•',; -**» ;•;•-;•". • - ' . ••.*-<"i; : : : ' - t y - "','•'• ' : • • ( • . • ' : " ' - -'•''•:'• i f ' ' •!:.''''".•• •• - v ' X " " • •'• ••.,•;.?;.:• All*"kiild'e.rg^i.teji;'.through sixthu g i a d e t i i ^ t ' h e i r i y)\ *----'••- - = • ' > : '-••••• •'t-tiMl'r'fihVa/'llf'fif i ••••• '.•''• ; ' . . * * Mi - . . • • ' * •- I • - dimply : FARAH PRESS PERMANENT CREASE 7—SIACKS FARAH Natural, Olive .-*..,: 47.98 GeritVjiAen- Nofmandie", PlVSte DluiWani Ave. Hern ing Ave, f roVSummit Rd. to the' southerly side >if. Brookdale are a compliment. .;. . » Also -Sup^f Farab Press" ;h Olive Qhafcod,!, Aye. &0TT i 4 $6.98 'ontinueQ from Past 1) Henley..1.. Ave*; from Riverside' ^ r . ' to 100 feet vi:est of Our old pnes Open This Tufti-day (Set>t. 7) 'til 9 P M . .. Concord S t ^ ^ . tq 320 feet north Of D r i m Morse St. ironi'Denrnan Ddnman • Rdi- to Connecticut. St., 264 £ . Broad St., Westfield : K. AD 2-2900 ••'••'..W'l '' • I ' * t. y _ Labor Day outing - " ' . , • • Every tall we introduce Jurtipuig Jacks ty, a li>l of brai((ft»¥,vv «usv ' '-4l .(oiiiers.and^onliMiic <6 s«ryeoldcustornersas well. VVc.vytlcoi'me (he " T cha.Hejif|*.-.(>f' ^fa|iig~your cfiilfl^rfBtlliiTptHfecily fisiresui b« tfoiieTHf gets fho sSme c a r o f u l ^ p i l l ^ J W h c l R r T i W i i n o T t f F ^ l a ^ . •" rnir slurc for ihefimftiriiie.jyV>yttfisttjrslike (he Syoy iumiiing Jaijis feel . •^io. soft, |i(jh» rtnd flexlbl*. t h e i r . parenK (ike Hie painslakliig waiy-we • (il .luuipmtf .lucks.. Fijxl out for yourscUj^'liy,is,(;oj>le keep, on eotniiig . bi|ick;tj>juir store. Come in and Ioalj,ui ovi!r.".VV|iert you do, l>e sure to *. sec our f till lint of Jumping Jacks.. ' . - . '. ' ' ~ • . > Union Club Gin qt. $3.85 Blue Check Gin (tf*w $4.39 qt.$4j39 Bison's Vodka (80 I'roMof) .. V. . . . qt. $5.05 Gold Chexk Blended Whiskey . . . . . Inver Hoiise Green Plaid Scotch ... •B'&^Scbtdli..^ .;;,;, x^x;'.,,. :..•/,J M. Napoleon French Sparkling Wine (195? Vintage) ; , . . 5th $2.99 l e Domaine Calif* Extra Dry Champagne 5th $2.99 * * . According to Sl?e <i «' • « * .4. * > tt , *> b . § • • ' # . . * BEAUTIFULL CLEANED AND PRESSED YOU NOW HAVE A CHOICE! ci'inhM- nitAi din e n in I.IIIII\ mt - RUPERT - KSUCKERIIflCRER^TOPPER * . . by calling s rrrxx 4 Eastman Street ARTY L "Serving.G)-anford : Ov^r 25;Years''^ , ..-«.;. . ' ' ••. • • • • v • • \ - ' « <••• • : _ ' . . " • . • • • • - . • - . • • • • • i * - ^ X ; . > : . v . 1 closed ou Monday, y angp Avonye Jfcuhtor Ilffeh "Schools, eniatitis,^hi : le aji -seventh- through Staittng Tuesday, the 11- pilot-classes in t*a«h tjrade fiofr the. &r. W,''Wednesday • ....'..'.1 %TuTC\,lj^'p,rof w U be open. Jr-om a ajti to seventh throu&ti *0tn \\U1 tiv out",J^t'Ji° | ! W ^ '^atiiern.aticj; •: teaofers c f c t b b e r i ^ Tuesday .:>;.*.".......,<•"• „ 9 p 'm , Mondayj,' through Fridays,, a iLpmjisUe^aliapioach to, the teach- Will r if<^eiv."f,. ;,n^.w .•course? • sho^HviU ;be: a 1 Thes^Ve^ft•Vr*P^cd^ihis.5U^fctH\ and fi otn 9 a m to 5 p m on Sai- ing of English These eight daf** 1 'urdajs * ' v t>c!,.<ipen Ifrohv —toui m each school -=?=—vO^il uie at-' o workshop conducted by WU. Ijiin"'G. Koelipcr, coordinator, of. All juniai andjbemor high school the so-called spiMkinj} approach 'deri State ^ai-kWay and Law'n Ter. .,V Entry:-blanks' are' . d u e ; ' p 10-:S0 a.rn'."to'5:3p p.'m, 'Begiiij5,}af;Noo|>;i : : . vMonday' •:'<-r *7:13 p.m'j' wash students vlll need iibiaiy cajwls in rathei than, tin tiaditional gramber ,.10. . THese.are. ' available for popular.y^tfhg Will closejat 3:30 ..'..!.;.. .,!.........:.fSchooi.;Re6ipenS jvjfovcm'ber 29, Monday Tho, elementary brdei to UM.> the libraiy All lost matical appro-nth in English i 1 through; a,rt. groups; iit. lopai- ni>ri}:v down' rciudway^alter auto, accident s .: :... Feast"'of ImmacUl.ate,Qe --^"p.m. Admission'to.th-e,sht3w is free', ' We take patterns, people us.e in tains a glossary' of . terrninology '.' De.ceij=ib.er g; Wednesday/,. 1 cards must bo reported for l emri'os and .art.Supply,- stoi:es; -'i'h'ey at .. '.-..•There- wijrU'!..'fee.'-750fcfeet.#Gf:' ioo'W ar also" aVailabJb.;at the: ^ailsidp . Tubsdtiy: placements to be ready v,hcn stu- •every day sptfLh and show the parcel to the. mathematical teach'-'"' _ Decemfer-22, W'edncsday'"'. e pr v in^ prograinMn; Crariford and -a. i ^ i d d to.diipj ay'the'woi'ksSchool Heopens , Janyary 3,' Mopdayj,....'..;.'• ( "student". ^io\V tliey can be. us£d in dents need to use the library pfatare ' a n d Science ••C^riter: ,'tfh'f Nils'Peter's' a't 7 U Willow..$U;,flUed list; of .synjbpls •use'd;^in leaching, l 5pO-;ai;tists;" 5 p O ; t i t ; " SeVOh h d " i s free td'-aii Union County with srnoke. and. spot^u^ to faulty of approximately January. 26-'28...i....^..;:......... .'..'...'..'..:/•'.."...i,i,;.' MidrYear;Ekamina'tions' elementar^y irtathematicsi anji pfp: : Unioki County art groups wiji :each • Archdiocesari .Entrance Examinations' oil., burner, extinguisljed •'" with, • ' ' ' ' ' " ' poBps wh'ere, wheni and. at. wlvat' have .theiV-oWh' "UttlV skoy?' . . ; Further infprjnatrun itiay be 22,•'•Tuesday ... .•.,....'.'.',..,:,..;•..;....'. Washington's:, fiiirthclay ({] ade' levtjl corice'p'ts should be JnA sejjar'ale section. wll^De^pro- •tained from the ihow.. chairman, .-.....'.,.,;....- Registration' for '"^irst Graqle yesterday -> 1;38 false alarm.at intrbduce'd. Tire' souTc6b()ok:; alae • Mar-;h. 29-31 ;;.;....,:,: L. vided for adult independent; artists/ *Mrs> 'Blanche Holland/'S,: ...,'.. ,.'Easter-Vacajioii-Begins »t Noon-, 1 Collins St April 0; Wednesday „..'..,.! 4l ctxntains s'elebjed grade., ioyel probtinder the supervision of-Mr. and bury Lane, Cranfoi'd, or the assists ....;..>.;..>.„...............•'•.•..J'..,Sch6ol Reopens 'April- 18, Monday -:....,. lem'-^ict|yltiesjLO-illustrate the cftnMrs. Eugene: Holland-and -MT\r.and ant chairrxian, Mrs.. ', ]Sirs.. E.M.. Arth 6f Mufneapolis, '•. i^ay 19,TIiursday ..,.'..rf... .'..'}..;......"'.':« .-.." Fuast bI,.thevAscens.io'n. c e p t s . •''.. ['• '':"••' ,""••.• " ' . ;•'. •••: ". M lli:'h lPrWe A~sp6(;ial teen 1034 Mrs. var^.Ave, .Westfield. • JMinii.., is yisiting for 10 days' with .........•„..........•,.; M e m o r i a l D a y : "These .problem', 'activiti^y will •''May..'- $9,-.;Monday •*,;'.';. .:;„';,•.•„ age exhibit will b^ provided- undep : her son. and.daughtet'-i^law, Mr. ........ ....,,.r;, ....,....... ..^ .Final Examinations illustrate the growth .of (>hV» con- r Ju'nei r '13T15 t&e direction of Mrs/June Coles' of and, ; Mrs; Glen Arth of 104 'Oak a cept Over the kindergarten to sixth •-.June; 17, Friday ................ .;.... G-raduation Dny — School closer Crafiforfl and Mrs. Doris'Haskell of 1 Lane._ Michael Barrett of Chicago/ grade, '. Mr. Koeiloer. said. ,"RepWestfteldT":' . •. ;' •rill',, left Monday /after, a,,,10-day resentatlvii activities irg included '.' Judges "tiprpor Hiil of New Pro-. r vlslf with : the Arths,' hi? brother•designed' to .develop and' reinforce' Loxington, closets'ttiiuuji'liout~ the, huuse-had; yldjg-ncef ,-Alb'ert Br9ss" of ^Summit' • ) h - l a w ~ a n a s i s t e r " ~ • . • ••- •-•• • •-•••' •• These."• same, mathernatical con-; and Nicholas': Real«—of - Elizabeth' ...Iroquols Rd.f been,.ransacked,. ''•:,' 1 •,. t ' c e p t s , ? ' , . - • / • . •.•.•••',• :::/X '^'X^-. a biiiiy tirh^ during the padt ^detei.ijin.iwr—the .."best -.large rom Lexington^ Aye; • to'JSherokee Initial investigation by Patrol;-: g t "Mr. 'and"Mr£. A;;E, Meurcr of 2 The eo^rno-guiciofi in,thtfijovonth ami "be fnan Thdm'as'iE. Ka_ne..reyealg* eni d will; jeave« ; Saturday throufiji*42th.. } North tehigh Averfrom Gehtenr; try was gained, by breaking the •well ' a^-"-31" individuaj. - wiimersi," by plane'. for a two' weeks" yaca ' Friday v_i. 1:05 p.rrt.v call to, wash gestlons • on .ttow;,to handle Pbpujar voting will ,be conducted nlal/Ave, to Hitiltpry St.,; jrlitkofy d > i3ifftre,n<ies. and, needs Jti frortv'' North^ibehigri. Aye, to glass in a rear dppri ., betectiiye for.b6th adults, and children..Ap- dowil Street ;ibll'O\ving autornp.b)Ie ti;on i_t> Hawaii. They i\$o- will i i t in i Los',L ' .'AJis A h l ..visit ough the uisa.-of -differentiated' High St,, Bryant. i*i.Ve.' frc>ni lvfyr-- Thomas R,' BehtOn was assigned to proximately $575 in' prizes smd rib-: accidfeiit Bft., Sprjngfieli ,a"nd ^ Franeisc6;,.., :'•'".. assignrnerlts,^library ' usage,' pro- tie St. to nprrn'ody St., Dermody •the ' follow-up investigation. .will •••be; awarded to winflers,. Xen""-^ 1 1 -' tJt "''"" '3:39 : ^ jedtsv dlBplaysflSnd enrichment ac-i St. from Bryant'. •Av.e,. east to the tlvitles. The course guides also Rosellc line. Btichanan .St. from, Police OfficialaJTour 'from , A mysteriously beautiful perfume Impc contain references!available in lite Centennialj'Ave.;:. \q. lP.Q;;.feet..ea 3t' ; i Juvenile Gowrti?a<cilities Francer-eoty maKeS this rovetingj^^for you with of-. C e n t e n n i a l ' ' Police Chief Lester wl" Powell where they- ate located, and equip'-' LLAiugloii'.,.A'<'c. fi'Oi •and . Detectves MIch'ael... F v . Fed-. merit available in the,school sys^ prices_f£op.$5 00, Pgrfofffde Toilette, $2.50, DustAye.~4o Rqnkin Ave.,' from .Hilll r61T ' arid,; Tbbmas' R, Ben.ton \ were t-em," lncltidlrig fllhistrips. ing Powder, $ZB©TSpray Mist, $3.75. crest Ave. to Burnslde Ave, • and Mr. Koelln6r reported that all from BuhJrelde Ave. to^ Rankin among chiefs and- defectives f^rom : teachets" using the. new materials A e , , and flankinvAye.:frbm Lex- throughout tlio.fcourity attending a For the woman who knows. \vill be.asked to comme;n.t on'their meeting yesterdiay'' afternoon ,-l.n 1 effectiveness' and uses, so that the ingtbn'Ave.to New St., .• ^iz'abetli. with Judge, V. Wiiliarn' EWlERAUDE parfurrt de the elementary sourcebook. and the ©iBuono of thie Union County secondary course. guides-c^H be Juvenile ettd' Dt»«iestic .Relations rurtr»erTSvi^d' and improved nfexT C o . u r T .,,.•..• " . : ' . " ••' :: s u m m e r . '. '. .., . • • • , > • '.. Fauiily's ^ ' Judge ODJBuaiio. tpok the' group AlDei't CfiristKpgeh. of " 2 ' Park en Students jvlll. be, enrolled in th? St. reported te^uie police that he ientio-n, fdcjliUea' -'in tho ! ; Union •new; home economics.major at the" County '•: Court Hous<j' Annex • ahd high school..''"Some type 'or work returned hefme. at 3:55 p.m. Sat r explained ^rocedui-ed for'iirihglng experience prograin* for business ^j||<^lirid that th& house ttad' In juvenile 'offendow and how they students also Is .under cbnsidera- beenilopted of• $8^.2 in cash i n d a' UTJJG Jioused;, , , : tion. .-MeuTivyhile", the -high' scha " ITCallT intruders'iipparently'-.had v Rieft^t pltpin;'^h^of;ptrharid: 2760062 Mrs. Fletcher 0ilpin of 209 Mahr the. f a m i l y . d o g . , • , • • , , ' • • ' -•••"•';'", ::-, by In addition to the nevv Mr. ; Christiansen'; said '• W. had- or Avei, and James Bride, Jr., son J i &f--Miv-atid Mia. ©ride.e?103 Crarii. b e f i b s e T t y . p , m . p a y iudu'strial mathematics^and busi- and On Jiis,','return fourf^ the dog ford". Ave., have retarried- ;home OPEN M I L V - 4 ^ 8 ; 3 0 A.M, to ness -.office- prac'ticte^yill •ibe laun- deati-'.iri•'"the yard'i"where, it ,had froin. a' motor trip •'•to the West ched. . Reorganized courses. ,will be been left, chained. Drawe/s and 100-GAR PARKING LOT IN REAR OFfcTORE - O 5?i?4 ^ t ^ " : f i r s t trm'e£'m- adTruly, Never Needs Ironing vanced"" rnatn'e'mitics', mathertiaffes Yet Cr^KfeTStays Perfect IV, intermediate mathematics,.maTailored by the inimitable thematics l i t and fundamental's ofFARAH - Simply the Best matitehiatics II. : in Ghino Trousers - Ou(r new customers for children's shoes - . f horite 6H apftir. ;Maj>tin ,at.; l,6'"Ht>i-ly '^t.' ex-.; tinguished with boost el1; • 4';2i6tp:rri.;; '". •": -'*.f. • • • • . • • J " ^is.cOniieqted. feulty ttfnj. niotbr';at -. v ' • I 'hoi-nit of "MJ%'t.''Honeywell' aJ.-4.00 •Cfe'nteh'rifad A ' ' J ' '" \ ;' *i 'iiolcl .at.••Vi'uU' tfrt~ n 11s :'.; Saturday .-— -.8;.40 .jj.m,. y oh. September .19. ..(-rain;da;|e, ^September, 2j6) Av firkin • field, off' (Sake ws '..Hill- Rd.;' •>"«» nr^5tS''Workin^i'"ofl/.^c^t|iiJn.."-'.'yi8itor!ii toiti., short in ;neo«. pjgn . at feftjfye |>'prUr$jt ..pajntlrig, quicfe sketching; .kirn ti:i t^0'-Walhut: ? • •'..••• * n £urriculu fti Changes (ConUiiued from PQQV 1) longing and niou (.advanced /,' £)r TBiiley said • 4.V.'• ••. Resumihg Regular Schedule • • ) . • ' ] • • • • • • " . • :^x;;-kx*t:x • • : — • ( • ; - J .% : , ] . • • > ! . . • • : " - . : • ' • . ' ' - - .. ••'. M ' y ,•'). • . . ' • ' • : ' • . • • . . • ' • . • • . • ' . ; ' " : ; ' . ; . " " . v , - J • • " • • . \ , \ • , • ' • . : , ' . • : ' • • • : : . . r e • : •' ; - . - ' • • • • . ' • • • • • • . • , ^ . . . • , . . . . . . • . • ^ • ; . . . • ' • • % . ' ing^Serne^tef'at' ft* ; ; J ^ - Bat% -of, : li id^8^.':-§t/(on-':-th^. Ijoroe 'lifter; spending j>e.vefiil'' days: v; W ' h i r i i t D C " < ' '' •' " • • : • ;; f»V- • , • ' . . - • • • • • - • •<:'•. ••••••• ; . •• •' • • * » < • • • ' • : . • . • / • . • • \ . ^ p c t O / : V J : appeningS ; >:•:,•_;.••..!;'•.<. .; ' Mr.:.'and:.MrS.,.St.eW4rt'm Marsrisili- jVtrs. Franki; -Misirc'ntin<ir''-in '«WihV. pt;;A*n. ArboJ, ^c'h., formerly"b'jf :held,.'''Pdi'k. "^lrv;.'MaTiihaU's step-, .'GiuiAtor^,'- Have returned 'from" a fatlier dnd"'rh6lthGr,' Mr.-anti Mxs, three .weeks''!. vacUtipn^1.*", Euro.pt-. Arfiitiony. /J.J.Rastaftio,' fcntertakted-' , The^r Visited ,':boyho"od" friends;-.of :at a family' picrric at- their Iai'ra in ' Wtr, Marshall in Scotland .9.ii6,'%t\k-]Flcpiingtori';:in'.honor of the couple:. lan<i • fln'c] spent a''feW days^iji ;Mx. and Mrs.. Willi. Ramrh, and ; France. EnVpUtehprne they..sAoppC.d in.Bei-nVuda; ,The Marshall .ch'il- £6n, Stephen, oif-' 128 Bes'ler...'. Avpv ' dren.,B.arbara>; Wendy'i'-Cai'ol,.' An-! have. petut-ned . frorii -three' weeks. di;aw.and Laura; .stayed with Uieir ^vacation-lit .Gsr-many^They,' toured, .-.maternal v grandparents, Mr. ' and['thVough • central.' Germany ~ 9nd /SUMMER CRtilSC — Miss Rita mirich of 31 Columbia Ave ',I'dtuincd Tuesday atti.i a. thiet wet>k MQditciiapcdn. ciuiic t 0 •''• -Casablanca, Gibraltar, AlgeciraS, Palma, Naprlus,'. Genoa,- Canhes , ' 'and Madeira .board the American Export-Isbrandtsen luxury, liti.er, ' ' fJS-.Indeper.dencoi. She is. shown with. Capt._ Charles' F. Troxol' rif Ft. Iuaudordale, Fla., master.of' the'Independence. '•' :-. • . to 9 P.M* •BELL'S" • SCHER'S • • - I'm going witli Visited Mr. -Ramtn's p'arphts-.iri George, of 303 Retfbrd.Ave.'.are at home after spending-a month.at if. artd.-Mttnichl,.[^.2:_'_... ^T^il^ghiyn^TriielrraaQgh• Cllbb&l'lvl had ivir. iiiiu Ivliij. A . rV. M11.«ii»Li; 7 child, a daughter, Karen Kimbeifamily -o'f 14'; Dartmouth liVl'ih'a^e been employed there JEqr;the s ly, pn. Augu^t 24 m Rah way Mereturned' frorri a week's vacation me^.-artd/'hals also, returned home*." : ; monal Hospital Di and Mrs at Hunter, N ; ' Y , '; . ' / Robert Ifcrbster, ion : of Mr. ah; a tans orner Mrs. R. L. Herbster of .301. Retfdrd Neil CastalTlovof 103* Lincoln Ave Ay«):, spent last week -as! t aie the maternal grandpaients • Mr^ and Mrs..'Allan .G./Bailardi of, trie Cubberjy family- > Miss Kathleen Cowperthwaite, Sr., of 10 Fra^er; PI. 'have returned daughter of Mr and Mis. H Ray- Their first daughter, Erin Mane ffom a trip to Noya Scotia, New mond Cowpeithwaite of 3 Willow was born to Mr arid Mrs Howatd Brunswick—smd—Puuce EdwarcV Islandj •• .'•••. . - - • • .. ' • ' their diUiKhteivMls'i Carol Bunck, St, has cnleied her freihman year Allen of 170 Mohawk Dr on Aug—o— of 41 Iroqiwils l i d , axe at homo >at the Univeisity of Michigan, ust 10 at Rahway Hospital They haye three sons, Howard, Mark Mi and Mis, LLWIS F, Land o£ afici a wink's vacation at Lake Ann and Brian 20b flttfoid Avc ictuined Suncl<O Pocolotfautf, East Hampton, Conn Sheldon C Cohen, i,on of Mr from a thiou-week vacation tup to and Mis Gustavo Cohen of 425 Mi, and Mis Fiancis O'Powd ot Flouda, during which they motoi' Mrs Chanel lee Hukok of 113Oithaid S t , has been named to J03 South Union Ave have ancd down the east coast to Ti'or< st; Avi rcttnnud home Sundaj hn dnan's list a"t Wostern_Resey-ve f 'then fit~st •ana np xm wc^coabf 10 vwurwui- attci spending several days visitson, Sean Francis^ x>n ^Aygust_ 1^ University^ Cleveland, Ohio, toi orv where they vi-sitrd with fownds ing in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia at St EU/abeth Hospital in Eli7athe dcvdcmic year 1964-1965 On the rjilui ix_tJ.ip tht'jV/Stopped IP beth -The riouplc-has-two daugholf at the Outei Bank< ulonfi the John Donnis Hjirekettb of 9 tei s Noith Caialin t i co.ibt Cherokee Rd and Robeit Hall ' Mt and Mis Kobeit —oCongiatulatJoiuT"5jiTe" 'being reMr and Wip^ Robert Cubbtrly and then thiUhen, Patnua and Mayer of 102 Elmoja Ave* have and t h e n , childien, Linda ami Robe it, of 2f Oititon-Di,, aie atbeen named to the dean's list for ceived by Mi and Mis Robeit J BE CLOSED CJL BRidge 6-0141 DAY) N 9 AJfe.fo 9 R.M. BARON'S BELL'S HATHAWAY'S SEAGER'S ;Mirf. Jotin ' lieitnig' arid ;-'hejp /fej-a former rn'eiriber > aiighjers,- XJynn-.ati^I•Krlatj.,n<:',-f:of d C,h 27 ' H Ave.r; iW, Va.)-;C5.ollegt;'9%a..freshman on. •Lee,' Deborah Ann -arid' Toni Ly'nh. I'efA-'a-^veek'K' 's' ttrip through th'e' ' ' '" iJi'ttf- and^Mf"*. John T. •LjanrJofX Of I'evt/'.^nglifnd, slaves anS. a, week's r'.; TCTrk t«t^ed ilay .1' irorti -. •Xi4.'' North- AVer:, W-i' are ( the'jrn^-- a.e insurance"•• business, :J.n <iF£v?~.' i.at'Monterey vB)' 'terhaj gr^i'4Mrents ": :1 ' " ' ' ' ¥ m'aster'of ' ' ' agency -.-, wjii.cii, :.v/asf;.'. established ^ Paul ^onley. and' his ifcons; and many years ago.by his Ea'ther.'. Sic;." . ind LanseVi, of Schenov.iis,' N. Y.,gilGg'e 'Saturday at .'the annual graSiitjly. ;sp.ent'. se.verafc days with duatidn*'exercises of Tulartd- Uniserved in thQ1 polite reserves here ;_ Ar. Conk-y's-mothpE; Mrs. Walter versity .summer • school New; Or-'; -for- 25, years.- Both '.'Mr, an^l Mrs.. Coniey' of .3-.Sylvester. s £ . ,, Ie3ns, La.-.• .•' ' ,-.- '.. Turk -and.:Miss -Wemp:le -we're '.':."" ; -and,r' I Mr"., arid ,Mi^RBvi%-L. Turk- of- membe',rs. of .Ttioity-.Church ! !Miss-,^ehi,Rle;Yoi-rn;er iy-headed .the' •' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy and ,108 Crant^fd ' Ave../ i-e'sidc-nts 6t •Altar]gutlii' it'th£-Church.. •"•'•••',.• '""'\ r.iily of 424 Manor' Av'e. will 43 years:, -arp mov-.' Mr.- Turk returned recently, aft-.",. love tomorrow tjp their home at tits ir\ 'his week to 'Puii'ta,' G'orda, -;r sailing •his-'.boat to Florida Via IT North Union AVe. ' ' '. . fa. Mrs. Turk and - Miss 'Irene'. the'Ini.an'd' Waterways. : Mi's'F M Sherlock off 2A Enjj'Mi an3 Mrs Fia nk SWain) .sh Village returned Sunday ftom of Cloicmont Rd, B^rn 'ndeiicton, New Bluribwlck, have announced the bnthxii a son, lada, whine she vJcationecl foi Ge'iigt Swam, on Apwi 30, Mrs wo wicks with hei parents, Ml •Swain is the fojmer Miss Joan nd Mi4 T H Moms Llovd, "daughter of Mi and Mrs Gecwgu A Llojd of Houbton, T e x , Mi and Mi's Richaid Hunt and loitncily of Spiuce St , Cranford ^ jUlUly-^1* 106 Cirinloid A_ve ,jreThe vac Jtioniivg loi a week at Wells Fianlc Swam of Beinaxdsville / —0— Beach iMe Mr, and Mis—Rej—5—fithcn. J r , of 308 £dg!at A v e , hat'e anDi .md Mi s Fletchu Viner Casuals arb <;o nouneed ihc buth of a son, Kevin f 209 Manor Ave have basic,so right torovery iome aftei spending throe w<5eks Michael, on August 25 at Muhlenoccasion that a gal beig Hospital, Plainfl^ld They n Ontario, Can^cki/ Marries- thorn for life! huve two other childlen, Keith, Caiol Wcisgeibei, daughtei tii 4, and Lisa, 114 yeais old . $6.^5 to $10.95 —0— tflr and Mrb/Geprge Weisgeiber Mr and Mib Geoigc Stiom of 208 O a j / L a n e , has xcturned iome from T-Le'dge Camp on Orr's 211 William SI, Scotch'Plains, an'••< SUNDAY ANDHOLIDAY DRUG STORE SCHEDULE ^ CLOSED Your Cranford Pharmacists< WISH YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAYS left' Tuesday ' a r i d V ^ - . TWH--'V»UV * ' : • • " - • • ' . ' CRANFORP'S BRidge 6-6T0O birth: of their-'first • son, I^idh Toddj; on' AugtfSt 21;' at'" beth Hqspiita]; Elizabeth,. .- —,0:—- • ; . . • • • • i^eii^leK:^p::;sl^j.y'^^ Available in Cranford at' c C r a nf 0 r v 23 NO. UNION AVE. r and TOWNtEY 5H01S4 Eastman Street SCHOOL SUPPLIES 3HEAFFER $1.00 SMOOTHIE MARKER PEN •v With Every Purchase Of SCHOOL SUPPIIIS /,<• y School Opening Specials 111 • Reg. 98c5.HOLE.FlLtERS • SHEAFFER $1,95 CARTRltKJE PEN $1.25 with Cranford High School Insignia P * $ •.'•'..;•-•'••;'.• - .ic Ruled, and Plain Fillers ' : : • > • • ' . P^rlfii Arrow 21,'SI;- 61 • '*" Parker 45 With l-YeaT^ • Guarantee against-Loss it ^ Dictjotiaries v — 35c t o $6.75 * SpirSI.Nbtetfepk* ^r Index Cards Compasses T*r Dividers Protractors- • . -. it Book Covers Crayons Typewriter Ribbons Notebooks . Drawing Pencils ., >~ Bulletin Boards \.:'•'.• '.••••"••.' arem a c\ass By themselves Rulers and ^Slide Rules '•-•<'• 1 Ring Binders TRIDE Book Straps \ ' •"• \ / - : ESTERBRDOK F ^ U N t ^ l N + .. 75c Books to Read for' Pleasure and for Reference Pencil Cases Crbss Peps and Pencils; from $4^50 » ^ • •' ".""A; Assignment Books BRIEF CASES > And he^e each child is just as special. Wes -..assure// yo\i individual attention - to Jee- that the sl>o*j. .^ and the child-are right "for each other. - ZIPPER BINDERS < Sir Typing Paper : Regular or Corrasabte ATTACHE CASES Proiectyour hooks from rain with Stuff te Bags $L00 CHECK THE LISTS A N D LET US FILL Y O U R NEEDS WITH THE BEST HARRISO ST; MICHAEL'S SCHOOL SHOES AVAILABLE HERE era CARD AND GIFT SHOP w , USE YOUR HANDI-CyARGE Cy NORTH AVE. — CRANFORD : , : , , - / • . ; ; - , : . ; "WHERE. TWt^SHOE FITS.": Cranford m > . " . * p . • " , ' , * * • . ' • • ' . - ' • • ' • . - , " • • ! ' • : • • • social wox'ker; ..'^erijaftiiii:., Fondi;' reUriesl',Mrs.' Anne Bergen,/aiine'- French i-. fifth grade,-"Mrs: s'ecretaripsV M'fcsVT^u'cy^.AJstbtC Mrs.: Mafgpt Henderpop and 'Mrs*. Gerind.( M.JSS;, Harriet •Louise Blokley,,.,Mrs.T '-'Gladys tw*-, rude'. Todd; teacher <ndes,.. Mrs. ic, ^ilss Ann • RiGcardo;...phVsical km. Joyee, Gfar'lingei-v''Mrs. ... . _..,j.th'••• -gr-aifej • M r s f Ruth.'lltyiia_k-/and Mrsi:F.l(irerice' Plication,. -Ufrich" Sejiaalhaqfeeii; C£p#dx»art' arid;'. 'Mr^-J/t^^J-' ti()truhiiejitar-.'n5Q*sic^ (jbisotiJtievo- Ann.-• 'Bucher;;:.artd IW'rs.v: - GliiSys. •f 'switchboard- .op'erator ••arid ] ;'. -^eerb-tary, illness-••' ••'""•-.' : ) '• '•"'- - i ' •'«•. ••' * B o r n iw i ^ w m u , . xv±aoo^ ^i«7.**v.tw ler.; te'ajihor .'ajde; Mrs. Caror Don-'Brafce. Ch.uVch.'\ ...^•''^••."••'•.'{••j'-'j Wiue7v""casto|diari^- NicholaV X&C Chertika. ,•' ' - : ' • ' •.'.' .'" :-.:Mr&;- Alice, ^us'taflfsop, Kirigfe- /.'Also surviving are1 he? husband, in- Stglen Island', before" iriOvlrrg ; . ry,.83;.,,pf West Palm Beach','Ela'.', jfj H. .; Maher; - a daughter, Miss here 20'".•years' ago/;' He,'was eijn-' Oranire. AvewW Junior High School "principal,' -'Mfsli-Ryth .J5-. Jahoy- c i e t e i i i ' ; " ; ' • ' • " > ' :Liyingsion-Walnut Schools . ,' by Engelhard .^Industries, iik;' b#lpin^ teacher," Josepji Gal. ; ; ; < ; . . - B u s i n e s s Q t t i c e ; ; , ' • ' « •••;''•" •";. • ; .--^' ' r,Prihci|pt^ Richard; <&••'W-agner;, \ at•• the EUz^eth-'H.^M^het. of Irvingtori;: . .'.{tied t ,Mpn!daj^i ..u 1 ,Artf Mrs. Carol "Augthun; mu'r! piql'; Jklh^flrg^rten^^ APssj' , ,Aitf/dS. v r »-,at the'tinii; of'his ,d&9ith ;'•..' :V' {(5ori.ti'nued from Page ,1)'; • .•;.• cretaVybf.'Board Of^oc«riti6h,\- »•,"' h n M ;1 ^^ ber daughter; «%^:.Ji, J , anOftie'r': son'.'TIenry; J<! "ptFranklin ,ithd ipiWiousJy, \vo.s'-,)a rciyil-a'nd Ja]ine§VA^e, An'gelo .•C^pe}ghe_r, diractcrr1 o t pilp i^' pe'rsonii^l, .Fr»S' Gonie^. 'and• Mrs* S^f 8-. Seh^rt".;- fljfst ifc^Mlsis ^ i , 9Uba'hHaIi; 9 U , : , ; 1 phy^'caj;pdpy^j;,p. f'fiv;,Chiefly • business "?>ffJce-;« !,' ttrhu/rl.' sufdance, "MiSs -'^ftarj? -LaPark; 'nine grandchildren •„• and ucation, .. IJiorrtas " Baer; ', instru-' maqager, , Do.wiirig" ;in SiiftinJif, alter a brief threes sisters, Mrs. Mary, Qeraghty mechanical enginetr at t'he 'fpVither' Lawrence Clayin»'•••Mrs/•Patricia joancifei'" CaHajian;11: '' '• ger' JVliss jyiiss JOartnfei'' .: Irving' Goidst6ne;.Ehg J ''ilirieJss. She had been visiting for of, Cedar. <*r.Ove, Mrs. Heidi Ear- Bayo'nne plant'of the, Tidewater Hobbie; Mrs. ttolores.Sugalski and Ush, .^tssjCarbl. Alberts, W$i Ka- Hazel- ValAitine arici ^'Irft Patricia rnental' k music, Simone Sicola;, li- secre^Vies,. Mrs. ,;Irnia- Greaney,; Woodsori; second grade, .Mrs. Rita br4rian, , Miss Kathleen Reiliy;• Mrs. T^di'th Jacob,y,'Mrte..jpfatheTine , r'v'::'•';•"'••••:v.. Stephen; Swetits (alsQ^atl^K.sp.cial' '/the past three, months' wjth:"*Mrs. fell, of^oselle .anct.-JilrS^ Florence o i l ' cc p . ' " ; • • , • ren, Bushey;- B£r.<jl Joan'Epstein, 1 l 1 Gallagher- and Mrs..- Jessie' Go>c . Do/Wling . a s * r another , daugbieir, H t f m i i of LoS Angeles.'"". * ; '/'• .' Mi . • Hitchtockj: a" graduate of 'studies' /.Mrs" Doris; Goldsmiths-Ed- Rfiss.Carole. Reye'ij,: Mts. Marie Kor Brttfftori, Miss; Theresa da'Hego nurse,, Mrs.- Servis ;'.. .• •' " :*,.:.'. ' •Dartmouth "(College,. ' wher§' he- ward Otto (alsq German), Jaines walsici; Mrs. Concetta Lupo, Ralph tnd Mrs:- Sophie Lieberman; third ••'•'•'' ' ' . ' . C e n t r a a . O i t f i c e , , . ; ; ; • • • • • ' > (h<Hf'•;.timei);. central ^custodians, ,'':,Mrs;.'E.'A. Koyen of- Mountainside, elected "to "Phi -|?eta'. Kappa, Phipps, • Kenneth. Sdc^lla and Jack Notaro, Aiyin Schmidt,and! M!rs. Jrade; Miss JJ31 Edison, 'Mrs. "Lea-* Superintendent': of^>scljo'o7s,.-;Dr., Sal., Carziiio apd Donald, Wy.lde» , formerly of. Cranfard. _•;;.'•• , .• . '•. Tjc W- McDei mith; dijrector of driver, <vfohh Bartdh; maintenance, w,as.-a member of the'! lflrs't Fres- Spear> EJngllsh and .social stridie?, Shirley Wimrnel1;.,social studies, .trice •R^thctyfse'- and Mrs. ^ r e r i " A natjv.ei.of Finland, Mrs. King- Mrs. Dorothyft.Qijimi ; Schuman; fourth 'grade; Miss ijar-. curriculum and instruction;' Frank' Michael 'Cherego and Sebastian. byteriaVi Ch'urch and former treasIrwin'-BllleiAMrs; PatriciaBrtiho, bexry/'iiveji [i» WP^dbrldge' and Mrs!' JtjdLth. Fjfitts, Miss Helen -Kto^, 1 KENIL WORTH - ^ A Jiigh mass -..'•• Miss Elizabeth Giordano,"TVfrs. Ed r . cerha^ pg,tric>, MarottO', Miss' Caiol garet Coj;cqranF,Mrs; Patricia Dev- J . Maritz; assistant djiector of cur-•Martin; "tu^l^jng• operations, Jos-*; .West Point Pleasant prior-to take 'of requiem'was celebrated Tues- urer of its,, Men's Council. lin and Mrs. Adelaide Isaac;' fifth riculum and instruction, Dr.. Ger- e p h - G a l l a g h e r . • > • •.-.•.,...•. . ; > • - . ' ( : • ' . . „ • • ' Surviving firle his wife-, Mrs. Ali- na Laird, .Mrs. Susan Magbid arjd Price, I4iss (jjstiol Roseafeld, Roning up fdsidence in W&t Palitt day at St: Theresa's Church^ Spy 1 grade, Mrs,. . Virginia ,. Irwih^:. Mrs. •' Sp'ihelia jand Miss Phyllis Logte and'Mrs; Ethel'Pat- aidine" Cleminson;. coordinator;.' of. ••'.' ••'••'. Q t i h e r A s s l f i m m e n t a .•••.•. •'..•.••.,• ; Beaqfi about 15 years ago. :.HerMrs; Doroihy : H. "Quinn • of 607 son "WiriBlow. iMchco£k; a daugh- •Miss Muriel Schneider^ ' \ * ald"Sa^/Rbnald language arts, Dr.. Anne V. Bailey;, , Speech' ;• ..pOTrectiDnlsts, •*• M r s , / , ' ter, Mrs. LOuiSe Longfe^ o£ Shir'- •' Mathematics, Miss Madelyn Cai- jitarie .Watsh,; reading, Mrk. Doris husband,'Paul D. Kirtgbbrry, died Fairfleld A've. /She ; died Friday cbordinatpr of matchematics,. Wil-. •Florence N6rthcutt,' high-, Sciibol, .,.' le'y ."•Cent<5ri .'.Mass,; .: two ^sons, sidy, Joel Geller, Joseph Grjodzki Lutinsky .and Mr si Marilyn TsOU- terspn;, sixth ' grade,; Mrs.. ; "4w6 yearS ( ago. . '' ..!•'. • • at Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Geoi'ge N.,1 Jr., at hom<s'and Ed- and Miss Carol Kotch;. s.cience,' fiam ,:G.'' Koellner;- coordinator; of. Orange Aye. Junior High Schopi, J -, . Also surviving j»re^ seven grand* after- a. brief iUness: " I t ..yras her ward B- -of Kenilworth; .nine4 .Robert Babetski,, MissT Julia. Cop- n a k o s y ' .'.•• ' " •.- . . ••• . ' • ••' •;••.•, •' science', Raymond'.'PantUsd1, coord- BroaljsidsB,- .,',.• Cleveland, ••'•"Roos-' '.. 5/ldss' Mary 'Sopkor secretary,, M lheinatii?s, " Glsnrf Allinger, chJidren,': three great-granddul- 47th birthday anniversary/ : • : grandcliiildren -and- three great- pqla,. .Joseph: Petrozelli and Mi§s inator oit s'edal.' studies, ..Charles- evelt and) Bloomingdale S c h o o l s ^ ' / at Andj-eski;'Miss J[une For- HilcTegarde KLrogman; T-Ritermenf'•,was' in St; G?rtrOide grandchildren; • ' , dr^i, and two, sisters. , E.' Margolin; director • of health, and Miss Ann. Dorothy. Rlzzo,.Hill• •Holly Schwarz; mathematics and noff, Miss Eleen Gluchoskl, Miss Ide, Mrs. Florence 1 .Funeral Services were'held yes- Cemetery, Woodbridgei ' Rev. Dr ; Robert• G. Longaker, science, Mrs, , Frances Gokelet, Lucy Hartrteit, Miss Barbara Roth iiirse, Mrs., Prili; custodians, jy.r physical education, safety and side Averiue jfunior iHigh- School, terday • ynnrnlng fr»m • Burroughs- -.. .She was the widow, of 1Francis pastor, will conduct'services today. Frank:" DiTjulUp, Robert Gleaspn^ and.Air's; Patricia Tiffany; science, phonso, &»wicki,, Alfred • GWatniejr, athletics, William H. Martin';,'cur-;, ^Lincoln*, SherinanV Livingston ai : :v & KohF Funeral Home,:' Summit. j . '.Qilirin, who was killed aboift" at 2 p.m. at the Fijrst Presbyterian' Miss Janet Kuhn and Sheldon Josepii Azzdiiril; Robert Belle, Mrs; and. Joseph. Stonon. : ';:. '•rl- -'r/. i i M * t ^ ' ' Walnut: Sc^uiols; remedial instruj : l : lOyejirs ago, in an automobile ac-' irVeinex;director.' of • supporting •,:•••! " . ' S h i e r i r t a . , n ; S c h o o L ' ; \v, . ,..••• ' Interment ;was in Restland Me-" ors, Mrs. Carol Vafulo, Brook^ide, ~ ' "" anH thp funeral vHII hp Q'Desky Cole. Alex .Fenik, Albert cident. mortal' Park, Hanover. . from Gray Memorial,; 12 Spring-: French, sJames Miller,;; Spanish, Mattla, b a r r e n Pinto and;;,Mig. Principal,! Mrg".' Janoysik; help- _,_,,.__„, .^....^..^ J.. Tcrrpglno; Clcyerand,: Blobmirig'dtilp , 'and. ,, 1 "• Born in Newark, she liyed' here • f i e l d A v e . ; I n t e r m e n t w i l l b e p r i - Angelb i?rejite; busihess;; Albert Jo'jsn' Sweet: FrehcJi,'.Mrs!, Mary ing.- teacher.i Tyfr.' Gallucci;' kin? ebbrdin^tor of.-'Spepial services,- Roosevelt.. Schools;'. Robert; Ray; ',•;' for 24 years. She ,v/as/employed v a t e . ' . , . ; • • .•••' • ,!':' . '• . '..• • '.:• ' ;.BaUiJiger, Frank Galllnai and Miss Herbst and Charles Mahnken (also derga'rten, Mrs. Elizabeth Medeaf-; ?tuart- , .C.aryet';"•,^^publis.hJ'ng .'arid Lln'cpLn, Sherman,".I4^£igston and "*'} ;Mrs.as an operator,for. the' Springfield .ahd'Mis^i •Barbara- Goll; first *-*•'' processing, Loreni Weibel. : Walnut School?^Mrs: Ida East- .^ Ma'kirie. Levy;, ediicable class, ^tiss lerman); Latin, r^IlasAlfce Jafle; : h C, Maher, 75, o-f Die, and Casting Go'.,' Kehilworth. grade, .Mrs. Angejikp. Andeifgoh;' , dicai ,inspe'ctar,. Dr.:Nrfeil Cas- burn, high qcheol and elemehtary .•.'£ iEUissabeth Ailen; t e m e d ^ l reading, JpanisJi, Mrs. Lofs.iPlowers. W. Second Ave;, ; . Rosette, Shef was . a communicant of St. Mrs. Susanna Clay Mrs. Myrna Wasseiman; librarian. Business, Mis "Judith Miller and and Mrs. Mary White;, second taldt) (part time); dental inspect- schools as< time permits, Miss M rntflher of James H. Maher af 18 Theresa's Church and a member Services will'be held today at Mis Elizabeth Welsh; art, John Mrs Gilda Sawczak;' remedial grade, Mrs EdithdaddJe and Mrs.or, Dr. Gfcrald Sydell (part timfe); Martha <^raney. Orange Avenue " * Franklin Ave., died last Thursday of the Rosary Society and* the 10 30 a m at Gra*y Memorial," 12 Fedash and Ronald Flatt; industri- reading, Miss M. MartJia Franey, eon Sonierville; third grade, Mrs. psychlatribt. Dr. Samupl Levitjc Jurtior/High School, and Mrs. "* at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Eliza- Catholic Daughters of America, Spi'lagfteld Ave., for Mrs. Susanna al arts, Johnny Joe, Charles Nel- librarian, Mit,s Jean Christian; art, .Y-iola Volpe and. MASS ..Majy (part time); psychologists, Dr Mypia Wassennan, Hillside Avebeth Surviving are*a son, John, at McKec Clay, 87, of 10 Hamilton son and Emil Schumann; home Mis* Josephine Corbo^ Mrs. AldoV Roesch, fourth grade, Mrs Judith Anlt-a Lyons and Henry Rossi; nue Junior High School. A , Mia. MJ.uuulCu uftJ^ AI iivlWO A high mAs& VtC requiem home; a daughter, Mrs: Ellen Efk-* tXlium, an&, KITS tseny . ^ % M i A celebrated -6n Saturday at Si Jo- loff of j Roselle, ,three brothers, ' Rev .Guy Lambert will officiate nam Kurtz and Mrs. Marie Ar- industrial atts, Jamas Kdlyer, Har- fifth grade, Miss Helene donser seph's Church, Rpselle, and.inter- Robert Hall of Newark, Stephen Interment will be ;n Hollywood nold (also at Orange JHS). vey Madsen, and Sigmund Schorr; and Mrs* Adelaide NenortasJ '"sixth menfcltvas m thfe family plot in the Hall of Parsippany and William Memorial Paik, Union. Vocal music, Mrs. Carolann As- home arty, Mrs. Myrtle Krlppen- jr.ade, Mrs Concetta Gabriel and Cdnetery of the Resunection, HalJ ol New Brunswick, four lis- Born in Belfast, Ireland, Mrs pray and Ronald Dllling; instru- dorf and Miss Mary Patrick, vo- Miss Dora Puorrp; edueable cla^s, Ne&7 Market The funeral ters,'Mrs Inez. Maley of Marcella, Clay lived in Union befoie _mov- mental niusic, Donaid Whellan; cal music, William Aspray and Miss\ Elizabeth Greene; secretary, from Dooley Funeial Home, 218 Mi's- LilUan Gavdos of Kearny, mg to Cranford five years ^ago to physical education, George K|irri, Miss Irene Szabo; instrumental Mrs. Estelle Slenklewicz; teacher North Ave, W. Mis Mildred Nessler-6-Jf1 Kearny make, her home with hei son, An' Mrs, Evelyn Mulbnan, Miss Ma- music, Alfred Patterson; physical aide, Mrs Sophie Delikat, nurse, - B e r n uii Raritan^ Mrs—Maher- •and—•Mrs-i—BoJtrtfes- Gmwold -drew B. Clay •cduetrtion,—Herbert F a n ell, Misti •Mrs—Jfean—L-S«rvI»^-,-cuitod4attsI -rie Pcro«e-and Thoi — __ ^,F— lived m Roselle 22 yeais She was Union Beach She was. a member of the" Third nuise, Mrs Marion Prager; sec- Sue Londan, Mrs Marilyn Murray Thomas Coijroy and Charles Kon-t and Eaymond'Ward. ^_, jL **.—, la. Nurse, Mrt. Erline Bathje; secUncoln-Sberman Schools retaries, Mrs Elsie Bonnelly, Mrs. Art, Miss Carolyn Tolson; imi-> •Founded m 1868 Frances £ewis, Mrs. , Roberta sic, Miss Janice Htaer; instrumenfteeves and Mrs. Ruth Diamond tal music, Simone IMcola; physical (half time); teacher Aides, Mrs. education, Edwin Staved; Louise Murray—and Mrs 'i Knthiron. RCTIY, OAWT nET A BFTTgR TIRE BUY. r.hasp; (>nstftdinn», Thoma^ McAuSchool Iiff e, John Labbate* Isaac Spurlock, Principal, Miss Irene Gilbert; QUAUTY-BUILT,"BRAtoq-NEW GEMEflAL TIRES , • v One of Net» Jersey'» •Jamej Hoarns and Joseph ZebiO; helping teachor, Mrs Gei'aldmfc AT AMAZINGLY LOW, LOW PRICES! THESE ARE Housekeeper; Itindergarten, Miss Blo6mlngrda.te Avenue School Finest Cemeteries — Patucia Vigliotta; first grade, Mrs. Principal, Thomas Tipaldi; help-NOT DISCONTINUED TREAD DESIGNS...NOT . ng Iteacher, JMcs. Ruth Kurtz; Marilyn Ackelsberg and Mrs. ,yVwi-Pro/ilcnd RETREADS/.,NOT "2nds'\. r THESE ARJE kindergarten. Mis, Ruby Feneira; ih Pleasant; second grade, Mrs. Marione Ganek ahd Mrs ' Charfirst grade,. Miss France*. Mackie FRESH-FROM-THt-.FACTORY, ALL NEW lVon-~Seetariaft and Mrs Rose Marie Pelton. sec- otte Silver, third grade, Mrs 1 Rosemarie Reutter and Miss Rhoond grade , Mrs Joann* Van JEsQUALITY GENERAL TIRES! sektyn and Mrs Patricia Fcnni- da Hochberg; f<jttt-th7«rade, Mrs. more; third1 grade, Miss Patricia Roberta Diamond d:nd Mr;:. AnV fsen and Mrs, Hrenda Zacharyczuk; fifth grade, Mrs One Year Deferred Payment Plan, Interest Free. McGoldrick, fourth grade, Miss Mary Peterson and Mrs Marjorie - Available lot Pro-Meed Buyer*.' ^ ; sixth grade, Mrs. BarEll7abeth Kelly and Mrs. Mary Polidoro; fifth grade, Mivs Joan bara Craney and Mrs Ann WatFord and Miss Luba Korostill; ers; secretary,, M.^ Ariine KeJIe.r; sixth grade, Mrs Barbara Axol- eu&todians, £rank Occhipinti and Eui£8t C. Hn-ll. b and Miss Mary l tary,-Mr»-fevelyh Hamilton j - Walnut Avenue School - ~r er aide, Ma Delphlne Zakre; Principal, Mi&s Gilhert; helping EAST BROAD STREET ia5*ELM STREET nurwj, Mrs. Aima ESill; custodians, teacher, Mrs. Housekeeper^ ldn-^ Tri, AD TeL AD 3-0130 M M , J S l (am). first grade,v Mrs Harriet jK^ved w Roosevelt School and Mxb Jean Ronnlund; second Principal, Mr Tipaldi; grade, Miss Ann Doleeki and Mrs G a t * cr«», teacher, Mrs. Kurtz;, kindergarten", L^ura^ancllerjjhh-d'grade, Mrs. Mrs Gjtzella Maloraho and" l h "M R Shirley T SEeiTis atid Mr^ Jrthel Jean Ijoeber (half tinfto); rirst White; fourth grade, Miss; Mary grad.e(> Mrs Mildred* Iversen, Mrs Carolyn Mason and Mrs. Marie Wilt, second grade, Mr&. JacqueltTlin, Mrs -MtM*»el~ Ortroiti rVirfbaro;; third nnd Mrs, Janice grade, Mrs DorotKytJrobs & XT" Amy Landow; fourth grade, Miss EttabtUhsd 1897-"Denise O'donrtor and Mrs Myra Jacobson; fifth grade, Miss Ros.earie Noto and Mrs Julia Quinn sixth grade, Miss Lois Bassin, Miss Christttia1 ''CoUJ'ouniotis end Mrs. EHen RosensWelg; secretary, Mrs. Mary Rinaldi; teacher aide, Mrs. Ellen Dragen; nurse, Mrfe Grace Wafson; custodians, "Richard BUICK. STUDEBAKER, Moss ahd William Carltock. BIoomlnffdale-'Raosevelt Schools ' CHRYSLER, DObGE, O L D S , ; 7 STUOEBAKER, LARK. RAMBLER , Art, Mrs. Mary Bogmtko; music, PLYMOUTH. PONTIAC Mrs. Rebekah-- DeMott; physical education,' Miss Jean Voorhees; in" 6.00/6:50x13 ' • Tubeless s'tFumental, music,; Oerson KToro1*ibeiess Blackwal itz; librarian,-; . Mrs. . Elizabeth Replaces sizes . •;' Replaces sizes : B r a k e . ; , - j '••. .. . ' . • • . 