RCSLT calls for improved dementia services

May 2005
Quick Look
Royal College of Speech
and Language Therapists
2 White Hart Yard, London SE1 1NX
telephone: 020 7378 1200
The bulletin supplement is the bi-monthly
magazine of the Royal College of Speech
and Language Therapists.The views
expressed in the bulletin supplement are
not necessarily the views of the College.
Publication does not imply endorsement.
Publication of advertisements
in the bulletin supplement is not an
endorsement of the advertiser or of
the products and services advertised.
RCSLT calls for
improved dementia
The RCSLT is asking commissioners and
service providers to examine the speech
and language therapy services they
provide for 750,000 people with
dementia across the UK
The request comes in the new position
paper, Speech and Language Therapy
Provision for People with Dementia, released
by an expert panel of SLTs on the RCSLT
website on 25 April.
RCSLT adviser and panel chair Mary
Heritage said the position paper was the first
time the profession had talked publicly
about the unique contribution that speech
and language therapy makes for people
affected by dementia.
“Every person with dementia has a
communication difficulty: that is one of the
diagnostic criteria, and a language difficulty
is often one of the very first presenting
symptoms. Many people with dementia also
have difficulties with eating drinking and
swallowing,” Ms Heritage said.
“However, we know that access to speech
and language therapy is patchy. While in
some places there are centres of excellence
where SLTs are an integral part of a specialist
team, in many others therapists are
struggling to accommodate the needs of
people with dementia on general adult
caseloads without the support of specialist
colleagues. Elsewhere, people with dementia
cannot access a SLT assessment because of
their diagnosis.”
The paper aims to inform managers and
commissioners about the benefits that SLTs
can contribute and the risks of not providing
an appropriate service.
“We hope speech and language therapy
managers will be able to use it as a resource
to support their case for additional funding
where current service provision falls short
of what the local population needs,” Ms
Heritage added.
“We need to say thank you to the expert
panel, and particularly to the RCSLT’s Clare
Coles, for their time and commitment, and
to everyone who participated in the national
forum, and in reading and re-reading the
draft versions.”
Visit: www.rcslt.org to view the RCSLT
position paper Speech and Language Therapy
Provision for People with Dementia.
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
N ew s
Child Language Teaching and Therapy:
privileged rates for RCSLT members
“We are delighted to announce that RCSLT
members can now subscribe to the peerreviewed journal of Child Language
Teaching and Therapy at
reduced rates.
The journal is one of the
foremost publications in
applied research in children’s
language and communication
difficulties and brings together
the work of SLTs, teachers,
psychologists and others with
an interest in research and
Papers address a range of
theoretical, methodological and
practical issues and include
reports of systematic practitioner research,
action research, case studies and other
small-scale studies of value to practitioners.
We have been joint editors of the journal
for the past five years and have successfully
published papers from both UK and
international authors. We see part of our
task as facilitating the work of
colleagues who share our
interests in the links between
teaching and therapy in the field
of children’s language needs.
We have negotiated
privileged rates with the
publishers as we believe that
RCSLT members will find
Child Language Teaching and
Therapy useful in a variety of
ways that will contribute to
practice and to their
continuing professional
For full details on how to subscribe to the
journal, visit: www.clttjournal.com
Jannet Wright and Carol Miller
Joint Editors
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
Speech and language therapy
award time
As part of its diamond jubilee celebrations the
RCSLT is looking for the SLT and SLTA of the
year for 2005.
These special awards will recognise the
amazing work of therapists and assistants in
the many settings in which they work.
The RCSLT is inviting clients and users of
speech and language therapy services and their
families to nominate their therapist or
assistant for special recognition.
Recognising the varied communication
abilities of speech and language therapy clients,
we will accept nominations in a number of
formats: by email, letter, signs, video or
Posters are available by sending your details
to Vivien Robinson, 2 White Hart Yard, London
SE1 1NX. Mark you
envelopes “SLT and
SLTA of the Year
Award Poster
request”. An A4sized version of the
poster is available
from: www.rcslt.org
The RCSLT feels it is only right that
representatives of speech and language
therapy service users should judge the award
and a committee will sit during the summer to
select the shortlisted finalists.
The closing date for nominations is 29 July.
Shortlisted finalists will attend a gala award
presentation on 10 October at a prestigious
central London location.
Bulletin free book draw
RCSLT Bulletin readers can win a free copy of A cognitive approach to
Assessment and intervention in Aphasia. A Clinician’s Guide.
