1 Chemistry of C-C π-bonds Lectures 5-8: Aromatic Chemistry “I was sitting writing on my textbook, but the work did not progress; my thoughts were elsewhere. I turned my chair to the fire and dozed. Again the atoms were gamboling before my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by the repeated visions of the kind, fitted together all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash of lightning I awoke; and this time also I spent the rest of the night in working out the consequences of the hypothesis. Let us learn to dream, gentlemen, then perhaps we shall find the truth... But let us beware of publishing our dreams till they have been tested by waking understanding” Handouts will be available at: http://msmith.chem.ox.ac.uk/teaching.html Dr Martin Smith Office: CRL 1st floor 30.087 Telephone: (2) 85103 Email: martin.smith@chem.ox.ac.uk ! Aromatic Chemistry. 2 Handout 2 ! Benzene and general reactivity profile ! What is aromaticity? ! Resonance’ and molecular orbital explanation ! Typical reactivity – electrophilic aromatic substitution ! Mechanisms of electrophilic substitution – bromination as a worked example ! Nitration, Sulfonation ! Friedel Crafts Alkylation and Acylation ! Monosubstituted Benzenes ! Phenol – acidity ! Benzoic acid – preparation and acidity ! Aniline – preparation and basicity ! Reactions of Monosubstituted Benzenes ! Electrophilic Aromatic substution: ortho-, meta- and para! Substituent effects: (i) ortho- and para- directing and ACTIVATING (ii) ortho- and para- directing and DEACTIVATING (iii) meta- directing and DEACTIVATING ! Reactions of Monosubstituted and Polysubstituted Arenes Books: ! Substituents affect both rate and orientation 1. Organic Chemistry ! Designing synthetic routes Clayden, Greeves, Wothers and Warren ! Multiple substitutions: effects of orientation (which group dominates?) OUP, 2000/2012 ! Transforming functional groups in aromatic chemistry 2. Aromatic Chemistry ! Generation and Stability Malcolm Sainsbury, ! The SN1 reaction for aromatic compounds Oxford Chemistry Primers, ! The Sandmeyer reaction (introduction of CN, Cl and Br) OUP, 1992. ! Replacement with H (not as pointless as it appears!) ! Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution ! An addition-elimination process (compare with conjugate addition-substitution) ! Substituent effects (which groups work and which ones don’t?). ! Real Examples: Synthesis of Fluoxetine (Prozac) Synthesis of Vancomycin 3 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Benzene Flat Benzene All C-C bonds the same length isolated from Coal Tar ! Typical Reaction H E + E+ + H+ 4 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Example: Halogenation H + Br Br FeBr3 Br + HBr The FeBr3 is required to increase the reactivity of the electrophile ! Compare with an isolated alkene in a bromination reaction: no catalyst is required bromonium cation LUMO σ* Br-Br Br HOMO π on alkene Br Br Br SN 2 inversion Br Br Conclusion: benzene is less reactive than an isolated (cyclic) alkene (why?) 5 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Benzene contains [4n+2] p electrons and is aromatic also drawn as: Benzene is an aromatic, conjugated system Drawing the arrows above does not indicate the actual movement of bonds a continuous system through overlap of 6 p-orbitals The formation of a continuous π system through the overlap of six p-orbitals is a stabilizing interaction 6 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! How much is this ‘aromatic stability’ worth? Examine hydrogenation – an exothermic reaction (as the products are thermodynamically more stable than the starting materials) Predicted 'cyclic hexatriene' 150 kJ mol-1 more stable 210 kJ mol-1 120 kJ mol-1 360 kJ mol-1 Conclusion: the cyclic conjugated structure is more stable by about 150 kJmol-1 7 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Bromination gives a substitution rather than an addition product; mechanism? BrH Br SLOW Br Br FeBr3 breaks aromaticity Br FAST regains aromaticity ! Stabilization of the cationic intermediate by delocalization (π-conjugation) Br Br Br Remember: These arrows do not imply