NHASP Introduction to PACE

Deb Bamforth
Sandy Rutherford
Brian Stack
Jonathan Vander Els
Gain an understanding of the purpose for and
background of PACE.
Understand what competency education is and
complete a self-assessment related to your
school’s implementation readiness.
We believe that accountability in
learning is not about taking a single
Rather, it is about assessing for
competency in multiple and varied
Resource: Accountability for College and Career Readiness:
Developing a New Paradigm. *
*Darling-Hammond, L., Wilhoit, G., & Pittenger, L. (2014). Accountability for college and career readiness: Developing a new
paradigm. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(86). http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.v22n86.2014
If we believe that all students must be college- and careerready...
Then our system must advance students as they
demonstrate mastery of content, skills and dispositions…
Which requires a comprehensive system of educator and
school supports.
Slide information courtesy of Rose Colby
It is right for our students!
HS Graduation by Competency 2005; 2008
NH K-12 Nationally Aligned Competencies
ELA (2012)
Math (2012)
Science (2014)
Work Study Practices ( 2014)
The Arts (2015)
***2014: New Minimum Standards establishing K-12
Competency Education by 2017
Slide Courtesy of Rose Colby
Federal Assessment
SBA: Smarter Balance Assessment
The SMARTERBALANCE Assessment once at each grade span will provide a
national standardized monitoring tool to measure student progress using a yearly
growth determination.
State, District, Course Assessment
PACE: Performance Assessment for Competency Education: Common
performance tasks shared across all districts. PACE performance assessments are
reviewed by outside assessment experts who review the assessment for content,
rigor, and validity.
District, Course Assessment
PAs: Performance Assessments/Tasks measure state and course competencies
and are administered at the district level. Data is derived from competency
based grading systems in place.
Created by Ellen Hume-Howard, Curriculum Director, SRSD
PACE Assessment Outline
3 Levels of PACE Readiness
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Three Tiers Defined
Districts enter based upon their current level of
Tier 3
• Have reported no or few local CBE environments
• Do not implement competencies at the classroom
level with students
• May/may not have written competencies
• No background experience with performance
Tier 2
• Reported to have course level and school-wide
competencies in place and have some
implementation of competencies in classrooms
• CBE learning is evidenced in parts of district
• Experience with task-based performance assessment
for competency attainment may be limited to
extended learning opportunities or may not be
implemented in a systemic way.
Tier 1
• Selected based upon their ability to enter the PACE work
and both gain and share expertise in competency-based
learning and performance assessments.
• Reported implementation of local competencies in schoolwide/classroom settings
• Experience with performance assessments in a
competency-based learning environment.
• Evidenced a commitment to transitioning to implementing
performance assessment of competencies for
accountability purposes K-12.
• Will have articulated at least a beginning plan of how to
best accomplish that transition in their community.
Tier 1 Districts in Year 2 of PACE
Be Thinking About…
How would you
approach this effort
in your district?
What assets does
your district have to
take this step?
What challenges do
you see in this
Gain an understanding of the purpose for and
background of PACE.
Understand what competency education is and
complete a self-assessment related to your
school’s implementation readiness.
The Five Tenets of Competency
Competencies Are Robust
Assessment is Meaningful
Students Receive Differentiated Support
Learning Outcomes Measure Both Academics and Work
Study Practices
Students Move When Ready
School Design Rubric Discussion
1. Participants work in teams of 5
2. Each person spends 5 minutes reviewing one Design
3. After 5 minutes, each person highlights something
that stands out.
4. Be prepared to share out to other groups.
Where Are You Now?
1. Use the tool to self-assess where your school is today
and your school’s readiness for PACE.
2. What is your next step on this journey?
Gain an understanding of the purpose for and
background of PACE.
Understand what competency education is and
complete a self-assessment related to your
school’s implementation readiness.
Competency Education
Design Studio Series
July 18-22, 2016 from 8:30AM – 3:00PM
Sanborn Regional High School, 17 Danville Road, Kingston NH 03848
July 18-19, 2016
July 20-22, 2016
An Introduction to PACE Design Studio
Competency Education Design Studio
For More Information, Email sanborndesign@sau17.org
Thank you!
Deb Bamforth
Email: dbamforth@sau17.org
Twitter: @DebBamforth
Sandy Rutherford
Email: srutherford@sau17.org
Twitter: @albiefisherman
Brian M. Stack
Email: bstack@sau17.org
Twitter: @bstackbu
Jonathan G. Vander Els
Email: jvanderels@sau17.org
Twitter: @jvanderels