ITE College Central FY2008 Yearbook: Creativity & Innovation

ITE college central//fy2008
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
The Master Plan
- Charting a Path Forward
The Blue Print
On the Radar Screen
- Crew in Action
- Nurturing Authentic Learners
- Innovation in New Wave
Ride The Sky
- Applauding Ability, Enhancing Capability
Realising Dreams
- Celebrate Student Success
Up in the Friendly Skies
- Enhancing Visibility, Increasing Equity
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
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the master plan
charting a path forward
Leadership renewal, college
re-structuring, niche programmes
marketing and total system
capability development are part
of the Master Plan. These
key pillars have helped to chart
the path of growth for the
College in FY2008.
// principal’s message
// 007
The College continually seeks out new benchmarks to further enhance its systems
and processes so that our response to changes will stay nimble and transparent.
The Enhanced Communication Framework for students and a Holistic Student
Development Framework were introduced in 2008 to engage our students
meaningfully and to nurture them into all-rounded individuals through the 8 tracks
of student development and enrichment. The Integrated Student Management
System was also implemented to instill in students professional conduct and
FY2008 has been an encouraging year of action at ITE College Central as
we continued to establish our key pillars of growth – Leadership Renewal,
College Restructuring, Niche Programmes Marketing, and Total System Capability
I am pleased to report that the College has made notable progress towards building
our niche strengths and positioning ourselves as A College of Creativity and
In essence, 5 strategic programmes covering the aspects of People, Process, Place,
Product and Promotion constituted the College’s priority agenda for FY2008.
As we look forward to the development of our new comprehensive campus
@ Ang Mo Kio in 2012, we remain mindful of the many needs of our staff and students.
While preparation works are underway for the planning and development of our
comprehensive campus, we will continue to work on the refurbishment of our
existing campuses with modern training and recreational facilities to cater to student
learning needs.
Moving forward into FY2009,
We will continue to forge strong links and collaborations with technical education
institutions the world over, and will seek to engage the international community
through Global Exchange Programmes, conferences and collaboration projects.
Niche courses and electives will be designed and introduced to prepare the workforce
for emerging areas in various industries.
Product and Promotion
Authentic learning and holistic development of students stay as our key priorities. The
College will continue to provide students opportunities for international exposure
through the Global Education Programme. Best-in-class practices will be introduced
to enhance student success and customer service. Efforts will be expanded to develop
the campuses into inspirational, nurturing and fun learning environments for our
student population to improve their learning effectiveness.
Our newly launched School of Design and Media (SDM) at ITE College Central is
a significant step towards fulfilling ITE’s commitment to train employable graduates
for the creative industries in Singapore. From the current 6 courses, the new SDM will
expand to offer a total of 10 new courses by 2012 to groom the skilled talents needed
in the creative arena.
While we undertake the challenges ahead, I would like to thank my management team
and all my colleagues for their dedication, outstanding teamwork and contributions.
I would also like to express my appreciation to all our stakeholders and industry
partners for their belief, continuing support and unwavering confidence in us. Last
but not least, I would like to congratulate all our graduates in 2008 for their successful
learning journey with the College.
As part of the image enhancement effort and to ensure the continued employability
of our graduates, the Precision Engineering (PEG) courses were re-structured and
re-packaged to bridge the gap of the PEG curriculum vis-à-vis industry needs and
demands. This initiative ensures that our PEG graduates constantly value-add and stay
relevant in the ever-changing manufacturing sector.
We believe that our strength lies in our staff, and the College is ever committed to
enhancing staff professionalism and building technological capabilities through
industry and collaboration projects with our training partners. Professionals in
specialized fields are recruited and internally groomed to complement the existing
team and to level up our capability in new technology areas.
Tan Seng Hua
ITE College Central
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
key performance
On the whole, the College had shown commendable improvements in our strategic
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in FY2008 compared with FY2007. The strategies
focusing on the development of our niche strengths contributed to an increase in
pre-employment training (PET) student intake, from 4,368 in FY2007 to 4,636 in
FY2008. Significantly, given the total number of training places offered under the
various courses at the College, a greater percentage was taken up by first-choice
applicants. This was manifested in a significant increase in our PET Subscription Rate,
from 0.77 in FY2007 to 0.95 in FY2008, also attributable to the good response to new
courses launched. A total of five new courses were launched in FY2008. Of these, four
were oversubscribed by 1.5 to 4.44 times the planned intake places.
Success Rate improved from 79.5% in FY2007 to 80.1% in FY2008. To motivate
our students to complete their courses successfully, the College had put in place
various strategic initiatives, including Enhanced Communication Framework for
Students, Integrated Student Management System and the Holistic Development
Framework that engages our students meaningfully and offers eight tracks of
development to nurture them into well-rounded individuals through co-curricular
activities (CCAs).
With increasing demands of globalisation, the College has also created more
opportunities for students to participate in the Global Education Programme (GEP).
The College will continue to build international networks and be engaged in more
global co-operation and collaboration initiatives, so as to better equip our students for
work in a globalised economy. For FY2008, 20.7% of our student cohort participated
in the GEP, representing a 6.5-percentage point increase from the 14.2% in FY2007.
