1. What is Tourism? Give 2 definitions? 2. Explain four different

1. What is Tourism? Give 2 definitions?
2. Explain four different perspectives of tourism?
3. Define Tourism? Identify the four perspectives included in
the definition and describe one of them?
4. What are the Components of Tourism? Explain one of them.
5. Describe one of the tourism Components?
6. What are the difference between infrastructure of tourism and
tourism superstructure?
7. What are the Operating Sectors of the Tourism
8. There are many Basic Approaches to the Study of
Tourism.. Explain one of them?
9. Write 5 of the plus side of the tourism and 5 of the minus
10. What are the positive aspects of tourism?
11. What are the negative aspects of tourism?
12. Sightseeing has always been a major activity of tourists;
this has been true since ancient times. Name the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World?
13. You are marketing a product (yourself) and you will have
to do a good job of communicating to convince a
prospective employer that you have the abilities needed,
that you will be an asset to the organization. How can you
enhance your chances of getting a job in tourism?
14. How can you enhance your chances of getting a job in
15. What are the Job Requirements needed to work in the
tourism field?
16. What are the job operations in Travel Agencies, Hotels,
Motels, and Resorts?
17. Organizations can be classified to several classification
explain in details?
18. Identify one of the international organization and its
19. Identify one of the Regional International Organizations
and its activities?
20. Identify one of the National Organizations and its
21. Identify one of the Regional Organizations and its
22. An increase in traffic due to world tourism growth puts
pressure on transportation facilities, and this can have
adverse effects.. Explain in details the problems facing
transportation planners which need urgent attention of
policy makers?
23. The world's economy and the tourism industry need a
healthy air transportation system. Explain in details?
24. What are negative aspects for those who wish to travel by
25. What are the best sources of data on the airline industry?
26. What are the ideas that airline industry follow to increase
27. Air transport growth is an essential ingredient in
tourism's future.. Explain?
28. What are the major priorities of the Air Transport
Association (ATA)?
29. Auto travel is an integral part of the travel industry with
the vast majority.. Explain?
30. People's attitudes are very favorable toward travel by
automobile.. Explain?
31. Name five of the new technology which had a deep
influence on the lodging industry in recent years?
32. Hotels and motels are classified in a variety of ways..
33. Both independents and chains in the lodging industry
have found it profitable to join together to market their
properties.. Explain?
34. Define the following:
Independent on the lodging industry
Referral groups on the lodging industry
Chain on the lodging industry
Franchises on the lodging industry
35. Complete the following:
a. International Tourism
…………………: Visits to a country of nonresidents
…………………: Visits by residents of a country to
another country
b. ………………….: Visits by residents and nonresidents of
the country of reference
c. Domestic tourism: …………………………………….
d. …………………..: Internal tourism plus outbound tourism
(the resident tourism market for travel agents, airlines, and
other suppliers)
e. ………: All types of travelers engaged in tourism.
f. ………………………: Are persons who travel for a period
not exceeding twelve months to a country other than the
one in which they generally reside and whose main purpose
is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from
within the place visited.
g. Internal Visitors: Are persons who travel to
………………………………………………………….. for
a period not exceeding twelve months.
h. All visitors are subdivided into two further categories:
…………………….: Visitors who do not spend the
night in a collective or private accommodation in the
country visited-for example, a cruises ship passenger
spending four hours in a port-or day-trippers visiting an
……………: Visitors who stay in the country visited for
at least one night-for example, a visitor on a two-week
i. The first journey ever made for purposes of peace and
tourism was made by ……………………… to the land
of Punt.
j. One of the most important and easily overlooked is
…………………….... Tourists and locals alike depend
on their feet as a primary mode of travel.
k. The Supply of rooms outstripped demand, resulting in
……… occupancy and ……… room rates.
l. …………………………………… took a step forward
when Star-wood Hotels and Resorts tested self-service
kiosks. The kiosks are located in the lobby and allow
the guests to check in or out of the hotel by simply
swiping their credit card, eliminating the need to go to
the front desk.
m. ……………………. A hotel that provides only some
of the facilities and amenities of a full-service property.
This category includes properties commonly referred to
as motels or motor hotels.
n. ……………………... A hotel that provides facilities
and services geared to meet the needs of large group
and association meetings and trade shows.
36. Mark right or wrong and correct the wrong:
a. International Visitors: All types of travelers engaged in
tourism. ( ) ……….……….
b. Visitor: Are persons who travel to destination within
their own country that is outside their usual
environment, for a period not exceeding twelve months.
( ) ……….……….
c. Same-day visitors: Visitors who stay in the country
visited for at least one night-for example, a visitor on a
two-week vacation. ( ) ……….……….
d. Inbound tourism: Visits by residents of a country
to another country. ( ) ……….……….
e. Outbound tourism: Visits to a country by nonresidents. ( ) ……….……….
f. Internal tourism: Internal tourism plus outbound
tourism (the resident tourism market for travel
( ) ……….……….
g. Human needs to arrange trips and facilitate
movements have not changed over the ages.
( ) ……….……….
h. When the Roman Empire declined, tourism
declined. ( ) ……….……….
i. The history of roads is thus related to the
Centralizing of populations in powerful cities.
( ) ……….……….
j. Thomas Bennett can rightfully be recognized as the
first rail excursion agent. ( ) ……….……….
k. Thomas Cook is the first specialist in individual
inclusive travel. ( ) …….……….
l. The earliest guest rooms were parts of private
dwellings, and travellers were hosted almost like
members of the family. ( ) …….……….
m.World Tourism Organization (W.T.O) is the
forum for global business leaders in travel and
tourism. ( ) …….……….
n. World Travel and Tourism Council (W.T.T.C)
serves as a global forum for tourism policy
issues and a practical source of tourism.
( ) ……….……….
o. International Air Transport Association (I.A.T.A)
mission is to represent and serve the world
railway industry. ( ) ……….……….
p. Pacific Asia Travel Association and European
Travel Commission are National Organizations.
( ) ……….……….
q. Amtrak is a government agency because it receives
financial support from the federal government.
( ) …….……….
r. Ultramodern railway systems with high-speed trains
operate in many countries, handling passenger traffic
in an economical and efficient manner and providing
an alternative to air travel. ( ) …….……….
s. The interstate highway system significantly
encouraged vacation travel and especially
encouraged long-distance travel. It made automobile
travel much faster and more comfortable.
( ) …….……….
t. Affordability, flexibility, and convenience make auto
travel the most popular mode of transportation all
over the world. ( ) …….……….
u. There is no doubt that the great bulk of intercity
transportation of passengers is by automobile, data
also indicate that this has been constant for several
decades. ( ) …….……….
v. The air travel has played an even more important
role in travel because of the tragedy of September 11,
2001. As with past incidents, the trend is to shift
from air travel to auto travel and to take trips closer
to home. ( ) …….……….
w. A poor road system costs the individual driver, the
bus operator, and other users additional funds in
terms of increased fuel use and vehicle maintenance,
and the knowledge that a highway is in poor
condition may cause the traveler to select another
destination to avoid the problem. ( ) …….……….
x. Computerized navigation systems have come to
rental cars and are predicted to be a growing
attraction. Bookings over the Internet are increasing.
( ) …….……….
y. Although ships have been a means of transportation
since early times, the Rail industry is young. Its
purpose is really to provide a resort experience rather
than point-to-point transportation. ( ) …….……….
z. Pedestrian travel, or walking, is another mode
embraced by some travelers and tourist destinations a
number of companies feature biking tours.
( ) …….……….