actual movement of the bonds or electrons or oscillation between these structures but rather that the charge is delocalized over the whole system 8 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Evidence for the cationic intermediate [for reference, δC (benzene) = 128.5] H Less electron density (cation-like) 179 13C NMR: o, p- carbons very deshielded 52 136 Similar to benzene 187 Less electron density (cation-like) Consistent with charge being distributed around the conjugated system 9 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Reaction Energy Profile H Br TS 1 H Br TS 2 Br H Br Activation Energy E H Intermediate Starting materials Br Products reaction progress 10 ! Aromatic Chemistry ! Transition states: H TS 1 Br Br A transition state (or transition structure, TS) is a nonisolable, non observable hypothetical state in between bond forming and bond breaking An intermediate can be observed (and often isolated!) ! Transition states and the Hammond postulate We cannot directly look at the TS, so we make assumptions about what the TS looks like based on the Hammond Postulate: “If two states, as for example a transition state and an unstable intermediate, occur consecutively during a reaction process and have nearly the same energy content, their interconversion will only involve a small reorganisation of molecular structure.” This is an elegant way of saying: “the transition state (probably) looks like an intermediate close to it in energy” 11 ! Electrophilic substitution reactions: Nitration (E = NO2) ! Electrophile is NO2+ [generated by the protonation of nitric acid] O O N O H OH O O O S OH O N O N OH2 H2O is a good leaving group O Electrophile O N O H H SLOW O N breaks aromaticity Aromatic O O N FAST O regains aromaticity Non-Aromatic Aromatic The nitro group is electron withdrawing so the product of the reaction is less reactive than the starting materials ! Electrophilic substitution reactions: sulfonation (E = SO3H) ! Electrophile is SO3H+ O HO O S O H OH O O O S S HO OH H O -H2O OH2 S O S O O Electrophile H O O O H SLOW breaks aromaticity O H O S OH O FAST O S OH regains aromaticity The sulfonyl group is electron withdrawing so the product of the reaction is less reactive than the starting materials 12 13 ! Electrophilic substitution reactions ! At high temperatures sulfonation is reversible OH Br OH SO3H H2SO4 Br This means that we can use the SO3H group to direct other groups H 200˚C SO3H H ! Friedel Crafts Alkylation (R = alkyl) R Cl AlCl3 R H Cl AlCl3 R SLOW breaks aromaticity Product MORE reactive than the starting material (SM): polyalkylation The intermediate cation rearranges to the more stable cation The reaction is catalytic in Lewis Acid (AlCl3 in this case) R 14 ! Friedel Crafts alkyation ! Rearrangement and polyalkylation H Cl AlCl3 catalytic Cl 1,2 hydride shift H AlCl3 2˚ cation more stable effectively a primary cation SLOW breaks aromaticity H FAST regains aromaticity plus other products of polysubstitution and rearrangement major product more reactive than benzene 15 ! Cation stabilization recap: ! Alkyl groups are electron-donating through hyperconjugation (so the starting materials are more reactive than the products) C-H σ bond H H H π-system p orbitals 'hyperconjugation' or σ-conjugation one of the C-H bonds interacts with the π system [C-H must be perpendicular to the plane of the ring for the C-H σ−orbital to overlap with the π system] this means that alkyl groups are electron donating and means that alkyl substituted benzenes are MORE reactive than unsubstituted benzenes This is important in Friedel-Crafts alkylation 16 ! Cation stabilization recap: ! 1. Hyperconugation Cation Stability: 3˚ > 2˚ > 1˚ CH3 Planar Structure minimize electron repulsion empty p orbital H H H H H H H H 2 x C-H σ bond coplanar with vacant p-orbital ! 