/'n.K , , } '\; h...... Me your lucky number~, l- ",, I .dyle sketched, 1Hu fJeJ'Y enltiit. , < Weer solid colors .Iike this .. ) young 'f but not juvenile. You' C8n . e-.e ,u",u,. "'y ey', .A. MR. BURGER the NBrp l'ORK TIMES, ,.ys 'btlt' il ;" .' " '. .' 1ust e,ght t,mes h/Wller 10 g~1 tIKIIO" ;I U. S: eoi",_ meNiIll;MI IhMI;1 iJ I. l-fi,. th'W:H1Tl1 HOlf~B, .PlUNKUN DBUNO ~OOSf.. ~,.i,;,.tn. wear them even if youir. somebody's "o~. ,_ill ~. , I. }" , mother ••• Dress Shop 19.95 to 29.95 f ( - ftnll1"fJrm. " "" w.......fil r.. \, I> I I I t ; \ , I '\ --"I"'K. ,, I =::S:i:~'5 , ." \ i' ' ., " '~.per ••• 'ro"" .._ doors,.ut Ole 'N- .... .,Po TIle pic,- LmJ:' ST." P"TRICI'SCATBED&AL-4Ile:r .... to end *'~......... . i~,per",ypep t f I tn" 9 t . 0 . D r:e 15 ,:. '. f, ,• .'. " .. . l It J ,j. ( d u.. .x-." -'"'\ ~y'~~-<~~;~: ..-~<;":-_.~~'~ ..~:'7~~f!Y"~~~-",.'"i~. ODD FACT ;, To aid a cat dying of a rare blood disease, a second cat gave The alumnae of' Alpha Chi his pal a blood transfusion. Omega are meeting in the home of Mrs. Robert Conder" of Touraine, Friday evening, 'March I, at 7::JO for d ess~rt. . Mrs. Lloyd Nyman, chairman, is to be' assisted by Mrs. Joseph Starkey, Mrs. Carlisle Rueger, ~. Millard'Toncray and Mrs. Ceeil Cummings_ The program is to be arranged by Mrs. E. G. Hennine, Mrs. Danald Sargent, and Miss Catherine Oakley_ Ther.,; will also be all election of officers. w"l. •\. ... III _.w ...... ':'~ " ateel tablar. wllUe ~ . ,'. '" *entthea aile IIttf1d1111. ••. . ., It IsI a Ve•• 1Iea ude'rtakIDr. twice ~s g~y ••. thfls8 .. .... IlUniIlerinr _ aad' ~ ' . .. " g. ... __ aU,. It ...... ., S' J .' . boCIIep' a.e")IirMas pring sprou 5 or , unlor~ • '. ;, a.'t WHr7.! P 'years. 81': PAft '. I. JIu iriiMI ie tbebldl ums '",n., enr .. SAIUI-""nI,'.-.z.':.. '. " . . ..', .. .. tile peat iff :&~I,.It<yC(Ur.fjgure. IS """<acr'TRA'r ",',' . , . w .. Ji1 1M "'aJ~II •. tiiee: TIle ' you'll b~ h&ppy as a eIIlare ... UIerftie..ftIl .. Yft'ticle,.a tile •In. SS are .. wILIeI! f_ tIie catlMlllnJ ese, .,' op ••• Kin", aM ~ -~ I Junior figur~s. Sizes 9 to IS .... el ... HIe tMqllt die Ila4 _t t4I U.e ICl'aJ drin.I, myscU, fcn&114 aprealDru01l1 Iolrt Ia BllClape8t,lh'e :rears ...... Let JIIe know 1f~t ., .. ,lrla ft8d. ••• a t right ideas ••• dlY'l8I\ Dorina ,(>n Saturday a~,. Peb. kilklergartel1' are the 'fol23; .ix IirtKOOt5 Ilf'Troop 52. 10WinI,,'pupila: Vqinia Cook, cotnpkted their. Hll8t~ Bad,e PunchrA~rews,' Jo.nAuslin, by ~ri,,« and HrviJl, nfresh- Duane Balcerslti, Barbara Bash_ta 'lftcl tate their motht!CS RI'a, Dar Br<nm, ~bara Conder, at tIte hOtr.e of .Mr.. Clifford Bruce Ccmder, o1iln ,Cooper, PhylLundiren. of Harvard road. lis ,DrUchenberg,. Buddy DnttThe (iris who acted al hoetesses man .. Butchy Haye, Mary Xay were: Betsy Chesbrough, Janet Hynes, Pankee MalcoLm, Ted Xopp,Suan Litchfield, PeU)' Medlin, Sharon Panons, Judy Maffiand, Betsy Sanpr lAd Pappin, SaUy Ruen, Margaret Sally Schemm. Sherwood. Joe Sincll.if and JlMJ1 Sweet. '. ____ Sorority AlumNe ,HoW Meeting in Conder Home n... at Detroit the orpnliation.The .• Michiian,Leque ,for &..u'fiNtes .. 1909.GBOKG'/ MISe DuriWl; dauihter of Ki-. Cripp~ed' Children roeeUnl. :"illtY ASHlNGION . U1d'Mrs.'(iel)rge Duncan of lZM be held .• ~The. Woail!n's ,City II, 19J2..JJlJBLakepolnte. avenue, u majarin, Club J'rJClay. March 8th at 2 p.rn, PBRSON 101 lb. _hi if, '1938. in'phYlic'11 education. MilIa Pick, Mea. Helen .Hun,erford, pro- D ' 10' L .' .. , . daul!tter'of Mr.,alid Mrs. W. J. gram cllairman, will, pre~ent' (HI" 1 0.. 100 Pick. of 373Nef1 avenue, i. also ColumnistMiSl Vera Brown, MR. TRUMAN. ... physical education major., Sh~ her topic i.'The Jungle." ' • • ,. it a. J!!mIber ofGr'eenSplash; Mrs. Julius 1.. Beeker, PresiAa l..-ei IT., PATUCl~'1 Rimmin&' h OJ! 0 r a r y, dent, will preside.. CatlleVal , .... :r. 1 ......... and i. affil,iated with iAlpha Chi. , _tell ~ wNlt r*« ii& Mn. Omer.alororlty., .' Point. Youngsf~rs St.rt ...... < tII..... BEST'" 00 ..... :;IW , •iI' e{ r.......) YELT,n tHIlj ,,,- womea'. h, ...'If' f Tallyho-HOlD (e- ....... 17 t'\5 .7 { priots. Junior size~.'. I~rk Sh to r } • A I ~ .. ) 29 95 . ,( "':r. , ,,. '\ f ) \ SJ .., 'fI .r... I., ,, ) \ ) ( ,~ * .. ,, • '\ (' <, ffrat editions ••• f... Household Furnishings ,\ •, t ) DR, D, F. HERON 285 McMar.n ~M~ Grosse Pointe, Midi. living Room Kitcheri Dining Room Uho,.-friend!!I _ddl~r8 ...... Sedrooml * Recr.. tion Room , Fifes, Refriger/ltor, Stove. Wtlshing high-orched Marfar of rite /( eyt,oard "I IfJe HoMmond OrQOn Machine. Perfectly 'iofto Sr,1iII I detoiled. brown rubber 501$5. Smooth Jines ••• eyo, compelling 'deteilsl All ffll things you'll WMt i," your new , •• , Junier coats Md suits. Sketched a suit of twill gabordine, 49.95 . Shoe S~lonr .5.95 (17 CH. 9072 t ~ '\ ~~ i,&;;;~:J~;'~::li'i~l}~~~li~;;'i~~~.:ilf:Qi'iIJ~,~ti;<t;.!*:..;;!....;t~ ; # '\ t \ ( ~ , f ) , , \ '\ '1 ..., f' r ~, t .. , L , '\ # ) , ,• ...... ,..... lCere..... 1 et St. C:1eIr t \ '\ ,, Non-morking H. O. McNIEINIY ~ f f SALE CONDUCTED BY APPRAISER I1 our collection of Jaunty Broad vomped yet shorter looking. DON KING SIlftCl.Y, M.rcft ] rei, from lOA. M.' yet low-heeled Spring by Jaunty Juni()r, spring fashions! See them in ond they're reolly different, , JOHNNY MACK GrMd Pi.rIC, ~edjol, OffiCi Des~ a"~ o,.ir, . );", Town Hall will hear Basil O'CMnor, national chairman of boUi the Red CrOll and th6 Infantile Paralysis. Foundation, WedDeldliy mornin" March e, at 11 o'cloCk in the Fisher theater. The dutin(llished president, of the na. tion', greatest humanitarian ..,enc:les will speak on "POIt-war PlaM for the Red. Crou." Altbou',h the inlernationally known Executive-talks frequently on the air, and at nationally lpon. sored ,atherings, his rlcoroUi schedule .permi~ few peraonal appearancl!l. His engqement at the Forum will be of particulU intere!t to hundreds of Red Croy workers In the Detroilarea whet Jri.... t \heir chief for the Ant \ime. '. O'COIlIlOr'1 appolntmt-it to the top Red, Crou POIt wu made by President Roosevelt after he had lIl!rved . the COUlltry 11lr many yearl u national head of the Infantile ParalYlu Foundation •. Followin, the ,lecture. the speaker will cond uc:t a q uation period in which he will answer queril!l relative to apeeia) problems which thf1 Red Cro.. must meet in it. IlOIItwar plan for rel~vinr the. sulferin& in Europe. ttw I ,. Town Hall Guest 1M,""'" .. / ": (f I: ~~t-:co~~:;":';lt:.~, ( ~~b~a~a:o~ ,I 1;.. Basil O'Connor 1 Midti~"Crippled'Chi1dren league Me.tirM] ~t Ci~ =-~tlc0~~ j! _~tl will the ~AAD~~:~o~i~e~~r: . !~ ' P'O I.N T E NEWS ,G R 0 $ SE .. .. " I " t .'. -..-,. -.~.-~~-.-,.. , -...~.~.- ,,- ..~.~ ,- -=--.- , ., .' .- . ;: , GROSSE 1U' fd' . . • POJN'TE .Newlyweds NEWS -. Cut. C.a.ke .'.,Jhursd.y, February 28, 19-46 in, off moments writes cus~om have kept him ••• To HAROLD made speeches for any occasIon. ALLOR, of Kerby Road, who is .•• BUD WEISER who did clev •. home from' the hospital, we exer line drawings for the column ia guy'simagination. Ijustmad~up tend best wishes-and good ridthe whole story after I read that dance to his appendix ••• TOM enrolled at Cranbrook .•. Latest ____ reward bail. You can't hold me . hy BRENAMAN presented orchids army releasees are H A N K for nothing." KAY "BENa'! to MRS. HENRY FORCIER, of KEANE and LANNY BARROWS. He was lying. Al1d he knew Manor, and to MRS. GLENN ANlIy LAWRENCE RANDALL that both Carroll and I knew he DERSON, 'of Merriweather: for ~19KE BEES NEEDED As Told 10 Mary Ma4Jsoll wal lying. But he had something 'The Feed Ba,. their outstanding work at Percy For the first time the United .(Continued frOID Last Week) and someone on his side that WHEN MRS. STANLEY FER- Jones Hospital. Veterans wrote States Department of Agricul. ,He noodled. "Lool>s that way. such a thing as obstructing jus- m~~~;~:n;.~:~a~~e you're wear~ my~~es~Cyak:~:h:~~etips~ Tom letters,' informing' him of ture has asked for a definite in • .I t was a p anned substitution. No tice-" ing duplicates~t Karl Karlson's iU hat. We did a bit of. sleuthing ~f' ~:~v~ crease in the number of colonies one could have known 1 intended The phon!! cut into his outburst coat and wrist watch?" to find out what makes them so of honeybees. An increase of 8 .. to show those pearls. But they wilh staccato illslstence. I picked "Two things I'd wanted all my good and found she makes them ~k:~q~h;ed~:: ~~~p~~'e ,~~ pe.r .cent in the .number ~f col.. carried the fakes, wailing a long it up. life w •• a camel's hal'r coat and a of vegetable flour-and soy be f d' h . d . I' '. f to clunce. to switch them." Mabel said, "That Mr. Sixty is ~ . , . . . . an 0 IS es an one comp ete set 0 onies is proposed. Accordmg Charles Figy. Director of the wrist watch like his but mine milk. It s .a SpeCIalty for dlets. glass.ware at g'ive-away perform"What .are yo.u going to do here. Shall 1 send him up to your "\. . d 1 about them," I asked. apartment?" NlaOww aIgag •Ontst'emw'eaTrl.hnegrethaeinrr.t, . n .o an . con.va esr-ents, but. the. v.:ay ances ••.. That hand-painted tie Slate Department of Agriculture; • 15 Huel flipathem out, you enJoy JACK MUNRO is sporting was based on the state's 1945 bee col~ ''I'm going out to tell Fay Ames "Yes. Mabel." I said. "&nd there?" 'em~ hale. and hearty ...•. Chop done by MARY ANNE ORO- ony population, this increase' they're missing. They're a fifty him right up." Carroll snorted in an ugly Suey by ~RS. W~TER ZI~WA Y,local gal who paints ties woiJId add 15,840 colonies of bees, giving Michigan a total of 213,84Q .thousand' dolIar police exhibit. A few moments later Carroll laugh, Sixty's face t1ushed. He MERMAN 15 somethmg to Writ!! like a professional •. ; ANDY Legally, they belong to her as ushererl Sixty into m)' bedroom. could have stood a police beating about. one reason it:s so goO!i.is ALLARD, of Ridgemont, i,~.pull- colonies. :MJi'anda's beneficiary. First I The jagged iacewas the same but in his stride; a police roal' of beeause sh~ uses tWIce a;; :m.nch ingbig pike through. the ice at want to ask you a question." the scenery he wore was not his laughter scorched his pride. He beef. as veal. ~teadof rltle, she the foot of &ven Mile. ':You don't think I stole them?" own. Drapped on his cheap figure turned on his heel and was gone. serves mashed potatoes, ,andEll5t Civilianll:ed. , .I,gasped.' was an expensively custom.cut Carroll made no move to follow and West. really meet whensheBlLL MULKEY, of Touraine "Stole Is an unpleasant word." camel's hair coat. On his wrist him. co.vers &,'Jod old American spuds Road, back from the wars, is Carroll was being very stern and a costly looking watch. The cus1 said: "I don't follow you, CarWIth On~ntal.gravy .•. ', To the helping to smooth,out labor relaeificient. "It occurred to me, after tom tailored coat didn't go with roll. Now he's gone God knows Spaghettl Experts of theP.ointe, lions at Ford's ... HENRY 'Iome of Corneilius Dunn's wierd the cut.rale figure. The wrist where." add A. D. HARRIS, of Roosevelt, STEPHENS IV; of Ridge Ro~d-'-' manipulations in this case that watch was too 'elele' a model for Carroll shrugged, picked up his and son JIMMY; dUly aftested soon, to move to Rathbone Place y'ou might have been acling un- a cab driver. These props I knew hat and tugged sharply at the and.worn to by C. A. DEAN, JR. :-is customer's man for one of der orders. There might he a rea- instantly, were the dupllcates of brim. "He's ~malJ time in this ~nd .JACK ALLEN after parta~the town's top brokerage flrrns. IOn why he wanted this pearl in- ones I'd seen yeslerday in Tbe set-up. We can pick him up any mg at great length (about ten •.• ,DANNY HOLEFCA' ex'''estigation stopped-" Derby Hotel on Karl Karlson. time. They've got a standing yar~, of. sp~ghetti each). of th_e navY!TIan, ,back in, the','Bliok , ''I didn't take them. You'll have' I wouldn't have thought he'd so charge 'against him. :H:arrlS specIally last week . " BiJilding, writing insurance poli'to believe me." brashly appear in them. I supCarroll's face.'was pale with Smce fireman.BI~L (KID) cies •.. JOHN HARRIS, of )lIc"I do. I had to ask you, though, pose he could no more have left sleeplessness, his checks the GLEASON reti~ed, fr?m kitc~en ~inl~y, is scouting for ,a location to satisfy myself." he said. There that camel's' hair coat home than stretched gray of drum skins over duty at the Farrns Fire Statum, m .Hi.e Pointe to buiJda" quality was 'sandpaper in his voic.e. ~'I .ach.orus,.gal couId leave a new his thin bones, but his eyes were the boys have~issed his fine beef shoe stor~likethe aile" he co, 'don't mind telling you; Randall, Hlterof silver foxes on a day so astoundingly alive with determinstew. When Kid makes a stew, owns' on' McNichols Road"" 'I'm fed up to the teeth with this hot she should have had them alion. he puts everything!n it but the BILL GAGE, .JR., has anad~~r~ Make your "evening out" a case. 1 dim't like the way things muzzled and on a leash. ,"Are you going to slay home fire truck .• ' • . •. ". tising job with 'CampheIlEwald. luxury event by choosing are running. I don't like this idea "Sit down, Sixty," I suggested. today?" he asked at the door, "or You know the .trlck o~ putting ': •. GEORGE WID ~ E R, of 'I.!'at the large,st ~xpa~er can't be He covered my bandaged head do you want to meet me at the a s!>'?t ,of .sherry In cream soups? B15hop Roa~ is doing .accounting wrong. I don t like thIS brocaded with a shifty eye. "Have a little Club at ten thirty. They've got a Put It In )ust before you take. th4;! at Chrysler's •.. Ex-tech. Ser~ '. ::.. Barbary Coast that Fay Ames trouble?" rehearsal set for that hour. I MR. AND ,MRS. LEON 'T.MARTIN cutUng'their soup oft !he bu~~r •. \ersonally. geant BILL SHUTT has rejoined aeems to be running. There'sstill "Yes," I admiUect. "A little want to see Sue Manchester. wedding cake at the r'ec~ptionheld at the WardellYO,;,rSCflbe !hll~~s 'It~aBad the salesstaJf of Hiram Walker trouble." You'd be a help. I thipk the lit-Sheraton following their. marriage Saturday,' February ~olnt~oesn t ?Ike the ..tasleof .•• BUDGUlNDOl'('of y'oik~ ,'He didn't make furlher in- lIe Boslon T.N.T. bag goes for 23. Following the reception the couple entrained for lt, and prefer,S hiS sherrystraig~t shir~, is schoolin~ al Chrysler's quiries. A little trouble was no you." Chicago where they will honeymoon. '. ' :-before the soup cou.r~,~ut Institute 01 Enilineering •.. BOB novelty in the circles and uian. "1'n b~ there, Carroll;'" Mr. Martin.is the son, of.Mr. and Mrs. Leon'M. Martin herea:e a couple of wme'.trleks LUBECK is cnthe public rei a"les.in ...whichSiX.ty.' ...moved.' •.. i When.:CarrQll left, I found a '.' '. . . the Mlssus d.oes.inour kItChen t,bus,sta/foltheD.S.R.anddur_ Detroit's. smart' east sid~ nili~t • ,He:said: '.'l'm:herlioil .. . t d of Kensingt. a.n, Grosse Pointe. '.'Mrs .•..Martin' ," nee Ell'Z'athat puis her In the Wald fl" ., husiness. sCissors,s arte cutting and' uno. or c IIIIS. . . sPot. Accessible to all sectiOllJ" I won't he a minute." . 5wathingthe bandage on my bethAnri PeOples, is daughter of Dr. and Mrs. She bastes a beef roast with Clar" of the city. it is patticularly. convenient to Grosse Pointe , ,He,.~lrelched a hand toward me' 'head.,I'd ;have to get along withCl!\rence Chapin 6f Columbiayille; Michigan; 'etwine, and li'roast chicken with and, IridianVillagepleuure with a tightly folded paper;. I. out this turban. I had: to look' Photo' by Fred RurinellsMlisca~el-for the slime reason seekers,. Superbly . prepared opened. i.t:. It'.wasrily ch.eck. The ~atural,"if possible'no'lchalant, in.that yeiu blllte.a ham with grenafood and the choicest liquol'1 'J7 ,.~~ II4t; . . pub!' I Id 11' h b '. . dine or pineapple juice-for betonel'd givenhim'for;"expenses" .lC. cou pu t e rIm.of a zer, Dave Sutter, and Jim'Crow ter taste and flavor. And she are served. Dancing every .cOmplou 11M af at. The berbyyesllirday. soft hat"do.wn ov,er rr;'y temple. = eagerly,awaiting the next dance. dds ' , nillht to the smooth rhythm '~,I . • .. . '''Wait.a'minuie; Sixty. I don't' . I, satdovrn, ~olding,thebomb i a . a 'couple tablespoons of of Gordon WeIch's Music. Speclaltfes Your host of the .eveliing want this back. What's up? You~ :fy Tthr?~h~n:h hehad in.~y _,i ~ ~er the. dance, .. MARTHA ~:~~\i;'u':~~~ins~ 'ia~;es~ d :wereglad.to'get this yesterday." n .s. 00 a ey ~tO'Plck JOHNSON'S .hcime was ihe ,Scene so good, "Thisis.today •. l 'changed my the lie~d for,.the target'Just when By 'iSaetWaaa of m\lchactivity.Martha Wa5 . DoMan. . . ' mind," 'henid,wti,h uneasy I n~ed most to/use 'it. ~I. tried with Bob. Smith.'" Carrie; carter This & That. MIIHotHtI. .. . ..' .."'.fHn1.. wi. rOB BESE.VArIONS CALL" _ glance at Carrol!,.,.' :to, lme up the ugly cham of . THE BIGGEST, little real , ''Younieansomebody:changed eve~tsof the r)ast'f~w days. . iB BETSY BACBMANN with ChudEdwaids, Car~l. Mc- tate deal in the Pointe occurred l\IE. 1836 ME. '565, .~ .. it.foryou,don'tyouSixty?~'DoeS First,someonemurderedMI_ . ,Yo - . .... ,.... Pherson .With llill Wood, 'Sally recently when barber SAM . '1109 East lefferioa '_ ~ thia ,J!'elin, you're renigging on r~da. Someone .had stOlen her VIRG1NIAJOi!NSbN:'de~ided Sutherlandwith~rtie D,!yiS,..Sal- BARKER purchased. 5 feet" of ''":'" ,-' ... ,:~~: :: ~,,:\ 'youridentiflcalion of Karl Karl~ plC:ture from my room. Someone to iietsome of her' 'friends to~ l.r Watters with Ted Kratzet, Kercheval Avenue business front~ . son as the' man you drove to the had knocked out Sneed; then gether .on Saturday, February 16, Ann Wedhoff with Leigh Middle- age in Rockerieller Center •••. Gro~PointeGolf Club?" caused,her to disappear. Some~, SP;.• :aflergoi!lg4r;JWn tow,nto ditch, ¥n Stringer with' Bill TRUMAN'S grain edict, unless l;;i,xtY'llodded, "You got the one h~d sto!en the Pfiarls found 'iJJ!'ovie thega!s,all'trekkEd'over Maxon~ Elaine Kramer ;with' Ed- changed, will effect thedistlUa'idea ,surrounded;" . o~ Miranda s body, stolen them to', Virgina,s home' for Ii slumber die Baker, and' Sally Critten with tion .of gin' more than any, other. ::"B)Jt.youcan'tdo that" C'ar- rIght under CarroU's'eye. And part y •.,Accordingto"thecgirls' del- Bill Cole. " •.• • alcoholiC; beverage-fewer mar'roIl Jasheaoul at him. "Yo~ made 'someone had slugged me, Some- inition,. a "slurribii" party ka tinis alld tom collins this summer t ANNlE _..'police statementlind you've got one . .I :lattered l~ke an ominous p"riy; "where. any''Poriibleslui)\:' h LEININGER decided '" Inc~dently" contrary to a De': • , ,Ul,stick,tg it.Yo!U'e' ... tata>.'