Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 The Critical Role of Monetary Policy in the Link between Business Conditions and Security Returns in Taiwan Ming-Hsiang Chena*, Su-Jane Chenb and Yi-Chi Kuoc a Department of Finance, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, ROC b Department of Finance, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, USA c International Bills Finance Corporation, Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC Accepted in October 2006 Available online Abstract This study examines the relationship between the business condition proxies and security returns and whether the relationship varies across changing monetary policy environments in Taiwan. We test the explanatory power of business condition proxies, namely, dividend yield (D/P), term spread (TERM), and growth rate of industrial production (GIP), on stock and bond returns in Taiwan and then incorporate monetary policy action into the business condition model to investigate its impact on the ability of business condition proxies in accounting for stock and bond return variation over time. Empirical results suggest that the influence of D/P and TERM on security return behavior varies dramatically with monetary policy. Furthermore, the structural relation between D/P and TERM endures significant changes across monetary environments. These findings underline the importance for central bankers to closely monitor monetary policy. Investors and corporate managers, based on presented evidence, should also take into account monetary policy when modeling security market returns for investment and financing decision-making purpose. Keywords: Business condition; Monetary policy; Security returns; Taiwan 1. Introduction (expansive vs. restrictive) are examined. Their findings indicate that the variation of stock and bond returns over time is linked to both business conditions and monetary policy. In fact, it is shown that the significance of business conditions (proxied by dividend yields, term spread, and default spread) to the volatility in stock and bond returns varies across different monetary policy environments. Monetarists claim that changes in monetary policy affect the real economy. One of the fundamental financial theories states that the value of any financial asset is equal to the present value of all future cash flows expected from holding the asset. Accordingly, monetary policy changes should have an impact on the valuation of financial assets through changes in both the anticipated level of future cash flows and the discount rate employed in discounting these expected cash flows. If the Federal Reserve pursues a more restrictive monetary policy, growth in money supply is slowed and, holding everything constant, interest rates tend to rise. This, in turn, will drive up corporate financing cost and cause future cash flows to fall. A secondary effect of a more restrictive monetary policy lies on the discount rate used to discount these cash flows. The hiked discount rate makes these cash flows worth less in present terms. Through this mechanism, monetary policy can be linked to asset returns. Empirical studies support this link. Following Jensen et al. (1996), the primary research question investigated in this study is if monetary policy affects non-U.S. financial markets in a pattern similar to that in the U.S. financial market, which, needless to say, possesses its own uniqueness in economic and financial conditions. Hess (2001) replicates the research by Jensen et al. (1996) by examining the relationship between business condition proxies and security returns from the United Kingdom and whether the relationship differs across changing monetary policy conditions. Unlike Jensen et al. (1996), no significant change in the connection between business condition proxies and security returns across different monetary policy environments is evidenced in Hess (2001). Given inconsistent empirical findings between the two cited studies, this research intends to find out if empirical findings generated in Jensen et al. (1996) can be generalized to another Jensen, Mercer, and Johnson (1996) study the effect of monetary policy changes on the relationship between business conditions and security returns in the United States. Stock and bond returns against business conditions across different monetary policy environments * E-mail: 1 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 Kingdom. This finding underlines the importance for central bankers to closely monitor their country’s monetary policy, in light of its implications on business conditions and in turn, financial markets. This study also has important ramifications for security investors and corporate decision makers, both domestically and internationally. When modeling security market returns for investment and financing decisions, they should consider monetary policy changes pertaining to the country (countries) involved in their decision. Moreover, the critical impact of monetary policy changes on the association between business conditions and stock returns is found to be significant across all 19 industry sectors as well, including not only interest rate sensitive industries such as finance and construction but also industries with significant export/import exposure such as automobile and textile. This finding is consistent with Nowak (1993). non-U.S. financial market, namely, Taiwan. That is, this study focuses on the investigation of the impact of monetary policy changes on the interaction between business conditions and security returns in Taiwan. The research findings are significant in terms of shedding some lights on several important, related questions. First, are changing business conditions alone sufficient to explain stock and bond return variations over time? Or does the monetary policy add to the explanatory power of business conditions? Thus, this study attempts to provide further empirical evidence on the joint role of monetary policy and business conditions on time-series variation of security returns. Also, does the interrelationship between the three business condition proxies adopted in this study persist over time or shift with changes in the monetary environment? Moreover, can results evidenced in Jensen et al. (1996) be replicated, using economic and financial data prevailing in Taiwan? Recent empirical evidence supports the well-accepted notion that the stock market in Taiwan has been historically characterized by high volatility (see Titman and Wei, 1999; Chen, 2003; Chen and Bidarkota, 2004). Thus, it is plausible that related empirical findings generated from the U.S. are not readily applicable to Taiwan. The next section provides a brief literature review. It is followed by the coverage of data and methodology. Section 4 presents empirical findings. The final section concludes this study. 