2. p-conjugation – H 3 x C-H σ bond coplanar with vacant p-orbital [‘resonance’ is the shorthand description of delocalization] also drawn as: remember: the bonds are not 'moving' the cation is delocalized over these three atoms Essentially: filled (bonding) orbitals interacting with empty (non-bonding) ones * This has a stabilizing effect * 17 ! Friedel Crafts Acylation ! Mechanism: Acylium Cation Cl Al O Cl O O Cl Cl R Cl R AlCl3 R O R O O R This is equally as effective as the acid chloride SLOW anhydride Product LESS reactive than the SM O R O No rearrangement - cation is stabilized Clean monosubstitution Requires superstoichoimetric AlCl 3 (complexation to oxygen in the product) -HCl FAST H R 18 ! Friedel Crafts Acylation ! How to introduce alkyl groups on an aromatic ring (if FC alkylation does not work): ! Use Friedel-Crafts acylation and reduce the ketone functional group Target: Problem with FC alkylation: AlCl3 Cl plus other products of rearrangement and polyalkylation O O AlCl3 NH2NH2 Cl KOH, heat clean monoacylation Wolff-Kishner reaction 19 ! Gatterman-Koch reaction ! Gatterman-Koch formylation (a special Friedel-Crafts type reaction): Electrophile AlCl3 O C O H CuCl HCl O H -HCl FAST H C O O H H H C SLOW O Cl This material is unstable and so cannot be used in a F-C acylation reaction to introduce an aldehyde ! Monosubstituted benzenes so far: Y Y = Halogen, NO2, SO3H, Alkyl, acyl (aldehyde, ketone) 20 ! Substituted benzenes ! Phenol (Y = OH) Acidity: compare with non aromatic alcohol: OH OH Phenol an extremely stable enol OH pKa = 10 pKa = 16 ! Reminder (and brief aside): pKa is a measure of the position of the equilibrium between an acid and its conjugate base Most important factor in acid strength is the stability of the conjugate base A So for a strong acid, the conjugate base A is stable, the equilibrium lies over to the RHS and the pKa is low. The stronger the acid, the lower the pKa O F3C pKa OH O OH OH 1 NO2 O2 N 5 O 7 O EtO OH 10 10 O CH3OH H2O 15.3 15.74 H OEt 12 20 25 - 21 ! Substituted benzenes ! Phenol (Y = OH) OH O OH O -H+ -H+ +H+ +H+ 1. Delocalization of the charge via the aromatic ring 2. An inductive electron withdrawing effect this anion is localized on the electronegative oxygen ! 1. ‘Delocalization’ O O The lone pair in a p-orbital on oxgen, which is perpendicular to the plane of the ring, can interact with the π−system. 22 ! Substituted benzenes ! 1. ‘Delocalization’ (continued) We can draw the interaction of the electrons on the oxygen with the aromatic ring in a shorthand way as: O O O O [Remember – the charge is not actually moving around the ring] This gives us an indication that the charge is delocalized around the ring ! 2. Inductive The aromatic substituent is sp2 hybridized (vs sp3 hybridized in cyclohexanol) and hence has more ‘s’ character. The higher proportion of ‘s’ character means that the electrons see more effective nuclear charge [cf radial probability functions]. Hence the aromatic sp2 carbon (in phenol) is more electronegative than the sp3 carbon (in cyclohexanol) and therefore more electron-withdrawing. 23 ! Substituted benzenes: Y = CO2H (benzoic acids) ! Preparation: (1) Oxidation of toluene CO2H KMnO4 CO2H ! Preparation: (2) Grignard reaction with CO2 A Grignard reagent Br Mg dry Et 2O Et2O is an aprotic solvent MgBr O C O then H + CO 2H ! Substituted benzenes: Y = CO2H (benzoic acids), Y = NH2 (anilines) ! Benzoic acid pKa = 4.2 (compare with acetic acid CH3CO2H, pKa 4.8) O CO 2H O OH CO 2 O CH 3 is inductively electron donating (by hyperconjugation) The aryl ring is electron withdrawing (sp2 carbon vs sp3 ) ! Y = NH2 (anilines); Prepared by reduction of nitro compounds NH2 NO2 Sn/HCl or Pd/H2 (g) NH2 24 25 ! Substituted benzenes: Y = NH2 (anilines) ! Basicity: Aniline is less basic than cyclohexylamine NH 2 NH 3 -H+ NH 2 NH 3 -H+ +H+ +H+ pKaH = 10.7 pKaH = 4.6 ! Two effects: Delocalization Inductive effect NH2 N NH2 NH2 H H The N lone pair is not perfectly perpendicular to the aromatic ring sp3 sp2 sp2 carbon is more electronegative 26 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! More than one ‘position’ is available: Y Y Y Y E E+ E "ortho" "meta" E "para" The nature of Y affects both orientation (o- vs m- vs p-) and rate of reaction ! 