RIT myCourses

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Throughlines are the overarching goals that describe the most important understandings that students should develop during the entire course. These
fundamental questions are addressed in some way during every course module. Keep them in mind throughout the course.
1. How and why are color images made?
2. What is the importance of perception in image reproduction?
3. How do historical and current color reproduction systems work?
Welcome to Color Reproduction
Welcome to SIMG 749, Color Reproduction.
This on-line course is a graduate elective offered in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science.
The instructor is Mark Fairchild.
The course will be updated soon. As of Sept. 4 the materials for the first two course sessions are available. The remaining course materials should be
posted within the next two weeks. Your first task is to obtain a copy of the textbook.
R.W.G. Hunt, The Reproduction of Colour, 6th Ed., Wiley (2004).
It is readily available from amazon.com and the IS&T. There might also be some copies in the RIT bookstore. Get your copy, start reading, and watch for
the course site to be ready to go on, or about Sept. 5.
Course Tools
0 New Dropbox
Content - is typically where all of the course content is
located, such as Syllabus, Outline, Lectures, Projects, etc.
0 Unread Discussion
Grade Book - is where grades can be posted. Students can
see their own grade, as well as the class average and
No Events
Open my
Email - allows students (and faculty) to easily send email
messages to any or all students in the class.
No bookmark added.
Role Switch
To simulate the view of
another Role, select a Role
from the "My Current Role"
drop-down list.
My Current Role:
-- My Default Role --
Dropbox - is where assignments (files) are uploaded to a
secure area. Faculty can then easily grade the assignment
and have the grade associated with the Grade Book.
Discussions - are a central place where asynchronous dialog
can take place regarding the course material.
Quizzes - is where online quizzes (or tests) can be
created. A quiz can be configured to be taken multiple
times for practice or a single time for a high stakes test.
Chat - is where live online discussion can take place. It
may be used for office hours, virtual group meetings, or
online learning courses.
Classlist - is used to see a list of other students and
faculty in the course. You can see who is currently online,
users' profiles, as well as group membership.
Calendar - can be used for important course dates, such
as due dates and exams, and you can add your own
personal events to the calendar as well.
Journal - can be used as a private notepad to take either
personal notes or course notes.
Checklist - can be used to keep a personalized account of
which course-related tasks have been accomplished. (Only
instructors can create checklists)
Change Order
It's All There - Sep 21, 2005
Hello Everyone,
All of the course content is now available. Feel free to
work at your own pace if you want to get ahead (but
don't get behind).
Some of the internet links in the "Information & Links"
sections are outdated. For now, I just pasted in the old
ones. I will try to update them as the quarter goes on.
If you know of other good websites, feel free to mention
them on the discussion board.
Speaking of which ... it would be nice to see more
discussions going on.
Mac Browsers... - Sep 4, 2005
If you haven't noticed already, there is a list of
compatible browsers on the "myCourses" homepage. For
Mac users, you should note that Safari is not listed.
Safari appears to work with much of myCourses, but
gives unpredictable behavior for some items (like my
QuickTimeModules). I have been unable to successfully
use and edit the course in Safari. I'd recommend that
Mac users use Mozilla 1.7 (not Firefox), see
Hello Everyone - Sep 4, 2005
Welcome to the online Color Reproduction course.
Please look through the material on the homepage and
content page to get yourself oriented. You will need to
track down a copy of the textbook. Also, go to the
discussions and introduce yourself in the appropriate
thread (and update your profiles).
Thanks and I'm looking forward to a great quarter.
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Technical Help
Online Learning Technical Support
Remember, you can always get help with myCourses...
E-mail: support@firstclass.rit.edu
Local: 585-475-5089/5896 (TTY)
Toll-free: 1-800-CALL-RIT (V/TTY)
Hours of Operation: http://online.rit.edu/support/
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General Course Information:
1051 749.90 Color Reproduction
Online Course
Mark D. Fairchild
Xerox Professor of Color Science & Director, Munsell Color Science Laboratory
Office Address: Rochester Institute of Technology, 54 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 146235604
Telephone Number: 585-475-2784
Fax Number: 585-475-4444
Email: mdf@cis.rit.edu
Reading Materials:
R.W.G. Hunt, The Reproduction of Colour, 6th Edition, Wiley, England, (2004).
Course Description:
Formal RIT Course Outline: You can download a PDF of the official (just slightly outdated) course
Course Description: This course presents the concepts required for an understanding of the relationships
between mean-level input and output in various color imaging systems. Analog, digital, and hybrid
color imaging systems will be covered. Special emphasis will be given to mean-level reproduction in
photography, printing, and television.
Summary: This course is on the fundamentals of color reproduction and essentially covers the material
in Hunt's The Reproduction of Colour.
Course Sessions (How it Works)
The course is divided into 7 sessions in the myCourses Content section. The first and last sessions are
an introduction and wrapup, thus the technical material is found in sessions 2-5.
Each session is designated with a completion date during the quarter. These are the dates that all of the
material and assigments within the session are to be completed, not commenced.
You should begin work on sessions 1 and 2 immediately. Then move on to the each session as soon as
you complete the previous one. Material for sessions 1 and 2 is available at the beginning of the quarter.
