JANUARY - United Presbyterian Church Denison Iowa

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00AM – 1:00PM
Office Telephone:
Office Administrator:
Barb Kessel
Barb Haley
Jerry Boettger
Daryl Philipp
Kyle Bohnker
Bill Bruce
Robin Adams
Allen Olson
Elaine Chapman
Clerk of Session:
Patti Boettger
Randy Russum
Phyllis Lewis, Chair
Ala Smithson
Pat Bilsten
Faith Blair
Bette Bruce
Cathy Christiansen
Phyllis Harms
Mary Goettsch
Denise Philipp
Lue’s Lines
Happy New Year!! Have you made your resolutions
yet? How many have you broken already? It
seems we tend to make the same resolutions
every year: Lose weight, spend less, exercise
more …. The Bible reminds us that the spirit is
willing but the flesh is weak.
When we acknowledge our weaknesses and inability to change ourselves and turn our attention
to God as the architect and molder of our lives
as well as our hearts, we become the clay in
God’s loving and wise hands. Therefore, our
resolutions must change from seeking after a
desired outcome to seeking after God. Zechariah 4:6 declares “It’s not by power, not by
might, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.” It is through God’s Spirit that we are
to accomplish our purposes and goals. In John
15:5 Jesus tells us, “I am the vine, you are
the branches. He who abides in me, and I in
him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart
from me you can do nothing. These scriptures
demonstrate that the responsibility to change
or to fulfill our desires (or resolutions) isn’t based entirely upon our will but God’s
Spirit living in us.
Although no one can go back and make a brand new start,
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
-Carl Bard
January Deacons & Greeters
**If anyone needs a ride to church on Sunday or any other activities at the church, please give
the deacon a call or call the church
Office 263-4130.**
Jan. 3rd @ 10:30 AM
Greeters: Les & Phyllis Lewis
Deacon/Usher: Bette Bruce
Jan. 24th @ 10:30AM
Greeters: Ed Jepsen
Deacon/Usher: Bette Bruce
Jan. 10th @ 10:30 AM— Cantata
Greeters: Daryl & Denise Philipp
Deacon/Usher: Bette Bruce
Jan. 31st @ 10:30AM
Greeters: Wayne Igou
Deacon/Usher: Bette Bruce
Jan. 17th @ 10:30AM
Greeters: Richard & Cathy Christiansen
Deacon/Usher: Bette Bruce
November 29th
December 6th
December 13th
December 20th
SS 9
SS 11
Worship 24
Worship 48
Worship 70
Congregational Meeting
January 10, 2016
To elect Elders & Deacons
For any weather cancellations at church, listen to KDSN Radio 107.1FM
Bible Verses to Investigate…
Isaiah 43:1-7, 62:1-5
Jeremiah 31:7-14, 1:4-10
Nehemiah 8:1-6
Stewardship & Finance
2016 Per Capita Dues have been set by Presbytery as $32.37 per person.
Please submit your per capita. Our church is
responsible for these dues for each member
even if you don’t pay us. Be sure to mark your
check memo or envelope as per capita. If you
haven’t done so, please pick up your contribution envelopes in the back of the sanctuary.
Your 2015 contribution statement and 2016
pledge forma will arrive the first part of January.
General Fund:
Bank Balance
(November 30, 2015)
Balance: $
Income: $
Expense: $
Jerry Boettger
January Bible Trivia
Who prophesied that Christ would be brought as a
lamb to slaughter before those who judge him?
A) Samuel
B) Isaiah
C) Jeremiah
D) John
*look for the answer in next month’s newsletter
December Bible Trivia Answer
Who was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary?
A) Jacob
Reference: Matthew 1:16
Scrapbook Retreat
January 15-17, 2016
Small business owners, self-employed, professionals, team leaders & executives.
February 4-7, 2016
A Confirmation Retreat for Youth & their Leaders
February 19-21, 2016
Presbyterian Mission
Presbyterian Church, USA
Presbytery of Prospect Hill
Next Meeting: January 21, 2016 @ 7PM
The Elders met on Thursday December 17, 2015 at 7:00pm.
Randy Russom served as the Moderator and Jerry Boettger gave the Devotions.
Cathy Christensen had a request to hang a picture from Pearl Jepsen, her Aunt, somewhere in the church. Thank you, Cathy
what a beautiful addition to our church.