1. Ortho- and para- directing, and ACTIVATING groups An ACTIVATING group means that the reaction goes faster than benzene Typically: Y = alkyl, NH2, NR2 (R = alkyl), NHCOR, OH, OR, OCOR) OMe OMe Br OMe OMe The OMe group is ACTIVATING (the reaction goes 109 times faster than it does with benzene) – why? Br Br Br ortho (minor) meta (not observed) Br para (major) 27 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! For non-reversible reactions (those under kinetic control), the rate of reaction is dictated by the activation energy TS 1 TS 2 To predict reactivity we need to look at the nature of the TS We can do this using the Hammond Postulate: E Activation energy Intermediate Y E Y Starting materials Y Products E o, m, p reaction progress The transition state looks like an intermediate close to it in energy [so anything that stabilizes the intermediate also stabilizes the transition state] 28 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! Therefore consider intermediates in this reaction: ! for the ortho- case OMe Br Br OMe OMe Br Ortho: the intermediate carbocation is stabilized by the OMe group This leads to a LOWER energy TS Therefore: rate of reaction in this position is HIGHER OMe Br -H+ OMe Br Br 29 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! Therefore consider intermediates in this reaction: ! for the meta-case HOMO π C=C OMe OMe Br OMe OMe Br LUMO Br-Br Br meta: the intermediate carbocation is NOT stabilized by the OMe group The TS is relatively higher in energy Therefore: rate of reaction in this position is LOWER Br -H+ OMe Br Br 30 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! Therefore consider intermediates in this reaction: ! for the para- case OMe Br OMe OMe OMe Br Br Br Br para: the intermediate carbocation is stabilized by delocalization involving the OMe group This leads to a LOWER energy TS -H+ OMe Therefore: rate of reaction in this position is HIGHER There is less steric hindrance in the para position than in the ortho position Br 31 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! If we take all this and relate it to TS energy: benzene higher in energy ΔEa for Benzene TS 1 mhigher in energy TS 2 Therefore: more stable intermediate formed faster, and ortho- and para- products predominate E ΔEa for p-OMe benzene Intermediate o-, psimilar in energy Starting materials Products reaction progress 32 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! 2. Ortho- and para- directing, and DEACTIVATING groups A DEACTIVATING group means these reactions go slower than benzene Typically: Y = F, Cl, Br, I (these groups ‘withdraw’ and ‘donate’ electrons) Cl Cl Br Cl Cl Br Br FeBr3 Br ortho (minor) meta (not observed) Br para (major) Halogens withdraw electrons via an inductive effect (this affects the rate) and donate through the unsaturated system (this affects orientation and is sometimes called a ‘mesomeric’ effect). 33 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! Consider ortho- FeBr 3 Cl Br Br Cl Cl Cl Br Br Br Br 2 FeBr 3 A catalyst is needed (chlorobenzene is less reactive than benzene due to inductive effect of the Cl) The Cl lone pair can conjugate with the ring in the ortho and para cases, but not in the meta case Therefore: rate of reaction in o, p positions is HIGHER than in m -H+ Cl Br ortho and para bromination observed 34 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! Reaction coordinate: TS 1 mhigher in energy TS 2 o-, psimilar in energy E benzene lower in energy Intermediate Starting materials Products reaction progress Conclusions: Benzene is more reactive than chlorobenzene (Cl is electronegative) Orientation a consequence of delocalization of lone pairs though π-system 35 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! 2. Meta- directing, and DEACTIVATING groups A DEACTIVATING group means these reactions go slower than benzene Typically: NO2, SO3H, almost all carbonyl compounds (CO2H, CO2R, CHO, COR) CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me NO 2 NO 2 H 2SO4 HNO 3 NO 2 NO 2 MAJOR ! Consider ortho- and metaCO2Me CO2Me NO 2 NO 2 both very minor CO2Me CO2Me NO 2 NO 2 Cation destabilized as next to the electron withdrawing group The cation is never next to the electron withdrawing group 36 ! How do substituents affect reactivity? ! 