A Proverbs 31 Woman Proverbs 31:10

A Proverbs 31 Woman
Proverbs 31:10-31
Today is "Mother's Day." If we were to ask each of you what the word "mother"
means to you, I'm sure we would get a variety of answers.
Here in this text, the writer of Proverbs lays out for us the picture of an ideal wife
and mother. Understand ladies - it is an ideal. No lady is perfect and no lady will
always, 100% of the time, look like the woman described in this text.
But this text does serve as a great guideline and provides principles by which you
can be a godly, Christ-honoring woman. Ladies, you can't be the virtuous woman
of Proverbs 31, but Christ can do it through you as you yield to him and trust Him
to live through you.
Men, if you want to know how to choose a wife, you would be wise to study this
passage. Let's examine the profile of a Proverbs 31 woman.
First, she has great worth. vs. 10-12
Men, if you can get a Proverbs 31 woman, you have found a treasure. You better
hang on to her because she is very valuable. Proverbs 19:14
Notice, that her value is not in her outward charm, but her inner virtue.
• The Bible says, "… far above rubies." Diamonds catch and reflect light, but the
ruby's beauty comes from the inside - an inner glow.
• Don't misunderstand, outward beauty is fine, but many a man has made the
mistake of falling in love with a face and then found out after marriage that
underneath that pretty face was Frankenstein.
This word "virtuous" means "moral strength, a woman of character." When
choosing a wife, the first question should be, "Is she a virtuous woman?" If so, she
is of great worth. Why is this?
• She will be a woman you can trust (vs. 11) - You can trust her with the bank
account. She is wise, honest, loyal, and prudent. The man doesn't have to work
two and three jobs to support her wasteful spending and luxurious lifestyle.
• She will treat you well (vs. 12) - notice "all the days of her life." Some women,
when things get rough and money is scarce, they are gone and latch on to
another man. A virtuous woman is industrious and uses financial wisdom to
help her husband (vs. 16-18, 24). She does him good (Illustration: gossiping
with other ladies).
A Proverbs 31 woman has great worth. Why? Because her husband can trust her
and she does him good all the days of her life.
Second, she works hard. vs. 13, 15, 19, 27
If a woman is a wife and mother and does it right, it is hard work. I've heard people
ask ladies the question, "Do you work, or are you a stay home mother?" How
• I don't think most men have any clue how much work is involved in being a
wife and mother.
I love verse 27, "She…eateth not the bread of idleness." A Proverbs 31 woman is
not lazy. She is an industrious, hard worker.
Third, she ministers to others. vs. 20
The Proverbs 31 is not a self-centered woman, but a gracious, giving woman
looking to meet needs in the lives of others. She knows how to minister to other
people who are hurting.
Her attitude is not "What about me?" but rather "What can I do for others?"
Fourth, she desires to make her husband successful. vs. 23-25
The indication here is that her husband is well-known and respected and is a
success, and that, for the most part, it is due to his wife working behind the scenes,
supporting, helping, and encouraging him.
You've heard the expression, "Behind every good man is a great woman." It's been
said that a woman is to a man what wind is to a fire. She can fan it up or blow it
• Illustration: Adam and Eve - Adam was incomplete and needed a help-meet.
The wife is to be the husband's completer, not competitor. They are to
complement one another, not compete with one another.
In verse 24 she brings income into the home, but doesn't do it in competition with
her husband, but to enhance her husband.
Fifth, her tongue is full of gracious words. vs. 26
A Proverbs 31 woman doesn't use her tongue to lash out at her family or anybody
else. Ladies who regularly use their tongues to tear down and destroy are not at
peace with themselves. There is an inward, spiritual problem that needs to be dealt
The Bible says that the tongue is a fire. It can either be used to scorch those around
you and burn your home down or it can be used to rekindle flames of romance and
The Proverbs 31 woman is full of poise and grace. “…in her tongue is the law of
• Example: Christ - Luke 4:22
Sixth, she has a glowing witness. vs. 28-31
To her children. vs. 28
• They know she is real and genuine. You can fool a lot of people, but not your
kids. They have seen first-hand her love for God, her respect and honor for
Dad, so they return the same to her.
To her husband. vs. 28
• Her husband can't praise her enough. It's impossible to tell her too much how
much you love and appreciate her.
To her community. vs. 31
• How America needs some godly, chaste, virtuous mothers and ladies!