The Pastor Nominating Committee is proceeding on schedule. Thank you to the PNC for all their dedicated time, to search for
our minister.
Thank you to the Commission on Ministry for approving and training Robin Adams, Joyce and Kyle Bohnker, Denise Philipp and
Bill Bruce to preside at the Table in Denison for a year. Thank you to these Elders for taking the time to receive training, so they
can provide us with Communion.
We will be having a Christmas Eve service. Thanks to Joyce and Kyle Bohnker and Denise and Daryl Philipp. Kyle continues to
work very hard to find people to fill the pulpit. The Elders will continue to search for an Interim Minister.
We will be having a Congregation Meeting Sunday January 10, 2016 at 11:30am for the purpose of electing the new Elders and
We will be cleaning the carpets, in the Sanctuary sometime in the spring 2016.
RL Craft finished some repair work on the roof, on the south end of the building. The carpets will be repaired. We have a beautiful building to worship in. It takes a lot of time, work and people to keep everything looking nice and functioning. Thank you to
everyone who helps keep our building looking presentable.
With winter approaching, if the weather is dangerous, please listen to KDSN for cancellation of our services. Kyle Bohnker, Al
Olson and Jerry Boettger will be the Elders to decide whether to cancel the services because of inclement weather.
Barb Kessel, our church secretary, is at the office usually Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 1:00pm. If you are ever in
need of some assistance, Barb can help you or she will find the sources that will help. If you need assistance after these hours,
you can call any elder, and they would be glad to help you. Elders are Robin Adams, Bill Bruce, Kyle Bohnker, Elaine Chapman, Daryl Philipp, Jerry Boettger and Patti K. Boettger.
Next Meeting: January 11, 2016 @ 7:30PM
2016! The new year seems an appropriate time to consider where God has taken us in the past year.
The Board of Deacons began the year by re-evaluating our "job description". We have taken seriously
our calling to meet the needs of our church family, by visiting shut-ins faithfully, by sending greetings to
those celebrating birthdays, by providing rides to worship services and other church activities, by serving fellowship coffee, by helping to maintain our church facilities, by preparing the sanctuary for worship services, by welcoming visitors to our church, and by serving as head ushers. And we continue to
look for ways to expand this ministry. Your suggestions and comments
are not just welcomed, they are vital!
Thank you to the three deacons whose terms are expiring-Phyllis Lewis, Ala Smithson, and Denise Philipp. Though
their terms are up, their ordination is for a lifetime, and
we are sure they will continue to serve in other areas of
the church.
Fellowship & Outreach
We would like to take the time to thank the ladies of the F&O for all the delicious meals they serve to us each year, the time they spend serving each of us
when needed is a true blessing we can all be thankful for.
Thank you ladies!
The youth group will be meeting at the UPC for January. Thank you to one and all
who dedicate their time to our children.
Legend of Poinsettia
Dr. Joel Poinsett, who was the first ambassador to Mexico, brought the bright red starshaped flower to the United States. Hence, it was names as Poinsettia. It is also known as
'Flame Leaf' or 'Flower of the Holy Night'.
There was once a brother-sister pair who was very poor.
They lived in a village and they had barely enough to eat
two full meals a day. As the Christmas time approached, festivities, parades and parties in the village
attracted the children. The gaiety of the season in itself
was quite charismatic. Moreover, a large manger scene
was being set up in the village church and all the children were eager to go to Baby Jesus and give him the
best present. Mario and Pablo also wanted to give expensive presents to the Holy Child that He will love.
While all children were discussing, what they think is
best for the baby and what they will buy as the gift for Him, Mario and Pablo knew that
they had no money to buy the presents and had nothing that they could gift to the child.
Yet, they could not let go of the temptation to see the baby just once and give something to
Him. On Christmas Eve, Maria and Pablo set out for church a little earlier than others to
attend the service. Since they had nothing to give to the child, they thought of plucking
some weeds that was growing along the roadside to make a soft bed for Baby Jesus and
decorate his crib. While they were still decorating the crib of the Baby, other children also
arrived. Now, children can be very cruel when it comes to teasing and making fun of others. Mario and Pablo were almost in tears for shame and helplessness when a miracle occurred. Suddenly, the weeds burst into bright red petals that looked like stars and were so
beautiful that everyone was awed by their beauty. Everybody realized and said that a gift
of love is dearer to Jesus than the most expensive presents that money could buy. Ever
since then, Poinsettia flowers have become favorites for Christmas decorations.