// 009
// key performance review
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
College Favourability
Annual Student Intake
First-Choice Applicants Subscription Rate
Total Student Enrolment
Training Placement
Successful Education Outcomes
Students’ Satisfaction with ITE Education
Success Rate
Employment Rate
Participants’ Satisfaction with CET Programme
Module Success Rate
≥ 90%
stretch: ≥ 84%
≥ 90%
stretch: ≥ 95%
≥ 90%
≥ 90%
Holistic Development of Students
Student Overseas Participation Rate
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Attaining key performance
indicators and achieving milestone
accomplishments require detailed
planning and preparation on
the ground. Overall, the College
management is happy with the
FY2008 results.
the blueprint
crew in action
// 0012
management team
front row left to right
Mr Tan Seng Hua
Principal, ITE College Central
Ms Ng Lee Keng
Deputy Director, School of Business
& Services (Academic)
Mr Jimmy Yip
Deputy Director, Precision Engineering
& Projects
back row left to right
Mr Lim Teck Lee
Director, School of Engineering
Mr Yeow Swee Soon
Director, College Development
Dr Lee Teck Kheng
Deputy Director, Technology
Ms Florence Ang
Director, College Services
Mr Sebastian Lo
Deputy Director, School of Business
& Services (Operations & Projects)
Mr Callistus Chong
Director, School of Design & Media
Ms Yeo Sock Tin
Director, School of Electronics
& Info-Comm Technology
Mr Lemen Koh
Deputy Director, School of Electronics
& Info-Comm Technology
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
Ms Foo Yoke Ying
Mr Sim Kee Leong
Ms Serene Ong
Mr Christopher Leow
Ms Alice Lim
Mr Koh Chung King
Manager, Academic & Organisation Excellence
Manager, Student Services
Manager, Customer Service & External Relations
Manager, Student Development
Manager, Human Resource
Manager, Academic Services
Mr John Ho
Manager, Estates & Facilities Management
Mr Fang Wei
Manager, IT Services & Project Manager,
School of Business & Services
Mrs Lim-Sin Moy Luang
Campus Manager (Tampines Campus)
Ms Dorothy Chew
Campus Manager (Yishun Campus)
Ms Song Eng Eng
Campus Manager (MacPherson & Bedok Campus)
Mr Tan Thiam Siew
Campus Manager (Bishan Campus) & Manager,
Continuing Education & Training
// 015
//management team
Mr Foong Chee Weng
Course Manager, Mobile Communication
& Computing
Ms Wong Kim Booy
Course Manager, Digital Media Technology
Mr Soh Thiam Soon
Project Manager, School of Electronics
& Info-Comm Technology
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
Ms Jessie Ong
Mr Sim Kee Leong
Mr Fu Qiang
Mr Sangaran Gopal
Ms Loretta Chong Geok Teng
Mr Cheok Eng Choon
Course Manager, Physical Education
Course Manager, Facility Technology
Course Manager, Service Skills
Course Manager, Marine Engineering
Course Manager, Lifeskills
Mr Colin Chong Kong Fok
Course Manager, Design
Mr Irwanta Salim
Course Manager, Media
Mr Mike Oh Meng Teck
Project Manager, School of Design & Media
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//management team
Course Manager, Engineering Services
Mr Vincent Tang Weng Soon
Manager, Technology Development
Mr Tan Kwong Luck
Course Manager, Manufacturing Technology
Mr Ng Chwee Chan
Project Manager, School of Engineering
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
on the
radar screen
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nurturing authentic learners
A vibrant and exciting year filled with a myriad
of College activities. Through the staging of
these events, the holistic development of the
all-rounded individuals have been nurtured,
leadership and organisation skills have
been honed.
//college happenings
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Launch of School of Design & Media
The Creative Industries Development Strategy, formulated by the Ministry of
Information, Communication and the Arts in 2003, targets to double the industry’s
GDP contribution, from 3% to 6%. It will also create about 20,000 new jobs by
2012. While Singapore continues to attract international creative talents from all
around the world, it is also important that we develop our local talent pool.
The School of Design and Media aims to bridge the manpower gap by developing
skilled, industry-ready graduates with a robust design foundation
and real-world portfolios that will enable them to progress in their career or
further education.
The new School will offer holistic design education, characterised by a strong
foundation, with design specialisation and design excellence in niche areas.
While university graduates are trained for paradigm innovations and polytechnic
graduates for concept innovations, ITE’s design and media graduates will focus on
applications and work flow innovations.
The School offers four clusters of courses:
1. Architecture and Space Design
2. Communication and Interaction Design
3. Media and Broadcast Design
4. Product and Industrial Design
The new School of Design and Media will also leverage on the strengths and
design excellence of internationally-renowned institutions, such as University of
the Arts, London; Domus Academy of Milan; Toon Boom Animation Inc. of Canada;
Side Effects Software Inc. of Canada; and Autodesk Inc of the USA.