2. Literature Review Waud (1970), Pearce, and Roley (1985), and Smirlock and Yawitz (1985) focus on the short-term security market reaction to discount rate changes. An inverse relationship between discount rate changes and stock returns over the announcement period is documented in these studies. Baker and Meyer (1980), Roley and Troll (1984), and Cook and Hahn (1988) report effects of monetary policy on various debt markets. Johnson, Buetow, Jensen, and Reilly (2003) examine the relationship between U.S. monetary policy and intermediate-term and long-term returns on U.S. corporate and government bonds. They show that corporate bond returns are strongly correlated to monetary policy. However, no significant return differences in intermediate-term or long-term Treasury or government indexes between expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods are documented in the study. Brown (1981) and Batten and Thornton (1984) suggest significant monetary policy influence on foreign exchange market. Conovar, Jensen, and Johnson (1999) observe a significant association between stock returns in foreign markets and both local and U.S. monetary environments. Further, different from Jensen et al. (1996), we examine the influence of changes in monetary condition on the link between business conditions and stock returns in 19 industry sectors, in addition to the stock market as a whole. Nowak (1993) discusses some implications of discount rate changes. For example, he argues that monetary policy changes are likely to have a strong impact not only on interest rate sensitive industries but also on those industries with a substantial export or import component. Given Taiwan’s heavy economic reliance on both exporting and importing business, this study provides a valid tool to the verification of Nowak’s (1993) assertion. Using economic and return data from July 1991 through February 2004, we conclude that the influence of business conditions on Taiwan security returns is affected by the monetary policy. Consistent with Jensen et al. (1996), this study suggests that the impact of business conditions on security return behavior differs dramatically across various monetary environments and the structural relation between the three employed business condition proxies is also significantly affected by the monetary policy. Given the vast difference between the two countries, Taiwan and the U.S., in aspects such as economic conditions, geographical location, natural resources, political environment, depth and size of financial markets, etc., the similarity of findings between the two studies is encouraging. It suggests that the significance of monetary policy may be persistent across borders, with some exceptions such as the United Several studies also link long-term security return patterns to prior changes in monetary policy. Jenson and Johnson (1995) find that long-term monthly and quarterly stock returns during expansive monetary periods are significantly higher than those during restrictive periods. Patelis (1997) concludes that a shift in the stance of monetary policy can account for the predictability in expected excess returns on stocks over long horizons. Thorbecke (1997) shows that while the impact 2 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 ure bill rates, the 90-day commercial paper (CP) rates taken from the TEJ database are used instead as the proxy for risk-free rates. of monetary policy shocks on stock returns is similar across industries, returns on small firms (as opposed to large firms) are significantly affected by the policy shocks. Park and Ratti (2000) indicate that the restrictive monetary policy causes significant negative movements in inflation and expected real stock returns. Monthly data of 10-year bond rates and 90-day CP rates are available from January 1995 to February 2004 and June 1991 to February 2004, respectively. For the TSE composite and construction, finance, foods, paper and pulp, and textiles industries, monthly time series data of price index cover the time period of June 1991 to February 2004. Monthly data of price index on all other industries run from July 1995 through February 2004. We calculate real stock and bond returns to more accurately reflect true asset returns by subtracting the Consumer Price Index (CPI) growth rate from concurrent monthly stock and bond returns. The time series CPI data are obtained from the TEJ database. Fama and French (1988, 1989) and Schwert (1990) show that three business condition proxies (dividend yield, default spread, and term spread) are able to explain a significant variation of security returns. Balvers, Cosimano, and McDonald (1990) claim that security return patterns are a result of predictable movements in aggregate outputs. Several economic variables proposed by Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) are found to be significant in explaining stock returns. Asprem (1989) investigates the relationship between stock indices and macroeconomic variables in ten European countries. It is shown that employment imports, inflation, exchange rate, and interest rates are inversely related to stock prices; expectations about future real activity measures for money and the U.S. yield curve are positively related to stock prices. Table 1 presents summary statistics of real returns over the entire sample period for 10-year bonds, TSE composite, and all 19 industry sectors included in this study. Generally speaking, stock market exhibits high returns and high volatility. The mean bond return and its volatility are much lower than those of stocks. The average monthly real stock returns (including the TSE composite and 19 industry sectors) range from 1.95 percent in the paper and pulp industry to 7.40 percent in the steel and iron industry. These stock returns are also very volatile. The standard deviation is 9.43 percent for the entire market. For the industry sectors, the volatility varies from 8.36 percent in the electric and machinery industry to 12.91 percent in the electronics industry. The Sharpe ratio, the indicator of the relative risk-return tradeoff, shows that the steel and iron industry has the highest Sharpe ratio of 0.75 and the paper and pulp industry is the least risk-rewarding sector with a Sharpe ratio of 0.15, which is even lower than that of bond returns. Closely related empirical work examines