2. Meta- directing, and DEACTIVATING groups o-, phigher in energy TS 1 TS 2 mlower in energy E benzene lower in energy Intermediate Starting materials Products reaction progress Conclusions: Benzene reacts faster than these substrates as it is more electron-rich o, p intermediate destabilized by EWG – meta favoured 37 ! Real world examples: ! Designing a synthetic route: substituent effects are important for selectivity and efficiency CO2H NO2 CO2H NO2 or or NO2 TARGET MATERIAL All cheap and readily available Which is the best starting material? The idea: prepare target material (TM) in a clean, selective and efficient fashion ! Consider monosubstituted starting materials: CO2H CO2H group deactivating m - directing NO2 Me group activating o, p - directing NO2 group deactivating m - directing 38 ! Real world examples: ! Choice of starting material: mono-nitration (product is less electron-rich than SM) HNO 3 H 2SO4 para-position minor product though statistically more dominant (steric reasons) NO 2 [note: there are effectively twice as many ortho- positions – a statistical effect] 37% para59% ortho- ! The order of reactions in a synthetic sequence can be important CO2H CH3 group o- & p- directing ROUTE 1 OXIDIZE NITRATE NO2 NO2 NO2 group m-directing ROUTE 2 NO2 NO2 Which route is best? NO2 NITRATE CO2H OXIDIZE NO2 39 ! Real world examples: ! ROUTE 1 : Oxidation then nitration CO2H group m-directing CO2H KMnO4 NO2 HNO3 H2SO4 NO2 CO2H CO2H NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 group m-directing UNDESIRED Conclusion: This produces a mixture of the materials we want (and something else that we don’t want) NO2 TARGET MATERIAL ! ROUTE 2 : Nitration then oxidation CH3 group o, p- directing CO2H NO2 HNO3 NO2 KMnO4 H2SO4 NO2 NO2 group m- directing NO2 NO2 the only product we observe Conclusion: this is the optimum route – the ORDER of steps is important 40 ! What about arenes with two or more groups? ! Which effects dominate? Examine the effects of individual substituents: electronically first, then consider steric effects Me Me Me CO 2H Br Me Cl NO 2 CH3 groups o-, p- directing CH3: o-, pCl: o-, p- NO 2: meta CH3: ortho CO 2H: meta Br: ortho, para 41 ! What about arenes with two or more groups? ! (i) substituents direct to conflicting positions Broadly categorize substituents into 3 classes of decreasing effect (1) STRONGLY activating and ortho- & para- directing (OH, OR, NH2 and NR2 groups) (2) Alkyl groups and halogens (3) All other meta- directors If substituents are in ‘different’ classes, then the ‘higher numbered class’ dominates. O OMe HN O NMe 2 H F F 3C Me OMe: o, p F: o, p OMe dominates F para NHAc: o, p Me: o, p NHAc dominates Me ortho MeO OMe NMe 2: o, p CF3: m NMe 2 dominates CF3 para OMe: o, p CHO: m OMe dominates para All ortho- & para- directors generally dominate over meta- 42 ! What about arenes with two or more groups? ! (i) If substituents are in the same class then it is to be expected that mixtures will be produced (and hence that this is maybe not a good route to the proposed compound!) CO 2Me Cl Me: o, p Cl: o, p MIXTURE CO 2Me CO 2Me: meta MIXTURE Important to remember that we can extend and modify these effects through functional group interconversion reactions: NO 2 NH 2 H 2, Pd (or Sn/HCl) Deactivating meta- NaNO 2 N HCl (aq.), 0˚C V. activated o-, p- SN1-like (radicals) N ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) 43 44 ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) Part I TS 1 TS 2 Activation energy Intermediate E “The transition state looks like an intermediate close to it in energy” Y Starting materials Y Products E o, m, p reaction progress OH 1.Very activated by conjugation 2. direct o,p (conjugation) Cl 1. deactivated (inductive) 2. direct o,p (conjugation) CH3 1. activating (inductive) 2. direct o, p (hyperconjugation) NO2 1. deactivated (conjugation) 2. m- directing (conjugation) CF3 1. deactivated (inductive) 2. m- directing (inductive) ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) 45 46 ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) Part II (a) H+ H FAST SLOW F- secondary most stable (hyperconjugation) concentration of benzene must be much higher than concentration of alkylbenzene to outcompete donating effect of alkyl group (product