Faith Foundations Resources

Approaching the Catholic Moral Framework
Reference Texts
 The Catechism of the Catholic Church (nos. 1691‐2051)  U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults; by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Ch. 23 ‐ 34)  Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes): Vatican Council – Constitutions, Decrees, Declarations; Austin Flannery, O.P. (General Ed.)  A Concise Guide to the Documents of Vatican II; by Edward P. Hahnenberg Bibles
 Catholic Study Bible, 2nd edition; Donald Senior & John J. Collins (Eds.)  Family Connections Bible; John Vitek (Ed.)  Catholic Youth Bible; Virginia Halbur (Ed.) Books
 Christian Morality: In the Breath of God; by Russel B. Connors, Jr.  Holiness; by William O’Malley, (Catholic Spirituality for Adults Series)  The Commandments We Keep: A Catholic Guide to Living a Moral Life; by Peter J. Vaghi  The Seven Deadly Sins: A Visitor’s Guide; by Lawrence Cunningham  The Virtues; by Pope Benedict XVI  Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Choices; by Peter Kreeft  How to Defend the Faith without Raising Your Voice: Civil Responses to Catholic Hot‐Button Issues; by Austen Ivereigh and Kathryn Jean Lopez Articles
 “Understanding Sin Today,” by Richard M. Gula, Catholic Update; Liguiori 2012  “Your Conscience and Church Teaching—How Do They Fit Together?” by Nicholas Lohkamp, O.F.M.  Pope Francis Sunday Angelus: June 30, 2013 (On Jesus and Conscience)  “Judgement Call: Bishop v. Conscience,” by Bryan Cones, U.S. Catholic, March 2011 Web Resources
 US Conference of Catholic Bishops—Morality‐and‐teachings/what‐we‐believe/morality/index.cfm  US Conference of Catholic Bishops—Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship‐and‐action/faithful‐citizenship/index.cfm  What is Natural Law? – Bishop Robert Barron;  Christianity and Ethics – Bishop Robert Barron; Video/DVD
 7 Deadly Sins, 7 Lively Virtues; Bishop Robert Barron  The Catholicism Series (Lesson 2); Bishop Robert Barron  Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained (Part 2: Episodes 6‐10); Augustine Institute Apps
 Examen Prayer (Father Michael Denk)  Jesuit Prayer (Jesuits)  Confession: A Roman Catholic App; (Little i Apps, LLC) SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR 6 SESSION COURSE! Approaching the Catholic Moral Framework
Tuesdays, April 12– May 17
with Lisa Mersereau, DRE at St. Benedict
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