security returns behavior across various stages of the business cycle. Chen (1991) demonstrates that expected excess returns are negatively related to the recent growth of Gross National Product (GNP) and positively related to the economic variable’s future growth. Patelis (1993) discovers that expected stock returns are positively correlated with expected macroeconomic conditions. Many studies are able to establish a link between monetary policy and business conditions. Laurent (1988) demonstrates that changes in the Fed’s discount rate serve as a signal to future monetary policy and real output developments. McQueen and Roley (1993) find that stock market response to macroeconomic news varies, depending on business conditions. Jensen et al. (1996) show that the impact of business conditions on stock and bond returns differs across various monetary policy environments. Statistical test results for normality (Jarque and Bera, 1980) and zero autocorrelations (Ljung-Box Q-statistic) are also reported in Table 1. The skewness measures the asymmetry of the return data distribution about the mean, while kurtosis in excess of three implies that it is fat tailed. The CP rates and stock returns in three industries, glass and ceramics, others, and wholesale and retail, are negatively skewed. The CP rates and stock returns in the composite, construction and finance exhibit fat tails. The Jarque and Bera test rejects the normality hypothesis of security returns for the CP rates and composite, construction, finance, paper and pulp, and steel and iron industries. The Ljung-Box Q-statistics for the security returns indicate that real stock returns in general have no statistically significant sample autocorrelations. The results, however, suggest that CP rates are autocorrelated. Based on the reported Q-statistics for the square values of the security returns, the only industry with real returns showing a possible nonlinear dependence and 3. Data and Methodology 3.1 Data This study examines monthly real returns from July 1991 through February 2004. The time period in this study is chosen due to limitations in data availability. We obtain monthly stock returns (including dividends) of the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE hereafter) composite and 19 industry sectors from the financial database of the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ hereafter). Monthly 10-year bond returns are taken from the Grand Cathy Government Bond Index in Taiwan. The total bond returns include monthly price changes and accrued interest. As a result of the limited availability of Treas3 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 presence of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) is finance. environments. There is no consensus among economists about how to measure the size and direction of changes in monetary policy. Following Jensen et al. (1996), we classify monthly observations that follow an increase in the discount rate set by the Central Bank of China (CBC hereafter) as falling in a restrictive monetary environ 3.2 Monetary Policy: Discount Rate Changes To facilitate the analysis in this study, we divide the sample into two sub-samples based on monetary policy Table 1. Summary Statistics of Real Monthly Security Returns Industry Mean (%) MAX (%) MIN (%) STD (%) Sharpe ratios Skewness Kurtosis JB 10-year bonds 0.61 5.04 -2.86 1.39 0.23 0.21 3.72 3.30 90-days CP 0.29 2.32 -3.26 0.93 --- -0.30 3.95 8.09 TSE composite 3.74 41.63 -16.83 9.43 0.37 0.85 4.77 38.58 Automobile 6.71 36.25 -11.81 9.58 0.67 0.50 3.32 4.77 Cement 3.67 34.21 -20.13 11.51 0.29 0.22 2.91 0.90 Chemicals 3.84 28.37 -18.67 9.36 0.38 0.13 2.83 0.45 Construction 4.09 46.65 -17.60 11.73 0.32 0.82 4.02 23.93 Electric and machinery 5.14 34.8 -13.35 8.36 0.58 0.38 3.79 5.22 Electrical appliance cable 3.81 38.08 -28.73 11.46 0.31 0.16 3.59 1.93 Electronics 6.05 38.03 -24.96 12.91 0.45 0.35 3.17 2.22 Finance 3.45 66.69 -17.36 12.17 0.26 2.10 11.14 532.32 Foods 3.67 29.67 -17.04 9.01 0.38 0.20 3.11 1.15 Glass and ceramics 4.26 26.73 -19.42 8.97 0.44 -0.12 2.85 0.37 Others 5.26 26.94 -19.53 8.79 0.57 -0.07 2.83 0.22 Paper and pulp 1.95 45.03 -23.33 11.15 0.15 0.54 3.71 10.65 Plastics 4.54 36.19 -19.85 10.93 0.39 0.43 3.57 4.66 Rubber 4.23 28.02 -19.18 10.68 0.37 0.11 2.40 1.75 Steel and iron 7.40 35.14 -10.98 9.48 0.75 0.71 3.42 9.54 Textiles 3.09 31.07 -16.36 9.97 0.28 0.38 2.84 3.87 Tourism 2.89 23.88 -25.00 9.25 0.28 0.14 3.48 1.33 Transportation 4.56 33.36 -26.75 9.95 0.43 0.33 3.83 4.82 Wholesale and retail 4.33 27.53 -18.26 8.37 0.48 -0.01 3.52 1.15 Q(6) Q2(6) 3.17 2.87 14.59* 6.13 Q(12) Q(18) Q2(12) Q2(18) 13.14 28.64 7.22 11.21 19.44 33.82* 7.84 11.00 8.72 4.19 4.42 3.59 1.34 6.62 3.60 4.09 7.03 2.99 4.90 2.84 6.42 7.35 8.72 10.07 4.82 1.29 4.78 7.28 2.27 8.18 5.11 5.59 5.30 1.88 2.10 8.51 3.24 7.58 3.89 5.56 4.21 6.09 1.78 11.95 2.54 5.55 3.62 8.96 13.76 17.11 7.82 6.75 6.95 14.25 18.10 19.90 11.50 14.91 23.09* 11.98 18.52 11.98 11.07 13.08 10.01 28.14* 12.21 12.13 4.85 9.83 7.76 14.21 13.07 7.82 15.35 11.77 13.46 14.76 5.95 11.65 9.84 21.28* 6.20 23.69* 9.07 8.17 6.05 12.23 Stock market 29.08* 18.81 14.70 9.20 10.49 18.19 25.89 26.93 18.83 22.64 29.00* 14.44 28.83 22.13 20.15 16.26 21.43 28.87* 20.38 23.59 10.67 25.93 18.57 17.95 27.13 15.37 21.72 14.95 17.95 17.39 14.12 15.56 21.47 25.83 14.71 27.81 10.83 16.98 19.48 19.14 Notes: Monthly time series data of 10-year bond rates and 90-day CP rates are available from January 1995 to February 2004 and June 1991 to February 2004, respectively. For the TSE composite, construction, finance, foods, paper and pulp, and textiles industries, monthly time series data of price index cover the time period of June 1991 to February 2004. Monthly time series data of price index on all other industries run from July 1995 through February 2004. The standard errors for skewness and kurtosis shown in parentheses are (6 / T ) and (24 / T ) , respectively. T is the number of sample observations. J-B is the Jarque and Bera (1980) normality test under which the null hypothesis is that the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis are equal to zero and three, respectively. JB is defined as [(T / 6)b + (T / 24)(b − 3) ] ~ χ , where T is the number of sample observations, b1 is the coefficient of skewness and b2 is the coefficient of kurtosis (Jarque and Bera, 1980). The critical value at the 5% significance level is 5.99. Q-statistic, Q(n), is the Ljung-Box (1978) Q-statistic at lag n, used to test whether a group of n autocorrelations are significantly different from zero. Q(n) is distributed as χ . Critical values for n =6, 12, and 18 at the 5% significance 1/ 2 2 1 2 2 2 n level are 12.59, 21.03, and 28.87, respectively. The asterisk (*) denotes statistical significance at the 5% significance level. 