is more reactive than the SM) FeBr 3 Br Br H FeBr 3 1,2 hydride shift generate more stable 2˚ cation ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) 47 48 ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) part II (b) NMe 2 NMe 2 a powerful donor - more reactive than protonated form. Therefore reacts faster even though a minor component of equilibrium H HNO 3 H 2SO4 Anilines are weakly basic OMe NMe 2 More abundant but less reactive anilinium. Now not a good donor/activator Mostly inductively withdrawing (deactivated) meta- predominates protonated in strong acid OMe OMe group not basic Not protonated in strong acid Therefore: still activating ortho- & para directing through conjugation of the OMe group. HNO 3 H 2SO4 direct o,p ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) 49 50 ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) Part III (a) N NH 2 NH 2 D + (DCl, D 2O) D N D D D 0-5˚C, H 2O heat NH 2 activating o-, p- directing NaNO 2, H 2SO4 D D (what about protonation on N?) the N-acetyl derivative is a less reactive and non-basic alternative CuBr heat O O H D D D H MgBr N D Br D D Mg, Et 2O D D D 51 ! Exam question (2007 long vacation) Part III (b) Sn/HCl HNO3 H2SO4 NH2 NO2 O Cl LiAlH4 HN HN O 52 ! Diazonium salts ! Diazonium salt generation: NaNO2 + HCl HNO2 + NaCl N O + H2O H H NH 2 HCl N N O N N OH H N O If HCl is used, we often get some chlorobenzene formed So the other option is to use H 2SO4 (less nucleophillic counterion) Diazo salts are stable in solution below about 0˚C N N Cl 53 ! Diazonium salts ! Effectively the SN1 reaction for aromatic compounds (cation NOT stable!) N OH 2 N warm OH H + /H2O N 2: World's best leaving group sp2 cation not stabilized by delocalization loss of N 2 entropically favoured Compare with SNAr reaction in the next lecture. ! We can use this principle to introduce other functional groups (such as iodine) N N KI H2O I 54 ! Diazonium salts ! Iodide introduction probably a radical mechanism Remember: single headed ('fish-hook') arrows indicate the movement of a single electron N N N N I I I I I I I I I I2 one electron two electrons N N N N I I chain process continues 55 ! Diazonium salts ! Fluorine introduction (the Balz-Schiemann reaction) N NH2 N BF4- F Mechanism: probably via fluoride trapping onto an aryl cation -N2 NaNO2 HF, BF3 [it is generally demanding to introduce fluorine onto an aromatic ring] ! (iii) The Sandmeyer reaction (to introduce Cl, Br CN) N NH2 N NaNO2 Cl- X Cu X aq. HCl X = Cl, Br, CN 56 ! Diazonium salts ! Sandmeyer reaction mechanism N N X N Cu X N + N 2 (g) Copper is oxidized X Cu(I) Cu X Cu(II) Copper is reduced X Cu Recycle - catalytic in Cu X Cu(I) 57 ! Diazonium salts ! Replacement by ‘H’ not a good way to make benzene, but useful for directing other groups, though an outdated way to achieve this – better methods available N NH 2 Br N Br NaNO 2 aq. HCl HO 2C Br NH 2 used to direct orientation of bromination Br O Cl H Br HO 2C -N2 (g) Br Br HO 2C Br O P H H H Br Br HO 2C Br Br 58 ! Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution ! SNAr (substitution nucleophilic aromatic) O O N OH – N O O HO F Overall: substitution on an aromatic ring – what is the mechanism? ! Mechanistic considerations: I. Cannot be SN2 C-F σ* F NO2 F NO2 SN2 requires access to s* orbital of C-F bond (which is buried inside the aromatic ring) Therefore nucleophile (HO-) cannot get ‘anti’ to the requisite C-F bond 59 ! Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution ! Mechanistic considerations: II. Unlikely to be SN1 (compare with diazo compounds!) O N O SN1 O N X O F Carbocation would be in an sp2 orbital (and would not be stabilized by the aromatic ring) Compare with other cations we have seen: H H H Cation not stabilized by delocalization tertiary carbocation stabilized by hyperconjugation Allylic cation delocalized through pi-conjugation 60 ! Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution ! Mechanism: an addition-elimination reaction O N O HO- N O O HO F O N HO O HO F HO N O O N O O HO F F These arrows indicate that the intermediate anion is delocalized Reminder: there is no actual movement of electrons or oscillation between these structures Remember: SN2 reactions at sp2 centres (including aromatic rings) are very rare For nucleophilic aromatic substitution an Electron-Withdrawing Group (EWG) is required ortho or para to the leaving group on the aromatic ring. 61 Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Our shorthand structures indicate that the charge is delocalized around the ring but is centred on the ‘ortho’ and ‘para’ positions – is there evidence for this? For Anion (often called a ‘Meisenheimer’ complex) H Consistent with an anion at these centres NH 2 78 13C 132 NMR: o, p- carbons very shielded 76 3 In both cases the ionic charge is localized almost exclusively to the ortho and para positions Implication: groups to stabilize the anionic intermediates in SNAr reactions MUST be on these carbons 62 ! Addition-Elimination reactions ! Compare with other addition-eliminations: (i) conjugate substitution of an amine O [written as ArNH2] O O Cl EtO OEt heat + EtO OEt NH 2 EtO O NH Amine nucleophiles prefer 1,4 addition Cl ArNH2 Overall additionelimination mechanism O EtO EtO -OEt O O Ac H N O EtO EtO H Cl OEt N H Cl ArNH2 63 ! Addition-Elimination reactions ! (ii) conjugate substitution of an alcohol O MeOH Cl H O MeOH Ph MeO Ph Overall additionelimination mechanism -HCl Me Cl O H proton transfer O Ph (this could be interor intramolecular) Me Cl O H O Ph 64 ! Addition-Elimination reactions ! Example of SNAr RSH SR Cl Cl N RSH O SR -Cl Cl Base Cl N O O Cl N O Only the ortho chlorine is lost – the meta one is retained O O ! Further confirmation: isolation of an intermediate (!) O MeN NO 2 O N O H O MeN MeN O NO 2 HO - O N O NO 2 O N O A stable molecule (structure confirmed by X-ray crystallography) (1) Nucleophile is intramolecular, and so cannot ‘escape’ (2) Alkoxides are not great leaving groups 65 ! Addition-Elimination reactions ! Which (EWG) groups can accelerate nucleophilic aromatic substitution? So far we have seen the NO2 group – but other groups can also function in this regard. O FAST SLOW F F O O Nu Nu Nu So any group that can stabilize the negative charge in the intermediate can facilitate the reaction – so carbonyl groups are effective too 66 ! Addition-Elimination reactions ! Nucleophilic aromatic substitution is generally fastest when the leaving group is fluoride. O SLOW RDS F [breaks aromaticity] F O O FAST [restores aromaticity] Nu Nu Nu Rate F > Cl > Br > I [compare with SN2: Rate I > Br > Cl > F] The rate-determining step is attack of the nucleophile on the aromatic ring as this breaks the aromaticity. The second step, involving loss of the leaving group and restoration of aromaticity, is fast. Implication: we need an electronegative leaving group Electronegative F polarizes s-bond and inductively withdraws electron density from the high energy anionic intermediate Note that the reaction is bimolecular in the RDS and therefore: Rate = k [substrate] [Nu-] 67 ! Application in the real world ! Synthesis of Fluoxetine ‘Prozac’ - serotonin uptake inhibitor for treatment of depression F NHMe HO + Ph F3C Me2NAc NHMe O NaH Ph F3C NaH FAST F F F3C NHMe O Ph CF3 is a powerful electron withdrawing group SLOW NHMe O F3C Ph Anion stabilized by EWG 68 ! Application in the real world ! Example of SNAr in the synthesis of a complex molecule: Synthesis of Vancomycin O sugar O HO H N O O O Cl O H N H H O NH Cl N H O HO OH OH H N O NH2 HO2C OH O N H NHMe 69 ! Vancomycin and antibiotic resistance O sugar Cl O HO O H N O H O Cl O H N H O NH N H O OH H N O Glycopeptide antibiotic O Isolated from Nocarida orientalis in soil samples in mid-50s NHMe N H NH2 HO2C OH OH HO ! Timeline Sulfonamides Penicillin discovered Erythromycin (macrolides) β-lactams (penicillin, cephalosporins) 1928 Vancomycin 1952 1932 1940's Quinolones Linezolid (a new class!) 1962 1956 2000 A penicillin derivative – methicillin – was used in preference to Vancomycin (toxicity), but now Vancomycin is ‘last line of defence’ to treat methicillin-resistant staphlococcus aureus [MRSA]. 