\v.it- refr~n ~.I11Y, ~ram. ~:} ... ~ ...' _ ber C ii. strictly' avoided. Some of t at SatUX'dllywollld.be ai •.good troit. columnist'l report, '.'LOst" . • . '~~.f .ness,.,. ..":l1ow'.~111'_c.~.,.~ ..:': ..•. ,' , "':"Orie~tli'"g.was.cleiJ.r.:"Mii':.an'l:la.' th e .. :c~.ro .....•. w-.d.;.-w'.h'.io' :~ll.t'a .•y.ed'.' lor" 'th''e" a .tln,..eas"an.y. ,'~. or'.~•.;'..good .., 0111.- Weekend" : has 'not' cut .. (fown' . e;::,.. , ' .• -" ,1,Y . d .' f.alhidned ~haiparty.>Aftei' . .'~ :l,"'!'IU .' '!All.I:d~dw~s,cook.upa'story" wa~ead .. 'sneed was probably nighL' ,were )~raririie,Fit~$,j!ln the drink.. sal~indowntown.spo~. .. . •.•. ~,:.. "::-' ,..l~ andyou!re stuck wit!!" ,J~"~i.h,!!!~.ad~.nwa.s:l).o Ipnl,let,~ef.!:!lya aniH:;iCl)"tiinOritier, Marty sellar. movie all the girill .Iathered at PlaCet,' 'where l:iualnelii-ls'; tiff! .. :....::; , sneered:;!IICar~,ll!"\"'''~ :~ ';;;~ ,matter ?f .my oWn ur"e to. let Marion Field; PiJtWi1J.iama, and he; ,houejand 'aCcording,~o,rule charge it dlt:ectly 'to~automotiv~ I' NIArlA",,6ZCD "But we;clin Ji.old'yclu'loi"per;; MIranda s murderer. He ObVlOUS- shhlW ~aenirii'. . . -AO:DoYII .~ll~W~I, ~col the strikes .•• MRS. FRANK SCOTI' '-JEJ'~' t ';~CHki -:'~ "'1~8 jury," Carroll threa~ed.. .. "/,,.)y .ha~ the. same urleto get me. "~.: ~';;" "'..' • . 'gals_rlt Shirley SOmel'll.' Mary CLARJ{, Of Notre Dame,. dOesn't .',' JEFFERSON :U)REXEL JEFFERSClN'at LAKEWOOl) . "I afut8ll'''{eebli!mmded:u~Y6ii.If ldidn!tkill him firstj.lwas due Wh~;v'th'G "'P ~'S..'u:~h T1iQrn, Marilyn' Buck, :,Domahave astanii liI. line oflito<:kin'gs. . 12335KELLY-.ROAD . .... ,¥ish iWI!l,';"YilU .. ean't:holdme' to be killed myself." . b'k' ~Ii.'ltea rosse .' ~nte.~. Dahltm" and"Mary Truintiull. Her lon, HUGH,senthertwo . ; .. "1 for perjiu'Y>aila-'~YMJ;"J<no it.'I, eha' .. ,' . as; 1;, .. '. mp l a~ag~... . .' "'. ~ '1 precious pair-all:si1k'--frOlh' ..c •• , wasn't on:nowitnm~Ji~d\n'no . pter 13 ',1' Ford.',1Tade on~~ay". JlIg.~t, OKDINANCEDELAYED 'Panama. And thenllugh and d, , , ' . T1:.ft,.'Waof ..S co-"-.. ' pr.!l.~.hcall y t th.e.. h,.whole 'ic:h .. 00 .. 1 .'Th ta' b..... h'ch :,Florence 'now 1',,' In, ..Ch' . .v .,_ , .-...... t riled .e, ~~a >',o-:- manc:e ..,.w 1 ,t.'. lln. ' J.cago;: ;. .;..;,';. •••• '••••• ~ ' .;..'•••• ~ .• ".r ,. , At ten twenty fivelawung iny' u ... "ou'.to, II ~eer them~ ~n. the ..Park ispaaing. in, antici~recently presented the Clarka . . . .e&r:.into the. desertedpirkiJ1g ~1\.a~~!!.,lla~e~e~~rbBun..tioJl.ofthe"p~arance'.::of lev- with '.IO,methingmore ,p~ous . , \; .; h'orse-shoe'if'the Grosse Pointe dY,;l?tan; Ai~I~y:'lanleB~~y, 'era~ taxicabconcerns;in, the vil- than l)ylo~graridchi1d" a' IitqolfClup .. 'Walkjng by.the rows Pa.ul(1rubbs,}!arnet}'loWl!'nstem,. l!llle, at. anearl.r~d_te, Wl!5 laid tie. fellow . named GEORGE NOWA. ~OIIOUS WINTER COMPLEXION .. of gia~tdahlias; exploding' in Butch;: McI\:.~ndrl~k,Letty .ovei.t the:.Pl!rk,YillagecouncU MICHAEL .' •• DR. ROSS J. The memo W h ic h surealllst coiors, I had the same ~etschmar, Do.n .~Ies,Judy: meetill,fQr ,finalC(lnsid~ation SLINGER lost his do;, a ftve AND BEAUTIFUL IODYSK:N dull &enSjltion. ~at. i,nvariaply Zlck, ~C~ed Swefl(lOn, S~: C~mp-, at' tin! retular meetir.Ol on March month's old. beague hound. Mluple!lse~ the most dissmote me, sneakin, up on..this bell,. Bill. Cas~l, ,SaUl!!! Joyee,. ll~ . iJlf two weeks now, flnderi must MAYBE YOURS crimihetinq Women, r.. hotbed of culture. ' " .. Harry. Garmllil, Pat .J~reon"Her------,.-------------------. Over on the steps of' the .caadtm~n'Z!!rwl!C~ Beth KlaV'e!', Carquires no physicel ex~ouse Birdie Maclean was deane: 01 !Cas~icllJli;.Jciyce Bo.~,~t ertion or diet, stimu-' mg up a set of golf clubs. I hi-ed 1l'\1l, Dick Carter, Tom' Witting. letes end reduces body at him and walked over. 'He hain,and.Don.Kelly •.. said 'he'd been spending aU' his ' '.. .' •. ' 'contours ~rom the very spare time listening to music on Almost everYone ..~. all Gf'OIIIi ; , . first treetment. the radio and plaYing over old Pointe showed up at ~e Boat records but he. hadn't yet heard Club at one time or aJIOther on the tune ..he'd awakened to on Friday night SeerJlII 811 thoulh the mornln.l of Miranda's mur- the Boat Club is p'.~~;~. a't .. ,. der.' ~~ ... In the club lounge I picked up lead one JUl'lior DaJlC'l!' for enry a house phone, got the house- month trom now cm.!'roin 9 'tll neper on the 1I:le. She said 12 the kid. danced, and during Ebba Stnim came to work at five inlermission they ~tMr drank SLEND£.RIZINEi SALQN'. o'clock in the afterntoon. I couId cokeS. at the bar or wandered See Ebba then. . around admiring the ..trophies. A Tower CAdilillC "668 The .dry lIkift .. nIB hentI Thi.)'8CIl', 10k. ,,",.An way to Carroll was waiting for me, quick glance from ~e balcony at e wi",... .tllln beaUty. and comfort, by' 14'Pplilmentinv ""' amid the tints of chilit that led about eleV!!Jl o'clock found Barb to the ballroom. He Ilave me a StoerkeI,' Phil ~Skillman, JOan ltOtuI'al oil, of YOUI' slcin 1ft e ~ia Oon it:~ way. ..~ thin grin. Heise, Dave Bogle, Pat Erskin, TreotrMnt has 'an abundance of CHOtESTERlNE, a vital .! • '~.ey'\'e started rehearsing," Bill Beardsly, Ann •Haggerty, ll_enl found in the loft We in of ell ildhoocL he said. "I want to study this Tom Mercier, Celeste Belanger, I II :~~ ,~ • court when' I talked yesterday. I was just broke. and being broke is an awful shot of dope to a ...... ..... .",".y .,.~ .. '... W'" ~:..~ ~ P'ol'nt.. and. Bad .... ~l~o~::' . is f The VAN DYKE CLUB the P h~ K'Id . B"tI S I THEWINESNDP ... ~"'WI IV... aetsi- all (, .. . .. ~-='I" .', es~ -' , , ,' , " James Lewis ... O' W C ,R ., CI" N -.v.. .,It.' --: .,'.'.--...".~."." ~cic '!':~.; Of I ,,.. c.... GLadys ,Ntlo. Kay~ "1 .... 1Iy leek 30 ......... .f.y InM .,. From many, -we, •••• " ':, =y dJoUMnds ol_larieftts aum a ~~. ~Whichh.a"' £rom ",-omen ~ia UI. 0-: ~ Ian 8 reus in riJiddle!if!=, ~ give)lOU thiI usun.nao- tM,...,. it no~. ~J-,. _ tll) recapttJ'" ~, CUI. fiahneo., help IOn..-. Yibrant YoIJthfUl.mum' ~ me wn of raa; and throat. It COIltaiDB mat .amanc beeu~ AcnyOL", an dfeci;ve replacement lot ~'. ClWft nanual, BIcin-bautifying subs~ Aboorbecl by die Wn. it help' .restore ftOttnal gt'O"lh to a~ng Cl!Us and tisIUe.' AlWays uk lot and ~ IIf'MI ~.' Many'report -taid ...H1I ' ill only 30 days. Thj, . J 05 'outfit again. rYe got a hunch . churning in my head. Speaking. : of head, how is yours?" <Coatinaed Next. Week) . . t • ~ . " .. . ;'0) .1 rron . Quality ............ - UNivenity 1.' 311 o..w WloIIoey ..... !lAndo/ph 0540 JI7 fiii;'i e;... ..._.... . ~~J::: . lEnox 2580 . 4 -- - 1 'c; t9lMU •• _ _Milo A _ .... UNivenily 3.4237 .. ~~L fir*t step , OF SPRING ~ .. (Cr_,Non.~ and ~.: •• or Spring You Move ••• 1$ the ewekening.:.;: the effect of e new styling of the' ha,'e dlmculty hoir • , , e permenent )'OUT pre- .mpUon. unle5ll you travel back to you. old JocaUon. 1 +OZ. jar Cream e.nd A change of add .... In Dttrolt or vicinity dCY.'$not mean that ).0lI ,,111 lfelUng OffER ellmited ti".. 1; CC>."!Ibinolion Set In The Event lfl.~_"" ....... REdford 6900 T,"*,~_ TOwnsend __ ..8.4200 nw D,ug .. . I. Sto,o. ~ MAdiJOn 5384 Mf l"""" ot __ Nlc~453 ~' I < TYler 4-8465 ~ Peter Klaver, Barb Wicking, Web Knight, :P.osemarie Miller, Paul Greeni,ng, Barb Klenk, Ray'Shumann, Margie Botts, Fred Selt- " Do mea Moria $2:007 .~ f090ttler ,nth by Louis CI trio' boHf. of},er famous .' loth ESMfk.. • .. • • • • works wonders. Thel1l sa IIkel,. a Sc:hettler Drur Store con\"t!n'ent to your nnv "oml too. TIl. same d~pendabl. prl!lcrlpUon "",1ce Is available In most e,'try sectIon of Dtlrolt and Crone PoInte. $2.00 • ., " 'TAKE ."OVANt"GE OF tHIS Of'ltORTUNITY TO REV£\. IN THE PROTECtION, W1NTEft C;OMFOllT, "NO IOOY lfAun THE IMRIA DANICA lATH ESSfNCE Pl'tOVIOfS, . .~,1 """'- So many people like thl. r.ata ... 11'0 nlc. to ha,'. a Schettler Sto .. ne.r ~ou. UNivenilY 4-3<434 :", PROFESSIONAL 'HAltMACY ?~." .~ FO. OVE. FIFTY YEAU I '1 I ,/«('jfJ/YJ ~ 'I ,4 •.. , ;t l"U ....... .._. - •••••••••••• TY. 24161 .f • • tz t n'b • n° e •• :_0" <,,:.' . ~•••• GR~E P<:)JNn "" .... ; ----/ &ROSSE ,SO~ething POINTE "glf NEWS Unitarians Hold New in Refrigeration Price Control Discussion SHOULP • M' . , .' '.. is made up of the dlen~al silv~r. .ware n~ed to serve eJght,p1us four aervUli p.lec~ It eosts~ little Ymembarrused. to te. 11 you, , Th,y,~. :b."Jd,~ .;~ &n,d,beaidei lJion't know the siiJtHil,-.'j,N .)lRS. PEPPUis wct price!, But.'U',,"looc1 look., . . . . ... . ,. gitJi.llbi;,.;wuiy /"Yibe aoze. ing"W! worth visit to. PON-A' & P's super market on Kercheval haJi,proven interesting to ,Groae M $5.50';P.LH bill",., still, G~CZ .. JEWELERS" where Point4!rs.The serve-self meat eount4!r, ~rmits Speedi.ngup ,bf shoppmg; T4emeatu _,,.~,,.,d,fo!, .'12.00. Did theyU Ilve ~ou .th: detalll. cut, priced and wr8p~ in «:eloPhane. The customer needs only t0se!ei:t and pay YOIIiltltiWlbllt 1I"IIII"s s'v'" ' ' . ' •. forthepackJge.' .. " .' Pl1otobyFi'edRunnells a or 'J.-sIO".'~' 0/ fliIXi ~odem &1. " &JJYJ !JII1ly; IhisfSl ., .' .' ' ~t::e"!Tiil~sh:;i;:e., i Ir~tt,?t: :'f:!t:J/':i:,S:iJ'tto~rf.: Red Cross openS Camp'aign Nt HI' /.NI&1UtI, ~'''! ~,,':;'is,.~:;i1!~,,,';s'lb' &i.s" Fot. " Funds in,Ddroit Area "/iIS~" 1MitL. .NM"",JJ,~, ~~~ " " 1JO' l' Drop . ? S' . lJI' II Jl I Irl~i ()1I1t' CON'l'RO.L the: Gro..e Pointe Unitarian Church Sunday eveninl February K. ParticipatinC were: John Seaville, eronomiat, formerly' of the Chryiler -Corpora~ion, wbo. held that price c:ontrol ahould lle aholished; Allen Brown of the Detroit Lawyer's Guild and MiJe Helen Moore, ei:ecuUve aecretary of the Detroit 'Federation of Teachers, who lpoke for 'the retention of the O.P.4. .' . Mr. Scoville. held. that tIle.pplication of social ControLs is morally wtolll ~alae it interlera with the operltion of natW'al economic laW. They hive no place in the system of-free enterprise, be maintained. ''Inflation is not c:ominc," Said Mr. Sc:ovi1Ie,"lt is is already here." "It Iiin the form 01 inflated currenc)';.Let prices rilJetotheil'normal1eve1andthe 'InatW'al operaUon of.lIupplyand ,. lJ, OUY~ H. LARNED ' , C'..:_~ BMrki's D." ~tl-.s if, "StartUiaSel-vice" _ 4a. .lIot .,.. J NiWtb' ltIIJ PEPPET ~ necMArily pertam to automo-Bi.ocKERT II1wII's • $I'!' biles. PONGRACZ JEWELJ:R:) .J!Utlo/lb,tilius. TJ,e Ulusl hive it. For. nearly 100 'Ye&r8 /n>tfI'I"iMttJ .. is l~ ;" lbe ROfers' Bl'(lI. baso1fered "Amersbll~. ,!/ tMJl6~lotbs, 1(fUJ'ls,..; Iea'i Fine&t Silverplale." . ,They ,&O&illilil -flltitlS• 1/ lOll &~ I admit it, I read it in their Bras/J-.J -y ~, ~0II1 to s,,!,o chure. Thil "StartiD( ServiCe" IlNshop.JH,iIIU' Iblt', Me Jrn1iStibu: Tbe dri,,"ilfg brmr tl4pny. &011US ill Ib, lot'eliest shtiiki' tlf ausl, -pj"k,'PrJWd". blue, y,llOUJ •.II1Ul, J,U'.lIIe gr,eII.. • PRICE BE EXTtNDED? 1\1&11 the IUb. ject ofa panel diacuaSion tleld at II B~G:J~a~: O~_~t~ T~WDshipHealth OI!icer, Idviaet J~iU; "MIlM,~'S~/~c ::k;:o&ebeinm~~ece=~~ f:f oll,xliJes. Th, their allowance It the stations if iMUb/.'! sel is '. ilg';. flSi"l UJIIU ~M IJI!tll w~ s-l" ~ ' .. . . '... . ~ .' , d they will take around their own tl,;muule J6bk,lolbs so I. sll#OJe 10 f'N IbtIJ~1 t~ ~~s :, Five thousand volunteer workers for .Red Cross, arme milk bottles. . Ib~,1St of .,,~ /oUow nnlllU ~,p*! by IIMI,f!MIl!" ~II/Is- withtheiiorgan~tion's suP.f!rb war record, beg~ a house . " weflSfNIlJyao, .'"..", &#y •. Th•. ~. ilrDIISIIl to nouseeanvasof. Metropoli~ ~troit March I, opening Matinee MUlicale will meet at . . .iil&b'iwtfiMUs.TIns ,wi/llk/. day of the Red CI'08Il946Fund Campaign. Red Cross Mrs. C. D. Steriin&'s home 283 'One cenerally' as~~ c1 a t es H.i.t,11diu "N~'~ tlO re- ~ks $2J~'OOO for its ..1lK6 peacetim~ proir:am. and the McMillan Rd., GroPointe heavenly, 'frallrancas with. a ~ RMb"sSb~s"" W.,6- drive contmues through the 'lat. 12:30 p.m. 'on. March .Asflorist shop, but PASELK can nfglOll BllltJ? !'BMly"" sb(flS, month of Mar,ch. .' .' dent Tlumari, N Red. CroiJ' n~- sisting the hosfeal ia,~. J. E. prove. ,this theOry iIl,reverse, if wii'. IInW sp.dMIY'M.J Ihe. blSl .Over ,700 key. volunteer, work- tional' chairman when he' rlrtwnsDrapeau and' Mrs. C. 1.. DoucLu you'u interuted. One day wllell liressM. WOffHff'HJ 10UHI. .~0tJd 'en attended th.e lti~k.,off luneh. from his' China mission..... is program ehainnan: the "lee, box" -.val being cleaned, fiJuii iIo olMr, . '10 eon; and meeting beldT.l:l~Y all th~ 1l0Yiers were, biding their ,h;,.J,lbMW. _, .,.;"biW, in the main ballroom ~f the~!t timemthe shOll' proper.' Grall,,: I'-"!.' &.lly :hops ... ()fIlj i. CadiJlac Hotel. 'l'bel\Ulcheo~ WIS ua~11 1,:Very unpleulq1t odor Pilris L~ 'iItttI N, "YOi'i 100 percent Red. CrOll W1th a per~eated the_ atm~sphere; and ;mil J I' boe ;:.. .. ,.' program featuring ,a ,irlnlDl,t(\ MR.PASELK was CQnvmced . u, s ,,1 .e ". Ann, typical, youil&.' American tha.t..lt .m~thave,~n.c~UM,d ~{lIlIz~~'J.~SOBS~N/,S girlfrom Iowa, wholerVe<i y.oith by,the untlJ11e).Y d.elth ,,!a mt;l~ ~0iJ4.o.-l,( 'O~. n fI/UTs' ,!/ the RedCrosa in the Europt-an ~d searched the.pre:mses fran- Ihes, Mlbii bllH,wbilfi t4~ter,She n!minded the worktically;even peermg mlo all the ad III«. ell1/s",,,, $o'a""'1 slly en of the milliON of Gh>Uld dra\Ve,:" in vain. The scent wu I lIitJ.. '1 YOII.Th, "n"veterana wbo'look to Red Cl'l* becCmllll' more Ind more ob- wbo 1#1 Ih", fim will IH Ib, to. flniah. the job"w~ich remaina ~oidous ~very ~oment ~nd he SN/'SI shod "1tMHs" ~ Ib,on three, vital; battleffonta:, It fina}1.ydisc.overed ~ tha~ •.lt w~s PoirIU. . home with the, vetetlllll; in hOlthe e;xudmC n~""ea.t,a~di'..' ..~. , pitall with ,the diaabl~ and CQiltion ~ blS,.~nower f~mlly •. A "8~Sernee" cioi. '. .-valescilll Iio!aien; oveneu With ti *!1 !LJ! whJl~ lace like bloom ~ --0 ..... '.:: _n . .';'-tlt men. .ol,the oCcuNition fereet .• IIellin,for $7.50 per ..doz. ," F!U:1CY Y ....... !!"""-~yerp• ..... .. ,-. . ilN$IOU'iII: yu 7: -.4..,. !oIoore, '!. that .1, care: ftr)'. little aFloutthe kind of liberty that Mr. SCoville holda 10 'dear; Freedom i5 a relative term in' any civilized soclety-individu!lllibftiy is abridged in'lI thOU!&nd way_ and rilhUy 10. The treedO/II of the individual must alway. be subordinated to the ,oOd ot the ll'oup. Freedom to Itarve, to suffer unemployment. to bedenJed the minimum comforts of - ~e. whi~ any intelli,enUy ordered l5Oclety.should be 1I1)leto produce for all its mernben-free:dom for the atronl and the clever to Pl'eY upon the weak Ind ifnorant-if this is liberty, Mr. SCoville cln have it." At the end of the panel diseussion the group .ddressed post cardS to Representative RabauIt and Chester Bowles e~ressing their opinion u'to price control. Out of the iroup of. tOtty only four were opposed to any fW'tber exlension of price eontrol s.w. Judge -Young Holds City Court Judie 'wlie Youn, in City Traffic Court Tuesdaynl,ht ~ posed of the followin, cues. Ralph A. StreJ,ber, of 3728 'l1ontclair, Detroit, driver of a DSR special bus involved ill an accident at Kercbeval Uld Lincoln on Feb. 19, W&ll .fined."_ $5 .. .' and tosts of $5. ' ; Mrs. Ruth O'Farrel1, of 203 . Lakeland, for reckless drivinl on' January 11 at Lakeland and Jef.' ferson Wal fined $5 and $5 eostS. The case of Margaret N. Mer. ~ eel', involved in an accident 011 Feb. 15 at Washington and Ker-' chel'al, was dismissed u .thl complainant refll!ed to sign eom-':: plaint. There was no personal'. injury involved. Merc:h Speciel N.w Engl.nd M'p!e ~:u:fd~ willlfSton!.true val.uu," ~'The withdrawal of price con. :~Pl~~e ~n=~ d7~~~r,'~l Mr. Brown. The cycle of intJa.UOD, Col1a~ and' d-relSioD, which baa followed eve;; war in hiltolYt must not happen Igain. Business under OPA ~ guaran. teed and normal peace-timfl profit. Let it be known that pricei will be held at their pr_nt l~l and full production. will once .,&in ,et under way." . "I am frankiD admit," ui4Ki11 . • At th. Fount.in Hand P.eked ' \I Luncheon selections, in•. eluding 5lliads and sllndwichedo order. Daily Until 8 P. K.. .. Grosse Pointe Piping hot Soup, 10e Fran Hurters. Deliveriei Drug Co. ISe Een:heval at St. CwrNL :~ 482'T ;; ,. ;. I.~;,,, W_ tt:om his unbattaament. He: fOJ/nd UI&(J~ALoO~l':'~Y. ~It the wannth of the rOOm'lIsd ICE. - .Ito~~:.~~,,~"""w:e~ caused the exudation and there' psoJble 6; Jeh1ije. iIt&UOi .. ! fore'hew-ould never be 'able to Wen. Jm1l1ie1,'lt Iaa'hl BrilItwa,. Bell the flower: ..~ long &IIIUs '11. Fon,. 8e00Dd' ,SIB.; .Wbea I kept cOol it behaves like a ~~, ~, Ia lhe"1l&ber 1Ia,., befon I . feet ,entleman an!! is "on dli- ~.y "Spl. ""'," I 1ft:II pl.y" dally., Irilaeine I skunk ~.~e"telJ ~JtIIoq"l borticultural c10thinll ::.. ~ ~" u.t~~Croila; 1 C .F~,ur' 'oUIer . Red Ctoa 1ir1l 'Qn ~~th~ program., E. A.' chalrJl:W1 of file 1!H6 fund' ClI'ri~i;n;and .toastmaster, introd~ee(t.them;'. .." . Two' were loc~gitls: Marpret Ayei1l, who for 18rnonthlworked in Ena~!i .ap~. Fr~c!lfor ~ ,and Barbara Cclwe, who • • • ,; ,\".......... DI..... VMC ... aerved '10 'months in Paclfle MR .. AND MRS, KOPP have ell el~ IIIJ wialJIIaIe1d, &II- area .. A1Io lpeaklnc at ,the kick.~ ,one~o ~ridafor I ntuchJ*.ld" oUIer the.~ wbMIoft ..... a; .o,((tneeun.W!!re' MUlDnJla'j\'lI ed'vacation . but" don't. ~iiI,k ........ "'~'~1aIII. BaPPJ' of,DiyloD,',I.Q.;}1lz:-t i~~C~ e th 1va cl~ .~e doo~ ol.theJr ~ ........... '~.",.6'J#ar..in~..ner:fm ~ VE Dai,' popula~."drur, Uld whatever~ ".,.~ Co1eUe,RYIIl olWMhin~ may ~" itor&.. E,very one IS III,. t1nI' ", ..';;;:' ~~,in.:India;and the Pa. '~,oil~n-t,,_,,~:ihe ,_ ..• ~.U:,J'''';Ji cifte.and ..w .... rned,by Ad. "boelIeS"-w~ 'there:' 'XOM,lfl' - .~~IIml -' -. " ..~.'/. '.-,iI':1':-' to accom Mn. th. :. 't'I .cOWdD'f"ielll .. ',. ••• ' ..'. IlUFJ-t. """".T' . ,... pan,. . flY ~;. 'If ". MIIJC , ...... FranklUlD.RooIev'elt on the latThe. w~:are~layed .. lit'ter'. Piclfic,tour.. " tractlvely ~. ever ~d ther~ ..~ ~: 'we 1MIId." 1MlIt. Herbert 'B ..•Trlx,' :ehairman ,"of 'Dea;'ilia(1miJ4'l.ci'tlieiedtiiit .the~DetrOi~Cha~erof Red CrClM rental dept. I should'never have .I.tIea te ov weeklJ prolllea cl~the ..mee.tinI.'. ' .. '. . UIed thlt. word. They'll Jlrob. hJ1blc .... WI alPl .. well do ACfually th.e .194«1quota to be ably be a1\lunped with houae II .. ~ ....... 11.... 'ftere ra~'by'the ~it.Cha(lter.cf hunters!,' : ~lew, ~ : .. ,., ftIIIaIM ,wile Reel era. iI$2;~,ooo,. D'!1e,~ • • •. ' ruU1 IIiJo7 beiDI "1naIIe4 .... the fact tnat previous camPailnl Bacoa? Jk:lieve it orJlOl,want!'. ~ ~, .. ~ ~ have' tiee!i oV1lnUbecribecl,' reHENRI'S MARKET has enoUlh ader .. .,. .. ~ ~ .. rve hUbeen M.!t' ~!!l~Jo ~ for all of III and it iIn't that Wek .U,""_.