
Joe Davies
Principal Writer
Windows Server Information Experience
Presented at:
Windows Networking User Group
November 2, 2011
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
NAP overview
NAP enforcement methods
NAP components and architecture
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
What is NAP and why do you
need it?
◦ How to maintain computer health
◦ How to define and enforce computer health
 Intranet computers
 Home computers
 Traveling portable computers
◦ Malicious software attacks out-of-date computers
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Platform that monitors and enforces compliance
with health requirements for network access or
Operating system components built into
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008/R2
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Vista™
Windows® XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3)
Application programming interfaces (APIs)
◦ Allows for integration with third-party vendors
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Health state validation
Health policy compliance
Limited access
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Computer that is trying to connect to or
communicate on the network is evaluated
for system health requirements
Compliant computers
◦ Grant unlimited access
Noncompliant computers
◦ Monitoring-only environment
 Grant unlimited access but log compliance state of
◦ Restricted access environment
 Limit access to restricted network
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Automatically update noncompliant
computers (autoremediation)
◦ Monitoring-only environment
 Noncompliant computers will have unlimited access
before they are updated
◦ Restricted access environment
 Noncompliant computers will have limited access until
they are updated
Automatically update compliant computers to
guarantee ongoing compliance
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Limiting network access to a restricted
Health update resources
◦ Located on the restricted network
◦ Used by NAP clients to obtain updates for
 Example: antivirus signature and operating system
update servers
Computers can be excepted from having their
access limited
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NAP infrastructure servers run Windows Server
◦ Windows-based NAP enforcement points
◦ NAP health policy servers
NAP clients run
XP with Service Pack 3
Server 2008/R2
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Verify the health
Verify the health
Verify the health
Verify the health
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roaming laptops
desktop computers
visiting laptops
unmanaged home
NAP is about stopping the next big virus or
vulnerability by ensuring clients are well
maintained and isolated if deemed unhealthy
NAP is not designed for:
◦ Blocking unauthorized users
◦ Rogue machine control
◦ Software distribution control
NAP is a flexible health control solution that is
reliant on other mechanisms to solve these issues
◦ It is the compliance check and enforcement
solution for these mechanisms
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What types of ways of
connecting or communicating
can NAP help protect?
Internet Protocol security (IPsec)-protected
IEEE 802.1X-authenticated network connections
Remote access virtual private network (VPN)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
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Healthy Client
Unhealthy Client
Full IP address given,
full access
Restricted set of routes
Remote access
Full access
IP filters on VPN server
Full access
Restricted VLAN or port
Can communicate with
any trusted peer
Healthy peers reject
connection requests from
unhealthy systems
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Require proof of health compliance for IPsecprotected end-to-end traffic
◦ Health certificate is used during IPsec authentication
In a restricted access environment, a computer
must be compliant to initiate communications
with other compliant computers
◦ IPsec policy that requires a health certificate for
◦ Noncompliant computers cannot initiate communication
with compliant computers
A Health Registration Authority (HRA) obtains
X.509-based health certificates for NAP clients
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Require health evaluation when making an
802.1X-authenticated connection
◦ Wireless
◦ Wired
In a restricted access environment
◦ A computer must be compliant to obtain unlimited
network access
◦ Noncompliant computers have limited access
 A set of Internet Protocol (IP) packet filters specified by
an access control list (ACL)
 A virtual LAN (VLAN) identifier
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Require health evaluation when making a
remote access VPN connection to a Windows
Server 2008/R2-based VPN server
In a restricted access environment
◦ A computer must be compliant to obtain unlimited
network access
◦ Noncompliant computers have limited access
 A set of IP packet filters
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Require health evaluation when requesting an IP
version 4 (IPv4) address configuration from a
Windows Server 2008/R2-based DHCP server
In a restricted access environment
◦ A computer must be compliant to obtain an unlimited
access IPv4 address configuration
◦ Noncompliant DHCP clients have IPv4 address
configurations with limited access
 Limited IPv4 configuration and special routes in the IPv4
routing table
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© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
Can be eased into current IP management
Can be used in conjunction with any of the
other enforcement options
A NAP capable DHCP server (Windows Server
2008/R2) will still issue addresses to non-NAP
capable clients
Quick and easy to set up either in production
or as a proof of concept
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Requires an instance of NPS to be running on
the DHCP server (either as a proxy or as the
NPS server itself)
Can be bypassed by static IP addressing of
Has no authentication or encryption built into
the protocol
Frequency of health check is associated with
lease time
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All required technologies are built into
Windows (client and server platforms)
Supports secure authentication methods (EAP)
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Uses IP filters for quarantine and filter size
can be an issue
Only works with the Routing and Remote
Access service built into Windows Server
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Industry standard protocol supported by all
switch and AP vendors
Supplicant is built into Windows
Supports password based or certificates as the
Can be deployed in conjunction with DHCP or
IPsec enforcements
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Requires compatible hardware
Bootstrapping clients with credentials is
Dynamic VLAN switching during the boot
process can be problematic
Requires designing multiple VLANs based on
health state
Requires Windows supplicant to be used
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Unhealthy clients are truly isolated (credential
automatically revoked by the NAP agent)
Offers strong authentication AND encryption
(encryption is optional, not required)
Works with any switch, router or AP
Technologies are built into Windows (client
and server platforms)
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Requires PKI to be deployed
Only works in a managed environment
(machines must be domain joined)
Certificates are the only supported credential
Requires an additional role to be deployed on
the network
◦ Health Registration Authority (HRA)
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What are the pieces of NAP
and how does it all work?
