Facts about the government’s healthcare stimulus package For informational purposes only. Use this as a starting point to gather additional knowledge on this fast evolving opportunity. • • • • • • • • • • • ARRA – American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Hitech – Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act EMR – Electronic Medical Records (Local) EHR – Electronic Health Records (Global) PHR – Patient Health Record HHS – United States Department of Health & Human Services CCHIT Certified® product – Commission for Healthcare Information Technology CMS – Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services HCIS – MEDITECH's Health Care Information System EDM – Electronic Document Management – Electronic Data Management OSA – Open Systems Architecture • $787 billion Stimulus Package – $2 billion available immediately for loans and grants to help health care providers implement electronic health record systems and to fund research into the use of various health systems – $17+ billion for new programs rewarding doctors and hospitals over the next 5 years for the “Meaningful” use of e-health record systems. • Beginning 2011, health care providers who use electronic medical records and other health IT systems in “meaningful” ways will be eligible for government rewards ranging from tens of thousands of dollars for doctors to millions for hospitals. • After 2014, laggards will be penalized with reduced payments from Medicare. • To get reimbursement, a physician or hospital has to demonstrate that the EHR is certified and: 1. “Used in a meaningful manner”, and they reference eRx (eprescriptions) 2. Demonstrates that the certified EHR can also provide reporting on “clinical quality measures.” • Clinical Quality Measures use information and other technology to identify those patients who may qualify for treatment, to confirm their eligibility, to notify clinicians caring for them and to work with their physicians to institute the treatment. 3. Able to demonstrate the certified EHR “is connected in a manner that provides for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of care such as care coordination.” No one knows for sure how HHS will ultimately define “meaningful use” or what “certified EHR” may mean. • CMS will distribute on a tiered basis – First year, physician gets $18k, 2nd, $12k, etc. • If physician gets started quickly (by 2010) they can reap some $44K. • If they drag their feet and start a couple of years later, they’ll get a total of $24k. • A similar tiered model is also established for hospitals. Ref: http://www.mdsmedicalsoftware.com/emr-software-stimulus.php * HITECH ACT PHYSICIAN REIMBURSEMENT PLAN: ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS SOFTWARE EHR Adoption 2011 EHR Adoption 2012 EHR Adoption 2013 EHR Adoption 2014 EHR Adoption 2015 2011 ($) $18,000 0 0 0 0 2012 ($) $12,000 $18,000 0 0 0 2013 ($) $8,000 $12,000 $15,000 0 0 2014 ($) $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $15,000 0 2015 ($) $2,000 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 0 2016 ($) 0 $2,000 $4,000 $8,000 0 TOTAL $44,000 $44,000 $39,000 $35,000 0 • Reduction by 1% of Medicare/ Medicaid reimbursements from 2015-2018 • Additional 1% reduction per year up to 5% • Managed at the State level and will institute the guidelines provided by HHS. • Basic qualifications are similar, e.g., “meaningful use of certified EHR” – Significantly more complicated process to receive reimbursement. – Total reimbursement amounts up to $65,000/physician over five years. – First year costs applied to purchase, install and training. Follow-on years, reimbursement for operations and maintenance. – Reimbursement is for a percentage of total expenditures by physician for certified EHR. – Extended time horizon, payments through 2021. – Physician must demonstrate that a certain percentage of patients (20-30%) are covered by Medicaid. – Table below provides physician payment schedule under Medicaid. Ref: http://chilmarkresearch.com/2009/02/17/hitech-act-medicaid-reimbursement-plan/ • EHR is an individual patient's medical record in digital format that allows for storage and retrieval of this information • It may be made up of electronic medical records (EMRs) from many locations and/or sources. – Patient demographics, medical history, medicine and allergy lists (including immunization status), laboratory test results, radiology images, billing records and advanced directives. • EHR systems can increase physician efficiency and reduce costs, as well as promote standardization of care. – Even though EMR systems with computerized provider order entry (CPOE) have existed for more than 30 years, less than 10 percent of hospitals as of 