Written by Anne Whitworth, Janet Webster and David Howarth, the
book provides a theoretical and practical reference to cognitive neuropsychological approaches for SLTs working with people with aphasia.
According to the dustcover, “It is a highly practical guide that aims to
interpret the theoretical literature as it relates to aphasia and link it
directly to available assessment tools and therapy techniques.”
To win your free copy, simply send your name and address to Sandra
Burke, 2 White Hart Yard, London SE1 1NX. Entries close 9 June 2005.
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Meeting the
challenge of
The National Autistic Society
(NAS) will hold its
international conference in
Hammersmith, London, on
23-24 September 2005.
The conference will provide
an opportunity to share the
latest expertise in the field of
autism, hear speakers talk
about up-to-date research
and developments, and to
learn more about best
practice in the care and
education of people with
The conference offers the
opportunity to meet
professionals, families and
people with autism to
exchange stories and
experiences about how
autism affects millions of
lives across the world.
Eileen Hopkins, NAS
Director of National Services
and coordinator of the 2005
Conference, said, “The NAS
International Conference
offers a unique opportunity
for professionals, parents and
people with autism to learn
and exchange information
specific to the world of
autism. Autism is a
communication disorder that
affects the way a person
relates to and understands
the world around them. It is
essential therefore that the
NAS should enable
communication through
events such as the
international conference and
encourage the full
participation of people with
A special rate is available to
all people with autism and
their parents and carers.
Tickets can be purchased for
either day separately or for
the whole event. For more
visit: www.nas2005.org.uk
Feat u re
Collaboration in
professional education
Karen de Bruin reports on new masters programme for SLTs and teachers
The importance of collaborative practice between professionals
in health and education has long been recognised as an
effective way of enhancing the learning opportunities for
children with speech, language and communication
A recent Department for Education and Employment and
Health working group, examining the most appropriate ways of
facilitating the communication between health and educational
services in providing for the needs of children with speech,
language and communication impairments, recommended that
the greater part of the provision for school-aged children with
such impairments should be embedded within the curriculum
and the educational context of the child (Law et al, 2000).
It is acknowledged that the best way of maximising the
learning potential of such children is through collaborative
practice with teaching and therapy staff. Teachers and SLTs
have identified the difficulties with, and barriers to,
collaborative practice, including time constraints, differing
terminologies, diverse training experiences and backgrounds,
and widely contrasting educational and therapeutic
assessments, interventions and outcomes (Flemming et al,
2000; McCartney, 1999).
The working group strongly recommended joint training
opportunities for teachers and SLTs to facilitate communication
between the two. Joint training has also been identified as an
important component in the development of collaborative
practice (Wright 1996; Roux 1996).
In response to this recommendation, the Institute of
Education, University of London, and Department of Language
and Communication, City University, set up a new innovative
MSc programme in collaborative practice to bridge this gap
and facilitate successful collaborative working.
This programme offers core and optional modules that meet
the requirements of the new joint professional development
framework (JPDF) initiated by ICAN, the national education
charity for children with speech and language impairments.
The Department for Education and Skills, Department of
Health, RCSLT and Teacher Training Agency have endorsed the
programme to meet the training needs of teachers and SLTs
working in educational settings.
The MSc in Joint Professional Practice: Language and
Communication enrolled its first students; four therapists and
five teachers, in September 2003.
The four core modules are based on the main areas identified
in the JPDF and include: concepts and contexts of special and
inclusive education; evidence-based practice; language, learning
and development; and social emotional and behavioural
development in children with speech, language and
communication disorders.
The different core and optional modules aim to meet the
needs of the different professionals involved in this field. The
programme aims to target support and recruitment on areas
that cause high anxiety or where there is limited experience of
successful practice, such as language and social, emotional and
behavioural development; and work with secondary pupils
with speech, language and communication needs in education.
Optional modules include research methods, literacy
development, reading and spelling difficulties, leadership and
management in special education, learning disabilities and
developmental language impairments. Course requirements
include the completion of four core modules, two optional
modules and a dissertation.
Module leaders have continued the spirit of collaboration.
Taught and distance learning modules have involved
collaborative work between the professions in the form of joint
discussions and presentations.
The course also features a dedicated website
(www.talklink.org) where students can download course notes,
swap ideas, access booklists, check dates and contact lecturers.