4 2 1/ 2 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 ment and observations that follow a decrease in the discount rate as falling in an expansive monetary environment. In this classification scheme, the absolute level of the discount rate is not the important parameter. Rather, it is the direction of the last change that signals future monetary policy.1 Table 2. Discount-Rate-Change Series: July 1991-February 2004 Monthly observations in series 1 D 1991/7/15 5 9 2 I 1992/5/9 1 4 3 D 1992/10/5 2 27 4 I 1995/2/27 1 4 5 D 1995/7/25 3 24 6 I 1997/8/1 1 12 7 D 1998/9/29 4 17 8 I 2000/3/24 2 8 9 D 2000/12/19 15 38 Notes: A series is identified as a sequence of consecutive rate change that is in the same direction. A new monetary environment starts when the direction of discount rate change is reversed from that of the previous one. As a result, nine months during which the first rate changes in a series occurred are eliminated from the sample. The number of monthly observations in the full sample equals 143, with 115 observations following rate decreases and 28 observations following rate increases. Series To be more specific, a new monetary environment starts when the direction of discount rate change is reversed from that of the previous one. Discount rate data is collected from the CBC’s database. During the study period, the CBC changed the discount rate 32 times: 5 increases and 27 decreases. These changes constitute nine rate-change series, five decreases and four increases. Rate-change series are considered because the CBC is assumed to be under the same monetary policy (e.g. expansive vs. restrictive) until a discount rate change in the opposite direction is announced. The identified series of rate changes should effectively represent fundamental changes in the monetary environment. Following this approach, the analysis has identified five expansive and four restrictive monetary policy periods, respectively. Nine months during which the first rate changes in a series occurred are eliminated from the sample. These months are omitted for two reasons. First, our objective is to focus on the long-term relationship between monetary condition and security returns, and thus we eliminate any announcement-period effect. Second, the returns associated with months that mark the initiation of a new monetary environment would include both expansive and restrictive days. The total number of resulting observations is 143 months, of which 115 follow discount rate decreases and 28 follow discount rate increases. Table 2 provides summary information on the rate change series. night interest rate. They represent a cross-section of monetary base, interest rate level, and the CBC and banking activity. All variables were taken directly from the CBC’s web site ( Associated test results reported in Table 3 show that significant differences exist in the medians and means of each of the variables between the two monetary policy periods (expansive vs. restrictive), except for the median of excess reserve. Consistent with the contention that decreasing rate series characterize expansive monetary environment, the medians and means of the CBC credit and excess reserve are significantly greater during decreasing rate series than during increasing rate series. On the other hand, based on respective medians and means, monetary base and overnight interest rate are significantly higher in restrictive periods than in expansive periods. Thus, regardless of whether discount rate changes signal or simply confirm monetary policy development, they are useful gauges of monetary stringency. The breath of the four variables examined reinforces the conjecture that rate-change series serve as an effective indicator of the monetary environment. To support the proposition that the series in Table 2 is an effective indicator of monetary stringency, statistical tests are conducted on monthly observations of four macroeconomic variables. The attempt is to check if these variables’ medians and means associated with the expansive and restrictive monetary periods are significantly different from each other. Both parametric and nonparametric tests are conducted for this purpose. We utilize Wilcoxon rank sum test for our nonparametric test. The four selected macroeconomic variables are monetary base, CBC credit, excess reserve, and over 1 Increasing (I) or First rate change Rate Decreasing (D) in series changes in series 3.3 Regression Models Recent research on the relationship between security returns and business conditions has focused on three measures of business environment: dividend yield, default spread, and term spread. We use dividend yield (D/P), term spread (TERM), and growth rate in industrial production (GIP) as our measures for business conditions. The decision of replacing default spread with GIP in this study as a proxy for business conditions results from the lack of default spread data in Taiwan and is well justified by empirical literature. (See Chen, 1991; Note that the money supply and overnight rate, the latter of which is similar to the Federal funds rate in the U.S., are another two common money policy variables. However, the money supply and overnight rate have not been widely used as a good indicator of different monetary policy environment, due to the frequent changes in both series (Jensen and Johnson, 1995; Jensen and Mercer, 2002; Johnson and Jensen, 1998; Conovar et al., 1999; Johnson et al., 2003). Based on the same reason, we have used changes in the discount rate, rather than the money growth rates or changes in the overnight rates, as the classifying factor for monetary policy environments. 