The rest will appear very soon. There is no reason you cannot complete the course material more
quickly than outlined. However, if you complete it more slowly, you will receive a poor grade, not an
incomplete. Late assignments will be penalized harshly!
Within each session, there are QuickTime course modules, associated reading assignments, homework
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assignments, and web links to useful supplementary materials. Note that the homework assignments
within a session are due on the date designated for that session (and also noted in the assignment PDF).
Assignments must be turned in (in PDF format only) by 9:00AM US Eastern time on the due date.
(Previously homeworks were due at 5:00PM on Fridays; I have moved each to the following Monday
and that is why the early morning due time.) You may turn in your assignment PDFs either by posting
them to my (Mark Fairchild's) dropbox or by email attachement.
You should work through the modules in order. The modules are not designed to stand alone as a
replacement for a text book. Instead they are intended to highlight important points much as an
instructor would in a normal lecture. My advice would be to run through a module (just click on the
slides to advance) and then read the associated reading assignment. After the reading, you should then
be able to run through the module again and easily comprehend the main points of the module. If you
cannot, then you might want to revisit the reading.
When you have technical questions or points that require clarification, please use the discussion board
so that the whole class can participate in the process and you can all learn from each other just as you
would through question and answer sessions in a live lecture.
You can check your grades in the grade book at any time. Grades will be given on a 0-4 numerical scale
where 0=F, 1=D, 2=C, 3=B, and 4=A.
Course Requirements
PDFs: Homework assignments and other documents will be posted in PDF format. Your homework and
other assignments must be submitted in PDF format. No other formats will be accepted. Further details
on how to read and create PDFs can be found in Session 1.
QuickTime: The course modules were created using Apple Keynote and saved in QuickTime
formatMost recent browsers come with a QuickTime plug-in pre-installed. If your browser is not
QuickTime enabled, visit Apple to get the necessary software.
Book: You will need a copy of Hunt's 6th Ed. See details below.
Homework: There are 5 homework assignments (short answer questions) included in Sessions 2-6.
Each Assignment will make up 10% of your grade for a total of 50%. Late assignments will be
penalized 1 letter grade per day.
Discussions: 10% of your grade will be based on the quality and quantity of your participation in the
DISCUSSIONS. A minimum of 20 posts must be made by each student during the quarter.
Chats: No live chats will be scheduled unless very special circumstances call for a CHAT sesssion.
This course is designed to be completely asynchronous. However, students are encouraged to use the
mycourses CHAT capabilities if you would like to organize live interactive sessions.
Term Paper: 25% of your grade will be a term paper on the analysis of a color imaging system. You
will be required to submit a proposal for your term paper during Session 2. Your proposal must be
approved before you continue with the project. The term paper itself is due at the end of the quarter.
Term papers (without grades on them) will be distributed to the full class so that everyone can benefit
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from the research done by others.
Optional Final: The final 15% of your grade will be a 1-day take-home final exam (essentially a
short-term homework assignment). Depending how the course goes (especially the DISCUSSIONS)
the final will be optional. The option of whether or not to have a final is mine; although I will take input
from the class. The status of the final exam will be decided as the end of the quarter nears.
Use the DISCUSSIONS Boards
The DISCUSSIONS might well be the most important part of this course. That is where you will be
able to have your questions clarified and learn from everyone's experiences in the course.
All technical questions and general questions about course procedures and requirements should be
posted to the DISCUSSIONS. You should only send email directly to me (or the TA) when the
question is of personal nature (e.g., grades, illness, etc.) that cannot be shared with the rest of the class.
No technical questions fall into this category. If you send us an email with a question that should be on
the DISCUSSIONS, we will be strict, not answer it, and direct you to post it to the appropriate
To help with this policy (which will make the course better for everyone), 10% of your grade is based
on the quality and quantity of your participation in the DISCUSSIONS. I can't enforce the quality, but
to be eligible for full credit on participation, you must post at least 20 messages in the DISCUSSIONS
during the quarter.
To keep up with our end of the bargain, we (myself and/or the TA) will check and respond to the
DISCUSSIONS at least once a day and normally several times a day.
Remember, I expect you all to contribute to ongoing DISCUSSIONS. There is no need for you to wait
for me to answer. Input, debate, and open-ended questions from all of us will make the course most
Teaching Assistant
I will not utilize a teaching assistant very much for this course. All assignments should be turned in to
me directly. However, I expect to have two or three other people registered in the course to help out.
They will be monitoring the course and contributing to the discussions, particularly while I am away.
Feel free to contact them with questions, etc. if you can't get in touch with me quickly enough.
I will be out of town (and possibly out of internet access) for two weeks during the quarter while
travelling to the UK from Sept. 23 to Oct. 1 and attending the IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference in
Scottsdale from Nov. 8 through Nov. 13. I will also be gone a few other days during the quarter, but I
will let you know in the discussions if it is for any extended period.
Thank you for participating in this course. This is my first distance-learning course (being offered now
for the fifth time) and I hope it will be a valuable experience for you. I firmly believe that asynchronous
on-line learning can provide an educational experience at least equivalent to a traditional on-campus
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course. I hope this is true and look forward to improving and offering this course for many years to
Please enjoy yourselves and do provide me with feedback on how the course can be improved in the
In case you were wondering about your instructor ...
Learn more than you ever cared to on my web site.
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