7.S0X14": *' 6.70x15 ; 8.00x14 - 7 OOx 15Brooksld© ptootf School • Principal, .IMfiss^entrice Warner h^lphig- teacher,' Philip Gea;.klndftrgarten, Miss /Margaret CorApi .Ion. and Mrs. Evelyn McCord; first grade, Mrs. Gabrlella Ba.ekinpff Mrs.'Dorothy Johnson and Mrs Ttt-esa-Munrit 'sectind grade, Mrs Sophia'Parish,-Miss Mildred Hiyi'eizo and Mrs. Lois Nathansoh !third) grade, Miss Mary Giba, Mrs. Harriet. Ginsberg and- 'Mrs. Ann 12 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE, ORANEORD Kuperberg; fourth grade, Mrs. Sue Ann Juhasz, Miss Beverly Diets and, Mrs; Lois Washerman; fifth VVMJEWALLS SUGHTLV&HSHER • OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY SALE PRICED aiie, Mra. •kaven Salway, Miss We offer, residents of Cranford and vicinity ah Jtlrlam Eisenrmfe and Misti Dorda V - Why dtitfe dangerous sniootfiies, when our new 100%. , VolirfuichajaMonlhly CiymaiMt Perry; siyth gca*C*.Mr^." COM' O.K. CREDIT program makes it easy for you to put fhese: • atance James, Ja*e^JMary Dudley 1 outflanking funeral hoitie, cpmplete tvith air " •• great n6w tires on every.jwheel of.your car.,, right now! arid • Mrs. Theodore \Martln; secretary, Mrs! IJmily Collins; . conditioning, organ, large light rooms1 for your r aide,-Mts;. Jeanne Atkins; nurse, Mrs. Wntsonj custodians, James NO MONEY.£>OW(vl »' eaiu fttoMhly payments handle the tohll . $155 Crawford, William Stacy -and> Wilevery convenience* Our own display rootn1. liam-Moore (p.m.). • " Clevelaood School COMPLETE FRQNf END SERVICE GENERAL GOLF BALLS Principal, Miss Warner;- helping ONLY INCLUDING FULL WHEEL ALIGNMENT teacher,'..Mr. Cea; kindergarten PLUS A SAFETY CHECK Mrs. Snra Jane Mitchell; first HX) Compression • liquid j OF THE FOLLOWING: • grade, -Mrs. Virginia Jones and . • Bfak««djiijfmuni' • Muffler . . e«hter.*,Cadwell cover, * Front-wheel bea[)nk» • Tnllpipu Mrs.. Helen^ Stelnhart; second tong distance, top quality •tiros . ' . • . •fl||lights grade, Miss - Sharon Lelbel and MOST balls, made to USGA . _ • Battciy ' • Shocks CARS Misa Pntricia Sextpn; thiird grade • specifications; '(limit: i dO2. por,customer) Mlfc> Joyce Morway and .Mra Mary Naylor; lourtli grade,''Miss Annmeria. Greenstein • and ; Mrs. Beatrice Llebermijn:; fifth grade, Mrs. Miriam Savall and Miss SusF. H. Gray, Jr., Mgr. Funeral Directors Arnold Salberg, Mgr. uri -Milstcln; 'sixth .grade,"J Mrs : Marlon Eschenlauerfijjd'MisstJ u d CRANFOBUO, N. J r - r Btt « - 0 318 KAST BROAD ith Pateman; secretary, B/Trsj.' Ell H SPRINGFIELD AVENUE WKSTFIELft. W. y. - ^ AD b^th^'Bi^t^J^ •T0fOUAllTYrfl».5O-Yr>HS t> to 3 P . M . : - CL 2Qfrftti e Viilirniira*,, M K L Prill;-CUBPrejjbyt^rfai)-Cfturcfo. of ^Uz& and tKe ^augh&rij .'of Scotia. ' S h e :-.>George' Ni Hitchcock^ 15, ol 406was. the widpw of /l.lffed,-CJayvv •:; Hjfkh'" St',, 'idie'd,, -Monday< at. •Ett^' . Oth'ejs. s'trrviving are a dayghter,both ''GAiihjral' Hoslpitaj: after.a biief Mrs; Elizabeth Dobbm of; Fiorida;; Giil' H i j : ft ; : • ..'.,• • . ' • . • r . • • ' • • • ' • , • • ' • • ' ' • " : c Atmnntxl rono. tm^(WMOUTR, . COMPACTS 1 • • ; . ! • • - * ' • • • • • » • • ' ,• •• ' . ' • ' . • . ,• ' . '. . . . . * x . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' • . • " . ' ' . . ' . L ; . . ' : . > • . ,i , ; • * • • • • - 7 . . ' . , , • . , • 'i • "\y^:/:•.'• HERE^S * i0d%O.K. .CREDIT" "AN 4 ' • • * * • • • ' ' . .. •.... -, . , . »**JM . '. .; ,: ' • , ' ' . .i , VACATION SAFETY ELIZABETH GENERAL TIRE SERVICE. Inc. 400 ftAHWiriiVENIlE, ELIZABETH toiliana, Franks" Kosaar a n d Alrien Ctjuurlea' ' ' • ; ' " :' ' -> • I ' Local Aid Squad Assists In Hospital Evacuation Money Management Course S h d l d b A d u l t School was -Among area emergency groups Haj.wg trouble managing yom> — ^ \vhich furnished ambulanqe servpersonal finances' have proved popular with park ice and manpower* to help in the The Cranford Adult School will visitorsjjn the past oyacusftion1 o f more than 3QQ per, «ofl>r a new cslirse at Its coming' The an augments weie all se- sons, including m 142 panenis patients anty 20 anovu fall semesjet to help >JDU solve , , „ , , , A, " , .— ckitanls, trom Rahway Hospital ctfdon t,he basl^of their adapts 9dapta7n;, »*,^e occurred : , _ . , there £aM Ua .,- n M^u these problems The -com SJE>, ' Pei when a Mtimb ostai sonaj/Money Management," will bility, beauty, size, coioi and last Thursday be. taught by Bruce T Dunnan of length of blooming period which Cianioiid's squadmen also as83 Gallows Hill Rd, as-sustant offeis a wide range bi fints, and sisted in Jhe returning of patient cashier of the Nati6nal Newark & hues, to the hospital fforh thete-make' Essex Bank, Newark Qther displays of annuals may shift quarters at nearby R«nway -The * 10-week course will open b"e found in Echo Lake. Park, Junioi High School aftejxfhe teleon Tuesday, Ootober 5, at Cran- Mountainside and Westfleld, and phoned report of a hdmb proved ford High School, and witt con- the Rah.way River Park, Rahway to have, been a ha tinue iou 10 consecutive Tuesday evenings Registration for "Personal Money Management" and about 40 other coiuses irvailable will be conducted on September 30 and October 1 nnd 4 from 7 to 9 p m at Cranford High School Calendar of HolMaya — 1965-66 "Personal Money Manafjemertt" September 9( Thursd»y Classes Begin will cover ba?lc budget guidelines, September 27-28, Mon^ arid Tuesday budgets for, various Incomes, the , Rpsb. Hashanah u^e of. credit, - typcs~ of ftnartce Octobei 6, Wednesd . . ' Y«>m Klppar agencies, initiating" credit, jjpreppr Teachers' Cbnventl(fiT November H-lStXnursdsy & Friday nrntlnn nf financial TbankogiCing Kcoooa y —cured' loans, mortgage loans, 'unBegins After Single Session secured, loans, checking accounts, Novembj>f 29, Mohday t ....'' . Schools Reopen estate .planning, the Use of inDecenrber 24, Friday First Day pf Christmas Recess surance, medital coveiage plans, Japtiary 3, Monday .., " „ Schools Heppfen Spclal Secusity, types of insurrebruary 21-23, Monday & Tuesday Washington's Birthday ance, mortgage insuiance. and per— liecesa sonal property, theft* flreu liability, March . ^ . ' i No -Holidays and automobile' insurance / . . . . . . * „., Easter Recess Begins Apill 8, GoodJTriday Mr Dunnan, a graduatjK of .. Schools Reopen April 18, Monday Brown University, prty^lo'usly taught j a personnel management « Memorial Day May 30, Monday .. , tour<e ai; New York University, Last Day of classes June 22, Wednesday . .,, anti he 'serves as an instructor in Return for. Report Cards Jun-e 24, Friday ... „ a "Bank orientation course of Efc28 days September 14 days March ae* County Chapter, American fn15 day> October 20 days April stitute of Banking An Air Force 21 days November 18 days M.ay veteran and winner of the Comlb days December 17 days June mendation Medal fof meritorious January .... 21 days • service, he holds a certiticate of Fc brliury 18 days Total 183 day;; distinction as first m his class at in the executive man.agejt program of 3S£assadh&setts, Mr Duruwn^is .a Little League1 coach, a member o3K^hc Ci anford Dra-1 matjc Club, anEKjicttve^ in the Jliilwi )<'ith<j- H? 19 a captain' Iti'the Ah' Fun ;Yea> In Cranford "Siiper-Right"-Meat Features for a*JFe$tive Weekend! STAMP ~ IT'S FUN GETTING GIFTS FOR Cranford Pubjic Schools Tlrc IvetieJawe Stiidia Warinanco Park Annuals Continue Blossom Display The annual flowers at, the Henry S Chatneld Memorial Garden in Warinanco Park, Elizabeth and Roselle, still offer paik visitois a radiant display of multi-colored bJ&ssom1? " The free-f lowering a n n u a l plant^each yeai continue.as a focal point? of interest toi home g«r• deners. thioughout the county, untiUbie ni>t htjayy"frost yi thef-Iair The planting replaced 14,000 tulips which piovided a coloiiul l&ay display in the Chatfield Ga.i— d e r r -AH-'of -th^~rrnntrat~:ptJfritir were grown fiom seed in cold, frames at the Union County Park Commfssioh'3 nursery m the g The tenter bed this year £ea*ture<u ornamental basil, dark opal in, color, suirounded bf double dwarf petite yellow mangolds ^_ , Included injthe dlsglay^re_ddh" . TI5F, daisies.TaTvia, peturnas7 car^" nations, asters, eleome, Jane Parker Stuffing 'Super-Right" Quality-NO WATER ADDED, FULLY COOKED U.S. GOVERNMENT INSP£(JTED-Over 1 0 lbs. SMOK Shartk Portion J Shpp Early tor the Weefcendf A&P Stores Closed labor Day, Mon. Sept. 6th Fronf CuH FRESH Bort»leu Whitq Meat |b Italian Sausage HOT or SWEET 7*c CORNED BEEF ib • Eight O'clock ^ cosmos and vJnca Many of the varieties included iri the planting this, "year are among the old favorites that ' New, Spacious Studio, Centrally Located At ' 118-Wahtat SAVE 60 Ave^-Crairfordh (NEAR SOUfH AV&) Convenient To Ail Bus Service BRidge 6-3539 ACTIVE MEMB£R OF — j EDUCATORS "AND DANCE MASTERS OF AMERICA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Of DANCE AND AFFILIATED ARTISTS » N i FEDERATION OF /WUSIC CLUBS, DANCE DEPARTMEKT fllch and Foil Bodied ' SAVE 60 Rt>d Circle Vlgoroui and Winoy Bokar— C SAVE 180 69 " 1.99 ' SAVE Go SAVE 2o 3 lb Mb *% b i r J « O GOLDEN CORN 10 29 C ' I Red, Ripe—NONE PRICED HIGHER! K1NQ Sizfe Italian Freestone—NOUfcMlCEO HIGHER! - C 2.19 A&P ; Coffee 2 1.39 FRESH PRUNES 2 29 A&P Initanf CoHes LEMONPIE SAVE 10 6 BI& Tender, SWeat "S C i i r r o t s ' N0NE I Ib. I op. can Green Giant Peas 5 ° 99 C IS oi, Cut CKtSCENt 6OLD or MARBLE SUGAS or GOLbEN Homo»tyle-3AVE6c 49 ' S OX. I RoaSWd Peaniits * m P pkg *"•'"« PLAIN or SEEDED RYE BREAD al, Hiclcofy Hardwood UASMT RaaHe VEGETARIAN neinz oeans ^w«i. PORIT PR|CED NONE PRICED ' j HIGHER HIGHER' lb Yellow—MONE Frozen Food Values!Variou».Br«nds—Incjjuchng Lomonade Hpsvy tXufy 12" width * roll* " BRIQUETS—Presto / k i n I t OQtf I SAVE Ho j JEWISH 2 f 1 l i b loaf * t BfOCCOli £45° ALUMINUM WRAP A 25(1 QQo - * Fruit Drinks **«?» .10 Z «9 C *** bag ° * A I |b. ACo - * «« «* b fiukai^Mk B S A V MORTON'S <• 14'oxv vreom Pies ABv«rh«M 3 PV Beefsteaks S S "37M Heinz H A M B U R ^i' l A tt^lSsh i«rl7° ttiMMe MRS. PAl^fi A ^ox. French's Mustard 2 9,;;; 29" R i n ggs FrAnch frrtd I Popelowatoes 4 1 ^ ^ I t J j S " Orange Juice i KfttJ Fish-N-Chix ^u % % 250 Cheese Blintxes gal. oont> 1 MRS. pigs. BIRD'S EYE M box. Flor.da ** MILADY'S dor p i g . A Ion a Wran FACIAL TISSUES All Colors—200—2 ply ALUMINUM-FOH/ P A A I T f a f e NABISCO PRIbE ASSORTMENT 11 oi OjEfl UUUHia» or FAMOUS ASSORfMENT pi,. * * of O A * WHITE TUNA 7 ox roll 5 ft h 125 ft. Alcoa mrrap Cut-Rite Wax Paper THIRST QUENCHERS! Kraft LUDXEE Margarine Kraft Miracle Margarine rolls Jane Parker White Bread is every bit _; -.'>»'dsllolous and Nourishing as other;: breads that cost more., ' .; i t J u s U o habpien8 we're able ta . • charge ^ little less. You can't hold that against us, can you? . —;• Di Center, t SSuysP Dairy CASE OF - YUKON CLUBr-Nb'OEPOSlT Beverages^ i Colored AftiBrlcati Past..Proe«»'. All F «an» Cheeri-flid AnnPs j ( Za-Rex Syrup 6 p ^ J9q pnt^Q, . I'/jlb. p § Mel-O-Bit Cheese Slices 7f Crtoni Cheese ' g ^ & Swiss Slices Q-Tips Cotton •.•V • •PROPERLY FITTED FOR SOLID COMFORT REASONABLY PRICED FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES! PerooUfor or Drip JANE PARKER ' ^ l 1 * WHITE BREAD' W • - LONG WEARING •-.•_.?.. BARS Cuts From Nearby Farms—NONE PRICED HIGHER!. GIANT SIZE CHOCOLATE Milk, Almond or Fruit & Nut Now about the price... SMART LOOKING c+ns Milk, Almond or or mr Mr. Goodbiir miiKr Aimona MARVEL ICE CREAM 59' • I doi C 1.95 Hershey SAVE 20c Cholde of SI Flavors When the School Bell Rings Sde That Your Youngsters Step Out in CHAPMAN'S Sturdily Made Children's Shoes. g* " JL GROCERY VALUES'. flegular ft" Slie I lb SAVE 15c ' RoguUif O ^ ^ Q C MbJ«if * _ . * " . IN CHAPMAN'S SELJECT QUAqTY 89! lb 1-19 Boneless Hams Smoked Picnics UNOX CANNED HAMS Smoked Ham WILDMERE LARGE EGGS JANE PARKER BAKED FOODS iThAuk.iir UOnUTS BONELESfe PRISKtT Veal CuteifJtfeaks Mix or Matchl f-ton STRAIGHT CUTS ' Super Right-" Quality ft A&P Coffee Sale Continues! REGISTRATION FOR FALL CLASSE - Thuea., EcL^Safc^Sept." 9 , 1 0 , 11 - 1 *o 5 P.M. Beautiful . . . STEAKS. CHOPS, CHICKENS, FRANKFURTERS, SPARE RIBS, HAMBURGERS Sliced Cooked Ham —ffi Fresh Chicken livers lb 109 Jumbo Shrimp READY-TO-IAWWIATS Mild anil Mellow m!Meat..-Departmentis Select Fi'om Our Ceo.ft-Ouf Qenfers Brisket Beef Turkey Breasts .WHfcRlbi / Look for the half ham with tho slice, on top! Buff Portion Bologna, LIverwursT) Plain or 0% J>°* A F c Olive Loaf, Plokle & Pimento O fa* Q 9 _ Tiny tofs Gymnastics for BoysfcQIrls Adult QxercTse & dance class Pre-Teen & Teenage etiquette & social dancing Whole or Either Half *• Super-Right SLICED • • • 4 " tf. J ) CrjiZEN AND tjOLCfmCLE—TaVtiBDAY', SEPTEMBER Z, 1965 ^.....'.'y—'.'.Ur'..'...'•'.'. ..I'....- fiinsoBlue -- Chun King -Chicken Chow Divider 2ib.U o».Q7c ' Dove For Dishes Liquid Detergent : pi*»«c.. Colonna Rodi-Mix Flavored rumbs Imp.P, Grated.Clioow » WyleKsf lakes • O^NION , • Ivory Snow PARSLKY- Active All Detergent , 3 Ivory Soap FoHFoilet «t\d 8aih Saran Plastic Wrap . •W«Kari 12-fi.pi.q e ! i-—pU*tic W-W 01. pla»»!e -BlueCheer " For Ida Family Wa«k .,• 1 Roguljir II1/4' Width 50 ft, roll ' ' AH ' Controlled Suds 1 ,' net Dfthat V 77c-y. oi.pkg. Bright Sal! Laundry Bleach Lux:ljguid petergent •'llb.6ox.00c pkg. OK 3 lb, ' ptg. « 3lb.6ot.77t PH ; ' ' . Prices effoWlve thiru Sat, Sept, 4th trt Super Mar-' , 9 VifALNUT AV€ . ^ ge ond Rockland 1 •>•• %QC •>.' !'^^--73 < ; '.''«-' ; '' V :' : frorti Plaid Stai«|i ' : . - • • ' ' • • • . • • • h . St. Luke's, ?3pisc9pfll ; C h y « * , ' Catsrkiri,7N,;..;Y.,v w s ^ 5 i ^ ? ^ ^ . r Saturday" fo/ t h e marriage of Miss Susan !Elizabctt!..'-Lind&ay,- daughter • , . formed th'e ceremony. A .reception J was held'at the Sky Line. Restaiii'-i.'* arit; Calikill.-. . ' ' ? . ' ' ,.:'' : ' ' , • lytr. .Lindsay' gavq his ^.daughter i>i", marriage; : Miss;- Judith' Ann Lindsay; sister oi the bwde.was'i.', maid of honor. - " • " ' • ; • ; ' ' ' Richard Lawrence 'E lid m a n n served his brother as best, -rri,ati. .Robert Ackland'• ot Cranford ushered. ' '" "..r.'"~'•• .'•"••' ' 'The bride is a graduate, of Cranford High School and End'icott Junior College, B,eyerly, Mnss. Mr. Erdmarin, also agraduate'of Cranford High' .Sch0olr4s-in his senior year at Colby College, Waterville,. Me. He is a member of Delta kappa Epsrlon • Fraternity.- •• .;•„•, ' >«\'. 'Following ' a •'wedding-, trip- .tb Boothbay 'Harbor. Me.T Mr. Er^mann'afid his' biricte wilL resido at 5 'Virinter S(t., Waterville. .. mm-mm MR?-. DAVID G. ERDMA1NN, ; (1 •. •;i' Mr. and' Mrs. Edward A. Cleinenscn of. 4? Richmond Ave.' re- in .Nap-Jes; 'Italy,'.they also visited l ;, ". turned recently after-vacationing Romp,-• Venice, •Florehce, Zurich, VJ7 in Eurppe. After, yisitiiig friends land Paris.,f ••'..' ' ' • "' ..-,.,:'. ,u ,' mmmmmmm MR& FRANK ANTHOI^YFAlttBANEC, JR. GEORGE H. HAHM for 1 MmEfdim /ft • the briSe; Mri Bukciwski 'and Gregory Du'deck 6"f7Newark, b,oth cousins of ;the' bridegroom, and Ch'arles Fprdham ' M ^ cousin of the* bride. Piidiciiii »f Suinmit was la junl<?r 'usher and Mark'Fordham pf Crariford, cousin <>f- thfc' bride,, was ring • >' Miss Mary Lynn' Larsen, daughter o£ .Mr- 'arxd-lVIrs. Helmut A. i The Church oi,-St. Anne,.Gar- b e a r e r . . ; > ~ - ' - . 7 . ,'•..'••:'"->''..'.!',•'••'' '"': Larsen' of 8..Wpod: H.,, became the bride^ of George H. Hahm:, son of wood, was , the • setting Saturday, '• 'Following a . wedding trip to - M r . and Mrs. Geoi'ge Hahm of Scotch HainCin a candlelight ctiremonx. afternoon tor the .marriage bf li/Ii.ss Jamaica, EW-K litri'-FarbJjriec and 1 1 Friday ev^Oing in Calvary Luther-1 " ; • .7; r;~r~,-~^rr~-~~r- -r*Berai'ce1 Dorpthy: Brauh/daSiShter :his rbrid'e',Will; reside at,l4p(5. Rac ; k. City'were organist .a '; " ! ' in Church. of Mr. and Mrs. Erwfai Braun of "3 S t R h V ^ ' 7 ' a gradutrttt-of • Revi Arnold["j; ~S>anTquist; pas'• to Ffank' ;Hlgh Suhool; Felt,and Tarrai tor, performed the double-f-ing fowl High School/ Av'erett College, FaEUa.nec, Jr.,. "son -pt:.Mr,:, Business) .School ^ arid .B'avbizb derejnbny. A receptidn jfbllojwed at Danville, : V:a.j and Cedar, Crest Mrs.**Farbahec. of 26 Cornell R d . ' School of •.'•'Mpd'eKhf,. ':New-';,Ydi'k Rev. Stephen, C.Rutko^vaki, asA i ^ t ! l b ; i i t J ^ , : Pa.» iis ah^. h l & pmrrVnvi'tH-asL a se'i-ri*; y ' ShA.ig ^ jSlstanf '"pasto^T ""°pe7formea~TTKe" •fltttr mentafy tea(fcher in the.BJoomfield: doubleiringj'c'erqnJony.'.V A recep- tary by Enjay Chemical Co.,TDiv field; u . h lys y s t e m . ' " ' tion was : held at; sThomm's •Rest- of "Humbleoii'&Kefihing: C o : — -her,.father,' had her. college roorflr Mir. Hahm, a. graduate of Scotch • Mr. Earbanee is a, graduate of aurant, .Newark. 7 }'.'"'*'"'••'>'••'•' ' 7; mat6 J Miss.HildaLenz.of XJnion, as _ _ School ahd'the UiV V heiC^raakf" of honor. Bridesmaids sity bf Klansas,. is a student ali Rut- 7 Mr. Braun. escorted! his diiiighter St. CaKimif's. School, Newark .'. .were Miss Laura Leigh Larsen, gel's University LaV'.School'; '"—'••• to^the al^ar. ,.Miss Mary,Sijrhone Union. Junior CdUege; and DV p f S i t y , . Ma.diiSOn. H6^; alsp at .:.7 of^Garwood was', "laid.- <?t '. •••••"•' sister of the bride, and Miss Eileen ark";T ^ t^7" g iJT^'Tt"JN ^ y , J Bridesmaids 'were 'Mrs., Kenneth •''••'•'• vftahm and Miss Karen Hahm, sis- ; Foliowing a wedding,tr.ip to Ca&e ters pf the bridegroom. , •• . : ' Cod., Mass., Mr..1 Hahm and his. Richte'r 'of' Mountainside and Mrs. Bruris^ick, and served" in th •"• .. William. Hahift.of Los ".Angeles, •bride will lesidc at 59 jSlizabeth. Eugene Bukowskj .Of Elizabeth. Army at/Fc^rt Sill, Okla.- • • :. • Calif., served his brother as' best A v e . - .'• "•• , , • '-.. . . ,..• • ' . ' •• . . ; , . S,usiin,'Fordham of Cr'anfor'd arid : Shirley HoVvath of Vint'land,' both ,v Mr7a.nd krs'. Wllliarn' Xuill "an .-•. man,. 'Ushers were7Ro"b.ert.Berm'cousins' of the: bride, .were junior sop?. James, of''••£. Dartmouth Rd • . ' i n g h a m of Newark', brother-in-law / Mario'ti Ranrtsay - of 10 brideshiaids, and flower • girl,, re- retui'he'd last Week from v a : ttu-iie I- the. bridegroom; Herbert .Litvin Wade Aye' ••• 'and'TIVIiss Constance spectively. — ' ' ' Pa«, ia'nd Thomas Lear '!oX' EurbpC; r Cobntrie • • ' • • . 7 ,7'':V , .' week Jtour : Palachakpyr^of.-Plain'-' d ^ t d ^ ^ ^ ^ d V ' l ^ ^ I l in. .Bermudar- Both are '{eacSers field "served as 'best "man.; 'land, Germany,;. Austria; pze'chb Scotch * brother of . • Charles .Frischixiann' of Cranford ih" Scotch Plains^Fanw.pod -HJgh were Ervin M. • 7and Miss Ltirraino Ask of I^e'w[School ; : WORLD FAMOUS Bride of Itex ^ '.; Miss .Diane Alice TDexhelmer, daughter of Rev. and J^rg. John R, : : 'Dexheiirter of 9 Dorchester Aye. , .became rthe.bride • p:f Rex ArfierigQ I V A U i f • Clark, • Saturday afternoon in the Crattford Methodist ~7~ Mr; 'D'Agostino . .was '^gradt; ,; Rev. Donald T; B.aggs of Suo'from" Shorter College, R6rpe, (jt&.. casunna •per'foi'rned the double-. and' is~a sales representative wren A '•reception': folMagnus •g ' Mr. D'Agostino and his; bride will church." .. Rev^. Pcxheimer gJ»ve.:his_daiiigh- • tjiake: their "home in Richinond, Va. • er'"^ ' ' ' ' • ' marriage. 7 M r s , " W'iYlfam O g of ^Hiilsdaife;; w a s jj m a - i were tron pf honor...Bridesmaids Laurel Dexheimer. arid•.; Bonnie• Alter ht Linda Quammen,,'daughter: of bexheimeri'sieiers of the'bride; • i J l d E r i ' qf Medford, L'.;I;, Mrs.-Elizabeth- Love'Quamm'en-of. Clai-emont PI.,. h.as' 'Clltrton;'retiredw ' frolh Rqbert Milacci of TrentPn, cousin EcKb~ of the -brWegrobm^ and- Stanklin sh.e spent July and : August. Caputb1 of West Orange.;1' ; • . . . :'• 'During this time, she'.'iwas gradJames Lennfty1 of Cranford was uated'•ffom^ejuniprtp the interi d- receivedT^ eidT^ mediate group!! . o r g a n i s t . ' •,• 1 '-'" 1 i " . ' ' • , • ' • • • ' ' 7 award' in- s.wii'nming, i 7 The bride, a graduate'of Pastcack proficiency; 1 galley Re;4irpnal:High ^,ctfopl, HUlsr as well ^>H, wihning; first Rlace Jn. 1 daie'., a'lso attended Drew U i e : the frog elnirsirace during .visitors' ^ h e i d 'f riage, she' was" e ^ p SJfeRS. SALE $1,0? $1.35 $1.50 $3.4* $3J9 r Sale Enci.s Saturday, September 1T, V Sorry? UltrUisdiis^Arc, Not On <Sdte!.' Open Thursday Evenings . w wardrobe . * ' . • - ••wmm v;.\-; Street) .' ;• (formerly'of- i r ion-coiiscious, jespeciaHy Of ••.theiti'blder-''sisters''1 fashion trends. So they know just how snrait |he'y. look .when: .they are wearing:. 7:.•",.. 7 \>~. H ~^r Dirpsses* -if Skirts:, '•' • ^ S w e a t e r s • • • ' . • • ' - X * . ' • • . • • , of 7 ' • • • . • • • ' • : - : ; " ; ' - , . Parochial Blouses Coats'- . .*• i*r Blouses ^ r Jacfee^^ies 3-14) '.,'•' 7 * mmm announces *^R . • t^S;:ii SALON ill ill NEW &»LARCER im 1 •'•'••• ' ' « I": '(.":., at 35 Alden Street/ Cratifbrd - FOR THE LITTLE,GENTLEMAN going fciack to' school, .we offer a complete wardrobe " that outfits him t o / after Sc.hoorhours, tdb. Mom loves' Sur: easy-ciire clothes! •• ; • Billy the K i d 7 Per-manent Press Pantfc * Short & rLonp Sleeve Sport Shifts *""•—r 'ie Light and Medium . Weight Jackets (sizes 4-12) % * Raincoats- . - • PERMANENT WAVING • HAIR COLORING k, H^m CUTTINO l^:r : -r;.V'. All New Fadlities ^ Come Visit Us In Our New Location . -j "' .• Open"'Tuesdays, thiu Saturdays > , and Thursday Evenings CALL FOR / ^ O I N T M E N T : ' ' '. .— • - - • ill fata AUSTIN HJU '§8 • 276-3506 Be a Calendar Girl! ' of 0111; SAUNA (FINNISH) BATH f m •WATCH FOR THE OPENING SOON H1LDREN ,32 Eastman St. ••:•• i (f^OO-Car Municipal Parking in Rear), , featuring ;. \ mm- ISO/.D--to. the woman wi tli the busy c.ilen- dari" Austin Hill Coarflinates." Ah, :these _ smart Austin Hiirsiacks coordinate with.Aus-' tin Hill sweaters. Caicudar girls-should co'rrio • to our store this week. . . '' Central Ave, 276-2510 Westfield, N. I • • \ , : , - I.. - r ' \ •'•••.'• l." , • • ' ' . - * • • • •' . , " « t , ' • " * - , '. • ,"• * . ' • < "••'•?.r:.•••:'•'.'••., ••..' aS. VTce^-iprcsidSiit of : Mr! and .Mrs. Carroll K. Sellers 0^ ~7]7~rSpringfield,.', Ave. ' nioved Crahford Qivjc :,ihd Business .-Ari-. J i .Th'e^jvc'dciinjf .ctf{M1§s- Ljjia.ra Ana yesTerdu^ . to Mpiintaintijde.' Mr. : s .been 'a'/r^sidenl.Jiort1: ©rt.lfl -'arjci; Ro'hcVV.'-O^n vjl^eUie-ili Jlw2% ^€ar^;anci-.|yfrs::,Seile.rs^!i 'y'' b y. ; .'tp'ok-''>•place '§aynvday;.'ih-'-;l|ie.',:'Fir!Jt. rCHiircaJin, 6rartjliord-.fqVJ31J. years'..'-, through xe''.' yeve;.-: 25»'; •MJ-.S,' "Sollors formc-rty' wds *WelMcthodipt- Ghurd'h", WestfisW. >^t.iiv. Dr. .CJark W:' Httnt, .paKtor, oP/i'c- come Wug^n .hostess-.' here and - a (\CsW'; ParamuH a n d Gleti' RocVr.. jnpmber 'of ifae F j r s f . ' . i ' , . r : . , . . :. v . 'rhe.bride? -daughter of Mr. dn.cj. C J j w c h . . , , <,»,.^y •';•;".'vandi' Judy • E ^ •':%!•'3ell;ers, 3Vlawyer • w'\th':L6-1.~ w Vlrsi"";If.'13tanRC;{Orth''pJ 214 Oak aaughtL'rs' of. .Mr;' and1; Mrs.. -J.t . a.:--paip't' '' i-.tJtr. and Mi;s.. Georg'e D.'rCft'll'en' Lane; had Mrs*: Jiicjt Poofe of E)"a- flees- at,'. l;i;i- Milji;, St.' .-is.; Eriright of: * J04•< Cranford:-:;Ave., riiasttus,...Md.;. 'u«,..heiv matidn' of' .ccfTjjmandsit. of .^ran^ard Po'st, %\Z, Of1 li'5- Etigewood ; JRd: \vere honor- • were.-fe.ted.at:a «Mpxiei-.'party' re r .. American L^gipn;;.a past president,ed atr-a-SUrprise-jpiarty; Sattirday' honor. Jamesj -Wilson 'of Ilion, N. e'e'ntly... at ^heVHonesteqd,: Spring. Y., wks best man, and u"shers:'wert" of '• Hhe • Crah-^4; ••'Rotary Club, evening • at their .hdifac irt celbbra-' "Lake, in. honor; of; thgir,l;6fti'and•' former 'chaivmaX.of 'Civil Defense; tion • ' < > f tfioit'.25th. wedding anrii-'David'Orth, brother of- the bride" 8tH"";;birthday . anniversaries''.»'«'' i t ^ ; ' l and.loiTTvand 'Cai1:! Schurr M Wilmington^ f fnermagistratt^here; er "borough aitorneyViS .Garwbok: ~ "The 'parUv was ilgiveri: by tlieif' D e i . - ; " " . ; . . . ' •••-'• : - \ c ••• • • •••'.' Mr.. Weiler..is. the' son of the ate'Mr. andMi's- Charles C. Weler of West'fie^dv .; '"' ;.;.•;"•'.;....'..' '• A.receptioh was held in FellowShip Hall "at the'.church; Mr,. Weller .and his' tjrjde are. on. a wedr ding, trip to.4hc-Cloisters; Sea J s - » -• v - ; : . 1 1 laiui; Ga,, and'••'wil 1'' make' 4hcir-. home fii Summit. ': '* ••"•'- •yi'as! -the/_'setiing-S jnoon.'/jfOr . the -•!•',«•• Mi'. arii'-'Mrs.,-.Lotus".Ffej^rari, "of to D o n a I'd Bouse' r • J.efe'ighttini Jii', sori; of Mr. and M-rs. > ^ Creightoh 'of... 7:BartmQuth:Rd.; •.' • •_•."'".' iftt. Rev; Msgr. HenryBeck, pas-; '.". ,'tp-r, officiated; at the .double-rj/ig •:"; ceremony. ?A" reception was -held' •• ' • at' the Copper Hood Restaurant; "v" LyfidHurst. • •• •. • ,•'.., ' . '. '. . -^t'V" •/• '^ Mr. (Ferrari escorted his daughI',,- tier to the.altar. Miss Maryatin Cupo1 of" North Arlington and John Waldr'Qrt.' of Bayohne ;w.ere f the^couple's only attefadtants., •'. The bride, a graduate of Holy ; : Family Acaderny. Bayonne, received • her,/ fi1.A. decree ir.om' Je'r-, • wsey- City-;'. S'tate' 'Cqllege._/and .'h?P I' • M.ALdegree 'from M.ontrclair, State . ;- •.Colie^ge. Sha is' a,b"iologyteacher I"-; '.^itr the- -Lyponurstt iiigh'{Schjooly-1 .,:K''.'•. 'Mr. Cre'igh'toh). a -graduate of •''..,'.: Pirtgry Schobl, Elizabeth; arid &ehlgh; • University,' 'Bethlehem, Pa."; "..Is -an, accountant with. General '•'•'•• "footisi tt.obpken.' He is a sergeant .. ''Mr,.' and,' Mrs." Edward. 'Miksiein- the Arniy .Ileseryes: and serves wicz of Elizabeth 'hay^ ,ahnounced, .'. as,a tank cbmm,andei\ . ••..';/•. :. '_; i,..l^^.CiMgK,t.o^fltiii.iiiH!.b;Xi4.e- jwJli the" 'engagement -of their daughter, Miss ' ' i ' l I i W l T ^ r ^ ' •"• ' make their'-'lionie iri Psissaic m -m a m>)ji t e d . . • ' . ; ',.•'•• . ; • , - '.';• ' • • • ' . • • , " . . . ' • ; ; .•'••• . ••' : ^y^§;$$^^ ?m:, Miss Mikw&mcz rV C^o'ohey. Sr., of 1004 OtMRS. DONALD R. CREIGHTON. Jft. g A j , ; . , , ; ; ;y aiige • Miss- Miksiew.icz.'. is • a.' graduate ico clerk, by- the'Prudential InsurpiSa^-etf'.Hear.i.-'Mgh: School, Eliz- ance Co., Njewark. "' '.. -. .•>.'. . Thointis FdtHHy Unt abeth. She is employed as. 4' serV- , Mr. Coonpy, a graduate of Crari-. To Mtiimi, Florida l'&r'd Hi^hTScRg ^ Cuun-. Mr.'and Mrs. C. R;-Thomas* and to Technical Institute, Mountain1 s\dk,- attends the,,evening session.at THeir. -children, Mary Ann, tfar,, i ' i ' l bara,, S'andtrij, "Stephen •find'; Eric niojv.'.ifunjo'i- College. He is em-'formerly of- 5 SyTyesteFSf /Inoyedf 6ye3i~p~ 'e' by. the atecnmcainfepreseJitSF" 'JCerqx1 Corp., Newark, last ;we(jte;to Miami, Fl.a/They ?iad T"T Lacrofe Graduates From Ntirsing: fi^ ,;Meet- trie in* Itvoi G. E. Howland •..'. ' . i n c ; ' ; • ' • • ' • . • . '• ^ - - • " " R E A L T O R ••:•'.'.:' 13 Eastman Street - ife^'''r^~-i--- : 1 \ ••'",.-• iri.C-ylaniour.'j '':ln S l a c k or Brown]' Mr.' an'd Mrs. thowasj.M". Nolan, of-321 Ketfod Ave. entfcr.t'ained at a' familiL.gathe.piDg lakt .^Viday. Their guests lncladeH M c ^ n d Mrs. Alfi'Qd .Nolim' and' daughter, Margaret;- ,'of.'..Stamford;. Conti.,<^illv, and' Mrs. John Nolan 6ti$n&ev'&}$ Mr. and-. Mrs/ Jo'sepk-^Nolan iind children; .Martin, Daniel ^ n d Rose Marie 06 Plah'tfield." ':- • *• This WJNDBE&Q Mark XI Sorlcs Gn-721 21" tubs (QVarall dlametai) "losed-Labor Day Open Tues. 'til 9 . ,t. ... E. T '• •\ • * • • Mart: Here for Mr, and Mrs-. 'Charles J.R.oth ot S Oraton X)r. 'havp concludiifi a k' trip l 1. ,;.;tp" l -,Franl?,fort, f t week's >K Ky., • wliere . they • visited Mrs. R6tills mother, Mrs. D. M. Lawrence and Pittsburgh, Pa. where they'visited her *sistQr, Mrs. R. ill.. Devine. .00 IHJODELS SflOWN taAfURB . *• , : • NeW RCAsrfl-tJTE COLOR TUBE •'Mrs. George L. Dix'p'h and .her. --•'RCA Sbiid Copper Circuits for daughter^ Nancy, of 107 "Pine. St.', greater dgp^ndabil^ty " ;.' Vista Color "veturned home • TiieHday . after • RCA Autorjiaffc Color Purifier • Dno-sot VHF fine tuning • All-range tone control Mr. a.nd Mr?. George B.Spohn.pf (JWo.st Holly'.St. have cpnoluded a two-week vacation at,'LavaHette.' >k Available with , .""Wireless Wizard" '-Mrs, ' Joseph. ;Baztlus tind.-hor cWlclfen, • Gregory, Brian 'and Qheryl, of 12,0 Thoniifs St'.,'sp<jnt the summer at th'err home at Seucrest Beach/ Mr. BaZikis joined them for weekends. : Remote Contfol ^ - (GG.-607-R) Mire people own RCA VICTOR 1han any. qthor l i t t i 1 - ...Hack idMt or ctk ^ Ask About Our Free •«*?•.• ; O.ur expanded Teenage department: offers the buddirig . stud'enl i wide selection of back'-to-scheol wear in sizes spending- a week at Normnndy as the guest of Mnj. (Ret.) • LHtra'-sen'sItlv.6; VHF and UHF Shores Grace H.Mnnning. , • i, : tuners. •• •'•'; • -' • ; " TliP-MOSr TRUSTEO NAME I '7:^ • Franks-a favorite with dads and' lads: . r Mr. u-nd-Mfs. Walter J. Puzio and their ' daughters', Barbara and Susan,-of -1(58 Mohawk Dr., have ro)urnod li'omo niter vacationing for.(two weeks' ut'tavalH'tte. CRANFORD RADIO, INC. 14-20 and 3642. WeH^ovv yoii'll vvelcome the .cou'rjeous service, and expert fitting, that have made John 'Mrs/ Albeit Banscher • of J04 Eclgowpod Rci. will entertain (it a bridge:-'parly this evening.in honor •of WTlji. James Drmock of Houston, ,T(;x,,-a formoi;'reiiidcnt of Crimi'ovd. Mrs,'pi mock and : her'daugh,ter, -0fell.v,'"i;ue visilinu' in Hosclle Open Mon.'i Tlutrir, Fri. Even. . • Pavk.' Other guests wjll be Mr.s. Dimnld^Aiketi, Mrs. M.' Iwck, , MrsT; Robert,'Martin-' 1 'ftBt: ...' "CjifTeTE? Mrs. George'!>."'Gillen arid'Mrs, Harry IIughns. . •» • .•• H a n d s o m e, warm •• and-, rugged Cardigans and Pullov(3rs,.v by Mcdregor, Puritan, Hurltirigton Mills, and, others."- From $7.98 Striped, checked and 'colored- dress shirts; Bright, snappy palteprieti sportshirts, 1oo. • '.•'••: - /, • ,:• From .$39.95. OUTE:RvV€AR, many weather-Vesistant lined and unli,ned models. ... -. 4 ,e 'ide range or" handsome mainly styles and1 fabrics. SUltS;'•'•i , . ,•.'.'•• -," . . ' • . ' . • " . '.'• From-'4.16.9,5 SPORTCOATS, .stripes, checks',; and tweedy fabrics' .. ." . and";~ From $22.95 blazers. ' . " ' ' * " ' pr Slacks that „scoff; at.'.-, wrinkles land, main-' . In. their crease l o n g - ' - ' , • V & • \ • • • ' < - • . ' •r*.^: ! / • ' • -got that •'".'' .'"'. •. :;r : •• " •; ;•: ;.;•' ••; • • ; . ' . : • . ' $ T 0 i 9 5 . ~.. Boys' Dept, an Mettaninpi Floor Mr. jwd Mrs. Leonard ;E. Mopc'ly antl <i<>us,E:'pe'st,.1William arid Bsl'^Xi, of U .West Hqlly 6tr, ire-turried by pliinQ recently.from a lOVday V9eatl.0ft.ln §t. JoVirt, Virgin Island's. 'S-i Just irtsi.de • the fro'ht door they have many more p i c t t i r e ' s of hqmes we both would. ' th.o Viki tig ->Fi'ipcess. 21? tObo (6Voro|| dlarrt.olor) . .265sq.In.'piclura . 1.00 I'm tired of tl^6 problems in our present ho;irle. Fd mte'^rie lilce the .home ih- the big picture" in thfeir wlri- ';0^M^^y^^,^^A;h%' (Ininde-iii-tlit;-Village look., A real sVingin''.rystiR; like soft"; like ''• vi'hcn '.(lid they ,f?tarl inakiog shoe's out cvf. m'ars'limallows? (pip;, it Mrs."'Feircta • Av" Z a r e m f a o.t.'4S' Murisee Dr; and h e r . siater4n-,law, Mrs. Cnsmlr,a -WeskowsKy.; -Of Ljibriardo rctlffned y e s t e r d a y after '~~ ~'~~~ '"" T5n* a: seyeh-dayj !I want you: : of'aUtheriicS B iri C \ . -.-1--. lived in Cranfoi'd for t.U.ne'y^a£s LEO1SIIE' Mr. ,Thc»mas will be- associated with, Jnte'fnational Petroloqm -.dp. in" Cofal- Gables; They were'' 'mwrnlier;! '•'• of •'. thtv of / Mr,, and Mrs. E. C, It;.English 1 Village haVe, ..returnediOranford. 'Dramatic Club and the ' Sugarbush Val-; Crani'ord Swim Club:.-Mr. Thomas VJ.,..whefre they vacationed was;1 ;a membei;'.of the Ijioris'd|.ub, during the'summer. , ; . , andf -'Wtid'- been- *.sictive>.-with -the Miss;; Leohie" : Mai'ie-. Laerpix:, United Fund rtf Crariford. '.';' daughter of Mr. arid Mrs.l). B. La"' RJr.. anti Mrs. Charles-M, Ray'of ci'oijft'- of 5 • Algonquin-DP."", was 15;'.barjtmouth ,Rd-. .are ;h6me from 'Mr:;, and;' Mrs. John Sintangelo' 1 •graduateci'on.Saturday from Je and their children,. -Letitip, Paula '; Camp Me Wain, fjEast. Vaterforid, sey City; Medical- Center School of Me;,' where, they 'vacationed, for'a and. John, Qf'IvlQrristpwn, Paiiw guests-on Sunday of Mr', aiid Nursiri'£f__,^;-.!. o-1'1*',' ' #; . .':-." .•month..'"' • : - . ' • • ' ' • . . • • . . • ..• • '.&.A.. Ciinadlia ot2'5 Gherokkee RcL. She was a recipient bf-an avvard Sajly C; Kolbe, •daughter, cif Mr. from the Margaret •"Hague Mater..and. Mrs, tr. Clayton, Kc^lbe,. of .21 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schdtt, nity Hospital staff, a.t the' graduatheir daughter, Lois, of, l' j .,02 RarV QreaVe-f f PL, • \^'"recuperating at ta.n Rd1,,. 'aAd''-.jQ'ij(H-.-,'Sffes»ersraith;'. tfen c.erembrties,; /. . ••'• •:.••••'. Gowim-unity •,'• Memorija'l ...Hbspital, ;,'•'During; 'her fres^^nlye'ar • slie Morris; River, follpwih^ an., em«Sr-: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ."Rpbert was'-one^6f.the delegates from the pf_2t6ralon -onr-Friday. K tcj..,the. state T ^ t n y P ^ t T P P r g ^ hpiVie in Ocean .Gate' when taken ih£ a weolc^a't Wildwbod Crest. diiato ;of Ctarifprd ''High Sch661, -Or— —o— was.'awarded' the Ctanford'Rotary Mt>-and"-MPS.. Henry Esperon -iflxx. Ik Itaymohd; KJ*:wan~and. nurHc's scholarship ,in their sons, 'Richard,- K,eviri.apd Club., l r ; : -^ficla'short;va^at*pri':in 'Jam"eis;-" bt;'-"l'l" ' 'Sylvester^ 'Str^'rccoticlUddd/a4 three we.eks' "ygcation turii.ed #ho"me- Saturday after vaa t Ocean Beach- Mayot • Kirwan cationing tbr, a weelc.inHhe Pbcp- •tit V^tV Barnftbas Hospital, 49HN, DON'T 1COME '• ' - . ' ; ' •£«say-«?w • * : • ' \ v . • - • " •> —4 " - • • ' ' '•' > 'v' W^—' ••* ' • ' - . • . '' • H . .. * '—-=^—~ *: '^- ' jp—. . . . ' ' > • ' ' — ' >.', '• ' , '•:'• .'. «... ,'t.'.—j'.'ll't ••...•.—^.*,4 ; ...... ' • "i . • v " ' • - ! ' .' V , '"'"^ '.. . ';; 'y—'"'•'' ' :•'/ '• ' **'•." r - . * . " ' l " . . -.,''".' * . ' ' ' ' ..••!:;•;-• . . • . r - _ / - J ' . V ' V ^ R ^ F O R D ^ N . r- •v:. braiortes; Ii "* I1- :•:. •>/ '""" . ' H e served 'ipuk years "in, .tfii Army ', Ajr CJorps'during- '-World ies- have 'beeri''ihvit,'ed. to pSrtid.r M; Jol%sbni-;3r.-.d£-;23 pate, 'and the' initial, fes?pohse has Beech Si/ is eicpec^d to, be return1 been:'good.,' '.H^-' said • the -' exhibit :••'.' .will fee Of. educational etiuipmexii ed'to his; W n e this. weekfind'Worn.'..till, • /Plainfield, iifc-Lbrilw/.Has1.1 .an'itiWirihlr UJxhiliilJSMi i b i t o f .•""' ; y'ear.'h^s hfeJiJecJ-' --W)..stimulate efi-". •••"' '" •••• ' — ' ^ - m - ~ " " ; ''pyWlTf, .'.' df ; ' own- neighbors.' \ft• desel-vVs your; rector noted. ' XfieTi,8twl: j School,, li.e'.hokls •a;'1bachelor of 'sci-- it.sj.fl.rSjt- Sppeatance' at tQe' C.ra aboutiiy<weeks agp.. Mr;; J h . 1 enctj. /-degree in'.' c^mistry;.' : ti'om fb.rd-Lindeil^. Bame , gamij . pn.-Sep-. u'caliorial 'efliiiprnent^lrDrfi••otfobei: 'j;'-''-The''exhi'bit;V/i-li---ipc]ude;-ch>r;»; son- h£is;. been- employefl ; f o ^ v e r a l .* tp Ofitaber 8-at the ^ m i n l d a l e l m a p v ' e c a i i p ^ e n ^ >nd film' .strips Rutgers'-Un-i verily ;an,d'>q,. master^ t a n t o e r 2 5 i " •••-•-•••• ''"6:S'Cl '• $ • '' :: & u^, ' :'t- • "•*»•• ;',-' ; --4«^* ton^nstotibngn^dBls* o.t^W, vof t h » T ..... . .,..:,.....,.,. .< Of. science d-cgre^ in-organic cheiri-. t : : Avenue §chdol. ..;, .- -. ^f-r-.^.-V'-l^hdi.'JMri-'Koe.Unw'ssIl- j?C ?**' .; -rptib• devojiori bf-t-ho.iSght "tpvaii •:;'t^e.r.J^:ibe£ki~0f;tep,-.chert«6tr^:'"^_.| istry'; -from.1 .F61yt 4cK tiic • jirrtltttte "v. :'. Wilirarn Kdellnef...gooi'dinator,of [ ^ ^ •..aisp'la'ys.-.-iii • -the /fields :.of- r o f ^ ' r p o k l y h r ' . . ' • • • •• •;•..-.-•!• •'•;>;. '•'•" . ' ; 1 partmenf at Union -Junior College v •': Mr, Swacthamer's, iilaoor-'hobby rnathematics, .vih'a; is~chtiirman: foi^ jgefehpe,'. .math.erhgtics, s»cral» s'tiid- hQ-n'est'^T^iev.e'iwin.t-'." makes -the, 1 : '.and . chairmah;.: o t •'th'e. •« Cian'f6r,d I interest. is i%meficaii .'(JrhiUiplogy; acHieVement-possible. f r a r t i ; P q o e . ' l ) •..-.'•. the 'exhibition, said' 1Q0 <;ompan-}ici| and;language artii..,..,' ; .:, . - youth CphaJnissiori'.:;: fte • formWy and .h-e is actlyi' 'ia'-Uif:; Audubon, ori• Adami? . .and thence to the .iichbol.. •-.i-.ry.-r'Vi sutr-"| served.-as director - of .the.'.;Shell Society and-'a ,Wit«r .on the ..' "Dahnelly .-riepbrted that ; r : ject of birds.'_. '.•:,:•', , . -,''. ',*.'• Chemical Technical' Spr'yice* "*" eVt:avatlon"-|Worli'.',f6r'''.the -;$650,bppi to'bjp,construc'te'd at the r,(5'ar.o)C the school' was hearing completion yesterday.|- ahd-s,ur:s we're1 marking the lines for th.c laytftg of .concrete footings for .the buitding. "'In preparation ..for the start of construction work,' the fire escap.es1 ha.vfe been /Temov-ecfJ from the'rear, of the1 present building ahd installed on the siaes. • ; The '.addition, will contain 12 classrooms, a nurse's room, tea.chersV.rooins.,. offices, gymhasiuih and li **•• : • : ^ - ••'••'•' -. • • • • • . . • • / • . • . • • • • • • • " • • " • • ' : ' • > " - -• - • • • - • , . . ; i ^ V : . € - ^ . ; . - ^ • " \- ..r.prjM , , rt>' • '.• ,. .-1i.-1v|' ; " . .'.*'1*' ^ ' :.».;••'? • • . - • • . . • . . ' Ib. ••• 3 Ib. AGAR — pr — 3 Ib. MORRELL \ . OR CUT UP TRUST- caletCT-'la. Cujnpluliun Is , sdieu- uled in time for occu^ancyby the jtart of ihp 19^ft-fi7'l'^of>1 ye(at^ ' . O. A. Petersen Of 'ft the contractor for the • project.'" .The present scKobl building .has| 1 iB .classrooms ?4--twtf each for the first through eighth grades, ••'•>• :, ••it* -Town? • • ' . . ; • Ib. New Jersey's First DRIVE-INSURANCE Agency TRIPLE AAA FOR THE GRILL { . *' .•I BROIL •»;- Point ... were Oreg DeWolf> and Chuck Archdeacon with the "followiftg.Jioys meMb^rsof the team? Malcolm Pringle, Bob Ward, Kevin Browri/ Eric "areisgertjer, Don Hank, StevenH<;ptler, Bob DeCicco, Chuck.innQcenti,--.Scott " ' • ' 1; : distanaS')"']3ive' Freestyle ',• race, sidestrokei Bob ; baOkj>tiuke, Malcolm^ Pyin gle; -biggest-Calash,; Ken"JHelier; littlest sptosh,- ChuekY Innboenti; breath holding, gcbtt Nizbor^ki; ..JEric. "W'ci^gerber, -.underwater in enjj, Si<Jne^> SaintoV race out tof the \yater, Kevin! Brovvn; long distance swi m, Alan • i ' \s. 2 NortH Ave.> 276-8800 froin Page 1) en shelves ,built .in Room 1, and fr'amtrd~cbrkb6afri attached to ioar ;of jiuddtbriura piano. '•'Livingston• School! * ri)6i• expansion joint,' Pl;e-f-abi'icated i'iltor sections in auditorium^ tnermp-unlts were installed at- the Brobksklc Place, Bloomirigdale Avenue, .Livingston Avenue . anci Walnut Avenue Schools. . • :' "Stew nvo some smartncw utcasf In sdiool slides data. toir Bro\vn, as much fun to Wear as tlicy nib Iinig g. Como hv and talk to'>.ouv fitting cxpcrls. Ilicy'll sliow you wliy Busier Ui'owns have teen tlict. quality school-slibe favorite for over 61 years. * SHOE CRANFORD ^•63 Pork Loin Roasts * LOIN HALF • ' CLOSED LABOR DAY MONDAY • „ •:'•• (Continued jrom page 1) . • Standing leadership in..the reor g^nization of the United' Fund last* yeavi was a tremen/dbus a'cc'bmplishmjemti,. His^inspiratipn arid enthusiasm wili.be'l'qng remembered." '.''