The launch of the School on 8 January 2009 marks an important step towards
developing ITE College Central as a College of Creativity and Innovation. It could
well be the creative ignition point to fuel Singapore’s foray into the fledgling
creative industry.
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//college happenings
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Xtreme Fiesta 2008
ITE Invitational Wushu Competition 2008
On 21 October 2008, more than 2400 students from secondary schools and
ITE Colleges congregated at Yishun campus for a day of fun, exhilaration and
adrenaline pumping moments. The Xtreme Fiesta, graced by Director & CEO,
Mr Bruce Poh, presented participants with the opportunity to engage themselves
in various outdoor, healthy lifestyle and community bonding activities. The
highlight of the event was the Xtreme Race where teams had to run along
a 1.8 km road, manoeuvre through a 2 km nature terrain, traverse across a 20m
monsoon drain, shoot a target and climb over a high wall. Whether it is through
such extreme sports or less demanding recreational activities, students realise that
healthy living can be achieved through fun and exciting ways.
On 18 October 2008, Mr Tan Seng Hua, Principal of ITE College Central, officially
launched the inaugural ITE Invitational Wushu Competition. A total of 85
participants from the polytechnics, NUS, NTU and ITE competed in 8 individual
and 2 team events. Officials from the National Wushu Federation presided as
judges. The ITE team did well, clinching 2 Gold and 7 Bronze medals. Kudos to
the organising team, led by Wushu Club Chairman, Tan Yi Loong (student from
Multimedia Technology) and guided by Ms Jessie Ong and Club Advisor,
Mr Wong Kwok Wah, for coordinating this enthralling competition.
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//college happenings
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Home Team National Service Award
The Home Team National Service Award pays special tribute and homage to
employers who went the extra mile in supporting their employees who are called
upon to serve. The presentation ceremony was held on 13 November 2008 and
this was the third time ITE College Central had won the Meritorious Home Team
Partner Award.
Clean & Green 2008
The College’s Greenery Club perpetuated the green movement by organising
the “Clean & Green” event on 4 November 2008. Mr Tan Seng Hua, Principal,
ITE College Central, planted a Foxtail Palm in front of the Directorate Office at
Block D, MacPherson Campus. Fringe activities included the Sandwich-Making
Competition, Photography Display, Pressed Flower Birthday Card competition,
movie screening and talks. There was also an exhibit of “The Most Innovative
Game Board Design on Recycling” which educated students on the importance
of keeping the environment clean and keeping dengue at bay. These activities
successfully brought home the message that all of us have a key part to play in
conserving our environment.
Visit by IQAF Assessors
A six-member External Review Panel conducted a site visit to ITE College Central
on 20 January 2009 as part of the ITE-Quality Assurance Framework (I-QAF)
assessment by the Ministry of Education. The objective of I-QAF is to ensure the
overall accountability and quality of ITE. The panel, appointed by MOE, comprised
three local assessors and three international assessors. During the assessment,
the panel met with staff and students from the College, and visited the Centre of
Excellence in New Media and the Engineering Applications and Solutions Centre
at MacPherson campus. The panel was impressed with how ITE has transformed
students’ lives and the passion and dedication of ITE’s staff.
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//college happenings
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CCA Roadshow at MacPherson Campus
The annual CCA Roadshow was held on the first week of the January 2009 term.
New students were encouraged to join at least one CCA from the various Sports,
Performing Arts and Clubs & Societies. The CCA Roadshow, which included talks
and student performances, was jointly organised by the Student Development
& Academic Services Department and the Student Council. Amidst the colourful
banners and bustle of activities, students were able to select a CCA and pursue
their interest in Leadership Development, Personal Empowerment, Technological
Enrichment, Sports Development, Arts & Cultural Enrichment, Entrepreneurship
Development, Global Citizenship and Community Service Engagement.
Leadership Experience Programme
55 ExCo student councilors participated in a Student Leadership Experience
Programme to Kuala Lumpur on 19 March 2009. The students learned about their
leadership styles through the DISC Personality Profiling Workshop. They were
also made more aware of the expectations of their role in the council. The trip
included a visit to Stamford College at Petaling Jaya, where student leaders from
ITE and Stamford College engaged in a lively forum on the topic, “Students Today,
Leaders Tomorrow”. Through the trip, students had the opportunity to forge new
friendships, soak in the sights and experience the Malaysian culture.
Hand-In-Hand, A Nation We Stand
Hair for Hope
“Connect Singapore – Hand-In-Hand, A Nation We Stand” was a youth-driven
project to celebrate Singapore’s 43 years of independence. 7 ITE student leaders
joined the project’s planning committee. Amongst them was Muhammad Afiq
Hakim, a student leader from ITE College Central, who helped to organise and
lead the student participants in forming the human chain on 8 August 2008. The
event also marked the launch of the Connect Singapore donation drive in aid of
President’s Challenge 2008. ITE College Central students did their part in this drive
by raising a total of $1,730.