VPN server
IEEE 802.1X devices
Health Registration
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NPS server
DHCP server
Restricted network
NAP client with limited
System health agents and system health
Enforcement components and methods
Network Policy Server (NPS)
Remediation servers
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Provide health state tracking and validation
System health agents (SHAs)
 NAP client component
 Report the health state of a computer
System health validators (SHVs)
 NAP health policy server component
 Validate the health state of a computer
NAP APIs allow vendors to create custom SHAs
and SHVs
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Windows Security Health Agent
◦ Runs on Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP
with SP3-based NAP clients
◦ Integrated with Windows Action/Security Center
Firewall software installed and enabled
Antivirus software installed, enabled, and updated
Antispyware software installed, enabled, and updated
Automatic updates enabled
Windows Security Health Validator
◦ Runs on NAP health policy server (Windows Server
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Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
(RADIUS) server and proxy for Windows Server
NAP health policy server
◦ Allows configuration of system health requirement
◦ Determines health compliance and remediation
actions for noncompliance
 Autoremediation
 Limited access
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Servers, services, or other resources that a
noncompliant computer on the restricted
network can access to correct system health
◦ Domain Name System (DNS) server
◦ Antivirus signature file server
◦ Software update server
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© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
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IPsec enforcement
802.1X enforcement
VPN enforcement
DHCP enforcement
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NAP client sends its health state to the HRA,
which sends it to the NAP health policy server
(an NPS)
NAP health policy server evaluates the health
state of the NAP client
◦ If compliant
 The HRA obtains a health certificate for the NAP client
◦ If not compliant
 The HRA does not obtain a health certificate and
instructs the NAP client to correct its health state
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© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
During 802.1X authentication, the NAP client
sends its health state to the NAP health policy
The NAP health policy server evaluates the health
state of the NAP client
◦ If compliant
 NAP health policy server instructs the 802.1X access point to
grant unlimited access
◦ If not compliant
 NAP health policy server instructs the NAP client to correct
its health state and can instruct the 802.1X access point to
grant limited access
 ACLs on the port for the IP addresses of remediation servers
 Limited access VLAN
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During authentication, the NAP client sends its
health state to the NAP health policy server
The NAP health policy server validates the health
state of the NAP client
◦ If compliant
 NAP health policy server instructs the VPN server to grant
unlimited access
◦ If not compliant
 NAP health policy server instructs the NAP client to correct
its health state and can instruct the VPN server to grant
limited access
 Packet filters on VPN connection for the IP addresses of
remediation servers
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© 2011 Microsoft Corporation
During configuration, the NAP client sends its
health state to the DHCP server, which then
sends it to the NAP health policy server
The NAP health policy server evaluates the health
state of the NAP client
◦ If compliant
 NAP health policy server instructs the DHCP server to assign
an unlimited access configuration
◦ If not compliant
 NAP health policy server instructs the NAP client to correct
its health state and can instruct the DHCP server to assign a
limited access configuration
 DHCP options for an address without a subnet, no default
gateway, static routes for the IP addresses of remediation
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Portal page
Demonstrate Remote Access VPNs
Demonstrate NAP for Remote Access VPN
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Portal page
Demonstrate DirectAccess
Demonstrate DirectAccess with NAP
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NAP product information site
NAP TechNet site
◦ Introduction to Network Access Protection
Network Access Protection Platform Architecture
Step-by-step guides
◦ Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate IPsec NAP
Enforcement in a Test Lab
◦ Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate 802.1X NAP
Enforcement in a Test Lab
◦ Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP NAP
Enforcement in a Test Lab
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Server Networking on TechNet
Server Networking on MSDN
Networking Writing Team blog
Server Documentation Twitter feed
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