- ••.'.' •-• • ' .'.-•.' ' " The-best OTroBrT^ncrcampaign in Cranlord's- hlstoi-y was conducted last fall, when $72,433 ,was pledged in adrivc headed by Robert M. Crnne, ,-chalrman. Over 600^ ii-^iclen.ijfj- volunteered as cam-" pftign spliektons, ( '.' ''..' ; ''.'.'.-. • V"t.he'., Cvnnford . United Fund campaign, 'this fall will include three hew ajtertcies iov a ^total of 14 partlcipatlrtg cfrgfatiizations," •Dr. John sq,kl. "We aro continuing ,'oi.ir promise to incUjde every accredited " agency sec-king funds from, the -public to- afl'il.lnte .with tho local pivers' organization." The new agencies are Multiple Sclerosis, Youth and Fam.ily Counseling Service and. the-USO. The campaign will be initiated •by tho "muking of pledges By each member of- the United "Fund/ bonvd of directors. "V/ithin the next; scvonil. weoloi.boarcl' mw-nbei's of. the. participating n(,'cmcklsl also will be invited 'to. help lnunlh tho campaifm . wltii solid" pltldge- siippoi't from "the Cvanfovd vcs|do«is who actively, serve on" the participating United' Fund ncency boards., Tir. John . joined the .Medical Center at 1!) Holly St. in the genoral 'practice of motlicine in. 1958, A. graduate of the University- of Cincinnati Medical School, he revceived hi* bax-heliir of science1 and master's' degrees, from' Ohio.UnM vorsity and. interned at Christ- ' -wlwt-oho.wasft) wtaUow di'roctb'r of the oi-itpa'tietit f linlc. Dr....Tohn servnd1 in tin; Air Force Corps Ipr'two years," > -- RIB HALF- Bank Open Tuesday E;veningy September 7 — 6 to 8 P.M. > CENTER;-:)^)»IC;.;^H.iQ^S:; Mtmbtr Federal Deposit* Insurance Corporation rtjjpPORK : )^^^- : ^^^0t Holiday Weekend Ahead! -cM!0>ftNiA^:^^^.:::>,':;;::';•; y;^:.A^p^^~ BOTTOM ROUND RUMP OF BEEF TOP SIRLOIN TROSSRtB— x -y. CITY CUT . LEAN SPARERIBS jiRpll Out Carpet Df. Jolih YOO PICK THEM • •horseshoe^,,—• ;Ken -Heuer, junioi, Eric WeisgerbeV; ^ejitior "ping pong -"-• Steve •Pei-rQner juniors, Sievea SOUTH A VEriUEopp. RAILROAD STATION* Tel: BR 6-3000 CoUcr;*badminton —^'AJ.in Wimmer; basike'tball 'fp(uT->hootLng — M Dafve Kpch; darts ~ - Joe Paumi; howiing —^ Patrick Rowe. • Track and Field — 40 yd, dath,Stev'e Peri-one;' 50 yd;, Alan WimmtT,-75.yd., Kevin Brown, senior shot .put, Bob "Wardi junior, Tom Leister;, running brqad jump, Eiic WeiKgerber; .'standlrig.;bioad jump^ !V(fflliam Darcy, baseball throw for Ib. i»-;-- •. a • • - CHOICE CUTS : BANKING OFFICE ' A N D WALK-UP WINDOWS iiii "iiuJlViclual -winnei't. »n—theevents were;.'Tournaments '— tetherb'all -— Bob. \j/ard, Senior, ail OR^TH UNION 1B7 i .. day- session, fres'hrnen will t>e held on September 14 arid1 15. ;i • • ..< An expanded counseling program/will be"iaunched under the direction of Ahat'ole' K. Colbert,counseling officer. •,.•',' . ,. . ' ^ror&locarbusin^s^ert; , ^ s ^ builds, payrolls, wakes, iobs-thdt hold our ybung people bnd keeps thfc future o f ourcommunity as itiKould be ; ., . bngh| "insuronce Exclusively^ / ijje They tire missed *sa4Jy v v '' c " ^ u u aw iron,>ome, iron,>ome # di?U^tfcat di?U^tfcat.*««*™£ v/iU tjfever support our schools; and ch^rche* or^provide jobs. arid;, opportunities^ for our. young people: All bertefUsr ore gone for goo^ -Vv x%\;, RElax Curl up with a cooler 1 THESE 2 GALLONS OFFER EXTRA VALUE AMBASSADOR SCOTCH GILBEY'S G I N , . ' : 9.49 FINE SCOTCH WHISKEY 4/5 Qt. FLEISCHMANN'S GIN SEAGRAM GIN o. 9.45 , 9 9 V 9.30 . 9 . 9 9 ^ *6ARNETT'S GIN 8.29 : * Royal Duke Vodka '•;,' )';,..".;/-: .\ \ 7 J 5 SEAGRAM 7-CROWN 11:59 CALVERT EXTRA , . 11.59 SCHENLEY RESERVE FOUR ROSES : , 10.99 ,v * * Exclusive With Us * BR 6 1044 11.59* SAUSAGE JR. PORK ROLL CASE'S-".. BEEF Full Qt/ NOTICE ROASTING CHICKENS " 39c LABOR DAY . - • A L L - S I Z E S ' ' - ' " we Will' be' > : . : . • : ; - : • Loin Chops Open Till 10 P.M. Every Friday and S TiH 9 P.M. Mon. thru Thurs. .:•/..• lb ••:.>•; , 59e Shoulder Chops! FREE PARKING Use Our Convenient Rear.Door Entrance WIDES AND HQUORS ••—• LEGS OF LAMB CLOSED for FREE DELIVERY /, Ib. 7?c . : Ib^ 59c 3 lbs. 98c LARGE'— 5 to 6 IN OBSERVANCE OF Crwifonl Tbcmir*) lb.49c THICK CUT GROUND ROUND CHUCK GROUND . GROUND BEEF : $Q.9& 30 Eastman St. : ; ; . ' - " ' - : " : : " . ••;. OUR HOME CURED 100 PIPERS CALVERT GIN ^ 9 HOT OR SWEET $13.99 $7.15 GORDON'S GIN , ITALIAN OF T^E SEAGRAM : FAMILY^ HIRAM WALKER Q I N ' - 9.29 ;; Country Style Cuts NEWEST MEMBER . £49* n-69 Ol' / Open Friday Till 8 P. "">-K.\ • Weekdays — C-LOSEDMQNbAMS - YEAR ^ 11 WALNUT A V ^ " : " BR1DQB U l U { . • • . ' ^ * i . . . • •* • i*~. i - . I '. ;- •-. '• . . ' • ' • - - . " " \ - ,. . V ; ,. •• ;..".,;'.r.:::'->'v".'.'^;.v::"-,'';:''^^'."..^''--:^-';'•'.''•:•:'-. ''• ' \\,.'r^"-r(:'••'•'•" :...;;••'•;;•>••••:''•.•"•r;f;;.-.v,;;'<v';i-;'; ••<: ; V : - ' : • . • ' * • . . : ' . . • . ' • . . . . • . * * v j ' • ' ' - ? • . ' •• ' . . ' » ; ' . ' - V • < • • • , , ' ~ " , ' V . . ' - . , ' i. • ' " ' " ' I ' ' . ' . iay ^elt-as-a champiori,.Swimrner and. an . prien'tatioil' and tour, of th^|Tttiu(rs?da^ at' A'mericantflag merchant ships, I t rector' June Strel^ckj.inpliHle4,Uiei| •iv//>iv . • / ' ••:.: -• '• ..> .'.".. ..;/,' •-..' tschopl tomorrow |ai'10 ;ia,m,': ,••'.'•-? \ worth.--; - >f< : .was '-arwpuidced -this week by theioiicTiwing .from pra'rifo.rd:. ftbfec.vt iyin^rejjorls were; ; iBe^istration iof .$h,esc\ blassesl. •Safety--Eciucatton: Plan, of District robersnip;'''N6r.roa'n. "•'ill ^^k'11 f'l'piC? ,0'M •'Th^' | '^ fi?>v i'lEEigJ-t <:2I,;'Marine Engirie.er.s'V.'.Beneficial' three-rr'ibkth' s u s p e n s i b n . e f f e p t ^ e w Asaociatien, : J V 44Q " '\' " ' '••; Classes •in' tu'rffefjjig,'" gyjft'jia'siics a s o f •Aujg.(is,t.:'2O; J i j C U •:, MT-. Galiszews,klvis''.se(!onid ani? acybtia'tics- J0r.-bqy>s .a'nd'.'gJTjs^. ; i i i ' ' (si^tShi ^gine^c'bn1- the §,"S". H V dited''fc^"' ; Jt'h<3iTias Ei'aer; <&\\i c i i s -of bajji -pf^Ainetltan- Bi»]Jk'Carn Mhyrt}$nd Keid, Jr;,;;25>;.pf S i R tari Rdi, .ojtb-friqnjth suspensipn."fer^: p r ' i ( i r ' ' t o a n d a f t e r • t h e ' l a n c t i e o r i . - ' ' . .',.;. •". • ' • • - , v :;.•..•," . • . • ' , • ' : • • ' • ' : , ' ; ' ' ' ' . Pobit f e c t i v ^ a s oi August 6, and Stuart : ' • ' A slate of officers' wffi'be presented to'tire-gehfergl rhembership , IDriving, license suspensions un- W., McFadden,, 58 f of' 2'9..Algonqu.in ; ; '-altth'is jmeet'inglsmc} yptihgyeili take dfcri.t^e point system, announced Dr., •one-month- suspension^effec this',week, by ..Motor • Vehicle- Di- tive as of Aujgiist 4:: ' '..;, • . ;: piace'in-Octobier. ••; . • " • ' • : . ; / , . .•- T h e p r p g r a p a . . w . u i r s a t u j p e a •PI*!> saw- n o ww w : » i ' v w j - - ^ — ^ — - ' ' • • ' • • • • • ' • * • ' ' . . . • . ' ' • • • , • _ • ' ; • • •j - . . • j • , i ; .-'."• MtU; Joseph ConLgli'Q; dance com-1 • . "miilee chairrrianVhas been^aking arrangements for th e ' dub's annual ' "The'- Naiibha], -Drtve'rs. T£#, ' , dinner' dance,.-to be held on Sat-:he special p'rograrn'that appeared : -- xirday' evening, February 19,. at m thk GBS' .television network 1 '•5 • Wallyls Tavern on the 'Sill. Music jiist before the. Lab6r Day arid M.ehas?, been ., ••vvill" be. furnished, by Buddy :Dee.. rnoriaf :t>ay weekends," innde available von filrn . % "dis. : : Details regarding the dance will-be Iribution. to the ^eneral.pubHc, it, • • presented, to the membership a t a was '. n'pnounced-r today ( by F., 'H. •. later1 date.' '.' ' . •'"" :."' • '.'•" "Uiujb, viod-preside'ntof "Shell Oil '•A family picnic on September 25. :o.'s Eastern Region. > at- Sandy Ko,pk .State Park will be Sponsor of .."Th&Wational- DriveXhe, XIrst coup'icii' activity of 'the nf^se'ason; Tentative .plans, also rs* Test," 'the. firm has edited the black. ^ave^b^en tnadei'for couples' bowl- program into a ^Orminyie; bla W i tind-wh'ite T<f mm. filnv Which .is ing',.and\view'lng of a Cranford a 'free being tfiade avulablu Ml . . . Dramatic fciyb presentation. Mrs, Nelson^Claypdo'le, president, loan' basis' to'- high school driving will conduct "a bo>rd.rneeting at th e classes,' traffic safety, groppa and home of, MrsJ Thonras Rjbadenery- other/interestQd •organizations^ ra, 2Q3 Paw.nee Rdi, orrsffie evening Piiblic response to. the televised of September 15y Ct^-hoste^ses will traffic safety program,'—. enthusibe. Mrs.- Robert 'SoaunfirJ^dy and astically favorable,, nation-wide •—: encouraged Shell,to 'produce and .Mrs. Robert McElwain. ; f . - • • ' " _ i thje^presicleht, Robert p^niiis:; ,•:•,.-' • Mr,.;>Bae ; r,''wh6- t e a t ' h e s ' p h y s i c a l , education' i ' th"* C f d b l i ' kc erii t o u r Oraiige irty ' ,--•'. -V.' The devotion of' 'thti'ughi to '.ah honest achirevemerjt makes the acrii^vement possible.' " " , ' v,; , •..•,.• • ) ' • • ' . , • " ' r'r.>••• • ••-. f . - J GRAN FORD, N.J. and acquaint them with the pur- d • designed, to',' .pfojripteTbettcr jubi! xiud'aulivilius uX- the N ',. Club will take place- on; Th^xftlm uses' the 'entire test-as Sample September 22 at.the.home_of Mrs. it app'ear&d bn television! : Milo Cermak, 18'WadfTworth Ter. test forms i«r, use in ^coring re"VVomehrinterested in joining sults will be^njttlosed with, each 1 Newcpmers' Club and who have " " i lived j a OrantDrd; less'thaft months m a y ' call -Mrs. 5V]Llchael in two-car .collision si; n^ .be ;featurefV at the' Yyette''^Da 3en,N 103 N. UNION AVENUE 2i^J T 11 • , • Pasj; members wishing to' par-their -ability'.'-to perceive drivirig " tieir/ate in any: of the club's .activi- •hazards;^; -Specially, prepared film ties may contact Mrs/Joseph Rowe, sequences iliustrateaccident siiua* ' 4 4 5 B r o o k s i d e P l . - •.,' '.•.:;:-'•'•• Driver Uninjiired As CarOverturns^ tio'ns.' Thfese are.•shoAVii'both in slcriv motion 4nd at normal speed : to allow viewer^ to share the .exr perience of a . .cbllisio.ii or nearNatinnql nrivnrs" TejitV A car driven'"fay J6hri'A..St6rch "was produced b y C ^ S News in; coJr., 32, OI.1600 Springfield* Ave. .operation with-the National Safety s - ' was- overturned ln-an -accideirtt $& ittticil and_\vLth Jtlie_ady.ice of an Oiange Ave. and Riverside Dr. atindependent boaid of consultants awn from.industry, ^government "^7 02 p m. M'ondayJ but no inand education. juiies weic leported. Infoimation on borrowing the According to P o l i c e Chief 1 _ Lester W> Powell, Thomab" Toma- film, may be obtained from SheU Oil Company, -Ppbiio—Relation,; •* ' "-^tula, 24, o£ Linden, rjrocefcdmg on Riverside Dr., stopped his earDepartment, 41-70 Main St at the intersection but failed to Flushing, New York, N Y, 11355 make, a good obbcrvatidn betot pioceeding and s.tnick the Stoich * car, which, was tiaveling west on Receives $ 2 0 0 Award Orange Ave. For Safely Suggestion Patiolman Alfred V Gnckowsk Charles R. Galiwewskijif 2 Deninvebt'igated an4. gavo Mx. Tomn man PI. "has been awarded; a $200 sula' a .summons charging a itop py J7f f/>f n *,a fofy • . . " ^street "vtoiatlon, " • 'etelu renovated interior ecor _ _ *, ntertcan 4o Kelp- prevent IKR WilSTf __U >—_ ^ . ^ - . — . — • .— — . . . , . « . . . »>f,——1,1. . , , - . J I >>...M . ...-»-.. Ill •||^tfWi.ilMH....l..,1 • ' , - KL . .• ~<~ < I t SHAMPOOING — DEODORIZING t • > - — CAR WASHING PRICES — f thru TMURST FRl, SAT., SUN. k HOLIDAYS — $2.00 are now reaau to serve y FREE — Wax Spray with Every Wash —^FREE Special RUtes on Simonizing on Rainy or Cloudy Daya , * pars Will Be Picked Vp in our beautiful new ••••-••. • • , ; « • < • • • ' . N E W : . . - • surroundinqfs . • . : • • • BOYS' & STUDENTS' DEPT. CLOTHING DEPT. •: $&> , hack-to-school etna vusiness 550 SOUTH AVE. - BRidge 2-6166'- CRANFORD FAMILY your Traditional Suits arid Sport Coats • • - v / • COLLEGE HALL ^'From al7.i> ft u p . . • •'••• ^ _ ^ J . . .'-X ; • ETON STYLE CLOTHES . ••::••'.wr-PALM B E A C H . ' . '• -"' ™':--.- "•;"'PALM BEACH : : ' . ' • . ' " - • • FASHION BILT SPALDING/ • : s' k Loafers, "(Boy*1 & Giria') COME TO SPRINGFIELD & UNION! Arrow Shirt? > • • . Ttt-celebrate tho opening oF our tenth location, Burger'N'Shako's biggest; brightest family drive In, we're offering A SPECIAL A WEEK us our way of saying "C'MON I N . " ^BAMBERGERSj . '-•... . ' Sample Our „„ CUARA BA^ET 0 ' (Grade "A" Maine) CHICKEN 6fi| c " CENTER GOLDEN FRIED SHRIMP-IN A BASKET 69c ° PIZZA Like Mamma Never Modo 19*5/slkb 1 U.S. FINEST HAMBURGERS W f . 26 KINDS OF DONUTS UNION, BREAKFAST SPECIALS YOU WOULDNT'BELIEV'E (Until you try'em> • \ THICK SHAKES ^FRENCHT FRIES SPRINGFIELD PLENTY OF SiniN'ROOMi • . . - ' • • . ' ' • Dickie Jeans,;. Esquire Hosiery... Faral> Permanent-Press Pants;.. ' • • • . . • Hfckok'.;. Jahtzen • .. ... Resilib Neckwear.. . Shields .. /Wembley Neckwear /JvWQolrich'Ouferweqr... Wren Traditiondl Shirts... . •• COME VISIT US, BRING TH£ KIDS, SAMPLE tHI$ VIMM SPICIAI: To Hire Official Scout Trading Post tennis Restringing — Bowling Eq. A WHOLE BUCKET OF CHICKEN for FEEDS 4 G PEOPLE. C O M BREAD INCLUDED , t Any child or adult may, rWsont this coupon . " "witlv $1.99 and, receive a'B&S- Bucket.•of • Chickeci. REGULARS $2.50. .. uLBURGER'N'SHAKE, Rt, 22, Spriiiglleld, rj.J; Z4 -0M-Y Ofl't'COUI'bl'l.f'ER OOSTOMtR. CiOOD THRU SCPT. 9, IDSli • • \ - • • * : . c - , v " 7 . : •• Vv';-.^ Y:;i'8tee,#w<''^ •••v-.,: ' ; " • • ; : . * ! - , : , . . ' " • ' / ' • • • " • ' ' . ' • ' • ' • , ' ' . • ' • • • ' • . - . • . • - . ' : ' . : ' . - . ' > . ' • • • ' ' . # - | ' A ' • ' * • • '• . • • ' • ' • ' • • ' ' ; . . - ' - l i . . - . < " • • ' . . . ' ' • • ' y ^ _ ; j " : , . ' . • ' ' - . : ' ' ' ^ . ' . • ' ' • ' - • V : • ! ' - ; " • _ : , mm v ';;%V'"• £he,d|^p^':'6te<i^fer''^l^iafred 'f8^;!wthe qi^i^oifd; Citizpij, -establislied' 1898': : '• •:,*••'•;• : ; i • ' • ; ' • . ' ; * * ' : • ' . ' . . ' V ' . * - . ' • : ? - V . ^ - - ; : ' . • '•.{• •'••-.'••:.".--. . ( C o m b i n e d ; ; i n - 1 9 2 1 ) 1 ' • , - ' ' , • , -.; • . ' • • ' • " . " ' ' • • » • •• ; . . • • • ' - " - V l ' ' . V ' - " ' • • . • ' • ' ; . " . • • • ; - - - • - ' ' - V i i ' < ' ' • ; ' ' ; • . - . . ' • - - ;• • ' • • • • • • , ' ' : . - " • " ' - . ' . ' ' • • • • • • • ' • - - ' • - ' . ; • ; . . ' - - . i- . - • • * ' • : • - - g " ; r : .•;..-. •.'• , • . V % . , • ' ' - • - • •• , ' '•'.•'';..^.';•<...^v".--...'"'. • • ' < , : . - ' " ' « ' ' ' , . . ' • ' • ' • : - ; - i . ' ' • . • • 'V'V". v ' ; TO THI PEOPIE FROM YOUR CO! FIORENCEP. « - i - ' . - ' , v •-, ' f spe'c-iai':-5|f|l-is'rqtidviraih^ng;;'|1 6rt.Middle j^geand. tmrnJgr'iiipn. riacic'. ; ;'•' -Too. old-at'45.? —' Of t'he.:fnul- and • hajve a' jjliortet*'^period' of,'.' tHud.e-of Ways: ill vyhich/man dis-t :' work' eHp.ectiin.c-y;. that, pension •.; •edmina,tes against thiS fellow .plans c<)st''ttiore .for ..older.>Vork- '. each case over,- the • man, bno:-of -the most difficult lp, • ers," •andi''*that. yiQunger •,workeijsi-< i'Ye'afrsAgp'•,'.•"•:',•_ : v EDITORIAL . cars be ertiplbyed for less-.iwo'n'ey.' / . Educational;' guidance, newtest"' •impose effectively — and. to over>f ••15'5'':^iJicrest,' . . of" piiijlic;' school developments, '(.'Ome personally '•—is discFimiria-v All of-which.may add to" the cost. •.'was' naiiitid'.best, camper of .• :. : A, move to use the second floor was to Jbe • "strefesed in the Cwriof doing, business' h\ a- highly the year at Cranford Boys' Camp.-'. iion in -employment because of AFFILIATE MEMBER ••• coiTipetitiyc\fl'eldl ' >.'• / •on Silver Lake, near Hppe,-.afi "the ' of Grant ScHflp), occupied: by fprd .school .during, the 1940r.4l tJniop Junior OolleBe, as an ad- term, it •was-' a-nri'ounced .by- SuOn-thV Other hand, whenTOld-' Kcason'"ended. . WJien.a man (or woman) of 55, •' ' *. '" ministrative .center; tor t h e. pervising • Principal.1 Howard R." of N»w I»m»T M«nb«: Quality for mstance, lcHfcs^vhis. job, he. er apiJlicahts are, in fact, iriore Cranford school system "posslfac.es the, prospect of long; months capable;., and 'dependable •—> as St. Michael's Parochial. School i bly "within -a. year'^. was;, ad- Best,''Guidance directors w«ire - ^Fom the • 'faculty to '. these studies hiayedemon'Sitrated of, frustration, fear and.-Jttsecur.i-ty' Was to open.on Septeinber 7 with vSinced by Walter E. Cooper, • appointed 1 confer . withXeach. • high ;scHool as', htvilearches. for- • it new/ orfcv is often.the .case.- -', then, job dis^- ' an enrollment of 820 pupils. president of the Board of Ed- •pupil retat,ive to • -his Interests •And the- odd-are..heavily against ••'•"tSrimination .hurts hot only, the ucation. Jt also was'suggested and-capabilities • for future :Prn-< Entered at the Post Office at Cranford, ft. J., as Second Class Matter. Published Thurshis finding a new job similar in applicants biit the employers, the,,s : that t h e Httit. «oor pr Orant ployment.. •:.. Double, session woes were, to. ••' ' \ • ', .. ' economy, and the, society as Weil. ; kinx! and pay to, his former posl-, ' days at Cranford, ' N ! JV, bythe Cranford Citizen and Chronicle, Inc.. O&icial Newspaper; School be used for lower-grade . In such a complex situation, begin- early for Cranford High tion 4-i.namattei.',i1Pw skilled, and toi" Cranford, (Ja^wood arid^Kenilworth. Subscription Rate, $4.00 a Year in New Jersey, Cranford' friends of.; George experienced and vigorous he ; obviously, a law ' which" sirnpiy School uppeEcJasSmert wire n job plis.crimina'tiojn will '•"' school' 'stained* on September 8. ^ The .management "of the U: ,S:; WAshburn of Denmanfed.,oat-. may be:' The cost of such %JL,CX- • prohibits, $5.00 a Year elsewhere in Continental United States, $12,06 a Year Overseas; Advettis1 Rd., standing pitcher for the Newark perienpe ;n, terms of mental an- .be unworkable; Legislation • is Sophomores, juniors arid seniors.--'. . Gypsum.'plant',on'y %Rai'itan• tTy were' to start the day at 7:40 a.m. r^i^.i^ Townrhii^ *^ * ^" "'*^^ ^tsVif , ing-jtaj.es,'on R e q u e s t . ' — ' ' . -•' "• , ' :: ".'",-' .,:•'•.,"•' •'•'..: •. -.'. ,.••/'—.' '•,.'.-..—n—r ,—n'pfrrlr'H', T bflipyp; hi*;t Bears, .were planning a '^George sli, fdinil^y • suffering,'."lost'. In dp and ehd.a end.atl»:6oj?,m.^ Freshmen immediate steps were being taken , \Vashburn N%h;t" »t. Ruppert come, arid damaged self-respect ,ta6k tlie,causes of discrlminatibn, and : ' . remove the-obstacles to erriployr were to meet' in. !the' afternoon to-'elittiinate the'noise emanating. Stadium in Newark. Alden Street, Crahford, N. I . 07016 Telephone Z1§-6000 is - -too- high- to rncasiu-o. • . One rnent 1?:45 to 5:25 p.m... . . . .> of older "workers, and help must"observe it. at 'ifirsUhan.d..-to 1 ^com_^he'.plant. Maxim silencers appreciate hpw, pairifpit'—::.' arid make it possible for-employers. were to" be: installed op. tpp of..',•• - The- Crknford;,office of vital boiler house'.exhaust, lines. . FQI-'•-, statistics set, a new record-when how -urinecessary."-— it all'it. to.hire aldei' workers, without ; . . 1 0 Y e a r s AffO ' : • were igr. ••"A number (if recent studies, in- sufl'ering. financial or competitive •'A . record number of students . he pa!st four months, individual:' :. fiva': n}arriage licenses 1 clucTihg those undertaken by the disadvantages.. For -some 'time, w a s ,„ expected when: .Cranford. •and..official 'sources had made, sued, in. one day ; .arid ithei' office' JB.ep.ar,trnar>t:: of.,' Commerce and . ' I have been,studying this matter ..p u biic schools opened on Sep-' complaint^ against the company. was ..crowded With,' Labor,' .document the .seriousness t g p d h s Fnal statistics ^bn'-^-etanfprfcs'.V'.'^fo^ week I plan to intrciduce.a bill • Cranford long has been known as a McGrathv added that "our; community is sonic oif thdir"findings: , .'• '••, which . I hope will hel{J .bring students were enrolled -on the . three playgrountts, showed Ijptal • mil oeipre (jongress. .was .the ^~~ registration >vas '998. "• Piatti reason' 'ahd the rush,' was ,ex» closer .'thib. day when all Workers located, sufficiently distant from both •Last year/; about '3,5 million, third day ..of school the preyioasquiet, peaceful community in vyhich to director,, announced. workers'ager^5 ok* older were ' 4vvill ilnd employment'o.ffioe doors Seplember. v .• . \_'.•>• •-.' Newark Airport and Kennedy Airport, "'•' and. work, but the shattering of pur • open, and- be given,.-cpnsidera-fton that, the planes" Hying trorn these airpor.is. : tttetr-.-i?*eritH -and abilities i Anthony : Terregi.no and Miss ii a. lifSio of unprecedented. z quiet by ipw flyihg jet-planes has led to,jhould have reached:^^^ mi^ch^higher alti. prosperity4* The number of work- ' rather than on how .long they've tiee"~, . • -Thie',' quota ; for Uranford's, scjme; not^uite-peaceful ferriarks by dis-^ t d ^ than : jliey are ^currently • usmg,v . ers; In this age bracket continues : principals' of (Cleveland *• axub ' 'fourth annual,' United' 1 ' Fund .visitor. :at a- meeting', of 'the. r Among the/major bills'eonsidi l # S b l t t l lufbed resiclents. , •-, Crifd when j y _ t al tnt ' s' -Inn Inny & p i i^uk^ b CC l u ok 4e nt C r fall to continue growing as \ired, by Congress this,'year, the . Or. Howai-d U. Best, superlnr ~ Campttign™'"and gave ,an interesting ^description • Officials ,of other communities, in "rapidly as the working-age pop- immigration reform, bill attracted tendeiiitjjof • schools, announced. ' ••Fund; was.•_$i5,000,>. J. H. : _ot_\vh.at, • .,•;; A t l a s t ^ e e k ' s Township •Committee .gees4i_oji ./.beWrtd : (.he meeting;:.for irtst'ance, Kenneth ,A,v.,Mc- this area .already. have taken protest ac-' •; Ulutibn^ conditions' ..-for • the mid- much less- atterition^tttan it" deT-'; Both « h a c i , • " T s e r v o d F r i s S 1 i ,annouric(JclJ • v.'l'he drive w f h i office.dpor. '\-1 .{ Ff>iir Presidents- over the princlpaLs at the two "schools Grath o i 3 Wormandie PI. read a state- i tionagairist low-flying planes.. Westfield- dle-aged worker can. only, be-' .served. scheduled "to open September 22 past 20 years •— Truman, Eisenthe previous year, ; , .: c o m e .worse.. •• • •; ' ' ,Four persons were, injured," and continue, through October 4. "Town Council, for instance, adopted a( .-•-..ipThJrty of the',50 states have' hower* .Kennedy and r Johnson T— in which he. charged: The National Wat .Fund, ppr tion of' one .seriously, in six auto have made, reiprm. of. our irnmiresolutioin calling upon federal and state '^Currently the planes ^re so" " rio iaws. at all prohibiting age"' ; ; the quota of $13,000 was to,go to dents in Cranford oyclr the j gration jfoiicy. including" .the endlegislators ftnrt. : Twn yniinc'l • Cranforct recorded' its first tKeir rest disturbed, ticith day and night.' parj.S'ion{unless a solution is tound to the;haif.iof all^tinpioyers set siaecific - tioqal origins quota-system," one ..._,._ Thomas 3Ricb.org,. 3,. tftjn- JCO ; a pedestrian and one ojtfai blcjycle. ,o£ Mr.' and. Mrs. Robert E..; Ris- - Europe and-Asia, '• ',.. ' • . -.; ^v Qi;(iiira£y;';;t;pnyis^kti<>n.v in. local. ho,i(hes noise problem. . ; . ' , agQilimlts-.-T— usually between ,45 of their "must:' bills' Yot, the'berg of 120 Oajk Lariej. and Mark ; Two adults were iKjur^d in. an small ; but -Vpcal;-'opposition to Cooper, 7/ son of Mr; and 'Mrs. > Restoration of normal buying: : automobile collision. - JVIayor .$;..Raymond Mix^wan hasr re-.' • and 55.•••~ beyond which wqrkers has to "cease owheiiajet plane; flj.es ioyerv. "•will :.not "b£rCorisldefed---fqt<T'cnt.~ -•change;'oftfcn-'-geerned-to dominate Walier. M; Cooper. Union Coun- . of fruits, vegetabies, f<iei -iok, ,\^ith the coiitinu.eil-inctease. of, fjiehts, , -ployment, regardless 6£ ability.; . the -conirovery and • threa,tcned had reported 30 cases 6£ polio ' canned fruit and oil,stoves -was • .'. One riew^ftem ih-whiGhf.Cran.put;of botiii jSle\varfc Airport :si0 JKen- ' low/flying planes to give' voice to their . :., •Though 20, of the««tates,- inT ,'. pnee aga.irfTo'blocic '{his neodeci. ty, during the year, four more' than • p l a n e d Iby the QFA, and the I. children displayed, no ; ln1 ijiedy -Airport, of^both passen-ger and. car: distress by telephone, or" letter, and has,.eluding New] Jersey, do have l e :g i s l a t i o n . '•*• ' • ' • ; " ' • \ " was. the, annpuncen>ent end bt gasoline rationing was lo : ;Thefact, therefore, --that—the. laws •banning* age 'discrimination," o'ol~wpuid .reopen on; Sepr cpme.~sbpiii,. olttcial "gqveJfnmeirt" g | planes, excessive and'.unnecessary promised that.:-if suffiefent-..complaints .many'of thej. a\vs havjj riot been. ' House last week passed the im•9.;.:/.)lfl^h';anticipated'.'in.^., Dr, Nell Castoldo^^103; %in1 "lafe-. feceived^ -•••v^--wtt]^t&fce-up'4his^matter»-"•' lmplcmenied ' arid-njosrof^^Ke" greased. enroilrnent, "caused; the • y 1 coln. Ave., E., made..application': direptly with .the Port, of W^w York Au- states -liick the .resources1 to- as-- bi-partisah vote of 318' /to 95 to Board; of..JEdutatipn' to,'- plan a Cranford's contribution to t t i e Board of Adjustment t o r sure, .compliance; -.. "•• came.,as a pleasant surprise to. ptrinision to erect a .one^tpry).' treaUn'ent of • wounded soldiers '.two^seSSidri system. ,;The seniors • . t h o r i t y . " . •'• ^ • '-' . ' •'•• '.'•'• ' * tUrbingto its residents." ' ^Nationally, one-half of all-job Republicans, in:'fact».out- mojlical ^ceritcr e t »16 Walntjt1 and sailors • at the • battlp/fi-cmt • and juniors :would- a\tend in -the , ' ^ r - M c G r a t - h ! pointed out that local r: .->. As ji means of abatement of this' openings thnt < develop; in the"iriany. morning- -and freshmen' •' and,. voted DeiiiBcrats, with only 25 AVe.' Estimated, bosi, of''UieJujjild^.' \yas 3,88^. pints of .J sophomores from noon 'until -4 ;35 residents who established their. homes . •threat.to the peace and quiet of our com- pirivnte economy each year-are of the 140. minority members vot* , inflc.was between $40,000 and §50,- blood plasma;; it • over 55, -and irig against, the bilL'«. • . , . ,' here f6jLlo\ving. •tij a^ay from the railroad to be- assured-df: i niunity.and insurance against p increase closed to~rrjtplioants them-'are uriavail-_ ^ 9 ; ^ A closer look reveals -why; Th<y reasonable- pea^e}--a^Pqilief-Ino^^md :JSXL. ttie^utur, ie,-:^e^^s^^ ross Blood' IJonor : Fbt.th'c Secoind tinws..In." several' legislation produced •' . by the'., iOrice : : a : p.ersbn,.over : 45 loses House-Judiciary Committee 'was ^ distOcbed ^by an even noisier J^JI^ n/r^^^^u.;^ ^e'eomm^dalfen *^that rganized, '. by ; the months, a serious accWent -was i: i : : agJt/inst finding . a' model o|; careful, sensible and-: : I t cost Cranford $21 V.90V to^ . iLions "• anc! Rotary- . avoided by only-, a fqxv' untnutes • " " ' - - ' - • — - - • - ' " • " • - w i t h _j[Job 1 _thje.charices tha^ another jobT""Il'tce"Tf."aFtrsix"t6~ene'" •^aojjerativeretfects. Itrnet'every^ educate each-pupil in its\'pchot)l Clubs/in FebTuavyr fS42,' the and the quick action of pa; r .authorities, at all levels,,and * : " " * ' A n r l - f --•-•- • reasonabTc objection to previous . system, from September, 1949, Jb Blood Bank .comtniftee ; by, at the^ dangerous Lehlgrt >v '•'•. tihite witjt: otir • neighboring municipaiir: •persoh is and the less education , 'immigration, -. refohn "proposals. to June, • 1950, base,5. o n averagei r ^o.nsored 2-sT visits of tlie mobil6 ley itaxlroad grade •v'.^ome.m.;Oranfor'd; .':.. , at ; : '•:; N o t ^ that -f!diie to the ldcation;,ol ; - tiesM pursuing this matter to:a:ffnal con- ;and v.tr'aining',; he has, the. more •Jt -scrappecl- the vjuota ; s#steiri •• enrollment and-$232,60abased or 'plaima.. .-units... of,-the. K.ediCross . _ ., \ ,deiie.,ide': crossed .the ••, . front. New; , York City..'-.-," Mrs. his .problem, becomes.",•' based on coiintry^ of origin, which avorage ' daily ^attendance; > Ci-ainford within-the'.j^ggy^iver'.Yfil" . clusioh, even, if itrre^ires united legal ' hopelpss' There are rcas'ons, of -course, , for ^O'.lprig has been a blot on our irict Clork H. R, / McCuUo*ugh; • James. B.^ Rodgers'^was'-! •chair- tracjts at an improper anffle f " fey, .noise from planes is a r ^ p f i j i e ^ Mr. action.: nt n:' p y ^ beodjne - natiQhaii p ^ p _; y- a^eTdiseriWnation iS „, . j ; p and the Grajrfqrd • wasvtreed ;ik -Uii(tte';'t* clear the , hoa'rt!eningJyJ;--wvidesipread'. They gration .• on t h e ' more equitable ftion meeting.; -This re resented, ist'ere'd- nurses/ : ; tracks for, a .fast express. . pupil in Red Gross topk -part.' •'•, .. • are not- mpllc^ous, reasons, for . a n d h u m a n e ^basis of a person's business .and industry, do^not ;. relationship, ^O residents..of the. an increase of ^Ipte seek to persecute ' middle-aged: United. State's and of the skills — h ^ • Approach o l t h e t b n g Lafeor'Bay? 7 m : the; form;of; alcohol or pills under tne woiTJefs"; "Ergployen,., a t e x-oi^, cerncid, , . . .. _^.,, ., In addition, as I noted in my weekend brings to most 61 us visions of mistaken Mief thaj t h e y p \ y i p i d ; their, workers may be' less physically remarks 6 oh the floor during' de:•. -,.-••.. . f •*,.- *nrtun »nA W dnving .apilii^ but one^or^he-road is capable, less adaptableto\new ;bate on the bill, it improved on; „one^Fe-carefree fling of. to and r*. ^..o^g^e-grave-ih today's ttafffci"-- conditions; that .tliey sometimes A' (TContinueWonPage 3) . y e a r . • ' • a g e . •" "--•..^ • ' ' _ ; ' . ''••'• ' -.•••• ' ' . • ' • • • • : ' * ' ' ' • " -..; ' • • • • • • . . ' • ' • • * • _ ' « * • * . , - . « ' , . # • ' • ; • ' , ; . ' ' , . • • . ' • . • ' • ; • . . ' . • • . ;',_; ' . , ' . ' • • • : • . . • • • ' , - . - • " : • . . • ; . » : . . • . . . . / . - . . . • • • • . . . , • - - . : • • • ' . . . ' . ' . . < • ' . . • • : ' • - . • ' : ' : • • • ' * • ' • • ' * • » * • • • • ' v ' , ' ', , , . *.,',',•.- • ' -,'••", .-. [ . : : .... ' • " ' . . " w i jf."-':•"•'••• i i " ' " < i — » " i i " — • • . i . • « i '.- • ' ,•• '•' ' V ; • . • • . " ' • . . ' , . ' • ; • • ' • ' . . '• ' • * , ' * / < ! > ' • • " , • • ' ' - „ • - . • • ' • . p e c t e d ^ y , . " ; l i v e d ! . ' . . . « :••:.'.•'-:'•'••-" i' ' . , ' • •' .• ' .; .•••iji1 ;•• . • • t i . r ' . . * : ' : " ' i n , • ' *" " " • .'«!i»Tii<»lf'. ' 1 9 5 4 . ' . . , ., j ; ; . ' . , . . • ' •]••• . : • • ' . ' • / : ' * . ' • * ! ' ' * • • ' - . • 4 R : ' . • • • * - . . . . ,• •• " . ''• ' , - '• • • " '•••••' •• •••'•.'• . ' . . ; • ' • '... :.'•'• s o u r c e ^ s a i d . * .•'• • ' . ' . ' : ;;v-Tr•••-•-.•-••-.-.. . . y *•.;••,* ooo. • V . i •...•': '..-.,.•"•• P . m . , . . • • • • > . • • . ; . ' • ' . ' , ' • ' • • • . ' • . ' . : • • • : . ' . ' • • •<• t • Safety Factors Cart Brightest Lorig. Weekend Picture laiatioft^der,balmy s u m n i ^ ^ e s ^ ^ : . ; ..\; , : . fq|re bucMing;dbwr^to' serious-business yyy p r i m e:factors in a possiblelightenf©r the new "season, ^or. the keepers of , | n g of the somberness of. the Labor JD ^accident i i .howeyer/the " near ar- weekend 'picture createdi by the statistics statistics, fr^al of the last weekend of the siiminer: quoted above, accorcling td'the Keystoneseason -conjures up;-'a more-somber 3pic- • Philadeiphraltii|omobile.Club, AAA/.afe FAKBIS 8. 8WA0KBAMER ture. '• "v '•".•..•'-" • .; the -oar's conditron, the; driver's mental, ^f-^he^Ne^ersey^M&:Safety,:Goim^ eut-w6r>ng—and, -beetles— cil, for instance, presents for'our.consid- ;;.,. '^"I^ie-car1 ..itself-must^ be the starting _ . , A JS. singje crow' Stavast;"of the. CinSnfprd Library eration an estimate of, 11 persons ex-, point of any examination of our personal . sfaff ' heard on the radjo about ejarts 19 bushete. of insects each, season, as • Long Island p^cted to be killed in trafficsmishaps on safety consciotisness," according to Ed- "The Society,, for th.e pVeserva, farmers have at• lost, come .to New Jersey's streets, and highways dur- ward P. ©urran, club safety director;^ tion.of the Crow." She sent her . realize ; V?in order to save their, andvin a few days irjrg the" coming three-day! holiday .week- . "Obvious, though siicli foresight might contribution receivbd..a..news release^a merii- .crops, 'they have actually imetid, with upwards of 2,000. others ex-, seem, many drivers must be. reminded oranduni t o the mennbers ; and a •ported crows .from Maine thig pected to be injured and more than-3;0.00 hot to gamble:on .badly worn tires and membership car.d.' The slogan The old crow good luck legpnd " vehicles damaged to the extent of $100 or brakes. Such seemingly small .things as of-the society, which appears' on is related'in part iq-. the memory release and card, comes from a andiun to tli'e mcrn^ws. Roger. more in the 78-tioiir period from 6 p!m. windshield wipfers that'don't wipe-clean, ti-aditiohal, English saying: "Two in speaking, of .the AlFriday to midnight Monday. . or work at all, and a faulty engine/.of~ig, crows, you see, ^ood. luck • io Williams, gonquin tribe, said thuse Indians 1 . •, ' \ Fred Bosenberg, sfafety. director,.of nitio.n system that causes' freiiuerit stall-. thce,", held the1 crow sacred and would; 1 tHe Motor Club of America warns that ing in heavy traffic can prove highly danIn a mere 60 day«, more than not dare harm cine because* the 'crows were responsible for "all the indications, point t o ' a tragic gcrous too.. So ..the first rule is to make a thousand persons throughout rying the first corn and beans carto Unlted^States have agreed to Weekend filled with auto fatalities." Mr., certain the car isin. the best possible me- the worlc for the protection of the.the Indians from tlib plains oi' Rosenberg says he expects the Labor Day chanical condition, nation's, glossy back crows by the great southwest. Crows' h a v e ' always, b.eeri^, associated wjth weekend to-result in even more-fatalities . i;>."Mental alertness depends upon seV; joining the society, ^corn. rJurinfj 'spring plowing 1 tKan the Fourth of July Weekend, when era'l things'' — how much sleep we have., Executive Director Horace ,C. crows follow the furrows and •Gilford, gratified'by the. response 1(3 New Jerseyans lost their lives ami a had, oui*mental outlook and suth factors resulting from the founding of Clear the fields of bugs ' and new national toll of 542 traffic deaths as worry or anger, and the ever-present the organization1 in IV^y, said its, Worms that, would otherwise ravwas established. ' realization that we must be constantly" membership r o s t e r includes nge the cropS^ The crow is also known nsyii in all Walks of life from '•Ran off roadway" and "head-on col- looking an.fl listening-fpr any sign of trou-. people • a- Kansas City milkman to col- weather-prophet -4-lision"'are patterns;of occurence expect- ble or danger. Behind the:wheel, is nd~lege professors and newspaper . . "Cro.w on .the fence" ' ( Ualn will go henco. • ed to figure prominently.in the death and place for :day-dEeaming or any other dev- 'editors'. - Crow on the. 'ground The. society is aitillhteTf-with irgury toll, according'lo the Safety Coun- iat.ion from the business at hand, that oi: Haiti will come, down:". the,.'World .Wildlife Fund, which cil. On last Memorial-Bay and.Foilrth: driving safety,, comfortably and ^enjoy- has-raisfld .tnillons of'dollars to In Enghm'd a-crow-ill ;^treetop T ofJiily weekends, -'ran off roadway," ac- ably. <• , . \ • -" protect, tin; furry and feathered hear ajhutmc-insured Llio"^ pn'(lncording to'Hhe was-the factor, factorJn "Finally, couvtesy comes comes down down to to inhabitants of the earth. • It im-. uanoe" of possession and powor toHhe 'council, wasHtie in Finally, courtesy poses, no dues or other sot -'fees of the family owning the estate; close to 50 percent offthe"fataraecklents. simply.'giving the other'fellow a break.' but Is .supported by voluntary A crow appearing at a wedding with its mate denotes long life to . Speed too fast for conditions; partuTttlin* The infinitely little' time lost in allowing contributions, • , the married 'couple. ' Another "The real root of the crow's ly on curves or wet pavements, is cite mother motorist to" pass,.or by yielding • ". . , public relations probloin.sy Dr. 'jingle —, by.the'council as a major -faulty practice the-cjgfit ot'.way, br by^lqwi.ng down.to • Gilford ' .saj'.s', "IK thb Vicious "Two's lucky • • • Three is health in "this type of mishap, with alcohol, uv permiT>wiother car to gel into line, is eharfio thnt-.it is the eternal eri.; .'• Four is wealth*" . ' t;my of the farmer. I 'know O f atjenti'on and fatigue as other factors. '.., compensiitetHQi- by the''safety and-gooct Aryong Chinese tfnilor^ a,-crow no tiet-ter substantiatioh of Adolf , The" Motor Club, of America safety-feeling gained o Hitler's theory thai even ' the in the mast incans good sailing. director, too, emphasized the dangers of - '. You can do--your>art to help- bright- mo.'it. outvogeous lie will'.come . U.omdns say, "Live" the life of., y e a r . ' * -rthjit••', (Mi ; . •' •'• ••-.-• •;' ; " - : • • : . - • ; , ' .to 1)0 bi'Upy.Od i" it is repeated / t w o . crows,", wh'ifrh moc)ns. "llvi". v d r i v e r s also should ayo.id t h e iise : .pf a n y ' . t a k i n g Ujtie b e f o r e h a n d t o c h a \ *form: of either tranqMii'zer' o r p e p pills, yotrt-vrar,and.yourself on .the tas-is " . " M a n y pe&ple t a k e .stuMilants.either- / s ; a t c t y f a k p r s s u g g e s t e d above. . •x- oj tho matter is thnf-tt«r:crow is -.Theisociety's address isfl§East . «n indlsnensib-lc- -friend, pf the; 73rd. St.,[Now...York, New York' farmer, ridcling . him-of gnibs,.. 1 0 0 2 1 ; ; . ; . - ' •'. . , .. •' "V 4 fortbistag study lamp. It guarantee^ that your cliiid's Studying will ^easier, seeing better, homework brighter. HT -4 The lamp, that bears this new"tag'meets the rigid1 requirements ofsthe independent Better Light Better Sight Bureau and the Illuminating Engineering. Society. I t is not .a brand name ^trademark. Dentand tni^ wew tag and you'll, Jcnow you're .buying a fmllfi-yoQ&kudy.jBLYLdi reading, lamp! PUBLIC SERVICE ELECfRI<lAND ity.t* v-/: ". I ••- • ft u ' , , : • • • • : " ' . . . ' . ' . ' • . . - • ' • ' , * • . . . ' . ' . , < • ., • -., '' ' ;& • $ ' • ' • '' ' . • - . ; ! • . , • • brokers at 'S.