User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students

 2 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 How to download / install Bb Mobile Learn? 3 y
How to access e‐Portal via Bb Mobile Learn? y
7 Documents Announcements Discussions FAQ y
5 Input Public ID Login by using CityU Electronic ID / password List of courses / organizations Features and Functions of Bb Mobile Learn y
Appendix A Downloaded via BlackBerry App World 12 Why some items / entries are missing on my mobile device? Why some document files cannot be downloaded? Why sometime image cannot be displayed? Why some formats of items and entries cannot be displayed well? Why External Link item cannot show any link? Can I submit assignment using my mobile device? Key buttons 13 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) 3 Part 1 How to download / install Bb Mobile Learn? Blackboard Mobile™ Learn takes interactive teaching and learning to the mobile device, giving students and teachers instant access to their courses and organizations anywhere. This user guide is based on BlackBerry Device Software 5.0. Downloading Blackboard Mobile Learn App from BlackBerry App World onto your BlackBerry device directly 1. Press Menu key from the device. 2. Click icon (BlackBerry App World) on the screen. 4 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) 3. On the “Featured Items” screen, press Menu key and then "Search" or click icon at the bottom of screen. 4. Type “Blackboard Mobile Learn” on the top of screen. The list for search item would be shown below. 5. Click the free item “Blackboard Mobile Learn”. 6. Press the Menu key and then “Download”. 7. After downloading, the App would be located under “Downloads” folder automatically. 5 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Part 2 How to access e‐Portal via Bb Mobile Learn? 1. Click the icon “Blackboard Mobile Learn” on the screen. 2. The App “Bb Mobile Learn” would be opened. Search for “E9PTVR” and then click on “City University of Hong Kong” to enter. 3. Enter your CityU Electronic ID and Password. Scroll down and click button “Login”. CityU Electronic ID Password 6 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) 4. After logging in, the list of courses would be shown. You can click “Organizations” at the top Blackboard organization site. 5. Click on the title of course / organization site to access. if you need to access any User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) 7 Part 3 Features and Functions of Bb Mobile Learn After clicking the name of Blackboard course / organization from the list, you would see the menu on Course / Org Map. Some contents you can access via Bb Mobile Learn. 1. Documents 2. Announcements 3. Discussions 8 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Documents On Course / Org Map, click on the content area such as “Course Documents” or “Documents”. A list of items may be shown. Click the item and then the file under “Attachments” to save / view. Click and then on next screen Press key (on device) to return The file would be stored in folder “documents” in the media card of your device. Please note image file types (i.e. jpg) can be opened directly without asking. User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Announcements On Course / Org Map, click “Announcements”. Post(s) in “Announcements” would be shown as following. 9 10 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Discussions You can access Discussion Board via Course / Org Map, or Tools. After clicking “Discussion Board”, list of forums may be shown as following. Click on the thread to reveal list of posts. 11 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Here are the steps to post on Discussion Board. Add thread message 1 Press and click “Add Threads” 2
After typing message, click 3 Reply thread message 1 Click the message subject 2
Press and click “Add Post” 4 3
After typing message, click 12 User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) Part 4 Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: FAQ Why some items / entries are missing on my mobile device? Why some document files cannot be downloaded? Sometime you need to logout and then re‐login to view the latest items. Nevertheless, a web browser on a computer will give you a more reliable view all the time. Why sometime image cannot be displayed? Images, video and other files uploaded to visual editors on Bb are not viewable via Bb Mobile Learn. Why some formats of items and entries cannot be displayed well? Some formats (i.e. bullet points, table) modified by visual editors on Bb are not viewable via Bb Mobile Learn. Why External Link item cannot show any link? Try to press Menu key > View in Web. Can I submit assignment using my mobile device? Bb Mobile Learn does not support assignment submission at this point. User Guide of Blackboard Mobile Learn for CityU Students (BlackBerry) 13 Appendix A Key buttons 