2006 have a fully integrated system • Can cost upwards of $30,000-$50,000 per doctor • Prior to the stimulus package the financial rewards of implementing an EHR traditionally went to insurance companies, health plans, and government programs as Medicare/Medicaid; not necessarily to the doctors or hospitals that pay them. • Doctors & Hospital Benefits – – – – – – – – – Reduce medical errors Reduce paperwork Reduce redundancy Automat medical claims processing Improve Workflow that delivers decision-making data from multiple systems to one screen Enable faster check deposits while eliminating courier trips Match medical record requests with receipts Improve Help Desk Services with centralized EDM Save money in paper, shipping costs • Stimulus Funds can now give Doctors/Hospitals direct payout • A qualified e-prescribing system includes the following: 1. Formulary and benefit transactions: gives prescribers information about which drugs are covered by a Medicare beneficiary's prescription drug benefit plan. 2. Medication history transactions: provides prescribers with information about medications a beneficiary is already taking, including those prescribed by other providers, to help reduce the number of adverse drug events. 3. Fill Status notifications: allows prescribers to receive an electronic notice from the pharmacy telling them that a patient's prescription has been picked up, not picked up, or has been partially filled, to help monitor medication adherence in patients with chronic conditions. Ref: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/EPrescribing/ • Medicare recently announced a new rule, saying that by 2012, doctors participating in Medicare programs would be required to prescribe prescriptions electronically. – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts announced it was following Medicare's lead, beginning on Jan. 1, 2011, it was requiring doctors to electronically prescribe medications in order to qualify for bonus programs. – BCBSMA says 99% of primary care doctors and 78% of specialists in the company's network currently participate in the insurer's incentive plans. So, that means there will likely be lots more Massachusetts doctors trading in their paper prescription pads for eprescribing systems in the next couple of years. • Cut costs • Improve patient safety by automatically flagging potential drug allergies and interactions • Reducing errors related to illegible handwriting • Bettering adherence to benefit formularies • Stemming the number of callbacks between pharmacy and doctors office • 2007 - 120 million e-P written • 2008 - 240 million e-P written • 2009 (1st Q) - 134 million e-P messages sent 1. Doctors confirming patients prescription plan benefits with payers 2. Checking patients prescription history 3. Sending e-prescriptions to pharmacies • 80% of e-Prescriptions are being generated by doctors using stand alone prescribing software, as opposed to more comprehensive, integrated EMR systems • 2007, only 19,000 doctors were prescribing prescriptions electronically • Today; 103,000 doctors – These numbers represent doctors, physician assistance and nurse practitioners mostly in physicians practices, not clinicians in hospitals that use computerized order-entry systems • Congressional Budget Office estimates that stimulus provisions could drive adoption of EHR systems to nearly 90% of U.S doctor offices and hospitals in a few years. • More realistic goal may be 60-70% by 2014 – John Glaser, CIO Partners HealthCare • Right now less than 10% of US doctors have adapted the systems, low double digits for hospitals • Stimulus money will cover a good part, but the money won’t be available up front. This makes the investment a challenge • Draft guidelines to be released no later than mid-June to allow for sufficient public comment and re-work. Final guidelines must be in place by end of calendar year 2009. • Meaningful use guidelines will be tiered, less onerous in early years but slowly ratcheting up to meet broader healthcare goals. • EHRs in use today that are CCHIT certified will be grandfathered in. Certification criteria for EHR vendors will be kept to a minimum in support of meaningful use, specific features/functions will by and large be left alone. • CCHIT will not be the only certifying body, others will be created to insure CCHIT does not become a choke point. • EHRs will not directly equate to EMRs. ONC will provide a structure that supports an overarching range of apps that when combined, like building blocks in support of meaningful use, are deemed certified. • There is currently no information on regulation of implementations or how audits of the system use might be performed. Chilmark Research • A doctor