-'Hariovei^Sq,; of .yotii'ig vofunt-eers at Lyons has •even decline. Bui.the important th Pospisili Sharon"Puiz,';Eric:San-. N d ^ Y o r k : ; , ; : , , , ; ; „ , . • . ; , , / : , grown tvatin ny'ivoYking in' just thing is that-the- s'-Jection-process ord,^. Itfax . ; Sitfb6i|t^aula ; .Sfibyv ' Applic.aftt? should plali.qri'iAStpd will :'be fair' and "jasuttblijxjnft • .Mt.-Montgomery .was assistant, one. ar.e.a,i,ot=*i»e; .jcjiie'^'nU'.X hal? ftdurs'a't:--the\^fstsales- manage^" tor' Lqwry.;. &• -;Cp> i&tJV'' ' • • • ' • ing'"'<i«'pT'"i''T) 'MTIV1' ?.'' tWft.y ^fefri to j i s l ' '" for theing;-, educational. t n e V a ' p y ; , p h , »; jjriefl'y.' — * : • Flood T>rot^ttake the 'Spanish^ or vlously stfiived in the'.i?arh£ 'capacWebe'rbariieiv Uori"' for •Uie,"';^.iznbeth' • River ity' 'for"blavarria1 & Co., Inc., New acy;: p'hysifcaV therapyi •'"' Hbrafy,i ^ h ' h t J t ^ dkt6tick;roij]atrar;'psychology,'spmoves" :<:1.0spr. to" reality", as ,'CpnPi'ipr, to that lie \vas.-emT • •T'ortyj'fiwe • mepfoeriS of. the Class rnaniial .gress Jiears corrmletion. of action, H l b B Vy6ye$: ••••'• W 1905 :at'.iCta«f<>rd, .'.ft Jig^v Softool •la)" ii?i.a.tith<'>i-ize-;i«i6-¥iir?; milliona r i s T n e i - p R y ^ . . . , • -. ^ ; ; . • : - v. ..,. " .in"*pfcyiouS .years, "t.tie ^pro^r.api initial .funds for planning a n ^ d . , EJleyen of therm hold state jsctiol-. ' An '•• opportunity • for area v resisign... ..The.House:Public yfotk$ d h i p s i " ••.••.•.;••••'".•' ' ; . • • • ' . , ,' • dents to pffer their abilities to the Committee will/unge thfi' -Arnay ^:** $ti»deats 'won 65 scholar- F e ^ Corps will come at '9 a m Charles pf6pk'jns ,.df ' 12? . Engteeers t o ; tnake- -a .deltai^ed P ^ i d t « ^ f C T J J fcr.est. A)/eV an--;emp]ln>y.e_' of Hyatt on Saturday, .September. U, • stiidy'pf the-water shortage in th,e ™_r._rJs;;'f ive1 wpn. three •sc'h'oiBearings, Division dt .G,erieraf:Mo- Northeast -r- a ^ result in, part, I the Peace Corps Placement T^t Ansi, a»«i'«ight .^von tWo scholtorsi' Clark,- was presented:.with' a "aitvi.told, of'"my •suggestions .for given at Pt?st Offices in a ; a r S h l g & V ; . . ; ' • ' , ' . . •;'.' "'' Y , .,..• ".'.".•• 1 w?ristw-atch-,'this month' in' observThe;.',scholarship, winners are: of cities thrbughdiat .the^tate, Jft- ance of,.his 25th anniversary with' mdfe action-.; by Congressional ' Judith DePcvV of .30- Normandie comniitl0es-in' the present crisis PI. is ^mong 114-young people becluding. Piainfleld, I^vvark and "•; Faith Ackeymanj Christine Attderfirmi ' '.-• .":. ' . • • • . ' . . . Passage, of the deprjessed a]r«a tween the age's -of 15 'arid 18 years .. .-, son, ^Virginia Anderson, Bruce Jersey City^ . x .,Ir, Hopkins, ... ah electrician; and"'far.ro. bills which.'you will wb.p' have , been serving ' as Vol-• This te^t is" norpassed^t la , paldWini; E d w a . r &.'.. Biederman, 12'; •recall' from, my last .report, I' unteerj! at'the Veterans' Admin-' Dennis Burke, • Robert • • Canning -!'ai/d- you caftt study for it; • ;;lt joined the company on August; : 19*0, at-its Harrison''pla^t.-.He '.was anticipated but strongly'opposied, jstrMibri Hospital 'at., Lyons'- since measures general aptitude and* the Fra'rJc'Captaldi, Linda Dahkjjuist 1 tj*7eatn al language. Ifj'Ior transferred.'-to the-^Clark • plant-:-23 \vas not'a.total misfortune, xbur' last September ,' it wa's annOurtced " Mieh>ajel Delia Bosa,- Gary DiL years ago,and has-made his home opposition at least forcfed leadby Dr. George, Rosenberg, hospital j#te, test scores .indicate ,Um: Giovatini, <J,ary}i p'xxotx, Thomas ' .•'•',.- ";••'" " . - ' ' . . . : . ) ' Fedorko, RogeB Fingerlin, Marilyn itbd'ianguage acquirifag aftility, the 1Q Cranford .sinc«s; .that.; time." He ers to; 'drop the 2 Cents a loaf d i r e c t o r . hill, and "These yourig citizens have .Fink; Susan; .Francis, , Constartee •£ace Corps tries to place theap^ was welcomed a*-a-^member o£ the "bread tax'? in the farm • ban. depressed area1 aid where proved" that there are many in this plicant •• in an .English-speaking .25-Year Club. >' /Frank,. ^ani<je. H^struPi The local; resident,,who is mar• productij and; services, are- already age. group w.ho'haye a welji-dehn.ed Hill, dlennHpffrnani 'V"" are.a. . • • • .'. •• •' "' The. test is used W . the Peace ried andf his, a'•daughter; 'hks been in over-supply, where newiehterr. sense of, service and.ijonce^n^for • biak,-Wayr\e, Huckel. othei;sj" Dr. Rosenberg said. <l Pa''• Alftn. Michael ' Jqrdiap^ Rhod Coup's, only as a tool iy.the matph,: active, in t^iie, coromupications adi- .privies' woulq only add ' yiiioh of the .'Cranfoj.'^L GiOil Deploymeht' . .' . The deatn -last tients and1 start have lkol only ing -of volunteers' andjobiJ. fepse' arid Disaster. Control in;con.»week of Rep. Cliirence Brown, found, it,pleasant- to hayo'them Juctji Peace Corps application i? t h j ^ junction- -wi!th his hobby as an rankirig Republican on the Rules raroyrid btit have been consistently .._ Meeuwisseri impbrtant indicator of Suitability :amateur sadio; enthusiast. ... . and Government Q P e r a t i o n s , Impressed jwith their sincerity and , ifo Mysiajk, ]Lawr for P^ace Cdrps seEwice» It must befiUed out and taken to the exCommittees and dean pf the Ohio a b i j i t y . " , • ' " • ' ' • . - • • ." "' .' v ; ;-'.;'; ':'-. Naon<yjWUliam.... Norjhcilti delegation in. Congrfess, removed For the past eight years the use Barry pjJJgil,. Joseph Pospisii, Jud amination vplace, unless' preyiously Dwyer Report : (Continued pom Pag.e 2)"., one of the giarijs in the Houise, I haVe,succeeded to his posjtion.as existing security: precautions, \ y oni igt ynK iUe j nr 4oj e yi Lib ;f ; t h a TTotred'tiiat jobs1;be a v a i t e b i ^ ^ t ^ yng U In ram " - • — > — - • • • • • • *J/ea^iyVVpft<wing'' :\ ftdspjial l " mp centred •'thpligiii not thp boundaty; pi., .tqe affections'.-?— Mary Bakfir Edy • ; . )P1"',tb' sch'otfl'• program;' •tyaS'lnJira- -Jr' class,', ihe"'b:o'y.s'^"-and'V gh'-ls. Ayere oica^^'-uiri'a^Jh^.schools : ana tdke^i •tQ,/^he'.hosni,tal.1;* .Their,;a's- -.'_"Ifrhen'ojh^vs faiLKim;- ti^e i'Wi^ • si^rimeri'ts ' Were > ..GQnclnd.ed. ' at T.. Jnan 'iopk's; to .the''stipe corrip'^ntoh-v 'waij • limitedv;" to .:the ' s*uinrner,,jsjsyii p,h[).,. and. '.since •,'th^;"serhed'uie« * a s ship-of books'.' -r-' Andrew Latig. months,.,but as" (he b'6ys.§nd giri^lp,,h[)-. m l#^pt.;l| :': •fi-q|io^i*3^-;" recipient^.'.',';;,•-• •'... >r »#-and £ound• sunHmeV em-, '.(m-. M j^teip^U,'.T>eek ;br - 1 " ^*^«-'' ployment; nhey clid-not' \vani to was little'conflict with'i give. :Up' tHeii;! rojea. &i jyolurite^i'ii the ahiays j(he OhiGISATOn,t : : r .•'.':•"• k±^; Xs-: '" : - - i ; - ^ ' - ' ^ ^\'. ; iV/.' , . intending immigrants,' protected • • ••<•.• .*., •; . Art most; tijie n«w bill irjay in^ i annual inimiffirationr% the ynited States, States, by aa"tiny t n y nw PrtAn'PPV To Dayid Montgomery ff> THE FLOOR, EVERY FOUD W , | N T O ' . P L A C E ! - - , ' : • • ' ' ' . ' • : . , . . . , : W . . . ; • • , : • . r . ; . , . . ,'' . ' % • . • ! • ; . ' , • ' • , • - ' \ ' • • • ' • * Forreiaxejll summer eating ; - . ' - • :" ..* custom : -• for courteous • estimates, .appointments orid "on « m e " i' shirt lauttderers » wedding gown spec ^3e1il>l6 tailoring as you are : Take put, too .W" a'nyth'jng on the menu Cranford Corner of Forest & North Aves. ','•:'''' • / . ' • • . R fc : • • ( • • • ^ - rug cleariers • . ' cold storage .' vault " FOR CHILDREN TWO TO STX YEARS Half-Day • Full-Day Sessions College-Trained Faculty Transportation pFOvicfed • t R VJ\1 OH» 411VOHI1I A\E., '<i wiesT jiEKSiiri' " . 108 Nontii. AVE.,' :w. .ST.'. I; . JJWVEHMESTAIJRANTS^ " APPHO\ED BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION . SPRINGFIELD ^ MORRIS AyE§, •. School Begins Wednesday, September 8 . • . SWAN'WrLU ^eKHaVH, HK^ANt, AN.O.STOR8 be c o m f o r t a b l e ...•:•;• North AVK«" Ev(at Station Pl^aT , : • - N'b SAGGJNG! Up BULGING ^LINING! again next Toescla^ ; : ; - t ' l ' f ' i i r i M>S cUmiMtfiMnrt Kin nutTffiwri'^m Morel" likely, the nii'mBer of im^"salespnianagtii lot' tfaefeiftnee^sugair ,'mlgrants will stay the a r I'departmerit of Lowry & Co., Inc., the past' three weeks while our sra* bosses, too!) enjoyed a vacation; ; . Government Operations Commit- American. workers against jop tee, cprttpetitioA, and pu'i'an end to a system, whCeh encouraged. 1 aydi*HiS 'and.', the resort to .private Sales Manager post legislation.x, ANlIER.T,MAT CAN I ^ A K E Vt)UR p'RAPERleil SO -'••'• 1 Monica Flynn Deubel, Director .. • ,'i. S p r i n t f l e t d , N . J . " - , . ' ,• ^ .CORNER OF ROUTES' 10 & 202 v • ' '•'•.,- M o r r i s P l a i n s : , N . J . . '••'•-• ••' .- ;^^^t£e^ ' • • , • • . , • / , ; . ' • •• « . • • • • * • • / » • , • » - . . , . WINTER, COMFORT ; • " . • • k • ••'Nexx Monday;-thousands of people in;Union .Courtty will take a.welttask*): The " n ^^a n c t ^^o i n c n of Union desefved holiday from their usual task): b simori^jhoye. h h ^lebi-at^thi-; l b a t t h i Labor County.^ rust Coiripany" wilKbe who ii)tty i a soine form of recreation .or-relaxation. -. • | ; ^ns^tjolid^ry which has deeplignificancdi'in our democratic way of life. l a recent yehrs^ic liascome to recognize not only those who labor with Alien" 'hands, but all^li^.wh'o contribute to out economy by their employment. ^ The knowledge, s k i l l e d productive'e/fort represented 1)y this work force forms tlae .very fouiuIiVtion of our system of iree enterprise. • As. a bank built oil more thqn a^e'ntiti^f •service to the.working men and ' 'women of thisarea, Union" County Tru^t Company adds jts salute to this Labor-Day. > . " ' • .' • ' ' •'•'.• • ...-•V" 1 ; • ' . * . - . ' « . . - . ' * ' ' ' • • ' . - . ' , ' ' • ' • ' • / " ' . " ' • " ' • • • • • • ' . ' ' • ' ' • • ' ' " • " Yes, you can count o\i individual service ffom us. Just a quick call and we'll doliverwrnter eomfbrt to your door fast-" come rafrr or shine. ."y;•;.. ;:,T:CALL us-TODAY For A Free Home Heating 276-0900 '•-.•..''•.•"" T H H H S - T H E Y E A R JVE GO OVER THE TOP ! H ; , SUPPORT YOUR UNITED FUND! Sflfr* . » * » • ( - /!/ Union County TrJtst. Company service is more than just apromise ,v«. REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. ••••'••• nion . ' . "DEPENDABbE, PRIE^DLY S E R V I C E S ) NCE 1925" .' , v •- ; • , . ' v i r c i : • •••••• •'•',:• c_UxiiigtottlA«e. a i LVRR_ . ', CRA^PORD . V .SUMMIT BERKELEY •< . • • • ' * • • • • • • HEIC • 1~> . •' «- . * • .' . It .'. .. •.••':. - -' r ",.'.' '-V • , v . ' • • ' . ' » v •« . A • " l 'i t * ' • ' . ' . - • , . ' " ' '. • V- '•" • * • ! . •• u i " ' " ' •-•. ; . ' • . •.. • .••.."•'".• • ','.••• r" - i .. / I . ••• ' •rl"'.!..'. '.' ;.• •-"• • • • : • • • • > • • ' . . • : ''•'• ;.'.1«li,'"..:,- " " ' • ' h • •• : , ' - • • ' • • ' • '• ••'"!• . ' . A - . ' . • • ' • • ' . - • . " ' - - : • • " " , ' . • • • • " . ' . - , ' • ; ? • • • " , '• ' , » ? i l . ' v . ' . v - H - . " • ' . . • ' . ; " : / : . - . ; ' , . ' | . ' ( v ' . . " J ' ' - - ' ' . ' / • i , i . : . ' • • ' • ; . • • . • ; ' • > ' • . . ; ' • ' • ' • • - • • • ' • • • ' • . • • ' . . " ; ' • • . " • ' ^ . \ ' •'•'-. - > • • ; : ' ; , ; • •;>;>.' : •<• . - ' i ' * ? : . : I - • • . • • " *'• _ '—I.'- ' ; ' I ' , • " ' • • • V• ' • , - -.:••>'•'•::: {-V';',. ,:l.,',iTi. ^'Scfclilte*: . • " . . . " . ' " * ' ' . ' : . ; . ,*•'•. " / - ' l J ' , : ' " - . - , " • • > • ' . - ' • ' • ' ) ' . ' ' , • . • • : ' • " . • ' ' • - • r . .''• • • - ' • . . ' ; , ' ' . : » " ^ - ' ' " - ' ' . • ' • • i . • . . ' • , : • • ' ' ' " ' • ' : ' ' ' " ;•?•'''y,::';f.v/"fty;;/'X"-^'.•'.'•;':-: ' > , * , '• > ' •..'-.••• ' • ' - « ' - * • . ' ' - t i '.£~i':'\?~'i i'-v<":..S?'''ir*v' •«• +:Tvimfy;Epi^pjil;^Ckur<ih\:ytas the setting-.August\.2J9' for the'' mar^ niage of Mtss Joanne "Virginia Bedell; daughter,of Mr. and Mrs.;%>y A. •fe'edell." of ;Brantford,. Ontario;' anadat forSrnerly' 0f. Cratifotxi, toDorialcf Schultz;; son bi. Ivlr. aV\d M»s..'-Otto Schu'lt»<>f preasantyil'le, : --• "\^^H im •F>'.\ Pss •v.;. ; ; ; • ,'. ' ,1 " ; • > .', ' '" '^^1 1 jji .; ^ ' r ^ ' *l'Y 51 Hi 1 ' • " •' " ' ^ ^ 1 1 '•'•r'.-: fe'.'S •,-:•••'."•'".•."I Hi H iBBflHH «as Given in 'marriage by her father,. e bride had Miss Lydia Namrnataro pf Flushing, N. Y., as her maid of. honor' Miss Debbie Bedell .of Birantford, sister. of the^bri'de,. \vas bridesmaid. •' . ' .;.;,' Frank Zirn'ni pf Ne\y RocheHe served as'best' mari. Ushers wfere Richard Lupi,of New Voricand Mi-, chael Bedell"of Cranford, brother, of the bride, •'....;.- • ' ; •---• -:-.-. A reception followed 'at the >od Lbunge, G.arwood. '.;. .The bride,.a graduate, of Oraxir' ford ;-High School . and ' KajthaVine bs Secfetsrial Srhoni,' Mont^.s employed'-ds' secretary to ,thev president of .the Puerto Jlico. Chemical Co., New-York,•';'.; » . .Schultz; a graduate'of Carnegie, institute of Technology, Pittsburgh,. Pa'.,- received his master's degree in. industrial design at Pratt.Institute, New York- He'is -employ ed'as^a-consultaht' by Norrna'n Gardner Associates, N R J ttSV^-'-^jW-;^ • . ; • • „ • ; . . . '%•''•'••' f - ••••-.i-v- • • • / • • • • . ; •'•' . . . . •'••'.'•.•'• ..• : > * ' • •I • I - - j * . i . J r • . ; . : • • . - • . • . • • . , . ' . ' • : • , • • • « • • . !:•,;:•...!•,•:•.•• ' ' > ' : , > . . \ :',"'• .•••:'•' • S ' - Z -. . • > • • . ; ( . • I- - ; . ' , " - V• . . ^ V / . : , :. ' * . v : ~ v , ••?*;,'•.';••..•• , - T ' 'Trhe..iwarriagej. df; 'Missi;B'ei'eijly| Ann.;JPettersep; daughter of;'Mr. and 'Mrs.',' Eugene Pettersen '.of Westficld.',' to; Ronald Lee Scott, son of • MrH.-,"Lerpy.,. Scott-'-of Racine,' lis.'; took place Saturday evehjng. at'the Alliance Church. Rev. Laurance J, ^Pynej'.pastor,; officiated at t,he. ceremony which" was followed by a receptiph at Somerville Inn, • Somerville^ ,,-'• The bride, .escorted -by : h«r father, had her sister, Miss Betsy Lee Petterserr,-as her. maid of honor. Bridesmaids "were Mrs. Martin' Trometter of Clark," Miss Carol m •.•'l.'.'.'-i^Tyi't.^'.'.-M.. ' MRS. CHARLES OONNELL GOODtELLOW III Mary M Uhaxles C: Mr. Schultz and his.brjde will reside-in Pelham Heights', N. Y., 'folMRS. RALtH EMIL JACOBI, lowing, a Wedding .trip* to Martha's fiiHIt:!STTAT^f Vineyard on sailboat,' Tonix ! , The rtiarriage of Miss Mary Sayre Montenecourt,. daughter opWf". que. i an>i TVfr.s.' JTpHtt A: Moritenecoiirt of 26 Central Ave., to .Chafle^gonnetl Miss Madeleine Stuart, daugh-' Goodfollow III, son of Mr. 'and MfS. VooTtTetrnwTTTJ:, at 403 Claleiuont MRS?. RONALD LEE SCOTT _ ter of. Mrs-^M-r-^Harris-Stuaft—of- Pi,,. tuu'k ylacc Baturday-evening 109 . Forest. ,Ave/,s..,jXeturnCd': Kpme 1 'the.First Presbyterian Church. "High .School,. was ithmtzer of Westfield and Miss Sunday after, spending . tfte sum- •Rev. graduatetf^in" June, from Cblgat^. Imily GoeU of Hanna City, 111. mer, working; at the FBI in •Wash-'. pastor, performeo"; the candlelight University, Hamilton, N? Y.j : * Beverly Brandt of Sharon, Vt, Miss Toni "Patricia Trayloi, Lyons Institute, Newark, itarting Miss Diane Esther. Tuttle, daughter of Mr. and'MxsiMaxfield 1 ingtonv D. C. Miss Stuart will sail ceremony. A. reception was'held -lie was .elected a member.bf Beta vas flowei girl, and^Peter Crane daughter of./^apt and Mrs. Tom- this month 1 Tuttle of.2 Fiske.Ter.,.became the bride of Rev. Vaughn Chrisjliar on Wednesday i.o. France where at the Monday Afternoon'^Ciub, Theta Pi Fraternity,' officer of'the if Cianford wab nngbeaier Mi Jacobi, a graduate of Juillio1 my Ted Tia^lor of 23 Brown Tel , Thurman of Fairton, .son of Mrs1. Gertrudg thurmatT of Crisfield, Md she will study for al degree: in P - Plainflcld. ; <n'd School oi Music, New York, is Cohcert Series' Best man was Thomas Scott, Concert Series Committee and was became the bride of Ralph Emil a piivatt music instructor- and • science ; at the Instiiute,; Of •;' Given.• .in and the' lafe Gh'arles.ThUrman. , 3 ' , ;. .;...';; - ; . /;',-; _. ; ['.,_'.;^ '•'-..'itical • a'ctl've in ..the Glee- Club' and'In- H other of the bridegioom, and .Tarohi, son ot Mr. and Mys. Karl lp.ulci.rnf. t h e .Twiliflhts,_a_danae-i t r a i a u i p H e - t e - agsodaied ishers, r, periormed-the- bererttony &t^0^eeol 1 11 fTf> i.s a nast maatfir counL." Thayer^^Ji ., of Wilmington, with tin; Empire '"Trust Co;,'New Upland;—Ind , • James—Matins—of V. ,T.<ivihi of 10!> Thorn.is Ht.,, On •Presbyterian Church where Kev.-cilor ol Biemnci Chapter, Order -Del., siste^tif the bridegroom, as Y York k Cit City. Saginaw, Mu h , and Ai den Kiehl*Saturday afternoori at the Mr/Thurniah was. assistant to/the of DeMol<)y, and" a member of iatrbn. of honoi- and Miss Mr. • Goodfellow and his bride )auch of Sturtevant, Wis Presbytei ian Church ... minister while a student at PrinceA?uie Lodge 129, F&AM ^ a c y Mearsof Baltimore, Md., as will . reside ;: in; . the Rivervriew Mis Aubrey D. Store was the tlev Dr Robert G Longakei, ton Seminary. ~ •' ' maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Apartments, . > ,". . ,-,. . • • organist, and soloist was Mis> pasAor, officiated at the double"" .'A•"gat'den:reception was,held at i ^ ' ^ t t f e ;Mrs;;iticl: ^H^fff^t. Annette Nergu/ian $^ ring ceiemony A reception, was • the home of the bride's .parents. . ville, Va., Mrs. Richard Amow of The couple will live in Racine held at the Winfleld Scott Hotel, European Studies, 'flour •Miss fc/Tarilya. Ann Moot, daughter 'of Mr.'•'and^trsT Elmor S.. : Newport,; R. I.VMrs'. Harold Reid ' The bi'idei given in marriage, by following a weddmg tup to New Elizabeth. Moot of 422 Manor. Aye., arid Bayhead Shores, be«^me4h«? briae ."of SterreU;' HI,'' of Williams ville, Jiex»Jalher,, • had .iiter,,j,c.<SusiaJ','.'ftlil|s. England and Canada. s 1 ; Capt Tiaylor escorted his Set for Miss Blanding RobertaBrlan-Frahme> son- -©!•- Mr.- and- 'Mr^^hry-.F^ahme'ipf; 12 N;:;^Y.- 'Miss' Patricia Boyette and Tlie bilde, a graduate of 'Hamp- daughter1. Miss Cynthia Walters -•^*hriia'-.'Tuitfe'-:of'-^oun^aJn'sl^e,'.;.as Cfe^cerif PL c?ii Saturdayvat"l: '' "" Miss Maria Loriaine Blanding, r Mi\T¥^dI¥i 'bdth"'^:'p'ai niaid of honor. Bridesmaids were /," R'ey. Richard Hallinan,.assistantfo^?for,'6ffipiatedat thedbubit Mr. and. Mrs. Leon"E.",' Hunt -of en DUBOM* Academy* Zellw,ood7 "of Cranford was majd of honoi, daughtei of Mr and Mrs Fonest forrf; and 'Miss Susan "Terrell of '(a, wav gra'duflted in May from and budesrnaids were Miss Bai, Miss Virginia- Butler and Miss ceremony and^celebrated aniiptiali' " '—•' •""''-'-^-:-^-'^—-°—Mountainside, . • . .•'.'' 108 Oak Latie lef t 'M!ohday to take "axloi Uiiiverslty, U'pland, Ind, bara Tutask and Mibt, Eileen Den- H Blanding of 6 Cornell Rd will sail for 'Europe next Thursday . Phyllis Riich, both of .Crariford, and niass. • A reception was held .ai Geoffrey C, -GoodfelJow-, 'served' 'up"residence .in. their new home a EiAg degiee in sp'eech. nid, h6th of Cranfoid. aboard the SS Aureha foi a year Andrea Tuttle; sister of the-bride, the Westwobd Lounge, Garwood: his ,br6ther; as best man. Ushers in: Dimedin,- Flal JT.hey have beeii Mr. Scott,' a graduate of Wabh Wan en J<icobi of Cianford, of study m Pans' •. Was a junior bride'smaidi .ivqre Mr, •fThayet, Jr.; Mr. Ster.residents here for the.<, past, 28 nuton Park High School, Racine, brother of the bridegioom, was The brides.' .James Miss Blanding will live With a 'rett, Ill'i '•'..Charles- H: May. .bt.'.Wift-"•.Best man W a B A degree in bubiness best man—Wayne- Jones*, Rieh<ud Fiench family while studying at yeais".I. mettt%*iii.',.and pavid C. Hackett, rom Taylor University m ""*• " Linnell and ""Stephen 'fiaylor, --•or' freehold. 'Serving; ras ushers matron^ol-/honoV;" ' Briaesmaids We's'UlcJd..- fraternity- br;others;of soyeral farewell dinner parties1 by; t)fi4 HP 1^ pmpjoypfj m. the tnar- bJoihi'r_af_th.eJbr»di5ji_all sLCkan^ the Sorbonne and other institutes of 4 ry ii- louT,, served as usher;,, f ieiearcn^cTepartttxcffirior sponsorship of A!cadejihic ^"year' •liam'; Jamouneau ot Lock" Havcn( Tr6rk, and Junior' bridesmaid; was court- of Belle' Meade; brother of their departure/, • .. ' • on Beach Co, Racine. Mr. Jacobi and his bride will Abroad, an .organization piovlding : P"a.; both, cous.ins of;' tho. bride, the bride,- and'Hoino-G'. .Taavoste Mrs_, Hunt'^was^ activeT jn> the Mai-ibeth, WaUace pf;• Cranford, make their home at 2 Pine St. individually designed study pro•' •••-''••• • " le^'both-'-. " u ^ . ^: \ 7 tap—to Cranford Chaljter^American'.' Red 'Mi aiTd MrVHelmuirA"~Lar?en: following- -a—wedding -f 8 JSKpod PI. returned last week, Florida. Cstl Frahme-'of ;-Bound-Brook, During the fall semester, .Miss Clark w a s ringbearer; , •'.•*•.•.••••,•.• " Robert. Grube of 'Cra'nf6rd' fie* a 'six^week trip/ to Scandi-' Both art graduates of Cianford Blanding will visit Lausanne, Gecousin.j^lthe.biMegrppmy wdg'best' ; : [ ' "Mrs; Rby:Reichert;:p|:Martins- man. pi!g3n|Jit'r.',~' ""-' .-"."""' •"•'•''"~"' kivia, where they visited Mr. Lar- High Scho61 The bride, a mem- neva rind London" She also will Ushers ,were Martin. Frahme 4 ^ 1 d en's mother^ Mrs Ella, Lar(.cin-ot bor-of Azure Assembly ^40,-Ordcr visit Veisailles,. Malmaison, Fan.-^. oTGi5rMR5ffd77brother6f^h(!bT4d^ -John; Johnson of Rpselle Park was : ford High .School;, was graduated • -.. Mr, 'Hlmt, who'T^tited. in.I960 iaivik, Norway. They also visited of Rainbow for Qivlt, ari"d A^uie "tamebleau, Barbuon and Chatgroom; George., Moot, bro ther.-of ; f S O l p . i ' S t , ' , i . . .:.'• . . , • . ' ,'"'"• in-. June from Mary Washington. from WCsteriri . ^Electric,- Cp. after n Stockholm and Copenhagen. Chapter 87, OESlv will attend ties. . •' Re,v. Mr. Thurmah is ^pastor pi the bride,'and MichiiorBuvns, Jr(, College of the University of Virthe. Fairfteld"Presbyterian. Church Of River Edge, cgusin -of th^i brid.eginia, Frederieksburg,'' wherc.rshc nearly 30 years' service, is a njemgroorrij;. The couple will live hi in Fairtbn, '{ind-K'the couple. held offices in both/ the .Student -.bet of the Si.anley_S1_Holmes Chab-' d li.-cti^msnapj-.ttyv!'"Annstt-jU'injm- vi'n 1 • )>•'. • • •;•"' . '.•.. . — » -their ^ G.overriment and" student Eidfijica- ter, T^ephbne'JPioneers of,Ameri•Mrs. Thtlrman," H < graduote of ding trip to Mexlpp •' City and tion •.Association..- She has 'ac- ca: He, isfa former member of the •'• Crnnfbra High Schopl^ wae gradu- Acaputco.. k • cepted a' position • as. fourth-grade Repijblican.county vc.ommittee frbm The", bride;,.-a gx-acUiate- of Cranated IrpmAvorett College,.Danteacher/ '"in 'the1!. Westileld .school the ninth;'district and served as ' yill&V Va.j,: aijti attended .Bioom- ford High .School, a,tte,nded Union assistant ' air! raid', zone' warden AljRS .KOKlfettT B. FftAHME'". s y s t e m . ' . ' • '••;". , ' • ' ' . • • • ' • ' \ •"" .i'iejd Coilego^rrhe bridegroom;'- an ,Junior College' .where she was a during World W a i * I S . " '.;. • • • ; . . • • ; . . ' Mr. Gootifeilow, also agraduate member ol Gamma, Iota . "fheta •' alumnus of. C'risfield High School", was graduated frarntJohns Hopkins Sorority. • "'She was: empiojred.- un- .traristcrritig .to 'the TJnivcvsity of ^Uniyersi^i" Baltimore/:Md..l^ero •tirher raa,rriage by,Bering Plastics ( M , Albiiquerqtie, where ' _ ^ he is a t!en)Qr." Tie .-{* a member of •' ccived tt B.D. degree from - J r ^ 'Co., Keniiwofth, \ ,• •; Mr. Frahme, also a. graduate of l t X i ' Ort ton Seminary- and has completed Fraternity. •[ " . : • •work -for a: Th.'M. at the' k Cranford .High • SchboJ, attended \tTnion Jbvtior College ;prior to "seminary. ' -•. fe l We$fo Ralpjmriiil Jacobi Of Leon Hunts Move • • ; ; • • . • ! • » • • : • ; Senior Citizens Mark Birth \ . C<. TO SCHOOL - Augtist birthday.*! anniversaries' were ceiebrat'ed.^at Mondtiy!s nieeting of the Senior Citizens'Club at the).'Municipal Building.. '•"_' Members honored ..were; Mrs. Lily Hibsoni 3VJn;s. Emma Brovjh, Mrs, 'Grace A'ljerii' -Mrs.. .Lnura yiille, ...MrSf ^Gretchen ,'Cha se, Mrs. Jennie "Abridge, ^Ma's. 'Mabel Wood,v'Mrs. polia 1E-Iensler; and 3CaBl"Eflcr.. . •' '•' •'• • • .: .' . ' . JWfrs. Ethel L.'Amatel of 34 John, St. was^electpd'-to membership; , Mi's. Chase returned from a'trip to Spaiti arid 'Portugal; Mrs. Elsie, Kcil :returnt>d f rom a ti'ip to Ger-; many, 'and Mrs. Brown returned aitcr'tseveral weoks1 absence. ' ' The next••meetfng will be held on .Tuesday because of the Labor Day holiday on'Monday. " "Project Hope," a film, will be shown on September 13, and on September 20 "High-Road to Yosehiiti!" willbe shown. : Rofreshmcnte weri> served by Mrs. AdaSebold, Mrs. Laura Valle, Mrs. Wilma •Belirena und Mrs. Margaret Hivscli.. " < stTipe'n stitch 5.00 •-•I. BUTF/RST TO Just a few little scraps left? Best way to keep more of your income for yourself is a Savings Account at Cranford Savings. DRAKE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS • . ' . - ' : • ' t t Eastman S»[r SHAPIRO'S DEPT. STORE Evenings -r— —^"Open • • >• ' v , . . - - ; J9N/UN1ON r ; , - . . - . - , . • • > . , ; . ; , ' • ; ' , , ' Cranford ; . . : : 188;)' • ' • . ' . . • . ' • • '•• F A I L TERM Be0iris SEPT, 13 ; Day or Evening . ' ^Accdunting^— Secretarial— Typing Beginning'— Advanced •— Refresher . V Week, and you'll soon "clean up" with a tidy sum for all the things you want. And y^our savings Will grow and grow with our generous dividend. Join the growing family of SIX Schopls —f SIX Diploma Courses . NEWARK, El,rZA6ETK, ORANGE, PASSAIC/NO. PLAINFIELD NEW BRUNSWICK J. Cranford area residents who stive regularly at Cranford Savings. ^ i^4I.I Schools Approved' by Strtte 0/ N. J. Dcpl: oj. Education " • \> • . DRAKE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS,. • : , 57T Broadf 5K, Newarfe, N. i.f 07102 ' - for brochure listing coui'scs.Hiu'tion and.addros.ses of .six .schools ^ Please mail yoyr Free 1965.Brochure ^ . , , ^ NAAAE-I...-. •' •'-. -,1 . ' * '. •~r-:-~..—.1 :..i--^__^,'r>--. >g ^_ l ' ,-, : " _ CRANFORD SAVINGS CORNER HORTH AND UNION AVENUES OFFICf HOVRS5 M0N.tlH rfl.l:3l«.H.U<PJI. •STREET • „ . _ •''•".. ; v '2Ii\ CODE .;-..,..: 27^228 r. • ? • • • • ' . - . •'•• F o u h d o d « WRITE TO; . ijr Flowers for All Occasions if Tasteful Floral'Arrange..rnenfs for Weddings, . Funerals, Social Events * ; Green A Flowering • . • Potted Plants i, .' ftoW1Jr^ .and Arf^Dgements . FfdWers Wired- ' •'. FREE Placement Service mc-'t not Conversation shirt? Add airy whip stitching to'pan collar and button.panel, strbke.withe cri.spno-iron stripes.Vivid.colors. 28 to38. . Save regularly/ <i.""little every 'u^L-L. STATE . ...-..' , •' . I- •V . - f .j/ccc ' ' ESTABLISHED 1887 .' •;, •„ ,.,.:•:. ^ - r r • • ' . • • - . :: ;: •bayers /oq,0.] coinbany.--'•';;.. •; -,''.•.;. -..-'v. ' y pt -Grani'6rd'ibet\*t-ief>."$2 y lnd',S3;00& each year. . .Mr.^ Cbiefl pd, breakage; at 'ev.<?r,y.. st'hool / .1. ' ^ ^ s h i p i > { v ; ;' ! ' ' • ; ; : •' i-'•'• ''TheLegend of Rip Van; Winkle*:, is"'thf.Jitie qf^iu^'year's Ti'oil/ "' \side Garden Club. aripuai:how^>'Sh»Wr1t«.-be,rbcld from,l : ;to 5" p.m. .•, •'• '•ttrt'Satur-clay.ASci^aitei'. '•ttrtSatur-clay.ASci^aitei'. 11,11,- Wd Wd •S.dnda#;./Septeiiber •S.dnda#;./Septeiiber 12;'..a.i. 12;..a.i. t^Trail--.. t^Trail--.. i ;^;>,;;; • ."^e'slibvic ^ i U cqniik. Qf .iO-tlas.sefii^in airartgerrtc^^r^adult!^ ^r'aiii'^fi'ye^foii-,' juniors ' ;ahd. ' ing irt ^.Gpip,e,||Mck^Xrtt MUt ; Instailation jpor^i' p/ ga'rdengrs; ;• plus; Hortieiil- moved'.between..5-.,and, f'M,' &jnet^ p i from area';;iiOsp'jtals p d S'•' September t b 12/ 12r "Entri Entries, g o l f e r s ' . ' . ' : •',. ;•; -.-' , '.':.•':'•:'•:•" •:• .'"•'1 Wifliam C. .Higsins^of 18 l»eri,'h- .^'lit-spii • tura'i' classes" in,zinnias, marigolds, SSunday, : "Lii'" T h ' ' With televisioh's"Liis.'" Thorpe'-' ../•Sfchool' Business:, lAaminislrator iiv.fhe" artistic- arrangement classes ing. Avc. ihas t)'eeh': appointed an y. • asters and. other-annuals; chrysan- must be. made in tidvarfce with .the jf'aul . G . e n i e f i / reported; 'that.-a installation, forerhtin 1in:.;tb^..';ljfew front/"f/he pbct,6rs ,and The' Nur'•'. " • themums' arid. other perennials," 'consultant for-.the class. *-••-•. • •'•., number'-of, . wirfdows have;.been Jersey t3.elt;Telophone Co. .•He will ses" series •-— and- in:: real life' ac-' v • dahlias,;glddiolasi and any other ".. Schedules may Tip :,pbfained. at, broken, -i»i Walnut Avenue^ dnd be'..responsibfe."for tht'^nstallalioiY tress .Shirl Conway — during' an BloominEdaie'Avenue Schools by of telephone .1ervic'e in Port EJiia- unusual fastiion arid, hairstylirig • .bulbous or tuberous flower, roses, Ihe" traii§.i'de ..Nature- and Science beth and' th^ North Elizabeth and show -raarking the opening, of the penter.jand Warinanco JPark",; or practicing-clutters.' ' -•'•<.. lierried vines or shrubs, hou.se Fashions deI'orji any member of' the commit- .'JI. don't -think, they're ai.mirig Hillside areas.*)-* the Elizabeth'- Dis- new Celebrity Wig '•;-, .;.'. plants, /vegetable and. fruit' d W liartrhent. at. \V-- T1. Grant]§t';.Qo., t will.'be open to-the at the schools; But ohthose.slices,"y •, Mr. ffij^fjins began; his telephone general public'with no admission Mr.; ChieiT .said. ' •,;' ' : • ." 1 -The. nurses -modeled[hairstyles, a splicer's FTelper ln..Linr 'The major enemies; of'school career as c h a r g e ; ; ' . ' '' : . ' ' ; ' ' . • • • . ' •-. .'.•;•.;'';.; 'All., hOrtieultur&l "classes are i incorporating ;, wigs and' 'wiglets, deii...ut: 1956'.ancf advanced'.'-tec in4 building windo.w.sr are stones ..and • ;-Mrs. 6..Robert Morris of-,Crari-' ' open °; to;' amateurs residing iri and n"tiw n"tiwvv fiistajlati-oh fiistajlatioh forefore- created,individually for -the differ-'1 B B g u n s . ,-••'• . .'.•.•.. • . ; " ' ~. sluUei- and • ', Union'; County, . and arrangement ford was chairman for; the 1964 •ont iypes of caps, worn' by "Most- windows in. our school show, 'which' had for its theme, : classes are open ' tp : all amateur "Salute to. the 1964 .Olympics." system are.broken by stones prob- man. He' wa.s bor'h in Linden -and at'-< from various nursing schools. ofV the program The, 1964" show was. the - recipient .ably thrown, by vahda^.' •'•'Ifh€ BB i schools there; "He served in .'•• Anothervpart p " t g u s gh:e us the. t h most s t 1 ro.uble, rouble be be- the 'Army-Signal Corps hi 1958 and was a "fashion- sho\w,-vdepieting '• /, Mrs. Frank Fedowri'?';Of 'Scotch o£ two awards, of merit from <;he- guns ' k"Plains- is chairman of ' t h e show ,' _aild_Mrs., Clinton McLoughlin of . ' ' Cranford is c ..... ..Committee chairmen 'include; Horticulture,.1 Mrs. Meta .McLaUghHn,: C^anfo^d;, schedule consultant r M'rs. ^Jfesley Ph.ilo, Cranford;'•3'un-.. .•' lor arrangernents, Mrs. Alpheiis. • t i - k - t . . • . » •. p l a y s i . ; . . .;-..' v V 1 y 1 ; ' '"••"- •. :' . . - > ; " ,'•:'.•''•. ..'•'':.'- , p i a r k . . ' ••;•'•• ';: ''•"'•', • : , ' / : • > : ' • . -.'.;'"'.' '' • c i r c u i t . | b r . e a k e r s v ' W l ••••:•.'..-;". i l U " rs'., of, "an les&iy '. con(est> on. tfii; •bf.srcttl'rin^ ..diy Jsipri; irijsinden.' ;:• '• '•>_ Wig Fashion j • ' I'heEo's a hew threat"'toVschool bujiding.• windows 'this suivwner: 1 t ' • • • • ; • •.- plefeti "thV.first-pha^e of the.Naval. f- •;• '•"•'.' • 'Mi's:, Sophie.&• -BatansliV^of. 301 and MisH .ConWay -was ]tho jiidge,- pfprtu Ave'.;' E,;* an .agent 'for-the Air itescrve's accelt'i'atGd "Recrtiif •• ^C> The;.hau'style.s • were created by prudential Jrisurance Col, has been; to'Aii-mare":ftiiograjin with' students;, from "^a/ilfred" t d t f " ^a/ilfd Beauty B t 1 selected, to attend, the S?viilal "S«?- val'Air..Training-Unit at tl Schoo.l,' Newark,' and 'students -yentiort. -.ct'-Hn« '...Wdmeq ' Leaders' Air Statiqai,' J^akenurst,froin ithis.school modpled :the his-, •Round Table :td tje held'in St',Louis, ' " ' ' '" his-senior ford'High Schqol npxf^'wee'k, ;;hd . ' '• .;J torical costumes. . •'>• ' ; " • • Mo.-,-tm Septcftxbef 12, cqncurrent.ly •with..'tlte' .•annual "cbnveritlon :pf the member of thj>>^reqkeha Wartlqr-''• -..•' I ^jtes Course '; National"AssQc.iat-ion'. 'of. L.ife.; Un- .piogr'am o^fne.Navjv3 Air Resei-vQ. ' • dei'w'nters. ' •• ...... . '•'..,' ' A histitute ^. Baranski has .been' V ¥ • ' • • '. w:.Eet<ir..Caldwell-.of-'.": Ave. ' has successfully .'cornpleted the four-day '.'industrial workshop courser^t, ithe Mukl'-Arhp'. institute conducted by MultirAmp C6i*p., : ' . • " . • . . • ' • ' * ,. r^airman' r of. show.)', Mrs. Xa. P. Slidra., Berkoley Heitehts; hospitality, tf/Z-Mai'vuy.' 'Bn'uwxi; ——- judges,' Mrs. Rpber't iMorri^,1. Cyan-. ,'. • ford; "artwork,. 1 Mrs: Clinton Mc••'• Loughlin, Cr'anford. : •'.; . : . Schedule,. Mrs. .J.'.Blitt,: Clarki' • •..•. ' invitation" elassi:•.••Mxs.. Fedowitz; >. .-.ai-raiigement' book, Mrs., '^.rhold '•".'••. ;; Santpro,; C-ranfbrd; staging, Mfs.v • Harvey Brbw'ri 'of Westfleld' and ;:••.[^M d ^ ^ i - t h o ^ a ^ n d o i r o r t ment "oi tho. Woman's,' Club of il-classiflcatibh^ members of Crane's" Ford ; ..-•..Gardeners of Crahford, .• , ' . . Horticulture ..staging, M)lford .- Lewis', Ranway; horticulture clas' • siflcptiotj, ""Men's Garden, Club' of entries, •' jtors; Cnarol' :/\V' : Flacerrtent; ; Mountainside " 7 ^ ^ n Cli^;; ^udfee's aides (Tff 'r^entsj.Fioraphile Garden Chib ;pf ' Cranfo.rd, judge's aides (horticuU ; ' ture); Dig and Delve Garden Club' •. /<."•; o£ Cranford;. awards, .'Mountain" " /Trail Oarden Club'• o'f Mountain-' . . sidet--; properties, Wesley PJiij.0, ; j 'es^. Garden ^ '(jlyb ' j ^ -.den Club of Xranford,'- Monday '. Aflernopn Gard.6n}vCl^b of- Elain;^ r f d ' d ] P u ^ ' Seaa^M^Sardeh ;.. ciub'-pfBerkeley .Heights, .;_:... i. '••':'' , Outdopr welcome, Four Seasons' GardenT;eiub~.'pf Cranfbrdr corn* mer4al^j^|B^Mri3LCadMi;K^^ . gnug, .Berkeley Heights; ^ ' tipnal .exhibits^ Mrs'. .B.'W, KJapke, Mountainside^ • dismantling, _M • Wasserbachv Summit. ^Exhibits .must, be from biir September. 11, and- m \ ; " • ' • . • • • . • ' ; - " • ••• : '\-.'" : ••."••' " excepti on a II y sole p r iced , -S ' • A i j i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '• I^Hfekj ' / ; arglaHEra hpmesjslcillfullyjinfeirprefecl for you v '..; fn Queen Ann^^Sheraton-ia^d A most outstanding colleetion to- chqpse'from Irrieither fich red or,:bmb&r*Tnahc)ganV.4 '-..•,'. • Shemion. sola; y:, '-[:---:. sale from 391.00 Ch!ppenfiale--sqla • ,'S(^fc'-frQnt'3)i9#Q : i • " . • • " ' \ i , ' . MARINO'S chair. •-: stile from 179.00 • ' ^ • • nsHsro^E ^ • " . ' . ' " . ' . . - • ' : • ' / : ' • . " • • • : . . ; - ; ' • • ; Bamboo chdir qncl oHbraan. ' ' • • • : : • ; . - . ; • - • • ; ' . ' sale" from • ' sdW 62.00 •'• ''."••.. B I ^? ' ',- ' ' '• [• e^is9s .; •' ' ' ' . . , '. Idinptpbb ,". Asale.79+9!$ li Haiine & Company Westfield HOI IDAY AHEAD! ,._{&'coming week-end wUJ'proVic|q a chance. |o take that go6d •' '"" ' ; ^"^long xldo. But. it; provicies the same ch a h c e, itoo, for millions who'll bo out with you! ' Because of •' 'thisy o u v driving will'repulre extra c a r p and skill. So, have 'that ride and H around . . • (out, come-back .home . . , unjia-rmcd and sound. ' Extra care and skill (!pes into the maintenance of your hcat»irig.- unit when you contract, •with us. Our service Is always, prompt.' and courteous. ' For a comfortable winter' ahead "wo" that'you call us today.. .Rankin. Fu«;l A Company, » 230 •Centennial- Avenue, Cranford; Phone BR'0-9200.' :• ^ •' W- " ' • • • ; five board and.is an active T . Drivihg-:.licepse ^ of -this internat'i'oha'i.. or-^anizaiioji ider the Jfl)-70 6x<;essrvesneed; pro-, . of women life irisuraoce ag«jHs be- j gram anriounce'd this we'e.k- by >/r ~ cause of the quality ap<T quantity tor: Vehicle Director "JuncStrelecki of horaales in a fi^fTunusual for. included: Daniel V, , Igpe, 20, of 6 1 M y r t l e S t : ' . "'''" ' • • • ; - , . 129 Roosevelt Ave., 30-day*suspen- . The instruction consisted.of-lee- women. ', .Women- rn>Ke up oply 6'.percent •jion eftcctive' aS"of. July $l.-.; '".• iure ani^ workstiip periods, in ' . . s c h o p i gardeners' hortlcult^u-e,-; Max Vyasseroacn, ' 'High scb.ool 'gardeners'- airange-,;•.' iT^entst Mrs.. Tagle and Mw.. Ells, v •>' <^ff>fr*W Plnirr:; -pnhUrify • • nated, as a. inern.ber. of/, the. iexutu- Sjieefling. S u s p e n s i o n • ~f: ;'.v-- ::f '^V::'.'^-r ; -'^ >:• v- ^ ^ < ' ^ . . ; 4 v i ^ : - : i v ' ' ^ j ^ ^ * ^ ' ^ ^ ' Page sfc-X'''cR^^^ ... : . . . ' . . - * • . . • • ! ' I ' . . •.••••.• ' \i«pvid,e,';^ c'ojribat s; ieact'Grs acquit*; p r j ^ j ^ n -*•*»- VL .. not; ->ea<:*- be. sance;- aeriai. firepQwier; and ,£ssaul£ •Jeacifir«hi«,\':rOTOJinpte. M'n^e^t Mf '^,1 "be. airlift i'or, • the A«hy 'forces::.- ^Ph« pnth-usiaam.r.ior": student' ciO.anaUhiSi;k^:piuvju^ A^vaj»lpg:-\j}\ :']M', a Blpbrnrteld, ..he^'is a graduate-:.of skil.lf ^ dernocratic pWp.' te <*& : jb-'' iotas' >;!*Wri.tion '-..pn sti^entBipomfleld. jk^igh .• 5^061. a'ji'd'[f^. caived., his A'.B. AniJ -ftl.A •'•-'----— p h p : 3 1 ?^.of v^tv. - 'Erailside Gr$f-'' irnprovenienC;.' of. Ir;oihjSetonHaij ;tjini.y,ersltji..,si>uth ,. Club ."of" .Unipn _Cbuipty :.will ' .'.:"" - • ' • " ' . ' ^ K * V . Orange^; 'tie was. commissioned ,iti i ;;'; " ' ';'-Rey. ^ ; , j ct a daftionsU'-at'tori' oh Hpy/cr i&4. Upon; com^l.e.tiort • ;«f. ' topics '-ijiicassecr J at;the tfpnfer' '' "" Sunday, BtbteSchppl • 1 ',:•'.••..A^sis'tant"Pastor , Victory, ' Hbur; ' $ p.m.,'.^Junior arrarigernerits, and pFOpava'tion bt Trajning School";at."tabkla;hd enciv.c)as.s.es' 'ihcludeti?' Ahris ' arid:^ ,."•.'•• r Sunday Worship .Service' 7A.;.II will .meet \in .the church parlor at i Rey;';RicJialrdJ;.HaUinan, Ghoir; 'today/— 7:30 p;m;, Adult SReciraens; "of flowers, fruii$...an.d ,7:30.•••'pjrcu./.Siinfiay,"_•;.. • . ;' ;>.;• °ah: Antonio, Tex. . , •. , ; objective's .pf'studbnt'cOuncils.-stu'T. Thret' persons'-\v'ere. injured" in ial vegetable? at', the .Union , County, '',' The.: regular' -9:15>' and'-I i • "a.m. 1 aQnt^i^iincil^organization;. student: _ . 