2015 2016 “IB PROVIDED ME WITH THE SKILLS TO GET INVOLVED AND MAKE THE MOST OF MY UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE.” START WITH IB TAKE YOUR STUDIES TO THE NEXT LEVEL WITH INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA WHY INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE? The IB program gives students the skills they need to succeed in university, from improved study habits, to exam-writing experience, to workload and time management. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to stick with it – and persistence pays off, in university and beyond! WHY UALBERTA? We love IB students! We offer undergraduate research opportunities, world-class professors, and state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities in an academically focused setting. DANNY HUANG (PICTURED LEFT) Danny Huang is a fourth-year Biochemistry student and undergraduate researcher. Danny’s first experience with university research, as a Grade 11 IB student, led him to discover his passion for oncology and to co-found the TeamUp Science student group once he started at the U of A. GET A HEAD START THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA CELEBRATES YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS AS AN IB STUDENT! START GETTING INVOLVED IB RECOGNITION The University of Alberta hosts several events IB students can attend beginning as early as Grade 11: If you achieve a final IB grade of 6 or higher, you can receive Advanced Standing at the U of A through: • Undergraduate Research Symposium (see below) • Transfer credit * • Advanced placement • Credit by special assessment (CSA) • AP/IB Breakfast (morning of Open House – Saturday, October 18, 2014) • Alumni Recognition Awards Learn more and sign up online at ualberta.ca/IB CONNECT TO CAMPUS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM At the University of Alberta, you can gain real, hands-on research experience as an undergraduate. As an IB student, you have the unique opportunity to attend the Undergraduate Research Symposium at the U of A while still in high school – and as a first-year student here, you can present your IB extended essay research. Learn more about why we love International Baccalaureate students at ualberta.ca/IB Please see the Advanced Standing Chart on the opposite page for more details. * While we encourage students to retain the transfer credit they have earned, you do have the option to decline it at the time of admission. For information on transfer credit implications for professional programs, or how to decline transfer credit, please see ualberta.ca/IB 1/2 Being an IB student pays! Last year, nearly half of all IB students who applied for a major entrance award received a scholarship. TRANSCRIPTS All IB students are required to submit a final and official IB transcript by the due date posted in Bear Tracks. Learn more online at ualberta.ca/beartracks How to submit transcripts: Ask your IB coordinator to request that your transcript be sent directly to the University of Alberta, or contact IBO directly. ADMISSIONS INFO FOR INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE STUDENTS ADMISSION FOR DIPLOMA CANDIDATES The U of A offers IB Diploma candidates final admission, based on predicted grades, to all direct-entry faculties. Your IB coordinator will need to complete a Predicted IB Grades form and mail it to the University in early spring. To be considered for admission through this process, you will need to present six IB courses with no grade less than 4, meet the minimum overall required predicted score for your faculty, and ensure that five of your courses are equivalent to required subjects for your program. If you are completing IB exams in conjunction with your high school curriculum, we will use the higher of either your IB score or high school grade for admission, based on the IB Grade Conversion Scale shown on the right. 80% Bio 30 < IB Bio IB RESULT % EQUIVALENT 7 98 6 90 5 82 4 73 3 55 2 or 1 (Not accepted for admission) ADVANCED STANDING CHART NOTES 1. For students entering the Faculty of Engineering: Transfer credit for the first (qualifying) year courses does not reduce the minimum load requirement of 37.0 units. DUAL ADMISSION 6 IB GRADE CONVERSION SCALE If you finish with an 80% in Biology 30, and a 6 in IB Biology (which converts to 90%), we would use the IB grade in considering your admission. 2. Credit by Special Assessment (CSA): To earn credit, students are able to challenge the university-level class, often through a special exam. There are no fees for CSA exams; however, the results from CSA exams appear on your U of A transcript. 3. History classes: Credit will be awarded for all five regional options offered at the higher level (HL), including Africa, Americas, East and Southeast Asia and Oceania, Europe (including Russia/USSR), and South Asia and the Middle East (including North Africa). 4. Advanced Placement: While no transfer credit is offered, students are permitted to register in a senior course. In the case of Language other than English courses, students with Advanced Placement will be permitted to register in a senior course after determination of their background qualifications for that course (interview, placement test, etc.). Students may also challenge a junior or senior course for credit via the Credit by Special Assessment route if they are eligible and have appropriate qualifications. 