Written Classification Essay Rating Tool Instruction: 1. Indicate the no. of the essay that’s assigned to you in the rating tool’s first column. 2. Indicate the author’s name on the space provided in the tool’s second row. 3. Read the essay that’s assigned to you and rate by indicating the number of the corresponding point/s for each component based on the essay’s content. 4. Get the summation then indicate the total score in the box opposite the word total. 5. Write both your over-all positive and negative feedback on the spaces provided just above the author’s name. 6. Indicate your name as the evaluator and the date of evaluation on the spaces provided right below the rubric. Essay’s Components Body Introduction Essay No. Presents an excellent thesis statement which has specific topic and clear opinion of the author about the topic; Has relevant background information; and Has no grammar lapses. Presents the thesis statement with its topic and author’s opinion about the topic; Has background information; and Has some grammar lapses. 5 Doesn’t present any of the ff. or both: - thesis statement - background information; and Has lots of grammar and sentence structure lapses. 3 Introduction 1 Conclusion Excellently supports the thesis statement with clear and all known categories; and Has no grammar lapses. Supports the thesis statement with all known categories; and Has some grammar lapses. 5 3 Does not support the thesis statement at all or simply indicated incomplete categories ; and Has lots of grammar and sentence structure lapses. Body 1 Excellently ends or wraps-up the essay with any of the ff.: - Restatement of the thesis statement; - Summary of the important points in the body; - Expression of opinion/ generalization; or - Suggestion of an action. Has no grammar lapses. 5 Ends or wraps-up the essay with any of the ff.: - Restatement of the thesis statement; - Summary of the important points in the body; - Expression of opinion/ generalization; or - Suggestion of an action. Has some grammar lapses. 3 Doesn’t end or wrap-up the essay at all. Has lots of grammar and sentence structure lapses. 1 Conclusion Total: Over-all Positive Feedback: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Over-all Negative Feedback: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Author of the Essay: ________________________________________ Note: Evaluator’s points for this activity will be based on how clear, substantial and accurate his/her evaluations fort each component and/or subcomponent. Evaluated by:_________________________________________ Signature over printed name Date of evaluation:__________________ Prepared by Miss Lesley Karen B. Penera GENEDDEPT/classificationessayratingtool/commskills2/11-12