~ a~, uad:overthenext"1ive )rear' fatty"atuff'that'passedaabac:on (.ad 11'_ .... nt't-!) IrJ period, 20 per cent'for,~ch of duriilf the rationinl period. It Blu\NClDAHD C~ JIAD...... thti. years.' This year $150,000.Will' DRaBIK - ........ .._' t-o' a.w CQMefrom the .' . th us Iow . k ..,1110 rumored.. tha t . tb ere'. ~ ..... • 'DIe relen'e, ~n androub.whieh. ba"-e, erinI the ~ount.tobe raised to a,ced naturally, alld ~ .. 50 dIeir. ~ are,,, .<" ~ $2,400,000., .,",; ... ~'. . tender thlt you can throw ',vay1di4 ~ At the IllllUal meetinl' of the the knife andfor~ Uld uee';~ ..... '....... Be,,"",! Detroit. Red Crosa, :Feb, 21, John .poem. At leut th4.t's ~hat 'Lei !~ If. Sullivan,. eampairn manlier, .,' wid me, .and I'm tellmg Y9I1,1MI. a .. 1dd .' ................. aDnour..cedthat the Detcoit Chapbut rm goiDl to find out 1orol ..,~ .:-..:; .lerlpent only.015 Per. cent of. ~f, how about. you? ' ...... WW.... _YlIII... •• the 1945 quota in its fund raisin, .:rOan Clark, daUlhter of Mr. operaUo~, l~ th~ .any other and Mn: ..Ralph )L Clark, of metropolitan arel In. the C:OIJ11Grayton road, has been p1edct;d try. Also l&;Stweek .It W&IIanto Pi Beta Phi IOrority It Michi- nouneed .from, WllIhinGon that ,anStite Co1leIe, where she ia Gen. GeorgeG. ~i1Iha1 111 e~-, s. I trahnim. pec:ted to be ~1Dted ,by Preai.Simple coiter is apparently in., THEdayun.lJAightsmtongUlddmryintbejungle; ereaainl among schC!OlehiJdre~ because par~ts have not cantin," .• Mu~'l'~dboP; sweatand loneU.nas~tbat's lbout aU ued the use of iodized salt, ae~ .there is tOllfe ..~ there, for our U90pS. . c:ordlna w the February issue of . - .But that's quite all. For through the du~ • Michigan' PUblic Health, official felNr ., • publication of the Michigan De. Ught stiU~nes~the kindly lightof tJ:ieRed Cross hut. partment of Health. .. Ptovi~Il'1;.~c.', games, ,~ol1 for our weary. Dr. 0; P. Kimball;who'wrota homeslcIC men. A' pla~e to meet-50meone to talk tothe article, emphasizel that lllck. of iodine is the .ole cause of simthey need those things so desperately. And ~hey have ple goiter. ,The iodine content of them" ~ to yOu. For YOIIhave,kept Y0W'JtedCross Michiian soil' and water is very .• char SIde." . .. low. Icxiize4. aillt, which. supplies thll m.utrltionBl dellclency, ia an ~d IS l?ng as there's a single American ~an. still on • mcient, and entirely safe way to loragn lOll, YoW' Red Cross JJl1l8t sl4] at his SIde. pl"'l!vent simple goiter. If he has a problem, the R,-dCross is right there to Dr.ltiniball took In Ictive part m the c&rnpailn befUl1 in 19:U to Mlp him ia every possible way-from a Red Cross loan or !TJ-Dt to s~ghteniQg out some persona! diBiculty. Schirmer, the, -:a.~ ~ _: a1i.t-:.iIIi '''~ X ~d:::':i~~b~.l1th~' nr'~ .~~ :::"'="1'" ~nMet...= . ~~~~ Jtfi~~ ev~ Departrilent . . Tiae Red tiO"-' two-way commuiacioos the of Health and the State Medical Society. At that time 39 of evtiry JOO Mlehi. ,an children had simple ,oiter. After 11 years of promOtinc the 'I18Iot iodi%edsaltanother IUrve1 IhOwed that limple ,oiter oe. eu:rred lJ1 & per cent of children, AIIIOI1C thOle' iodized salt feiular-ly, the incldence of ,oiter 'GUIIEttl IOW~ASE ne fdde II£'f'i!ft more preciou_ usm, ll out this re-survey not a chUd wu foUnd who showed the slightest W etfec:t from the use of iocti* lilt. I"'" VIIIp C•• ... UaJU'.u., I'IIOTO .. c.;,.. 'YOUR ' L. W~'c ,.. five to the Red CrosS-klUJ' Red Cross MUST CARRY ON • • • ~. . DETROIT tIIAPTER an exquilite bow tied with sold.like band. Gilt taPeri> f 2.SO. Keilla, each 1.00 THE A.1\1ERICAN'REDCROSS ,.. .... '( :PIIO'l'O SUPPLDI lirA'.. system is Ii Gourie11i Lustre Lipetiek, f&lllOUl for hIah, trDe, 1000g-luting oolon, ad for ~viDllipe 1bat «Ie.ming )'O!DI! look. May l!tll be llsed as cream roup. Pink or hlae Clile ill the form of nNJSIDNG o..n. • z.a.n ~ _ ......... . his beCkati'd call, to put himia persODal1Cit:idlwrta"' you in case Of etIIergency~ He is DO fanhf'..r from you thuYour nearest ~ed Cross Chapter.. . If he is ack or injured, the Red Cross ~orker ~n , help him oyercome anXieties-write his leuen for him . -help bimseule personal problems at home-do what his own mother womd do for him, if she could be ther ..... Yes, ~ still needs.your Red ~oss. And the :Red cross. needs yon.r dollars. It depends on you fori.t5 eXistence. • The only income of the Red CrOss is what you giye. Its great wOrll: of mercy unut go on here at home; too. Hurricanes, toads. ire, disuter tlner surrender • The Rtd Cross must be ready with aid for the vietims. with food, clothing, life-saving drugs. Only,." can make it possible. .crt'JImy-tmooth ...... only 2.9 pe.r cent. . Throuih- : Illead,kindly'light, AlQidthe encirclinggloom 'ai?(. U~ proeram wu JPOIIr.ored by :MlchlPn ,.~. . .~.= MichiganChildren .Need IodiZed Salt A . CAMPAIGN HEADQUAllTERS, . .' : ... 155 EAST ELIZABETH STREET-eADILLAC 3'9Ot , ".~' " .... ,. .,' . , (;ROSSE Th'ursCIay, February 28, 19~ NEWS POINTE New Field House Need' ed .MUSIC SBOltT' COtJUE : signed. a Tiger contract for ~pl eveiltenns down throUJh the Oriainal AAA Director As a service to school mUlli. proximately $45,000. This makes third and fourth quarters, Coach Speak. For New Buildinr teachers and high school musiHill the hilhes~ paid pitcher in Healy was trying to figure out cians, Michigan State Colleie Will baseball. •• how he could get added scoring r~ ;;:. .. 'fa . a three-weeks scl)ool • •- • • punch into his team. Everything W. G. Bryant, who spoke so conduct .1 11;': SUN .• FEB. 24-JOHNNY MC: he tried .seemed to backfire and convincingly in favor of the music special cour~ on the ~1. I ll~ge campus this summer, JUIW I HALE, Tiger rookie infielder, re; it looked as,though the Pointers Automobi!J;! Clqb building at I 1 '. B1 tired from pro baseball and will were going. to .be beaten by a Somerset and Jefferson at the 17.July 7. BUNNELLS not report to the Tigers spring teain U1at . was .figured ~o be.a Park council meeting TuesdilY :;i;;-; .... training.camp at Lakeland, Floribreather game before the bIg -' ,. .. ., . Soldiers trained to fight may da'this spring. McHale was dis'. p:me wjth Fordson a week away. 'flight 15 the last survlVmg mem- fight for the wrong thingwhea 'loW : THURS., FEB.' 21-FIJ:LDING satisfied with both contracu teni• With. o!1lY. foUr minutes re- ber of the original board of di- they come home. unlesS they .find ;..- . K: .YOST'S- condition was report- dered him, returned both and delrWrling,'theBlue Devi!s were on rectors. of the club,. ' . us figtjting for the rig~t ,one: '~-' eiFas': "much improved" at the cided to stay -at Notre Dame Unithe shor.t end of a 38-35 score Mr. Bryant, who IS an attorney, versity ..• JACK STEWART Both teams battled on eve~ was also the legal representative ~ V,niyersi.ty Hosiptal • • . ED DATHE GROSSE POINTE terms d.own tot1le final minute. ?f the I'!'etherlands Government ~ NAWsKI, fonnerFol'dham anc scored two of the Detroit Red HOME BAKERY Wings four goals to defeat the~tchingscore for- score at which ill DetrOl~ for 27 years and for ~ ~ew'Yo'rk Giants football star, Boston Bruins 4-2. The victorY time Don McPhail tif!d the count the Frencn for 16 years, At the Limits OD JeJfel'8OD e sjlJ1~ a three year contract as virtually cliuched a playoff spot 8139'-39. and.theBlue Devil fans ----Fresh Glazed Don~ts tOQknew hope. They were dashed Ordinary people do the world's ~ ~ootbiill coach at Fordham where for the Wings in the Stanley Cup At 8:00 ann 3:00 . • 30 seconds ,later,' 'when Allen work. So it's up to ordinary .. ~ts will be resumed next fall series this spring. • • • tossed a long shot from the cen- people to make the wor~d work. q:. :SO~. MONTGOMERY, world ~ ljCb~weight ch amp ion, was MON., FEB, 25-0HIOSTATE tel' ot:t!ie floriral;ld put EaSt De~ chal'l!d by' his fight manager University, long time runnerup to troit back in the driver'i. seat. S apci .traiper ,as walking ou t on a Iowa's defending champions, beAa 'Ihe Blue Devils .battled :;. 10 year contract ••• came. the new undisputed Big tOJ/iard.the East Detroit goal ~, .. Ten BasketbaU'champions for the Johnny, Rummel was fouled as he (:'F~.,FEB •. 22-MEN'S FOIL fourth time ill history .• , TED attempted' to make d shot. thus ~ ':Jf!;AM. feiicing championship was WILLIAMS cheeked in at the "lVing him' a' chance to tie the 5' 0, ri!yiwd today at Salle deTuscan Red Sox Training camp at Sarascore' and throw the'.game into .. Utera four year lapse. Byron sota and went to work irnmediovertime. 'Fiftl!l!n, secolids reTAILORS. FURRIERS • CLE"'N~RS' :';"y,' trieger,'state and midwest 'cham- ately, spiking repQrts that he was !XJain~, ill .the; game as' Rummel r-~ . won,headed .the Salle deTuscan a holdout .•.•. JOE DIMAGGIO senr-his'first shot toward the 1 team';~ ' •.• -' HAL NEWHOUSER hit a home-run, double and two ba.sket, ..which. rolled around .the Was 'listed officially as a Tiger singles 3S the New York Yankees f()(lpcrazily before eoing ihJ,'oUJh b'61doUtas the team started beat the serv.ice' all.ilturs,' 12-4 and making-the score 41-4Q in sprine. practice at Lakeland • . • • RAY MANGfiUM defeated ~: Detroit's favor. ' The nen Florida. 'Although a holdout New- Ben Hogan. 68-71., to win ,the foul shot,:had to be. good or else. llOUler dOlUled his uniform for PensaeolaOjlen Golf ch~inpion-' ,Rummel"tossed, the ball again: the ,.photograpliers. . ship and.topprize of $1,500. . The vital need for a new athletic field house in Grosse 'Pointe 'is' shown ;~bOve •. rolled'arotind tJt.e hoop but .this . :. ..';,.., Spectators ovei-flow onto the. basketball court, making it difficult for the-cpntestants. _ time.fell off to one, side and on ' SAT., FEB. 23 - CONTES'TUES.,.FEB~ '26 _ BOSTON It has been suggested that a new field house wou~d serve as a'fittin'g war-memorial' to/,ObOn'/ifingertips. A quick '1'ANrs:V;ere 'decided' for the REDSOX are reported as paymg to GroSse Pointe service-men who gave their lives. ..... - '::" / slap at'tl}e'ballsent it against IIEN'BlErit:' AUMAmE (Mrs. B. BiJiplJerpr) - Mi'l':' . ¥etropoli$an~eague basketball eir star' hit' t'er, Ted WI'lll'ams •. a ,<ii). the baCkboard with such. force (Fonaerly' FieJieh' BMm Fitter at J. L. HudsoD . Co.) • '. • • ',. • -. .' •.. .. ,'., that ,it,b¥lgedagainst the oiher f{nB1s.when,Southwestern defeat. th Southeastern, 1945 champions, ~:~:f~fJe~~P~~t~~~~e:' ~;~;-and'MilIer whipped Wes- ~~ING1~~ociiA~~R~~; HOU$E at the GAR, building ari~ '. ' teftt;-26~25. The' tw'o winners will torught arrang~ents, were, made' fo.r the Pea 'in a pod. ebefore dropping. You are invited to visit cur store for an' Open ~ide ;ih~ .. <;hampionship next ~Js~~f~:for eame-winning House Saturday. March 2. from 7:30 to 9:00 P. M. Ftiday' at Olympia. The. two 10- Michigan state indoor championHappY iratefulplayers and . RrS';WiIl:meet on the same court ships • • .• JACK SCHl.1EMAN; NI~9ara' 7260 iS2041 Mack,'oPP' Sweitze; Creamery tCi, playoff for ihird place • • • ~~a::~t:r~~~~has ~~~l~a;: .'F' .. faDs.~anmldall over Olson of1JAL' .NEWHOUSER ended his athlete of the weSt side." He has' • fel'illg .congratulationa while the Niolt.. lived . holdout . \iVhen he s!arred,on WeStern's football and' . . ,. • - . . .... . -. . 'stUnned: 'sub,1:itute just grinned basketball teams m thepast.sea~ Y G" Olson's Basket6iveS Blue from ,ear to ear; ThUll, a Fz1Ink sODS .: •• ' .., .'.:' .•... ,•'. '.. -' ounger Aetn;~t~t~()nU;';':~.o1 s'w,M~rt" CoSpaC;~ttfor Athl.etic Devil's Vic:tory'OverShJb~etrrifw~~ finbsist,h hta~ httero t tnathdea .C; IVI leSi,,~tl?' . rl mml ee' .",' " ..' '. .. ouo.a SU I U e'lD e ma er .' ,.... .. . . . ,. bom:-t=a.,',,42,;.41 of secOnds. B1 FRED RUNNELLS .... return~ vet~~ans apdyoung pea... . -'-'-' -'; . . .:Gros:Ml Pointe' will travel to . •'eEQIII't!'Joe' , ouIptl_ ~ ter: Madisoil square ,Garden's' Grosselfointersin pnual arid p!t!_~f' G.~ ~ointeco~d'cOnAll season long BOb OlSOn, Dearborn'next. Friday night~'and ~IJ blillkel1:lall: vlDcethe,l'Ommlttee appointecUo .varsity 'substitute, warmed ,the Jri.eet'ita arch - rivals, Fordson . f.r tournamenL .. DON the, civic; leaden. iii. particular P ADGn, . ,a p P,r en t i',c e JOCkey, are urged :lly this wrl1ertotake seled ,the' Grosse Poi.nte' War benCh,': _only gett~' ilito the' Both teams will. be' battling for HI. .s.nieo .. bootedliomHourwinners'in four a,-ereatermterest ilithe:'athletil; ,M,emonal,' ona field ho!JSl!;Ap. games' after.1beywere', already honors in the Border City League ;.. '0111. •,~_lIiok .... . tria at HilllGtl Park •• ; U OF activi~iesof Pointe:areayou~ .it'llllo~~be:i)~!=essary'for~~ ,w0J?,bythe regulati:~t Satur- basketball race. If Grosse Pointe .' . ,,' ',Th.e 'lackadaisica1'atttudeol ,~o dOlS.'to.wnte ~ cO~lttee dayiUght, at,~t, Detroit, ~bcan' defeat FQrdsOn it will' tie ~~, O.'r"o~;i.ee,'~,N~:t=;parentSin tliking prideiii.the ~.;tellfl.l~mthC1l cliolCe' andcafueinto his.ow:n :wbenhetipptd 'with tliat school for the cham~ , t. . , a~etic'accoII1PlishineJiis of,thm J;e~JlIS for,lt.DO ,IT NOW and inJohnnyRumme1'srilissed foul pioJlllhip.Fordson will be deter~ IllIh •.•.• ' '. , off~spring,aJ;1d in, t)le facilitiesw~.,one of the PrIZes 1fe com- shot to give GrOS&i!I'oirite a 42. min:ed'to win. this lame 10 it.u.n' availableforthem:has_'beennot~JJl1tt~ offer~ for the bestsug-: n victory: over.the>team it annex,the title all alone. .'A:ht"ndlorOePeriian:catshowtid ed ..,by~.oQi~ -Writir~ .~~t~~~ .. sopD41Y.'trc:>~,'42 ..8~1.,lut De. ------, ,", up :at ',~~'h, Qme,.' ',~o"'~'- tJ. nivemtY Grosse Pointe . is ~own for itS . If, 'Highlan~-': Park' canafl"rd cembei' 15.: ,,:: ,'f' '\' . U. S. expenditures aven,e$21.2: "•. ,, ', . Pla~the other morning a,nd was high schOlasticachieveinents, ,but to' buy •.Ford Field 'and build. a East .Detroit/empli;yi,ill' a 'ru&- ntillion. dally. Totalexpencliture. ';, repor¥ to ,the: City police. The its athle~ic rec;ord is not one fieidh9\15()i stadium. and poolasged:;type;:of<individ.~;:bask'etfor the YEAR 1886 were $242 , . ' . ,_ about WlllCh we boast., its~t warproject~roiseball •.,',c;~~g¥f••tJ:t,e UlIU!illy smooth million., , j N.... i.. Offi~ lllac,ed' Tabb.y .safely In. ~ , It, is', notbecauSc<' the ,athleteS Pointe. can afford "ll','large fiel9- workingi';'~r~;.::: ~611.1te Blue . ~ryp~. at the dog ~w~~~ .p~!cipating la~ck, willingness, or hOU!leas' a fitting memorial toi~ Di!yiJs"naPlJ\Dl: in,ethe,'#SC,lIua.r, , Opes Da.1]y 11 to 1• JOg 1.St~wner ~Ute~ . ,a Y SPU'lt All Of; the GrossePomQ! W.0rlli,:War n veterans .• A ,war ter ,and: ran-, UP. an".ll-B ,lea~ . This .Appeal Contributeci:by was. no rown'. 'otIS. High teams have' couraie.They'm~orial. wlie:e teen.agers:~'whii:hthe 'POin~te,raw~~ble ,", do lack that extra moralsl1Pport ret~ng, servt,' cemen. can en),oy, to overcome, unhlt OllOn tipped /' UtI....... "-"f. <-,-' " -1rom-the pare.atll 'Ilnd -,lidiniren athletic.conteSts BlIspec:tators or 'in the winI1iJig:sh\!t. . .: y ;'TBJSWEEK ~;',SPORTS run ,I ". I .,.. • ? "Open Saturday, March ... } 'I. . "'. ",~ "~ • THE VOGUE .. W' r'I-ter. Bac' ..k ..s"F ..I-eld' H. OU.S' 'e. Last. Sec.ond~,;' 'Sh D AsW ar Mertujrial. ProJ-e.ct,. . .ot . ~0...U!n ..... ,',$ -.". ED': PO''I-nte' -La'c' ks.... ac')el)et)-eS, . ast . , etroit ..', en: Need 'Care! .. .. o a~d .. STIll nlE TOREIllTER School Election ;ike.ik"ifar.-,;1:~1Ift7 . PEN 0 e TUvgry~T~:1-;Y'te~~~~, .. .',. :r...... . . :'::'.-:••. S11JiE . ,NODOOSM.LoWO ,;' thm,"~e ,>:-;, ... ' ....,~dyou. are urged to do .80•.. ;'." ~ .. JUjVINM:4J..OW ~'J!1.':'~~ :.._.. k":. ' ,'fe'" 'a' ," "5- d' a"'n'." -.," : .'5" " _ * u.:.~' ~~5't.l' i \ ....; 2nd~' 'h' Op'S '.newWar,Memorial C -.'.. . '. . . . "Cupid~s,'ev811 ~ffirOu~:"the.keepScimeofthe . • , .. ;. . ... '. " ,w.r,dayS;Cl:NltimMic:l"alW~Y'i~to ,'~ . , .Hr'Ye steals and chops .• , ~.nc:I .Ll._ Iw I ays at cei ing pri~s. Thesupp~ is better now • , • and you'nwent a CupiG , st.. k,or,chop,tonight. TTRtn,as now., ~ ,R.U,,18.E L'L' S .~~~e= C...... c, ~a~~~\o~ ~r~~;i~°;,J:Ul~P~~;: le~~~ ~~~':~~yi:l~r~j:~ ;,.~CLEA~I.S • istet m~re-indeliby on th!, future. throl1gh head!!"1lp play, ,'1"1... Ia Lau.clerlac cenerati?n. ' around,both'pask~:, "t; "uiI;ekaD!Dc 'lbie .llV-' 'UDIOMDT PLANNED' . !,auI'Grub~',P~tG~.Pointe""'clraperiq,laeetall" , It hubeensuggested thllt the In a ,21-21 tie ;"'lth,,~',IODl: on!e~ ebelllle'" be erected,A Co?fe~~I~promotl! t~e haJ?deci"'sh()hft.~,;ce~~~:',co1.1Z::: ,w~If''lte4' apnadB f~:, the.form of.afield housewhet'e UlIeof rllCiioiil.,Mic,higan schooIsThisll!;ld,w!d,~erMedw}len lMt'e'tbul1' Jean. all otthe youth of Grosse ,Pointe will be held in Lansin.; on Sat-.. Drayton'pUt~tDetroit back'iJi sWe'; .• lC~IMl CvtAI. Laao could uae~.recreatioaaltaciIi~ . the lull~.wli.lch','it.neVer'relin~ I ',il7kr:Pld<"p"'DeH .. ". . ties. This' is fine idea. It, would Y' .:Marth 9,. underiiponsol-" quishecf,uiItll'the ftnalleCOnd i01 .' Ilerileo • moreimischieVship of the MichIgan StateCo1'thie game. A1thoUih'Eut Detiolt CellTU.'""20 ousRJ¥1.thriJI~k.inI,y(,uth'OJ1~' le&e.,:~hdepaTtment ..in,CO:-- :¥.:as:inu)'~~5IE~_(~~atthrou~ol:~u~le., Thefie1d.:b,o~ woWaoperatiori. -with' LaiJsing' schOoIi ,0utihe,COII.teIt,:.;DQ~ M~Pbad.. ,IUSSILL'S= CURTAIN also offer a ,more expansive place' ... ;. . . :who garnered 111.pomts III ,the' .: LAU,NDIY'.'CLIAN.E!IIS to ho~ major PointellIIlllf.eur School a~mlStrators, teachers, contest,' kept'the. '~)\le Devils athletic ev~ts.' . and other mterested perSOJlll from witjlin striking diatailce.. JIuWI,po The .G~Pointe. Dads. Club, througho?t. the state will attend., As the two ,~';battled01l . :::~~~/c:~t::, lac~ decent .lItliletic facilities,'in which tcUram and,to playthe~ I~.:, :' some' '" rudI... ,'.', m . APARTMENT '~:OR':';HOUSE . ". . uraa a , AdvertisiD,t Executive Desires , Permanent Rdidence in Gr04lSe POUlt. . Will 1~1."A... '..... I I Ann,ouncing l1pia's Six MOfIIhs 1.. AdlJ""~_ .. ~ , C. R. ren-WW; The Whittier lenox 9000 Office or RAndol pft 152.' 'SlOIE'lioulS Now on Display IIIION.~tuIS••WID~ ., THUI! oPeltTiIl . 7:00, P..... . and' 'A 20748 IACI 'AJE., .,~ 8 llle, IROSSE PaIiTEWIODS ~y ':GO Tnl wide variety of ~eleCteddomestic, imported fabrics. for draperies, slip covers ondupholstering. .. P. ... For .. liy -i: .• A' L GE cMic.rl R .M A R.K ET ~ ~ ... are !\IIHI OIr TIll.... " Fria" ..... .;FU'EE OIL and CO,mp!ete interior decorating facilties ai your service.. '. CorrylllCJ ~ ~II tI~ ••• "'11, I~ ;., G~eri~: ~, •.. , OUI POLICY: cHlpl'" dep.I'tMeIlt", fresItodcIlly Fnlts ._d YefjtlNltIn , •• ' Sea.... , 'ie.. : GOOd SerViceand Good Quality, ~ Ct:ec!illli ••• '.irclHy •• 1HIH...,- had'Frozell~ .• ~; Awrey~ ' plus economy- prices., m.. ake R.usso &oods ••• ietT, W... CIIMISoft hyllf'ops. .. , .. ,:" .:: . . . . ' .. '~arket a. dependable, economic .. 