Small Group Communication Competencies Eight Small Group Competencies Group Task Competencies Number of Occurrences Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Evaluation Comments: Rationale for evaluations Competency One: Defines and analyzes problems and issues that help orient the group to the task at hand Competency Two: Participates in the establishment of the group goal and appropriately identifies criteria for assessing the quality of the group Competency Three: Identifies solution or alternatives to appropriately manage the problems or decisions the group considers Competency Four: Evaluates the solutions or alternatives identified by group members Competency Five: Helps groups stay on task, issue, or agenda the group is discussing Group Relational Competencies Competency Six: Seeks to manage disagreements and conflicts Competency Seven: Provides appropriate supportive comments to other group members Competency Eight: Helps manage interaction and appropriately invites others to participate. Source: Beebe, S. and Barge, K. Small Group Communication. In Williams G. Christ (Ed.), Assessing Communication Education (Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., 1994). Used by permission.