This is a new programme that is growing and changing
quickly in response to student and contextual needs. It is an
exciting time to be a part of such a development. For example,
the course did not initially offer a module in research
methodology and this was seen as a serious omission. This has
now been rectified and future students will be offered this as an
In terms of the joint degree, a student has remarked, “Future
students would benefit greatly from being able to access the
expertise and resources available from both universities
throughout their whole course, and this would continue the
spirit of collaboration from which the course was born.”
The programme is now accepting applications for October
2005. Contact programme directors Victoria Joffe, tel: 020 7040
4629, email: v.joffe@city.ac.uk or Julie Radford, tel: 020 7612
6295, email: j.radford@ioe.ac.uk
Karen De Bruin – SLT, MSc in JPP student
Northwick Park Hospital, London
email: karen.debruin@nhs.net
Flemming P,Miller C and Wright J.Sharing the load.Special Children;1994 November-December,
Law J, et al. Provision for children with speech and language difficulties: facilitating
communication between education and health services. 2000 Nottingham: Department for
Education and Skills.
McCartney E.Speech and language therapists and teachers working together.A systems approach
to collaboration.1999 London:Whurr Publishers.
Roux J.Working collaboratively with teachers: supporting the newly qualified speech and
language therapist in a mainstream school.Child Language Teaching and Therapy 1996; 12:1,
Wright JA.Teachers and therapists: the evolution of partnership.Child Language Teaching and
Therapy 1996 12, 1, 3-16.
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Q u i c k Lo o k D ate s
To advertise your Quick Look Date please contact Katy Eggleton on 020 7878 2344 or email katy@mcmslondon.co.uk.
Trust details, and a cheque (payable to
stroke care. New techniques for encouraging
improve consent, interviewing, and
24 May, 17 October
London SIG Bilingualism) to: Monal
change and listening when listening is hard.
documentation. Tel: 020 7367 0846, visit:
Lets Talk with under 5s training trainers to
Bhanderi, 49 St Michael’s Road, Wembley,
Great for teams. Connect, 16-18 Marshalsea
www.ukconnect.org, email:
deliver practical accessible accredited
Road, London SE1 1HL. Tel: 020 7367 0846,
training to staff and carers working with
visit: www.ukconnect.org email:
14-16 June
to Elklan tutors, SLTs. SLTAs, Elklan co-
Estill for SLTs
tutors. RCSLT London. Price £150. Contact:
3-day course covering basic Estill vocal
6 July
Cervical auscultation course
Elklan, tel: 01208 841450, email:
figures and specifically designed for SLTs.
Autism spectrum disorders conference
Tutors, Judi Hibberd and Jeanne Taylor. This
henrietta@elklan.co.uk visit:
Taught by Kiereen Lock, the only SLT to
An inspirational day with Rita Jordan
very popular course in back in Birmingham
hold an Estill teaching licence in Britain.
speaking on education and health issues and
for the 13th time. Contact Jo Frost, tel: 0121
Delegates should have basic knowledge of
Ros Blackburn giving an inside view of her
628 2813, email: jfrost@ukgateway.net, visit:
24 May
A&P of voice & speech, phonetics and
experiences. The Ark, Dover. Cost £50
Social model practice: what it is and how
acoustics. Early booking advisable. Glasgow
(including lunch) non-refundable. Contact
to do it
Royal Infirmary, Castle Street, Glasgow G4.
Patrice Gardiner, tel: 01227 284496 (Mon-
13 October
Practical ideas for dismantling barriers and
Cost: Payment received before 13/05/05
Thurs 8:30-1pm)
Advanced cervical auscultation course
changing culture in your workplace. Improve
£275. Bookings/payment after 13/05/05
the “patient experience” and your job
£300. Email:
6-7 July
aimed at clinicians already using
satisfaction. Two-day course. Connect 16-18
Melanie.King@northglasgow.scot.nhs.uk, tel:
Tracheostomy management course
auscultation who wish to develop their skills
Marshalsea Road, London. Tel: 020 7367
0141 211 2215
Day 1: National MDT Tracheostomy Study
in this area. Contact Jo Frost, tel: 0121 628
Day. Day 2: Tracheostomy Seminar for SLTs
2813, email: jfrost@ukgateway.net, visit:
21 June
– basic / moderate level. Northwick Park
Creative counselling in stroke and aphasia
Hospital, London. Cost: Day 1 £60, Day 2 –
25 May, 21 October
£80, both days £130. Contact Shelley Brier
17 October, 27 May
Elklan supporting children with unclear
Gain confidence in your own counselling
tel: 020 8869 2254/2251
Elklan supporting children with ASD
speech training the trainers to provide
skills. New ideas and practical techniques
practical accredited training to staff working
for supporting people with aphasia to
11 July
accredited training to staff working, in
in education and health. Open to Elklan
express their emotions without words.