11IIse ';place to shop. . ,. ....,' -Lawrence Russo WE NOW SELL .FOR .... . P.y NEW Russo Market '~-'. , FURNISHED Or UNFURNlsH~ ()tto J-I-ll: 1:1. designing . . Lange It.ru..... J 5111 OZ12 ,' s,8ei~ ' FAULTLESS .. . CURTAIN LAUNDRY & CLEANING CO • IATE. DWYERY ,- fOT STOVES II. FURNACES LAMP SHADES Cleaned-Relined WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF OIL BURNERS AND STOKERS Do",estlc ''''MEDIATE Recooered 0""INSTAI.l.ATIOII C.. ,.. ,cfol OLD LAMP SHADES DELIVERIES' .~ ': , I WPtI Y"r LiM,." Neig'lIIr1100d y...,. 26 YeaT" RUSSO MARKET e.. ~ of Pr .... (For",.rI, . ~.. AI•• r MorfrrtJ " IRDSSE POIII'E WIlDS . ,",~ :" ~"'~ ',~~-," ,. :-,,",..• ,~.......~,'_.:~;,"" •. :'")Y~"~';'~;"""~~~~.')'t.'S ;..... . 4n7 1I1II1I""t .......... .......... C.rteilK - Nt, till " Service 4n7 2.0746 MACK' A VI_, - Near 8 Mile Rd.. " . Deer .. , fer OYer 51 Y.. " FU:ip::h.~~1l Plaza 5555 Made New' NI.,,981f $tift's - . "". -. DnIpItt - c.... - ..... DnIIft .. - , I. 11M ~, ... S.,in,.,,<e ...*'4~b "''/~''';'hO\ ,':~~L.~\<~*<~/~-~d'~ ~}L;,-7.~~~~,'.~~\-;~;i~:~~," '::: ..,~.~(,::i';~:,~,;~;;:,:~ • ',"~~~y;'F.bruary & R'O SSE 2', 1946 Reserves Win IGirl Sc~utNews I.Two Contests Closing Rally Downs. r'FordTrade Quintet . For us, February is the month of International Friendship, and as a fittin& climax on this list day, we'd like to tell you about our second letter from Belgium. Our "Treasure Chest" is actually sending us a second dividend, and we should be. very proud, ' i. G'rOsSe Pointe High's Basketball Team Foreed to COme ;..: From Behind to Beat Ford Tracie 42.36 ., , : r ~ '. ~ ~ 1I ~ • ~ ~ 1;1 ;1 ~ i' f, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . By F:RED JtUNNELLS POiri~:~i~~~le~if~ Gra;s;~1p~l~:~n~~~tn:~~~t~:r~ ~~~~:~ '~o.come from behind in ~lie flosing minu~es of the game wl~h 'Ford Trade School to wm a 42-36 cage victory. The surprlSing strength of the' Ford Trade School was something the a's they had previously beaten BI''''"" Devl'Is hadn't counted, the Trade School boys with ease. ;GrO$Se Pointe traileq th~ough.'" out the co~test until the last tv.:0 though every' shot meant the minutes of the game when ~Ig game. . Don McPhail put the Blue DevJ!s Two and a half minutes. after in the lead, 38-36. After Dick the last period.' started. ,Grosse Wuerker had' counted with a Pointe took the lead on Don M:cone-hander, from the side of the Phail's shot. At ,this point Phelfcourr.McPhail ,put the game .in fer'of Ford Trade gave his team the bag by pumping in a short the advantage .again and the stilit' with only 34 seconds re- teama'started another mad scrain. mamina in the contest, ble for the lead with' both teams '. "FordO Trade ,was quick to go matching basket for ~asket. It !,~ipto' the.le~dshortly a.Her the was Dick Wuerkerwho pumped .: opening. whlsUeal\d bUilt. up ,a in the .shof ~at tied the score 6-0 Korebefore the Blue Devlls with three minutes to go and set were. able to. get a shot at .the the 'stagefor McPhail to .clinch basket 'Dick:. Wuerker,'Johnny the gume fu the last minute/ , Rummel, and Don. McPhail were Pheilrer of Ford Trade led both the' point - getters for' qrosge teams in point Production with 13 Pointe' once. the iCe Y!~ b~oken, points. He was followed by Don with. 10 seconds remaml1lg In the McPhail with 12 points who was first quarter, RU":lmel c,onnec!ed hia:h for, the Blue Devils and was I \;'ith a .beautif\11 long shot to glye. pressed for' scorina: honors by the Pointers ao.ne-point m~ra:mj teamm.te Johnny Rummel who 10.9, /It the end of the perIod, garnered 11 points. Grosse Pointe's advantage was _._____ short lived when Ford Trade COMPENSATION bounced back early in the second quarter butthe Blue Devils The'Michilan Umimplciyment matched every Ford 'Trade score Coinpem..tion. Commiilllion . paid >. to'keep pulling up on even terms out $2,298,013;33t6' 113,986 pee. until. the Trade School boys pie unemployed durinl the week : - garn~redtwciquicK'field:gOali .endin; February 16, it was annear the end of the second quar- noun'ced' by' Eugimf! T. Dormer, ter to hold a 21.1,8 advantage at Erecutive Director. Of this numthe intermission. her, 38,259 are .women .. This is At no point in the third quarte.r $14,052.52 less' than the previwere the two teams separated. by dus week. The total number of more than three points. All sem- people who have claims filed for blance of team play disappeared unemployment benefits in Mich85 every player on the, court igan is now, 151,968. Of this tried to put his team in the lead. number, 50,729 are women, The. Every shot tded iri the third previous week there were 4,355 quarter had the, fans on their men and 2,958 more women re.. feet acreaming their lungs out as istere<io -----------,--------------- r. '. I I I ! j ! I 1 i: I I a .. ):.O~:rnii\,~i1y, Your' ellerlslled. hard.t ... M!pl'" -wolch dese,v~ the ftM5t ca.ro, LeI De Roy' s laclory.tralned watch cra1tsmen re'ator~ its ern,lenC)'. All work tully cua,"nteel1. '.DAY SERYICE. Open TlIund.y. Frida)' andsalurda)' Evenln ... 'TII 8 :r I( ~! 'I ,\ II • , , I Chrysler. Plymouth Owners We Axe Pleased to Announce Mr. Harold Beardslee Has Returned From, the Armed Forces and again is in • . , Complete Charge of ...,.,...; .tJ~::Lr=-r:•• " STORES APARTMENTS Oldill.,y ,HOMES .real.r Detroit Mortgage Corp.: RAnd~lph;9600 ' 317 W.st Fort St. • A F~sh Rose A New Port for For EVery Lady Friendly Service :,- OPENING.oj Beaupre- Fannon Service the ". '. ;. Friday, safurday:and Sunday, I\'Iarch 1, 2 and 3rd .co .... Feb. 28, ak4:00, .. l t' "~ ~, ~.,.~ .. ::.... ~ for ATTENTION ~ l ~cCoimi for'• to five, Pointe Swimmers Tie Eighth 'j ! re-entend.the .,ame to protect trojt in the final ~ 11"" .'.~ the lead. Althoulh. the tint team t<; was 'back in the ball 'lame the Blue ~vjls were only able to overwhe1m11li vtrior1. '.. .,.:; nights. ',~ add four poinu and led 20.10 at the half. Hit P..... ... elml II In the. third period Tom WillI.COIDS son lIgain: touched off the Grosse aadI •• im,! Pointe scoring spree whIch saw Iern;D~k.~P~::':" !.... the Blue Devils outscore its rivals, 13 points to three. HARPEI.Y06UI JUDJO IUVJC&, , GrossePoinle outplayed. outIItU .iupor .n ..1"thought and out-scored East De- o'clockoi'n"tq~ HighSchool audi: ,Ulr1wri,.~l!'tbree troops dir~cted 9Y, ¥rs. ,Parfitt, Mrs. HuntingtOn; and Mrs. Morrison, will enjoy a movie put on by the NurseS' Association. It deals with, the nursing profession, and sh,clIild prove to be quite .aninspiration, in the career piannil1& of some 'of our lira.' ,. :i and Bray added to the count with .tandinI player. ol either team a swell corner shot just before with lame beautiful heaea-up the period ended. . b.ll handlin& and dandy shott •. Tile Blue Devils looked' like a different-team starting.the'$eC0nd. The Grosse Pointe. reserves, half. They scored 30 poiJIts to 'fresh' from. their overwhelming eight. Dur.lD, the th;Id 'victOry over'FofdTrade the ni'lht Trounc;.'i=o~i ,Tr.de .048-23 Fordson', quarter the Point~rs' ,de!eru;~ was before; added East Detroit to its and E.st D.troit 45-18' on prllctically impreenable, and Ford long' list ot basketball \'iclims Trade was able to. get only four with a decisive, 45.18. victory at Sueees.sive' Nights points. Two of the four. po~ts East Detroit's gym last Saturday were scored on foul shot:! while night. By FaEDBUNNEL~S the Blue DeviIs connected for The Blue Devils employina: a After trailing throughout most 13 counters to hold a oommand- fast brea~_ took a commanding of the first half 0, its basketball ing 31-i9 lead at the end of the 16-2 lead in the first ~uarler of game with Ford Trade last night, third quarter. the game, Tom Willson's basket th~ ,Grosse ~ointe reserves put The fourth period was a sleigh and lree throw touched off the together' a high scoring second ride for the Pointers. They scored scoring spree in the first seconds halI to down the' Trade school 17 points to ,Fordson's four. of the game and the Blue Devils boys, ~8-23.' .. Playing only part (>! the game were never threatened the rest Ford Trade, playing a ,fast, ago Leroy GoaresiD).o emerged the of the evening. gressive brand of ball, jumped high pointboycif.. the eveping Beginning the second quarter, in~ an early' lead in 'the first with 11 POints. He was followed Coach Harold Fisher, substituted quarte.r anq held an 11.4 edge. by Herb Allen. Ken Christianson an Entire new team. Against the Grosse Pointe's c~se looked and Tom WHlson with 10, 9 and subs East Detroit found the range hopeieiBSup to the •second period eight points respectively. . after one and a half minutes of when the Blue Devils' began'findPeuln was high for the losers play in the second quarter and ing't1)e range and' at half time up five quick points in enjo;Yed an 18~15 lead, Patterson, with 9 points, 8 of themcomin&rolled of the Christianson and Tom' Willson in, the first quarter when Ford the first four minutes led the second quart~r attack Trade made ija only bid for vic.' period. East .Detroit appeared to ' '. be getting too close,. for comfort. with Willson giving his team a tory. Guaresimo was by farui!! out~ so the starting Blue Devil team one point lead on two free throws ~ You'll be glad to know that our Girl's Council is being revivedit died for lack of a directorand will hold its fint meeting on Mar. 14, at. the' Neighborhood Club. Mrs. James O'Brien hiS consented'to be chairnian of this group, and we all join in wish. ing her the best of luck. ~. I G~~ss~e~~inf:~e~~; O~~y :st:i~~ fn the Detroit Area that has heard from the country to which chest of books was sent. ' .This time, the letter was reo ceived by Mrs. Walgenbach's troop. and was from Mady Jadot, a law student at 'the University of Brusseis. She organizes troops, and trains leaders-of course Yll\\ know that in Europe Girl Scouts are caUed Girl Guides. She has her own troop of blind Brownies, and it is the only one of its kind in the country. The scrapbOOk, made by the girls 'in Mrs. Walgenbach'stroop' was the "1irst ta~,gible piee~ of American Scout work received in five years." She also wrote. "our admiration for your brilliant ;:ountry is immense," MadyJadot'sBrownie troop was visited by Lady BadenPowell, and she is justly proud of her correspondence with such a 'distinguished person. Alter all, it was Lord Robert Badw.Powel who founded the scouting movement, and who inspired Juliette Low to dream OJ. a scoutini organization for girls of all nations. Even tho our special International Friendship period ls of. ficially over' today, we shall continue to observe. to throulhout the year. It's. a timely tlieme, and is especially forceful rilht now. • ',. With the advent of March, we look forward to our Birthday Week, and our Juliette Low World Friendship Fund, Great plans for celebrating are under way, and we expect March 10-16 to bean exciting and a stimulating week. " • • 'Girls!! Tell your mothers and .your mothers' friends to save .all ,their, waste' fats for you, to' be contributed to the city-wide iat campaign. conductcd. oy tl", Girl: Scouts. If you recollect, the War .ChestF.und did not meet its quota this past year, Consequently, the Detroit Girl' ~cuut Council did not receive ils. total from the Commllnity, FUTld". and is desperately in: need of. money for operating, expenses. It is hOped (he sale of wasle fats will help (0 make up part of this deficit. .50 b' " now, and line up your nei,g:;~, ;,<.ask:inlr,th~m to ).pleqe, save '.'. theirwBste 'tats ,for Yilt!; The date of the collection wilt be. a~~9un~~lj. 'Jaler. . .'.,'~ .. ~.",.,,!~.'. • b.~,~.~~. p•. POI NT E NEWS Our Service Dept. Coach Frank Banach had his fingers crossed as hi.~ Blue Devil swimming team trav,!led to Ann Arbor last Saturday' morning; to compete'in the Michigan State High School swimming mee!. Banach knew ~his team didn't 'have the necessary power and balance to annex the.,State High School title, but he was hoping for a miracle of ~ome sort to give the, Pointers enough ,points to finis~ well up among the leaders, That. miracle didn't happen and the Blue Devils had to be satis. tied with eight place, two places worse than in the 1&45meet. DanLaFert~, swimming. in hI~ last high school com petitio!,!, paddled his way to third place in the 50-yard free style event. LaFerle finished the regular season with 11 victories and one defeat in lOO-yard free l'tyle. but waSn't entered in this event because his coach tlgured he would stand a better chance at the shorter distance, FISHER-RECORD Welcomel We extend ,~hrysler ..:..Plymouth cordial welcome to /Ill Grosse Pointers /lnd particularly to our many friends to visit us of our three opening days-Friday, Saturd~y 011 one c'l11dSuf]- day, March I, 2 and 3. It is our ilim to render a high g,,"':e ty~e of ser'!ice. We <!15k your patroMge, "ct,., Co","", hrcr,. wfi~ fI"d ~"Yery servfc. Specle'lIf", I" ~"er.1 Alto •• ,.Irl", .Hi lA.i.Nt S',e ...f.'ltf YESI MOlOa, SALES Il ,,..,,t BEAUPRE. FANNON SERVICE TIRESliD BamRIES Mack at Fisher Road Right from the Startl GROSSE POINTE FARMS TU. 1-9889 MOBILGAS OPEN 6:30 A.. M. tolO:30 p, M: '10- 15t9G Kercheval Ave. LEnox sm The Crest Company * * 5156 CASS AVE. MI.. 2147 "'fAJt 'ALIlIIlt * .... .• ",. ," > ~ " .... ... .., ",., •~ '. r ;- ..... .. . '... .; .... .'.~. ,........ . • Thursday, February 28, 19<46. G R 0 S SE 'P:O r NT E N E.W S Pag. Foum ... good job in taking care of us. Mike Bea~pee, Jr., complained to the Farms police Sunday that The milk shortage has corne .to some milk thirsty wayfarer had the Pointe, even though our local taken 10 quart bottles of milk out truckers have been doing II fairly of his truck while it was parked Milk Short. Ie Cauae. :Thieves to Loot Truck in his garage. The theft, he says. happened sometime early Sunday morning. A bad man with a bad plan beats a good man witti no plan. "Christian Science: Its Theory and Practice" A FREE LECTURE • Bahain By , t]u! youngest culprits that have' A rl;!Sident'at 1143 Beaconsfielc;l. ever come under their notice. observed. two very small. boys helping themselves to' the can. They were two boys, aged three tents of mail boxes in the neigh. and four, respectively. The little Ii Two y oung Pointers These two young Grosse Point. ers, with a W9rld of fine experience in serving motorists' n~, will hold a three-day opening of tlleir new Mobilgas Service Stalion' at 18184 Mack at Fisher road on Friday. Saturday and Sunday, March I, 2 and 3. They built and own the new; station where garage work will be featured as well as Mobilgas products. Mar,vin Beaupre, who is a son of Albert Beaupre of Kerby road, was formcrly paris manager of sociated'. with the Sun Oil company where he direc\ed 6el'vice schools and sales work. . Associated with them and head. ing their auto repair department, will be Frank Lenhardt •. former instructor in auto mechanics at the Wilbur Wright Trade Schoo!, who served as parts manager. at Tom Boyd's. At one time Len'hardt was associated, with the George Holzbaugh agency in a mechanical capacity. . Jack Fannon, brother of Rob. ert, who holds five b~tt1e.ltars and went into Tokyo with. the Navy. will be an employe at the new slatiQn, as will Albert Beaupre, brof{:er of Marvin. Albert holds the D.F.C. Air Me~al with oak; leaf cluster and received a Presidential Unit Citation. Because of the long residence here of the principals it is be. lieved opening days will bring out many friends and neighbors. "The welcome sign is hanging high and our motto is service." Robert Be"upre said yesterday said yesterday in making their announcement. He alsO said home appliances will be a feature of the station at a later time. of NEW YORK CITY Member of the Board of l.eclureship of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Friday, March 8, 1946 at 8:00 P. M. Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist and Manistique You are cordially invited to attend I\IAKVIN BEAUPRE A full report of this lecture will be printed in The Grosse Pointe News of March 14. Christian Science:' the original George Holzbatiilh concern when that agency was the largest Ford Sales and Service station in the world. 'More recently he was in enJ!ineering at Briggs manufacturin". Robert J. Fannon, son of John F. Fannon, until recently was as- ~..,'" ~. ' : Its ,Revelation of the Kingdom Within A Free Lecture by Clayton Bion Craig, C. S. B. of Cincinnati, Ohio 'Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, . The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Massachusettl ROBERT FANNON P1 Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Detroi~ Eut Grar,d Boulevard near lelrenoll Ave. rptursday, :&larch7, 194(h8 p~m. YOU ARE CORDIALLY ~ED TO ATTEND A full report of this lecture will be printed in the Grosse Pointe News of March 21. Grosse Pointe. Methodilt Church ; • E L 'E. C' T.I 0 N TO BE HELD IN THE I ::. ) M CHI 'G A N . To th~ Qualified EleCtors of the Village of Grosse Pointe Farms: , .. " You are her6by notified that the Annual Election for the' election of. '.' ' officers in accordance with the Village Charter will be held in the Village of Grosse' f>ointe Farms on . . C , • t.' .. MONDAY, MARCH 11TH,. 1946 .. ,.. ' ':~'-and the polls for said Election shall be open from 7:00 o'clock in the _ forenoon to 8:00 o'clOck in the evening, at the Village Hall. 90 Kerby ': ;Road, ':. At whichEIec:tion the following officers are to be chosen viz: / 1 PRESIDENT 3 TRUSTEES 1 CLERK 1 ASSESSOR 1 TREASURER You are further notified that there will be only one polling place for said Annual Election which snail be at the Village Municipal Building•. 90 Kerby Road, HARRY FURTON, Clerk Village of Grosse Polnt.--Farms , Published Feb. 28, 1946 (G. P. News) , !: j. 14730 KercheYl1 Avenue WHY WE HAVE BEEN ABLE Sund"y servIces 10:30 a, m. Sunday School Wednesday ""enlng Testimonial HeelIng 8:00 p. m. 1-1129 r IMPROVE OUR. SERVICE I BEmR FUIERIL SERVICE FOR THE IN YOUR COMMUNITY You may wonder why we are able to reduce electri~ EAST SIDE rates, as directed by Public Service ~ the Michigan , .Commission, even while the' cost ollivirig is going . In time of it is .8 comfort funeral service neighborhood. to family and Vote Yes! bereavement to have the in your own can venient friends. - up, Our answer is simple. It stam with a will to give you the best possibje service at rates that are fair and Far from the noise and con f u s ion of contested areas, the beautiful and spacious Harris East Side Chapel is especially located to be convenient to aU East Side residents and to ~hose of nearby suburban areas. MONDA Y, MARCH 4TH. .i TO REDUCE RATES AND YET ReadIng Room open week day. a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Sundays 2:30 to ll:OO p. m. U:OO INVEST ~, Sixth Churc:hof Christ, Sc:ientist, Det~oit Morning Worshlp'at 10:41 Sunday SChool. for Pre-5ehool Chlldren. 