I would like to thank everyone who brought food to give to the disabled veterans.
It was much appreciated by all. It felt good to give and especially to those who
have given so much for us. Your donation helped make spirits bright.
-Madilyn Kessel
Thank you for the Thanksgiving bouquet and my birthday card.
-Dorothy Pollock
The Three Wise Men arrived to visit the Child in the manger. One of the wise men bumped his
head on the low doorway as he entered the stable. “Jesus Christ!” he exclaimed, rubbing his
Joseph said, “Write that down, Mary; it’s a lot better than Stanley!”
Lue’s Lines, CONTINUED….
Let whatever needs, resolutions, or desires
that you have, cause you to go deeper in
Christ. Use these 10 steps to go deeper in
God this New Year.
1) Be still before the Lord and know that he
is God and that he really does have everything under control. Learn to silence all
thoughts and eliminate all emotions that pull
you from resting under the shadow of the almighty.
2) Stop trying to fill your hunger and anxiety with things that can’t satisfy. Instead,
ask God to fill the voids in your life with
his love, mercy, and grace.
3) Enter into God’s rest. The Bible says that
he can do exceedingly abundantly above what
we can ask for or think. The only thing he needs from us is faith,
trust, and obedience.
4) Keep your eyes on Jesus instead of your circumstances. The scripture says, “I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed
upon me.” Jesus is the answer to every problem you are facing, continually bring your attention back to his love, power, and faithfulness.
5) Be filled with the Spirit. Give the Holy Spirit permission to
live in and through you and be receptive to his still small voice in
your heart. Eliminate any attitudes or mindsets that limit the work
of the Spirit in you life.
6) Become an instrument of God’s love. The Bible says that God is
love, that love never fails, that perfect love casts out fear, and
that we are made perfect in love. Want to become more like God, then
let love motivate your every action.
7) Take every concern to God. The Word of God tells us to cast every
care upon Him because he cares for us. Too often we will tell everybody but God our problems. But something supernatural happens when
we turn every care over to God. He actually takes them and leaves us
with his peace instead. A peace that passes all understanding.
The result of going deeper in God will be a new you, a healthier
you, a more joyful and content you.
If you make only one new years resolution, let it be to surrender
yourself more fully to the living and transformational power of God
and to let him do the work he wants to do in you and through you.
God's blessings to each of you in the coming year. Lue
In Memory of...
Given By…
Roy & Donna Wood
Warren & Alice Olson
Dr. & Mrs. RJ Kotval
Art Boettger
Donna Freese (Beth’s Mom)
Bob & Leona Philipp
Don Geiken
Rex & Delores Lewis
Ray & Adelaid North
Bob Buol
Family & Friends
Michele Olson
Dick Dueland
Scott Chapman
Family Members
Carol Igou
Harold McCollugh
Dorothy Norman
Kay Moen Wolff
Steve & Deb Fitzgerald
Dale & Penny Kinney
Jerry & Patti K Boettger
Jerry & Patti K Boettger
Dean & Beth Artgosinger
Daryl & Denise Philipp
Daryl & Denise Philipp
Les & Phyl Lewis
Les & Phyl Lewis
Don, Jayne, & Robert Lyons
Duane, Kristy, Gene & Tim Zenk
Allen Olson & Family
Charlotte Dueland & Family
Gayle & Maggie Chapman
Harold & Elaine Chapman
Wayne Igou
Richard & Cathy Christiansen
Ruth & David Moen
Ruth & David Moen
In Honor of...
Darlene Geiken
Bob & Edith Lyons
Family & Friends
Given By…
Daryl & Denise Philipp
Don, Jayne & Robert Lyons
Duane, Kristy, Gene & Tim Zenk
Denison UPC
1/5 Kristy Zenk
1/13 Bob Irwin
1/7 Kenny Davis
1/14 Kathy Jones
1/8 Phyllis Harms
1/17 Ron Evilsizer
1/9 Daymon Schmidt
1/18 Vicki Nixon
1/12 Mark Moreland
1/20 Gayle Chapman
1/13 Drexel & Vicki Nixon