can wait to implement an EDM,EMR or EHR for scanning, archiving and retrieving medical records until the stimulus package is finalized, the penalty for not administering a program is about to kick in and what if at that time the necessary up front funds are not available OR… • They can begin the process today by taking advantage of our document filing capabilities using our Content Central EDM Software by Ademero designed for the healthcare industry. It may not be an all out EHR, but it’s an important first step. One that can then be integrated at a later date. • The benefit will be immediate in that with Content Central EDM Software by Ademero they will be able to reap the rewards of instant access to critical records and the ability to increase efficiencies. • The only difference is that they are realizing the benefit today instead of later. State Number Hospitals Staffed Beds Total Discharges Patient Days Revenue ($000) AK - Alaska 16 1,107 37,093 242,283 $2,070,824 AL - Alabama 101 15,822 629,880 3,536,925 $28,566,823 AR - Arkansas 57 7,936 324,439 1,698,892 $12,318,308 AZ - Arizona 73 12,096 693,381 3,048,397 $32,946,787 CA - California 358 74,752 3,213,697 18,420,975 $217,322,432 CO - Colorado 56 8,227 406,185 1,986,542 $22,991,644 CT - Connecticut 34 8,372 386,807 2,422,563 $19,066,097 DC - Washington D.C. 9 2,803 118,093 820,392 $6,419,435 DE - Delaware 8 2,143 97,666 594,031 $3,302,034 FL - Florida 213 52,225 2,338,606 12,163,514 $125,971,326 GA - Georgia 116 23,188 907,609 5,977,533 $41,952,793 GU - Guam 2 179 11,280 58,097 $123,027 HI - Hawaii 15 2,721 91,034 751,127 $4,417,911 IA - Iowa 38 7,158 283,574 1,621,187 $11,731,272 ID - Idaho 19 2,331 110,218 479,151 $3,932,446 IL - Illinois 143 32,108 1,436,546 7,746,825 $73,318,631 IN - Indiana 92 16,712 674,920 3,617,716 $30,750,752 KS - Kansas 59 6,659 289,178 1,416,873 $13,512,025 KY - Kentucky 75 13,075 553,506 3,127,161 $23,771,708 LA - Louisiana 114 15,416 581,496 3,207,097 $24,170,323 MA - Massachusetts 82 15,083 759,287 4,095,826 $37,921,394 MD - Maryland 51 11,814 734,159 3,368,006 $14,409,954 ME - Maine 23 3,100 129,064 742,479 $5,610,929 MI - Michigan 116 23,799 1,115,693 5,965,341 $51,775,334 State Number Hospitals Number Beds Discharges Patient Days Gross Patient Revenue ($000) MN - Minnesota 55 10,618 520,490 2,716,872 $22,087,887 MO - Missouri 91 17,981 717,423 3,989,932 $35,288,857 MS - Mississippi 74 11,131 375,922 2,270,909 $16,191,435 MT - Montana 19 2,319 80,297 547,671 $3,138,060 22,892 991,909 5,983,391 $39,673,186 72,839 484,052 $2,887,658 174,926 1,122,996 $8,166,792 NC - North Carolina 109 ND - North Dakota 14 2,072 NE - Nebraska 24 4,382 NH - New Hampshire 14 2,200 108,674 539,771 $5,833,516 NJ - New Jersey 73 21,131 1,036,616 5,809,572 $70,052,481 NM - New Mexico 40 3,956 169,972 845,255 $7,685,257 NV - Nevada 29 4,916 269,286 1,305,230 $15,239,915 NY - New York 213 67,899 2,210,323 18,233,211 $105,519,318 OH - Ohio 151 30,421 1,386,512 7,296,750 $67,850,346 OK - Oklahoma 99 10,747 451,125 2,412,030 $18,223,316 OR - Oregon 36 5,854 310,184 1,451,263 $12,727,451 PA - Pennsylvania 36,950 1,687,627 9,614,855 $108,733,142 PR - Puerto Rico 53 8,017 390,960 2,241,605 $3,775,746 RI - Rhode Island 12 2,511 131,075 696,377 $6,545,416 SC - South Carolina 62 11,807 502,493 2,988,853 $25,334,067 SD - South Dakota 180 2,664 86,549 653,801 $3,637,705 TN - Tennessee 122 20,255 816,675 4,639,454 $36,915,144 TX - Texas 367 55,733 2,536,072 12,601,186 $125,054,604 UT - Utah 34 3,994 202,028 960,878 $7,030,298 VA - Virginia 92 19,249 752,629 4,747,505 $34,814,303 VT - Vermont 29 821 37,174 204,681 $2,306,342 WA - Washington 61 9,326 525,149 2,370,625 $25,628,263 WI - Wisconsin 71 11,084 524,107 2,537,418 $21,999,086 WV - West Virginia 40 6,304 244,948 1,489,205 $8,522,973 WY - Wyoming 15 1,220 40,060 248,595 $1,411,818 767,280 33,277,455 188,112,876 $1,650,648,592 Totals 7 4,056 • Definition EHR – • Research Firm – • http://www.impac.com/hitech-act.html#BMwhatdoes Information Week – Search “Hitech” – • http://www.kryptiq.com/about About Hitech – • http://www.cchit.org/choose/index.asp Kryptiq – (in discussions with Sharp) – • http://www.medipro.com/stimulus/index.html#faq CCHIT – certified applications – • http://www.mdsmedicalsoftware.com/emr-software-stimulus.php FAQ – • http://chilmarkresearch.com/2009/02/13/sweet-rewards-for-hit-vendors-with-final-stimulus-package/ EHR payout example – • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_health_record http://www.informationweek.com/TechSearch/Search.jhtml? site_id=InformationWeek&personality=category&cid=header-search&queryText=hitech&search=Go Hitech background – http://news.avancehealth.com/2009/02/20-billion-hitech-stimulus-senate.html