10:~12:30 lund.y SclIool for Adullo and All Young People. 12-12:30 , Youth Fellowship at 6:~ p. 1ft. Rey. Hugh C. \VhUe; Minister :l42 Oil< Street. at MCMI1I&D TU. chaps were turne~ over to .their parents for treatmenl ----Standing in other fellow', shoes won't help him if 'you th 'yourself are aU on e wron' foot. AN N U A'L . Young & Rubican, Inc., advertising agency, has added .seven men to its Detroit staff and opened new offices in Suite 1866 Penobscot Building (CAdillac 0067), George W. Davis, vicepresident in charge of Detroit operations has announced. The new staff members are David V. Cleary, copy and contact; John R. McAlpine, traffic and production manager; George M. Black, Jr" contact and now business; Burns J. Cody, cooperative. advertising man a g er; Claud'e R. Streb, ,art director; Robert S. Edwards, production department; and Thoburn (Toby) Wiant, public relations and publicity. Cleary '~md McAlpine rejoin~ the agency after serving several years with United States forces o'/erseas. Black was transferred to the Detroit office after a. year and a half in .the agency's New York and Chicago offices. ' Black, a resident of Grosse Pointe and a University of Michigan graduate who has been in the advt!rtising business since 1931, spent a year and a half as head of OWl's foreign advertising division before joining Young &. Rubican in New York. ' The Detroit accounts of Young & Rubican include the Packard Motor Car Company; Parke, Da. :vis & Company; Stinson Division Consolidaled-Vultee Aircraft Cor. Poration; arid the Borden Company. • Meeting In Kerby SdIool Kerby lid. near .Kercheval Career NOTICE OF YouI1g& Rubicam Expands Staff Avenues Wood. .• On Cnme Ii Richard P. Verrall, C. S. Kercheval Start '1 borhood Mo~day afternoon and . phoned the police. Early, , The police picked up two of Serv:ce Stat;on. Is. Open.ed reasonable, It continues with the'cooperation experienced of , and efficient emploYe8. It includes planning and economizing on the part of managem.ent and e~gineers, . Call the Harris East Side 'Chapel to secure the quiet, memorable. and neighborly service that characterizes Harris Funerals. In addition, the combined savings In"ought ah.}ut by a reduction in federal taxes and increased use of electricity contribute to this latest rat~ reduction. No Communit.y is Better In 8hort, it is enterprise at work ••• enterprise witli . know-how and a goal. The goal ill the best electric Than It' sS c h 001 s service in the world. at rates that are fair and reMOnable. 'THE 8RDSSE POliTE mCHERS' ASSOCIAnDl fAST Sllll! owa 5IIOWK AJOVI! .t LAKEP'OIHTI HAlPn ;, .Ji DETROIT EDISON co. ......... 3131 Wm CflAI'a .t CAHFIILD c::&m.Al CASS •.... :.J•.•• , . (0_1144 .. , i_ ~_ • • • ". J.~'Y",_.'~ ; :.' I ' .' ~ .~"!.;',.,-,,_.,., • -.• ~. '!II ~.~.---!- ,~. -1->~_ .. ~' __ .... I. L" .-# ... _. _ .•• ~. -.-...;. • .. _~ ":',' _ .• ._ ~_ ~~ .... -..0.. _.~~~. _., ;'.1' •.• . ...: .. " ' • ? .• » • • • • &ROSSE em by . Carl profeSsor MIchlgaD be used the civil reproduction Uo"" of Cbait. Beers ,,"" Wines A Fine Place to Relax andMect !IUS HARPER AVE. St. Clair Sbores dinners to banqueis i "'cIs Yvette, lovely CL. 2683 JlESt:r$lTloNs (:AI,L .~_t} tion 1 ~:~~~~~: SUNDAY EYE.ata:30 'r...... STORY' EVER SET llt:SSIl'l. TH£ SWEETEST t SIIlTRJ:IlT LOVE star "Anything of the Civic Light C$oes," tells drama' her about ,....1 use 75,OOO.mile Opera critic, tour at S-....~ producCharles the BALL 100M don' Chop House. . TO MUSIO Immurlal JSelun'd. .eJu4I,.. s.... y t:\'t:5.' () .. ~•. 1l&1 ""td,-S.t.,)ht •• : 0#\"11:. J Ir.slructlon In All Types of Dance for' Children llnd Adults Tom Barr)' ran Marian Stevens . Ann Lay I !.41, I.IM. 1.%0 Aalt' •• )' 1.N, I,%Q All 750 Alter l'fl ... I.clud ••. Tax j •, THE OLDEST NAME , IN MICHIGAN REAL ESTATE i I I MEANS SOMETHING -Meet your friends and make new friends wblle learnln( the Fox-Trot. Rhumba, DeHai, Samba, Lindy a,nd Walla. SIJ:m •• d Jlo.bf"rJC:'. OUt 1... XUlile I.. ollrll ,. \ of all types of property BE. CONFIDENT Fn8Z Sh.JHorj'. , FINANCING-REFINANCING aDd Ellay TO. Lurn.to dance-to lead or follow. You'll enjoy yourself more If you knew what to say and what to do. Our classes Include Instruc. tion In social etiquette. BLOSSOM TIME, dmun OI'5&Y Ruth Gillette Zelia RlI55ell Harry K. Mortou PROPERTY MANAGEMENT NOW It's FUll tG Be Popular U/umpfr .omb.rg's' GreGtesf CLASS . ENROLL FOR BUYING.SELLING-LEASING II o~ ..... ~. TEEN AGI Lon- IN REAL~ ESTATE I 'EtAIffe A1lNPr Counts Experience I Your Frilinds Betwetn • aDd • Mile and Gentry, and others carrying away lWJlbU • J:.UMBEa THIEVES. posited on the nremisfl.' M; il.Andrews, associate The contraetor eJlgaged in ,r of civll engineering at building. new house in Radnor State College. It will clrcle requested the Farms police We can't plan soundly for a as a reference work in last Friday .to keep a close watch new economy unless we have •.11 engineerini department. on the surroundings as he has been annoyed by children or !oundatioDl of a new morality. pared' for ktIueprint JOHNSON'S. BAR parti;7;;p~:~1t~.ff.rsol fl. 0353 CASS 0' ..' IS TaAN8LAftD quot"" book 011 soil .... mechi/lics, written by • .Swede and printed in German, has been translated hito English and'pre- sen'ed in an atmosphere of charm. Open daily, ex- Catering n } BOOK cept Saturday, 12 to 3 and .( to 9. Sundav 1 to 9. .A\J\I' {)JI and NEWS A widely We're thinking about laws to control strikes-laws to control employmel'lt. What about .a love to control people? IIDJ Luncheons ~(jV • rangemenb Ire Mia. Clare Sober, Mn. John McComb. Mrs. Warren Helle, Mrs. Leonard Slow in, Ml!I.' George Williams, and Mrs. William Browne. CONGUGATIONAL C.UAcH Dr. "aild' Un. George Waidbott. of il~4 Halfour road. . Grosse Pointe. will oPen their home on Saturday. eveniqi March 2, for a card party sponsored by the Women's Association. of Grosse Pointe CongrelationalChurch. Mrs. Loyd Weed is chairman, and those' assisting in the ar. itA SURE SIGN OF FINE FC}OD" POI-NTE. Road LlR.X 3837 - tI it I i ; 4 ,• I i Estate Exchange-Inc .• CA~ 1 •• .,. ••, 144. West LofGyefie, Ilvd. East 51ft Irallch-.Ha".r lit OllNr Drive • ( ~1lII1111"IIIIMI_IIlIlIllHII!UIIlIUllllllllllillllllnIIllIllllHlUlltlll11JltUll!Il1HllIIllllIllIlli ) , • i NOTICE .OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF 'PUBLIC -HEARING TO BE HELD IN THE .TO BE HELD IN THE .. MI M Ie H'I GAN' 0' . . 'AN'ORDINANCE .'~s~cl~-:~~:",,">TPEATREHI. ma , Prltia,- S.h1rll.y l!NDA . Marcil 1.2 "THE IRUlJOH" L" :... '. ,. . MICHIGAN, • '.' . 34 OF THE VILLAGE '~F . , . ADOPTED JUNE 18 1940 ENTITLED: ' I I THE VI~~6E , to OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS ORDAINS: M..... March 304.5 y. T... l4lay BITTY HUTTON. AllURO t!.CORDOYA "IICEIDIARY BLONDE" 1Vltb IARlY FITZ.GElALD be Morell 6-7 Wed.. ida,. Thrstl"y Retlltll En(a(tmen~ DOROTHY LAMOUI of • JON HALL "HURRICANE" UIRE 153.111. TU, 2.2760 JEFFERSON FRIDAY" Rlcll.M1 COIIt. I."••• JIIII - FtIy M.new. .... ba- in- ''11118., 1.2 MARCH SATURDAY Jlltx F.lke.lHlr, Suorit." "THE SPIDER" SUNDAY & MONDAY ~ MARCH , Fr.t! M.cMllrray ... rItor~ Sta.wyck 3-4 • Edw: G. lo~iRSOII "DOUBLE IIDEI"ITY" FEATURETTE-GOOD CAJtTOON-JEItKY LATEST .howl., OLD CORN TURKEY' NEWS SeGtion 6: OTHER BUi'LDINGS 'AND USES-District "A".' In District A; no lend, exc;epf oil otherwise provided in this Ordinance, shll!r be erected upon ,Of' Used f~eny purpcse. except, for one or mcre of the following specified purposes: Public museum, parish home, public librlry, public school, paroc;hilll s<:~ool, chur~h, orphanag., community c~nter, muni~ip.11 structures, necesllry ior publiC welfllre, safety and convemence, IInd hospitals, ncept thOSt for the tr ... tment of mentar dise"sM, ..lcoholic .. ddicts IInd drug addictl. . Section 13: MOAda, al '7:41.11:" MARCH 5-6-7 i_ .. : AUTOMOBILE PARKING REGULATIONS-District B Ad.qu ..te shall, be provid~d for such . permitted US" ..s thellters, offic;a buildings, apllrtment houslS, hotels, .nd pilus of public oISsembly. In the Cllse of thelten, pllrking spec" ior' one vehicle shan be provided for ... ch ten Selts or equivalent in patron .. ge; .offica buildings, puking spica for e,l(;h 2(\0 squ ..re feet of floor 'p"Uj ap"rtment housts ..nd hotels, pllrking sp.1ce icr e ..ch fi.... hund~ed SCl.u ..re feet. o~ flcM 1pIIC4'. Suc;h. park.ing facilities'shllil be dearly desenbed In the budding. plen~ ..nd speelfica~lons, .. nd no, permit for the .rection of I building shall be issued without complillnce wiftl this regul ..ticn. In 'order to ~rry into effect the pt'oyisions hereof, the .ViIIlg. Commission upon proper "pP.'icatio~ in writing by the owner 01' d ..veloper of an; property, ~han ha .... the power to, from time to time, set nide and designllte. lend for use for p"rki"9 furpose~; and to ..ccomplish' such purp~e m..y set ..side .. nd designate IlInd within Districts A and/or C to bi! uled for such purpose, notwithst .. nding anythin9 in this Ordil1.ance to the c;ontr .. ry end pt'ovided 'further, that sueh prcperty to be so sat oISid. o! designated is owned. by or under the c;ontrol of the "pplicant'lnd proVided furthlr, fhat such use sh..1! not c;onfl1ct with recorded subdivision restrictions. "SflCtion 3: The Provisions of this Ordin ..nce ..re hereby immediltely ntcesSiry fOl' the public; health, puc ... nd IIfety given immedi.te .ffKt." . . dedued to be .. nd ..re hereby ~. .. ":.' .-~.: . :'>.:.. ".. . '. ria rlriihtMah' t it t '1etn i 1 : z=e.;sa;;s 3 ( • t\ , • 'po. SECTION 9: POINTE WOODS Height of B~ildingsj District "B". No commerci ..1 or mercentile building in that portion of DistriGt "I" 011 Mac:k ~venue, lying South of V~'mier Road, .. na on Verni.r Road, Iyin, West of M ..ck /!,venue ..nd on Herp.r Avenue for its Intire length within the Ville,e limits sh ..11 be erectecl, recons}ructed or remodeled, so as t. ellce.d' in height on. story with a muimum hlight of Twenty.tIlre. proYided, however, that the provisions hereof sh.. 11 not .. pply to Khoor" churchlS, thellters or municip"1 structurei. . All struetur.s to be erected in District ojB" sh.K coliform h.. rmoniolnly i" exterior design with the gen.r .. 1 ..rchitKture of such str .. t and tM surrounding .. rN. - "SECTION 2: All OrC1inancel or perts of Ordin .. neel in c:onfliet her.with are hereby exprlnly rlpe ..led. only tco the extent neceslllry to giv. t+,is Ordinanc;e full ~orc. and effect, ..nd th.et tile Zoning M.p mid ... p"rt of the ..forem.ntiol\ed Crdlnene4! be, ..nd the lime is. hereby .. ccorclingly reYised. "SECTION 3: The Provisio."s of this Ordinllnce .ere hereby ded.red fo be ~mmed~ately necess ..ry for the public; hulth, p •• ce and IIfety and ..re hereby 9iven Immediate .ffeet:' PH!LLlP F. ALLARD, Vinago C!.ri:, CI.rk. Grosse Point. Michigan, Wood" 7' rue 11is'i&Mzg-~a., ~n4?,.,?'f GrOll I Pointe Woods, 7''1''7 -'.' 7 , n 7'1 r t t I ..•i J P • $ 7 PH' J \ ( , l ( ! ~ .t •• i ef *., lc) f ORDAINS: [_) No commerc;i ..I or mercantil. building in that Portion of DistriGt "I" on Mac\:; Avenue, lying North of Vernill' Road, sh.. 1! be erected, reconstruct.d or remodeled', so as tc exc;eed in height two stories wit+, a m.xi~.um height of Thirty.Thre. (33) ft., proYided, howeyar, t+,.., the prOVISions hereof sh.. 11 not apply to Khook, churc;hes, the ..ters Of' mlHli. cipel itruc;tu r~s. lb) i ' Michiga ... " ,- ..."l','~'<':"'~ ~ ~ SECTION ,8: Distriet "8". A didrict permitting 1111 buildil\gs .. nd uses a. permjtte~ in Di.tri~ ",&." and "C", but oth.rwii. c;onfined to business ..nd/or . c:ommerc;I.. 1 est .. bhshments erectedfcr the Hie of goods at retail or .. cc~ ,mercj .. 1 ~ profession ..1 IIrvice conducte<i ior the residents of. the locality whIch is not obrioxious or. offensive 'to the 1~lity ;by te!'SOfl of the omiuion of, odor, fumes, dust, smoke, wlste, .vibr ..tion or noise, prcyided th.re is not in .c~nn.ction therewith oIIIy m .. nuf ..during, repairing, converting, aifering. finishing 0,r .. ssembling except that which is incidental to such retail business 01' Slivice .. nd on which nct more thlln fi.... mech .. nics or wOl'ken ..re ~ tomarily eng ..ged. pro ...ided th..t me limitlltion on the number of mechinics or ~ork.rs emplcyed shall not apply to ..utomotive silles rooms and/or service ,t,afronsj llrcvlded, ""wever, no sudl business or commercial elt .. blishmenh pe~itted under the pt'cvisions of this Seeti~n slilll conti in, be Illid ovt for Of' pt'oYicle resiJenti ..1 or nving qu .. lters. . • PHILLIP F. ALLARD, ~t,fWAWf~~:H.#ifa':i:1sa I t I 'AN ORDINANCE'TO REGULATE.,ind rest~ the ioc;ation of trldes .. nd industrie5 .. nd the Icc ..tion of building, designed for specified uses, to ~9U... lete ..nd limjt th!l heig~, ..nd' bulk of. buildings her ... fter ereFled, to. regula+- . .. nd determine the .. r... cf y.. rds, eourts, .. nd cther open sp.1ce$,. to limit'" ud restrict the muimum num~er of f.. milies which m..y be housed in dwell~ngs h!re~ftlr Irede~ M ..lter.d, ..nd for ~~d ~.~rposes di~ide the'ViRlige Into diStriCts, to pro ...,de .. method of administration. and to' pt'esbibe' the pan ..lties for the vic!4,tion of its provisions,' be emended,' so oIS to re ..d ..s follows: _off .the str .. t ..utDtTlobile p"rl:ing facilities Vin.. ge I Ht'G,~N S~TlON I: TilatiSection, ... ncI9 ofofdin .. nu No. 34 of the Village Groue Pol\,te Woods adopt .. on June I., ,19<40, entitled: . ~c~essory buildings mllY be er~Gted for. purposes which are customarily IllCldent to eny of the above permiHed uses ineluding not more th ..n one private gar ..ge for each lot. The regulations for height, bulk, and artll fcr residenti.1 ..c;cessory buildings shill apply. . "Section '2: All OrdinancM 01' p",n of Ordinanees in ccnAicf herewith .. ,.. hereby expressly repe.led, only to the extent neee~Slry to give this Ordinance full ~orce ..nd eff~ct, .. nd th.t th~ Zoning M..p made a part of the ..forementioned Ordlnence be, and the lime ii, her.by accordingly fe\ojsed. !Ianday at l:tO.3:2t-5:4'.1l:H-I8:2t TUnDAY.WEDNISDAY.THUR$DAY. 'AN ORQINANCE,to regul ..t. and, redrict the 10(;11 ti on of tr ..d~s .. nel industries ..nd the location cf ~uildings designed lOr sp •.cifiad UleS, to, regulate' and limit the height ..nd bul~ of buildings herellfter erecteel, to. . re<Julate .. nddetermine the :"rel of"Yllrds, 'courts, IInd other open spllcel, !o Iimit;l.nd restrict the muimum number of families .which m..y be houseel . In dwellings here ..fter e~cted 01' litered, .. nel for. said purposas divide the Vilillge into district~,to pt'ovide Im.thcd of ..dministration, and to pr.Jcribe the peNlti.s for the vicl.tion of its provisions,' , amend~d,so as to read oil foll6ws: ~ . " "T~E VILLAGE OF GROSSE . 61'_ 5 ...... ,. c ,, "Section I:. Th..t .Se.ctions 6 .. ~ 13 of Ordin ..nce No, 34 of the ViII.. ge of Pointe/Woods, ..dopted o'n June. 18,'940, entitled: ! ~' ... l ""AN OROIN ... NCEJ~:r!glllete~"d ;~eshict the r~ ..tion. ~'tf ..d~s and Industries .. nd the loc ..tion of building, designed fo,sPecified UMS, tc rec.llll.t+and limit tfle height and bulk of buildings nere ..lter erect.d: to regu1..te Ind deter. mine t~e "ru ofy"r~s, cl:!ur:ts ...nd other open. sp.1ces, to limit and restrict the maxImum. number oLfimilieswhichm.y JM .housed in dwellings her.ifter. ere~ or Iltered, ..nd for lIid purposes, divide the Vill~ule into districts, to pt'OYicie .. method of ..dministration,' Ind to>prescribe ihe. pen ..ities ior the viol ..non of its ,provisions.' "' ~911llte .. nd'restriGt'the lqgtion of trlldes ~nd ind~strie.s of buildings designed for specified uses, to regulllt~ IInd limit th' height. end bulk of buildi!lgshe(ea~terer~c;~d, to reguillte and determine the "re .. cf Yllrds, courts and other op.n spaces;to !imit .. ndrestrict the muimum number of f..milieJ which m..y be housed in dwellings here.efter ereCted or ..!tered, . and fcr ~id purpcslS; divide the YiII..ge'into districts, to prcvide e method of administr ..tion, and to prelcribe the pen ..lties for the ...iclition of its provisions',", / :,~irthe'Ioc;..tion • 5Ult McCLURI 'DAINILL . I "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE No. 34 OF THEV;LLA61' OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS,' MICHIGAN, ADOPTED JUNE IB 1940 I ENTITLED.• ." .,':AN., ORDINANCE rd.AME~~D6~DINANCl:~b. .' I l h GROSSE POINTE WOODS, '" "NOTICE i, hereby 9iv-n, in ll;Cordlnce witt! the Provi5fons cf AGt No. 201 of th •. Public Act~ of the Stlt. of Michigln for the yelr 1921, II ..mend.d, th .. t I Public huring will be had lit the Municip ..l Building, in the Village of Gross Poin+Woods, W ..yn. Ccunty, Michiglln, on the 19th day of Mllreh, 1946, ..t 1:00 o'clock, P. M., Elldern Stllridard Time, upon a propo5ed :Amlndment to Ordinlnce No. 34 of the vm.. g. of Gros~ Pcint. Wood" I,dopted June 1B, 1940, whidl pt'opOs.d Amendment i, 15 fcllows: . "NOTICE IS HE~EBY GIVEN, in accordance with Provisions of Act No:207 thePubHe Ach of theSt"'e of ¥ichig ..n for the yelr of 1921, ..s Amended, th ..t ... Publ1c hearing will be hlld, ..t the Municipill Building, in the Vilillge cf Grone Pointe Woods,Wllyne County, Michigln, on the 19th day of March, 1946, 'at B:oo c'ciotk P.M., Elldern Standllrd Time, upon .. proposed' Amendment to Ordinance' Nc: 34 of th,e Vi!l..g~ of Groul Pointe Woods,edopted June 1B,.1940, whir;h proposed Am.end. meiTt .1 ., follows: ;". '.' . '." . ," __.... ~..:" ..,} W.yn. County, Michigan Wayne County, Michigan J!J!,lJ,ch (lnd Judy f : Joiutt1UOtJh9 QI,tOS9t 'niutt mO~b9. .QI,tOS9t I • •, • ... ~i ~of I 11 n B7 7 n I i ,,• 1 \ • ' (.' ' ,." , - "'* . .i-~ ;", -.. ' '.:;' ,~. ~.v..- v' .. -..,.-:., ~.~~"'_,..._'"'_""'_~_""_~ ,.,."",." ..';'_~,.., ..,.._~ - &ROSSE POINTE R A ' ' __ ._ ... ~ITO Plai:e a C1W'P PDCIU. can- lj .u " VfTbZ"',na="=.";'Z ,~; GROSSE POINTE N~ (3 '!funk Lines CHARGE w Sene RATES -13 HAL ISTAn.FOR REAL ESTATE TaL ES and away. HOME TO TRADE If You Wish to Buy or Sdl .,' ,HOUSE Howard Rand. NOTICES HI and 24-incli . . rurnishtd VilLAGE OF or Unfumisliea .. ( NotICE OFHEARING ',-1.1 '!'he Boa/d' 'Oi'Appeal."" March 4tll. 11l4e. at B,OO•.P. M .• will conalder tlle :reqUKt or Maxon Bros. lor ~rmt .. lon '~o~I!.n 01\. Ridge oad aD4 L'1e:~~ HARRY A. FURTON Fi.3660 E)(t. SIl , . 5ecret6r'f i ," ~T,AMD and SeUODed TUxedo 2-6305 Desir~b!s Tencntl& ,. ~.RbSS'E'POINTE"FARMS ~ All Jlardwood \ .. 