Practical use of nasendoscopy
mainstream schools, units and health
tutors, co-tutors. Other SLTs can deliver
Connect, 16-18 Marshalsea Road, London.
Royal National Throat Nose and Ear
settings focusing on verbal ASD children.
non-accredited training £150. RCSLT,
Tel: 020 7367 0846, visit:
Hospital, 330, Grays Inn Road, London
Elklan tutors £250; co-tutors £200. RCSLT
London. Contact Elklan, tel: 01208 841450,
www.ukconnect.org, email:
WC1X 8DA. Contact Gary Wood, tel/fax:
London. Contact Elklan, tel: 01208 841450,
email: henrietta@elklan.co.uk, visit:
020 7915 4180
email: henrietta@elklan.co.uk, visit:
0846, www.ukconnect.org, email:
10 October
A one-day, practical, skill based course
Training the trainers to provide practical
22 June
11-12 July
26/27 May 2005 19/20 October
Developmental cognitive neuropsychology
Solution based therapy
17-18 October
Elklan total training package for under 5s
Trainer: Sadie Lewis. To develop clinical
Suitable for adult and paediatric clients.
Voice skills in analysis and change
enables SLTs to provide accredited training
understanding of speech and language
Speaker, Jayne Comins. Reading. Cost £100.
Workshop with Christina Shewell: using
to staff working in under 5s settings.
processing; potential difficulties and
Contact Penny Carter, tel: 0118 9495091,
‘voice skills approach’ to assess and treat
Teacher therapist teams welcome. RCSLT,
therapeutic intervention. Abergavenny, SE
email: penny.carter@berkshire.nhs.uk
voice. Huddersfield. Cost £120. Contact Jane
London. £395 therapist; £295 teacher.
Wales. Cost: £70. Tel: 01633 623583, visit:
Contact Elklan, tel: 01208 841450, email:
www.gwent-tr.wales.nhs.uk, email:
13-15 July
henrietta@elklan.co.uk, visit:
Adult Dysphagia Ireland SIG
Norton, tel: 01274 366517, email:
Don’t miss this opportunity to attend a 3-
19 October
22 June (9-4:30)
day advanced dysphagia conference with Jeri
Multidisciplinary aphasia study day
SLTs Working in Mainstream Schools – SIG
Logemann. Topics: videofluroscopy, stroke,
Interested in learning more about aphasia
7 June (9am-4.30pm)
(South East region)
tracheostomy, progressive neurology, head &
and its impact upon the individual carers
London SIG Bilingualism
AGM until 10. Colourful Semantics in a
neck and paediatric dysphagia. Cost €250.
and MDT? Keen to update on new research?
Parent child interaction therapy (PCIT) –
mainstream setting: a psycholinguistic
Adelaide & Meath Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin
Education Centre, St Mary’s Hospital,
answer for all our diverse early families?
approach for children with language
24. Contact: Jennifer Kane
Portsmouth. Tel: 02392 286147 for details
Including seminars, workshops and personal
disorders, Alison Bryan. RCSLT, London.
tel: 00 353 1 6465727, email:
perspectives on the use of various PCIT
Cost: Members/non-members £20,
models, and working with diverse families.
tea/coffee provided. Contact Maureen
University College London Dept. of Human
Jarvis/Emma Doyle, tel: 0208 442 6305
Communication Science. Cost SLTs £10;
under 5s. Training materials are extra. Open
25 October
Setting up in independent practice
26 July
Discover what you need to know to work
Including people aphasia in stroke research
successfully in independent practice. Re-run
assistants and students £5. Contact Amita
Connect, 16-18 Marshalsea Road, London.
of ASLTIP’s popular course. RCSLT, London.
Raval, tel: 020 8349 7064/7063, Sunita Shah,
5 July
In a research team? Learn how to
Contact Diane Gibson, tel: 01264 396319,
email: sunita.shah@brentpct.nhs.uk. To
The good goal setting guide
communicate better with people with stroke
email: diane-p-gibson@ntworld.com or
confirm your place send you name, address,
A fresh look at person-centred goals in
and aphasia. Gain practical techniques to
visit: www.helpwithtalking.com
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
You can count on us
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With a global network spanning across five continents including over 20
offices across the UK and Ireland, we are always ideally located to find
you the best job opportunities. Our excellent reputation for providing a
high standard of service, as well as recently acquiring a range of new
clients, has resulted in even greater job and pay opportunities across
the UK and Ireland.