5 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 Table 3. Test of Effectiveness of Monetary Stringency (July 1991-February 2004) Test Monetary Base Expansive Wilcoxon Sum Rank Test t-test CBC Credit Restrictive Median level (100million NT$) 1,558,800 1,631,000 Excess Reserve Expansive Restrictive Expansive Restrictive Median level (million NT$) 412,480 Median level (million NT$) 366,372 6,447 5,908 Inter-Bank Overnight Call-Loan Rate Expansive Restrictive Median level (%) 5.08 6.67 -2.35 (0.01) Mean level (100million NT$) 1,545,300 1,600,300 2.06 (0.03) Mean level (million NT$) 426,594 361,125 1.42 (0.15) Mean level (million NT$) 8,861 6,236 -3.79 (0.00) Mean level (%) -1.93 (0.02) 2.16 (0.01) 1.68 (0.04) -4.01 (0.00) 4.69 6.29 Notes: Median and mean of monthly observations of monetary base, CBC credit, excess reserve, and inter-bank overnight call-loan rate are calculated over expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods. All four macroeconomic variables are taken directly from Central Bank of China. The p-values for Wilcoxon sum rank test and t-test, presented in parentheses, are for tests of differences in levels of the four macroeconomic variables between expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods. Expansive (restrictive) monetary policy periods are those involving series of discount rate decreases (increases). ERt = α1 + α2 D Pt −1 + α3TREMt −1 + α4GIPt −1 + α5 DRt −1 + vt Chen, 2005; Estrella and Hardouvelis, 1991; Fama and French, 1989; Miffre, 2001). , (2) where DR, the discount rate change, is a binary variable, which takes on a value of one if the previous discount rate change was an increase and a value of zero if the previous change was a decrease. To account for possible presence of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity and to ensure consistent estimates in regression coefficients, standard errors, and associated t-statistics, we follow Newey and West (1987) by regressing security returns in the form of Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively.2 To obtain D/P, this study first computes dividends (including stock dividend and cash dividend) of all firms listed on the TSE. Respective total dividends are then divided bythe total market value of the TSE market index and TSE industry indices for the calculation of D/Ps. For the bond market, D/P is replaced by current yield, which is total coupon payment (including accrued interest) divided by the total market value of government bonds. D/P and GIP data are collected from TEJ database. Taken from the CBC database, TERM is measured as the difference between the 10-year bond yield and 90-day CP rate. 4. Empirical Results 4.1 A preliminary Examination Following the approach of Fama and French (1989) and Jensen et al. (1996), we use excess real returns associated with the bond index, the stock market, and TSE industry indices as dependent variables in a linear multiple regression model expressed in Eq. (1): Tables 4 and 5 present the means of the variables used in this study over the full sample period as well as during expansive and restrictive monetary environments. It also presents the test for the equality of the means of the variables under the two monetary policies. ERt = β1 + β 2 D Pt −1 + β 3TERM t −1 + β 4 GIPt −1 + et , As shown in Table 4, the term spread (TERM), a measure of forward rates and containing information for expected bond returns (Fama and Bliss, 1987), is significantly higher in the expansive monetary environment than in the restrictive environment. The two components of term spread, 10- year government bond and 90-day CP, in Table 4 show that the TERM variable is driven by difference in the two associated rates across the two environments. We also find that the mean growth rate of industrial production (GIP) is significantly lower in the (1) where ER t is the real excess return of interest in month t, D/Pt-1 is the dividend yield of the index of interest in month t-1, TERM t −1 is the 10-year government bond yield over the 90-day CP rate in month t-1, GIPt −1 is the growth rate of industry production and et is the residual term of month t. To obtain real excess returns, we subtract contemporaneous monthly real returns on the 90-day commercial papers from monthly real rates of return. Also, because the analysis focuses on expected returns, this study lags the independent variables, D/P, TERM, and GIP, relative to the dependent variable of excess real returns, by one period. 2 We then examine the influence of monetary environment on security returns in Eq. (2) by adding a dummy variable, DR, to Eq. (1): 6 The Pearson correlation coefficient matrix of the independent variables over the full sample period indicates that the correlation coeffi cient is -0.15 (p-value= 0.12) between D/P and TERM, -0.17 (p-value= 0.11) between D/P and DR, -0.37 (p-value= 0.01) between TERM and DR, 0.07 (p-value= 0.28) between GIP and TERM, -0.03 (p-value= 0.91) between D/P and GIP, 0.03 (p-value= 0.91) between GIP and DR. With the exception of correlation between D/P and DR, correlations appear to be, at most, modest. Thus, multicollinearity should not present a serious concern. Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 Table 5. Security Monthly Mean Excess Real Returns Table 4. Mean Value on Proxies for Business Conditions under Different Monetary Conditions Business condition proxies D/P (TSE) TERM GIP 10-year government bond 90-day CP Full sample 3.39 0.42 0.20 Expansive Restrictive period period 3.41 3.34 0.60 -0.19 0.02 3.34 Index t-statistics (p-value) 0.33 (.36) 4.11 (.00)*** -1.78 (.07)* 5.01 4.64 6.24 -4.86 (.00)*** 4.59 4.88 6.43 -5.41 (.00)*** Bond market Stock market TSE composite Automobile Cement Chemicals Construction Electric and machinery Electrical appliance cable Electronics Finance Foods Glass and ceramics Others Paper and pulp Plastics Rubber Steel and iron Textiles Tourism Transportation Wholesale and retail Notes: Term spread (TERM) equals the difference between 10-year government bond and 90-day commercial paper yield. 10-year government bond and 90-day CP rates are the monthly average of daily rates taken form the Central Bank of China. The t-statistics test the null hypothesis that variable means are equal between expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods. The asterisks (*), (**), (***) denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% significance levels, respectively. The data excludes months of changes in monetary policy. expansive monetary environment than in the restrictive environment. The observed pattern in the term structure and industrial production growth is consistent with the monetary effects of a CBC stabilization policy, which tends to be restrictive when the economy and interest rates are rising and expansive when the economy and interest rate are declining. Since the CBC policy is linked to changing economic conditions, both monetary policy and business conditions are likely to contribute to the observed pattern in TERM. On the other hand, the result shows no significant difference in the mean of dividend yield of the TSE index between the two monetary policy periods, expansive vs. restrictive. Full Expansive Restrictive sample period period 0.31 0.31 0.28 t-statistics (p-value) 0.13 (.88) 3.59 6.20 3.47 3.28 3.80 4.71 3.33 4.99 6.96 4.22 4.83 5.27 5.86 5.02 -2.17 3.23 0.57 -2.76 -2.25 0.23 -3.25 6.83 (.00)*** 