'junior-' and' Senior*. #i> Youl)*:1 worship'•••'.. gufrvicps .with, chdr.ch collision of two -cai-.s on l>fpii:th| .Rev-. .Joseph Y• Rev* . Mr: - Romick ..will return park Commission's ,Trai!side llSla'~ P'fc'. James N..- Heruska, council'' prpjepts'r .technique's•"p£ •6 Sunday., • - Asnistaht Pastor . . ; ."• • to 'fhe; pulpit Sunday after , a ture '.'.qntj,''ficfjence .Conter.', in .theAve,,. E',; at the, Garden fetate.'Parkschool classics at 'the same.'hours group..-' leadership-, • .parliajnehtary, '• : Mr..and JVlrs. John. .Sund&y evening service%—. 7 :p.nv. .will be resumed on St)'ncl§y;-. ,§iop- ; Sunday ..masses. '—'•I, 8^ 9-; 15',"way sQi,i.thbound e'xif'at S:50-p.m. Watchiihll: R«sei'vati,on'',ai' '3. p.m:, prttcbdure 'and problem' clihics: , ': Wednesday''.--' 9:30. avm., Wom- 'ternber J2.- Ameeting df'the chureh 10.:30.<a.rtd * 1 f:30 . ^ . r C ' . • ^ ^ ' • " ; \ "•month's vacation.' ';Whateyei'.Yfiu S u n d a " y . ' • ; . • ' . : . ' , . ••.' '-.. .. ;• • . . ' : » - F r i d a y . - . • "' "•''•*. -.- ' . " ••' .- - • ',; - k'a\of -2' Wads!worth iTier.-, ; /ied as. ex^^tjirr.:flrthigsthe.. Ktgh< a n ' s ; Missionary;'prayer meeting; school stnff" hU? -.been se^; at 8 p.m. '.-•D^ily hraises"—• 7 and' (Ta.iri.';•'• "Do," -based'..6n ^criptur-e passagp, ;Police.. .Chief ,'Lester;W.• ' P ow.e' H -j The purpbsb of •j;he''.'dt m'onstra^ pOjvered .M.-l'tr xltlQ in. Germany •"•No c]u'esti'pn:'is' ever settled .until;.7:4r> •p.Ai, midweek Bible •,study Wednesday by Earl Li. Shea', church' . Confession.'-^'.4 t6;.6 p.n?. a n dCdlosSians ^:.l-l7,-has beCn chosen ; car driy^c by,WilbyWil :i6n is -to show how-fc>,pr<?pare' ex- reported'that ajS'.'lfte... sermon 'topitr. , T,he. ' ordip y"a ..car , recently,- The .'expert' hating "' is Vt'.is settled-right1. — Ella Wheeler atid prayer j-neqtln^ , ;• •.'..', '.-.,'. '' school superintendent. l B l 19 \ 7:'3O t o . 9 p.m. Saturday.' nance' .of'"the L6rd'K supper will hibits for-' the': club's' annual-•.full liam Bugel, 19, of ^.<6PO Summit, the highest' mark a. Soldier can' ; Sunday —-5:30ip':rt", college and • -.The .'Adult-."Education Coromitr s be held, at JTraiJ- Ave.;' '-Kenilwwthi. entering the be xonduc j..ed., At the 7:30' pim. lower ,shpw..to", career' group. •'".''.' "?'? ' ', • tee. alsd'.will rrieet at 8/P Jjn. /Wed-J side thelfollowing weekend,":Sat-- westbound liine '.pf Nprth Ave, achieve in, his. rifle' cjuAlihcatibti Gospel': Hour', the, .pastor, has tesi". Pfc. • Heruska, An artillery • Radio Ministryj—~ Each Sunday nesda'y. " v . ,'. , , ,.;,; chosen1..the topic,'-"Three Men. and urday, September It; iind Sutiday',. from the. Parkway exit, was struck surveyor in Headquarters Batteiry .the' marking .worship, service, 4 1 .On Tuesday,.the'.... canfceridressing , Rabhl Sidney'n.Slianken, September, 12, feoni 1 to, 5. p:m, on. the left 'front-.b'y another op.,;.••,. Spiritual Leader ,,;,'.• a Fire" ba.sed on ;Daiiiei..J;l-30. , each.day. of. trie 75th Artiller-ys F-irSt. Bata.m. to noon, .is,, broadcast) over uV>it-\yill rneet'at.10 a.m. and Credit , : 1 Friday ' — 6^30 p.m.;' softball erated by- Joseph Goiir-oy,"' 33, of talion, entered the* Army in. Sop-, Summer .services, -r- Friday,, 8:30 Radio. Station. .WFMEy 94.7,'FM. ". Union at- 8 p.nv-.On Tuesday', Wednesday,' and Roselle .Park, •' pr^eeding ;wcst in tember, 1964.; and' completed basic p.m., Saturday, .10 a.m.; Sunday, outing at JMomahegan Park. Sunday —.• 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., .Thursday Of. nex.t week, . at -4 thee North Ave.-4a.s't'lane.' A v e . 4 a . s t l a n e . . training at Fort DtxV He. krriyed ' Tuesda'y — ' 8 _ p.m.,board of dea: Rev.. Gerald R. Smith;;-director of 0 a.m..; daily except" Friday, ,T:.!liO Dr.' Edmond, ,R. .Klaasout.rtreate^.. overseas in Febrva'ry?,' A' mBinJyGr. coneFises will meet, at "the. chur-ch. plm. each day; Dr»..Harold.N,' M\j\p.utflic relations for the Christian j denke, 'director, of Traijside, \vfilf iJoseph h Conroy C y ( 9^of.'Roselle.Pai-k, 9^f'RllPik . Wednesday — .7:30 p.m., qu'arilnd'•; Missionary Alliance,-, will .be JTHINITY EPISCOBAli CHURCH • The bar mitzvali of'• Richai'd 1 conduct half-hour hatur^ talks for ibr cpntusjonsjol the. right '.(.higjij of .Omega' Sigma-:Ilho : Fraternity, 'terly business • meeting at "the Key. Robfcrl Bizziro, Rectors '. ^uest speaker at both services.':. Kimmelman, son of Mi', arid Mrs. childi*ri.. The; topic ^electect -i'pj. Mrs.,'Alice ,Sauers,:-56, of G.r,and- her-was-graduated frorn Grjariford Whar«,Your '•»-" Alan K. S&itnon, Curate" Samuel Kunmelma'n of 7 Rutgers c h u r c h i , ' '• ' • • "•'•;.. , ' i ' ' , . ' • . '.,-' •',H ' 74Fi''W' ti 'he : three days is .'(Mothsand Mil-' ville. -Pa.; for a laceriitiori of the High School in I960, arid- attended Rev. J, H. WUttC'rlnetiOn, Assist. Rdi,.,will be celebrated at 10 a.m.. ' corrimittee meeting. . •',••'" : I N MORE ers," The' talks .will be illustrj\led right' shin requiring 10 sutsjre.s, ST. MARK'S ARiE CHUItCH t . In.ored TO' »t1>.OO» :; V '" . .. . '•'• TomblTOW night—6:30 p.m., cars (Conn.) He was employed "b"y InServices at Trinity Episcopal Saturday..'.' ' • with color slides..... .' , , . the Wtdtn.1 »riin.ui ' and Mal-y Afice ^Saiiers, 19, also of 1 leave-church for service a t God'a Church, on Sunday, Twelfth Sun- , Registration foi:•;. all. Hebrew Rev. Frank fN. W^Hanis, Paistor Loan InnoiMuiea Oora. ternational ' business , Machines Gr.andVille, ' for-cpntusiqns of t^e The Sunday worship .'service Lighthouse Mission. - -'. • , • day ajter. Trinity, will include -7;4^ school cl&sse's including Ytid" and •\ippcr right i arm. All were pas- Corp., Los .Angeles,-Calif., before N(ixt. Thursd'ayj-r-lO-a.m., Home' a.m.',' morning prayet, 8 a.m., holy graduation classes will be held will be ,held at' 9:30' a.m. Church sengers, in."the. GoiVroy car,,; : " • , entering the-Army.'. . ,'•" • " Missionary.: Society! >• ,.:','• ,,euchar&t;.. e u h & ; . 1-6 .a-.m.,:^J>bly , ^ y eucharist •Wednescjay and' next•• Thursday school..win reopeti'.on September A Bummphril- changing failure, to wi.tiv.hymns and sermon'. .Adults from "7:3p-.Vtp 9:30 p.m. at the i observe a stop street -sign was, Attend Student Council • —e--— , ' ReV. Mv. Vyiil-ftams willproach on y and high school young people who 1 given to thejBugel. youth by Pa-, ^ i -Regular.. hours .at--the—temple', ^Labor.That;IiNotin Vain' at the. vpishr'ta-singin-the choii' at' the IQ T Sunday'• The sacr'arn,eni' •o'tiock service are .asked to-re- office ,.will be: .Monday' through service on 'Five days remain; counting tornr"miiniaiL tjinda Garcia '•• and . Mitchell port to .the choir room at a;i!& on Rev. A. RJ Mauffionc, Pastor, Sunday mOTning for a rehearsal.- p.m." to 5:3D p.m., .and Sunday, 9;30 ininiiitered',.' and the Adult Choir day,, in Olympic Park's I9|j&seaDorin represented Hillside Ave: Son, and plans are afoot to. make •'.".'. 'Men In Service nue ^Tuhior Higli School. at; the. ; Sunday'service — li.a;m</--'" to'. 12:30,p.m. ,The:ofrfce':will WillVsing.'..'.-', .: "• •-. ' . The nirrsery. ftJfc pre-school4criil- a.m.' the holiday weekend; a -th'u'nde'r-' : Today — 8 p.m., MIVs Club. ^Oth ' annual Stuc\e.nt, .Cpuncil .' «nd Loan AHodatios clren.'lte-'"open during the,10 o'clock be closed on .-Fridays,,- and Saturto the 'Irving.fon-Maple.' ...Marine- Maj. Gerald F.' .Schuitz,. Leadei ship; Training Confeernc'e" Wednesday-^-? p.m:, Y P P Choir' Von -of TVTr?T ' i MAJtlT QFTE7CE wood amusement, paik't. G,0.tli..aii rthearsal;'8 p.tn.,- Mip¥~ChorrT • '.Weekday services — Thursday, GAL.VARY LUTHERAN W*stfleld ATO U Cor. .245 North'Av>., W.,,i$.serving: \vith held last : week. at. the Central New wrsary.'year.' \;'. '••••• Jersey YMCA Gamp in Blairstown. ROSELLE P . Pathlntuist-and— fi-4-v pL m ' morning' praver, 9 a.m., (>ek I the" Second Marine Aircraft Wing PRESi^JTERIAN —The- free c ii'C us ioiiffie-lini •Sporisin tid by th<j "New—Jei*sey Rev. GordKita L. Huff, Pastors holy eucharist and healing service; at Marine Corps'': Air Station, &k hu Cor. features Bob arid Lauren Top, who' CHURCH Niven G. McRae •Association of Hjgh School CounCherry Point, N..C.' ELIZABETH OfWCE • ...The- summer schedule.oontinueiT Saturday, 7:45 aju.,'moyiilng pray Itev. YVllliamM. Elliott, Jr., l'astor i l ^ Presidinjr Minister provides suppori; 'for the ihfantry- ells,' the ,conference seeks to "help with'twoserviets of'worship .on ev', 8 a.m:, holy e'ucha.icist; 4:30 to ,R<JV, Ri. pi'uce Hurde, iiSsoijiate Tuesday — 8 p.m., Bible study. fonij atop a 6b.-ft)ot flagpole, : men-'of" the Atlantic Fleet Marine • ".Sunday, 8:4§ and 10 a.m.. Pastor 5. p.m., saoramerit. of aiisolution; 'pastor , oL: the. .First iDresbyterian Sunday -^-. 3 p.m.y •public' talk Antelek nrt'd,Her Canines, an t|ni • Dahlq;ufsl Vill • be1 •: in the'' pUlpit. each,." weekday,-'. except Friday 5 Church,, will' be^ guest' preacher. fdllowed .by'.yratchtower *tudy at usual qlog troupe, anij' Leo Gasca Forces: based • -at • nearby ', Carnp evening prayer. Sunday church school will meet at Mexican tight'-wire performecr, .Lejeune, N.CV ^ p ' ' ' ''[[' \ be* "The'Cliurch- at i : l 5 . - - •, * ' , ' ' ...;••-. ' Tuesday -^ Cranford Chapter 6i His topic Will 1 .;• 10 •6'clpck"foi;';children in thenurround out the bill beinjf offered at Morris Fork" at the 9:30' and 10:4& Today ' ^ 7:30 p.m., ministry '; sery, ifindergarteri.arixi''primary, de- Alcoholics Anonymous,' 8 p.ml,, a.m.,services. ;..'.. '.'••.• ..',.••.•.4 and 9:30 Rim- .dajiiy," thi-ough" .'Walter *R. Eichner, whose wife, i' meeting i school followed by servi'ce .Sherlock'Hall. : jjartrnents, Children,,, three i t t C h i l dunder d r thi;ee Susart; is th<? daughter pf Mr.' and '• Rev; Mr. Harde and d "' ' al 8^2!> K;m. : *"•;.; .'•'.-''. . .': Monday. 1 . years of• age wili be care career rcarirr 20" adults arid •jifeenagiifs . reTurnc'd •""Ddes • • Your"'; Seligioh . P t e ^ e - ntifl • th e ' nur.s'fci'y dtpaitiuti'ut luuni dui* topic oi» ilicf •Friday, from Morris Fork, K,yi, Godt!1 ^ ' '. , inij the 10. o'clock ^ervicti. •••'.. ..-;--. guild rpprri'. , : v '' noons apd ev;enings'in the grpve. ftrst. lieutenant'in 'the:vAir- Force 1 where tney ^participated in a 'wofk 3'.p.mV Sunday service.: 1 1 1 •The Men of Trinity antlounoe "The- Cancer Sewing gi'oup will The ,4-million-gHllon OsWimrriing at-";.Williams Air "Force .Base; 1 plans Jare. .underway for a family camp' at.the-Forest Hills Commu- : Mi-: l^cRae of 111 Shadowlawn resuTTie• it's•mohthly.work session, ;' poolv also will be bpen- through Chandler,': Ariz.- An adrrvinistrav nity Center," located .-in the-.de-t Wayl'ed a delegation' of Cranford ,!.--':-'- . -y ; ; v '."WE X>O N O T .H A Y E v , . • : ' . ' ; - ; ' - bh Tuesday, at 10 a.m, , .' ' supper for all members of the, parMonday^ Nearly 1,000 swimmers tive .officer, Lt. Eicha&M's'a- mempressed Appala,chia-.'area.; •••':. • members to the" district conven•Children /baptized last^ Sunday ish to be heid, on :Wednesday, Sepwon' certificates the*<\ Saturday on ber of jth«'-' Tactical, Air. Command, THE QUEEN'S GOLDEN ,: • - . ' . . ' ( ' . • Thfi! church office iwill be •closed tion at ^artkee Stadium last week successful completion of "clasaes -. were: RjchanrAVthiir'eavlsorii son ternbor...29.y. Mqniljiy.,' . ••."•". ":'\' ' : " ' ' ',.••: - ' - More than 74i000 persons attended • of-M»; and Mrs.^.A. 'Richard Cai-1-, the assembly which was. designed .conducted by.,the. Newark .Red ' son of Ci'anforcl, and Gregory.Allen d b l i h i :,,thc th to_. he i * M dM E d j Bible -as- God'-s nispired. .word • .o Rev. Greorjje H. White, Jr., Pastor truth arid • also to. improve • minT Christian. Science' i Rofaert (x* Longaker Rev LAWN MOWER SH0I* Stklday .worship ^fieVvice,— • 11 isterial;eftici<incy. • y •• Esiablished 1928 • Among • tlie highlights were $ev. Miltqn B. Eastwiok \ " J ' ' Rfev. John R. Dejcheimer,;Pastor The. concept of-man a^:rfiade "ih a mass..-' baptism for .1,361 . n '••T' pi'ayer service ; : SALES; ^LiiRyicE Associate Pastor . Rev. Richard L. \Vilson, the .image of ;Go'd" wjll .be, prejons at Orchard Bea'chi. L. I.; and • Rev. R.teBruce'Hardc, .'• • '.•' -' ' Associate. Pastor ' •: \ \ at 7:3lj).'p.m. ..followed by., feibltj :."•* FAftTSZic WELDING s'ettied in th'e~BttJte l&i^pn-sermgn; " Associate * lk i ' ^ W l d ^ ' « i t ;on the t . - A t . t h e 9 : i 5 woVship s e r v i c e study, at. 8 p.m.; 8:30 p.m'., choiri talk••'•/•" * Lqckiniith at all .ChriHtii),n Science services reheai-sQl. Surjday, R e v . J^ohn R . ' h i v Sunday :'}~ ''9:^(1 ,and 11 /a.m.', Shoulder of the .Rr.thce of Peace' this Sunday. The.,siibjecl-Is"Man.'v R(6p«Eclipse . The. choir will start it? fall.'?ea C h h r worship servictis; SiSo'.a.m., church by N. U. knorr,. president, of - the " T h e following'paisnge from the ;wiU rEUR;^RWEN ; '0!P :i C0iiJR'SE ; ;:.; • ; :.,:;•';''.."; Many, pth«r. Famous sbn on Sunday. Wijtch'tower Bible -ahdfTract' So•time fflWery for'children-of parChristiaM Scidhcti .textbook : by DBUV?»r' 8PBVICK •; , Jj^g^j:,, j ^ s — arp^Qieii^£o£;li;HMiS^lA "SfeptemTief ~\& —-H p.m e'nts attending worship Service. •• nuraeryj^rdtigh-third, grade.': ciety. Mary Baiter Eddy Wil.lTbe lncluctBcfr| ; .;'«^'N< Elmer.St: "-' •—<«»»-\.. / Rcv.-.,I)r. ^b.ert.-.G. Ldngaker ReV. liichard^L. "Vtfils'on, associate •ly business '. meeting.''•.'.».: i' . « ."There Is" but one creator „ and orte ADams 2-2528 38 Years-Specializing in ParAOnal'Serittte ' •' ;:, V will preach on "Work: !': September !.&;— 6".p,ni., kiekofC , hav'e ri« his Labor Day. mes- -.Happiness • jies' iii the conscious^ crciation.;. This- creation consists PEOgrahi at the^ activities commit-. «age "Th<4 Grpat ..Awakening." nesB .we', have of lt,"an'd .by no of the unfolding,of spiritual ideas means service Sundhy, the last tee;:.™ Sarerits "a» d children' are' :in^^'VT'lir'M^fcri m a in.trie: . t way y the future keeps i ' W h b i ^ G g e Sand Sundny under the summer sched-|.vited i o hoar, plails.for the, year's at both 9;30 and lT.o'cjock worship It braced".-.'in'''the •infinite Mind, Its pr bmises.,^--George Sand i 1 1 ;: 1 : :"•-'••'••', a . m . - •-' •'•• ' '•*;''••; ••'. • '•". .•••• - .V - j v ; ; W i i e o ^ - ' P - " > ; '••'• ' : '• •'•'•"• ' ^ ^ ; i v •"'-,:•:; •';'., -.'••"••• • ......,-••"i--'.- •'•-' "•'"•:r- ' 1 v ' l 2 . ' . v t e m p l e ^ . .-, • ' ' . ' " . • . •.•.'•••'.•••'•; • •;•••"'/' ••••;. ', • ' ' •'•-.. • ' • • . . . ; ; -...'•.' , : Gialsi Week#n(i To End Season •'• .•• • " • FOR YOUR^ WlpPIlMG r : C r o s s , ! ' ' — O r — " . ' • Mr§."'Heni'y" Boardman ' will "program: ••'•" . V - , ' - . . • ' ^ • • . * ' • • " • ' • You May Find Comfort, Happiness and theiWay to Health Christian Science Radio Programs Of this Vicinity Sfc?. W k E W (1130i"kc) — E v e r y Sunclay . . . . .GA§ a . f c - • ;Sta. WNiBC' (,660 k c ) > - EVery Sutiday .•-•-"•. 7:30 a.m. ' • .• • V • : . , • ' ' ' : '• • • - . . ' ; -.' - " : > t - - : ' : • ' • - . • • • -. •'• ; \ • •• . . .' '.r'j • pro$r««w» ,wlH Jbii; J ' . . • ' '•' : .'. • , ' ' '..-. ;• A & A CAB & LIAAOlfSINE ' ' : .'* ' . . P a s t o r • ' • ' • • • . • • • forever reflected, These .•-idetus'! Wh'-wiv'-frftnv- the infiT^ttokimril to in.finity, and the h t g f e the- "sons atulylte'ughters '.of God":';. (Science;aj}ct?rl<}all;h w i t h Key to; the Sei'iijturcst, p. 502). ,:' ^ '".' , ,.'Fhe golden text is from Daniel. services,. wijl sing " T h e , King ol ' T ii • i V ' ^-IJIuiiiiiLuii];' T")VT try-fr}' ' ley.. ".The,, Church: Time. Nur«ery |:; is-'availa.ble for children-2 through 1 5 whose parcnts< atten.ct.; the-9T3O 'a.m. worship, service. .,There: : will b|e' no hur^fiiry-at 11,- a.m.-.1 "• -^ ''. Tuesday - i ' .1:30 P-Vn-,- Prayer •Gybup will meet ' in*'.the", junior] rpoTii. Youth 'Stewardship Council-, with the SRev. Royal Bruce Hardq will meet in'.the beginners, HRST CHURPH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. CBANlfOHD, JM. HVXCES^. Sunday; 11 A.M. ••'.'. 'Sunday JScVlool, .11, A.M. .. TESTIH«ONY MEETINfl..'—; WI««d 8;1S P.M. ' A for f r « * IHaratur* «ncl r«p<)rh of batisfltt r«c*lv«d frow t h * M ^ -..'• • " • • • ' • . • . • : • . : . • ' ' • •-'•; iiife •.'• • " • • ; • : HIAT1MIO COMUPOftY • Puei-thtil'ty <3-B furnac«.\ . • Clean heatr*4«M hou»eworlc| r o o m . • • ' ; ' :,. ' ' . .' . - , ' •.'. ..• •,»••' : r -'^edriesdjiy —-• church staff will tneeL at' nopft ;•' 8. p.m., stsijion will,] hold its .regular, monthly' meeting modea'ated by Rev. Dr.-Lohgaket-.J Church school :foi>-ehildren a n d ' youth w-Ut begjn Sunda^y, September 215, _;.,:<:' .,••' ,•:;:• ',;"• ...""'. CRANFORD BAP'WST (DIIirRGH Eev. Robert j . ' Rontick. Pastor Sunday ~ 10'a.m-.1, worship service;- 9>a.m,, jChu'rch schiiol for'•all ages; nursery..facilities ate avail- O DAY arid Ni0HT ROOHi. •••'••', • ' '•'"• 116 N. tfxilop Av«nu* •MOW. thlroUtthSiit.,'l to 4.P.M. Wed. Evonina; 9il6 to 9:45 P.M. Ptl, Evoiilriir, 7:30>to 9 P.M. :'• (ON ALL ORDERS) Hurry In and Take Advantage of This Big Saving! COAST-TO-COAST HOVERS j . ft. 101 H. UNION AVE. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS BRIdge .All, .- A CHRISTIAN 8CIEKCB RADIO PROGRAM ' HENRY P. TOWNISEND^ Agent ALLIIED VAN LINES, Inc GENERAL ©ELECTRIC ^ fc Crating a Bp*d«l*f CAP- US I=OR A FREE ESTIMATE CHAPMAN . PLUMBING * H E A T J N O i COOLING 36 North Avev E. BR 64320? ..-.: BUJ1DAY9' WNBC — ( 680)" itW AJ4L •WERA — (1590) 3:18 PM. ^^•r^X^-"*^^^ BUY NOW AND SAVE! are flying again !1 . •> • To Stop Damage By These Insects CALL: TERMITE Scotch Plains DODGE DARTS CORONETS * POLARIS Roselle Park CH 5-1492 enicK i36 CENTENNIAL AVE. BRIDGE 64)505 1 Milo t a i l at Cdfd«n Stnli Elizabeth t)R. ARTHUR S; WILLIAMS 'One of. tine pibneers in thfs field - 1 ' A NORTH AVE;, W. • BRIDGE.6U2$5 A Funeral Home of homelike atmosphere, completely modern, air Conditioned, off street parking facilities - Under Dlreftion .of,, V. -"' •'.i DOOLEY FUNERAL HOME AD 2-1492 ' DEN W MkANA . 130 W. Wtstfield Ave. Roselle Park, CH 5 7222 Westfield AD 24492 Large Selection of 1965 AulhoriitU Dadgi Dialir "••* TERMITES:. •(rinl Btuair of «»th Month*" YEAR-END SfiLES r&. . • . : • " • • • v •''•'•• Q & * * , ' . - s . : • ' " • ' - . ; • . . . - •-•..' •' • b COLONIAL. HOME S5.I W.stHeld Av«., Wwtfl.ld J a> •i :' . • * • • , • . . - . '-•' \ - / s ~ : : ; , : ' - • . . • ' . . • ' . • • • • • • > . • ' • • . - . • . • . . . • . ' • . . - : • - • : • ' . ' • • • r . ' ' • . • . ' , - • • • • v / ' i - • •• • - • ' * • • . ••: . - • . - > • - . / • : ' • • ' - * ' . • • • • • - • . ' • . - ; . - . " • : ^ ' . . • '•• >^yii^^^p^fy:'-::'\.f plan's- for a: drive .to' raise $85,000 to support 14 pharitable, wel". fare and character-buijding agencies serylng.tlje people"/of Cran-; 'ford were announced'this week-by • Farris S. Swackhaiher^. •oa'mpaign thfTCranforoj. Fund.' •' The • active-*'bfenrfpaign:. 6'rn •Jajjor, Day,» with key 'd r i : ^ ' ' - ' ,'•:"• >U:-:: . l f ? # ^ " 2 f t PageV .• ;.• - '-;• / • • ' • ^ • • ^ f o ^ JTr. n! J i • • ^ ^ • ' ' • : - ' ' ' » Last' year's gdal, ^ arid. $72,^43 was subscribed for 11 participating agencies: ; ' • .'.A' streamlined' organization to give a, fast start to the .fall campaign will -be -featured this, year. T h7q^^^ t i i i i ^ 4 ^ eh a'dvarice gifts,"special ploye solIcUatiOti, 'cb.mmerc; residentiat Each division will be hea,ded by a.local resident.-. .; -~——[-''"The- rwjor effortrth&TyeaT'.; be'.directed tp obttiiftjri^, local inr :-.. V dustrlal^iirms' support'in areas. <(£ . , ]BR. WATKINS F. JOHN corporate givifig' and .conducing; in-|5Iant: ehiplo'ye .solicitation," : Chairpian S\yackfiamer said. "Ev, ery .company, -big; and snvill, will , be invited*to;iorm a •plant-Un.ited Fund' chapter; Plant.' managers We'atHer permittirig, • the '- new 'will be asked to select ".employes bridge being constructed over the -as the .firin-:United.! Furtdi,chairRahway Rivet' at North and Cenl,Ayes, should be complete '• ".There willbe-a.^a-ll.for;-trained volunteers or pr-pylPUiS ^United and ready tor .yenrcie : ;.;.:Fund 'appeal's -to : respond--t«r -the : l • 'Good • Neighbbr'••;• fund appeal;, We SepfemBer ifl,'i r6^nsHi'p u, want! local people and companies P/atrick J.i'Grallwas informed yes---itV*P*I^<^M®--a*-^^8aiork...w.prk=. terday by. the^Sta'te Highway' Deing together for the total needs of paitment's. hupeivihing the community . on the 30b "People working- m Cianfocd T h j announeement came alter butilivibg •outside have a respon,. I to the town where employ- <^«* "taken^from the concrete mentis provided We want to get "bridge deck successfully passed Ihis across in our appeal this year stress- tests conducted on TuesHundreds of Cranford residents day Pouring of. concrete for the working m Bayway, New York difck was completed on Tuesday and Newark give both dt j oi last week. and an additional gilt to the *" ford need*, Conciete sidewalks alongside "All s-egmen-ts of the town the bridge deck were laid yesterbe included) in the campclgn this Approach sidewalks to the strengthen the federated appeal pleted within the; next Jew dayt, Full cooperation has already been which indicates, -that ,the biidge ' - ^ ^ ' - - E^e^SOUid MSehoot • •Church and director.of'thg,i£hool, flnnounced; that' ^ will be the saijio-ilflast yeatr, One sthpol "bus will", leav'e. from #€. Lang' pi. and ' Letfipg'ton •Ave. :at 8:05 a.m., proce.ed. along L,exlngtOn Aver, to B'ui'nside.Aye., : .right on, Lincoln Ave;, left ptT South. Union.: Ave, and, ttieoce _.- Sister.: Geri-jaTne Mayie,'' princi'- tij the school. The second bus Will1 leave .Chjes. TTnttpfli friinrl officers i n - pal. said- avi enrollment of approxiter bang Fi. and LeXiugtuil Aye.' cilude:. Mrs. E.' Milton "Boyett'e,mately . 800 students ..is ekpected. s yice-president, and •'•Mrs.,',-William Erirollment on. the opening 'day at -8:08 a.m., proceed along Lexingto'rt Ave. to Hillcrest, A,ve., turn H. Old, secretary.- Mrs. Sherman last year-was 833. Ave.-' to • Chris' There will be two lunch periods right-, on Hillcrest M. Kisher is the office;' secretary,.. r topher; St.,': to South , Union' 'Avb. this". year.— -frorii 11:40 a.m. to '•.•• ilhjlrty.•'•local'.: citizens make up the board o"f directors," Dr. John, 12:20 p.m. foi-'grades l,:to- i, and and,:thehce.'to the. school,-' '•: '"• ' revealed'. Handling budget r e - from 12 nopn to' 12:';*S—p^Ba.' for The third*"bti's will leave frdrrj. quests for. each year's total ageijcy grades 5: through 8. •- , '..•< Nprnahegan Rcl. at 8:12 a.m..sUfi^ : i S a T is i : tt p p "fespohstbll«^.^of -the ^N;e°w w»ember& of- the faculty this, proceed^; down j. Springfielo!'';A.ye., •left on Riverside b ' c ' right- oin udgiet and aitoraitions committee year .will be' stster^ Mary; J d lL.fl 'oir. heiad«'d. by Arba .S,• Taylor. '' .., first • grade. , teacher,, .ana r. trfsv wood> Rd,,,' leff on Diinham Ave., Macy Robert,' a:s.isrth grade teach• Dr. John in accepting the United Fluid d ' i j ! er. The school has a staff of~10 right pn'Manpr Ave. a.nd right,on Orange' Ave., • I g ^ j n ^Eliggbeth /. f y § r Rt. Rev. Msgr, Wiljiam' B. Don- Ave. Ond.'left pn Wade Ball to Asbury Park','' but; hi% Qiit- nelly, pastor of St. MichaelV', (Continiied on PU'ge 8) rti# j0^ Photo by Karr Assoctates • t NORTH AVENUE PROJECT NEARING COMPLETION — Scene as concrete was poured last Week for deck of neyv bridge being constructed by State Highway Dejpart" that bridge should bbe"c6mj)leted and ready for vehicle traffic hy September iu, ipermitting. Total of 1,500 Band ' t i m e . / , Bond '•••• . - ' - . • ' - . | . ' • ; \ ; • • ' ; • ' . ' • , : ' • (CoMinucd on-Page! S) . " • • • • / 7' 1 •' • ' . - •-<•! McDerjrriitK' superintendent of '•• ajor cljanges-'in the^'cuniculum, led by introauction of ITA (instud^nte, tiaV teaching alphabet) h l ) ffor>U > U fiK t d ^ t e highlight h i h l i h t 'the 'th op'fenf'e chools. ,';: : "-- -'.•"•' ,- ••'"•"• .:,.•.' .-; Enrollment i» the kindergar- en through sbcth.gra'd^ is. estipchools :fl|pf the n^w school year for th^; Cranfordd public pchools. " /;. ' mated s at 3;475j'. Junior liigti . -A new .app'rpach -td'tfe'teachlh'g^p'tispofll^ in', school (Beverithv, through 10th mathematics, a 'revised' science curriGuiuin; •a'riew: el^menitary phygrades,'1950,'and high school (lith sicil-education igald^randi a new i s nJ^h^-^dies^r^Sv;'-:^ ..,>;—.,^,-, Enrollment as 6i' September 30 ' astyear was 6,142, and tne total was 6, t6B; when classes ;ended in home efconomics majoi* at the high chool are other major .curriculum, c h a n g e s . -..-.,- .'.•'• ; ".: > ' .-..•....:..*'_' ••!'.' Irt addition, a linguist approach to the teaching of English will be tried":,'out .in' .eigh't classes at the unior' hi^n schools. \ ••.:,•. Rnn first, graders' in the c^ool system, will learn'to. read. HSihg the ITA .system;- The shift ;the traditional- reading iri-structio'ni, to ITA <vas made, on- the basis of -an 'experimenta:l..prograni with two first grades last year in' iOleyeland' and Walnut Avenue1 UJC Expects Bx>ys' Camp 'Best Camper1" • v ' i : When CrarifOrel's 11 public ickools often next Thursday, . b t 6,300^'"students' , 0 ^ u j pecjed to enroll,l iit was ah- , nounced today by Vr, (iWk W. 'uhe.,'-.., ',":, ',,•:.''•'.;..... : : ,. ' • . , , ' ; • ; ;•••. C I S L S S , ,. Glasses\jatt the.Jiigh school and ; , he., two lunior Jhigh schools will '•;', begiil at S:20 ainl. anii will conBesurfacing of 21 streets in the lude at 2:50 p:'m. township as a state,aid project is Students in the lirst throughy g i w.ill report, at ,8:45 8 scheduled to get urider way, on fe'grades; ajn.and leave at 3 p.m. -The. lunch,,,v ; fiiesday, it. was announced -t hour will.'.be frcini 11:45 a.m. -tp ;1 week, by TownshipfengineepPat- .in;' Morning kindergarten classes rick J. Qrall. will be held fro.nii8:45 a.m. to U:15,.,; while the afternoon sessions- , Contract for the project.-was' L Contracting Co, will be."" from 12;3Q p.m. to 3 p.ni-.;•" . - . • ' • • : • . - . > • • . Fi^ajjk^ riculum and,' insttuctjon,. 'said "Be '-086.7S. at 'a-^meeting iof"the ^Tbvlrri- tery and^juriipr high>schools-Aylll - ; • • anticipates . "substant-i&l- • iOrippoVQ-; ship1 Committee- pn August 3, sub- meet .from., 9:36':a.m. to, 2i;p.m'.",A't. •.. •. ment11' 'in^rcading ..as af- result' of ject to approval by1 the State High- ti|e hiih: ri'chQbl, ;|spebial classes' going to the VTA system, way Department,"which was re-Will meet from 8-20 a lin to 2.50 pm ' ."In our *x,peiiencc," Mi Martz ceived last week* said, "ITA provides a more excitStudents in the.threq secondary The state will pay approximateing, a moi e productive, and a more ly $23,000 of the cost Complet- schools will stay foi* lunch, and meaningful first grade experience ion of the, work-is expected to take cafeterias will be m operation on than, the—traditional program. _IL lO-to-rZ-workmg days, the town- the first day of school w'U not perfojm miracles} howPersonnel Assignments " ship engineer reported ever We wilL -stjll have children An orientation program for all Members of the public works who ifte slow In learning to lead " d«paitment ha,ve been busy m re- hpxv msUuctlonal personnel, secThe ITA alphabet contains, 44 cent weeks rising manholes, re- retauea and teacher aides opened chai alters, Which advocates of the moving bumps and patching and yfsterday at» Hillside Avenue JuITA system say are easier to learh nior High School. It will continue repairing the streets involved than the. 26 ABC's. • ' * today ' • • * preparation^ for the lesUrfacmg. > " Thc comparison is not Really All personnel -will report to their y tq be assigned buildings pn Tuesday and between the 44 ITA characters and ITA te— prepare toe- the Resurfaced: wffl-Jae cTiaracternand the more tKah 2,000 •ofsound sym.bdls -we introduce in. the of streets as follows. lend a meeting of all school perOrchard St. from Hamptoq St sonnel on Wednesday ctt 2.15 p m. two or three years of school," ©t—AnnfV; Ddiley, coofdinatpt1 to Brookbide P I . Wade Ave. from n \\\p, ainjli><Sriiim tyf thft K'^SIfln bors including the'Bell Teiepho'ne fie in time for u<>« by sludents 1 Elizabeth Ave to Lambert bt., Lin- Avenue Junior High School. of language iits, said. Co and International Busines' pten PI. from N"prth Uhloh,Ave. to The following peisonnel assignturning to school nexlt we<tk. 'Dr ^Bailey described ITA as an Machines" Work also is neaiihg completion intioductory training alphabet de* Orange Ave.*" Ha^zel S t from ments were announced by Dr. McThe 14 pai-tlcipatmg agencies of Orange Ave^ to"Beb«ont Aife Dermith: ^ thetunited Ftind1 this yejr" "are: ^A- the widening of North Ave~,"E", p "Belmonl AvG—frDrtr--Wmds HlghSchool Boy Scouts, Cerebral Eals-yr Girl between tho bridge -and FOrest and lead befoic l)e caefbe discourRichard Teriy, bdVi^of Mi and Mrs D H Terry of 212 Oak Lane aged by tJie-oxjegul^ities and tn- PI. to Hazel Stlv,from Columbia flouts, Homemakerfeervice,Men-Ave Rrindp&l, G Frank- Zimmerman; w«ii named "Campe( of tho'Year" lor the Cinnfoid Boys1- Camp 1965 consib'lencies' of traditional English Ave. to Locust Dr and from Lo- director of pupil personnel- and tal Health, Multiple Sclerosis., Union Junior 'College will open season, which ended Sunday on Silvei Lake near Hope, cust Dt to Arbor St. T-hc^new bridge-rcplaceb a narPsychiatric Clinic, Red Cro^s, Revice-p'rinclpal," Chailes J Postj spelling its 33td academic year on SepDunham Ave from Ridge St. to guidance, Charles Litten and Miss the title winner _he_.will lecoivc the flag which has flown '"tai'ded ChihhtMi; Satvtitiuu'Army of "Consistency ib» the symbo? hai "only one" (Gmtimwd-o USO, ViSiiting- Nxtrse Association, oi the century which had long 'turiWwTr "\vTnT-aii" e'vpecTecT'enT ove) the tamp tins season, also a tiophy, and his narrUi will bc' Helen-HSe<Ht; English, Mfss-AngtiitrlQllnient of 1.S00 all-time 1 look andjone sound, and each sound Welfare Association and Youth Adamtdei, Mrs Marie Attanasio, playcd on the "best camper" been a traffic bottleneck. It is high, but only 50 moie than a ycax and Favmily Counsehng Servjce. hns only one, ppelluig," Dr. Bailey Dance to Mark Start Mis. Irma Gqann, Albert Hem, plaque 1 1 1 the camp dining hall" i,mtlo races and. stunt night on explained. Michael Marcus^ Fiedenek Muel"Your United Fund i$ more- than 6JJ tcetJong and nteasuros 50 feet Selection oi the wmnei ..was Di Kenneth W. Iversen, dean, Filday. Mr Maitz'said nib department O| Pap Warner Season ler^ Arthur Fi'edntan, Mrs. Roseagencies, however," Chairman from cutb to £urb Two lanes of Boyt, -who Swalfn the lake on ^ contihue to follow the pro-1 A kick-off, dawfce *will be held mary Ritvo and Mrs. Susan SpiclSwackhamer iatd "It is r people traffic will carried In each direc- smd aliotrt 800 full-time students, made b^ the staff from thje ^ aie expecteci in the djy; session ing boys who weie named ' Camp- Friday morning were: 'One way, of the two classes of children beig, social studies, Edward Boyle, It is our boys and giirls It i t 'the tion, eastbound'and westbound, on and 700 part-time students in the eis oi the Week" during the sea- David Koch, Alan Wltnmei, Pat who learned to read last year by next Thursday, September 9^. at 8Charted Messma, David Nayloi, unfortunate adult caught an the pm at tbe Cranwood, Garwood, the .reJrtf&rced ebnerele deck. evening sossion, Theie aic 104 the ITA" system These classes by the Crantqrd Pop Warner Foot- Mis." Lydia PolglJisc and John. (Continued on PaQe 8) son1 Fust week, Jufck l)eCotus; rick Rowci Erie 'Weisgerbe Contract for the project was Jet studfcnt run ses ii ora the Schools, oi ehael Ganl, both ways, .Bob weie taught by $/ii!». Virginia Jones Witherington. to " Schiavone Construction ' Co., Nmslng of the Sluabeth . and second week, Kirk Huckel; third pob DeCicoo, Jlick Scholleld, Ken of Cleveland School and Mrs. Jean ball Asbociaftion. Mafhcfnattcd, Vincent Podino, ihc , of Seeaucus, on the low bid of Perth* Amboy Gencial Hospitals week, JiM PcUick, CoVirth week, JHetm, Steven Cot lei1, Mai tin Ronnlund of Walnut -Avenue T\VQ football teamb aie being Merlyn Jones, Edwaid Schwait/, ojganued "by the. association for Ttuy* hflh !i,184)3.05.'ip. -.Cost, of the pioject is enrolled in the pie-chnical nurs- Richmd Metzger and-Malcolm P.ringle. Th School. •Miss Beatrice. Sohwoerm,, Oliyer r Oyer • being borne enlirely,. by the Stat"e ing program. Charles Hunter; ; skcth; week,. ct'aft contest' 'was' won by Kevin For all second through sbtth the;first time," and parents.aBdin- V V t andd Lawreriee'Littman' L ' L i (also •• terested aduj'ts are-. invited to jatHighway Department; whftJh. also . T h e day/ session- freshman class TMom'as' , WiHoughby; .seventh Br6wn and 'the' fly-tying cQntes grade pupils,,the teaching 6f spellat.,Orange JHS);. scienoe, Court; tend tho dance. ' . ' : of about 450'students, was selected; wili install a new tratfio .light sysIwcek., Kevin Brown; eighth week, by CfiucW Innocent ' Innocent. ing will, take'on a.', more modern land. Daley, :Martin (Goldstein,.. •--->-..--.-.. tem, nfr^vc ivforth Ave. and Cen- from more than 2,000. applications Davjd iKoch. .'... ^ajjpi'oaeh; ' The teachers., will use PolicelQff icerJLeonara Miller' of Donjild-Jones,.Michael -Vanuzzi and- ~ " lapf week tit camp r r : • Ave.,'i,s . r 7 4 B u n s e , i , ^ j g •74. processed, Drr' IvGrseri" -'saidr :: .' 4; Agent ••'p,07' wili get a' 'w5rtcput; tennial AveTJiitersectioTT. "" ^ ' ' C a m p e F o f ~ l f i c the boy,s ; a lineu^stically-oricntcd' approach y 'Ji ^ ; Dr; Kenneth G; MacKay, UJ'C Week"- awhra%oi: the • (iiiai week teams*--* West point, Rutgers' ani .tyirig-inL the teaching, of spejling- dance chairman. T h e ^ty-Tides of Hugh.Langan;- FrenchrMrsT-Isabel at a Gfraril'drd football game tills. .. Road barriers were erected in Dukes, Miss.-D.oris Kopp ahd ftoge'r ' season -^' but'..only' dUrinig half- trie '.a'reia on March *16 .to permit president, said no substantial in- is the; ,son r.-. and Mrs., Walter Lehigh. West- Point won theHeaif with' the teaching of •compositipn Nutley will provide t h e , music Poirior1 (department hbac)); Ger- - ' crease in. enrollment will be pos- Koch'; ppi! nemovol of the old bViclge and "The new-approach is n\ore, chal- Tickets ma.y b e obtained from Mi- man, Miss Esther Jqos,.(a]so at 0r-• .'•' 'Manor.,, Ave. David title, "'The counselors . o f Wes1 M -, ; At one ,of its half-time shows struction of the nbw one, and sincje sible^ulitil additional faciutiea are was selected" amptig" the-Hollowing (Continued • on • Page 2) : Miller or at the do6r.. -..•.- . (Continued on fage 8) ange JHS);. ,l,a«ri, Miss Alice ; . ' this fall, the Cranford Marching tlien traffic has been detdured by provided. He pointed out that best campers of theiir fespoetlve. Jaite (also afdrangp JHS>+Spanv Cougar»Band unde'r t]ie direction wtty of Centennial^ and ^WglHC' plans, are in the final, stages for .a. eabit-vs;~€c-)bin I, Kurt. Ullom; Cobi b M r ^ ^ d i t h Fredman and 'Mrs. ' fl "million science building, which iri 2, Scolt Nizborskir^pa.biiv S|, '•'.of Robert Yurochko, band direc- Aves, and Lincoln Ave.,-WT ; will"be built with a grar^t- of .$307,'- ^ilgney /Sainto; Cabin' 4, William tor, will, weaye'its theme around Lloyd:, Jacobs, Harry;000 'under, the-terms' of'the-federal . the Indofatigable.^fames Bond. Qne Stanton; Cabin 5,- William Darcy; moved driirpres's to.Room 43 I^awrehce (department.head). Miss Higher Education Facilities Act: Carpetihg'— one'e considered a • of the. features of thc^-show will be Cabin ^, David Koch. •• , Hillside Avenue i T •Gloria lAueller, L. Mrs, Lee Petti, .' •'" D#. MacKtiy. * said • the science, Cabins 1, 2.:and fr tied for hon? sign of." luxury 'in school, buildings; the sold twirling perfofmance by School — Jttsta'iled buJltfUn boarcfe Miks Dorothy Robinson and T1 hornBegum&rs to Get.", •building will enable Union Junior or cVibin this week. Boys in Cjibin will be InstaWed'jn an early Kathy" Bbard)ivin, dressed-'in a i icorridpr d T R,nclo Room m 49. 49 in main, as" -Scutr.o,' educable !ciass,' Mrs. • College- to .increase' its enrollment 1 were: 'Kurt Ullom, Mark Sche- kindergarten room in the Sherman School Life 'Preview *gold uniform, to the theme sott^i, ^ UJC Mefeorologkal Station Constructed Sherivuin Mary Bell; remedial reading;'Mrs..-by,about 30 percent. The science mel'i, David Cohen and Malcolm School. • "• ] r HAROID DUFLOCQ, M 8 t?0folo a !k» . "Goldllngcr." ' '. ' 'v • in Ida Easfcbum; rllb'Ba'ri'ani1 Ml$s Zil- . .What's kin dc'r g a r ten. building will provide three biol- Prlngje; Ronald'Perrone, counsel- -.Paul & ChiefT, board secre'tafy N • f 'Fou the past two wetjks the high and-: storage fah Prpphe'tt; art, Burton Lorigen- '"• ogy laboratories, a geology.laboi"- or; Cabin 2 -—-Chet and Chris t)i- :and- business -administjrail'or, said about? About 500 kinfleYgar- ^oqpvU, school band'has )>ecn]puttin^ its \ ' teners in the Cranford schciol 1 * ^ andi blocks .in Room !•• : : tempera head)) and Miss •ntpry, a computer room, sixclassthe carpeting will, cost. $1,100 ~ U ,(department p S and drills together at three. An Lorenzo, Scot't Nizbqrski; counKelLitocoln School'.'— Repaired ' Wong (also at Hillside , this station was yooms,; faculty ofTice.s, two .lecture o'r,' D'undy GanzemulR'f; Cabin S— abou't the same, as conventional system and",their- parents: wij^ ; for ^ sjcarict't'e hour practices ach morning' at tlje tut;e have .-a chance to find oijt-^on >ills pn third, floor, pro r JKS).;..industrial arts, Roy Dfinlels;halls and ,ii" greenhouse. high-school anc M.emor,ial Flelck .set Tuesday -when Donalcjr '..flank,'-1' Stbven iPerrone, flooringr He.said the--carpeting .is Wednesday ','— -the duy^'beipre vided additional shelving in. Ro»m Josei-Goodman (department head). In addition', plans also-ave in Tommy Lester, William! Darccy, being'used as an • experiment - to ,The\.50-mem3Qr bank- led tra><d>pped to 41 dctfrees. andl. repaired- storm William Massa and,, Frank Pa"n-.' other stu-; 209;..imd" the flnifl. "stages for the i deUirmine hcijw well'it stands'up .classes .begin year by Anita Well, drum mnjor- vious low was 4,7. degrees Joseph, Paumi; .counselor,, Richard drain. dents. :> N norfi; -home arts, Mrs. Core Foils; under (use by youtxg children. f, Sperry -. Observatory,1 which . . _et.te, will be cc jnplementc'd by 14August 15, 11164.; T,ho chilly' ' ' ' ,'ttepaired Roosevelt School R s e c -students in all Mrs. Jnne Vaft Vranken; vocal contain'New Jersey's largest During the week, the campers The new .