In an unorthodox show of empathy to cancer stricken children, Ms Lee Jia En,
a staff from Yishun campus participated in the “Hair for Hope” charity drive
organized by the Children Cancer Foundation and bravely went on stage to
have her entire crown of hair shaved off. Apart from raising funds, the gesture
of shaving one’s hair strives to give the children and their family the much
needed moral support. With every individual who shaves his hair, it is a signal
to the children that they are not alone in their battle against cancer. Although
there were mixed reactions to Jia En’s new appearance after the event, it was her
conviction in helping the cancer stricken children that enabled her to overcome
the awkwardness of any comments.
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
innovation in new wave
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The college places a high premium on collaborative
partnerships with industry leaders to ensure
the relevancy of its training programmes. These
mutually-beneficial alliances have facilitated
the sharing of technological know-how and the
successful collaboration of industry projects.
//industry collaborations
// 031
ITE – ST Aerospace MOU
The MOU between ITE and ST Aerospace, signed on 13 February 2009, comprises
the joint development of the Airframe Maintenance Centre for the training of both
Aerospace Technology and Avionics students and industry practitioners. Besides
the annual scholarships to Aerospace Technology and Avionics students, and
attachment opportunities for staff and students, ITE and ST Aerospace will jointly
develop electives and customised courses and organise seminars and talks on new
technologies and trends in the aviation industry.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
& Letter of Agreement (LOA)
ITE – Autodesk Asia MOU
The MOU between ITE and Autodesk Asia, signed on 25 February 2009, included
the provision of the Autodesk software and training for College Central staff and
students. This collaboration will benefit students from the School of Design and
Media and enhance the development of the creative industry in Singapore.
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//industry collaborations
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ITE – Keppel Offshore & Marine MOU
The MOU between ITE and Keppel Offshore & Marine, signed on 29 October 2008,
encompasses the joint development of the Marine Offshore Technology Workshop
at the College. Keppel will provide the equipment and technical support for the
workshop and offer 10 scholarships annually for the next 5 years to students from
Higher Nitec in Marine Offshore Engineering.
ITE – Republic of Singapore Air Force MOU
The MOU between ITE and RSAF, signed on 4 September 2008, involves the joint
development of the Aircraft Engine Maintenance Centre at Yishun campus.
This 230-sq metre training centre will provide Aerospace Technology and
Aerospace Avionics students with practical training in the maintenance of
aircraft engines. The agreement also covers the sharing of aerospace knowledge
by RSAF, visits to the Air Force School (AFS), use of AFS facilities and scholarships
for students who wish to embark on an aerospace career in the Air Force.
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
//industry collaborations
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ITE – Fluke South East Asia LOA
The LOA between ITE and Fluke South East Asia, signed on
18 September 2008, marked another 5 years of collaboration.
Besides the sponsorship of student fund and staff training in
the area of Temperature Metrology, a new joint-certification
course - Industrial Temperature Calibration will be offered to
local and overseas industries. The course will be conducted at
the ITE-FLUKE Metrology Training Centre (IFMTC) located at
MacPherson campus. The IFMTC will benefit students from the
Nitec in Electronics (Instrumentation) course in their acquisition
of the latest technological know-how from the leader in
this field.
ITE – Schaeffler (Singapore) LOA
The LOA between ITE and Schaeffler (Singapore), signed on
10 December 2008, provides ITE College Central students
the opportunities to go on overseas industrial attachments
to Schaeffler (China) under the College’s Global Education
Programme. Each year, 2 students from the Higher Nitec in
Mechanical Engineering will be given full sponsorship for
Industrial Attachment to Schaeffler located at Taicang, Jiangsu
Province, China as part of their learning journey in ITE.
The partnership between ITE and IBM has led to opportunities for regular
batches of students to undergo internship at IBM and for selected students to
attend conferences and undergo professional certifications. Students who passed
the certifications in software assurance and quality testing were given full-time
jobs at companies such as Synergix (a company which does the Enterprise
Resource Planning software) at competitive salaries, rivaling that of entry-level
polytechnic graduates. Apart from setting up the ITE-IBM Software Quality
Assurance Centre, joint-certifications and the development of two electives, ITE
will develop a full-fledged course in Software Quality Assurance and Testing for
full-time students.
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
Many local and overseas opportunities are
provided to enhance our staff’s capabilities
through training and industry attachments.
The College acknowledges the dedication of
our staff and honors their achievements in
the various professional fields.
ride the sky
applauding ability, enhancing capability
// 0037
//staff capability development
// 039
Lecturer Seah Cheng Hee, Zhao Chunmei, and IBM Shanghai Engineer Rui Jian Hua
IBM Research Laboratory, Shanghai, China
Two lecturers from the School of Electronics & Info-Comm Technology,
Ms Zhao Chunmei and Mr Seah Cheng Hee did a 3-week attachment at IBM
Research Laboratory, Shanghai in Jan 2009. The focus of the attachment was to
develop staff capability in the area of Cell Technology. At IBM Shanghai, Chun Mei
and Cheng Hee had the opportunity to learn and practice Cell Blade hardware
installation on Linux system. They also did C++ programming using the Cell software
development kit. Upon their return, they will manage projects and generate new
initiatives to develop applications for industry using Cell Technology.