1.56 (.06)* 1.29 (.10) * 3.38 (.00)*** 3.05 (.00)*** 2.73 (.00)*** 2.97 (.00)** 5.94 3.27 3.42 3.81 4.82 1.87 4.17 3.81 7.13 2.80 2.53 4.13 3.91 8.02 4.48 4.24 4.31 6.10 3.48 5.72 5.30 8.10 4.41 3.45 5.05 5.22 -2.15 -1.70 0.08 1.86 -0.14 -4.73 -1.87 -1.96 3.32 -3.83 -1.03 0.55 -1.81 3.28 (.00)*** 2.39 (.00)*** 2.18 (.01)*** 1.07 (.14) 2.92 (.00)*** 3.55 (.00)*** 2.83 (.00)*** 2.76 (.00)*** 2.01 (.02)** 4.05 (.00)*** 1.93 (.02)** 1.78 (.03)** 3.14 (.00)*** Notes: The t-statistics test the null hypothesis that variable means are equal between expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods. The asterisks (*), (**), (***) denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% significance levels, respectively. The data excludes months of changes in monetary policy. ering full sample, expansive, and restrictive periods, respectively. Panel A of Table 6 displays the regression results over the full sample period for each industry. We observe that dividend yield (D/P) has a significantly positive coefficient (at the 10% significance level) on 15 (the TSE composite and 14 industry indices) out of the 20 stock indices but hasno explanatory power for bond index. This panel of the table shows, for example, that a 1% increase in the TSE market dividend yield is associated with a 3.19% increase in TSE market excess real return. On the other hand, the coefficients of the TERM variable are statistically significant for 7 out of 21 security indices and the coefficients of the GIP variable are only statistically significant for the automobile, others, rubber, textiles and transportation industries. As illustrated in Table 5, the means of excess real returns for all stock indices, except for the glass and ceramics industry, are statistically significantly higher in the expansive monetary environment than in the restrictive environment. This finding is consistent with Rozeff’s (1974) and Jenson and Johnson (1995) in the sense that a significant association between monetary developments and contemporaneous stock returns is documented in all three studies. The result in Table 5 shows no significant difference for bond market between the two monetary policy periods, though. This is in line with Johnson, Buetow, Jensen, and Reilly (2003), which finds that returns in intermediate-term or long-term Treasury or government indexes do not differ significantly between expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods. Panel B of Table 6 lists regression results of security excess real returns on business conditions associated with the expansive monetary policy period. The findings are similar to those of Panel A. Dividend yield retains its positive significance on returns for 14 of the 20 industry indices but again fails to demonstrate its influence on the bond index. However, the impact of TSE market dividend yield on excess real returns of TSE composite during the expansive monetary policy period is not statistically significant. Also, the coefficients of the TERM variable are statistically significant for 4 of 21 security indices. However, the GIP variable is strongly related to 4.2 Regression Results Table 6 reports the empirical relationship between business conditions and excess real returns. It is generated from Eq. (1). The sample period is divided into expansive and restrictive monetary periods to investigate whether or not the association between business conditions and security returns varies with monetary environments. Thus, Table 6 consists of three panels, cov 7 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 Table 6. Regression Results: Security Excess Real Returns on Dividend Yield, Term Spread and Industrial Production Growth Rate ERt = β1 + β 2 D Pt −1 + β3TREMt −1 + β 4GIPt −1 + et Index Bond market D/P TERM GIP R 2 Panel A -0.01 (.95) Panel B 0.04 (.86) Panel C -3.99 (.45) Panel A 0.17 (.20) Panel B 0.26 (.13) Panel C -0.41 (.02)** Panel A -0.01 (.80) Panel B -0.01 (.54) Panel C 5.98 (.34) Panel A -0.01 Panel B 0.02 Panel C -0.05 3.19 (.01)*** 0.42 (.30) 1.15 (.03)** 2.14 (.03)** 1.08 (.23) 2.28 (.01)*** 1.15 (.05)** 2.28 (.00)*** 1.70 (.03)** 0.46 (.39) 1.75 (.00)*** 1.10 (.34) 1.63 (.01)*** 3.88 (.00)*** 0.99 (.41) 0.73 (.10)* 2.78 (.02)** 1.64 (.01)*** 2.36 (.00)*** 1.51 (.05)** 1.53 (.37) 0.33 (.48) 2.09 (.01)*** 1.93 (.03)** 2.21 (.04)** 2.91 (.01)*** 0.98 (.14) 0.81 (.30) 1.68 (.05)** 0.51 (.49) 1.84 (.00)*** 1.78 (.05)** 1.10 (.10)* 3.07 (.01)*** 3.22 (.06)* 0.91 (.04)** 2.45 (.06)* 1.58 (.01)*** 2.38 (.00)*** 0.52 (.48) 2.52 (.63) 9.19 (.02)** 1.25 (.08)* 2.26 (.42) 2.58 (.33) -3.30 (.38) -1.26 (.57) -1.02 (.14) -0.11 (.96) 5.04 (.26) 3.37 (.06)* 0.33 (.01)*** 0.05 (.95) -0.57 (.80) 1.12 (.11) -0.56 (.41) -0.84 (.64) 2.67 (.02)** 0.44 (.90) -1.42 (.10)* 0.62 (.51) 2.67 (.04)** 2.49 (.02)** 0.38 (.68) 1.48 (.32) 0.26 (.87) 1.58 (.17) 0.26 (.92) 0.50 (.62) 0.93 (.44) 1.71 (.04)** 0.73 (.47) 1.74 (.12) 2.16 (.01)** 1.30 (.24) 1.91 (.04)** 1.56 (.10)* -0.32 (.79) 1.68 (.08)* 0.40 (.63) 0.22 (.86) 1.83 (.18) 4.47 (.00)*** 0.58 (.60) 3.88 (.11) 1.33 (.14) 2.14 (.18) -1.69 (.43) 0.47 (.76) 1.62 (.27) 2.16 (.05)** 0.77 (.48) 1.88 (.19) 1.68 (.13) 2.23 (.06)* 1.91 (.15) 2.07 (.07)* -0.68 (.67) 1.20 (.32) -0.16 (.87) -0.65 (.03)** -1.06 (.01)*** -0.44 (.02)** -0.21 (.35) -0.23 (.09)* -0.67 (.00)*** -0.48 (.03)** -0.37 (.00)** -0.43 (.04)** -0.37 (.02)*** -0.29 (.04)** -0.01 (.67) -0.32 (.01)*** -0.40 (.00)*** -0.21 (.04)** -0.55 (.02)** -0.42 (.04)** -0.41 (.00)*** -0.09 (.70) -0.43 (.07)* -0.07 (.38) -0.12 (.10)* -0.13 (.26) -0.08 (.36) -0.06 (.57) -0.11 (.35) -0.14 (.20) -0.11 (.35) -0.00 (.98) -0.14 (.17) 0.01 (.91) -0.12 (.08)* -0.09 (.35) -0.08 (.32) -0.16 (.10)* -0.06 (.48) -0.14 (.10)* -0.08 (.42) -0.11 (.10)* -0.04 (.72) -0.01 (.81) -0.07 (.36) -0.05 (.61) -0.06 (.56) 0.01 (.93) -0.14 (.04) ** -0.07 (.51) -0.06 (.58) 0.09 (.50) -0.01 (.94) -0.03 (.71) -0.11 (.21) -0.02 (.87) -0.06 (.54) -0.12 (.27) -0.02 (.87) -0.06 (.56) -0.07 (.55) -0.05 (.45) 0.07 (.34) -7.47 (.48) -13.62 (.03)** -5.56 (.14) -0.58 (.91) -0.49 (.93) -1.67 (.78) -0.64 (.91) -0.06 (.10)* -3.66 (.26) -6.72 (.17) -3.79 (.19) -0.25 (.59) -1.07 (.42) -2.84 (.52) -0.92 (.52) -1.24 (.70) -1.74 (.63) -6.89 (.02)** -1.36 (.45) 0.37 (.90) 0.08 0.00 0.12 0.08 0.00 0.28 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.08 0.02 -0.13 0.03 0.03 -0.06 0.08 0.11 0.26 0.06 0.02 -0.03 0.08 0.01 0.17 0.02 0.00 -0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.34 0.07 0.01 -0.03 0.14 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.05 -0.01 0.06 0.05 -0.04 0.07 0.02 -0.02 0.06 0.05 0.27 0.09 0.07 -0.18 0.01 -0.03 0.02 Stock market TSE composite