-early, kindergarten majortjttes and six color guard peratures' wore caused by "a cold g j ^ r y c h o o l.s a n d front entrance steps and cabine music, James,Lenney; instrumen', Kirls. F.or.the lii'st year the color front which moved into the area &}escbp^. In addillon. toi .-tele- took a 'hip to the State Fish room has been completely vedee-r 'their••' parents 'will• s raeqt Avith. shelves in kindergarten Room 1, • ; " scope- rooittii. for the' 24-inch tc~ Hatchery 1 at >Hackett.stown,; ,saw orated and an acoustical-ceiling tal music, Robert.Yurochko; physiguard -1mcinbers Vill double as k t c Saturday night. ' t h e i r teacherH and wilt-be inBrooksidO: PWce School—Wood cal education, Stanley Grayson, It was warm'ato, 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 d'lir'ing has bebhMnstallcd. The new.i'pftm" Hector telesicopcand the 10-ineh pu>ni-pom fiirls and will take part the movie,' "The""-..Good Humor (Continued on Page 8) the week with 'th'u exception' o£ .refractor telescopc>Jhe observa- Man" in. Hope, * ahd\<;onducted was converted from a. music;"i'0om. troducod to kindergarten activiMiss Betty .Hubbai'd, Miss Ruth in the shows. •• . ties.; . '. . , • . '",'•»• Sunday and kohday. The maxiMeanwhile, work ••. is -'underway tory will include a lectiire room, McCartney and Paul. Selby.' '" '* Tlie band wilfdraw much of its 1 The orientation program- for Labor Buy Closings was 89 degrees lobby-display area, a \vpYkshop ati repairing and1 cleaning .all" .• -KurseVMbsJKttlC Seymour; see-' m.iiAic from popular movio.t jand mum temperature 1 children was preceded last., .{schools in |H'epiu'ation tor the niiil a dark room. .^The $100,tfu(; QQ, rctaries, MissJ Theresa D'AleKsan.shows, arid James Bond will give on Friday. spring by a meeting of kindei-- Mean Early Deadlines drls, Mrs. '"Margaret •way, to Mary Poppiris-1U the an- • Precipitation* totaled. .34 inches' observatory will be built, with a 51'hetlul'C Evening Hours opwojnp!. of the', new term • next 1 -garten fiai'ents, sponsored by the ; Early deadlines wlU.bc-in'effed Mvs. Evelyn MacMillen, Mrs. RoseThursday. • ' : • ' • ntfal 'rhank.s{,'iying g'ame^between as a result pf.th'undei'showers' last (iift-.froni Mrs. .Frederick Beineeke 1 1 in . "addition to the new ^early PTA in oach school. Ttte pror for; coi^y for -the next issue of th( mary Siwrson'-and-Mrs. Gertrude Friday, and Saturday. of New York.. C.it,y and William Crnnford and • Jefl'erSiOn, which- Thursday, 1 . ceduve has b.een in effect for Citizen and /Chrbrtiele because' o will be tJaycd in Cranford 1'pr the Stfona' northwest winds were, re- Bc.'inedce of Summit as a memorial 'The towitstiip clerk's. "offiVv,'.-.ih, kinderfiarten room iu Sherman more'thap five yeai'S. . Willauer; teacher aides, Mrs. Virthe Labor Day holiday on Monday 10 MunidpaP'&.yildinK ,,wlll b e the School, themVijoi' work done'this to "•their father and grandfather, corded on Sunday. ' first-ypar..-,; ginia -Darby and Mrs. Hazel MaK.ijen oight evunings^tintll 9 oeloelc slimmer'wai I he relocation of the Dcadlinos will b e ' i s ' follows who was a long-time Cranford ope This week's readings: ' Tunes Jfronv "Do ' I.. Hear a .n'q;. custodians,. Viwcnzo DiFabio, to accommodate" residen procip- civic leader-. •' . . . ' " " bqard ineeHng room in Lincoln. ."Cranford High School — Re-Church news, noon tomorrow; pic Vito DiBellii, Guido Cajiljielli, Ro^ .- . I'Walt/.;.'" mid ' "Here's Love" will lie expsinsioji pf, the paired flagstones in front of. build- tures, 10 a,rii. Tuesday*" club news Registration for'day. session stu- siro to' refiistiitM.n order to. v ' Max. Min. italion sweep, across the .lluld. a t . . o t h e r for the department of cur- ing and gymnasium, outsicle 'door tomorrow and Tuesday,. Early cop Peterson and-RandoIph Wilson, . tjie General Election on I^ov dents will be conducted 'for fresh.66 nanVi:n-»- all highlighted, by Jntrl- Thursday ' -•--7-7• IHIlsldt! Avenue 1 and instruction in Lin- iji- auto mechanics shop, library from all other publicity ch'airme 2, IJ, Kvns'annouiv.c(\d thiii week by, - cate iiattorn drills;-'. ; •' . ••-, Ffiday' • - HO • 0 8 ' !p'2-' men " on.' September'' 9\ and'- for •. Junior IHeii School nnd a'dvertiscrawill bo appreciated ool..'aiicl.-'oxpa'ns.iqh -of, the desk, and steps in'front oC. buikU .J. Coffee. cV)ln ,10 sophoin'6rO;S on September. 10, .Townsliilv Clerk .J.'Walter 56 Mr. Yurochko reported' t'hat'Mwo Baturdiiy 1 86 Principal,. Viricont. F, Sarnqw$ki ;^ Local bwikK," .municipal bKice«. ing and library. . . • Uie folThe olfico.'•will be •0 \vhile registration Tor the evening •17 now ' b'ui!^iu)hoin'!« made', of-white- 'S5unjr.la"y Orange. Avenue junior High Post, Office, and Public Library dlreeloi-of ptipU pcponftel.-Biirton session is scheduled for Septein- lf)wing'-i;voninR.s: September 0, 13 Mi:. Chi off reporteii '. • 0 >riber«las huve been added to .tho, Monday;.' School — BuUt'' poni'vission storage' •micf Mo*t -business concerns, will b Mandell;v guidance,' GooVgo White work ..was carvietl out" in fi .20,.2.1, 2 0 2 1 32-ajid 3 2 i d 23. 2 3 ' The Th 11ntt il_ V aijd jd 14.' 15,-lfi, oaniK. ' i Dalack;, D l k K ' 1 l.hn.1-1 ni'honls. enb'inot iin.d two cages for tyminini'. closed- Monday in .obaecy.ancjj. of and Mvs'.' T A "iwp'-dily. 'orientation for ulT 'tw "elate last Weduivsday* :>-. J93 -.. . 63 "A .* cove 'oi veteran's ' ' ' 'Aoiong the llrp'o'Ied 'loCturtf"rouiu ^1L (Continued oti Pane S) " ^'Rclidrngs -thuough !5/p.m, in With r jr.-- - • St.. •.Michaels Parochial .."School Vdl.l open for the new, term at t>r. Watkms F. JoHn, lo-ckl phy- 8:35;-a,m, qext Wedsesday. .. Prior sician, has succ^ded" Fred: J. Ball to , the 'start 'of plasses,. t h e ' stUr as president of the Cranford Unit- dents will attend • mass at Si'. Mied FuKdj, it was anounced today by chad's ChUrch;--B(4«w)i«ssrlvVon the ill .bes at 12:30 .p.m: Burton C, Belden; treasurer. • Mr. first day- will .ses thereajter'y/ili^be Regular .class* .Rail mnwH tn 'A'yViiiry' Pnrk; "in ^ffln-^^ffl-^f^^.p-iri ••--'•, '(Continuedfon : ••: :-A - - 7 — n ~ ! T * - ^ yi:';:.-.'-V--;;^'..:-'': •-'?•;• ; ^ ^ - T ; • ? - - , ; ; : • , : . - ' . > ; • • ' • r , " ' : ^ • ^•^^.'vi.'V''^'-''i''C.;i''vV'^;;;--^.,/'^' ' • • . . • • • - ^ . . • . . • ' • • . . . . — . • • ; . • • ' . • • T T v S ' ' , - ' i l ; : ' ' . • . ; ' " ' ) ' V . 1 ' - ' ' - ' ' ; ' v ^ ' ' ' v ' ' - r ' ' / ' V ' ' - - ' '•'•'•••''V.''' V ' ; v ' ' \ :;^;-'''.;/""v;.^':'.--.^-'";/:"-^;•'•v•r-"^^\''-;':::':rc':::"';:;::'•:'::;,''-r^-^l"-''^''':-1-'; . ' • . . ' ' • • , ' • . ' . ' ^ » ' : - - . , • • ' . • " . - ' • " - . • • - • ' ' • ' . • - . • • . - " ' . • • , • • • _ > . ' . . . . ' ' ' " T • . ; • ; • " • ' • • • * . \ : . • • • . • • . , : ' ; . . , ; • • . • ' ; • • : ' - , . , . • ; . • • ; . • < - - •/'*< . . . • • " i r :* ;""••'*'"'•-.• : ' ; ' ' : ' V , ' s . ' ' " ; " : • ' ' • > • '.••'"*.'• ' v - ; . A ' ' ' " • { ' : : . ' '• . ' ^ ; ' ? / ; - : ^ ' ^ - * ' - v i ' : ^ [ t - ; ^ \ : " ^ v r - ' ' " . ' ^ v v - : ; . ' > ' ' i i ; •; ^ / ' S ' . ' y . ' • y i ^ - ^ - l : : : • • ' • : • . :•";'•;tr'-i"^-'?;•/'•••-: , . * . - . . . . . . ' V ; . • > • • ' : ? . < C ' . / . : • • , - < . .' : • • • ; . . • ; . • . - . - • ' . ' • • ' «#J -^.'' ; : - ' : v ' ^ • - ; ' • ; : • • ' ^ u -v . - ' - - • r - - ^ \^:v;:^'.^ &JJ»MP • / • - •>•<• "."-"..,:.,.' :-:t- -'' - '.TUV ;: v»->^ » • v o ^ ' p c x n . • n^ &3. 'V '•.';•;- ! SECTION TH|tEE CRAWFORD, NfcW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1965 ;PttfO|tment<)|^e5:Ex; i^t K?irdin§ School Opening .,'•4. • In Need of • 'GARWOOD -—^This borough-was.labeled ."a-friendly to^tfh1' by "..,, ;ItENILWpRT.H ^ An' •enrollment- of i;065 st«-dents is'expected; ^.An/'enrqlimeht df'.appr'oximately 585 students',.br people who told "what they, liked libout it' in a.s'lirvey conducted, ife'cently ; when the,KenilWprth. public'school system open's "Wednesday,, it was figure of'5B0 for the 1964-65 school by the GarWobd Jaycees. Last Friday that term became Vreallty when 25 more than the th th :fihal"regist^atioh :: g announced by..'JohnJ..Kis.b^. superintendent. V . . '•'' th G d publi schools open for the new term• tpwrtSpeople.iiriited in an efiort t ' (b help, one of their nupfber. • ' Grades one throtighloin- will repprt at- 9 a.m.iand lunch' will.be public schools open for the new term--••••John Spellinah of 320'Spruce Ave. has"bee,n- foujjd^to hav« ah/ailment year, is expected as the Garwood : from noon to l.;'pinl a Grades frvfc through eight will report at 8:40 a.m. at 8;30'a.m. next•Thursday;..it -was reported this,,we€k by,Superinten-' that-requir dent of Schools. Lewis F. Laird. , with lunch period between 11:40 employee. Of The.i-eturn to classes will be pre-. a^ni. and 12:40 p.m. All classes-will :'ee'ded by workshop sessions fo^1 VIrJ ^pijllman is married and the be dismissed at 3 p.m.. q..- ' ' eachers conducted by' Superinather of three children," twin boys The cafeteria will.'be'...prepared. endeht Laird and Teaching Pv-lri,4'years of'age dnd a girl, 9. He ipal Bruce Buckley on Tuesday lso is a special" police officer in ta serve lunches to students oniihe tfid W e . d h e . s d a y / ' '•'••;'-. ' ,'• - " ' • ' : , . Jarwood! For tire past seven' wW;ks. ';first day'pf school.' •'. ;• •' •'•'. /- • * Teachers y/ill report.' a t , l p.m--; he has not been able to do wor<c;pf.| All new pupils who have not any kind.' - ' '. _ > • ':\' . -^' •• . J T-uesday and participate'in/a'-geri--'. • registered, previously are, requesteral' meeting at which- a n&riual/ The- immedia'te problem,,is the supervised fr WOOD — atudeQls_will adrn ittanct) ., , G A R W O 6 D '— An e'nrollrrieht of for their .guidance will be' distri»B • Waiting:, li,bl't. — ed tu doflt> prior.to' t h e opening summer playgrourid program spon- to any of: the five hospitals',equip-.buted and there, will'be a discusday of school. At the'time ofrcgis- return'to Jonathan' Dayton. Reg-* ped.'-tof do; the necessary type of approximately 525 students is ex- ion, of school rules'and regulations. sored' by the Garwood Recreation ional High School next Thursday, tration- a new pupil .must 'present Commission>vfbr bqrough boys and su'rgery — Deborah in Ne.w,Jersey; pected . as the 1965r66 school year CWss assignments; for teachers, to • his qffibial'bir.th certificate; trans-, September •9,.,it. vuasv announced, Walter Reed ahd the Neurbioglcal. girls paxrieto a-close pri Tuesday, as CUnie in Washington, D..C»;,Na-, begins at S.t- Anne's Parochial, •be finalized a t this time, will b» . fee car.ii frpm last school attended, by Robert L'aiVanture, principal, ' announced"n,ext VeeK..: - ' . .-,••' " artexhibitibnof.handicraft articles tibnal Institute of Htialth.; in School at 8:30 a£n- next Wednesand propt of vaccinationi polio and "Freshman r Day will be- held on. Aidditibnaii; workshop sessions// day, , itr wds repprted this week by We.dnesday, and aiiTrreshmen-vvill made by children at both the t i n - Maryland, a n d City of Hope Ipi diphtheria inoculations: will be.' conducted ;, Wednesday. " coin Schipol and Garwopd Membrial California. . After Jsurgery,' there the principal Sister Mary Chrysarir Pupife, registering for kindergar-. repbr.tjto tneip hbfnetoomsiat-' 8:25. don r ^ f i ^ r t tHe "sTaft"bT the building, meetings .an.d valescent;and' refiairAver.'^cenilworthi''" Park playgrounds was- held ; for. i f i .of s.^.:^..T-,r._v.-:..^..T^_._.r,.._._.,.;._Y year^ on'-or befote December'31 giv ' is'one'-'o'f more thanano' N'fwarkCollQgf.'of-Engineering students t'tuu laa.t. year.woe'860. The following bus schedule will this 'year. .flAejdlcjkl'examination- be followed on Freshman'pay and coinocnpoi. .. . , eight months. 'taking -part' in NCE's professional' developmerrt"..progjwfm. this . On the opening day. the start,bf for < the official opening* Of 'school forms. are • available'in the school everyday during the school -year: udging of the exhibits resulted With the desire to help, their, fel-j ilext.'Thursday;-' 1,". ''•,;'. • .„ ••.'•', suinmer. The pregratn requires that the' student h^v*e'k gpod ••office.-.. '• - , . ' \ ~ ' . . ' • •. V .'" Route V.—: 20th, : St. and Boulein - th&^wardihg .of prizes and cerr- low officer over'these .trying" days, classes, will be preceded by 'at* There will be a full session the scholastic;'standing'and spend one oi-.-rho.r summer^in work' that 11 e ') School offices arc open-Monday vard,' ,7:'55>*.a.m':(. Route 2V — 22nd tUicates to the'folio-witii? .winners four men on Garwopd's special tendaKce by the students in a .body lUuugli F r i d a y j j e t w e q n 9 aim. n : 1 1 St. and Boulevatd, 7.55 a;'m. 5 years — JFirst, >Ianpy; Je.r- police force got together, oia a pro-at a •Mass,-of the Holy .Ghost in the and ending at 3:15 p'.m; 'Lunch; Federal Piiqi-ffc Ele'ctri'c Cb. , pnc. stufdeni; has'been . 3- p . m . ' for" regist'ra^iofi of n e w jeot which would enable'the Spell- C h u r c h >of S t . A n n e , •"." -'•••• ' :.-', periods wilt be, on the same schedRoute 3 r—.. Harding S'eh,obL and tCr-iw, ^hc—N|P2_professional— pupils'. ''*•.''''.' * -•• ' ' some oi its' Classes will begin each' day. at ule as lastyear'.man" _ Dule'var3r"''7:55"'~ a.m.-; PeTnJjrooii deveibpment program; "He works iji the test laboratory, testingdifTeacher.,assignments are Michael McCarthy. obligation^ for'_ Vhile. They.-dearid Boulevard, 7:58- a.m.; Route «ifiirlpnK' mny rpgisfrrat tho,"' t h t d b t h lows-aeeor^Hn^-te^Anthoity-R-iehe^ 3 to'hold a card party and give g &.to H). — FIr!r (Continued on Page 2) , school office in. Franklin School. principal:, • Kindergarten ,-"- Miss V3 p;m._ Lunch period will be from Yawlak; second, Kathleen Sctzei; it's proceeds ,tb John. .'• . frbniffa.m.:to 3-:30 p.m. any week-'.- , 'Helene Austin, Mrs. May Relnert;. Thes^nitTi.ittee pffbur, Fred Gill, 1 2 . t O . . 1 2 : 4 5 'P-ffl.':.;'' ...','.:_. '•;•'.:' ;.' : V ' "^dy ^except -between ^ t Lab'or Lb' .Day) D ) bt third/Robert Fol. .. • first grade —. Miss Eleanor KaRalph Hudock, Joseph Fuentcs and Sister Chfsyarlthirie said there n6w and next Thursday."'.' • , Ages U l 2 r First, Patty Tru* r czynski, Miss Dolores Lynch,"'Miss Bradley, became',, a wiUbe,a-full schedule of classes on dedu; second and third, Joyce BeEdna Mulligan, Mrs., Sophie Eereight%heritheir wives eageag, gasse; honorable mention, Sally Bi- te e of eight%heri'their h i d ^ ' peras. -.-. , • , . -...,. / ; l j i d i h t h f f t Th joined ihythe effort. The WOT-; the'opening-day. VirAtA'i' • : . ^ J - , : ' • • , • , ''••' erly Maib, '•' .Second grade r—. Mrs.- Marilyn very phase of' t h e \ Tho school, which .has" 14 classmen organized hfjgah '•TH<>' - Mao Kobkt-Mrs: Awn 'aftarr,' rooms for.. students from •kinderon'July '6, with activities at Lin fuutwurkr 'Rpypt-ly TJn-nn; awarded to oldveround champions ' T .nf'rxit'H ; garten -through ' eighth grade, is Republican Municipal Chairman • coin School from 9 Ja.'rni to noon at the. cloge of. the', eight-week .grade— Miss Kathryn Jufi;ubiak,' Response was immediate!; staffed by.theBei?nardine ^Sist. : KENI1LWORTH..'—: An enrolland at Gdrwopd Memorial -.Park summer^ Reason sponsored . by th^e (Continued on Page. 6) and M!r^ yictor L. Nenieth of 679 in •Garwopd donated ment "of 715 is expected on Wed-Borp.ugh Recreatipn Committee." ' from SI a.m. to S p.m., Monday merchant Willow; Ave. entertained Saturday^j merchandise *— three aobr.'prized nesday as classes start at St. Ther- >dhampipns at the Sheridan A,yethrough Fridays..-. Cpntest-j- wen ahd-48 dai'k h^rsesT^ronvXlampa to night at- their home for_thc local' . esa's Sqhool at 8:30 a.m., it was re-i i e ' field wei-e:. Teterball, iFa-ank conducted at both f ields 9tach Wed: grease -jobs' to "meat slicers. The members of the Republican Counf 1 ported by Sister Le'o, principal.^;' Rica; nbk-hockey, Marc .'.Glacbse headay, ••• while ' Tuesdays • and ty .Committee. - : ',,.-; -of the Cranw0od\were Last/year 712 students wwfe^ex- and Mai-y An'n Mbscoj.foul shoot^1 Thursday^ \verp4%Vi»t.cd' to haridir! o n a t e d •* ' • • ' • " ' • ' ' -'• • • • ttonbred guests "were the two ppcted;on opening' day; Armas's tng; . Brenda Cree , and James crafts and Mondnyii and Fridays GCg?;candidates for Borough Coun. ight, ano~a bs(sk«t of good cheer ..._. Borough: Kenil-; •^ere free.p|ay_days._ w J marking, the' opening of the school |-Lehnhoir.;'-boxrp -hockey; -.Joseph '.. ;; ; cil and'thteir wives,~Mr;'and-Mrs.; ras" pteserited" by. the. rij'ayor ~ &ytl' Mb'sda's office rn -the Borough '.Kanilvaf season will be celebrated by ,Re\T. Rica and .Karen Meier, and check.by -St. Under' dircctionL, of,- RccreviUori orough "Cotmcil.. "will be open eight evenings Calvifi Martin,"and ,Mr. . «nd Mrs.:"-' KENlLWORTH- —' A theatre Vlvestecje: McVeigh,' pastpr, at 9ers, Edwai'd, Parrott. and Christine siiSi: parish will iitart'Satur- Supervisor Pat' pifcabio,"Miss Judy .Approximately 100' .people ;sat Hall 1 William Trelea.se. •/". ' .. ' • : this month for the-convenience ,pf party -at the CineramH, -Mohtclair, m s Monday, / v . , . ..IMermuth. p-\ •' ;>. • , ' . . - ' . - . day ^md.^^ntimis'.'tb -Saturday, Mason served'as general supervisorbthers present included Mr; and' 1 ;own fb play cards fpr John Spellpetsons. wishing; to register to vote Kindergarten . pupifs will start is planned, Wednesday; September The trophy, winners, at the Mich- September'1^.from 6 t o . l l p.ra'i for"the summer- playground ' pro- man. .'Refreshments were hostumr in the'November.2 General flec- Mrs; Charley Hprbacz, Mr, andv classe's'Ta wefklater, oh Wednesday, •13, by the Kenilworth; Senior ^Citgram and also, as' counselor.at LiriMrs; .Jpseph Wisnosky,- Mr,', and September 15.' The morning, kin- igan Avenue field were: Boys'."-box oa'ch night on tfta school, grounds coln .'School, and, Miss'Diane Gal- ling block. The wJ^-es of the'may- tion. .'• ..-•'.. .. ..••.•..•.. •/••.''„.izens Glub. '.•' , .. hockey, horseshoes,; James MeMrs. HenryrPiekarKkij Jr., and Mr. ; r, council members, regul&r find .The office will be open until 9 dergarten will start at 8:30 a.m., 23rd St... lagher-,was in charge of activities - .The group- will' lcav<? from Kasat Monro.e,.Ave1 an 1 Aleayey; boys' smash, Steven'Kru-r' *>nd']Vti-S. Arthar b « ! ' s c n ' ; ' ' ;pecial.'^oUcemen aa'd.. Civil p e r . SejptentbiirS, ,J3,;• 15,.JLi^?,•} barlan Hall at. ife:3.6 p.m'.to" attend ,a,nd the afternobp session"'at 12:30 pinskl; girls* checkers,'-,Adole .Su- ; Ey^ry ;-evening utj-^'^ '^ o'clock a t . ' M e r h b r i a l P a r k . '••—•.-:•*-— ;•'•: .•....'Staffers' "all."baked.; cakes.! 23;/Septfeniber ;23 Ts j | i ^ n g " K "'•' Mi'ss Masbn"will"begi tf TicFsehTiff .. a ^performance of "The. Greatest lenski; gfrlii* \>ox hbc&ey. Patricia chickeh, and. shrimp dinhQVs will year at>Ti-enton State College this hofifi- that, were .np^used in thedeadUhe-i w- 'rfi»K'terine:to votfaonl and.the Womenls. Republiean Club' ^ 1 .....Sister Loo .Reported th.at^Uie,lir Chambersj p oy s' - hok- hpckjcy, be 1sqrved., Xhere will b JfosephT^Mc--' address trans'- fyere-'-Mr. .and November, also tor ' Of'coffee ^and": cake Avere mortth, anU Mlss GalUfgher will'be; v •.; .'.JClqsti Wedriesday;_'•• 4_^__. memfcers bVfiry has • 31000! "vblurncs7 ' cata-r Lloyd. Buritele; boys* ••• che.cfeprs, net on Labor^Bay with a v f e r s ; - ~ ' . ' ' r '•'.:••'' -•"' •t (Continued'ori Page 2j • participated .in. a bus ^trjp 'to As- •lijgued adcbrtilng'tb .ag&In a pro-Kenneth : Surhoff;. girls* horse- Kpaghetti dinner being served. \ . a sbphbrribr^ at Montclair. State 1 ^ c o l l e g e . • ;•,, ' . \ . • ' •, •••''••'.. . bury Park. '•••.^•••' ' '*'••••• ject 'Sponsored by the /Roedry So-' dii Sunday 1. dinner • Will, b e f shops, Lyni? Ciimmings; girls' foul Birthday-anhiversaries . b£ five ciety, ,mothors who;have-had ,pre-' •shbptingi'Piatricia '.Cha:mb'?rs;..glrls| served from 2 p.nl; to,6'p.m., dnd members• • "will• ^be-'-ce^ebrated -^on viouslibrary.'cxpGrience will staff, nok-h&ck-ey, J | j i there \villlje rides "for the children ; '..-..•'•• ••"• • Friday, Septerrtber 10, They, are; the library. drndng* this time. ;There-*wiU be nd. and glrl-a" te'therbajl,. Lynn : Findlay Grant, Peter Longi,. Mrs; •' Classes •will be taught by 11. lay m l n g s . , • > , ; • • bb<jkJ.hs OpehN on this day, flnd trie '•'.-.•••-•.• • . : , - • . . teachers and 8 nuns, .; •./. (Continued on Page 6) • KfirniVsVi wilfcnot he heMlSiindii evening. "week; ;v .Johnnie and the'Rumbloru will P pp l i c o entertain' 6n\Saturdayj and other b : J g and •wei eJnves,ttgaUng a.braiking groups will 'appear nightly, eh try try at at the the Garwo'odCoin Garwo'od,Coin Shop,eh Shop There will be boouis,' ,348.' North Aye,'v in which coins rides,; , prizps, eritertai'hmerft xand valued •'at" $7j500 -to $_8,00fl, and reXreshmontK. Prbceecls will beii- stamps -.worWi at' least $1,250 wore cftt the St. Theresa's .church build-* reported'stolen." ing f u n d . - ' . " ' . • ' • .- , • ' ' . ' . N AntKony Mi-ckiewicz," proprietor of .the _ adjacertf'. .Townii Sweet Shoppo, noticed .that the rear door : of.the <K)in shop whs ppen1 when, he parked-his car, in back .of the .boiklihlg fit 7:1$ a.m.- Mondtiy and; notified poUce.\; Investifiatibn-revealed that'entry. / • - . - • • • • Classes Start September 9 At Dayton , .u-.., _ . 1 - . . : ^ > 0 . v ; ; . u , ! j ; , h ( i a r t / s l j r ^ e r y > Expert 525. End Seasonx WithExJwMt EnroUmehl MM. l ies piom At Committee St. Theresa's Karnlval Set For Senior Citizens t o See Film, 'Greatest Stoty' • ' M W ' } m ' ! . . 1 ' . ;• ; • . . ' • , • ' ' . ' . " . - . ' - . • . . •. • • . ' • ; . ' . '': ": , • • '• '..-'•:" • • Evening Hoiirs For Eegistration * • -. ; glara ARE NOW EFFECT A t ;stoh; '':/. Bus Schedule Told For bus .schedule for Kenilwbrth'soph- the front, prying open a screen beomoi^es attending Governor1 Liy-n hind the .filasii 'and releasing the ingstqn RbgionaJ High'-School has catch .on .the front door; . x been, .announced lor classes startAccording""to the police, the loof ing Thursday, September 6 . ' •ivom the p'6in department included ,^The'. schedule is, as- .follows; gold i^ioces ahd-silver certificates Route' l«-c 7.;30, a.m., start at Oak and the stamps'were in" the form and' Michigan Ave!?.; 7:33 • a,.m., of folders or'mint sheets. . " Monroe and Michigan. Avt's,;: 7:36 The shop is operated by Samuc a.m.,. Washington ,andr~!iyii€higan Pitol of RoKOllejncl: Edward Billson l Aves.( ;.7;39 a.m.,< 22nd St.' and of'Cranfard.'-eJoalers ih coinsj-arid Boulevard; 7:45 a.m., Springfteld iyiam Manvell of UoSell, prppriAve. and Mill Lane, Mountninside; etor of the stamp department.' 7:47' a.m., Mill--Lane and Glen Rd.; 7:49,a.in., Rutgirrs Rd;'and Sunrise Pkwy.; 7:51 a.m., Sunrise Pkwy. and Vaasa.r Rd. . • ' • Route 2 —' 7:35- a,m., Fairjleld cl. Michiftim. Aves.; :7:37 a.m., Clinton and ^Michigan Ayes.; 7:30 a.m., Passaic and Michigan- Avesi; GARWOOD —- Two "datt?s fo 7:41. n'.m., Newark and. Michigan Givl Scout nicotines havo been an -Ave.s.; • 7:43 a.m., Quinton- .and nbunc'ed) by Mrs.- Victor, L. fJernctl' of 67"9 Willow", Ave., chnirman 0 -_Route 3 - r 7:35 a.m.,/'20th St. the Garwood Community .of th> and Boulevard; 7:38 .a.m.,- Hard- Washington Rock Girl Scout Court ing School and Boulevard; 7:41 cil. . #. ..- . • , :</m., l-2th; and 13th St. and Boule- '"'The service tenm will meet F'r'i vard. . day,-September 10, at .10 a.m. n , Route^. — 7:35 .a,m:,^20th,St. Mrs. Nurnetli's home;- Th6 tesinand MxTiiroe Ayt\"'.'^':3^.'A.in.,"nth comprises' orgi'mizirs, consultant St. and MWtt-oo Ave.; 7:39 a.m., and ofl'j^ofs. , \. . 11th St. and Monroe Ave; 7:41• Tho tirst community 1 associatioi ci.ni., '8th• St. and Monroe Ave.; meeting, will be held oil 8 p.m. 01 7:43 a.m., Pembrook andBoule- Wedno'sdiiy,: Septombpr\l5, iti th Viird. • coun.cil room of Borough Hull. Th .service team and leaders u'nd'.co 1 lenders will uttcncL^Leaders - ar llcgulai* limn !) to Siiirt '.asked to. invite troop conimitte Al Kcnilworth Library mo'mbe/s if (hoy have been 'chose: by thnt. time. „. > ' ' '. KENILWOHTH — -Rgulnr hour will Uu'rtttunied'tucsday. at the Kt.'n|lworth_-F).-ci> 1'iiblic- Library, Srffith Ave. Plant Eiil<;re< Mrs.- Geitrutl'e .O'Regai>,"librariaii, GARWOOD<-» Afjower saw-tin' Hi Kennedy- half-dollars were re ;innoun(;t!cl. . I" "The 'library' willjbe npun from r/orttd stolen in a . breaking' an 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. each weekday and entry. :y't tho Bav_bnne tool an from a,a.m. t<) 1 p,m. ou^Satu.rduys.- Miunilacturint! Go,, 37 South Av.c peW^Wbrtttayr-Wtfdwy-day' ;'t»utl fvw iiis'ht's the'1.library Will be were the property of personnel a, a ? p.in.-to 0 p.m. - l " • . , ) > . " . ' ' Red, white, and tttiie arithmetic Girl Scout Meeting Dales Told for Leaders ' ft -all "acids "P to the.fact that If you're looking for safety in nu.m~ United.States Savings Bond^^are a frets, try; these figures .on United States Saving? Bonds^;,. .-: . mighty hard-v,-orkiiiK irivest'ment;. ."' Millions of Americans have fourifll The value of Saving.s Bonds ridd'a . .tip at a safe, steady, rate.' When. : Bq.nd.s the star-spangled way to.save. That figures, dpesit'tit?. ,. ^ your Bonds are held 4o"maturity;, you get back .$4 for every ?3 that you -inveat. And that interest is Quick facts, about .1 guaranteed. . . , 'St'n'es E Savings Bont/s .J. ;. Fin-thermore, you don't,pay any state or local income tax on E Bond' V You pot back $ 1 ior tvery $3 at •maturity . . . " . interest. ..The "federal income* tax: income maV be deferred until you' V \'ou can Ko your wfoncy when you need it caa]v them.,' When' you need,',.tl\e V Yoiir KO.IUIH lire rcpIactMl .free if cash, your Borids convert in a j.ilVy. lost, (icHtroj-cd or stolen^; . But the best part of the Savings V You can buy Uonds where you Bond equation doesn't show up on bunk/or on the Payroll Siitirtgb Plan where you work the tables-—the pride you am fed •thfit yoTir money i« put to Avork Buy. £ .Bonds tot growth— H- Bonds idr. current incoma . helping to strong the it freedom's /cause throughout the world. Buy U.S. Savltigs Bonds •'•;'.• • £ • • . STAR-SPANG'LED SAVINGS PLAN '• ' •• • • - • j ^ . •• . - ,T/m ' ..l*-,(Mnvn)jinfiii( Joe* Vnif put/ fc*r t},Li-tiilvrrti#tin'ni\ ' .^. ...^_:..L'R-Y«J .* • • • • . - v , It y-i.prft/nl^i} ' • . * at'a publin ' • Mtryict, in "coopiratto.u U^/i^/i^ i r w u r y Department and'Ta$ 4>dvtrilling Council'• • 'j • ' ", . • » SEDANS :0 CONVERTIBLES and • STATION WAGONS 1965 AM 1065 CLASS! SEDANS • HARDT0PS ; CONVERTIBLES • STA. WAG. BbtH 6 Cyl. and 8 Cyls. "v • - HARDtOP STATION WAGON 1965 AMBASSADOR * and 1965 MARLINS 2 TO dHOOSE FROM 1965 CLASSIC 550 4-DOOR SEDAI^H Standard Transmission Heater andJ Defroster Seat Belts " Outside Mirror White Wall Tires $ Don't Be Left Out On Our Early Bird Leftover Sale MILLER •.'.''• Pranthised Dealer for. Cranfprdj . . . » . SHOWROOM: 420 South; Ave., W., WestfieM (Near R.R. StajHon) - , PARTS & SERVICE: 369 Soyf(i' A v g V i g ^ " ' " ? '"" * AD 2-24: ••' , - v i . . -•, • . ' I J 0 " . . . " • • • " V • ' . y • . * . • ; • » . .; • - , . . • - * . < " , ' • ' \ , . • • - • • •••: 7 • • • • • .• \ ' ' , / j • " . " ' yi • •• 't '...li. /' 'I- . ~ ~ ' . . • * .V '-•• i-> f I '.' • ' •« • ' - /'' '• ' ' . 1 •; 1 , 7-501 a.m.; Neydrk.Asve •yjQX'kv- • '•••: .•:.•••;•:••. •;..•"•;'•*..?-•••:•:•• ai;y-'.pf'. the p s w o o d ' 'pemocralTCTT'Glufi'i^i'li;.'ba.'.hcld'.,6'n.:Eli'iAayil'.S!5p,-v.-'. 4Q 'play's; '/LtberiLj. ^AqKes,''45;';, 648 P h i A & t I 2 d by •; alrhjci jtt -.jiXw/r • A '-gira nd : ; totsl • 'pf. t()'),iibG.r''..iliT.at'>.^• -iyirtvr' a ^ t?^. : C i '"'^P i ',' '• ••'• •«" -Should t'Kere be'dhy citizens still .wishing, l.-d'.'.have a. ?t)ai:t', -in .this; •;:'M,eh(ily iojvn'..' projfcci,ihejr'. may s ' • ' " • ' . ; • . • ' . . ' • . • • : ' ' • ' • • ' • • " ' . . ' " ' • ' . ' . ' ' • • ' . ' " • ' I ' • ' • ' . w o b ' d j •'•"•'/• ii'1 "The Stew• .-Fashions tor".ihi? fail'and' w i n - .'; ardship «f .Labqi-" has %eeii"select'-' ter *wfl,l' b e • showji.. 'Ml, Th^'" s ='= BHilge^ fashion\ Shtrjy " by -liev. Jatncs •'Gp'opei:,' past^t JHi'^'EHe'-' MaJaftpwskx i^'c"- •--•---" '-'BU 'LttCu'st Avo.'t1vvl^y^rtewt* trotta^ •' 11'lu1 •' Cpnimuhit.y. ji; Mo$h6dJ8t/ /"'GAKWOOP. •*- .Tli6 l.Hlrd aii'nu^lrerVtthes'ijecia|'6fficer 1 cp^nut .^reiUdeht of the KicnilwOTiHTSuE Cburchy.ras..h t^pj. : $, V kENlLWORTHi-The annual-Jail fashion-.'Sjfib'W nlaiy be puj'ch'aseci\Crom (ilub trieriv- . tee:'. Tf-by aiieclc, h e slilcs'-iM- U "be Leagu.0, hjas appointed,John Calla- ;m;. "iery-i.pe Sunday. •.Ljitebx. Day tfeS6ei't bridge' and srponsored by the 1 Womeh'S 'AUXUIT bci^; ar• Mty,iMaianowsjki. •.',. ••'•'.'. . made, payable* to 'John, Spejlman. h'ari,. Fried";Kc^lly'.and Art'hJuri.SuLT. ^ ^upcUy, W.i ; ,i f .:;. ^ : gpn .Aa/e,, ^.7:fi'5y8°tniy ••'Titoule 8~'—~• •thirs':.efi;ort-wiil;not.^nd With th'o , • The!.. regular,',• SuVi'day'.. J'wop^.i^. the . | :'. iDomo'cratic QrgaHizatiorji bhder the •Pass&i'e ' and Michigan A^ej}.,. 7.:B'0' Ss card' ^ r i y . . ' On '"October;; 6,, tfo^fc ; : tee. ,;/;^ lft^j.;slpt-e" Qf .Officerii' Will schedule and Sunday^ehbprciQ PS ,; direction ;qf "Walter Ei'Borl'ght, Jr.,,, a.,m.; I2rh.a"nd' l3th ^ t s , on Bbu'le-: Will ,bn a 'newsjiaper and magazine, : will resferrie'iSUriday.i^cp'tefn:p;er1-2, ; .'.:.pre$telent. ••',' . " ' . • " , ' w ."' : . • vard-, TiS^'d.m'.' • •;.•' •; •'.-.•;; ... •',''\:.' coU^cliOn; '.Until .then,."ill G.arat 9:30-'an.fi:.li • a . m i . , •"•;''-'. Route •p'.-^-.iXXit St. and Monroe. -.,' . Since' th'c group started1 its ;Tirsf 'wpodians'aire asked to save them, oti' Sept'ernber 20 »t ^the Rnnch .jA.f:rrleet(rj t a k f Aclyaiwtag^ Of Our l ( ijfe7qj.Sidiy. ' V i sch^bl l^ drive ih March. 1^6$ approximately Ave., 7:50' a.xn.; 7th £t. and BoiuV t6.\sh6w. fellow,, citizen John Spell1 1 •te?tcher"sv will be' held at S . p»rh'. H o u s e . ' . . • ; . ' . •• ;•" s ' \ , . i . : ' • • : 600 new votqrs-haye tjeen added to 'yard, 7:55 a.m.; Route : lQ-—-20th rriari -once- ogaln- whslt a friendly ' ' ' " I " " ' "'" The: annual ^Itfle^teague^icnjp, •Wednesday; '•; ,thev,16cal registrittc?n. lists, .Nil-;.Bo-. St. and' "Monrge Ave., r7:50-;; a.tn.j town Garwo.od.really i s . • . ., '; ; ; : will be heldfrom 12 to 4 p.nt-^n' , .'right said, and' o^thU.tf ip|al' abC'ut 17th"'fet.',and.,Monroe Ave., ,7:5&SatiiFday; £epte.Sriber ' 18,, •. at trife50d 'have registered''through the NOW* with Your GpAL : Little" League field'. ,".' • Card of Thkrikft efforts'Qr^hje "Yqung .Democrats." •: Route ' i b —i p a k artd Michigan : All-boys who played'ball .this •'• .'Last; y.ear the group found morc Aves.,: • 7:50 . a.m.; Monroe -and ^Ve^iBh to -express our deepdfjt • -than:500 uhrcgistfeVed persons and Michigan Ayes,, 7:53 a.m.; Wash-. ar^Ks ': and. appreciation, to thepast season are invited-to attend; :;..,.::v.:.;...../$19.95' were'able to; get' 350, to, register. " ' and Michigan Aves,, 7:5Q, MISS SUSAN STAIGER many friends, relatives and ac-Trophies-, will- b,e presented. t,o the. Worth. reBidertt^-had; their. diriylrig 1 •,;,.::v->,...;:.$19:5Pp championship tearris and .the all; This, year the fcltib will coiicfentrate quaintances . for the gifts i6( food, s t a r t o a m s . ''..• • ' , ' . . " " ;'",• •• ';; ,.-,;•. iicense^;. revokecTHmder th^ stated .••'•; 'on encouragj,n.g the 150 "hold oiifcJ" Route. 12^- Newark andMlch^ lowers, cards and sympathy and 1 The' Bdys iivill e.rijpy .games .and point jsyiHern, •' it* was annouhced l o r e g i s t e r . . .-• • V " . '•••'' • • . ' : '..;' ; [ • • ' •' every ,,act of'.kindness eidenfiad igan' .Aves.,. 7;55;. a.m,; Harding refreshrtients.' Serviiig s on the by MiiS, JiMe Streredd^Jire'ctor ot Serving.oh the -drive committee School, 7:59; .Route 13 — ' 22nd ta us f'rtiiowing the ios'^ of 'bu-r .'beInc. thfe ftpw jf'ersey .Dlvislo are John H. Goxi Miss Nancy L. Loved mother. • . , comrflittee are 'Mr:' fcerger, "Jacob V e h i c l e s . , . • " " • ' • '.'• ; '."•'•... Sit. and •' • Boulevard, 7:55 a.m.; &2726 HUnter 60059 .liVesteryelt, Thomas Smith, M « . Rein', .Miss Christine E. Ritter,' Harding.School, 7:58 a.m. ; , .'.'•' ' .Throiigh;ihe-grief that we must They are: Herbert R. Eisner, J l V Lsrrjr Pugliese, Mrs. Westeryelt, • Raymofia ]R» J?atete, Mi?s Patricia 1405 Hardirt^ Ave. (Cor/W, 15th St.) 'r •The. exchange b^.s, Route ,14, Mrs! •";John Adamec, • Mrs, -Walter •of' 30 Dorset pr.,.revoked. Augujit A.(Rein,' Bernard P. Dubroski. and 'it's' -ruce 'to know you really transports .'students from Kenil: .KENlLWORTH — Miss Susan ^ 1 1 BURNER INSTALLATIONS , FREE ESTIMATES •10 for one month; Ronald,p. ^ofchv '•• • Walter,fc.Diercks.' <.' '•'"• ;• ';• aueff. Mrs. Otter: Ralrnpri.dt and W'orth yrhp will .attend, ffi'thur ll: \ -. . c a r e . '' '"'• •'. '*••.> "-•• " ] ' ~ 20*, of. 61 Artjor St., July J9i. ifl.r .: Staiger, daughter" of • Wtr!, and -. ; . Kenilworth has passed the 4j500 vs} Tiheod'or'c Adam's. : [. ' . •.:, . The ITevilie JFamlly _ ; _ Johnson " Regiohal High School; " ' '"x, : m a i - l r '{W". •"•&•> t o t a l ^ f Mrs..Kurt'B. gjaigerof 572 QuinClavk, or. ihe'GovcivuQt; L.ivirigpton y . the'1/highest ever attained Regional High S'chooi, Berkeley 6n Ave., will ,^e gwidaated today by the borough,,Mr. Boright said. Helights/.. The bus -will start at from Somerset Hospital School of : d0ne by;the Young. Deijrio.crats'Jjas BeJen' the ratio' bj regisr Michigan and'.-Fairncid Aves. at tfursing* >.EJbmerville. • . • . ' . ,•:.• terdd •^pemoehats' and registered 7:^5 a.m.' imc| will pick up. stu- . Miss Vstaiger' ...was graduated R.e'publicans>ctiange from'.,3^2'Be-, dents ktong th«. route listed and from Jonathan.' Dayton. Regional '.pltblicftn edge, to £> hear even split "transport them : to a central point with: the Re'pub.llca.hi^s$ll holding in Mountainside' where they- will High School, Springfleld, .Classy of ;ha.nge 'registered'Vafers, there'are'Spprbx-' ichool, ahe-:.ha£.acepfed .a-', position as - The routo. In nr fol imately 1,300 Uemocrfltst 1;: JUi'gicai nyi-se tlT Lhu ' Oyef y g g publicans "and: the; balance in the „ in: and Fairfield Aves. to "Monroe Av^jvkar.ting at 7;3,5' aftn.; Monroe rob"m a t Colurrtbia • S>resbyteridri undeclared category,:he noted.'.'.',••» AVG. to^S^th St.:; 19th St. to Boul- 'Medical'. Center, New 'Y'brk,. anci to South'. classes at.CoU BRENNAN&T0YE Ipririgfiel'ci ,: Ave.; ' to : Broad St, BfcAUTYBOX ila University, New York. ' •• : (Continued from Page 1). -•' Westfle'ld; i5" w:ob(jla,wn Ave.;' to ' Prdfessioridl Perimhknt PLUMBING — HEATING WINP3OR-WBW.T0M 4 —• .12th ancPl3th Sts.1" on Boule- New Providence ,Rd.; to a central Coloring, Hair Styliny. Frir op TINNING oint ^7-:55-lain^,Jlembr<?Qh and pbintmenfr call r BRidge 6-0269 (Contiriued~Trolr7Pa ge""Jl) In the' first afternoon run from CBANFOB* 200 SOUTH AVE , E EASELS 12 SprlntHeli Avenue Jenewein Volkswagen Jonathan Dayton, the drop 6JT old at tho ond of Uic patty. Teen15 Alden Strcct^^ Cranford points; Wilt be_>Route 1 —. Michi- age daughleis of townspeople do' BRidge 6.0092 PICTURE FRAMES , V OLKS W A G H gan and 'Quinton Av,es.; Aoilte 2 ; nated thoir sciiices as w CHAPMAN BROS. Sale* atra" Servltio " Coopt'iation al-4O was acc<>idud COAL Michigan arid. .Newark; Aves; ^Compleio Line Of Plumbing & fieating Contractor* DOOLEY Tpt|AY T^UtU- TUESPAY Rpute. 3 -v Michigan and Passaic by industiies of the town, fiom New iind U«ea Cam — Trook» HAftTIG PAINT SHOP JOBBINQ — OIL BURNERS Peter O'TGOLE James MASQN Aves.;•.•Michigan 'and' 'jfcirfield which ovoi' $200 wat. received. SUtlon W»roi\r— Km*te»nn-Gh««» LpVELAND Fuel Co., Int. FUNERAL SERVICE AIR CONDITIONING *' Many poisons who coufd not acOpen Fri. Eveft. Modern BeDalr Facilities and 6o6r Shov Antborlied DUtrlbator tves BRidge 6-1320 . FPKEBAL ffTe""atta-ir lh nr .6-6290 A —• TRth St. and Boule•BB JU2B40 w E. s 101 N. Phonot BRidge 6-025S tes, added L u thu lum.1, vatdV Rovite '5 ,— 18th'St.; and Genuine - = ^"— «1B North Ave,,' 1V> BoUlevai'dj Route. 6 -1— Sth:I St. and EDWARD-G. LEDDEN . r KOPPERS COKE iBoulevardj'iROute J''— .Pembroo'k &SON • AUTO DEALERS * BRidge 6-1144 ire. and Bpultivard, 12th and 13th and .2'1'st Si., .7:4:3;a;ni.i: l^ute-.6: ^ . ' F a i r e d ' $ M .jMichi^-ivAyes.,. 7:50 nfflf-Qiiiuiiftn.fjndr MK'hi^att -^ V 9 S 7-:53";a.rp, ,•'Route'.7 , " • ' ?* ' ' ' ' • • ' • ' • - , • ' * " \ ^ ' " ' " ' ' > k * ' *» ; 0 w • a . m . . ' ; , " , , ' • , • : • . ' - ; ~ ~ . • '* • ' , : • • . • • • ' • ' ' ' • • • • • • ; ' • ' • ' ' • • • Nursitig School Fw Mi$$ Staigei SIMONE BROS. COAL & FUEL CO., ' • ' ' ' : P.APID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS. HOUJSJE Friendly Town Funeral Doctors p * Legal Notices S •. - T h n j t S . , F r L gi.T.at^' Jlfti" t v' ' •••• ; l: It6*rt" •.....;.. 3;3p. "tdrd Jim"" ,.; .,..•.".•...,.„;,•...•..;.. .1;'8:45 ".Yolirchi<atlh Iltarf; ....::.. 3:2b,- "f, It "Lord Jim". ..A,,.'....;.:':..:. VAi, 5:20/9:23 "Yoiir Cheatin Iloarf• 3:40, 7:S0 BMtN THEAT8B FOOTHILL PLAYHOUSE EVBS. 8:ib7 WED. ttru SA*. ~ AVG. .SB," 2«lii 21, 28. s . . v - \ • ' . • " ' . • : • • " • . • • . • • ' • • • • ' . ' ' • "THE 1WO MRS. •ftur witlv- them—a. S5tf00—oh«Ut xti-tuarnncy for (inch ,u>t of documontu iiO obtamod Iho Utposlt will be refunded upon liie rtt<irn of tho documontu 'within ievon (7) dnyi after award of coutract <wr re Joctlou of hid An uittltthrnt ot Surety ^Iffned by 1 Suroty caimiiuiy ^uttioi \/ad to do busincs In Mow Jl'rsry nhall nccomnuny tuth ptrail for rxejeution of continct on li^iitd AIR CONDITIONED WED., THTJRS. — ll.BO NOW THRtT^fTJESlJAY . Continuous Pcrformauwi tiab'or D»» •'Mttunlflcehtly &ctod>- one of th^yoor's -best" •':'. . . .'•dVE' '• ' • . - ; • - ^ i nj o y f u l .•,,' • ;%' Coloi- - r 1 ' ' •'• , .