The GoodLife Team - Charlotte Street Computers

The GoodLife Team
“Real estate isn’t done in an
office. Real estate is done out
in the field. And iPad is there
through every part of the
Krisstina Wise, CEO, the GoodLife Team
Company Snapshot
Real estate, real results with iPad
Boutique residential real estate brokerage
When people shop for a new home, they’re not just looking for bedrooms and bathrooms—
they’re searching for a place where they can love, laugh, and make memories. The GoodLife Team,
a residential real estate firm in Austin, Texas, helps customers visualize and find these “perfect
fit” properties by taking advantage of the most intuitive, innovative technology available for real
estate professionals. In other words, they use iPad.
Founded 2007 in Austin, TX
25 employees, 250 transactions per year
2010 Inman Innovator Award winner for “Most Innovative
Apps in use
DocuSign +
Evernote +
Fuze Meeting HD
iAnnotate PDF
iBooks +
Keynote +® Real Estate Search +
TripIt – Travel Organizer +
+ This app is designed for both iPad and iPhone.
“I feel as though iPad was invented for the real estate industry,” says Krisstina Wise, founder and
CEO of the GoodLife Team. “Before getting one, I had no idea it would become as useful as it
has been for my company. Real estate is a mobile industry, and iPad enables us to do business
wherever we are, at any time. It’s the best mobile device for real estate professionals.”
“Our entire sales force uses iPad,” adds Garry Wise, GoodLife’s Chief Sales Officer and Krisstina’s
business partner and husband. “By using iPad, we’re able to rapidly respond to offers, counteroffers, and win a home for our clients.”
Home, sweet iPad
Rather than relying on paper printouts and scribbled notes in meetings with buyers and sellers,
GoodLife Team members use the lightweight, instant-on iPad to gather customer information,
share property images, find directions, research neighborhood facts, and look up competitive
information at a moment’s notice. Photos and videos of properties are crisp and clear on the
LED-backlit iPad display, and with just a pinch it’s easy to zoom in for a closer look at the details.
All this iPad interaction engages GoodLife’s customers and helps them visualize exactly what they
want and need from their new home. “We hand them an iPad with a tour of all of the homes
we’re going to see,” Garry says. “They bring it into the different homes and take notes on what
they loved about each house. They can see the route we’re taking on the map. They can circle
different areas they might be interested in. iPad really draws customers into the experience of
buying a house.”
More apps, less paper
The GoodLife Team depends on multiple iPad business apps to get things done faster and better.
Favorites include Keynote for presentations, Fuze Meeting HD for mobile videoconferences, and
iBooks for organizing and presenting PDF tours of homes for clients to review.
To access customer information on iPad, the GoodLife Team uses a customized real estate CRM tool
based on “We’re able to manage our entire database of clients,” says Garry. “I can
schedule appointments and manage all my relationships and transactions, all within iPad.”
The Evernote app lets sales staff and potential buyers take notes, add photos, and even record
audio for a complete customer snapshot or property profile. And with apps like DocuSign and
iAnnotate PDF, GoodLife agents can use their iPads to capture signatures and email offers on
the spot.
“iPad really draws customers into the
experience of buying a house.”
Garry Wise, Chief Sales Officer, the GoodLife Team
“DocuSign enables my sales team
to write contracts wherever they
are on iPad,” Krisstina says. “We get
our contracts over first, negotiate
them, get them back, and deliver
the service to our customers
right there.”
This paperless system saves not just trees, but time. A lot of time. “On average, being paperless
saves us three hours per transaction,” Garry says. “In three hours, I can meet with four other clients.
That’s 750 hours we’re saving this year alone. iPad lowers our costs across the board and increases
our profitability.”
These apps provide the kind of sophisticated back-end capabilities that—until iPad—few small
businesses were able to afford. “iPad has enabled us to function like a big business,” Krisstina says.
“There’s an app to solve every problem.”
The keys to the good life
In a business where timing can make or break a deal, iPad gives the GoodLife Team a definite edge
over their non-wired, non-mobile competitors. “iPad is a complete competitive advantage that
enables us to do business more effectively,” Krisstina says. “Real estate isn’t done in an office. Real
estate is done out in the field. And iPad is there through every part of the transaction.”
But iPad gives the GoodLife Team more than just speed and efficiency: It delivers an integrated,
high-quality client experience that helps customers find their own “good life.”
“Buying a house should be fun,” Garry reflects. “At the same time, it’s an extremely serious and
important decision. They’re searching for a home to raise their families in, or start a life with
somebody in, or that they’ll end up retiring in. Using iPad, we can capture and enhance fun and
excitement and celebration. It is a great experience for them.”
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