Hart Scientific (Fluke Corporation), Utah, USA
In June 2008, two lecturers from Electronics, Mr Woon Kin Seong and
Mr Chng Wee Kian attended a week-long course on Temperature Metrology
conducted by Hart Scientific, a division of Fluke Corporation. Hart Scientific,
located at Salt Lake City, Utah, is renowned in the field of temperature calibration.
The trip was made possible by the collaboration between ITE College Central and
Fluke South East Asia. Upon their return, Kin Seong and Wee Kian will conduct
courses on temperature calibration to both students and industrial practitioners.
Toon Boom Animation, Montreal, Canada
In September 2008, 3 staff from ITE College Central, Mr Shafique Dawood, Ms
Soo Ee Ling and Mr Muhammad Riduan went on a 3-week attachment to Toon
Boom Animation Inc, at Montreal, Canada. Shafique had the opportunity to test
cutting-edge media software while Ee Ling and Riduan acquired new skills in 2D
animation, animation production pipline and storyboarding.
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
ITE Teacher Award
Mr Sunny Lum, lecturer of Information Technology, was engaged by ITEES to
conduct a course in Laos on Database Administration and Information Integration
and Usage from 16 January to 27 June 2008. As this was an initiative of the ASEAN
Integration Programme, the participants were from different ministries in the Laos
government. It was an interesting experience for Sunny as he had to customise
the materials to fit the different educational background and language proficiency
of the participants. Nonetheless, it was an enjoyable assignment as the class was
appreciative of the lecturer’s efforts.
// 041
//staff capability development
The ITE Teacher Award is given annually
to teaching staff who have achieved
excellence and made outstanding
contributions that are exceptional in
their teaching profession. 3 staff were
presented with the ITE Teacher Award
in 2008.
Open Category
Ms Ivy Liong Choi Yin, School
of Electronics & Info-Comm
Technology (centre) for
grooming students in project
work and doing well in external
CCA Contributions
(1) Mdm Shi Soi Fah, School
of Business & Services (2nd
from left) for actively involving
students in the ITE
Co-operative Shop.
ITE – Bosch Rexroth Technical Seminar 2008
The ITE-Bosch Rexroth Technical Seminar was organised by the Mechatronics
department focused on one of Bosch Rexroth newest innovative application
software, IndraWorks, which is suitable for controlling a wide variety of linear
motion control systems. Bosch Rexroth is one of the leading organisations
renowned for its technological innovations and developments in the areas
on “Motor Drives and Controls”. The seminar, held on 7 November 2008, was
presented by Mr Peter Peh and Mr Teo Cheng Huat from Bosch Rexroth (S) Pte
Ltd. The seminar was attended by ITE staff and practitioners from the Industrial
Automation Industry.
Mr Tay (extreme right) and Mr Peter Peh (2nd from the right)
explaining uses of the latest cutting-edge software in the
areas of PLC programming and its applications.
(2) Ms Kallista Cheah Yik Min,
School of Business & Services (far
right)for organising adventurous
sports and games and leading in
overseas adventure expeditions.
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// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
//staff capability development
ITE College Central
Teacher Award 2008
// 043
Technology Development Centre
In 2008, the College set up the Technology Development Centre (TDC),
as a catalyst to promote staff capability growth by leading and coordinating the
development initiatives and execution of projects. The Centre aims to create
learning opportunities for ITE staff in the niche technology areas and cross fertilise
technologies to provide a total integrated solution to enhance our industry
partners’ capabilities.
In recognition of staff’s dedication
and exemplary achievements in
their professional areas, 7 staff were
presented with the ITE College Central
Teacher Award 2008 including 3 who
were also presented with the ITE
Teacher Award.
Caring for Students’
Well Being
Ms Petrina Wong Thin Mun, School
of Business & Services (far left) for
successfully turning around students
who have lost interest in their studies
and helping them to complete their
studies in ITE.
Ms Ellya Hafsah Abdullah,
School of Electronics &
Info-Comm Technology (3rd from left)
for engaging students in community
service projects and course promotion,
thereby enhancing their confidence
and positive attitude.
Ms Michelle Ong Tiau Leng, School of
Electronics & Info-Comm Technology
(front) for fostering the students’
innovative spirit through projects and
competitions. Several of these projects
have garnered local and international
Mr Ramu Saravanan s/o R Tanabalan,
School of Business & Services (centre)
for promoting the spirit of enterprise
through student projects and national
The scope of work includes a holistic coverage of industries with focus in three
key areas of technology - IT Enterprise, System Integration and Micro Materials.
IT Enterprise Systems offers customised services and solutions in areas of
Enterprise Application and IT Infrastructure. The System Integration Centre
serves as “ONE-STOP-SOLUTION” Hub supporting the emerging industries,
demand in the areas of Precision Engineering & CIM Integration & Automation.
The Micro Materials Centre utilises interdisciplinary materials engineering
technology to provide full analytical metrology services in areas of Metallurgy
& Polymer Characterisation, Cross-Section & Failure Analysis, and Process
Characterization. It also includes computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools for
design and failure analysis.