'MAN'S tailored auit, size., 40. Wool shirt, size 16; wool hunt. ingcoat; sport tailored trOU" S'ers; hat; high rubber shoes; size 101,2; davenPort, new1y,upholstered; two pair green fiof" al drapes, table, la"mp, miscellanl!oua articles. 711 Lincoln R"'. . FOUND SMALL train' with track. Good condition, $15. CaU Nlalara 8310. -. Veteran'l. Ion returning, . ,must FOUND have unfurni5hed apartment, fiat, Good Place for income, terrace or house with Home Made Ice Cream two bedrooms or more soon. l'i'o IRISH .1inen .cloth, 66" by 63'.'; I napkins, 2011 by 20"; hemDONNA LEE SWEET SHOP petl or children in our, famj,ly. s~itched. Call LEnox 6307. Call DRexel 1007 before 10 a.II)., .• Coplin at Freud or after 4. p.m., or write J. M. LAD'('S brown Forstmann wool Payne, 8945 Agnel, Detroit H. LOST qr destroyed-Certiflcate coat. -fur coUar. worn four months, reasonable; black crepe No. 12.G74 for five shares of HOUSE, 3 or • bedroom. No dress; never worn. Both size \ Sioux City Gas and Electric children. Good references. ExH:.NIagara 2498. 43G Rivard Company Sev'en Per Cent Cumcl!lIent care of property. Tux. boulevard . ,1-1982. . , ., . . ulative Pr,~ferred StOck, regisFULL' SIZE 9~pi!ice dining room i tered lnthe name of "HaITy E. suite; antique, solid oak, dark i Rinefort." Appeal has been red mohair cushions; mahoc. made to the company for issuany dresser. ARlington J59O. .. ance of a new certificate in lieu GAS STOVE,.. Upright oven; thereQf. good condition. 1489 Hampton. RELIABLE TENANT' LOST-Silver charm bracelet be- will P&y top rent for six or seven room furnished. house in tween ,Harvard 'and. High Grosle Pointe. School, on Tuesday, Feb. 26th .. r.eward. TU. 1.3949. No Chiidren. LOST tiger slIipe PerSian cat.' Answers to mime of "Mr. B." Call TUxedo 1-3849. GffiL, 25 to 35 yrs" ror statistical and order department; must be accurate; pleasant working •conditions. Call Personnel Manager, TU.' 2-9300. COOK, white, pleasant disposition; good' references; small family; complete charge of I kitchen; sala:-y $35 weekly. Call [or information, NI. 3804. WHITE women for general work Thursday and Friday. No wa~hin". Near bus line. TUxedo '2-9170. S-SITUATIONS WANTED '(Male and Femal.) SECRETARY with knowledge of bookkeeping desires position f with diver.<ified duties. Write Box BOO, Grs. !'fe. News. COLORED girl wishes day work. A-I shirt ironer. References. MElrose 3843. COMPETENT typist.clerk wishes position in Grosse Pointe area. t Four years experience. Refer, ences. Write Box 1300, Grosse Pointe News. EXPERIENCED butler or chauf:~ 12 to 5, Towneend CA. 7600 FAMILY of four wishes to rent 6-room house or flat. Excellent references. Call LEnox 6406., 4-HElP WANTED [Male alld Female) fer. Call ~945. From June I to Odober L 5. THREE-BEDROOM. single by responsible tenant. UNiversity 4-3263. house Call SETTING for 8 s~rling, Gorum Fairfax, 7, sable skins, crystal glasses, service for 4; Z spring coats, about size 36. PIngree 9616•. WHITE Elephant Sale: Electric iron, 3 electric fans, electric heater, china, glassware, 2--50in. venetian blinds and lnany miscellaneous items. 76 Muskoka, off Grosse Pointe boulevard and Moross. T HE OFFICIAl, Edition, 45 volumes. "Library of the Worlds Best Literature." Good condition., Tuxedo 2-0161. MODERN fUrniture. Sewing machines ;md other appliances. Sehchram Furniture. Call Fi~o roy 581G, daily. WANTED .Old Clothing BkST PRICES PAID , A telephone to you will CHILD'S averale lrize. outdoor play houi!e. 'Call TUxedo 272GB. CA MER A S, preferably 111m packed, 2'1, by 3'1" Roll 620 or 35 m.m.; enlarg~r, m~t~r reader. lamps, cutter, etc. Call NT. 3279. ll-IEAL ESTATEFOI SAU EXPERT 'APPRAISAL :AND Sales Action rIDl~ij m1t&~W@l Old alyle' rtoor and lable Sill G",um 3-9248 SER,VICE RUG & CARPI;T CLEANING Speci!llize in Cle!lning T acked.Down Carpeting In Your Hom~ 1040 Lawndale Vlnewood 2.8510 POINTI" c!JtPET OWNERS - Attentiorl. now and save the wear. Also atair ,earpet Ihifted. Day or eveninc. Nlalara 0703. Repair SEWING Machines. Repairinc by eXpi!rts.' Houaehold repairing and 'sharpeninc of aU kincU. Rapid service. FIX-IT SHOP 14.221 Kercheval .Ave. LE. 4352 w. S,.e .. n. I. C .. Ot!'Y .. , FI . for Estimata H"il'le. Carpet C!eanen pay that' four P.J. .Ave. TUxedo 1-1260 Any Type Sig~ Of Sho-C.rd Woods Sign CO. PROMPT SERVICE John L" ' TUxeclol-1354 IMMEDIATE SERVICE FROM FAMOUS FLOO.R SERVIq: SANDING :""ND WAXING f~r Purchastl Our po~er Poi~te Res'dene. l' UN. ,1.9060 - fully InllUred NO: 5178 THREE BEDROCMS GRAY BABY carriage; pin k CUT and new slip covers. drapewool carriage set; bassinet; 31,2 . ries and cur.aiM., Call NIagara TWO B.ATHS yd. organdy table cloth; pair .796. of unmarked needle point Fe~ms, City or YOU!1t1 couple without. chilo Jlesulu Count • We SatWy WASHING machines repaired; chair sets; petit point center' dren or pe~ would like . any make, . excellent IIl!rvice. Perk pair of oxidized silver candle: BERFORD RD., South Warrennothing better than to take , DRexel lll!l2. sticks; painted metal tray. Pressed brick, II years old, perQu&lified client wlliting for house 23053 Brittany, E. Detroit. care of your furnished house fect condition; 3 large bed(cJ~ I..... or terrace during March and rooms, kitchen, breakfast room, of above description. STORK LINE collapsible carritile washroom 1st floor; many April onTy. Grosse Pointe age. Good condition, $!5. NiagELECTRICAL WIRING attractive features; solid drive, references. ara 6668. And Repllirinq ovehead doors. Possession soon. $16,500. P. J. Duggar. Co., 16125 Can Mn. Ba!lcome, at the Ha.. All Avall~ble M.lerlaI In StOd: FORSTMANN black wool coat. Mack. NIagara 6345, TW. 2- 93 KER.CHEV!lL To Do: Persian lamb trim. Size 12-14. TU. 2.bOOO Whittier. I..Enox 9000 • 1'1... Homes I Old Homes 2344. , Like new, $5G. Niagara 1231. ~trlnl • AtUe and • COUPLE need small house or fiat • Recre.llon Rooms Wired U-IEAL ISTAn FOI SAU lJ-.&1AL ESTATE FOt SAU • G«rall! Wlrlnlr Un4erJt'Ound Silver Fox collar unfurnished by March 15. Call ONE' Fromm • Power \VIrin r; • :w.e. EJoetrleal piece. Excellent condition. Tuxo Arlington 0515. _ ~paIrJnl. edo 1-1668. Good service Reuon.N. GROSSE POINTE rARK VETERAN wants store to rent, HOT POINT electric water heat8}'YER'S !IlL ELECTRIC AND lease or buy for camera shop A BEAUTIFUL BRICK 10 ROOM HOUSE er. Capacity 80 gall OM. Good or will consider' buying a lot APPLIANCE CO. condition. 843 University Plate. Evrnlnr;a: Residence TV. 1-'15'72 for store approx. 20x4G. IvanNatUl ..1 ftreplaces; 4 lar,l(e bedrooms, 2 baths. Maid's quartulJ 17330 ~ warren. Stor.: TU. 1~ hoe 2.205. includinl! bath over attached !larue. Carpets, rec. room. gas • L. WOMEN'S dresses and coats, size range, built-in refril(erator, sprinklinJ( system. vacuum steam 14-18; five pair of 'ShOK, size ADULTS-Flat or house. Perma(4J~.rhM. La.~ heat. oil burner. copper screened-in porch. Beautiful trees and 8AAA; 1 paid of genuine repnent. Best care., Excellent ref1.000 TulillS and JonQuils planted for sprinc bloomiDi. For SERVICEMAN'S wife would like tile shoes; 1 pair of white fur erences. wm do soine decoratsale by owner or broker. Price $3G,OOO. ' to do curtains in her home. 6lt eVl!ning gloves. 839 Bedford. ing. TRinity 1-5777. C,A,ll It W. JEAN, FITZROY ~658 Meadowbrook. MUrray .M5!. Call TU. 1-3728. BUNGALOW or t!at, S or 6 rooms 011 SundllYs NI&garll 3311 R A D 10 Stromberg-Csrlson, CLASSIFIED ADS by quiet, relined. middle.aged Or Call Your beautiful cabinet, $450. Call couple. Must vacate by 31st. 6ET QUICK RESULTSI TU.2.6745. Pbone PIner" 0680. Going South? 12905 Gratiot • Maxon Bro.thers "'nr Complete serviee Blaemtnu and J.oolsSprayed ALTERATIONS done on ladies" ,cQa!S,' .uits and dre.sses. Prompt .. .a.ervice. TUxedo .2-646.1.. ' .n~ Es-mtATEli WilliemD, Smythe,," SEE-Mra. Rheaume .:for. ,sprin, millinery, 2072 Roslyn Rd. TU 2.9390. Contr.eto, ' 'JloHvlUe . J.-Pt- 32e1-W or 1548..J " . , ~ainting . Decor/ding EXllfRJ,~~ tu~~~OR T•• I.... PIANO tunrDh:Electrie (;lea!IlJ" ClillordL. Edwanll., TUada 1-3173. ., LANDSc...PIN5 PALMER' & HANNEN DREXEL700 Ker DRESSMAKING, alterationa Imd millinery, Inez Slear, 174G Anita .. ,TUxedo 2-6857.: " and btertor Only the lleJt Materi.lo and Workmanship Applied. ' , Phon.' WANTED PRo 9800 UN CtIrpets ' W.rk BRING . your, alterationtroubl. , to Marie Stephens, 13327 ,(;Ii~ya1.,¥Umy 57~~. "AU .Work Guaranteed BAKER BROS. > BUSINESS encutive Win up 1'0 $30,000 for home sui~. Must have at least bedrooms, two baths .. Call Duggan Co" 16325 Mack NIagara 6345. ' and Trimmma: LEan: UIS John C, Staudt Cs)-ea~ltter at ,', AVE.• WEST 15111 1:. n:~asoM WiD LEnox 0100 Int:. '[5322 Earl J.ff.non lamps Piano, Voiu. ViollD, clarinet, Theory 18 years experience in ..the throUlUout the PoiAtl DistlIlctive: Decorating Moorhatch Decoratinl Service. . Interior and Exterjor Interior IST'ATI WANTID villaa:es to LAWN or. Porch sets; made order. Sample on dispiay FIX IT SHOP 142.21 Kercheval Ave. , .. Lenox 4352 PAINTIN5 REPAIR SERVICE TO. 8-3773 I~u~. .10551 Can m for free appralsal- ' For Call SCHOOL .OF MUSIC ALL SIZES CASH BUYERS WAITING! Grosse Refri.gefaT~r Service 3033 MAJtYlOROUGH TUxedo 2-3936 lePerlr REPAIRED IN YOUR HOME , Springs, chairs, sofas; also cleaning~ Reliable~ guaranteed work; .very reasonable. City wide service. DAvison 2883. .LAMP REPAIRS -LAMP HANNAN Grosse Pointe .. Properties ,.. PIl.Il.'MU. 1609 1211 IENlTEAU (pJ-hl'llihlre REFRIGERATORS Wuhlng Machines. Vacuum, Cleanera , and Eleetrlc' Motora Repalre" All Work Guaranteed 'We WANTED East Side Expressing an~ Light Hauling Painting and Decorating ATTENTION! . If your vacuum cleaner or ,any make washers troublel you,~call NIagara 0585 tor efficient service. lS725 Cloverlawn REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, ~. 14900 Harper at Outer Dr.'. 1<*11 MACK LENOX 6t1' ~~ro"f~~;f. ~a~~t~orV:rt"I~:: 11-SEItYICfS (.l-Gelleral ful brick 4. bedrm. home, ,u ht., 2 car gar .• ree. rin., lav. on.:first floor, deep 101. Mr. Woodard, PI. 4600. Lakepointe nr. E. Warren. ~e, 3 bedrm: colonial, two car 'jar .. large rml., full sized dIll.' TIn., newly decorated. Mr. Woodard, P14600. ' Rogers ,Radio Shop ALL '.kinds of repair work. Kitchen cupboards, recreation PLAZA 7561 ' rooms, additional rooms. dOol"l and windows. repaired. Good references. Byron Shepp, 489 FOR the finest interior decoratMoross .. NIagara 7228. ing and outside painting at reasonable cost" se~ Charles A. CARPENTER . work, repairs of Schraeder at' DRexel' 0388. . all . kinds; , work: . luaranteed. . '~ . ,. TU •. 2.0839.. FOR YOUR painting; decorating, CARPETING repairs, parches, . paper hanging 'and, wall wll5hsteps., atticroQms and fruit' ing. Workmanship and ma. cellars. Nlagar:a ~0~5; teri&1guaranteed. Call WiUial1l (t)~"'IS; Maki., .' Eileman. Tuxedo z~lioa3. " , Removal REAL ESTATE EXCHANCE,lnc. 14900 Harper at Outer Dr, a Man ta whit. YOli h)-MovJll4J ' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE; Inc. 14900 Harper ,at Outer Dr. Kensington nr. Warren. Beauti. .. HANNAN, telephone uU wlU brio, your door. Rad!os repaired wall at our ,hop. Ii. -lefrigercrHoa General IelHlt" RADIO SERVICE AT ONCE REFRIGERATION -Guar~nteed service on aU makes refrireralion ..nd wMhinc machines. Li. censed, bonded. :Writti\ll iuar. antee.Bonded Service, 1313G ' Harper, PIngree .12G. , llCENS~D TREEWORK HANNAN Can (f) Broktn ,gl.... and portelaln lamp. r .. tored. At'!" 3-W.y and Fluorescent. ' Lakepointe-Berkshlre .Sect.: Two bedrm. br., gas ht., gar., side dr., tile bath. na!. f.p" a real. llouty. Mr. MacDonald, E'I.4600. brin91 ~ machine. NI .. 9260 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE,Ine. 14900 Har~ at Outer Dr. immedietely! USED sewinc Niagara 4462. Co.) HANNAN +-3625 call & r Beverly Rd. nr. Grosse pt~. Blvd. Beautiful large home inpeffeC!t condition; nicely lan<Jsca~;six rms. down, 5 bedrrns. up,oilht., 2 car gar., cor. lot. maid'. quar~ ters, carpeting, quick ~ioll. PI. 4600.... .'. AND SHOES TYl.r B~t to C........ SPENCER CORSETS INDIVIDUALL¥ desicned. Dress and Sureica1. ,armentl. Over 13 year. experience. Maude Bannen, 368 McKinley, Graue Pointe. Call NIagara 40%'1 or TOwnsend 7"'312. COCKER .spaniel, parti color, A.K.C. registered. Fem~le.: 6 mo. $35. Loves children.Movmg, must sell. 18515 Kelly Rd. . .Aflington,II~99. MOORE CO. (Next -e.SNta 19-PETS KENNETH L 14-1llAL FOR MEN'S SUITS, TOPCOATS \ '. Call, Upon- roams or. Estate 18840 Kercht!val (e) of war. Will trade for small home. in Grs. PII!. arM. Write Box 1400, Grosse Pointe News. Grosse Pointe Real 8310. Modern English brick, Grs.Pte. near Jefferson, Tour bedrooms, twu baths, maid's room & b/!th, recreation foom, .oil heaT, twocar attached garage, lOT 80 by . 16S. Fam(ly reduced because NI. 4100 Net! Rd. C~ll NIagara 21-srIVICES (.}.:-Racfio 21-SIIVICIS la-EXCHANGES CHALMERS KARyLAJ¥ rolfF"IJil'lIarJ'1aad 2-UGAL ; all experienced teacher. !4iJa . Jewell. FItzroy 11110. SAND stones, for f:'ock earden. or b UI'ld' mg. FRE""f '" 1 t."..... en ~ a~~1zzs ~ < PARTENTS: Is your child hwina: difficulty wit h 0 n e or more' ot hiJi Ichool subjects? Give him self-c 0 n. ~ 1. den e e throulh individt.:al tutori~i by ' • U\~;,;g."""" APT., FLAT --- r, . 17...o.oPPOlTUNinES GR.6SSE POINTE w.... •. B~_.~~?,n;sRRz,Yfck SAU Yo.a) field, size 5; boy'l spring coats, EXPERIENCED colored lirl driv. COUPLE, qu'iet, middle aged, require desirable 5 or 6 room lIat, size 2 and 3; girl's navy bolero ing with chauffer. lIscense house of apt. Live present home suit, 2-50G6. size 5; all perfect. Call .. WorclJo _ .. TV. wishes chauffeur job. Free to ~.!:ado A44Jdoul wert --Ie nine years. Niagara &271. travel, Hilh achool education. MOVING, must sell very beauti" CASH UTES AVIATION claim executive U1'fully carved, three shield, unit 1)'ler4-G916. ,l .. WorclJo II' gently n~ds unfurnished IS or back English oak settee; orig'" Eacl>AddlUow -.s. EXPERIENCED whlte woman II room apt., house, or flat. inally owned by Emery 1.. wants laundry work by day. ." CLOSING TIME Pleas. e telephone Mr. K-lin" Ford; Call UN. 2-63.9 ~ • after 5sacrifice. p. m.' References. Pingree 5376. , • Ads will be Cherry 8040 or write 128 P.. .'.eapted t~ Id WAR widow, wants typing to do nobscot Bldg. VIOLIN, brought back from' Germany, complete with case. two in her home. Call NT. 4943. ~ t:Y{)ur Ad will be accepted unC. P.O., wife and 8.month-old bows and extra strings; exce~" til noon Wednesdays at the < low Cash Rata at anyone of WHITE woman, ieneral cleaning, baby desire three or four room, lent tor first or second year ,the followillll: stores: Thlll"sday or Friday. Call PRo furnished or unfurnished apt. .tudent; $75. Offered by musician. Call TU. 2... 965. ' ANN &:...2C'l92 meR's 3203. •• Mack. Cr. Pie. Wood. Call Tuxedo 2-5975. RADIO - Combination, cOMole; WOMEN will lit with children, at THREE bedroom house, fumished compl~tely refinished. Farnsafternoons or nights. Gts. Pte. or unfurnished. Prefer iurnworth 1942 modeL NI. 6010. wt J'e!f_ ished. Call Townsend 8.6632 bevicinity. TUxedo 2-8777. fore March 30. OIL burner, Timken, Jarge hOll}e CUNNIN~~ at No~ Dr._ size. with two oval tanks; also WHlTE women with best of refcmOssE P'.!'Z. DRUG CO. _ •• _ RESEARCH. engineer and wife Linkbelt stoker. Eastman 16 erences would like laundry -..-.----Kercheval at St. ....... from Toledo urgently need unm.m. 'movie camera. 1222 Bedwork at home or out. LEnox HARKJIo'E$S PHARMACY furnished apt.. flat or income. ford Rd. TUxedo 2.0922. ' .. ..-.• .:.Mack at LocluDoor Blvd., 82.92. No children or pets. Reler':' ences. TRinity 2.0803. LADlES' black cloth winter ItOPP PH/JUIL\CY1l1!l21 ~ WHITE woman wants day work coat, nicely lined_ Persian' col~very Thursday. References. IF YOU live alone in a roomy Jar, size 18. Reasonable. Two house and wish to increase pair of goose feather pillows. Steady. $6.00 and carfare. TEmillLLER,PHARMACY your income, will you shar~ it clean. Call TUxedo 2-G923. ple 1-8643. _---KercbevaJ. at Waybanl with a retired ge,ntleman of high standing? Write Box 1500, BLACK Russian caracul cape, NOTRE DAME ~~ 6-FOIIENT Grs. Pte. ~ews. . perfect condition. Finger tip (HoUiel. AJth., Flots, etc.) lJCI[E'I'TLER'S-15324 E:. lllff .... leneth. Reasonable. TUxedo sca::ETi'u;:R's. • .F1alWr at 14&__ ROOM and board for twc girls TEACHER and employer hus2.4651. or couple. Niagara 7241. husband wish 3 to 5 rooms, unsTEAi>idAN'S ___ --'-.-.o ..--J.D253 Karl>« BEAUTIFUL rug, imported orifurnished. Call MU. 0250. ental reproduction, 9x12. Bar7-WANTED TO RENT , SWmER DR1Jcrs'l2Ol Wacs A_ gain at $lGG. NIagara 8545. (HouHI. A,ts.,. Flats~ etc.J VETERAN and wife urgently. in ,need of a. furnished .'apt" flat, ~RU~~ 11&'".. radio, 1941. DISCHARGED veteran, single, , house or terrace, 'Rent in ad- RCA combination I I • , Nine tubes. excellent condiwishes a room or apartment. vance; references .. TU •. 1-1175. tion. $125. TUxedo 1~3299. 12 yI'5., a 'resident in Grosse o FOR BeST RESULTS,' • P.:te. Park. Call PLaza 7130, 10 VETERAN and wife with baby WALNUT dining room furniture; ~DVERTISE IN :THE NEWSI would like unfurnished apl. to 4. maple bedroom furniture, high flat or income bungalow. Call boy, dresser, one spring matSIX. or seven unfurnished. TU. 2-3575. ,l-1'UILlC' NoncES tress, like new. No dealers. NI. Three adults. Excellent reler.' agara 8912. ' • ences. If satisfactory and with EX-AIR FORCE officer and wife CHICAGO desire five or six room unfurlease .'willing to 'pay several j $a.BG INCLUDING TAX WANTED' nished house or flat; no chil- ~ITICLES • ~' I S1.21 ClInton f1."'10 months in advance. TRinity .~ oDIIVllI. $2.43, QW.DC'1 ... dren; permanent, steady em. FURNITURE w AN'l'EI}-If you 1.3227 .• ldwater . ~82.';Sturl~ p.57 'ploymenl. Gall VI. 2-5262. ;. 'l.. Arisetes $44.'l4 . S~LoIlia ... n have anything in the, line of ,DE LUXE,MOTOJt STAGD. CITY EMPLOYEE wishes upper household'. furniture and rugs, ~. 1P CASS. AT, BAGJ.,E'r B.t.. income or. fiat, heated. Good reo No Pain - No :FUSS" No Bother I ,cill The Nea~ayFumiture, If you rent to the Books. Three ferenCes. Call ~Uxedo 2-1914. ,1....-PEIS()NALS 1393G KerchevaL ~nox 2115. years of ,renting while in' the ~. '. Anglo-Saxon: an.)' conNavy produced 1\0 claims USED sewing'machines; dition. Cash waiting. Brandau against our two boys or us. W,4,NTEDI .1 MilIerdFienner, B.D. Former Grs. Pte. home owner. Repair Shop. FItzroy 3237. '1 Set., Mar.'2nd, 8 ~.M. J. B. Book'III. CHerry 81.%. BOOKS bought.1D any. quantity. .. Book..CadiIJlc 'Hot.1 Entire libraries, bookcues and 8-AITlCW FOl. SA1I ~. (EngUsli Room) paintings. Bronzes. B. C. Claes, " t"fhe brth Shall Be Rdreahec! &lid 1670 Leverette. Phone CHerry ? Write ~oY"¥~:~J~.~f~~ernT'~ book. CORD WOOD 4267. . ". let.: PATTERN. OF HISTORY, by It.. ~ 77".'