5. When students are instructed “not to take” a specific course and a generic 100-level credit is granted, this credit may be used to meet the prerequisite for any higher-level course requiring the specific course in question. ADVANCED STANDING FOR IB COURSES IB COURSES UALBERTA EQUIVALENTS AUGUSTANA EQUIVALENTS (CAMROSE) BIOLOGY (HL) BIOL 107 (ê3) AUBIO 130 (ê3) CHEMISTRY (HL) CHEM 101 (ê3) [or CHEM 103 (ê4.3) ] (see note 1) AUCHE 110 (ê3) CHEMISTRY (SL) Students may apply to write a CSA examination in CHEM 101 (ê3) [or CHEM 103 (ê4.3)] (see notes 1, 2) COMPUTING SCIENCE (HL) taken 2006 to 2013 CMPUT 174 (ê3) and 175 (ê3) AUCSC 110 (ê3) and 120 (ê3) COMPUTING SCIENCE (HL) taken 2014 onwards CMPUT 174 (ê3) and 175 (ê3) AUCSC 110 (ê3) and 112 (ê3) COMPUTING SCIENCE (SL) taken 2006 to 2013 CMPUT 174 (ê3) AUCSC 110 (ê3) COMPUTING SCIENCE (SL) taken 2014 onwards CMPUT 174 (ê3) AUCSC 111 (ê3) DANCE (HL) DANCE 100-level (ê3) AUPED 100-level (ê3) AUECO 101(ê3) and 102 (ê3) ECONOMICS (HL) ECON 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) (not to take ECON 204) ENGLISH A: Language & Literature (HL) C LIT 100-level (ê3) AU Humanities 100-level (ê3) ENGLISH A: Literature (HL) ENGL 100-level (ê6) [or ENGL 100-level (ê3) and 100-level complementary studies elective (ê3)] (see note 1) AUENG 100-level (ê6) FILM (HL) FS 100-level (ê3) AU Humanities 100-level (ê3) FRENCH A or B (HL) FREN 100-level (ê3) and 211 (ê3)(not to take FREN 111 or 112) AUFRE 102 (ê3) and 201 (ê3) [not to take AUFRE 101] FRENCH A or B (SL) FREN 100-level (ê6) (not to take FREN 111 or 112) AUFRE 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) GEOGRAPHY (HL or SL) HGP 100 (ê3) AUGEO 100-level (Arts) (ê3) GERMAN A or B (HL) GERM 100-level (ê3) and 211 (ê3) (not to take GERM 111 or 112) AUGER 102 (ê3) and 201 (ê3) [not to take AUGER 101] GERMAN A or B (SL) GERM 100-level (ê6) (not to take GERM 111 or 112) AUGER 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) GREEK (HL) GREEK 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) AUGRE 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) HISTORY (HL) (see note 3) HIST 100-level (ê3) (not to take HIST 112 or 113) AUHIS 104 (ê3) ISLAMIC HISTORY (HL) HIST 100-level (ê3) (not to take HIST 117) AUHIS 100-level (ê3) ITALIAN A (HL) Advanced Placement (see note 4) JAPANESE AB (SL) & JAPANESE B (HL or SL) JAPAN 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) AU Language 100-level (ê6) LATIN (HL) LATIN 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) AULAT 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) LITERATURE & PERFORMANCE English (SL) DRAMA 100-level (ê3) AUDRA 100-level (ê3) MANDARIN AB (SL) & MANDARIN B (HL or SL) CHINA 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) AU Language 100-level (ê6) MATHEMATICS (HL) taken prior to 2014 MATH 114 (ê3) [or MATH 100 (ê3.5)] (see note 1). Student may also apply to write a CSA examination in MATH 115 (ê3) [or MATH 101 (ê3.5)] (see notes 1, 2) AUMAT 111 (ê3) MATHEMATICS (HL) taken 2014 onwards Students may apply to write a CSA examination in MATH 114 (ê3) (see note 2) Students may apply to write a CSA examination in AUMAT 116 (ê3) (see note 2) FURTHER MATHEMATICS (HL) taken 2014 onwards Students may apply to write a CSA examination in MATH 100 (ê3) or 114 (ê3), and MATH 102 (ê3) or 125 (ê3) Students may apply to write a CSA examination in AUMAT 116 (ê3) and 120 (ê3) (see note 2) FURTHER MATHEMATICS (SL) taken prior to 2014 MATH 114 (ê3) and 115 (ê3) [or Math 100 (ê3.5) and 101 (ê3.5)] (see note 1) AUMAT 111 (ê3) and 112 (ê3) MATHEMATICS (SL) Students may apply to write a CSA examination in MATH 114 (ê3) (see note 2) Students may apply to write a CSA examination in AUMAT 116 (ê3) (see note 2) MUSIC (HL) MUSIC 102 (ê3) and MUSIC 100-level (ê3) (not to take MUSIC 101) AUMUS 170 (ê3) and AUMUS 100-level (ê3) PHILOSOPHY (HL) PHIL 100-level (ê3) (not to take PHIL 101 or 102) AUPHI 100-level (ê3) PHYSICS (HL) PHYS 124 (ê3) and 126 (ê3) AUPHY 100-level (ê6) PHYSICS (SL) PHYS 124 (ê3) AUPHY 100-level (ê3) PSYCHOLOGY (HL) PSYCO 104 (ê3) and 105 (ê3) AUPSY 101 (ê3) and 102 (ê3) PSYCHOLOGY (SL) PSYCO 104 (ê3) AUPSY 101 (ê3) SOCIAL, CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (HL) ANTHR 100-level (ê3) AU Social Sciences 100-level (ê3) SPANISH A (HL) Advanced Placement (see note 4) Advanced Placement (see note 4) AUPED 100-level (ê3) SPORTS, EXERCISE & HEALTH SCIENCE (SL) PEDS 100-level (ê3) THEATRE (HL) DRAMA 101 (ê3) AUDRA 101 (ê3) VISUAL ARTS (HL) ART 100-level (ê3) and ART 134 (ê3) AUART 111 (ê3) and 113 (ê3) WORLD RELIGIONS (SL) RELIG 100-level (ê3) AUREL 100-level (ê3) Successful completion of all diploma components Open Elective 100-level (ê3) AUOPT 100-level Open Elective (ê3) CONNECT WITH US UPCOMING EVENTS QUESTIONS? CONTACT US. The University of Alberta hosts several events for IB students throughout the year. Our IB advisors are here to help! University of Alberta | National Recruitment Learn more about all our upcoming events and register online at ualberta.ca/IB W ualberta.ca/IB T E 780.492.8810 | 1.855.492.3113 IBstudent@ualberta.ca