To date, TDC has undertaken several key industry projects as follows:
• Integration of CNC machine
• Bio-degradable Polymer
• Fluxless 3D Interconnect for TSV
• Wirebond process development in Semiconductor industry
• Failure Analysis in Microelectronic Packaging
• Surface Analysis on contamination by EDX • Portable RFID System
• GPS Real-time Tracking System
• GSM Data Communication System
• Installation of VMWare (Virtual IT Network System)
• Marketing Website Development
• ShellLive Wire Website Development
// 0044
// 0045
// ITE College Central // FY2008 Yearbook
The College celebrates the success
and achievements of our students as
they surge ahead in the academic and
co-curricular arenas, garnering awards
in local and international competitions.
realising dreams
celebrate student success
//student achievements
7th Asean Skills Competition 2008
ITE made its debut appearance at the 7th Asean Skills Competition,
held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 13 to 16 November 2008. ITE
fielded 18 competitors in 9 skill areas. 8 students from ITE College
Central participated in the competition and clinched the following
Gold Medal
Skill Area: Mechatronics
Team Members:
Leow Ying Jie
Muhammad Hamdany bin Abu Hassan
Skill Area: Mechanical Engineering Drawing & Design CADD
Tan Hock Chye
Front row 2nd from left, Loo Jia Jun, Leow Ying Jie,
Muhammad Hamdany bin Abu Hassan, Tan Hock Chye
Diploma of Excellence
Skill Area: Mechanical Engineering Drawing & Design CADD
Loo Jia Jun
Best of Nation
Skill Area: Mechatronics
Team Members:
Leow Ying Jie
Muhammad Hamdany bin Abu Hassan
International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI), Taipei
The International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI) is an international platform to exhibit, honour
and award outstanding inventions and innovations. On 24 September 2008, a team of twelve
ITE students set off for Taipei, Taiwan to participate in the IEYI 2008.
During the three days of exhibition, participants presented their projects to the panel of judges,
schools and the public. The following awards were won by our students:
Project: The Crutch cum Chair
An innovation that allows user to unfold an attached seat from a crutch, converting it into a chair.
• Gold for “Marketability” category
• Silver for “Social Contribution Invention” category
• Special award
Project: Remote Biometering
A device that measures the blood pressure of users remotely.
• Silver for “Marketability” category
Project: Security Everywhere
A surveillance device used to detect motion and non-motion to enhance security and safety in homes.
• Bronze for “Safety & Healthy-Enhancement Invention” category
• Bronze for “Marketability” category
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//student achievements
// 049
Brian Oon Wei Jian, Teo Zhan Hong
and Muhammad Ashik Bin Ahmad
National Day Celebration 2008
at Sengkang West
36 students from Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Event Management) were
engaged by Sengkang West Anchorvale Community Centre to organise
a National Day Celebration for 1200 residents. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
was the guest of honour for the event.
The students persevered through the 3 months of intensive preparation in areas
such as conceptualisation, logistics and digital effects. Selected students were
trained in emceeing and customer service. The highlight of the event was the
creation of the Singapore Book of Records – “The most number of people blowing
birthday cakes at the same time”. The organisation of this high profile event was
a good exposure and learning experience for our students, and also showcased
their event management capabilities.
Mohamed Ridzwan Bin Mustafah (back left), Shirley Lim (front left) and Tor Khay Ling (centre)
The objective of the LKY-STEP is to motivate students to excel in their training and
encourage life-long learning. Among the recipients are five ITE College Central
students, who achieved the perfect GPA of 4 and are currently pursuing their
studies at the Polytechnics.
(1) Brian Oon Wei Jian, Nitec in Aerospace Technology
(2) Tor Khay Ling, Nitec in Electronics
(3) Mohamed Ridzwan Bin Mustafah, Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering
(4) Muhammad Ashik Bin Ahmad, Nitec in Aerospace Technology
(5) Shirley Lim, Higher Nitec in Accounting
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//student achievements
// 051
LKY Model Student Award
The LKY Model Student Award is presented to full-time students who have
performed consistently well in their courses and have displayed outstanding
conduct and attitude worthy of emulation by their peers. Two students from
ITE College Central, with a perfect GPA of 4.0, and are currently pursuing their
studies at the Polytechnics, have been presented with the Award.
(1) Mohamed Ridzwan Bin Mustafah, Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering
A charismatic leader, Ridzwan believes that camaraderie and teamwork facilitates
work. In his capacity as chairman of the Mechatronics Engineering Club, he led
the planning and execution of logistics support for the Inter-School Sumo Robot
Competition. His most memorable accomplishment was leading the Mechatronics
Section Team Project where he helped to create a software for the “Page Turner” –
a device which aids disabled readers in flipping the pages of a book.
(2) Teo Zhan Hong, Nitec in Aerospace Technology
Known for his “never-say-die” attitude, Zhan Hong built up an impressive portfolio
of achievements which included seven community service projects during his
two-year stint at ITE. One of them was the collaboration with the Public Utilities
Board to install a water conservation device in taps of designated HDB units.