70 ! Application in the real world ! Example of SNAr in the synthesis of a complex molecule: Synthesis of Vancomycin Fluorine orthoto nitro group Bond made by SN Ar Phenol (pKa 10) Cl NO 2 OR F HO OR OH O 2N H 2NOC O H N H O NH HO Na 2CO 3 H N NHR H O OH MeO Na 2CO3 NH OMe OMe F SLOW N O NHR H O OH O N O F O OR Cl O OR FAST OR O Cl O H N H N H O H 2NOC OMe OMe MeO OR O Cl OR OR 71 ! Recap of lecture 4 ! 1. Nucleophilic additions to alkenes can be under Kinetic or Thermodynamic control KCN (cat.) HCN,80˚C O KCN (cat.) HCN, 0˚C O HO CN NC Thermodynamic Kinetic If the reaction is reversible, the conjugate addition product predominates (strong C=O bond is retained) ! 2. Reactions can be dominated by charge or by orbital control HOMO Nu: Nu: O O LUMO High energy HOMO on Nu: close in energy to LUMO on C=O 72 ! Recap of lecture 4 ! 3. Hard and Soft Nucleophiles and Electrophiles Kinetic and Thermodynamic O Bu Kinetic BuMgBr O BuMgBr Bu OH 1% CuCl Soft Nucleophile Orbital controlled Hard Nucleophile Charge controlled Hard nucleophiles are generally small and charged [ie; HO-, Cl-, H-] Soft nucleophiles are generally uncharged, less electrophilic [ie: I-, RS-, RSH, RPH] ! 2. Reactions can be dominated by charge or by orbital control O O O Cl All 1,2 (direct) addition R NO2 NR2 All 1,4 (conjugate) addition More reactive nucleophiles and electrophiles prefer direct addition. Less reactive nucleophiles and electrophiles prefer conjugate addition. 73 ! Recap of lecture 5 ! 1. Benzene possesses aromatic stability also drawn as: Benzene is an aromatic, conjugated system The 'aromatic stability' is worth about 150kJ mol-1 a continuous system through overlap of 6 p-orbitals ! 2. Benzene reacts with reactive electrophiles to give substitution products O N O H O N O O N O Proceeds via cationic intermediate {as seen in Friedel Crafts, halogenation, nitration, sulfonation} 74 ! Recap of lecture 5 ! 3. Friedel-Crafts alkylation is not usually a useful reaction (rearrangement and polyalkylation result)… AlCl3 Cl minor major MORE reactive than SM plus other further substituted products ! 4…….so we use Friedel-Crafts acylation instead O AlCl3 O Cl NH2NH2 KOH, heat less reactive than SM WolffKishner reaction 75 ! Recap of lecture 6 ! 1. The Hammond Postulate helps us make assumptions about what the transition state looks like TS 1 TS 2 The intermediate is closer in energy to the TS than to the SM and therefore more resembles the TS than the SM H Br E Therefore: anything that stabilizes the intermediate will stabilize the TS H Intermediate Br Starting materials Products Reaction progress ! 2. Substituents on a ring affect the rate of reaction with electrophiles…. O N O very deactivated by conjugation [CN, CO2R, SO3R] Cl deactivated inductive withdrawal [Halogens] CH3 activating inductive effect [alkyl groups] OR Very activated by conjugation [O and N] 76 ! Recap of lecture 6 ! 3. ....and also affect orientation O N O Cl meta only [CN, CO2R, SO3R] o, p direction donation by conjugation [Halogens] CH3 OR some o, p direction [alkyl groups] o, p directing by conjugation [O and N] ! 4. We can rationalize this through considering delocalization in the intermediate(s) Disfavoured - Minor product CO2Me CO2Me NO 2 NO 2 Favoured - Major product CO2Me CO2Me NO 2 NO 2 cation next to EWG - destabilized cation is never next to EWG - 77 ! Recap of lecture 7 ! 1. When designing a synthetic route we need to consider the order of steps CO2H CO2H CO2H NO2 NO2 NO2 1. Oxidize 1. Nitrate 2. Nitrate 2. Oxidize NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 Mixture of products Single Product ! 2. When considering different or conflicting groups (orientation and activation), we can generally say that ortho- and para- directors win over meta and also that OR and NR2 groups are generally dominant over everything else. OMe activates and directs o- & pF deactivates and directs o- and p- O OMe H CHO deactivates and directs m- F MeO OMe both OMe groups activate and direct o- and p- 78 ! Recap of lecture 7 ! 3. Diazo compounds are easily made and transformed – an aromatic SN1 reaction NH2 NaNO2 N N OH H2O, warm HCl (aq.), 0˚C sp2 cation not stabilized by delocalization Stable at 0-5˚C ! 4. We can also do radical reactions with diazonium salts (the Sandmeyer Reaction). N N Cl NH2 NaNO2 X Cu X aq. HCl X = Cl, Br, CN