Automobile Cement Chemicals Construction Electric and machinery Electrical appliance cable Electronics Finance Foods Glass and ceramics Others Paper and pulp Plastics Rubber Steel and iron Textiles Tourism Transportation Wholesale and retail Notes: Panel A is entire sample period, Panel B is expansive monetary period, and Panel C is restrictive monetary period. Figures in the parentheses are Newey and West’s (1987) corrected p-values, which take into account the moving average created by the overlapping of forecasting horizons and conditional heteroskedastcity. The asterisks (*), (**), (***) denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% significance levels, respectively. R 2 is the adjusted R square. The data excludes months of changes in monetary policy. stock return only in the electric and machinery industry under expansive monetary condition. cluding both the bond index and the TSE market), except for chemicals, others, and transportation. More importantly, regression results in Panels B and C suggest that sensitivity of security returns to business conditions varies, depending on the state of monetary stringency. The D/P variable plays a significant role in explaining security returns variation in full and expansive monetary environment, while the TERM variable is significant for The response of the security returns to business conditions during restrictive monetary period is reported in Panel C of Table 6. While the D/P and GIP variables are significant in only 6 and 3 of the 21 security indices respectively, the coefficient of the TERM variable is statistically significantly negative for all indices (in- 8 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 sive and restrictive monetary environments, respectively. There should be little difference in the two R 2 s if the model captures similar variation in returns, independent of monetary policy. However, as Table 7 shows, there are substantial differences in the implied R 2 s in most regressions. This suggests that the model expressed in Eq. (1) fails to account for the significant impact of the monetary policy on the ability of business condition proxies in explaining security returns. all but three security indices in restrictive period. To fixed income investors, while dividend yield is not an important factor to consider for investment decision-making purpose, term spread is worth paying attention to, especially during restrictive monetary policy period when interest rates are steadily increasing. As explained in the section of Data and Methodology, a dummy variable, DR, is created in Eq. (2) to further examine the influence of monetary environment on security returns. The associated regression results based on Eq. (2) are presented in Table 7. Consistent with evidence displayed earlier in Table 6, the results, according to the significantly negative coefficient loaded on DR for most stockindices (14 out of 20), indicate that stock returns in general are significantly higher during expansive monetary policy periods than during restrictive monetary policy periods. In contrast, there is no evidence that bond return is significantly different between the two monetary environments. Again, this finding is consistent with the results of Johnson, Buetow, Jensen, and Reilly (2003). Their study suggests that none of the return differences in intermediate-term or long-term Treasury or government indexes are significant between expansive and restrictive monetary policy periods. Fama and French (1989) suggest that the relations between the proxies for business conditions are consistent over time and driven by their common link with changing business conditions. However, respective Pearson correlation coefficients between, for example, D/P and TERM calculated in this study for the entire sample, expansive, and restrictive monetary policy periods portray a different picture. The correlation coefficients over the three periods between the two variables are -0.15, -0.26, and -0.03, respectively, with corresponding p-values of 0.12, 0.01, and 0.91. Thus, in contrast to Fama and French (1989), we find that, as far as Taiwan financial market is concerned, the interrelationship between the business condition proxy variables is affected by monetary stringency and therefore is not purely driven by business conditions. Clearly, monetary environment affects the structural relation between business condition proxy variables over various business cycles. As a result, monetary policies have an impact on the relation between business conditions and security returns. Once again, the finding suggests that both investors and corporate managers should take into account not only business conditions but also monetary policies when modeling market returns for investment and/or financing decision making purpose. The results in Table 7 also show that the addition of the dummy variable for monetary stringency alters the explanatory power of business conditions, D/P and TERM, on stock and bond indices. In particular, the significant explanatory power of D/P observed in Panel A of Table 6 has disappeared in Table 7 for TSE composite, chemicals, electronic and machinery, electrical appliance cable, electronics, textiles, and wholesale and retail industry indices. On the other hand, as with Panel C of Table 6, the regression coefficient on TERM for bond index is statistically significant at the 3% significance level. This reinforces our earlier suggestion that fixed income investors must take both term spread and monetary policy into consideration for their investment decisions. The persistent significance of TERM in accounting for security return variation during restrictive monetary environment suggests that business and monetary conditions do not mirror each other perfectly. 