He also volunteered at the National Library and with his former secondary
school’s National Cadet Corps.
Singapore Labour Foundation Gold Medal
Tan Wee Teck Andrew, Nitec in Info-Comm Techology
As a part-time student, Andrew took a shorter-than-usual period to graduate from
the course with a perfect GPA of 4.0. He attributes his success to ITE’s learning
approach and encouragement from his lecturers, who inspired and spurred
him to devote more hours in his studies during the weekends. Currently pursuing
a full-time Diploma in Network Systems and Security at Ngee Ann Polytechnic,
the aspiring entrepreneur hopes to start his own IT company, specialising in
network settings.
ITE-IBM Assistive Technology Competition
ITE College Central’s students put up a shining performance at the 2009 ITE-IBM
Assistive Technology Competition. The first-prize project was a submission from
three second-year Higher Nitec students in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
Design - Nur Ashikin Mohd Daud, Huang Zhi Xiong and Matthias Tham Jih Yew,
with their ‘Foot Mouse’ invention. The Foot Mouse is created for the handicapped
who are deprived of the use of their upper limbs. This computer mouse is
designed to be operated using the foot, instead of the hand.
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up in the
friendly skies
enhancing visibility, increasing equity
// 0053
The Global Education Programme provides
our students with an international learning
platform, allowing them to benefit in industry
knowledge as well as equipping them with
multi-cultural sensitivities. Through the
programme, our students’ outlook becomes
more open and innovative, preparing them to
be part of an exciting global workforce.
//global engagement
// 055
OVERSEAS Gottlieb Daimler Schule 2, Germany
STUDENT 4 students from Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering and two students from
EXCHANGE Higher Nitec in Electronics were selected for a 3-week exchange programme from
PROGRAMME 29 November to 20 December 2008 to Sindelfingen, Germany. Students had the
(OSEP) opportunity to work in two manufacturing companies, Eisenmann and Daimler
and were tasked to work with advanced machineries and different technologies.
OVERSEAS Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT),
STUDENT Calgary, Canada
EXCHANGE In February 2009, 5 students from Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering were selected to
PROGRAMME participate in a 3-week exchange programme to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
(OSEP) (SAIT) in Calgary, Canada. They were attached to the Automated System Engineering Technology
(ASNT) Department of SAIT and were given the opportunity to learn about the technical knowhow and to interact with the ASNT students. Part of the rest and relax programme included
winter sports such as curling and outdoor ice-skating. Through this experience, students
emerged more mature, confident and adaptable.
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//global engagement
// 057
OVERSEAS Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
EXCHANGE 6 students from Nitec in Aerospace Technology were selected for a 3-week student
PROGRAMME exchange programme to HKIVE in February 2009. They visited the Aerospace
Technology department where they learned about the training facilities and
pedagogical training. Students also visited the local aviation companies, Metro
Jet and Heliservices. While in Hong Kong, students participated in the HKVTC
inaugural Free Flight Competition, where they had to design and fabricate a glider
using wood and styrofoam. There were also opportunities for the students to
interact with their Hong Kong counterparts to understand their cultural practices
and way of life.
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
(Kwun Tong)
A group of 12 students from Nitec in Multimedia Technology, Nitec in InfoCommunications Technology and Nitec in Electronics participated in a 3-week
student exchange programme to HKIVE (Kwun Tong) in September 2008. During
their stint at Hong Kong, the students attended training in modules such as
assembly of radio controlled car and network programming. They also visited
industry-related companies and organisations.
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OVERSEAS Flextronics Enclosure
INDUSTRY Systems Changzhou Ltd, China
ATTACHMENT 15 students from the Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering were attached
PROGRAMME to Flextronics Enclosure Systems Changzhou in June 2008 for a one-month
industrial attachment. At the plant, they worked in various departments such as
Manufacturing, Engineering, Quality Control and New Product Innovation and
gained invaluable technical skills and knowledge from the attachment.
//global engagement
// 059
MYOB Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
6 students from the School of Business & Services were attached to MYOB Asia,
located in Kuala Lumpur for 3 weeks in December 2008. The students attended
a 2-day familiarisation course for new users at the MYOB training centre and were
attached to various departments – Finance, Marketing, Customer Service and
Quality Control. Through this attachment, students learned about the operations
and marketing strategies of a foreign company. They also gained greater
awareness of the cultural and work differences in the office environment.
Maritime Experiential Learning Camp
4 students from Higher Nitec in Marine Offshore Engineering participated in the
Maritime Experential Learning Camp on board the SuperStar Virgo for the 4D3N
‘Sinagpore – Penang – Phuket – Singapore’ route on 22 to 25 March 2009. Through
this experience, students learned what it was like to navigate through one of
the busiest waterways and grasped marine engineering issues such as waste
management and desalination. Students attended talks on teambuilding and
‘Maritime Global’ and were engaged in networking sessions with students from
the Singapore Maritime Academy.