•'' • ' MASTROlAWTNI „. JC AT '1. P.M. •• . •-.. •; ' ' • • ( - • ( i i i i - 24-Hour Towing FtJRNrtURE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1 'GAT BALLOU" - RES,! StT 9-0604 6 South Av«. TYARUSSI'SAUTO BODY SHOP AUtharlaMi <Ol.DSHQlltlI, ' B»Ie» abd, Bsrrlof PRESLEY . "TICKLE MK" iSTARTS WED U SEPT. 8th AIR CbNpiTIONED PlRK SHOE REPAIRING 22 AMsn St. , Cranford MARKETS 1-South A»». % " 6ui;'«fl(p,erieiici>;eitiiileB. lia. -to.' soKyo.any l a m p . o t ^ lampshade- orolj^in.•<-. 40, yesara HOMEMADE BOLOGNA & SALAMI TEMPESt THE W O O D L A W N db. S / ' J v S H A W , ' P r o p / - . ' . ,. l' . We FnrHomo • Tree.Feedine 7.65 '(i«jr. SUPER MARKET --,<UWli<nr<>rt.v:-' : PRODtl€T§, l , "' Home ' ImBrivement' PTftdnot* •• SloVm Window* A ; B o o n - . .-'1--^:, B B 6-8205 : ..-••..•'. 162 South Aye.. W., Union County Buick Co. •• '.' SAVINGS,* 4 « 6 - S 0 8 « •',•'....' •••; • ; . / .26 T«lip St. Tby/N TAVERN FUEL OIL •'.;•.'••,;' \,Auth*ri»*av. . " E S S O HEAT -f^: FUEL Oil." SHEwbomustbelovedL "Gl^tHAPPY'' Tony Randall BarbaraEden '• l SAVINGS «*•*»•• ' W.. ' • ' ; l h " e . ' •;•••• ' . . ;• V • • • '• • • PLTMOXJTH GAT BALLOU" "World Without, Suh" this summer's last big . xNoa, *B uonraA AD3-109I North A**- KT 238 CH 5-1885 Bt-. ' • - J ' ' fling.,. circut ^ itul Otip1 p. >«» park closes for season . •, Monday night. • • . :• 415 Centennial A**. . r Alsoi TOP HIT i'frngs MOVING and STORAGE * 3 Wolrth .' Automobile Painting MENRV P. TOVVNSEND Authorized DUCO ReflnlsHln BOlpY «ukl FENDER WORK thrfusc Enamel Reflnlsbjni M Truck LetteriU* North to the • C A D I L L A C Salo« * Servlo* v Gilnranleed Ui»a Caw P L B-Ba«l -'tffjftt " HOMES * CRANFORD HALL SCARBROUOH doXVALBBOKNtS II Aort K«k»t« — Wwproof Buildln«« Re«l»tor«d MurMa In ch»rg« Gutters - Leaders Ji Tax goals today tjie same as in. lincoln's time, minds 'internai Revenue, — -tp'iufpitd h lot thV 8JoV.ornrpent' to WAK,N(«T AVB., ' ANFOBD, N, J . The American Cancer Society: urges allv adult Ameticang to do two .things to protect themselves ' agaiwst "cancer. One .is to* have:; a medical^ check-up yearly no matter : hbw' WelKyou feel,' and ' t h e ' othej1 is to learni. dWd ..heed t h s " Se.yen Danger Signals. ,.:• -, - . , HAROLD F. BENNER BEAUTY SHOPS IDS Mila St. • , * Cranfotd .(«i»to, run*., Exit uav ••• BOtJTH AVENUR I t LAING MOTORCAR co. • REPA1H4 DOHS OH THE • j i e s Cutrcnt.Bate 4 * BAlifl AND BERVIO« Oouu>l»(« TtWF tin* " $ "' ,. Call BR 8-1471 swimming, rides, games, ^\f" refreshmenls, concerts, .•novelties,'Kidclielarld .'.". , KENlLWORTH, Eoul.v.rd * l C«nf«lr HIZABETH, E. J«r«ej »t J*H«r«on UNbBN, N. Wood n«»f Elm ElMOttA, Elmata • ! J*r«*V UNION, Shjyv««»nt n»»r V»U)< Kail N O ; ELIZABETH, N » w . r k n.»r North C B A W 6 0 P . So. Av». »1 So, Unlort ROSELLE N & LOAN ASSOCIATION ;/ HOLIDAY WEEKEND Poo/'«/w«y» 10 «..<» : ' p- »"'• B AUGUSTINE MOTORS .•••• StATlTS WED., SEPT. 81h CHI DREN UNDER 12 F R E E B,'/^r;s«n«/.y,w;U-Jv, Bale* • WAtCHIS I, CLOCKS • ^ i ElvlB PRESLEY- _..Sholloy FABARES Gary CROSBY :<'>? FACES Of DR. L^O" *ss§5^' • • . Korth OlOVWilMAYBR Pf^fiiitsASWIAR WAMMER PRODUCtlONr-H. RJOER HA66ARDS AnthoriaeiJ ' 7 TICKER _ '•.. • • . Complete Package Store 6-5477 "OPE^ATIOiN CROS§BOW'# .' C T « r t i f o r d ' « Ct Short BI»ck» from t!»t Plynioutti-VaU.nl . Jf'-'ZH' * CaU BlOdcw B-1144 NORTH AVK.; » . • Tree REPMRING LlQlipR STORE : 1 PL .,-••'& , VromDt, Oonrteooj Serrle* F01.43M Braolji(fo ;.,. eVrunbis if ' • Dangerous T*ee»"A. SpeeJ»itr>' "•'.;;•:.,; BRidge 6-360T ; 29-35 Bl M e . St^llnd.n Cranlord nfdim diMnttmrii BBp.viioK BANK " F t t t BANKiiifO iBEItyiCE: • N<a,Ptifrkirlig problems CLARK STATE BANK . LOVELANp F M Cd., Inc. " j p IP6NTIAQ ^dHiziK BERSE BROTHEIRS ••'• Us LLOYD EXCHANGE ! ? TRAVEL BUREAU, Inc. • Air Lines e ^teanuhlp • Hotfeji e'Totan M t f 8-4S0p 1«88 Morris Ave. • Li ' • LAMPS & LAMPSHADES 1001 Lampshade I n Stock . ; Twvor HOWARD ' . J o h n MILLS TRAVEL BUREAUS Ctanfotd LAMPSKAPES Cnn(lnuous l*«ff«rmaiice Labiir liny A.wontierful show-— In Ooloitl . Ursula Andress • • Mltrera - K.etut* FnmM Window* and Plato Gfyu* _ *% u n Op«n 7 HnrSian Hd, «t , N . JT. lttOSEt-CE QUICK- SERVICE LOUIS MONTINI LINDEN PORK STORES •BOAlin ' O f Th<* Board otiAtlJustinont of "the Bot-ouuh of ."Konllworth, N.. J., hcroby notifies th« public that testimony wilt, bo hqBr4 * on Cttlcntltir Cniii'Noi 0-OB, Union TrUckllill Co.,. North 14th, 8i,, Kcnllwvtfi; N,' X . pcrtalnlnlc to Resolution H P . 9 dated Aw«i U t . l I , 190B, dtiuvrt Wy Ih6 .OOVEJlfrtNO BODY of K;cnllworth; N. jr.''at-the Rcirula .Mohtliii;;* WodncadaV,' Boptomber 15j 1B0E at 8:00 P.M., at Borouirlt Mall, Bbulovard, Kinllworth; N, J, . • • '• . r^tt'nk qrep, Aits't. ••'"'• BdurH. of 'A Dated: AUK.UKt 30, 19ti3 9 Adv'. .fee; $7.92 '•'..'••• EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING - ' AUTOGtASS Fred J. Hayeck, JM-HOUB fOWIWQ Cranfoxd CRANFORD GLASS SHOP hi 5 C^nlwrnhJ ' The . contract will ljft/awordcd to t h e l^juij.st1 veSponwble bUldtir.. • Thu Borpuah Yesefvcii tho rlehtj.ro rpject imy anil lUl blUif. -6f walyo, inioftnsllUesMhoreln, ""All propoaujs^wio- subjcot to trie; reuuiremonts.jjf^Ul lnwuund Ofdlna\toea; at fectme mu>(e.. •• : • . • • • . -. By dlridtlon.of the' Mayor, and Council of thtTBorbuBh of Konllworth, N, J.' j»r6t McGovna, •• Borough blerk bntad: AiftfU.it a'jj,.* 1005 "'"' • SHOJS RE^AIRINQ * .GUSS HAYECK'S FINE FOODS Body & FMKfar H«pafring W«tfiold Bsbt CfckrlftcM HUM — 0 Eastman 61* Garwood FOOD ADams 2-7651 CONTRACT6R PLUMBING AND BEATING JOBBING AW> ALTEOATI6N8 BLEOTRIO StWEB. CLHANINQ SERVtCB ' BR 6-2935 — CH 5-1207' 6-5000 House Wiring Jobbing » Ropalw BR 6-«5Sl9 12 Myrtle St. Cranford SHOP: SU 9-0330 REILUV OLDSMOBH-E North AT«« E. ELECTRICAL ' conformity with trio rtqulrenioKW specified In Instiui^lbn T>nd, InformuU<Jn "for .Bid •'•'••. — Jin Color — .;!•'' /'JiORD w BIJS>RI BACK I N * BT*rjti)lnE,For t h e Honw FlirnltoW — ApoUknocw v v ttls r Jj t GEO. sANeU Body & Fonder Shop ' SOROtrGKfc'-OF. Day. Of The Ttfffids J . FERN'S FURNITURE, Inc. 8c Truck Hefinishlng ; Jane, FONDA 1 Lw> MARVIN • * SELECTED Bi NOW THRU TtJES. :; . • "Sraled tkd]H)^ttls will be rotulved at B.00 ' Beechwood Ave. I ELLIOTT Middlesex, N. J. I 6-0462 NORRIS CHEVROLET Ave.. ,:and 20th; St., Michigan and PM DuylmiU Sn\.[ng Time on Sent 10i55 hy tlve Mnyoi und' Council in the .Monroe. Ave's. . „• '"•. Munlclpul uutldlnit, ' Council Cliit . Route. 10 :—."• Harding School, KonllwOrth Ntw Jercoy, and then thuf pul>(lc)y ooehed otid rrnd for the folRobtfc 11 ~• the- afternoon run of lowing BAJLES A BEBVIOK "the. exchange bus is the "reverse Genolal 'Construction Work ' FOR of the morning ru'ri. ' • - .•••"• C o ratta Niw l'lrr llausis ^Mlldln*, 491 WashlnKton _JThejlate afterrioon" bus will drop Avonue Kcijllworth, N> J, Contract document)! und kHectlli atioiis North and Oential :ofr"stud<aits as iollow's: "Route 1 -—may bo examined and ol tulnod at tlie ol Michigaii Ave.; "Route. 2 —.. Boule- ricu of TtmuUl D atuckMiuLn, uud SttlvS. lorti Ouazo, Archlteot., 1005 -OUnton va.rd; -Rplute,^, -8th St.'and Morii;oe AionuoMIrvinuton, Now Jersoy. by deposit ' » •"••. a u s . p j i L ' , - 1 , . s ; • . » , • * • • •..,•• 8«2 N O R T 0 AVE., K " ; • ' Route ,'8 — Pembrook and BoulBOROUGH OF KENJLWORTH evard;' ' 12th and 13th Sts.; • Routc »Konllwortli, NIIW JerMf 9'~7-.:Mpnroe',Ave., and tlth : St; MO TICK TO BIDDERS — FEATtlRE PRESENTATION'"• .:' t AUTO BOKT REPAIR , _ ^ BRWge 8^100 BOO Lincoln P i c E. Ct«nl<?rd OPTICIANS All Work '.Vi; Guaranteed ^ . BRUNNER John J. Di Fabio l>j;*BctIpttort Optician* Aid LIFETIME ALUMINUM • • •; i • • Storm lPo«tbIaatio» Window Scr«»n« Comblnallon Storm & 8cr**n • Door* ,' ; : Porch Cn^lo(tir«a . ; : Tub EnelocurM ' to W. meek Ito obltgations. , . K ' • '•••••ir ' • • • • ' • • 4 '•:'• Jalou«i«« Railing* * -Awning Window*. LIFETIME Aluminum Prod. q 102 South Ave., W. i -•'I. • * • . • ! - • .yJJL'pV .r€!s.Cim^d' 'it' i Mails pi i I SUB-, ••.•*>:»;# am . **•• tnferly, the ShqeJcanwXon ,j Club, Scotcli P^ins. • • ,..'..• _ Councilman Michael .'€. Bury, 1 " ' . ' • 7 1 .-.5 • ".••:'.,.••' niaiVof thedance l announced that this yeat's. dance will be in honor, of G'overnojc! l^ichurd' J. -.Hughes.' United States Senator Hartison A. Williams, J,i\, will be a guest again filitiiilft t h i s year..'. 1 ' i Vi ",'••.:, ' :• :'•'',';.<'•• .'. : , .Reservations will be taken for MISg( GAROt L. LOMBARDO- Jfiiss Lbmbardo Engaged to Wed~ j^ingsley Todd, Jr. the main ballroom only and for tickets which are paid foi in advance at the time the reservations aie placed wtfn the ticket committee Poisons making late reservations or purchasing tjekets at ttfe float' may Jlnd it necessary 4 o GAR WOOD — Foimci Councilb,e accommodated in the auxiliary man and Mrs John Lorrfbaido of 350 Hlokoiy Ave h&ve announced lroom the engagement pf their d Music will be by Letty and the Mifes' Carol Lynn Lombaido, to Pour Dominoes Dance committees and, chairmen Kirtgsley Lay ton Todd, Ji , son ol Mr. and Mis Kingsley L Todd of are: Ticket*,, Frank, Creo and John 330 Locust Ave. Rowinbky; reservation;., Mr and- The bndc-ele,ct l^ a senloi at Mrs flarold Frolich; boosters, Arthui L. Johnson Regional Couneilmen Prank Johdos and School, Clark. Jameh O'Brien, WUli^nx Van de _Mr Todd attended J6hnbon ReWater; prizes, Mr.'an3 Mrs Gas gional and is a giadaate of the Naval'A11 Training Sohpol, gramming, Mrs. Addie Rein and phis, Tenn. He is a naval au Cbuncihiian Rjchard L,omax, pub- crewman at t h e Noifolk Naval An licity, Walter Bonght, J r , andStation, Norfolk, Va. Oouncilman,. pptfiy, Patuta'. committed for coun|y .canYour decisions will rhaster you, Council Presidi)nt Frank whichever direction they 'take •—• Mary Baker Eddy Mascaro^ TV/'* i2L - s \ M , . - «, MRS. KUBT HANS KENILWORTH — St Theresa's was best ma.n. Usher*, vfere Church was the setting fc>uTOlsy" Iviaiim, Konald Maiino of a.ftemoon ior tfie wedding of Miss sev ^nd Stuait Rednlck of PatterLynn Ann Wusskr, dawghter of'son, Ni Y Junior usher Was Kurt .Mrs Robert John Monahan of 25Fitchett, nephew of the brider N . '20th St and the late Alfred groom Mis, Harry Turner of1 KenilWussler, arid KUPJL Hans Petschow worth was organist, and Thomas nf Wf>sJ.flp)tj_yn o f t h c Jate_ Mr of .-The brrde, a graduate of JonaGlen Ridge Rev, Sylvester P McVeigh, pas- than D a y t o n Regional High "toi, officiated at the double ring School, Springfield, js a senior at ceremony, aiid a reception was Bloomheld College., This summer hold at tht- Shackamaxon Country she was manager of the college bookshop where she has been emClub, Scotch Plains. The bride was escorted by herployed as a helper. Mr. Petschow, a graduate of stepfather, Robert J. Monahan M».-£e*cr_ J._Maum of WestliOid, Glen Ridge_HiRh Schooj^ ^received sister ot the b~iide, was mation of a B S "(JogiT>t "in psychology and honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs Jbusincss Jrom Faiileigh Dickinson Peter Foitunato of Keiulworth, an University, Rutheiford. He ii> aunt of the biide; Miss Bettv Joy with the New Jersey State Parole Catalon of Westfiold, cousin of tho Board, Eli7aboth, dird is a membride, and Miss Nancy Steinberg ber of the Westfleld Volunteer of Elizabeth Patricia Monahan Fno Department • AClci a weeding trip to Canada, was junior bridesmaid, Gilbert Fttchett oT Gi eenbroojkH1 the couple wijU nr\ake their home brother -ul-law of. the bridegroom, at 49 Michael D r , Westfleld. We're Out ona \ v -.•-'••._•.., ••.'•••'-,•• ' - . • ' ' • - ' • jo 'Aid , ' WE'LL SUPPLY THE BUILDING MATERIAL If you have a dream of a Home of Your Own we can supply much of the material to make . that dream, come true. ' Standard Lumber Lynn Ann Wussler Becomes Bride of Kurt[Hans Fetsehow -Tnh^nnw; v . p SI Up ,.^^ Y Ja.rh. 'Jaridv worshjp' sefytte' 'at' 1 H GeraWni-V.'-iaeRo'sa^""''Albert 'seiMTioii• fopt* Qf- ReV"; Stepnenbo,- pas'ior; at"th6' 9'a : m\ slimmer. /vice at St, .Paul's OnH.cd •Ghiij'Ah qtJGKrj.&t;tlVi.s:Sun<iay.j...« ;[•. "1 lVa|ly? Ejiily will bg--"Ojyscrycd.. irk D'4->'rThlfelA'x>-'Actu8^Hyw •me.cjua^cK f-ph^j^ ^sot^jses'r^uini'e b!*-' will' 'be the sermon- ^ppic at 9:36''a'.m. on Sunday, September !.; RegulaV.faH and winter sche(3- "of R-ev.' Jcihn 'A, /Majcolnison, p&s- ,• A gift of ,$10 was- macte .yes ulu also A\fiiriMBKurrie oh- that date, tbr, at tfie 10 .a.m'i.worship service day' ,to•':• the .Grimfprd.-"First with wor.sHip service at.Ma.rji, .. at•• Clarw&od, .Presbytei'.ian Church: % ;iub will meet at- th&-church''at fhls Stinda^-rtJie?'• t'e.iit'.will ibe ;p.m. today,' an'd Chancel Choir taiken rrorri 'SecondI Kings -6:1*7.'. _erjtlaii'sal1s-;Wril™ilosntTi1e at 7:30l.his Sunday sohool • will, convene .at'. evening/under direction', of '9 a.m., and .communicants!, glasses V i c t o r . G r e e n e - . . '. -.."", ••• ' •• will meet fro;rp 11 a.m. t6 noon,. ' '•Rttv1. Ml'. Malcolmson will speak on,"The Wherewithai of WidowGAIUVOOD — Suspensions of hood" at the mid-week piayer and 1 (luvlng hci rise ; undei the point Bible .study hour at 8 p hi Weds>slem announced this week by Moloi Vtlucli1 Ducctoi June Stre- nesday YOU SUPPLY THE lecki included the following from Rehearsals for the Chancel Choir • a . m . . • i r...v "fhbrsd&y. '.•."'•'•*:•• •'.'''; ^ , '•.'.'./•>'-• •'>•/••;• *w-$ii»^^^^ U^olijv;^ve.,.E^-;--- t ,., .._. ,,. as bf/Aii^tis^lGj '-ffW:• u n e ^ tdlittt.. Games,'- ,'. f w ttanb-v. (. _ and- "ArlTtntiho ©eChal.lLg, .'• 28," jot 0'b.serVed \asJT&ily *;Day' in the • Gaines,. ags, soaiabox rides',, r s , .and1 refresh^ ^ •104-Anchor PI:, .4Srday suspenston1 chiui-erV school. The regular sched bags, -nents \vere fctytu.re.d-lj t d l j Those*.-P^rr Those*P^rr the fall and wi of effeciive »s qY AuguM IK'\, •;•: r' ', • : AvGfo: John. John Jr/, Jrl,JJahi'es season, vvrl'l-1 b.e..r..es:unT.ed on .1ha;.t ttcipatih& ttcipatin^^vGfo: Phone BRid^e 6-2700' 94 Hiyli Stiwl 'New J«rspy Bell "I went for the best.... a BLUE 'RIBBON checking account ai NATIONAL STATE" We like doctors . . . doctors like us,' They enjoy the acjded convenience of using thejr Blue Ribbon Courtesy LIMB we hove to move these offices. And National State_has more pffices . . . mpre extra banking hours' thari any other bank in the'county. Open a.Blue Ribbon Checking Account yourself. Learn why National State's check-' ing accounts are the most popular with doctors . . . and dther people . . . throughout Union County. USEO i • SPECIAL BARGAINS '61 FORD Country Squite ' PSA» '61 COMET 4th-., R-& n '64 WILLYS Station Wagon »& H, Std. Trans' Auto. Trans.. 1 tf, '61 FALCON R & H '6f T-BIRD PS, PB PW '60 RAMBLER '62 4.dr. Wagon . io 5 0 0 XL ,, 2 dr. Hrdtp., Auto., PS '63 MERCURY ORD $1295 ., Auto., PS Country Sedan 8 cyl.r Auto. 650 1695 595 1495 .S TATB MMK T895 ./ 1695 . • . "i ELIZABETH • * HILLSIDE . * . . . _ KENILW^RTM ' • . ' • . . •a IF? AH WAY. ROSELLE PARK • SPRINGFIELD • SUMMIT .'* WESTFIELD NEW jetisev WEMBES F^e«Ai. Dtp<)sw i»tso«ANce CORPORATIOM fiUTO C Iv• I ' • ' . • • V •"4.. v • . i '.il '\-~:':.\>r,.. 2:^ -.^:^. ' I ' • • ! . •- ' • • '; : ;-.' •'•••'; i ;;•'' : : ' ' ' ' \ : f" : {^:--':' 1 ".'/- : ;' : ' •'.'••'• : ; '-<:,.'"'v. : •y ''.> '.V'- / : • , ' ' ' v "V ,' ; • • • ' " — "'>•''• ' : . : ' ' : v;^lV - "•• ) . . ! . . '". " • . - . - . » . • • ' - . - ' . " • • : • „ v •'.",•>••; 1.••"..' < v •:.' > ; • . , "-•"I- 1 • / • .--••. v ' " ; .•x :'' " : - ' ' T - ' \ . . . \ ' . . •) • \ . • - ••'.' " : '':'/* CLASSIFIED RATES : INSERTION'—3 cents a^word, 90cents minimum, cash with order. (A .10 c;ents serylce charige is made /for each -••••• b i l l i n g . ) - . ' % ' ••..-.'•../•;. MRS. STEljjA, — Handwilttng analysis and.] readings. Dp«n dally, 0 a.nv^to 10 p.m., MASjON CONTRACTORS AND ALTERA-; r Sunduys by appointment. .LoebtadL-ln her 1TIONS.' Steps and porches, Datlop,, te races, 'sldewalHs? plaslerlnK " \ private homo, ,107 E_ Broad ,Str*<*-.(onc oei'.ar.er.trnnces. 61FABIO.IJ1 ••''fllghfc'-up), -Westfleld." N. J.' For'Itmthor 6-3784, lnlpr.maUon. call 232*0313"; ' / . . J \ . ' - -. '. ' ' . . . . ; , / : ••"• :>i- REPEAT INSERTIONS -^ (Cbnsecptive weeks' without copy - changes) 2 cents a Word, 60 cents, minimum, APARTMENTS FORRENT ADS SET BY UNES - >5 cents a line, minimum charge 90 cents. Ads set in caps, with blank line.s o r display lines PARAMOUNT GARDENS,, .12 Rlvpralde Drive, Cranford. Two a»id thrce-roo;m .•„•;:.• must be charged by lines. Display lines (12 point type apartments available; ,-' Good location. ;.•... tf .; only) changed as t w o lines. • ^ •;, • v • ~ '•• Call Iftildjj* 6-lai6. \- .' . be goest.speaker next"Thursday.i at'.a iuneheon rneetlng of the-Cran•' JPBLYCIA.FLIS; «nd •'-.ford Rotary Club at thd Cra'nford . . . pELECIA'FLie, 'Deceased educational-: Pursunjit'-tOv the order of MARY' C. KA-J^eih.odisf; .Church ;">.• NfttflCfE io CBEDITOES'.-. ISTATE!OP FELICIA FLIS;'.also FOR SALE SERVICES WOMEN: PAINT COMPLETE LINE : \INTERIOR-AND EXTERIOR WOMAN WISHES IHONINO'to do in herj homo. Call BRldee 0-3294. tf WOMAN .WISHES' days' Wqrk or lroilin*. WALt PAINT.. J- gal. , . ' WILLIAM P. OAVB0BON , G&JERAL . CONTRACTING, Carpentry, Mftnonry, Plastering *; Rooflnn. BRldge 6-382Q. No Job too- small. . Estimates wlthouV^obllsatlon.. ' . • • tt PVLDMBINO •Repair*,' remdo«{tag and new. - e - i o g ' 8 . • .-•. ••• >•:• \ ' . k n o w n Call 270-4221, ,' • . - . . ' ' . , . : ' ; Satin Enamel " Toueh Ifloor PUilshes Color Matching Service Legal Motices CHEMICOTK PAINT fp 708 Boulevard " Kenllworth ':• BRflifteo:••••••••; *\ tf TOWNSHIP Of ^ . ' a s . ' •• • . • . ; • • ' : • • ; , , . . . . ••'; " •' • ANE. Surr.oifate of; the County of Union, I ado on the. sixth day of Augtvst A.D.; 1965,' B a l d i n g : ; • • - " ' :r• ; • • ' i ' - - ; . . • ' • ' • • / " " • • • • ' ' • " • ' ' pon the application of the 'undersigned, Dr. ]\facKay', ,who" is a'niersber . s. ..EzecutriceE 'of the esttfto of said dethe "club, club, \viil. discuSs college colleg«e ceased,' notice" Is horeby given to the credlV cj , the 'ori> of, said deceased to exhlblC «io thescholarships and the new "tuition ubsprlbers under oath Or .attirmatlon thRlr aid plan adopted by Union. Junior laltas and demtt-nds against the estate of ld'-deceased- within -six months from the College and the Unio.n County ate •of'said order, or they will, be'forever jarred from prosecutlntt or rec^wring,'the Boar-d of Freeholders. .. same against the subscribers.- . . .'.I-1: AJbtna Klmberley and !.•'• '•'••', '..••' .'Mttry Eleanor JHls, ; 11 1 "•'.' •'• .' •.••. ' " • . '. E x b c u t r l c e s '• ' • Cranford, New Jersey Periaijzedfor Speed ;ttorhey:, . : •'••..'• . • •": . ' • •"••• • • ." P r o p o s e d ,.' • ' . _AU COW. OR HORSB MANURE.: well rottnd Chayles A. Otto/'Jr.,.' '; :.';.••.• , ' CRANl'ORP —i, Throe room's, private home, ORDINANCE N O . fl^-g Farm-richF a r m r c h t g f u l , . l ulae' ' .flU dirt.—CaUU GARWOQP > - Driving license fci\14»oV^terrtlon»r^o«_ n o "ai;mmlt Road; THE GASH, Checks or Stamps should accdrhpany advertising copy . pfEBHant sUtr'oundlntts.- Business counle CE PROVIDING••¥OB PROVIDING anytime: CHESTNUT1. FARMS. 888^- AN ORDINANCE WIG'SEIBERT, 388 'Lincoln TQrtv»( Elizabeth. N. J. - ' URCilASE OF LOT 1370.. IN BLOCK 53S, suspensions under the 50-70 eje-' prolerredi $115, •'• including utilities. 4 8 8 8 . - '. ' , - . . . . " ••: .•: •• - . : . • ' "•' t f llworfB. BRidge 0-0528. \ 9-2 FOR <PUBLIC USB AND APPROPRIATING .tlv. Fee: $22.88 • Call '276-73B4. after 6 p.ta. » NOT RESPONSIBLE for errors in ads taken By telephone.. cessive speed prbgirafn ahnouhced, ALUMINUM o6mblnatlon storm irindoTrt MONIES FOR THE PURCHA8E THEREOF. ' ' , C R > H F O B D T O W E R S •'. ' ••ALUMINUM PORCH . e'nclosnr.ei •. u»tof BE IT ORDAINED'..BY THE. TOWNSHIP and. acreenn—dsefl^-varlous sizes. ' 85-00 . this week by J/I6ipr Vehicle Direcjalousies, awnlne type windows. oonK .and up. Lifetime Aluminum Products COMMITTEE O F THE TOWNSHIP ' OF 18; SPRINO!piELD.;AVE: ' 276-4087 DEADLINE FOR COPY - Wednesdays at 10 A.M., .".; •: : v:; 4 ttnd,S. foom luxury npartttionts. AU' mod- blnatlon storm windows and screens or CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, that;' •«' inc., 102 South Avenue, -W., BRldge«tIJC Tui|ioil Aid .Plan ' tor' June SiVeiecki inQiuded:'•'.Jld-r combination' doora. LIFETIME' ALUMIern conveniences, Elevator;, alr-coriditionT Section 1. T h e Townthlp, of, CranfoM NUM PRODt3CT8, INC., 102 South AveJ ' • ' - - , T e l e p h o n e BRidge 6-6000-^ .. inr.- guraee.' -. '' •'' •' -.".; • , ' . • purchqrso for public purpogeS from-FRANK Rptary -Spe^lter^ T o p i c : W J ^ T, casate, 17; of 202 WiUoW : nut), W. 'BRiag^ 8-3205. t? SALT. > Q R k'.WATEa .SOPTENERB, deliv- A. -OTTfE. of 25 Coriimbr(Se,T3rlvei (formerly UNFURNI8HED - r ' 2nd floor, S'' rooms, ered. - Refined, i rockj pellets anil Wat-: 09 Qttrflcld Street); •Crariford,' Ne* J e r - j b r : Kenhetjl C;'>Mackay, > 'ptesi^ ^Y?-i 30-day stispenslpn effective ..... moi.era.;tiltcheh and bath. All UUliUes klnt .comrwj. All 100. pound bags. sey, Lot_ia7O.'-itf Blbclf 535, on tho 0iAO. .:*Bt*P», WTABON WORK Mli> ' plus ua'raEC."."• Adults. 27ef-<)3n;^" " ' .•-.'• , : Tll IB R' BBait i t ^3ervic«. -teHestnUt 1-37S0 flclttl-vT-aX' Mapir. a n d . also ...<lejs.lcnated4.aK ent of Union Junior College,'will ^ s o'f J u l y 27., Walks, patios, drains: No Job tooT ~ ' ~ < • - : - • • • ; — - - - • " • • ;~.~-vr: .,.-,.-_J ; - ":- -;- v: • . ^ - . , - • - : . ; •• - . . . , . j ^ , . _ , B d ,6^1 17 ' tf —BRldgo tf 25 Commerce LVlVe, In the Township of • , nmttU, BRldgo . 2-6044. Alter .8, m ;i Cranfo'rdi Union County, New. Jersey, for • ' .'. . : V , ,.'..-' S . " . . ' , v.'; call ii the consideration ul .NUgEltUblil l f l u U BIRD HOUSES & wild L NURSING SERVIGE SAND (519,000.00) b.OLIiARS, . •' ' . BENBACH'S PEED &, TELEVISION REPABREO. VASTC. • . **r the 1661". .118, Sduth Ave., ,E.. Tanford. Section 2, "Said BUin . of • NINETEEN B • S. WILLOUGHBt;CRANFORD best and' fastest .aervlc'e call Economy ($1.9,000> DOLLARS'Is hereby V 1 8 X T I N O ft.TJR8E AeSOCIATIOH, Elebtrlo.'BRldge 8-3835. day or night, tf SALT FOR ALL WATER,SOFTENftR8 I I ITHOUSAND ..''..• ' Real Estate Go. '•' anprbprlxtcd from the existing capital lmS f i ^ . - KENILWORTH - OAR.Calcium Chloride-for.-many uses^l 1 ,prov.cQicn't fund to defray the cost 6(.tui!ji rt6~hd!Ta6Uaiiy Unougbo g ure!Ta6Uay THUBENBAUH'S yBBp.aii6EHlPi BRIdf€all 272-5580 tr PHdM,'8:30 A.M.. to 4:30 P,M.; S Satur6-1661. 118 South Ave., B., Crattfdrd. . t t Mulliple Listing Service -,' Section. 3., This ordinance^" shall take dayc, 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Emersonoy nurs- MASONRY - CARPENTRY . Calendar of Holidays - 1965^66 •(Tpct (en (10) days altes final passage I2.Clork St. 17 North Av*,. W. ing available.'' 34-hour telonhone wrvloe. SEVERAL' HARDWlcfe i a s ranics. per- «s prpvlded by statute _• . .; Al^EttATIONS •• ; BRIdae 6-0787. . ; tf fect condition, *20 eaph. Call BRldge S,epterhber 7, Tuesday ......; ........;.;. „. Teachers Report 1 8-0303. • . ; . ' . • • ' U, '•• •, .-. N O T I C E • •.••'• •' E ~Thc fuicitplng:—0MtKi»ne»—was -lnitojSeptemtifir 8, Wednesday J^lj^^4riL3£9i Edward $hlmkus ,. 789-0383 POT Quality workmanship and fair price* FLOOR WAXiNO- MACHINES, new and and ntfKsed on flrst fcadtni,'. lit a , .September 9, Thursday,..'..,.,. .,...v....„...,,....•,......•'.'..>.:.>,. School; Opens • Richard Bdhroth .....,..7.of...'.;....,. 272-5588 lete line of waxers and duccd used, complete SHAHBEN AGENCY v mecHnerof tho^^rownship Coniniltloe of Joe MlrBdllfttta '. ;*....:.... ; 78^0062 THORLEIF JOHNSEN Janltorjal j supplies, li 416 1 CCenteniilal t i the Township: of Xranford, Hr 3.. held Wary. Olord»no ;..;.„...'. a.76,-8734 WANTEIXTOBUY Ocioter ,.*v...^.\..:.;........{^ AVonue. iaie6-5792. Contractor and.Builder Blnce 4846' '"'' ' tf on August 24, 1805, and.'Wlll"bc consld-. Miry Beckor ........i \.,.'....i 576-4023 •' ••• ' • . . . ' I B N o r t h • A v e l . T E T - - . • ••.''; Npvembeir l j , Thursday ;..i....J.;j....:....:...7^......;:,.;...'...'... Veterans', 't)S-y :-' ered'for final passage, after public hc«r1 WE BtTY BOOKS •' . • BRidge 6-9548 • lnu, at'another meeting oKsald' Township THE N^ BR 6-1900;and BR 6-0777, • PLEABE • GUX, FOR DETAILS Committee a t Municipal Building, Cran- - NpV.ll-i2, Thurs.; Fri. ,..,..:„.„...,...,....,• ..,., Teachers' Gprivention •'"••• P . M. BOOK SHOP fbrd. New Jersey, 6n . • --^\ .1 . YARNS. AND INSTRUCTION . November' 25-26, Thurs:, Fri. ...•>...;...,..,....,...... Thanksgiving Recess •' ' '. PLalnfleld 4-3900 ' ^TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER ; 14, HS85 SB Lenhome Dr;,. Cranfor'a BR 6-3426 ELECTRICIANS ' Decgmbier.23,..Ihursd8y'..v»"'»«"-1..Chrls'trnas'feeices« Begins.1 P.Mi- . at 8';30 o'clock^P.M. (provttlliniz tShie). •DANIEL J.. BEiiyBURN <k 6OM HOURS: Moh.,--TUe8.,;T;hurs.,,10Hl' U . ...' - "• J. WALTER'COFFEE', RCOFFE, ,.;.;........'.;..;;:..:k..;.,,...'.,.... School Resopens';'. Tutpnirtngr —"* wnshlp j Clerlt. ..-. January 3, Monday:.....:.'. and AuK'ilst '24," 1865 , '"" , 'PAB.M'; gflff Pmirttari Road, '••Mwguertte Rearwln•' „..„..„ BR 6-ii66 Ailv u.t'.'.'sa'i.ou •'— • ' . ' , 111 Nortlf AvevW.' U Open Sundays." ^ytarch 11, J-Yiday. •....••.. .'..'...;.. ......„.'.' R'egioiidl .Pi'uftiMibna.1 'Day Helen Crega'r ...:......„,... BR 64883 ! BUILDING LOT or nrlvatc homo wanted .' Eleanor pradfleM ....,-0 BR' 6-731& 'FREE EAflKIHO.iN REAR April 8,jFfida'y .V............;..,..'...',..j.School.Closed "—.Easter Recess WORLD BOOk 1 Write B'oit 621, care of Cltlsqn iind Irene". KowaUkt :.. BR 2-5672 TOWNSHIP OF ENCYCLOPEDIA Aprfl 18, Monday ....,....;:.... ...School Reopens Chronicle,. '. • ' • •. . C.OMPU5TE'.: • '• Ruth. P. Detering -„...„.;,..,.. BR 8-80J2 Salon I Call DORIS DALLAS, •'.• • Cranford, New Jersey' MASONRY— Cotiorete walks, utono tkatloa; District ,M<uiager, AD 3>-7l71, * Eleanor T. Cr«»* .".:,t, .. BR 6-U18 tf May 30^"' Monday. .....l.'.'.,.:;.,i...V...-; ..•.....,..•,;,.:.;..•.„... Meihbrial Day p ,^rtck stepB. CARPENTRY •— poreb enORDINANCE NO.'68-24 . closures," add-a-room. alteratloaa. AN- CLEARANCE! 'All pianos' and-e'reans, IreJune 21, Tuesday .^.^....j^....,^.....^:.^..,*..!;..^. .Last Day for PtfjbUs . AN".•••ORDINANCE VACATING PUBLIC QELO DEODAtO. A0am« 3^.7343.:,. • Complete Multiple listings cludinit BALDWIN.: • DUJDKIN PIAN6 RIOItTS, IF ANX, IN AND TO LOT 2 IN June 23,. thutsday ...'......i.:....T.L. ,;,.:<»...VVvL.;ast:Day fojr'Teachej* C'O.'. Nprth AvenJie a t Railroad Statloo. BLOek 1.43- ••-, .. Westfteld. '232-8811.' .'. • • \ --tt "September •'•. TRUCK CRANE and T.D^9 Bulldoier fdr ..... 16 days . •March"'v'...;.:..•>,..:.'.. WHEREAS,. Wllllftrtr.Ialono Is tho owner INSTRlJCriONS LISTINGS hire. 8. W. Oliver, Inc., BBIdgo 8-2150 of. Tux Snle pertlll'cato No. 3020 covering October.,;...„• ,.". ? i a d y s ,April •nd HUater 6-7088. • . ; '' U _.'2V.'-: V LAMPS:^ •• Are offered 'through: member oBlcea of the J M p Lot 2 irt Blo6k 143 oh the Crimford. Tax ^ . - Bcalnnors. B.S... Map,-«hlcli -he,. acqulreU; at'..tlic .ialc -ior ETovcmber •,, ,.«v-18 days--^y' ' CRANFORD BOARD" 'M.S., "do'iifee*.. ^iEictiectcmn^ Q Liaxa.:.,. OVER • 40uuiiald. tw£ta_tor^)thxi,CY£iiil' 1900; and ...•• '.: " > ; - REALTpR ' ! : WQGNTItila SIPECIALiaxa:O QBT VOKb noDSE POWKR ,.'- ' ' : f L60KTTOR THE.SiaN ,feololst, uccompanist, ' conductor. Call YEARS' XN ELECTRICAL- LAMP AND .WHEREAS, thus property Was listed as .yi.-.:"17 days 'Juhffji.V;..,;....,..,;..-. .~.- 15-days- ; : -320 volt Installations our specialty (liter 5 p:m. 276-6011. BHADE BUSINESS..: ..LARGER. STO.CK Open '.IJfcJly 9-5 ' Sunday 1» exempt on tht' tax rolls o f - t l i o ' T o w h i Jajnuary ...... .. ZIMMERMAN BROTHHRB ' ...... 21. days LAMP »ATJ,TP,' BASES, BTC... WE CANfor tho Year 1950 and prior.'thereto; <"|d Open^Tui'aday and Thursday Electrloal COntractom to J»IAN6 • J^STOUCTION" for lntcrraodlutfl REPAIR ANV LAMP OR SHADE. PLbOR ' WHEliEAS,. record title, to the said Lot tels,' .8:30 - 9 J>.m. V .February .. • 19 4nys^ Teaching Pay$, v...'..185 ; -•" BR 8-8898 MU 8-8344 •and nclvfinccd ctudrtnts. Steven Ander> •SAMPI^S AT T R E M B ' N D O U S SAVINGS y. , AT,. TREMB'NDOUS SAVINGS. 2 In Block' 343 Is In Silas B, jCondlft by 'son; .bnchteiiii"» dflgroo', Obcrlln 'C&naerVi i t 19 ALDElir ST.a?«J-0400 inheritance from Silas .'A. fc'orultcfc Of it) WILLIAMS LAMPS ,itt,uri!;--.masii»r'!j. <lc«rce candidate, ">-NCW . Or by ADPolhtmeut ' Joueph V, • Randolph; Trustee;- by rfeod POINT PLEASANT BOROUC1H— 3 bed- • York' XJiilvcrsIti', Poabody Conservatory 7US Central AVc.y.Wcsffloid:' "232-2158 d&toitl Doccnibw 20, 11)03, recorded In the GENERAL CONTRACTOR room ran'ch, spuclous livimc roow, mpd- • . . C a U . 2 7 t f - M H 2 . • '' • • . • Evenings CftU'— w . ,' • • • ; U tf. Gttlcb of • tho ' Roislliter of Union .'Colfnty ._ cm electric kitchen,r wall •oven:—Ihrwe — ;;LKAWER8 ROOFINO .SDI on December 2.7,' .I«03 in Weed Boot' 270 • bath: and Titlllty r.opm,' oil heat/ jalousie E. R. BENNETT, teacher, of. piano. liatwtt QUTTERS"'" — : AliTBiRATIONS" .—;; ADDI 3ARAGE1 -SAX/E • .of.. njlapoUiincouu - bidjutteV V'Putte 54Z!"ttWa'"":•• r-""':" '• ' •- ;" • AD inothodB. Classical, and popular.. Le«i •TIONB —:: REPAIRS ' • porch,. Shtfde trceu^ Ownor, 892-36'Jfi. 27,6.1985 ihold and cfottilnB ltom.« oh i S u t u r d a y ; •' Llb'by Browstej '„.,..., ' ' •• ; JWHJEREAS,. said Lot 2 .in Block 143 is - »on» ln y6'iir home.—6to-Dorl»n,JI6ad; 27fl'tB21B Hflpe MIllUK ......•...,.,. S.(.ipt/4, lPjl^m, -to "4. p.m., ID Button shown.Ofl the ""CP untitled, "Map' of. Propfro (loora, 7 roomsr«Kas -^•1nc»,--t'iaiiford.. .-glut.; ' 3lf\i<lia iipriuhtT ^taLlrtti •-- -A.-. Hobort^.., t ~ ~ „7 heat, Weatfleld: 'Gall'APama 2-S3Q6. - '_• -if SiWW. H0JU.8R:' l b y . s n Eilgawogta; Eigag crl y nwn.ctl_by...Jsitin' 1 Gertrude Angle •;;„•;•„ piuno , ST^T-.O.cu. ft. Phllco rjtrFIuoriit. . und Hampton C. Williams •276-6128 """ attached BacftKo, Bhlniinum.siding. po'n- INSTRUCTION IN AUC SCrioOIi BAND lhsituate between i it venietit lor shopping, schools ajid* trftiis..'•HJorls Covlo >...; BR 2-6105 $50; rtutomatic wushcr, $50; whiti; Dan- 'Rosollc 276-1701 and ^nmtord In • Unlon^Counfy Ktrumbats." Call lir. aOSEPH TKNOp, Bortatton. ' 427.000.'' Call ilU 6-0370. * Jsh , a'octlonttls and. cormir tahlf, S50, und surveyed by A. M. Woodruff, surveyor d e r t r u d « Tjurlc .... 276^2641 ' ST6-8143.. .Studio In Cranford. Bold* ' BUS dryer,, almost new, S7S. -270-2500. Rcptemt>«r 7, Tuesday ;.:.;.,.;.;....,v.,....'.,:.:....1....i,vTea'chers> Workshop V Doris Putz ,.., 276-2171 pi RbHelle"•' filed 'in i b « ' Union County B.M.- and M.M. dCgrcej. Professional , Evelyn. Rettlno •276-5757 l Office o/i.July l 24. ISfll ns Map LANDSCAPINO •'. ~- •. Compieto landscape i^ptem'h^.;8I.-'Wedne.s(Jay.-..^..;]......:."....;;'.!;';,'.,..,wi.k;..... Students Return ' Dora Kuzilma ,.'.,....... P R . jnytf 243-SBflS No, J07rA and ,al!i6 on the map' eivtUIAd ieryice, 6Drlng"d<j^riJn8.: build-aiid .yeoalr AaklniJ !Pl\t .Cqndltlpp,* one year. old. t -oi -JPr.opiirty .nt-.Aldone, Union -Co. spddlhV, rbtotlUlnCcleftrJrig'Meas; ;$:i5.60.'. Tel.1 27B-S(J:J8. ' • ' tf. J- 18BI,' fll<id in tho Union County AGGGRDION WESSONS: 7 liwhiS; YODR, HOME WITH AN.' shriib. planting.attd monthly-iMB, Tree '11*12, Thursday,' Friday,...'....,.,... Tea'chers' Cbnyeritiph ' JtOKlstor's Oftlco an Man No. 130-C, '4 • und . drainage', worit. free estimates. JOMPASS (Coi)W—.- Old,.«0od tone. At Ypur^ Hijmo Or Studio ^ 4 , deslunatild on'both of said mapi! us .November 25-26, Thursday) Friday^;;.;.'.J:.,..-; Thonksgiying'Vacation ' 3 7 0 - 2 1 6 S . '• ' • ',••••'• , ' ' - . - .•-• :..-, '• - tfotfer,.'•;CllU 276-0060. .; ' • '• > , ttnti' Park," and • '...'...,' DflCBmhpT'23. Thursdav.rtf l^.iifi. ,.,.: Start of Christmas Vacation OIiA&INET.AND SAXOPHONE '—• P«ii> PIANOi 3lAT5r^5RT^ "nliiliOljHny. uuur%>61,u ••' Realtors , through. •Advanced." Jullll-ard «radilnfe.r January. 3 , Monday .........,„,!...;•....,;......,...,.;....,:.•.(;....» School Keopens-. owned Uy plrtho t«nchct, Sftpb>-Qull CJ78- never been Used asi; a, publlt) oarlt oi'.Ior Phone: Bridge. 6.-eift3. .. : -.. ••• . S«l ahs> other public'Durposo, ati<l •': ' BRidge HOME I M 1 ? R Q V E M E N 1 ^ •&MAINTENANCE . WHEREAS, 'said lot itf located In tho •;'February 18, Friday ....,....„..:.,.........,...-.•.;;.."f •Mid'vvinteir^ Recess Starts.^ JOBS, BIO OR StiALL. •vWiDO'^HBM ALL hr.i DIBCtfUN'f1 "on-'iiil nicrohluidlKC'.ut tiiduatHni Tract onat of tho .ditrdon .Statt • • . REAL ESTATE-BROKER v r . F e b r u a r y ^ 8 , Monday •;. i .;!..:..,j. ;;,.......«...,.;."School Reopens :•••'••••..". H A N O . • : • : ; • Itee EstlnwteH ~- "WCotk Ouaranteod 549. Bifoadway • ^ ^ -.-. Bftyonne, ARCHUS'a. LABOR DAY ONLY.. . Open Parkway, which Xiiuct lx in nri 1-2 Zone n ,'ft. f J, 1 Professional D a y 3300182 . E n l r i g s Call 62044 . CLASSES and PRIVATE March. ; 11, F r i d a y »...:.. and' IB behnft daycloped for lndlistrlnl use 330-0182 . T H I S HAS OOMPH!! 1 0 , a . m . t i 0 U Drfn. ARCHIE'S ' 276-4623 Evonlrigs Call BR BR 6-2044 •and,' ' ' ' '' M'eyerSvjllc, N. 3. • «47-l-M»r^ '' ' .i.......:a,.,.i.;....,..-'.;....'VEaater Recess B e g i n s .-April-'8, <?ood Friday .... WAMDA B,, GILMOnit - 278-3:i0t ;EAS, tho • Towiiiihip Commlttoe 'ol V ..-;..- . FOR $24,900 ; : Bachelor of Music 'deirfie,' 'graduuto 1 w.orl To'\vniihlf>;"of • CrttnfoVd deema it-.iidGLIDE-A-yAY slldlnu irlusa door; 6 X C'/j ;... •„.,.,.„•......',.,'.;........'...•.!,. School Reopens . April 18, Monday -Tt'iiclior's' COHORO, Coliittibia Univertlty and t o the bust interest. Bf the ftot with i>cft!£nl.."lock .'Und • Mbiintine •' wo .am; show :pou »a. most attrnbtlvc', ColCertliU'fl by Now Jersey Muf>lp Twachcr; CEMENT WORK, siddwaltfi'. and »a,tlos >,...i;,,.v,....;.,......,U^....V.:;....... Memorial D"hy . 1'owiishlp to ,.1'eIeaHb, • ^vacate . and e'x- ". May'-SO, ' frame, Cnll 270r800l; • qnial hom<i with • 4 budrooms, ll'a ' baths.1 Ans'oclutlOn.. v. ' / 10-2: ' asphalt driyi;wuyM'«nd pnrklnu lots; Watei tinBUlsli said Lot' 2. In 'Block' 143 itovn any proofliiB basiiriicntB:. Oranseburer' dr.aln" chnrmind LIVINB room with, a Flrcphia . wu.....;................... Scr^opl lEridy l o r Pug. public right's,' If .-a.ny,- 'which "'winv hnyi .Pipes. • Call" weekdays afUr '8 p.m., » r jnodctn' kitchen,.. 1st floor PoWflur Itobm .CHARMING COLONIAL PIANO A N D . PIPE ^ v .......;...,'......:.,.. arliiun by virtue of tlift flHiiB ol' s(ilp»Mittj)! ,: Jurje 24,'f riday ...•i.... • day Batiirdiiy'iind. Sundny. . 073-151)1, ti i.i.. Seh.oql:$nds fpr and Den, 2-car garage und a trco-sliudod .'Julian. E. Gopdwhi, Associate,' American 1B7-A .antl ,13.0,-C1. and to ri)tUlii\8ttni plyip 70 it 120 lot. •, ' - , - " •• 3 bedrooms, 1 Va" bsthst; riivtns room wltji 1 •Oiilld of OruiuiiatK, Biichclor- of 'Kriwle ii days March' :.;....»....1.J*«r.^r.i. 22 days .,September' ';..'. .;. w ,erty on' Mho tax .rblls' and, tp dtsvAto the; : ;• HIGU SCHOOL ARIJA- " A ClOOD TIME - —, fl'l t (0 Tbi fireplace, '' bl bltf llot (00 XW ffe e t )). .'•• This, . MustoV of Sucrea Mntilc, , f a i l • K78 SUMMER'S «umi! to industrial use; • • • ' , • . . ,: 15 days SERVICE BOOL does most anything . October .1....,.....,,.^.'....^. 21 days' '. •WOMEN : Y4g47.duys, 2-7B-0H!>f eviiftliuw.'-. • , • B-l home IK. loildod with pimrm and. Is -NOW THEREFORE BE I T ORDAINED •Carpentry -~-JEleclrlc •— .PluipbltlB •;. a t maSiulatc' Inside . iind but, ' fisted 2lNovember ., .;;:.;^.^;:.' 1& by ;tho .TflwjWhlp' CommittDu of .the w v " " " T -)Stc. .il Hariulttm' Avenue. R WANG; — - CljiSKlcill tincr.modoi'nHu!'.'/. >tp $25,500. Sec it' todiiyr YOU CAN HEAR ship "of Crtuifordi No\v Joraoy, that: 'REAtTEST)rtE, SALESWOMEN W.a/tBd 27U-3358* proa'ch, haaC'd on. cUisstcal tH»<)ry. Adult; 16 £+:• 1 iictlvo, ccntrallji located office In Cran •Section 1. Any nubl'js rl.Bhls,'rlfjiny, fo and •' children. C. J . pcCfltlla, 27Q-p3ba. S€HpOL BELLS January..•>v..;....7.....iS^<2l.days' lord. Expcrlohod, nrdferred biit will train. park of uiiy other : publlp pui'posos : tha' • . . . , - • •-.• . - • , . • ^ • • . - ' 0 . - 2 3 ; GENERAL CONTRACTOR. All types 01 Car 1essential. ' . . • . . : • ' •'• may huvo' arlucn in 'and to said Lpt 2, In Total .....'......•..•;..'.C.i..i...xt83, days interior and oitt^rloV onrpnrtfcry, Roofing REALTOR —' BR 2-5580 '•Ulpck l'Uf, by' reason o t t h e fll'ne ot Sak" . F e b r u a r y , ^ ^ ^ 1 . ; . . . . . 15'.days nnd. ull'types of sldln*. ..Fully iasur_ed Aiima IC7-A nuif. JliO-c a« •aforesaid. b,i LOU.'SAVAKESK. 2W-B381.', t: r.nd the immo hfittlby ui'.o rclensed.-vacntei from this" 4 bedrooin home. Excellent SPHXJIAl. .OPPORTUNITY arid "cxtlnBUluhcd-. • .. • condition outside Khdi'inSidc, 'Hirito raod- 4 bedroonj, lut floor, family room, Raose' E'ABN $75 $100 EXTRA PERWEEK • • . ' • • • • • ' ' K N E S V i C ' S ' '. ' * " • • • • cm kitchen, ciirainlc tile bath, family .room' Wlt School locution. This- one is. brand (on' 2... .Thin Qrdinanoa HlialVlak PULL OR PART-TIME' :.'•,' ...with built-in- television .area, -lav. 'with a now. and ready '.far your choice of'.dccoruafter limit pii^agR ad .ryjaviOud b; ROOMS FOR RENT RADIQ'arid TELEVISION A number pf WTO PARTY. PXAN DEALERS statute. nlall nhower In baKcmonf, bit HOT WATER are burnt,' iiuloctcd, trained and sot UD Hr REPAIRS • ' , Heat, 78'x, 150 lot with ' KiuttBC. • ANTIQUES. ••-• B I E P E R M E I E R ; -'i.. FINE"CHINA.' ' bualneeii. No Investment. required., - r l h ; BRidee 8-25.73'• S20.000 F.H.A; , mortKUfco Itvallabll! lor ROOMS FOR RENT hy day or week. Reft-, alrcato . t)Rerdtl.na' successfully', with ovei qualified buyer. :, ,. •• . The fojogtSfng ordtnanfc was sonablo rates. BRl'dM B-2121. CRANtt|a an one hundrnkwomen In otruir parts o t tin ducjitl-flKd paanc'd on'llrst readintf a t BUSINESS PROPERTY .WRD HOTEU U 'biiBCincnlij clc'u'ned.- . AU r.crac iind rub sta.t». -,••'''Some, hair Ktylllls apfHudo desired, miet'ihi! of t h a Towfnshlp Commlttoo o: niill-.^fll-QOds; todayiJW'•.furthor infon bish rBiupvod."' Call a,(ta'r S Township..of CranfoVd, N . " J . , . l i e l •0. roomv, I'.-i^batbH, dernl lot, 30 x'lH3. feet. tORlillSHEI)' BOOM In- apnrtmt'nt., l'ro-. tlon,. '. '-.