_ 7-WANTED TO lENT I-AlnCUS FOI SAU (HOUHS,' Aptt., flats.; .... ). GIRL'S red sprine coat, Chester- 5-SITUATIONS WANTED (Male ncf Felllal.) -_. r rf'I't ~,~:TUxedo 2.... ._- NEWS WANT ADS' ~ .. _.-._ TEHPLJI 1'" A~l PAINTING & DECORATING. Interior & exterior wall washing', wail paper cleaning. All work tully guaranteed. For free estimate eall Drexel 1139 or. Pincree 30429. 12537 PRospect Flanders 1166 TREE serVlee: Scleritlflo Prur,U1If. toppin., feeding, trllNplalltlnl or cut down a1id. removed.' Nt agara 0438. ~.,'. 'J'.. ,. ' B.B.J.H. LANDSCAPE CO. Gardeniric. DelUR .AU branches at yoUr' service at "all times. ,1'.etimate Cheerfully Givea TUxedo,l-978G Ra'iph J Koss .New Method to .Pail1ting • Paperhanqinq Interior and Exterior, W~llp"per Removed By Steam Prepare Liver : Are you still keeping up: that health-giving h.l>bit of havinc liver once a week? It's a mighty ERNEST Dujardin, painter and eood habit, because liver offer. decorator. 820 Notre, Dame, an unusual abundanct! of food Gr~ Point!!'. NIagara 5069. value. ' Perhaps you'd like to know • new way to serve' liver. If so, then try this Savory Liver Pie PAINTING The pie may be made with anT DEC01tATING WASHING FLOORS SANDED'" REFINISHEl) , kind 'of liver; bilt this U an es REASONABLE ' pecially good way to use porlc or he~f liVl!r, which are someDon. Sherman Enterp."" SOla RotevlJl.l16f.R :to DelZoll what less tender than the mor. expensive veal liver .. You'll MV er know how delicious ill uiltil you've tasted it! . Savory Liver PI" Painting & Decorating 1 pound sliced liVl!r Homer; Office IIldCJI., 2 tablespoons margarine or drlppl~gs. . CkllH and Gir.ges 2 tablespoons flout' . B~ cups water in which Uvtr Expertness, s~ilJend institutiQMI is cooked good will expressed with ~rush. 2 tablespooJ1S chopped celery , ' lh cup sliced olives TUx. 2-4866 1 teaspoon' sa1t 'I, teaspoon paprika HORN BROTHERS 1 tableSpoon Worchestershin! Sauce PAINT CO. 2 hard-cooked eigs Biscuit dough Drop liver into waler enouRh to cover, and simmer 5 minutes. Pointing - Decorliting Drain (retaining ~he lill\lid) and Guerenteed Work cut in l,2:inch cubes. Melt fat, FLANDERS blend in flour ;ind add' liquid PAINTING & DECOR!lTING gradually, stirring until thickenCO.. ed. Add liver, coelery, olives, DRex151 1808 seMonings, and chopped egp. Put in greased casserole. Cover with biscuit dough. 13ake ill hot m..;.wnidew WasIlt .. oven (425 degtees F.) until crust WINDOWS cleaned on call or by is .done. Serves 8. contract; screens and storm changed; caulking, eves troughs Beans Witn Apple Rings cleaned; ,kitcheTI and bath Cook 2 tablespoons ot Ilnely cleaned. Murray 3123. ' chopped onions in 3 tablespoons JNALL washing. Painting. Call of fat in a heavy skillet. Add two I-pound cans of pork &nd TUxedo 1.1676. beans. Cook slowly without stir. WINDOW and wall washing, ring until al.most all the mois. painting, .storm sash, screens ture has Ml!n evaporated. With 'and Awnings; general home a pancake tu~er or wide spatula, cleaning and maintenance. {A fold the beans over somelhing native Grs. Pointer.) Call MUr- like an omelet. Turn out careray' 1342 till 8:00 p. m. fully on a hot platter and serve with aPllle lines which are mad. [..J-I" ..... 1,. , this way: Core 'and slice, but do, not pt!e}, COMPL:ETE radio repaiZ'll J and reconditioning; lS years', ex. 6 or 7 juicy appll!S in l,2.inch thick rings. Dip in powdered perience. Expert, courteous Su,&r arid brown ill a Uw. ut. service. AU work IUUa%ltftd. thu , LEI:lOlE MIl. \lAW ,wry and tender. ' POINTE r ! 1aIt wICk emt a ItrOll( letter Clf Playhouse Dee,",_ enciorttmtat to residenla of Wh H d F '1Graue. Pointe Woods: "It is your. en y ra .. t ala. dut)', thlratcw.," "Id 'tAt. !tIter, c:hildren', pll)' t\o4.IIt 1~ \hi "to not Old)' VQte youl'H1f b\ll larA end the yard at th. Dr. to Nt ~lItt 1O\Ir wLte or husband John B. ofHartzell home at 1.1 and yO\,lr frkftdl allo vole In Cllllhl art Blmetay nJ&ht favor 01 the r.wrtMum on Rlel,e about 8:46 an;! WII 1arp~ .kotiOft .dl)'." . , deatroyed. . PT A Leaders Urge. Vote ' For Good Schools Monday ~it the' Bwrclw.\P4! the $.5.00 additional t41x III loUows: $3.50 for a sinkinr: fund for buildints which are n~ NOW. aM. $1.&0 14r lQ.crea.sini salaries .of employ_ ,nd ..pi'ovi4inl ..tor '", u W ....' .. u r_L_:..I. U III' t t V t ScL __ 1 future llrowthof the school.et.if. .R.llies ne ~ AlI;X;nvvn rCJ.' r 011IItI'J 0 O. on lJ99t t.rlet: Thil .iI a t.V, Itra.i,lItIssue .nd Properly V.lueJ f.orward propoaition ancl ttl out, . •• ......;._....;..~ . ~m& ,will determine the Quality AU Groua POlllte clh:lQns were urgeo by leaders of .of our IC:hDolsfor the. ne"t liv, Parent. Teacher Associations to retain good. 5';hPOl atandards )'IIII"I. I ur,. evrry citinn to at mass meiltings held at Pierce Junior Hieh .School on vote next Monday." }'.brUafY 20 and at the Hien SchQQl on FebflJllry 21. Mr. Albert Beever,' Prl\flel'll~ Mr. J. DU'!'t0!J; Bar1?w, .President .of' the Defer Parent- ()f the Pierce Partmt-T.each.r Tllacher AssOClatlpn, lIald, In presentmg the facts to the ~iatiOli. 'pOke .t the same voterl" ',.: . 4 d . "The' Board of Education has the ciU~ens I)t the c:omm\llll~y. meeUn( all Ilfle e.v~ry Insubmitted III if.ulto \I~ tQ de- It i$ tor ~ to decid~ whetller: ten.leci parent .n4 cltlJe.n not eide. on Monday, March 4. That (1) We will permit the Board Ol\lyto'vote but to "'" that their ...isaue ~ in brief: Shall we have to e~coecl for. &Choal ~urpotes frl~ds ,anlt nei~hbol'1l were proper buildin~s and gO?d leach. the l~ milllimitaUgn which tllQ relll;bed, "Thi5 iJ too ImP9rtant era for educatIOn of clllidrep of state plOiCef\IpOn tll" eombine<l illIG IIriticllI an iN~ in the lives all the people, or shall we let schools, cQunty and tOWQ.lihip; ," . our public &enool prQgrllm be- The Board if .skin, the volera of our chIldren, .. ~4'Mr, Bellver, COlne a second rate .Ot H'en .a for P~J!lij~ion to eJ'C4llld th~ "to ~feebly d.eclded. In the third rate school syslem.. This limit by $&.00 on every. $1.000 of jnterest"'':if a ,ood IlChoolsystem i. a matter that the Board hu asSessed valuation, for a pedlXl there 'should be • rousln, en. presented fairly and squarely to of five years only. (2) We will doneme.nt of tllis' proponl .t . . ••1""'...... ' s.v. Th. ftre wa. diIcovtrtd by oM of the Ill!rvantl alld • phone m•• pee to fire h.. dquartm broUlnt a prompt raspolIH.. :Iee.uN tho nearby lire hydrant was trOMn. the IIremen w.re unable to turn on I .!rum al\d had to filM the blue with chemle.lI. Th. d•• lay conlrlbuted lar,ely to the added deltructlotl of the plaee. 'The origin of the .!lre eall'tbe de terlIlirleQ. It milht havt; btl!!I set aftre by IOme mallclou. younll:sters or a thrOWli e1,aret The "Vtrl ."menln)' 1C1l0&1 •• Trombly, Ott.r, Mairf, Kerby, Richard, V.rnler Ind, Muon, NV' l*I\ d.. ilnal.td .. the rctpeetlve' pollllll pllel'. Vot.l'J who do not know which on, they vote IA m.yeoJ\llult th, ilIW'Piper advtrtlilment ot thl Call ot ot Z1tetl~ln fcbl'U&fY Zl or 'ebruary U cr may call the Iollrd ot EducatiCln, NI'eu, 1000. TIt. polla will be open MODday, M.rch ., from • a. m. to lip. m. j ;J '! ~.~J ~OTlCE OF.~ . ,• -~.,.." f " the polla next Mond.y, Karch ,." without. the quality ot ICnooli . Ur, ...... "'. . ... we flave,)'()llr property v.lu'l Dr. D\lvld Davldo,"', Pl'.. ll!ent would decr'aM many UI'I\II that of th.Tromb)y P.rent-'J'eac:hlll" amount,Bllt mort tnan.that,Wt AsJoeilition, llIid: "Kftnt.tom. are all dellply, concerned with the mittec ()t r()llID 1l1oUlcl".!leaded Quality ofinteUieellc;e andellar. by Mr•. Artllllr Bacon and Mrs. acter (If boys al\d lirls that ,row Lyndl., Martlp la. informing up in GrOsse Pointe .. They need people of the Trombly district good teachers, tile bftt .....e ean ~ the' imPortance ofreglltel"hll' emp)oyanel th.y (Ileed .ood at IIny of the publie .chaol bulld. buUcl.in•• and eq,uipIMlIt to work inp duril\e &4Ihoolhour. ,unUl in. . Friday, March 1 and at t,"l.. Boa~d Mr. John S. )"ol.y, Pr"ident of EQuclition o!!ices Saturday of the Kerby Parent-T"c:ntr mo,mlng, March 2. Many PeoPle Association, said, in a bUlletin dc not undel'lltJnd ' th.t.. BeW .ddr..,ed tel p.rmtl of x.t'by .tate l.w makel It poHlbl. for Sehcolehild ... ","AI pare~taOf • them t(l vole Clnth,ballat' tCl Kerb)' ehlld, Yllullave a:)tItt1cl.l. incr.iae' the millaSt ..whether lar int.rllt In4dut)"in. thiJ they are parenti cr taXpaYIl'IIIIr eleCtion. Kerby .School hi on. not. They must. be' told in every of two overcrowded districts to way we •• n' ftlld that. lilY resi. be btnel\tlll! by: tll..raction of ant lit ('rlltH ,"ointekhqol MW }luil4illP, Over 300 d\ildfen D,iJtrict for ,20 dllY', or the are now !\OIlSCQin the pr",nt 5tateofMichi~anforl!ixmonlh., Kerby. buildin,,' wllicb .....w .. l ...... ho is a. citizen ot tile Ul\ited daiplld for • maximum ~f 300. Stjltes, twenty.on, yearl old. or Th~q. we all Juww, mean. illcler ean vote on ON! of Utese lar,'r e~ With T'fUlt.!\t eon. }lallo~; Our Y(orkeh have' betn fUSIon and l.ck. of IIUention to s!lrjiriSed.. that 10 few ~ple the individl,lJI ehild, N.JCt"t.'rm WI'NDOW CLEANING Wall Washing . allll OLD J:ITABtJSHEP FIRM r-----.__ . --'~_ . ...... _.:.' B.'.'R. O. D '.'E L L... .' , '. Icf'HII III • ...., , I . ... ""11 •. 110 II'. EA ...... • _'.. . .•.' .".11' , .b' . l"~.' . om~, ' ....•".m.' '.' m.'.', ....•.xr tJ••..lce... • ,• ALL-BRIGHT w......... 'AI;1 111. 00. ~...,.....' C' 'Pl' 4..f~", IU' .' IMhlIIIlttMi I .' ,, ," . u.MI IterM I•• '. ...' . . , IIEII-OwnT'TS 'UI.~~STOURI -- '' ... J f ....... aM .._AllIED '. .' , '. '''0 De. LI. ..LV....IN•• HlAn"G COM"ANY , at7U MACK AVJ:; TV. ~.31rr)llG8TI: Nt"'l A~ .... .... _/_ RADIa.SERl.IT ..... ~ , ,. ..... wIt DICE It. Telephone CliUWill Jlrill( a Man to YOIlr Do9r . JladjOl ~.palrad. Whilt .You Wlitat Our Shop Colnb1U~Radiolr - Record Players " .• P. A. Snt4im, 8adia. and Table aadioI . .1.~1. M~. • .' ~S~~,~"',.<LL;'l1. =rdiAI ~ ""' ~' i , a•• ' ........ i l, NEWS . ,. "~,": have taken the time to read. the thiJ ;itultioll will be Iven Wor... infClrmit10n that hu beell pro. 'l'heonly' Way I ltnQw that it vlded them.about this important llOuld.be cOll'~l.td .ilI.for. YOIl III 'issile. ;We hope to overcome that vote, YES on both of th... pro. sjtuat,ion .Illd ,et a Itrollivote poaaLs.'~.' .' ...:...., out to relainiood aehooll in .Mrs. Leon,Jacobi, Pr~iQ.ntof GrONe Pointe." the }fothers Club ' of the' ,. Grlll1e . 8ebeqls Balle Vala.. . Pointe High School, ... ill .u.the . Spblcing .t'the Gro~ Pointe High School rneetinglm' Febru. Hieh School on February 21, ary 21, "Icion't .. 'lww GrOlle :Mr. Paul MorelAnd, President or l'olnte c.nbe.,ap.fit<1,with comthe Mllire S<:hoolParent-Teacher })forln. its .. lar)' ~htdu).. for .AlsIOCI.tionand aUo :president of te.cher. with .'lIlalll Jl d 'fa r . the Graue' PolnteParent-Teachl... w.althy.cnool .ystema, We er~lationCo\1ncll,pralseli Ihould 1\1IVt th •. best for our ,th, quallty of ac:hools avanable enlldren Afld.ilould vat.forthil to QrouePointe J"esidentl ,anll pr()POll.l to ~ improve •. N1afY liaidtliath~felteonftdeftt ..that ~\ll .... Ind. bl#1.~.' .....,••.,•...... -...:.. :IIW.~id~ia.wh~~~r.theY had .,.,. .ehll~en In .chools' or DOt.,prolHMr. Ja~1!S Lai~r, Piaid,lii ij( eel IIy 1O<!d ~oo1Js. the Vernier P':rent-Teacher A/$. . ''It l~ well kilC1wn,~ wI! lit. lOCliatitm,ina, bulle;in'to Vernier, ;Morelmd,~'that~cme ot the beit ~t., .. id: "Canyoualfl)rd'to "lkill.~rpoinla, .tor':, tiI.... l. of run the. risk of h.ViJ1Cyo~ 1009- homet in' Gl'OIIe . Pointe perty valli' drOp~aUlll of: iJl~ is thi! w.~ Itrlowllhl,h ll~lit)' a~ijlte 1CI1I~jJ1 in !;ir .. 'of. schools.. -As' a ,former. head of Pointe Shores, Woods and YalTA', • citUtI\IIcA#oeilltiClri, WI made RIG,HT NOW, fifth' ~and sixtij ,tu~:l:' ~v.ral YII'" "0. Our. lT~der. frol1,\ -Mu.ol!. .nd .lxt.I\ orlanlU~lon not only fO\llld our IT"e .tuchmtlfroll\ ,Varni'r'.r4 .schools to betop~rate<l' Ipl\ln, being ~ken by l?us.to;schoo1.,in schools of tile nati()lI, but "11 other vlllal ..... You !l11J5trealize actual drilwin. card, tOr invt:!t. too, ~lIIt tho~ of lata bav~ m~t In property in UJis com. ,~ ..thrDWl\ o~ the marlt.t U. munity .. Looking at this preie'" our scnool qis~ric~linv. V.J I)ay tax .Iner.... from a. P\lrely per,. --that nundredl of new hOlM' sonal stand~int, I C!I~ot . He ,are achedul~ .for completion by hoW ~y.'t'lie property ownar~l1. The Poat War P).J\II et the C'Q\Jld fall. t(l vote far it. It GrotSl! Pointe lIq.rd of :!duea. woul~, .COit mOl5t of us \.lDIl have prQvi~ tor U1I ill. equiv~~t. of~iQl1 a paek- creua,in child llOpul.tion. but ac. of eilareUAI a d.y, not mClrlyour IUpport i. needed for tn, than $,2.00-$4.00per month. That 'Special School Election all. March isa small jnve:stment if you 4th." Builtllnts Slated atop to thInk of the fact that, Mr. Warren Wressel,President . of the Mason Pl\1"ent-Teacher ~;, lIOCilltionurged voters at a meet. • RUCK I SALI. me hell! at Mason School to "re. member. that because ot lack ill The Villa.e of GroSle Pointe' sPace Mason school was, ri.lite Park will receive se.led bids until ~ow. only adequate to tak~ care .1. P. M., 14~reh ltth, 1946, for the of four 'grade~ and the Kindersale of one(l) . 11135OOOOE. 5YARD. HYDRAU. garten. N~xt year it promisel to LIC DUMP TRUC1t, MODEL lC45, be even worse unles:l we can get ,WHEELBASE. 1ol5", TIRES 32x6 started on OUI' buildings .. The The truck. is available tor in- ballot for the sinking fund sped. spection at the Municipal GAR- ties that'the buildings propootd AGE at the rear of the Municipal will I?e definitely located ,on Building. HillS. ~t Jefferson Vernier and . Mack in Grosu Avenue. . Poinle WoOds and on Kerby .nd All bids must be. for a cash Beaupre in Gro.o;sePointe Farms. sale and .deposited with the Vile Moreover. the Board of Eduea]a~e Treasurer at the above ad- tion has, in a resolulion of Felr dress. . roary 6. ':efined its program to The successful bidder must start the first wing of the Ver~~~efia&~rlJ':r not laler than ruer Mack school in. the summer The Villue of Grosse Pointe of llH6 i. money and material. Park reHrve$ the ri.llht to accept are avaIlable. We should giv. it or njeet any or all bicU received. ollr wholehearted support". Th. Grosse Pointe W~ Civic G. S..... "'.. LeaJUc, III .0rgilOiution of VIIICI,e C'ert Graue Pointe Wooda citium GaOSSE POINTE PARK business and profe,ss.ional men: ELECTION SPE'CIAL I t . { ,;} _. .... ~ I 1-<1 , r GROSSE. POINTE PUBLIC .SCHOOLS: t ....j i \ livln of I special ~lettion of l5ohocl District No, 1, GrQflsc Pointe ... " ~ Notic. 11hereby the qualified l\urI1 'l, ! votens of J Wa'lf1t Ct)unty~ -, . _..'. ,.',. ,', -,., r::::J :Michi'all, caUed by the Board of !duo.tion of .. iet ICbool dimlct to be held .kr{ Grosae Pointe High School on 1-tonday, the 4th dJy ot March, lD4e It 7 •. Ift.. ;~ t J:.atet!i StandJrd Time for the PW'PQM ot .ubmittiftl the '\u .. tio", ol: - : , .~{ A.ricultura1 Tow~jp, .., . 1. Shall the limitation . 01\ the. to~l ;.mount tu•. t, Townwp: of which I f may ,lie "s~l.ea acaiMt property in SchoOl DiJtrict.N 0, ot GrosH roint., C~t;.. of Way"e, and State of M!l:llir'Jl, tor'.U J"JrPO"lI eJCeept to. levMd for , "'.,1 .. . . ,r' . ment of interest and principal 1832, be inCfeNtCi :by 5 mills ~une 3D, 18151, 4'~~ tll. totai of !hI QI~ 1,' .\rUele X (Yf ", :'" . '", , .. oll"''' '" -"', pm,- m for a Period of five ta.x' Hmitat10ft ' lnC\ln" on obll,aUOM ~ .,.,.;:d. I>tt;cmbir'" "-'~ ',".':."', to yeans, Jlily,I, .".,-' lHe' - (15 mills) to 2% (.I(l'mma) ~I" ~.j valUation of l11 pro".rty' in the provided. m~1~ the. Constitution of the State of Mlchl'M.- l: . Piltrtet No. Township of G~ PelJite.-; ofJ4ichi,otn. Wvy 3J.mu1a for • period (5) y..n to create a bullcUn,. YJd lite' linlQnIfund ,for tht:' pu:poee' of burid-. In'I1ee-ry el.~entJry and~unior hl,h .dtocl buUdiftp,.' 2, Shall Rural Agricultural School «fti.. of Wayne, andSta~ County .f ~. , .' Notice.is a1Io KiveQthat thepoU. at said IpIdal electiDn will' be. kept ope",j,' frotn 8:00 o'clock A. M. t() 8:00 ()'clock p, )4. Iuttm Staftdarli '1'iJftt II reqW:M'': by 1• .",.at the pOllina placa of the several preeinctl CJfth. cl1ttrlet. to wit; -Jo .I!hIJ~"" :' .. :rrm.n II i...... 4..... u-....., N", I-TMULY II MJWIrIml .......... aU'" "1IIri TN.'"' 8(l.llOOr;...~ IT . IIIeJajpa 1' Or-. .... •• ',. ",Otii ~. LY, It.~. lot 1JM," &It. eut .... ...., . pre;.. 'i K,,:ow. I" oua "" .UP. 1J1lav.a~ Fer ....-c W for WitllIl'llfM .."MlI. DI ih,WD04' ' z-r p NU1ILY 1IY . loA ARK'E T Craiae PeiDteWoech r. Groue Pel'" W.d. .t'. DOUR'S STAIDIID ,STATIOI . AU 24 Hr.',.SerVice W. iADI:;':;~;~P] ALL TYPES OF De Weld.. 2' ' on. PBODVC'l'S STAND~ .' IADIO M4ICIl: Aye.. Cer. 1011'. . S ERVI C E WASH'. "AITS FOI AU MAKES • COMING SOON' NATIONALLY ADVERTISED APPLIANCES CIIIIttt.lHiI , T__ FIrat In T.ievl'lon 15414 MACK AVE. . TU, lOO6Cl SWe .Wi.... .. ill .... . PICKU" AND DELIYEIT FLUOUSCENT BULBS AND FlXTUKES Vaea.all\ Cleaaen aJld .... .blt Maell'-a ~red ,We Kepair Beauty Pariill' Driera aM Eledrieal EquiplDtlIIt .Pointe Appliance Shop I r __ T511. !ad JdsrsH ~. Esuire T1Ieatre ~ a4'Hli 1~ Watches Repaired ONE WEEK'SERVICE wan WaUiIc 24 toolS 110ur Service .4. ' FOR ~OVJt CAll'S SAKI: UPON ~UEft -- .An WlIrk GtwaateM IIG4II A .... - • 15. Yeat'I BQCrietlCle .,... Watallll ........ ..,.trtq , Pr'Wf ~ HI. l-DuP 1C1ll00L-,.~ 11MI..... tIl. _ I( u.JtI (IBet NCIr. .tW'T)," A ~Mt.Ie,~ , ~. '1MB . ft1 A. ~ .. ,. ~ . or N-: I-IWQ SCBQOL-or ......... tilt, let 1bM _,tIaa eat .... ., N" ..... Lak. lM.Cl4fI, .t A..... ...... 'f~'" "'" 1rea ..... llIl.e, of GrP_&e~ MIeIlIpa' Cib' ~ tn' No. ~c:II.UP.8cB~x.--T" let UM .. tile MriII .... KiaIe1 ..... efMonjl ...atblc _f La1la1M4 A.......... )IIace a. II lAWLEY '7'" J.1 .. x CLASSIFIED ADS GET QUICK RESULTSI A.... we-. "-.... E. JI&II'i sueal,i .. CMieu; . . ~.~ Lake ... It. at tIl"e Pen 'It .... ~...... ~ CJ,aJi,'"" Gallrill let be. IlidaaI'f __ .... f. IkIaooI, 171 .... -. . Ill"""" r.-. po. ., ... ~ _ "' • a.e 1M Lbe ..,. .. ~ .. ~. r...-.' wwlliu. 18et. PreelMt H.: I-VDNlD SCBOOL-T. an'terrItiirJ'..tIl e,WIIIr'Laae aM t1l11t'C",ty Lbae ... ..,,. ~t It. cim"tIII "'.we.f Marier ........ Jkee It tlle Vrrraiu I'nclaet G~Poblte s--. ~. laelW1de.u territory .nil. iii SeMel, 36 VerJlier' ..... Ne:- 7-MASONSCBOOL-To u.. .... tile. COUllt)' tile aaItIt1leer Bdl. . , alMl fr ... tile ..... Jet Uae KIH, voUJir,1acI at ........ C", l, Weir" Laie' • • Marler ...... a.e .... Sclloll, 11ft V~'BeM. -y. Groae P9inte Waods, Miebipll. Datlll Februu)' By %nd,' A. D .. 