2 Chronology



Intro to Global #2

Which European historical periods are in the proper chronologiWrida? i . . j.,„ , ty i _1* (,-,..

1) Middle Ages --> i-, 6,-,i- i5e1)

Roman Empir Y? &t:.


4-14, 4s-,) ( g

2) Renaissance -> Ancient Greece -÷ Roman Empire -->

Middle Ages 2:

3) Ancient Greece --> Roman Empire -> Middle Ages -->


4) Roman Empire -> Middle Ages --> Renaissance

Ancient Greece

5. Developments in European History

A Protestant Reformation 5 (1

B Feudal Period

C Industrial Revolution


D Neolithic Revolution ,i,L.sub


Which set of events is listed in the correct chronological order?

1) C->A->B--->D

2) D -> C B -> A

3) B-->D-->A->C

4) D-->B->A-->C

2. What is the correct chronological order for this set of events in Chinese history?

A. Communist Revolution

B. Tiananmen Square Massacre- 152 1

C. Return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule

D. Opium Wars -

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3) D--->A-->B->C

4) D-->B->C--->A

6. A. Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

B. Allies invade Europe on D-Day.-

C. Germany invades Poland.- t';S'

D. Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. -I '?(-i

Which sequence shows the correct chronological order of these World War II events, from earliest to latest?

1) A --> B --> C --> D

2) B --> A --> D --> C

3) C--> D -> B --> A

4) D --> C --> A --> B 3. Which sequence of events is listed in the correct chronological order?

1) Crusades -> Enlightenment -> French Revolution

2) French Revolution -> Enlightenment -> Crusades

3) French Revolution -> Crusades --> Enlightenment

4) Enlightenment -> Crusades -> French Revolution

7. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?


A. Fall of Constantinople

146 3

4. Four events in world history, labeled A,B, C, and D, are listed below.

A. Passage of the English Bill of Rights

B. Signing of the Magna Carta I

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C. Latin American revolutions

D. French Revolution

B. Voyages of Columbus 1(445-

C. Posting of Martin Luther's Ninetyfive Theses


D. Collapse of communism in the

Soviet Union ltieo

The correct chronological order for these events is

I) D ->C -->B -->A 3) B -> A -->D --->C

2) A --->D --->C 4) D -> B

1) Importance of Revolution

2) War and Rebellion

3) Turning Points in History

4) Effects of Economic Change

8. Which sequence of Russian events is in the correct chronological order?

A. Catherine the Great westernizes Russia. 1-14- '2--.-1-14-14'

B. Ivan III defeats the Mongols.

C. Khrushchev places missiles in Cuba.

Ole 7-

D. Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne. Ito

1) A-->B->C->D 3) B->C->A->D

2) B-->A-->D-->C 4) D-->A->C-->B

9. Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Capitalism Will Crush Russia!

10. Which sequence of events is listed in the correct chronological order?

1) Crusades --> (11:Evxri P etTAmov --> P EvalCOUVXE

2) c1436vxri

P stzo2unov --> Xpicco560—> P Evoicrovx6

3) XFOCD6 E Cr —>

P Evaccavxe —> crpevxri P etTDAYELov

4) P EvalCOUVXE -->

XpuctA5scy—> crimvxri P cuokynov

Source: Student Artwork, Shaneekwa Miller,

Fashion Industries High School (adapted)

Which period of history is depicted in this cartoon?

1) Industrial Revolution 3) Age of Imperialism

2) Age of Enlightenment 4) Cold War