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//global engagement
Service-Learning Project,
Yunnan China
Quest Technology, Shanghai, China
2 students from Nitec in Electronics, Suresh s/o Kumarasamy and Joey Chan went
on a 3-week attachment to Quest Technology in December 2008. The students
visited several of Quest Technology’s client factories in Suzhou and Shanghai,
where they acquired valuable skills and knowledge in cleanroom performance,
testing and certification.
SLEC Technology, Johor Bahru Malaysia
2 students from Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering, Yap Eik Hong and Melvin
Soh were selected to go for industry attachment to SLEC Technology (M) Sdn Bhd
at Johor Bahru. During the 4-week attachment from 22 September to 17 October
2008, they acquired technical skills in Troubleshooting the CPMD Circuit Board,
Programme of IC, Etching of PCB and Rewriting of Electronic Term for the
Stock Department.
On 23 September 2008, a team of 22 students departed
for Kunming, China for their 2-week service-learning trip
to the remote village of Xishuangbanna, located at the
southern part of the Yunnan Province of China. The focus
of the trip was to construct a stretch of cemented road for
a leprosy village situated at the outskirts of Jing Hong City.
This project was supported by the Singapore Youth Council
and Bless China International (BCI). BCI takes care of leprosy
villages in the Yunnan Province. Beside the construction
of the cemented road, students had the opportunity to
interact with the students in the village primary school,
through teaching and learning activities, cultivating the
passion in community service.
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Bina Ummah Orphanage, Batam, Indonesia
On 29 December 2008, a total of 55 students went on a 5-day journey to Bina
Ummah Orphanage located at Batam. The orphanage is home to 60 orphans
and has a small school compound which caters to 300 students. There, the team
carried out repair works and conducted enrichment classes in English, Art and
Craft and Soccer Clinics. It was a meaningful activity for the students as they
experienced first hand the trying conditions and plight faced by the orphans
in the home.
//global engagement
Pahang, Malaysia
15 Dec
On 15 December 2008, a group of 30 students embarked on a 5-day Overseas Outdoor Adventure
Expedition to Jeram Basu in Pahang. The team was immersed in adventure learning pertaining to
Land (Jungle Trekking, Caving, Waterfall Trekking and 4-Wheel Drive), Air (High Ropes Challenge
Course and Flying Fox across rivers) and Sea (White-Water River Rafting). In addition, the team
had the opportunities to learn about Wildlife Conservation at the Elephant Sanctuary and to
understand the living conditions of the Orang Asli settlers.
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A group of 28 students went on an overseas expedition from 13 to 16 December
2008 to Pahang, Malaysia. Prior to the trip, students were selected based on their
physical, mental and psychological readiness. They attended rigorous training
sessions to build up their physical fitness and stamina for the expedition. During
the trip, students were engaged in Outdoor Rockclimbing, Cave Exploration,
4-Wheel Drive, Water Trekking, Rapid Shooting and Trekking to Teresek Hill.
Through this expedition, students cultivated a sporting spirit, higher
self-confidence, strong sense of responsibility and experienced the
invaluable sense of achievement.
//global engagement
OVERSEAS School of Business & Services Study Trip,
// 065
On 23 March 2009, 25 students from the Nitec in Service Skills and Higher Nitec
in Business Studies courses participated in a 3-day study tour to Hong Kong.
The focus of the tour was to observe the level of customer service and event
management service standards and determine how Hong Kong positioned herself
as an events hub. Students visited the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition
Centre, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Nikko Hotel and a travel agency, Hong Thai
Services Pte Ltd. Through these visits, students learned about Hong Kong’s service
culture, their quest towards service excellence, promotional strategies and service
recovery tactics.
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Overseas Immersion Trip, Vietnam
From 5 to 9 October 2008, a group of 31 students from Higher Nitec in Accounting
and Higher Nitec in Business Studies were immersed in the Vietnamese culture.
For students taking the Tourism Product Service elective, it was an opportunity for
them to design a tour package to fulfill the project component of their in-course
assessment. The trip was also a platform for students to learn about international
business, joint ventures and trade-related matters from talks and visits to the
Investment and Trade Promotion Centre and the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial
Park. Students taking the Entrepreneurship module had the chance to purchase
merchandise direct from wholesalers. These merchandise would be used as items
for small school-based businesses. The visit to the orphanage was an eye-opener
and a wake-up call for many students, as they learn to cherish the parental
love that they may have taken for granted back at home.
Mr Tan Seng Hua, Principal, ITE College Central
Ms Florence Ang, Director, College Services
//Project Team
Ms Serene Ong, Manager, Customer Service & External Relations
Ms Loretta Chong, Course Manager, Lifeskills
Ms Tan Yee May, Section Head, Lifeskills
Ms Tan Hui Ching, Customer Service & External Relations Officer
Ms Lim Fang Ting, Customer Service & External Relations Officer
Mr Hairul Latiff, Lecturer, Digital Media Design
Students of Digital Media Design
Chng Kok Choon Janson
Iyaad Bin Salleh
Special note of thanks to all staff who
have contributed in one way or another.
ITE College Central
201 Circuit Road
Singapore 379498
Tel no: 65805066