1m • order of the Board of Education LU.PH M. CLAJJt, Secr;taIy W1l1..... ': J l Board of ~ucation, R~a1 Aaricultural &bool ~ No, I, Groue Pointe I .. Tawnahip, Wayne County. Michilu RadioDe,..,..,.w. He'pai.r I):' ~ ALGER FLOWER SHOP 1.0119 E.f.WIsIMcI 1631. Eo WAIIIM .. COUIYIUI CHAS. POWLESLAND acxwli&lt UNOOUf WI Dep, All .,.... J'111 MACK AnNUl AND ~ Veteran TU.2.7171 ' .OJD: aoADlI a. MI. 4221 or World War 1. Est. 1'2. Jack O'Connor KENNELS 'l'rt. A. ..... ~ Der II' 1I.. • ~nd it to Jack O'Connor in the fIrst pl'ce. No better service anywhere. Fl• ..,. F.,. Afl Occ_sl_ Gift , .... ,., • ~nf.n Exteritr Decor.tlil A IIPKC1ALTY ~ at UNIIAwt1 Greaee PebdeF ............ filM'. wenr. ..... , 6_r~ ..... ...... fNetaet Xe.I-KDIIYICBOOL-.At ....... te ...... Oil the .. " u. the ,l'Ul' lot he ., ~ .J.Qe It-Clair .. tH ..... tilt G"'IIiI .~ or wtbIr ..... at tile Ken,' SeIlM. 1M'IeJII, ~ .' .aT ICE' IRliqlOI 7123 'A.n-ANGTNG ........ . ~ Ph_ I-I IItIrier .. rwi' • 1". PMt lip "Nil tlelifJny .. , '''MUs " e..,. ,.... A,..... ... 1$ ... G*ie. Del ... ) ~ ,. ,,'.' If ." 7211 • APPLJA,NCK •• EOO.n -. ~ ..... ;-,,'" . KU. ad Clasaieal Jteewd. 4113 • 4114 ~'.'1"''' , ,. "" ' ..;., '; ~,. f ~~ 5"OP M•• , Itr. L .~INIIfvIl, IV..... :.. • For approval of question 1, • citizen and ove~ 21 yean of age and a rea.~ dent of the State for 6 months and of the Grosse Pointe School District for. 2O?:l days prior to the date of the election. ,);:, U For approval of question 2, same as above and owners of property .saeseed~: Pointe School Dimict or be t1M lawful hu-: ~ for school taxes within the Gr~ band or wife of such owner. ,~ .~; :, .... ~ •• "l ~ROSSE, tbge !fghtHti H~adlines of theW eek ;" ,',~CoDUDued from Pare 1) , ' . ~,-.;.fr, om General MacArthur's ~uartcrs ••. was stripped of his uniform and all insignia of rt61{ and honors ••• his offense, !he-.': barbarious and inhuman treatment of civilians and prison. ers ~lIt the time of the fall of ~a:rilla to the Americans ••• his li.st words from the gallows were "I am not ashamed in !toilt of God for what I have done" ••• appreciates the treat. m@ shown him by the Arnerisoldiery and the fairness of 11}S. trial. can' .i'!. ... ,~ • • • ;"GENERALISSIMO S TAL I N the Russians on the, 28th ~ver~ary of the Red Army, i!iat~ they are entering a "new ~acef, ul period" but that they ~list build their economic and military might to render their bOrders unassailable ••• General ~irshal1, our late Chief of Staff ~d present sp~cial ambasSiidor (99hina, forwards his con~rat~tlltions and says the occaSIon IS .pp~opriate to salute the Red Army and its leaders for their 1;J.'er'il,icachievements In the war w'preserve civilization from GerDIm and Japanese aggression. reus' "'L;., • • • ~IiISPATCHES FROM BUENOS AIRES ~ay that Peron appeared iO.' ,be singing his political swan ~1lI' in hill last hour radio ad. drisses, prior ~o the election to. ,~~ow. • • • '~SENATOR THOMAS, Chair. irllm.of the Senate Committee on ACiculture, says "there is a ,world of meat in the country. and believes it will be cheaper des. Rite'the iii.crease of wages in the j)aelting industry. ,. • ! :+:tWASHINGTON says that the :~}'!~t espionage ring being 'rounded, up in Canada was. conce\l;trating on obtaining data on 'hiihJy' successful secret inilitary ~riments in ,the United States :relating to a radar defense against w.e~atomic bomb.. ' ';;~:;~ ,.' ••• ""REUTERS (British News Agen:~').'8aYs, a dispatch from Poona 'that' Gandhi has appealed to his COlintrymento halt "this thoughtorgy of violence." i~ "'", • • • WALTER C. GREEN; Federal ,-mediator ill. the Doh'oifmilk ~e, says unless the milk strike ,.. tiators' can effect a settle~M,t by 10 a. m.today, the Gov. .enunent will take over. J~: ? '~-. .".J: ~~"', •.• ' • "; " : Sanday, February Z4 , SETTLEMENT OF TIlE,. OM j;WKE said to be m~rer~int;l.~ ,tn.1Il\ a week ago .••• C. E .. Wi!.~. President of. GM, absent triJ.m nelop~tiQDS three days run)iiJtl ~a\!f1l ot ,illness, ••• R. J. ,11iQ#W, fres. UAW/CIO also ab~ yes\e.-da;r ••• James F. DewQ',\who Ilu jleen one of the most l!U~sful. Federnl negotiators, :'!Vho came h~re to work on GM <lIb'ike situation on January 30, is DeW' beJDI eriticized by strike ~n and eff~rt is reported to ';"~.'~. . .. ~. ~~~~;;~0~1;_, < '""" ~\ • .... .. -. • • ... . TE. 1.6755 0 .. Display at GEORGE WILSHER SALES AND SERVICI 13123 Mack at Drell" ,:::iUNOX1450 't." BREAD MAKING has been halted in six of the largest bakeries. in Delroit ... they are fllling. orders as tar as possible out of stocks on hand in preparation for a city-wide shut down tomorrow. JOSE P. TAMBORINI, strongman Peron's opponent for the presidency of Argentina, claims hil!own election. . ... FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN of New York, according to a dispatc:h from the London Evening Star, is slated for the post of Papal Secretary of State. The formal announcement is expected within a few days • • • this will place an ~meiican in the No.2 position in the Vatican. ... ALL MAKES :CALL US We Pay High Dollar-Car or Truck EARL HOLZBAUGH' .;~CHARLEVOIX 1ll9OO LENOX FORD DEALER • " 3121 THE ExAMINATION of Frank Lobaido, charged with the criminal assault and a.ttempted murder of seven:year-old Rosalie Giganti began today in Recorder Judge Paul E. Krause's office. The litHe girl was unable to be present be«:ause of her physical Car Washing . Senice Co. HI. 016J ,. b15l1latio. Bolld -;fIIl.ln. '-1IiIa1l1l1 for comfort. ~ ~ . i 1 ,I j :.: .• YOill' IARAGE ."-i~ ..., ...hU" 11'. ..~T do • 1l111"lA. ~' NOW! Fresh' Edwin Pauley's chance for confirmation of his appointment as Undersecretary of the Navy reported to have grown dimmer. • • • CIVILIAN PRODUCTION, ADMINlSTRATOR John D. Smalt heartens the women of the na- .. LawII ClIttilHJ Service Landscape Gardenlnl' Lawn Maintenllilee TrimminK PruninK Plantinlt Removinlr SeedinK Soddl~ Leaves Fenillzinlr Raked TO. 1-0365 21:4'5, ZX6's. ZXS'S, 2xlO's, 2:l1Z's. Roof Boards, Sid j n (, Trims, Moaldinp, .=:10: ~~dW"'1 c' 5' nd " 01'1' ..... Windows. D 00 r s, 1'1.01 ... Board .,; .... F.... I'l.blll: Roofin{, All Kin. Lalli ~t;::~~o.lo. 1'.I.lo. of Shin(les. ESQUIRE 4i(. FOR ~:")';-<': ;. LUMIER ,,'9743 H.,.,..., EVtrythinr for the Builder 7 ..... owned . 8:30 to 6:Gt Saturdays .~~Oto 5:" DOG and ~ . ••• -.. --- Cadillac Owners!! Oldsmobile OwnersH TAKE YOUR CAR TO KOTCHER'S AUTHORliED SALES AND SERVICE FOR REPAIRS. ONLY FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS ARE EMPLOYED, TO ASSURE YOU OF PROMPT, EFFICI~NT SERVICE.. • • GIVE US A CALL Bumping, Painting: Expert Polishing KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO~ LE.2060 1-4350E.WARREN. ~t Ch.lmers 'Ct; , . . TO YOUR DOOR .p~. b~ Bfa~ft Service, will keep' you rollb:~ ing until"jt' s time to re"tire with. \, 0=~,\! F I SKI I. . " MOTOR CITY TIRE SERVICE 3455 L JEFFIIlSON' . MELROSI 1411 WOaLD'S LAaGEST DIUVE-JN IUVIOI ~ r 51.LEY; ~ 'Rozae's Dog CateringCo. LIWIEI /~.:.C ENTI I E or Arcady ~ Dos, Rations PIICHle AI: 6460 l.rdleHi 1191 Fitzroy 11101 L Odor Dr. 104n ~cL RI.et .. 51" TWblltnet Jl:t::RCHEVAL YAaD I-UA BOprlll IIMI OPEN SAT. AFTEKNOON'TII,L SUPP.LlES Mile Rft.-TU. 2-4100 HGusecleaning Aoor Maintenance Window Cleaning IVanhoe 3806 Make .Now ThOle to PAY A, PREMIUM PRICE Alterations for ~ny exceptional used automobi~. If you have givenyoilr car the maintenance that it deserved throu9hth~ years, profit ",OW by your good iudgment and inquire for our prices •. .and Rep~~s So Long the War NORB W ATERMOLEN I A••• I Pingree 2180 r CARPENTRY ~ll-ll-ll ..ll..ll..ll...ll...ll....ll....ll...ll~.ll... o... o-o "'0...ll ...o ...ll-o ..ll..o..S...ll...ll....ll....ll...S... o... d-o "'0"'0"'0"'1l"'o"'0'Xll""d""6"6r'>o""6""6<"l6"'o"'6Il"oll"X'o 'lro 'lrd'X8"11"11I"1111"llllrlllrllnonlrldrlll!'dIl'1llf'll1l 'Xllll11T• by Postponed Choose Sibley's Cash and Carry Centre for your needs. It's a • convenient, quick !'leans of geHing what you need BA[,.SAM WOOL, ft ' 4" ROCKWOOL, batta, ft , PLASTER BOARD, ft. UPSON TILE BOARD, ft STORM SASH, 24"x24" PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT, 5.Ih. can PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT, Gal. can COMBINATION' DOORS 2'6"x6'8"xl Ys" IRONING BOARD CABINETS ..•.•. , ... Pratt" Lambert .. 5'~c , 7c 4c 7c $2.73 50e , 75e . $8.36 $7.50 Paints and Varnishes TELEPHONE CABINETS __ 7.FT. CEDAR FENCE POSTS CEDAR FENCE PICKETS _ S4.5t 47e 124: Eas, Pa,..1t " Desiretl "SERVICE AT ONCE'. CLYDE H. WHITE PHONE: ROSEVILLE 1155-W 22327 E. 12-MILE ROAD \ 1 4:" -- MAINTENANCE General Aligning, BOYER" ~:SONS frOIll DIstributors Wh~el .1 D~L1YEIiD keep th.m Recappirigl '~ I.. Our Meat i.' fresh. sweet and free of fats. To ill.!ure fresh. ness we J{l'ind OJlr day's re. lluirements each mornina ••• There's new lUitrl and blu.ter in Rozac-fed -pets. To , ~;!OUR OOIPLETE SERVICE • • • :h , CAT, HOME * .* * wen & 8862 ARlington llouJec1e.ming •."ers betw ... I A J(~U"'M. yon Gu,ms1lleeJ Belfer q_., u. S. AWNING CO.- ~ 11136 CHALMERS. ••••••••••••••••••• •• r ••••••••••••••• WE. ARE PREPARED Pingree 9587 ORDER NOW -: :.: ~ ~ . Horse Meat ~,a.cJr; IIInest [,fW. .,l.lllIlber Yorol ..b o. Worlt ~ ~ • • • Gener'al Repairing lx8 and biZ ~ • • • Service Samples and prices cheerfuHy given upon request. THE TENTATIVE BUDGET proposed for Detroit would raise the tax rate $3.4. Simonizing &roue Poilte FII'IIS III S"pp/IeJl ~~notty Pine , Complete $27.000 was raised by private eontributions, starts on II hunt with his wife in a new car, for a chicken farm in the southwest .•.. claims the journey will experience him in driving hUi spe. cially designed car. P'efe."p {, Delivery Service ~' ~•.» { • THE lMPENDING Pittsburgh power strike is postponed for a week. ' VETERAN'S Landscaping ** ** '** * * ** 14025 Gratiot :~- Wf! Have W/lat Yo. HN4 ." . '. " AWNINGS the hose! . My husband ran to the street and found several firemen bending over and working on a fire plug that they. couldn't open. It was . frozen solid. The men worked at this for at .least 20 minutes and in the meantime, the little buildini had burnt nearly to the ground. ' We couldn't help thinking how we would feet if that had been our house, with our children in it and what might ,easily happeD if one had to wait so Jongfor the • . . .. possible the complete loss of, their homes. Is this something we can take up with the trustees of the Farms or just what does one do .bout it? Yours truly, pump to start working. Isn't there some law that requires these fire NEW TRUCK plugs to be examined fr!!,!uently Village Manager Lane w~ to see that they are in good to sell the old dump working order? It seems to me 'authorized that we .pay taxes high enough truck which has been supplant. ed by the new Mack 30 footer, to warrant such service, especial. by the Park Village commis. ly when the tack of it endangers the lives of citizens and makes sioners Monday night. • .l' 'Y'o .l' .l' J'No ~ ... • • • 1947 STUDEBAKER , , Fe1;lruary 26 Editor, Grosse Pointe News Dear sir: Your excel,lent newspaper h3S taken up the cause ot so many important things in. Grosse Pointe, that I write this in hope that you will publish it and if possible, ten your readers what we may do to remedy the situa. tion. My hUsband and 1 were driving home recently about 10 p. m. (we live in Grosse Pointe Farm~) and 8JI we neared OUr house, we saw a blazing fire that had started in' what looked like a small structure at the rear of a garden at someone's home. There were several people cn the curb, and when we asked if we could do anything, they said they were, wait.in.g f.or. the fire department. Naturally, we parked the carand waited to see the fire put out, Two engines arrived almost immediately •.• and a crowd soon gathered. Some men jumped down from the engine and ran to. the rear of the house with a hose. With the rest of the group, we !!!oved nearer the scene of the fire and were appalled to see that no water was coming out of . '. . •• • . • ••• 4550 Gralld River Ave., Detroit. AUTHORIZED • • • ... 1''':-'''' $0011 of • EAT-RITE DOBCATERI"& CO. (Joe's)' Letters to the Editor be under way to have him with. drawn in favor of a person "with national prestige' •.. it is also reported the union Is attempting to have the negotiations trans. ferred to Washington ••• transferring negotiations to Washington, bringing them nearer the na. tion's political nerve center; would be significant .•. a joint telegram sent out to all union locals now on strike, purports . to show solidarity among the leaders and accuses General Metors of not acting in good faith by refusing to follow President Truman's fact-finding board recommendation ••• at the same time the rumor persists that Reuther is the only one of the three top strike leaders who is holding out for the 19'hc an hour In. crease as against the 18the increase GM has already offered • , • however, in fairness it must be noted, thilt'Reuther'said sOme time ago that there wer~ other mt aetu Hnahehl23 33333890$$ .... matters than the wage increase in dispute, prominent among "~""""'" ~::!"> :..;<..~. them the reinactment of the contract, which GM repudiated early in the strike, covering general con<;litions of work. • • • BRITAIN RUSHES police and Little Ann Mayo HertzeU and her dog, Major, view with tears the wreckage her military reinforcements into the . play house destroyed by' fire Monday nigh t. A fire of unknown origin burned be~ond seething Bph:1bay area, where repair the children's dream house at the Dr. John B. HertzeU home at 181 RIdge. killed and mjured already total Photo by Runnells more than 1,000. • • • tion by his announcement that THE NAVY DEPARTMENT, ment is anticipated • • . Union condition .•. motion by Lobaido's pairs of of his there will be seven acting through Secretary Forres- and the company are now within attorney for postponement examination and an inquiry nylons for every woman 1."1 Am. one cent per hour of agreement tal, directs that Capt. Charles B. on wage increase but the negotia. . into his sanity io denied by erica this year. • • • McVey. commander of the Cruis- tions have bogged do~on non- Krause. A.P. D I SPA T C H FROM er Indianapolis, sunk by a Jap financial matters • Federal says that labor submarine two weeks before Mediator James F. Dewey, who HERBERT BROWNELJ., chair. WASHINGTON has thrown a monkey wrench Japan surrendered, with the loss spent. Sunday at his home in man of the Republican National Truman's wage of 880 Navy perSonnel, shall, be. Chester. Pa., is back and will try Committee says he intends to into President cause of hill previous good record, t. speed up agreement this week. submit his resignation, effective price policy by opposing his pay be exonerated, under his court increase control program. on April 1. • • martial proceedings from any fur• • ••• ARGENTINA had its most 'Vednesday, February 27 ther punishment. than a repriTuesday, February 211 peaceful and largely participated mand for n.ot directing his vessel SIGNS up RUSSIA REPORTED to be FORD COMPANY in a zig zag course while passing in election on' Sunday in its his- about to add three Soviet Repubwith the UA W, with penalties set tory .•. it isestimafed that be. through submarine infested wat"Black on wildcat walkouts. tween 85 and 90 per cent of the lics to her designated ers. Sea powers" in the furtherance qualified electors of the, country • • • of her designs for a strong voice JULIUS A.KRl1G,' who did a . THE. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF voted. with public opinion strong- in the control of the Dardenelles. good job in the latter days of. the WOMEN VOTERS. urges Con. ly believing that Peron was deo • War Production Board, is named gress toappro;'e the loan to Brit- feated and Dr. Jose Tamborini, POPE PIUS XII says at are. candidate of the Democra'tic as the new Secretary of the lnterain promptly. ception for diplomats and memUruon, elected president. alior, to succeed Harold Ickes •.• • • • bers of the College of Cardinals Krug is only 38 years old, his BISHOP RAYMOND J. WADE, though the officiat results may that the achievement of a peace predecessor 71. .of the ,Methodist 'Church, wi~l not be known • for• 30• days. • 1 in which a war weary world can leave for Europe Tuesday, forh~ecure at least a tolerabte life. DETROIT DAILIES are faith. CHESTER BOWLES, Economic fled with a substantial sum of \vill take time and call for much Stabilizer, .says that. a hike of money as Detroit Methodists' fully carrying addresses of-emerpatience and effort by men of 1'he per pound in the retail price gency milk stations where those contribution towards the rebuildgood- intent. of meat is to be permited to bal. ing of Methodist Churches des- of proven need can buy milk by the area is ancerecent raise in wages 'I)f tro.yed by the Nazis in Scandan- calling for same ... TWO AIRFIELDS near Jaffa now going through 'the. trial of a meat packing employes . aVla. crippling milk strike and lives in are attacked by. Jewish extrem• • ists with mortars and automatic A THEATER in Tokyo, named dread of 11 t~up of bread deFRANCE CLOSES its frontiers weapons . . • starts an intense in memory of' Ernie Pyle, opens liveries because of threatened manhunt by British Airborne against aU comrnercialcontact t(lday . , . will have stage show strike of bread truck drivers •.. with the Franco Government in troops ••. British officials imfaCilities, movies and other. en- hope for settlement of the milk Spain, and urges the United pose a curfew on Jewish, settletertainment exclusively for the strike seen in an agreed-upon ments near thealrfieldl_ and States and Britain to do likewise USe of American occupation basis tor negotiations. to make her action effective. warn settlers in one town that troops in the Japanese capitaL .' they will be fired upon if they TH:E; PHILIPPINE Commoti. SERGEANT FREDER,ICK fail to comply. M0l!da1, Feb. J5 wealtll government estimates HENSEL. the armless and legl~ • C. E. WILSON; prel\identllf there are at least 4,000 die.hard A. F. of L. municipal employes soldier who stepped on .' land GM, whose recent illneS$ com. Japanes\! soldjers still ranging of. Huston, Texas, will stage a mine at Okinawa. and 'for whom pelled his absence from itrike through the .'Manila area, where march on the City Hall in a negotiations for the past four ~veral pitched battles have al- demonstration protesting the dis. days, is back 'llgaln ••• more ready taken place between charge of 700 strikinl city emPhilippine troops ployes. rapid .prolI"ess towar\is .. ~tUe- American.led and the outlaw •. • • W/latever YOllr Pet Food /IIay be , •• 'plio •• alld I'I~be fllen wlfll file JallIe ,ood H~lcel :;~,.;J'. N.eWS Their Play Palace Destroyed FRESH MEAT FOR aO&S' Ala"'CAYs' .." POINTE, I L,