•• .r~~ _J^^h-2\ tho •5 6 0 1 . : ' • • - , . • OPEN DAILY 8:30 A.M.- — 8:^10 P.M. Prlcj; $.11,000.X.-Mcuse Call far further on- AUKiint a4 i i00!), and will 'bo .coriiUd TOet R^hW^y tiosff-- Plairtfi^ldV N^ J, fojj&it>nitl woman 'only!'', "ilercrcnces. 1 erid t o r tlnal pssiioBe^nlter.. public hear Saturdays '•? Sundays and Holidays•rtiltailU.-. ' .-•' ' '. . Kitchen. ui;|vilece.s.- 27(1-1324. . - ' • • • • • ''•' ' . . ' (Park t o Prosouct th Ralnvuy Road) • • ". • 1--' ••*.'"•' Infit 0* another mcotinc of'fcnid ToVimBhJl • By Appolntwont HOXJSEWlfES Committco nt Municipal Buildlnc,'Cran'FURNISHED ROOX1 wfitii kltnhun prlviTUESDAY, SEPT. 14 — 91: A.M; v ford, Now .Torsiey, "bn . . • "*• or Start Sept. .'. htBos-(or oii« or two' perKonn. • Closo to •'.'••• ' •' • '. • , ," ' ' R a i n , o r S h i n e ... '. • ' . '• • '. FREE PARKING a t . . MEMBER .oi« UNION C6UNTY TUESDAY. • SEPTE\fBElK 14, I!)fl5 • town anrt bus transportation. ' 27G-UUir>.' DRESSMAKER . ; Oirtrt°°r survoy-tyno aaiilgn- at 8:30 o'clock VM, (prevailing time) MULTIPLE USTINd^BERVICB * Exhibit Mon., Sept. 13 1 2 to 6 Kxneiicrice ,'unUMiiasury. Cull ••'••.. ,; J. WALTEli COFFEE, ALTERATIONS •;••,•,15 pc., eoilcctlori IHodcrmeleri fifrnlturc— rifne dt'sks,'sta'nds, .corner1 cupboard), j . COLLECT,-•- Monday-Vrl.: Q-5 P.M. -.'•'•' •..-.- To.wiiahlp Clert i love • stj'ilts, tnblou anif chairs; fchlppMidule open arm,' hlqe'Vlnis and tupestty •Dntiid: Aur.un*. 24, 10(15. ' • .. ' ' ,. t?SEP GARS FOR SALE Realtors and Insurers 'chairs;'uootl Terry typo clock; line dm'all' 17110 .chejw bufeau; bcuutlfiilly carved -21>LO.8-7037 . "Adv. Fee: $40.-48 ,, • • ••• ,9. oak chairs and-t'ablost nice Victorian bufeuur. and chulrr>;.'flncly curved ottk twin v KUSIK'S AlftKRATION SHOP Realtor' • 276^18 ' .". .- . Or wrlt,c-.lrnm.ctlliituly trt: " • BRidge&8110 ' bedroom1 set; nttmcUve. rep.ru 4 post .beds,; ttood' RWmiuiKelnjoleler .Htntue (co»y); Ladics'-TSroooos — Bultu •— Coat» , : Tho Oriiclou«-.I-»d.y Scrvl.ce, Inci, (at Tolscn Travel). Craword. 1087' PLYMOUTH --• Neotls. wprk. MttkC UlTAldcn 2-Aldcrt still life AnlntiiiB add'others; Boad'OarpttiiiB; etc,!' -.-Good Babyaifarid Pianoll -( St. ' • Craaford 1010 Kennedy Blvd. • • Ehlludolphi'ti, • Pft. •TDWNSiHtIP O F CRANFORD ,-offer.'• .Cull 27(1-4271.-. • • • ' « " - ' •, 181 North Ave.i & Exceptional- Mettlach .punch tureen; Important. Fronoh1 compote;.-lovely old | i.T*l. 27fl-84(lB' •• t . . ' . . . ' . .' , ' ' 8-26 . ' • • . - t t r a n f u r d ; N « w Jersey"-"-'' Dresden,' Royal ,Doultoil, Wetluwocd,' Limoues, utc.l Set Slerllnu fliitivuro and AUSTIN-HEALY — M f l O O — red conyj&Mifitc, • FOOT OF ctarttertWXtr" BOARD CM." AUJ.KJSXMKNT other eleuant- Kllycr; cxqulsjto .Fronch clock hex. Piiw stemwilrp, blow 4nd other. • • lUcc-'.now comlitlon,. a?tn > J G-'n«w tirivi, PACTpaV^~TKMPORAIW'—• Wanted for (Zoiilne) • " .Rinse; lovely linens;-etc.I Exorcyclo; sinx poj-ch furniture; cicl A cood.su.lv with . InijiKliinc HIOW tjfjj!H-T*Witb hnrdtoPf factory work (duyu or'nliihts).. CranfortJ 1 , NOTICE! OP HEARING' ' REPAIR Sacriflci;..'" InrnjirerClty Service .'continental'flavorll' »' , •'.' • •'. . • . t '•' , ' - . .' . " MORTGAGE MONEY 'temporary , corner Jramnrtliite flpcniniiM, altio future opunl ' Tim .Board ot Adjustment, ; '<2ipnlnir.) ; South fin(KJi!ntVal.Avi!9,,-.Wn- >tflold.-' 0-!) :iiiKfi.' Apply to J . n , WMljuma'.Co., Inc., Township of 'Cmntard, County of .Unlor tester & Robert Slatoft Auctloineers, Trenton/NJ. •750 Walnut Ave..' Cran'ford. ;•'"•' 3-1) New-Jersey, will hold u public hearing oi REPATRING A SPECIALTY. Piano and 1 ' MORTOACSKJ MONEY 6 Y 6 u T n SAVOY •-• 2-dqo* iilltofurniture polishing. Antiques jostorod^ CRANV'ORD SAVINOS & LOAN Monday, 'September 13, 1005, nt 0:15 p.m A'lTft A"CTtVE 'WOMEN 1 Invent: c Queen's. RcwcbbliiK. Kltch«.a-J!iib-1 matlu, traqririilKNion,- rxcellifiit uoiulltlon'. EVELYN WADE & SON Koflntehlnit. Building .to' considcK-U) aolllrili, easiest In the Municipal. lnets waned. HENBY RUi'F^-laurdock' sa50. Schadcs Oiiruuc, a-tO W, Wcstficld North ilk Union .Avonuea CrtOrtto.rd •' Way to li'afhlon. • .PasAust ac ' <r. • R l l ; liooklru.1 lin'u'ln lionie jiuvly tjliuis.. Com--followlnu:P-HQOS-. .-• V . . . . / • . . . V . ' , « A ' S: Application (if CIEtlTnutMB P^ jS -Diiny duou all collrctliiB und'dcllvnrhu;. FHED J.'.HAYECK Servlntt. (Stanford, and 'HAYECK ffo r - . , . .l ^ -., .._. f nays ton commission ' U'l-monthly. • Cull Suction 802' BUburban Union County of the Slonlni Oi'dln'iincc t a»72:m:i " " * • ' ' ' • ' .. * 'construct a motor valilcle ijervlco stntloi -.SUMM'lER REAL -ESTATE for u vii.rliiiico'-nridqr, Suction 804 (B JUMBLE STORE —- ' Wuntcil for temiSorury undconstruut-iru'i'b.Inilldlnit. with less thn: BAYWOOD —' Brand new three bodroom Iii.ctory worlf (clny.s or nlnhtu). lra- :o .lKi^rpHT'yard f.otljiick- iind imdor Sc.ctlo: •h6me.on liwoou lot, with private beach • '-WANTED medlntti •openliiiiii, HIHO ' lutuio o'pcnln KO-l'(d) -.with .HUM .pitinnn set back IB1-fee JDMBLK STORE CLOSKD durlixc July and club'prlvllcws. Screoficd-ln poroh. HoaApply to J. B. Williams, Co., Inc., •}$& iiiMtiiid of 2fl ieet from Bbe'strBCf lino, 0 Auitiiat. . Will reopen Bcptomher 28th • jonublo, 'Call.BRidKq 2-D370. ' • . tf TEU 2764053 Walnut"Avc.', t'raiiford. ...-•- ' 0 - 0 Lots, 11102'throimh 1HBH, llhiult f)47, kno\v' PARTY DESIUE8 luriui homo tii with Hafk-to-School Sale. liomitlonH of Cranford 1 :t l 23 .North. Avo.; us 51S CuiHenniul Avenue. $43,000 ;ta S5i5,(JOO 'Cliias .ncattbn.'|, 'lmused clcithluit or household urOckiu plclutd 1 1:1. flu:Application ot" 'modliite OCCIIUUIWV not necosMury. Thh; SHORT OF CASH? ' up on Wcdftcaduy, Call 276-0400 or 276t 1477. 8-23 1 It, not a reiil calutc dealer. Write-to Box WENDliING for permission to. constru AVON. Ilcpri'ijjmtiativcs $30 to TUTORING 610, cure ol OranforU Citizen imtV'Chronto an a addition a wlfbuil car- wimlfbuilt! * *S0 pur wiiek, i k piirl-tiniu, i durius. Christmas an Iclc. 0-l« Simson. Cull today lor home intin'i. HUT In oi'diu- to'' enclose the oxlalimt who. , «Kncm SCHOOL. Enu- fcieUliitf. BRAND NEW LISTING wliiihliiB unit OK L o u ;io, 31 and 14, •' • llf.li. Frvnch. KxporK-ncBd. Certified. view. (I'l2-.'il'4ii. : . GARAGG'FOR-RENt V.llodt 7a, .Known us 550 South- A.v»mu> Eti«t. Studied in [.'ranee. 27()-:)fca2. . ' tfPARTv-TlME TEliLER, Iinmaculati* Cii'nc Cod in thi! desirable .14/115:,Application 'of JOHN LENOVEL - ;! to Ii Tljiirsday Koosnviilt School a'rea. llec. room, niod- •VICINITY OP SOUTH uiul Walnut*Aveu. und I'rldny, 0 '.to 1^2- Su-turclfty, WrlU- for a'.vu'rlancn Iroin. the rcqulruirtcntB of CALL US FOR DETAILS ON THE fni klU'hiMi, til« Imth, nntMuit'd porch und 1 Z7«,:i5S0. , • • -, hLitini; I'xpi'n'eiu'i.. ;tn<r salary douvi'i Section 1103 O>) of Ihu Zqnlnc Ordtnuncu lun:r' lot. -HH tlm tli'af. to .sec i t ' — fill In P.O. Hex A, Crunl'or.d. N . J . . m" jicnnil ' t h e construction, -oti An- udnow lor upliolntmont'. ' » dlllon tp'.Kltlo of itxIsliiiR houti; und t h r DECORATING 1 • • * » •' ' ' a • REAL ESTATE ! 1 r r v •Public Schools ; ' • . * * • • • • • • - • -. ' . . . , ' " • . . • ' . . . • . - , . , • J • j • - • • . - . •• . ; . l ' • • • , . ) . •'. • : ' ; ,.-••,*. • • " • t ' • • • • • ' • " ' l • • • « • PUfifi-ic • •« • v '-^'' < • ' All Types Of INSURANCE FIRE PHIL P. HENEHA^f FOR"-SALE EfiNEST MILLS 276.4395 Painting & Decorating - ^ LIFE NEW HOMEOV^NER'S POLICY I'ULIJ-TIMIS 'I'ULLER- - - jixpiTleiiccd "•KnowliidiU1 01 lypiiUl and .bcolilteoDlnii . Write, stuilnu nxnurliMico und suliiry di' .Klri'd to l'.O. IION A, Crnnfoi'd, N. J.- cloMni; III jjl'.oiur-liu.il oi llin front porch with lei!'' tlian t.lir iT<miri'<l front .nutT. A. CRANE — Palntlnif and biicl; oh.LnU 1220, 211, -and y i a , Illock Stiti, 24U Walnut Avoiiuo. T«l. known at. -I I t e atrisi't. • OOUO for cutlmatc«; 15/05: " ApiJllfii'tloii oi', KM.1ER0N. ,DEN while. Excellent conlfl«5 HONDA — ltKAr.TOB - ; WOMAN IN ; HKO0K.SIDE.'8CH00L,urea to Ki' COMTANY tor u vurlancir - i l l l i o n , 1,100-livili!!.. Call 23:i-(tl24. 1 25 Aliii-n'striict nitldEi!.0-7Ba3 'suvvi liuii:h". to ii hchiiol ulrhi in ln>r 1'rom tlio rudulnviu-ilts offiiti-tlnu UilKI1 (liV MJNOCO SEHVtCH STATION — Multiult) Ijlallnii Borvlce — hoiiK.', ^vith po.sMbilit.v ot wati'liini; thuni of thi! Zoning OrtlinaiH's to iTurmll th« ' a t ' .other 'times iiuri'mv school. hours. conntr'ucttoii' oi': '"'-• unft-^Lory lulditlon to itQEL.UENT or'PORTIJNITV. to aporali* ••— Uviiiiliik's c a l l -•• . Cull l-'i-kluV nil. (lay., 27(i-l)SH. ii.v,lstim; Olunt. lor priiitlim-paper products *youv\ow'ii 'bii-sUiCi-. H-bny itei'vli't* ^tu^• Puul 1'. Ihimii.-idii ".. 27U-0570 with !<!iiu than till! rtitiulrpd, front ni'tback lion ~»xulliil)li' 1 f<;r liruim ul. ''South nnd PRIM! ESTIMATES. — ITJUiY IN8UKED CLBRICAJl.. WORK"---. on Lot 40A, Hloclc IIM, luiuwn a a 2.50. North lMiii:oln'*Vt;!..,'Crunford, N. J . Cull'Mr. iiiu-.r nut. 'iiiiri'hMiry. HIUli m'.liool ui'iid- Av't'iu"' East. I •v ' • ' :.. . . •.-.'• MEN•;• Riuti-r lil^-iU I1-IU100. Kvrs.' mill Mr. uiitoi. ' Oood. Wf»i;klmt conditions, c<iual .0-1) WILLIAM ROESEL — tnterlor und • * At the ubovi: tlmi! mul.plUci'i t x u w t u n l t y 01H). MIlll'H nt hppuriunity iMiipluyiT. ..Applyat. N«w will he ttlvon all 1><3n.im:i.\v1iiu wIMi to bi; work . terlor P»lntlliK^ Bklilod mecluinlos. per- MAN-WAN'IViD lor roimler.'and Bflll Jui'hi.y 1.lSu|l "'rcli'DhoiTu' Co., 1100 Or.ilii«C i i c a t c i . • . , , ' . ' . , , " ' • * - • nl, n'rw drtvi'-in. N'o.^'.xpiM'.iimt1') ntiiofi^ - * o n « ' .»VWrviaioi'.', 43f> M Au .^y,., •O^HMtml, ,»], , , j , , , l.iihi .'mi )0 IIMI), .'Ql'di'i o f : ' ' Kury. T w f T T o lii'iiinijiM',' llWlli'r.'] N -:l7 -.Call T!f»nfqrd l 1 I mill. :l p.ni ilaliy! . . ' . . ' nOARD. b l J ADJDSjMKNT 'Slnilti ,"'llHiile 2 2 . Sprlnnllclcl, ,Now Jersuy. IBXUDLfi PIANO TUT«l(»(tt «nd • r a . D. awi'elscv, o|i.i*liiiuin ' M1CUAEI, to.'BAUICH ~ '. . hy recotilllied dxportif. OUDKIN tihUO M. J.. MciIJutjh, .sSuor'utiiry" liESIItfe.y homrfnokW^^iuntra '' •• ijKhti lU'llli'i'.V'-' t'rucK. ..Milit PainUnu:' I'uporhmiKhhJ. Expurt work CO., Tuners and Rebullde**, 437 Nerth TEACHKR i . llOKily'-to-wuur 'Mini). Wntk.tii Uox 'U22.' ub»r 2, 11)05^,• . • . .__ _ . manahlii. ftcunoijalile .prices, • Call 276 know Ci'iiu-liird . .-.Ui'i'hr.. -iiOH'H A t ld AD»n>» D 3 6 6 1 1In . nrlv(ii«' hoiun. WMii' tn Dih.^ fiStf, Avenue, weat,, leld.. 3-Sail. 1 (.•u'rc'oH t-'HUul) alld . C V ' . '.euro Ml .Cllliicn und C'liVoyKli.'. ' -.. •G53Q,,evcu|uu»., ' -, • • \ KET, lOV.iJVulliul ATO. 27U-iaW ABv....t'c«; 1 , i .'•*;• \ ' • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CASUALTY HEW* WANTED PIAN0 .TDN1NG. BROADER COVERAGES LOWER PRICES SHAHEEN AGENCY REALTORS — INSJURORS "Over Hcili a Century of Service" 17 NORTH AV6v ,' • 1': 'I; j i • BRIDGE 6-0777 V .•V V.S.- J' " . ' * " . ' : . ' • A-v ?•>-'. • ; ' : • ' ' • ' , ' ' • . ; : • - • • ' • ' ' - / ' • • v . ' ' • ' • • • * ' . ' * " • • • • ' • . ' . • X ' J " " • ' ' ' • ' ; - • • ' • ' " • • ' • ' • '•'"'•'•• ,;. A ,-• -iT: : > • . ,*,•> ',1 "9*^* *• ' -'' ^Practice ..'Wi'is oftittall>vilartfecl yesterday for ••th'ti -'.I'9fi5 . HigK School £po(hajl loam Un.d.er 'the direction .of"new head :<!'6ach Merle • •• ' , f. *'.,'' / ' i •f ' j '- U.\. • • \ i d n b s . . , ' . . •..••,. , •',..- y " ^ ' . • ' l i ' \ r ' , ' i ' ; ; " 1 . : ' ' • • ' .• • . • ; ' • '• • ' : ' • " • • ' • } [ , • : ' • V - . - i ' V • * ' • • . . : . • ' ! ' ' ' • • • • ' : '..•.;/ .-'HRhcfl.igh iCi^sli'll'.-.too -eejcl'y for :ptedicti<m<!/e<>ac;h..iJ6r^S:;appc,:irs •do. jiiwe •hJ'ii,ilvei.Mrk.:iiqvl.'.j>13ti-for jjim t o fcetteipa.st.'.stiaeoli's Tficbtli;- ef '3j8. '.- '; >T ho*nffyfcttfi^dveoachi,'r&ybrt'sUhat t .^r^^frp*^--^---- ,•'•:••''" '. « - — T ^ ' • 11: positions nle1 open and- will >be,:filled only' by- tfie ,:best"'-p'fe»'yr ; ot: the • ' • * ' . • ' . : «lay-...fbr' tho Ci-'shford..P6p ' "\ •' s"ep,tei«l>pi;. al"i\M 18 H^ve .beerP set. \\i~$r(e >.tryout..dates• for' the• iE^a^fav<i ffrtYF,'" feffhriit 'LeagueB' . Ted ••'To'r^c rgcn;^.presidc.n-t).; &n•>-.' rrdu'nced -this'weekV The tryout 'sdssjccns'-'on botif-dAys wilj-btein>,at. 1 - m - - . : . , ' . • . , . ; , . . ; • ; - . . - . • • • - • • • : . " . • • . . ' • ' : ; : . . . . . • ' , • . " " • - . ' • ' > . " • • , . ' ' ..' "•BbV.s who' wiai.iJie'>e;iji?|hi:0*;nine';;ye.ars--,10ld on 6'r;bf>-fot(t_Jig[lv 3 i ; "l.96fr~ai-e eligible * ? . t ^ c ^ t : f m ; . j i e . | '^-.^^^^-•'^'.^••••••:•:-—•-;; Jersey. •mino'f'leaBM^^Adai^. Ave; ™ d ' Y . ^ « •ol';"A;ll Q4 oq jg appear .for', registration:... nK^;1 :-Both' the midget and:.-pee.' Walnut' Aye. jpfeld tdx' the y 'tettms .open September::19-;at ] •Division... .,-.-:- •.'•'.. ;•'''•" -..'.' , V den. ..The balance1 of-.the schedule Major ••League trybUts —Will '.be intrudes; SepteiYiber' 26, Elizabeth. •hel4 for bdyri Who Will be-.iQ orl oi\ "CoacJV Jones Statbd h e \yi)I use v.s. Granfqi^ at. Memoriai Field; before July'&i, 1966 at Adams Ave. 1 The Cranford 1 ^Maiov League '•a slight/i-y. different offense than October.,' 3,,' Criinforci at. Rahway.; .- Candy Borg&s. and 'Bill Foreman •Field for tK'e American League jmd Rich Ettel- scored t h e only .•agjjinst-hiih all - s ' c ^ n • ai AlVStars' lost id" Levittowri, Pa., has, been used: in t h e past. TheOotober '10,; Cranford aj;' Hillside; capWred •••the Cf an ford Mix.eid at Patrick J.^Grall Field for the 1 ugecimorV.lh;in .iu,,MU^VUI,> .lO'.striK^out.s I~».. per.' 10-2;; .last; Th;urs'day in the q.uairun-1 p i the".first 'game as- ne- »»«?«.-more..yian October 17.,'Union' vs', Cxa'nfoiid'al, : Cougar fentor plans go lyitjvvariboubles. title Sunday night by .de- National Lea'gue., Boys JT and ' 12 ter.tmal round:'of the Trentpn'-PAt; Memorial Field; October 24* 'Cranwent totiivt.on. a fj<*Wis t-hofcc;,|f?anic besides ".battinj| over .30O..' j r years old onor* before July 3U ations of thfe Slot-T offense.which 'to: second : on an error;, was! ^ ^1 ^ f n i n g i n his ««?f"?"*f-'. foid at Is«ilih,f.'':aAti October,: 31, ileating Mrs.. Nancy Kraemer aud 1966'' who are -not already '-on -a Invitational Tournament .at the .won't . . . •.;••. •• > . . tpitching record. Ettol led the team f He feels will help jthe-tunnirig atClaik 'ys, Cranford at. 'Memorial /torn- Beam, 6-"2, $-£. The'•ch'anip- t'ea/n'will';'try, out at Lincoln Ave. Trenton ftgld. i ' " K departments toi third..by Jnm Helh;r j r i ^ n hltVliiiy' rinmriments iexcept;'•'"' , tack" by always-having, the threat ip,ns were flrst-seeded in the event, Playground between SpUth Union . The; highly 'rated lie.vittown siiqilfrcod l ;V itud.' S'cori>d"pT| B.iil_Eyans' single., ho;herwhs.-^ Jinj H!e.ll«r-.paced'this r "The. squad has been-"practicing \vhtl the, ru^nerfl-ijp were unseed- Ave. and Burnside Ave; on,Lincoln squad.-had wY>n ^lheir .opener by • In' the final tilt, l&.st Prid.ay, ,EUel;j department, with.-.three. - ; * " ' ' ' . . ,i of a pass plus double team blockcTushyig.:PhUadello!iia,.Pa', 16-0. " all through.th^suiftmer'weeks. iirid •'• ing.* It will also enable'the'-Couagain1 'paced ' Erigei 'Bros, at' the i,",; Also on the ••,'tba'ni- were,. Chuck J. _>-^dtholigh the locals "Had rajiny the condition of the team is e x Pony League ' tryouts" for'.-boy^ .Though they never trailed, the gars to use trap play's?" Coarh three' hits] Diakqn, Fred Joh'ansen and Vinco.i cellent, • Coach- Sfobierski stated. champions were forced into many who" will"be 1.3*15 on; Or befpytf scoring opportunities, they didn't ,plhte'b'y cracking out; 1 and 'scoring two..runs . . •'• . -. •. • ; Ditta. J u l y 31> Jones no.ted that.a variation of the W^e ar,e set for: Orange break' -the ice until the ttop of. the Equipment. and, t viniforms have deuce games which made the lroR, ..!••' ..Twwy S t a t f r ' . **.'• ':AH R II.-', '• A«'K,.III • •„•.-:••' , been ordered .and tKe shipn^ents match a' clpSe and exciting^ one. for I Avenue Junior High ScMdoJ 'Field. fourth'.-when, .they; jitishey across I •' In 't hy.: last, two games, as has. Slot-T Was -'used-in Cfanford's'fi-1 the case ;ill yeiij., Engcl 13j'os. a- q••••' oiKovniijcvot • ,-a 0 v r i huv<s,be0h-arrivjing .during-,;thepast the ittO spectators'who. .Watched* .Application '.blanks may be[ ob- a single tally, . The'lr .secqijid run ' ljoen Trial ganie^l'a^.t season against Thorn. ' a . o '-.•Of .Nestor •x o •,i|F(ij-i»wi;ir defense was •outstanding according .:)'. O.lDrftZiioVjik - a . 0 0 » lti days-, Anyone interested in helpr- pl&v. .However,.the steadiness.of. -kined at The "Spoi^tsman/s .Shop, came.i,h the lifth. >; '" ;';"»v ;:;^:.,u- " to manager Frank 'O'Do.nne'll^Gieg E t t p l - •' •' a'Kyjefl'eraorii.wheri, the highly rated i 2 0 0.'. Hollor • •2 0 0[OQUIUeron' ing with '.the .P6^ Warner- Assp'cW-.- •Miss Bprges : and:,the"exeellent net; the -ipUblic. JibrEJry or Vhe; Crant'ord . ' LeyiUowh; pounced on starting G'rote a}, third,. Roy'-1--Koenig -:.at: E'vnns Tee Jays pushed across a score an '. 1..' 0 ' P' 1 , % , 0 llP'lL-ni'o ' S p o r t Center..' ! .- '••"'.':••'.•' .. •' •*• pitcher Mike Martin of the bottom •*•— nhoulg ,gon'faotv-R'aiy. ~*"'~—~'-" ,'thif! finalminutcTtD "wirt, 12-8. '• 2 0 0>Hu<3iion' 3 0 . Oj . ; ••hortstnpr, F.r) NT^sthr nnfj.Trim L a W ] — " of Mr.vJJ'oremaho' ~*"' 2 1) ' T'KitnpVT'KitV ..'0. .0 ,; Bobr.'8htipjri^ John.'Laezza, Stan • 'Eight linemen 'are' back 'from of. the second frame for Oipliinniiu Crotu ' - 2 '0 0." lor 'at "second rtrid' Jin*, Heller at cia\ points and the matclw It'was Mintz or ,G|pach Stobietski as ther,e ;'*last season. • Junior tackle • -Jaok .1 0 IROS.S 0|Bel.co: .2 0 P! Anthony . Saritor. relieved Martin MERLE JONES aie numeVpus positions to .be filled •the-«thi'rd, tfiumph for .Bill. this ,,,./ %en in Service ;—- • arid gave-up'three runs in the third first formed, one of • the strongest Ba^ak appears to be the tpp .prosTotuls; •': 2U 0 p ' ' Totals ' 1,8 1' within tlie prgahiza'tloh. /.•'.' -.••-,•;:;,.; yt*air,,'in Gr^njiord events,., as';'he " Airrnlun 3/G;'Jqhh Staxri- Jr., s'oh and a hom'^r in the fifth.'.' --r}'\ infield ' cojnbinationS evo>' -repre- •tyRvy , pect'. Bayak. turned in • several •' 0-0' 0 0 0 Q 0 — 0 , Btnlc,'. „..: 0 0 0 V i i ,0 '-«-l y ^A kick-off dance'is scheduled for-, Won the Mien's Singles and teamed of Mrs!'John V. Starr of 23 riainp- • Toin Beadlo and Jim Giordano sen'tinK Crariford 'in ' any league,. ngi'l Brq'.v.'.' ,; strong performances last' season Thurscltry,. September' 9 a t ' thte with''Bill : W<frtheimer to" win the ton; 'Rd,,' has bedn' gradu^fed. at each had twd*hils for Ctdnford. Mr. p.'ponn,el'l - noted. \ • . 'r .-••• afid'the 202^-pQUiKt. tackle could be ;•'•' The Erigel B.rosj rna'nager also Iir«». | Jersey S l n i s Ci anwood,•;'; GailWood at,.... 8 . pim. M 1e n ' s D o u b t y s ; , . ' •'•'.;.- ' : ,'•' -•''•,•'.; ' • „ An;iarilio ATPB;' tex.Z from' the a key factor in bdtH,the offensive Martin struck out • three in hissingled,-out Grote particularly -for, AB ft HI • . ' . A« : ; Mts; Kraerrter gained' her '»'»'—»•'••••---} ^2;00 p e r p e r s o n a n d training course for 1Jv S, Air Force pitching, 'stint • while ' Santor fan»: Kocnltf • %"' ri OIKormncycr _.and do.fensiye de'tjartrneht for the : hisH M d i i d defensive'-.phi-y., aridl :8 - 2 ' llH.udsyn,. ^ ^ T . .1•admiilistrafive' specia3ists; •"ivAir-. y | ^ ; :i ......__, , _._ ..,. _.i—ppobabJiry-rtht wais rupripr^up 'in • thei'. W'omeh's Organizations, ;busihe$sesi • Spriiors- Df»n>ii«: 1 and Paul I'' llfioftnUefnn "3 0" ;: winning hurlcr and struck'oijt 10 thiTd- baseman in tfie leaRujs. :.iii~.Tlreiii. •Single's ' t "u'' " ' ' ' '"' — *' • *•• j i g l e s tu Kayeu AiidlAyn. ;Ap <:i;o DiMarco''aire also returning from gro&ps, xraternai . .While--allowing', only four hits:. ; last, season" at tackle; Kiltie weighs The Cranford Portj ' " League All- duals rriayimakft.contributions by •men's aild women's ..events will" be; ton, Mass;, i is beifiig* reassigned to ' ' Members' of the. team included eluded Roy Khauer behind .the KoVing; ^.FB in Maine: for 'duty. 2 0ip":at l$0 whileiDiMarco is 200.; St'flrs: ended .their .'.Season' 'with ? sending them^ to Ci'anford' Pop held again; next year,. and tb'urha- •The airman received an' associate Dennis' CorincHy,' Thomas -^vyill- plate. and'RJlph Ett.'el,',Jack''-Kfelson^ • 2 'If ;. Also .returning from." last, year Warner- FpotbaU•Association, PO' trientsj• lor' junior m^n ,and worrien,' oughby, J i m Giordano, Bob t>ia- Joe''Ti'Qzza and Bill Evans jp^tiw T o t a l s '.•-•."24 . 5 ' <8| T o t t t b '" 21': . 2 '4 (.field. 'Mr. O'DonnalJ^VHfel the, M ; » : y . b t e . l o u.n,...u,'miii';.iii. I o i ' » o o-;. r kpn,-tilairte Marsh, 1V1 Ike Martin; ior Collejge.iri Ftanklj.n,. Mass:-, •" added' to . Jtlie •Municipal - -Court Jerry ih'ifedrnan and Randy Gross,- Plain-field, ;l-0, irj 12 innings this, 'Bros." ...•,....,..•....:;...;....,-20 . ' ( 0 0 . — 3 oalflekl :did no%$0rifm\\;'h single ; 1 Beadl»,4_ Richie Mazzella, 1 schedule^ ' :' Some •" of 'the top junior prospects past Sunday ; '• T/he locals' finished^ Kiwatiif? Pitt Loop .'eij.o'r''8n,.so|* out for the Urie include: Rich Win- in second pla'ce behind Westfield Tournament di,rector' Tom Beam ' No question is ever settled until Jphii Van :Brunt, Tommy- Isaac, There is' no excellence \yitho.ut Doug-miss and Rich Ettel comAl DiFabio, Tony Rjnioi, Ilobb> 186," Steve EuzoTlB?", "Jim i'erid like, to Ctanfoid scoitd the lone tally •a to take. cusn-oX—Ujc-Jiioun.d.labot; and the timo to work is "JaiTcie Dobramki, 175, and Ron VanCoid, of the gijme in the bottom of the The Cianf^vd Knvanus • Youth pants in all events and announce Ettel posted a leeoid now—-Mary Baltfr Eddy 203. Mark Ultom appears to ltMd 12th when Jack 1 Nelson singled, Bpwling Leagife will opVh its that Munjcipal Courts will lemaui the li£>t ot sophomores. open on a daily bas-u? oitTtil Oetostale second and went to third on Ed Gill istthe only cjid returning a patsed ball. Mark Detenng thai 1965-66 season Satuiday, Septem- t>ei 3. • Alter$iMfns «r Additions and he will receive stiong competi- singled up tjhe middle to duve in ber 18, at Echo kttnes, Mouiitain"iion foi tins position horn jumois the Winning run ^C3ind Development tido. ChildiWr between 10 and Bill Albans, Chuck Aichdeacan and • New Homes • Garages Rich Ettol staited for Cranford 15 have-^becn invited to partici struct'ion will be given Trips to all airports, railway stations & piers and went 10 innings wrth'ftonDe- pate and professional bowling inTho ~ -Caff CHesTnut 5 ^ l -6-2272 6 i' piuspucK will bir Longe coming in to hurl the final featured next week. supplied with .shiits or blouses by two frames. Ed DiSalvo pitched INOi • Cabtnets • limousines' for weddings — Trips to anyplace .sponsois The Jeague opeiates on the fu&t 10 for South Plainfield a 28-week season, with na'atches ON ANY SIZE JOB with John Flannery coming m to Echo Lake Results — Prices Very Reasonable — beginning at 11 a m. Saturdays,^, There was a threerw<iy tie forbecome the loser. Parents interested m oy>eitmg Manager Ed fclwtor expressed both first and second in the Clabs their youngsteis haver-6"fcn -re"A divisjem of the 18-hole women's his thanks, to Herb Koubek, John ROBERT C/^RUEGER quested to eonjact f. J . Duller, 26 strode plav, tull handicap tourna- Colineii and Glen Q.wens who •n^ttn,^ avjKr-'TMw n tilayce, 209 207 N. ST. ? \ . KENILWORTH meot .Tuesday pi, Ech.o Jbake Couri- helped, out with tlie team during A v e , oi Chailes Rob the seas.on,^ ,_ —U-y Club- - > •. ."* •crt^f i Orjthford | South 'Deadlocked for first wire- Mit. Alt R 111 • Ate It II Natalie Jooes 96-l8-'T9, Mri>. John NOftol, 2b 5 0 2l|Woodi mi; < ff 5 0 1 - Home is t h e deatest spot on Knautr • i> (t ll^thual. .' Ackerman 100-22-78. and Mrs. Evil n If 5 0 2|Huhneri, earth, and it should be tjhe centre, Chailes. Vai'n. 98-20-78 . Tied for fiitcl t> Jb 4 0 0|L(.n"d'nkl though not Xhe boundary, of the, 'Stncich Jb 4 0 l|AnbnV(ii, h-, 5 -0 0 second were Mrs A T. Knoppers affections. — Mar.y Baker Edy Established 1912 101-22-7!),. Mis. Charles Jerome Nelson, i f •t3 0I 0|I»hilllni 2|PlSilvo Tt 98-19-79, and Mis W G Grander Dt taring, <• * J.OCAI AND ~ : ~ ~ 79-20-79 Mrs. Berger Egene&'s ^^^xKenilworth, H^ J. • Authentic Levl* In und, . 41 0 b • worv'Jnw' putts,~wlth 28, ' — _ _ - , fdded blue arid Jiew "pure o d o a a o.-'o B O CRAWFORD , In "Class B , JKIH. 'Edwia Ehlert i i d o o o oo o i * whits. — ^ ^ L Mth'CAt t* /MM" \ **dirf<C . STATE^TERTIFIED SCHOOL.. -.copped first With 101-25-76, and Jack Purcell and" Mrs James Skinner came, m se Respflnsibility'^ like a string we Morning and afternoon^s^ssiens. Registration 38 NORTH AVE., E. PF Flv«rrf. ond with 101-24-77.' MI>,,-,N£(M__. cam only see the middle of. Both i .(Opp. Firehouse) Jordan took prue £af ~iow putts ends are out 'of sight — William opened for limited-enrbllmentxChildren 3 to-5 H«ntey Collar tfnlr Shirt* it PACKING with 31. _^^^_ • RACQUETS McFee In many color* by Robtri years of age. Old won Class C Brue*. AtUlD RESTRUNG AL \toumament Doubles F i e l d . • ' - • • . • . - ' . • • . ? • • • ' • ' • ' ' . . ; • • • • • ' . . • " • A •, • r . . \ • • . ' v p , • • • • . • ' -• v . • • ; ' . .-••': ^ ' ' • • - . ' • , . • ' • - ; : ; : : Pony All-Stars Special Limousine Service Goldberg's BR 6 - 4 4 4 2 ^ - C» 5^6566 ROBBINS & ALLISON IMC. Sport Center IMD.GAVE ' " In Comfort IN CRANFOHD STORES Humphioy was second with 11029i81. Miss Emma Pierce won low putts with 32. Mtmrt -iK TANCE Tel. 276-0890 VIM Libs* ij WH.B01*, PENN8TLVANU, ~ StfAhOtfta, TEETOEN iport |^ck«t* and; owtw wear. ' " 18- North Ave.; W. DAYS PLAYSCHOOL BR 6-1569 . Cfanford ; .213 South Ave./ E. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bruder, .Directors Cranford WHYAT0UCHrI0|<FPHONE? p quicker JQ^5e.You_can , -r tap the buttons twice as-fast, as you now .dial. * WHICH TOUCH-TONE PHONE?'This new ph-one is available in a ' \ wicte variety of styles and colo'rs:"the table model, the Princess1" phorte/ or the newly strearritined wall phone. . for back-to-school WHEN TOUC'H-TONE'SERVICE? These new telephones-.caa Busy Little Scholars Need Sturdy, Stylish Shoes h* Take Them through the Year. You'll Find'Them Here! . ordered right now by" calf ing the'Telephone Business Office" M d j u s t , $1.50 per month t© ydur regular monthly charges, plus a"prfe-time ' connection charge, anql you're enjoying Touch-^one septfee on your , residence line-including Touch'-Tone service on alj^xtensions. . We" Carry The Largest . Selection Of STRAIGHT LAST SHOES v lit New Jersey -.....-from"B thru EE widths in children's sizes 6V2-12 and misses' and boys' sizes \V/i~ 3. We also have a large assortment of growing gfrls' shoes in AA thru E widths in sizes AV2 .10. (EE 4V2 - 8). Boys' shoes r a n ^ front B thru EEE 'WTdths in siies 3V2^,6 and big boys' shpesv are available in' B thru EEE widths in sizes • 4 • • • , • • S Shoe Hospital • . • > . . ; .' Nornial and Orthopedic Shoes for the'Enttre Family s '•••'•• All Orthopedic Work-Done on l*Vemises * .• Open Daily 9-6, Friday to 9 . •MTENNIAL - T o t t c h - T o n e service is n o w available" t o c u s t o m e c s ^ f i o s e . . t e l e p h o n e numbers begin with '21.2,276.and 789,.' •>, •. -.. > : :• N N J B i l \- • . '" .'• •"•-.' ",r a •. f ,..-' '• •'••<•_ " ." •'." '" "•"'•.- •.-. ' - :• '.'i.' ' i „ ' '••*•:>' " - V i • / 1/' • S : . ' L " ••• • " - V " " V A - •'•••' - - - i ^ J i - ^ — 1 . Y#W, , *"""* • ,' / • • • » • • " . ' •' \ • / . ; . > ' , > • a ' ' ' -•*. < r i l l l . c r l r < l l l l l \w.^r«H v o r t h ^• '"'•' ^ at1tft'e-Stc\v- 350 art A i i ^ d r f c e ^ascfBp>il-,pres(|jttecn ' 8".••cwicfer.l. -ic AjnfiiTii,, P a r t c . last; *•'• t h l u ' S d a y riijlhl/un^eiv'sponsar'sivipQ'f,. tjfip"G!irwa6d' Kecr^utjon Qofn.mission'. M e m b e r s ' / o f t h e J a e n i o r ' ' ' ' • • m t t i o W l i n ' G a V ^ d o d ailii -.iMesi-hejd- j fjs'sionai. .photajg^a'phtjr^t; r—;. k ' Sfiei>ard>:4l.8; Qrchfird fet..i Jolih'. M./, ;&V(bcima'ra,-l,ili?\']B'i?,V»«w?re-;TW:,.''a)fif .-,•' • • '^' , " 'irtYi<>tdyoi'-io^door' <*amoaienihg" as . . '•. . ' , '. '•'" '"'" .••' •' Jd'uct. dyor-to^d,ooi i ' cafriBaigning" a s and- p a i r s ' o f Ctark.j Scotch Pluins, *•• Mr. Duflocq wMfs^'u copperalive, Janx's j . Wheirity, 13 Rarrjapo Rd. W a^Flushih'g, L.-1.,' for . AlsoV R e m e d i a l . r e a d i n g , - M r s . . t i m e . p e r m i t s . . . '••••;.,,.••••''" .." • . a n d M o u n t a i n s i d e W.lll>attend Cbe0 t b i Vida :> Hl&ri'is; .•>-ndUatri'a][:^t'.Cs,:l. J o - '". -'Mi'..;. Mar't.irj-arid' -MirV; p l e a s e • m u e t i n g ' h ^ E e . ' ' . • , - • • " • , . '.'•- '•'^•••i^^;.' • ..-Lt. r».-v_-j.-.. .ik._^...»;.A. *Us,v:w;;.. issued-,•a'.,'statej«t!at ; - i pra % isin^.t'he •''-iPiansVfjir/ i/^,ntri.lliy)ijjif*))ii ^1 f •!•t^lHCll ' • i ' JE i ' FaUipo, Miss.tKaren Ktrk; lan-gu-j Weather Statioii , t e n d a n c e oflicer;-M*s,.'Myilio:Rey-] Yistted/atOTe^f::; '" ' '"'" ' ' ' 1 ;-.iAmong ; t h o s e attenclirrjt t h e ' e o n - !" Mri?.'-Helen Lanfe \yjll be cafeteria J;. cett vvpri"-Cftunpiln^eri Arigelo' N . •manager, lyir.1/.". Pauline; •'Mbrtis''';'|s ."' AlimoTiti,.E'dward W;'Ki>femp3*anci secretary to _Ih^> Board ,o,f,..: Jiimes. J . ' L a d o a ; , ' J r . C q u n c i l n i a n tion;1 Mrs! Minnie ••"'. jl.aide.ri s p o k e w e l c o m i n g . t h e band •perihterident's • to Garvdood. . T h e coiiceri/ w a s t h e lian Pierro, .sctywf^secretary, and r i v e - . ••;•:, • Oliy.eii'lt West of M a l v e r n e , U h, and Wendcfll K i l m e r . of Hen»jj' r stead,'.L.' I., cOop.eratj.ve. observers' for- the' U. •§,:.Weather B u r e a u foV miiny. years, recently, visited Union J u n i o r ' CdlleKe'.s ; .M«tearpl«i»ical. oBeMade M Meeting Here £....,., ., ....... I'Eiidirij* At UJCT*pm<>ri<oW .wis; nurse,.Mfs:-Zada Shepherd; ie'ypr ivouble ' c r o p ^ u p : " i n ' i n c i g h b p n n g t o w n s / ; they.saicL^* psychologist/. Mrrf. Sabiha, L : l>«isc.oe.:;at T j;gft ; qt,;th^.-work''.they^ cratie., .tieaclquar.t^rs • on "Walnut Ave,>jt was 'annouiicc'd by JTrank Q'iioiVneil, presideni", at aivertecur' tive c'6n>mih>ey meethig-.thifi rvyeelc. r o w . ' . - .;•',••.':. .'.--,.'' •'•:,... •...; ••; ; - - , ' '._' ' • \ Elliol '-'Brossr: and' H.;••• Randali ••' - .Thw;n''nt'e. 7-0.studenfe enrolled i n Kreger; Democratic candidates for •ttee itft-erseiwion, Th?ey a r e . t a k i n g Township Comitiittee, will be prei : 1 i.'c6uvses''~''' tn ---i--.ch.c-:iniiiJ.vy,¥. ' French,. sent at Tuesday's-'meeting;, Persons ptiy.sic's-.a.iio-Spanish.'.'••' ', •••:'... • interested 'in .joining-tftdclub are Cranl'.orcls'tudents^nroljocl ki tl.ve jnvjt.ed W i'.tt<jnd; ' ' ; •{' '"' intoricitiiiiori. a r e : . R o b e r t M; Aek.'.The executive committee voted iand,., 13 .Hiiinpton SL.;:Mis.s ' C h r i s lo take a half;'page"advertisement Une 4 a y t i i l a , 30 CoYnell Rd.; D a in. the. Boostei-s'i'iCiub,football pror ;' U'hioh'- J u n i o r CQlteKO'K .week iri(.ersj;sRi,oii, will close; Iprrr6r,: last in a summex'series sjionsoi-'ed schpol plcijf^N^rii. 1Norniii..HilJ "J. -: |. -•(JAI^WO'OD . ''Plans'for the. sin1 * by the Recreatiort .ComtnisSipn. •. Halloween collection project Following the progratri,; • Five.|. vid.. J . "Boyle, 106-.'Preston'. A v e . ; for the United Nations 'Children's l - '•-• _ . ,- ' " I . ' ' '• They" wivre: t h e ' g u e s t s o'l'Hairold J o h n • F;.:,Caldwell, . 17'. Wade ' A v e . ; grani. Chief Patrick •.•Gtiristianp '.F\md"\by.i youn^ 'people from the airpnen to partake f Duf!ocq,metepRpTo'gisf sit. t h e U J C John F;Mill?osky,'(i03. Lincoln T h e devotion of t h o u g h t 4 o ah churphes. in, t^is. area will be ciiiments with, membe^s^! thg..lire; iitation. Mr. Wost ' is a ' retired Ave,; Miss 'Sylvia L.Reichinan, 15 h o n e s t achievement) -".rnaKiis t h e cussed at a mee'tinfj of the UNICEF : department a t B « ^ Leaf Memorial • Brown .'..Tor.;' .Miss Elizabeth J, fifhievernant possible. GARW6OD — Campaign Coor-j ccommittee .of the. United Church rhemisti <ind'Mr. K i l m e r i s ' a p r o • Hqme' bejor^returhing • to ainator -Jack p . Schmidt and I ' Women.-of •.Westfield' and .Vicinity committee, met .l^l w e e k nnt t hfs fs in .St. P a u l ' s ' C h u r c h . ; h e r e at i):45 week. committee, "met >iiring .th,e evening, the men participated-in the last o£ six Koirne, 228 Myrtie Aye., with the ["a.m. ciri M o n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 13.' . summer fif6.-drllls,...^ynjchj.0£iudedj tw'o'.Republican cpUncilrn.knic fcani • Mrsi F r a n k P a t r i c k Pi!'.167,Wil• pump practice, ladder climbing arid didates; Calvin :A.': Marlin and Wil- l o w 'Ave,,••" c h a i r m a n of ;t h e c o m - . liam J. ; Trelease, fp discuss cam+ mittee;" r e p o r t e d ' t h a t • rc presT;nta-. \an instruction sesisio'n. .'••""•' paign procedure. It w^s announced 'tives f r o m c h u r c h e s of all, d e n p m i Fii*e Chief' .Chflstiano presented a badge to Gounqilman Charles E. Jones, who seized1 as»€ire cpmmis^ ••', sipTief'last, year. Fire Commissioner.; JphrfJ. McCarthy also addressed : :'' the group. T-he aitnVen and-firemen J i d i ' i i l i H g B l t H d 1 ' to fireman* Arthur Sweitzer.' Until you taste .'•••" . ':.'•:••. . ..V.I-W ALL WILSONITE you'll never know how good ^^ Scotch can taste THE DORIS GAftRlTY BALLET STUDIO 1 i for. g • C h r i s t i a n Byllock,. E d w a r d ' M c Ginnis und G e o r g e bL H a l l ",.,• •; •' ' 4 7 9 ' S o u t h ' A v e . E./ '••.-'•'.. '.' C^anford, N . J : '• ",-..' -(Continued from Page 1)' . Elizabeth' Ritter, Otto Irvin'and August Krack. . be A tilm ...oh-.'Louisiana' • shown on 'Septepber 17,. Ladies' 'iiajr, Isadies':' .Day .is1".-observed evtry FridaS1. \ A business 'otneetlh-g will,be' called on September .18. AH' meetings .afe at 2 p.m. "COMPLETE, BALLET.'TRAINING' by -a,, qOalified te^cr7eToTTFve~ Royal Academy 'hi • Daricing, London, the -largest .a/nd- oldost organization of its kind, devoted exclusively to classical ballet g arjd highest, teaching standards.. ' "A' prescribed ••course'.;of .training- to' develop . •'•'.;'•- ; "'. .. 'carriage, grace and-, poise,;--plus, a knowledge, ; r.. • of music and rhythmics;.'' . ... . ."' ; vv (Continued*froin.Pag'p I)"*1 "Miss Dorothy .Matthews, .'.-Miss- Karen Tiii'k, Mrs. Carol Yast. ,• 1 .Fourth grade - - Mrs. )?eAxl Eie..d'errnah;".- Mj'ss Esther Gpldmari, Mrs.,'lyierle y/alsh", Mrff.'Irene Zlolkowaki; .fifth grade,,Mrs-. Gertrude OfSsidy,' Miss ..Cnrol Dobkowski, James Forsythej C.aiTnine Veries, . Sixth; 4jra.de — Josepji ,BJndor, ^T7TMrgrl^r y ^ ^ Han Geist, Frederick "Rica; .seventh grade — Mrs. Mabel Anderson, MLss Lorraine •Conover, Mrs, Elea^ nor Hales, George Kunka, Albert L e i c k . ' •,•"': • O HAIRDRYER DIFFERENT CLASHES GRADED'AND LIMITED ^-.Students eligiblo.to gain ;ARRITY. ? pectus C UNIVERSAL DEHH[fl FULLY RA Bqitied in Sqotiand . REGISTRATION -Se;ptemb^rj?14 ar^V$.atVFW Hall Classes Start September 21 frorih 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. ' - ' , . . • ' • . ( , ".; • ' BUNOfDSCOlCHWHISKV• 88.8P800F'.SCOTTISHiWWODSTUIMPORTERSCp..NEWVORK.«rtYOfiK. SKIN CREAM .' ; . ' • • • ' . • • • • ' • • ' . • ' ' . • : ' ' - - < • • ' ' •$$.00.::.:vv. . $2*0? BONNE BELL iQTION HEADQUARTERS . .i. ''.-.. V ..Eighth grade - —• Miss Claudia . Ambrose. 'Mrs. Jeanne EJeFiliipo, JMiss Karon Kirk, James Muiphy, .The e d u c a b l e class, c o n d u c t e d for the.fii's't" t i m e ' Q t thje l o c a l , s c h o o l , w i l l - b e taught b y - M i s C.Uheime U py ^ 'iipp:i \inCl ' by t h e following .Marg£i>"eb» -Ray, '-fitiiiiimii ov^i1, Miss' Dffrts;Ojbriover;'.physi• cal "'education, Mrs. Mary Golden, M LombiiVdo. science, ','MrS. * ElKaiior tm "clia Ambrose;' arlthmetu;, tieorge ;Kimka,,--..Mra. . Sylvia "Shapiro; ".•X Brftkus Bcltmwlr-MO. '..;..•.. . ** • . "* ' • • •- V : 1 • '''¥«r3«o.;; ' m $9.50 • " ;... Motor "rwnu" Opi';-...'..viitwj.-."..*-.'..-» $C.oo BATH LOTION „.-.. " lilBht : or Bnilie AdiUBtir.ijnt -••' s "; ANY U.S.£AR * CHOQOLilB : H : MOISTURE LOTION SOUTH ELMOfeA BSSO SERVICE CENTER .South Elmorn •A\>«'.1( cor, Erfya. Ave, BibabetH,-ij, J . ••• v ' "^'sa-te-w • • ' OPEN TO 10- P.M. ' • ; •At '.,i V.'-. t i :-i HARD WATER SHAMPOO go ga§ IAXI •;•'•; ftARONS t Tf/Mf TOGO 98c •• : - • • $1.00 ^ . » . • . . ! • CREME DEODORANT $1.00 The Public Utilities Commission has just approveel a rate reduction for-Elizabethtowri Gas customers : using gas heat, that means 45;0QO families in Elizabe.thtown's ' •.••• !'•' ' area are going to save on heat this year.'How a bout you? : *. and- heatingcbnlra.ctor will tell. you" tlml-tiothing.bekts gas heat! • • ""Installation is simple.and gas -... heating equipment rarely needs servicing.. • . ' ; . That's also why most builders. • •' of' new homes in this area choose Every ci-ayYmore and mote families > gas heat.; • '.• . are realizingthodependability, Now's tho time' to call . , thef^le^nlinossand'the economy • ' •ElizabetWoWn. Gas.or your local of gas heat. Your local'plumbing; O^BR 60080 for a Taxi. Why go out on a limb and struggle with heavy traffic and parking problems . . . Go by Taxi. We are at your service 24 hows a day. " . •'plumbing and heating coiniraclor .• fora'FREEMOME.WEA'FI'NG •.-• ' \ ' SURVEY. You'll.^el a written ,';.-." ' estimate of.the yearly cost of •.' • heating your home with gas. And you'll learn hew inexpensive -iLis to install a gasTfired conversion . .burner or a modern gas healing- . ' , unit, t h e rates are down,.Now it costs*'less than ever• to have . the very-boiitKCall. •. • OPEN SUN. 9 A.M - 9 P.M. DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY OW.CRANFORD THEATRE • • W€STI:IEU>: O^ft^lALT^JHE Elizabethtown Gas We Re*erve The Right To Limit Qoantitiet •'• ELIZABETH RPIN/Zfi 'UJ? OtllfiKLY "S55 North BUMtl ^Street .EL'2.6100- AtR eoA/o/r/o/vso . CADILLAC timous(»e Ce/v/ce METUCHEN ]•/ PERTH AMMY," ' HAHWAY 2 Mrtirx. iitreet ME 6-1700 ME C-V/OO M t .0-1-700 V-' / WESTFIELO : . ' . i ' , l^A • ' • • ' ; ' ' " STORE HOURS: t:30 •.in. to 10 p,m. AlJ .10040 ' .' • : • * <*$• *• ~+-t . . ^. (GEESH);/'/ , - ~ HOLDS HAm IN PLACE FREE DELIVERY- »>bo*e BR6-6I00 TAU *• '« - GUICHE \ , : < • > . . - • • \ . V .•.--"•" '