5. Discussions and Conclusion This study constructs measures of business condition proxies, namely dividend yield (D/P), term spread (TERM), and growth rate in industrial production (GIP), to test the relationship between business condition proxies and security returns and whether the relationship varies across changing monetary policy conditions in Taiwan. This study, unlike Jensen et al. (1996), investigates the impact of changes in monetary condition on the link between business conditions and stock returns of 19 industry sectors as well as returns of the stock market as a whole. As Nowak (1993) suggested, changes in monetary policy are likely to significantly affect both interest rate sensitive industries and industries with a substantial export or import component. Taiwan is well known for its heavy economic reliance on both exporting and importing business. Thus, this study of the Taiwan financial market provides an excellent avenue to verify Nowak’s (1993) assertion. Because monetary condition affects the role of business condition proxies in explaining security returns, we examine the quality of the functional specifications by estimating implied R 2 in expansive vs. restrictive monetary environment. The implied R2s 2 2 ( Re s and Rr s ) are also presented in Table 7. They are calculated as (1- SSEe / SSTe ) or (1- SSE r / SSTr ), where SSEe and SSEr are the respective error sum-of-squares in expansive and restrictive monetary environments, derived from Eq. (1) for each industry. Accordingly, SSTe and SSTr are the total sum-of-squares in expan- 9 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 Table 7. Regression Results: Security Excess Real Returns on Term Spread, Dividend Yield, Industrial Production Growth Rate and Discount Rate Change Dummy ERt = α1 + α2 D Pt −1 + α3TREMt −1 + α4GIPt−1 + α5 DRt−1 + vt Index Bond market Stock market TSE composite Automobile Cement Chemicals Construction Electric and machinery Electrical appliance cable Electronics Finance Foods Glass and ceramics Others Paper and pulp Plastics Rubber Steel and iron Textiles Tourism Transportation Wholesale and retail D/P TERM ** 0.01 (.97) 0.27 (.03) 1.47 (.37) 0.43 (.31) 1.19 (.03)** 1.33 (.11) 0.73 (.40) 1.74 (.12) 0.82 (.25) 1.19 (.14) 1.39 (.06)* 0.41 (.43) 1.79 (.00)*** 0.54 (.52) 1.17 (.07)* 3.42 (.00)*** 0.69 (.47) 0.78 (.08)* 1.71 (.13) 1.53 (.01)*** 2.42 (.00)*** 0.61 (.41) -0.67 (.55) 1.99 (.13) 2.66 (.04)** -0.34 (.74) 0.70 (.72) 0.03 (.97) 0.76 (.61) -2.10 (.29) -0.06 (.96) 0.96 (.50) 1.74 (.10) * -0.12 (.91) 0.85 (.54) 1.26 (.10)* 0.25 (.85) 1.32 (.30) 0.50 (.68) -0.79 (.57) 1.18 (.26) -0.51 (.76) Re2 Rr2 Re − R r 2 GIP DR -0.01 (.42) 0.25 (.26) -0.00 -0.01 -0.11 0.10 -0.02 (.77) -0.11 (.19) -0.06 (.56) -0.05 (.58) 0.01 (.97) -0.14 (.03)** -0.08 (.41) -0.07 (.56) 0.06 (.58) 0.09 (.38) -0.03 (.73) -0.10 (.18) -0.07 (.45) -0.06 (.53) -0.11 (.26) -0.04 (.65) -0.08 (.38) -0.07 (.52) -0.07 (.28) 0.04 (.61) -6.48 (.01)*** -0.92 (.67) -2.12 (.45) -6.52 (.03)** -7.40 (.02)** -5.17 (.07)* -5.35 (.10)* -8.78 (.05)** -5.64 (.01)*** -1.96 (.41) -0.35 (.87) -5.24 (.05)** -6.57 (.04)** -4.24 (.10)* -6.46 (.03)** -3.36 (.20) -6.49 (.02)** -3.23 (.12) -3.79 (.07)* -4.87 (.01)*** 0.11 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.06 0.10 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.13 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.03 -0.01 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.01 -0.00 -0.00 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.07 -0.03 0.12 0.16 0.10 -0.08 -0.07 0.22 -0.03 0.11 0.07 0.03 0.12 0.19 0.15 0.10 -0.01 -0.05 -0.03 0.18 -0.07 0.02 0.13 0.16 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.05 R 2 2 Notes: DR is the discount rate change dummy variable. It takes on a value of one in restrictive monetary policy periods and a value of zero in expansive monetary policy periods. Implied R2s (Re2s and Rr2s)are calculated as (1-SSEe/SSTe) or (1-SSEr/SSTr), where SSEe and SSEr are the respective error sum-of-squares in expansive and restrictive monetary environments derived from the model estimated over the full sample period of July 1991-February 2004. SSTe and SSTr are the total sum-of-squares in expansive and restrictive monetary environments, respectively. Figures in the parentheses are Newey and West’s (1987) corrected p-values, which take into account the moving average created by the overlapping of forecasting horizons and conditional heteroskedastcity. The asterisks (*), (**), (***) denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% significance levels, respectively. R 2 is the adjusted R square. The data excludes months of changes in monetary policy. Empirical results in this study reveal that the connection between business conditions and security returns varies significantly across changing monetary policy environments, which is in line with the results reported in Jensen et al. (1996) for the U.S. case, but different from the findings in Hess (2001) for the case of U.K. While the critical role of monetary policy in the association between business conditions and security returns is identified in both the U.S. and Taiwan, the link between business conditions and security returns under various monetary policy environments in Taiwan behaves differently from that in the U.S. Fama and French (1989) and Jensen et al. (1996) show that expected returns on U.S. stocks and bonds are related to all three business condition proxies, D/P, TERM, and default premium. In contrast, we find that, over the entire sample period, expected stock returns of the Taiwan composite are significantly related to D/P only and expected returns on bond are not related to any of the three business condition proxies. For industry sectors, 14, 7, and 5 (out of 19) industry sectors are significantly related to D/P, TERM, and GIP, respectively. by the use of discount rate set by the Central Bank of China. We observe that the coefficient of D/P is statistically significantly positive in 16 out of 20 stock indices in expansive period, while the coefficient of TERM is significant only in 5 cases during the same period. On the other hand, during restrictive period, we observe that returns of 18 out of 21security indices (including bond) are statistically significantly negatively related to TERM. It appears that the impact of business condition proxies on expected security returns in Taiwan depends on whether monetary period is classified as expansive or restrictive. Empirical findings from the examination of effects of monetary policy changes on the relationship between business conditions and industry stock returns also support Nowak’s (1993) assertion that monetary policy changes are likely to have a strong influence on interest rate sensitive industries. The finance industry is commonly considered as an interest rate sensitive industry since changes in interest rates resulted from monetary policy changes usually have direct impact on financial firms’ cost of funds and hence their profit and earning performance. The construction industry is another interest rate sensitive industry because construction ac- We also divide the entire sample into two sub- samples, based on monetary policy environments identified 10 Ming-Hsiang Chen et al./Asia Pacific Management Review (2007) 12(1), 1-12 tivities are usually financed with borrowed funds and thus the profit margins fluctuate with interest rate changes. 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