We carry a wide range of both permanent and temporary Speech and
Language Therapy positions from Basic Grades to Head 2. We also have
positions across the following fields
• Pharmacists
• Podiatrists
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So, whether you are looking to further your career, for flexible hours or the
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(For Global vacancies, please call 020 7881 2799)
BBT operate as both an Employment Agency and an Employment Business.
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Great Opportunities
• Exceptional rate of pay
• Huge selection of temp and perm opportunities
• Superb paediatric roles available nationwide
• UK's leading Speech and Language Therapy Agency
• Over 35 years of experience
• Talk to a dedicated medical professional
Call Corinth now on
Health Service Executive
0800 028 3563
0800 169 1116
Northern Area: Community Services Dublin North Central
NHS National Contract
Agency. Is Your Agency?
CSCI registered.
(i) Basic Grade Community Paediatric SLT [€33,392-€44,486]
(ii) Senior Grade Community Paediatric SLT [€44,938-€52,556]
Northern Area: Community Services Dublin North West
(i) Senior Community Learning Disability SLT [€44,938-€52,556]
To access the Bulletin and
Bulletin Supplement online
and use the password:
You will join a team of paediatric Speech & Language Therapists who provide a community clinic based service to a general paediatric population
and outreach services to schools and preschools in North Dublin. The
Speech & Language Therapy Service in the HSE Northern Area was given
an award for public service excellence and innovation from the Department
of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) in 2004. A panel may be formed to fill
additional vacancies across the HSE-Northern Area.
For further information please contact
Lisa Ryan, Speech & Language Therapy Manager on +353 1 8014623
or e-mail lisam.ryan@mailc.hse.ie
Information packs are available from Ms. Mary Fox, Human Resources,
Community Services Area 7 on +353 1 8014631
or e-mail mary.fox@mailc.hse.ie
Closing Date: 3rd of June 2005
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Speech & Language Therapy Service
Worthing lies between the South Downs and the sea, close to other busy south coast resorts such as Brighton and with convenient
access to London.
The Speech and Language Therapy Service has a reputation for being focused, dynamic and forward thinking. It offers
well-established and structured support, supervision and continuing professional development. It is open to innovative ways of
working together with a commitment to embrace new challenges. If you value such a working environment, then think about
working for Adur, Arun and Worthing Teaching PCT.
Specialist Speech & Language Therapist for Older People
Band 2 Spine Points 31-33 (subject to Agenda for Change Evaluation)
Full-time (part-time or jobshare considered)
Ref: 300305
At Adur, Arun and Worthing Teaching Primary Care Trust, community services for older people are undergoing major
development. We are seeking a Speech and Language Therapist to provide a specialist service to older people with complex
communication and swallowing difficulties. You will be part of a dynamic and enthusiastic Adult Speech and Language Therapy
team, which is led by a Clinical Manager and three Clinical Co-ordinators, and includes specialists in neurodisability, AAC,
neuro-rehabilitation, ENT and stroke.
You will be based in a community hospital and provide a service to nursing and residential homes, inpatient units and clients
in their own homes. You will need to be innovative in your approach to working with older people and you will have the
opportunity to contribute to the development of Speech and Language Therapy Services for this client group. You will be
expected to develop links with local mental health services for older people and you will work closely with other Specialist
Speech and Language Therapists across the district.
You should have at least four years’ experience working with adults with communication and swallowing disorders and some
experience of working in the community. You will need excellent presentation skills, as providing training to carers and other
professionals will be an important part of your role.
We offer a comprehensive induction programme, excellent opportunities for internal and external continuing professional
development, regular clinical supervision and regular peer support.
We would consider offering this post as a development opportunity for a less experienced therapist looking to develop specialist
skills working with older people.
Speech & Language Therapist
Classes for Children with ASD in Special Education/Mainstream Schools
Band 2 Spine Points 26-28 (subject to Agenda for Change Evaluation)
Ref: 310305
This post involves working with school-age children with moderate/severe learning disabilities and ASD within a supportive
school environment (6 sessions per week).
In mainstream schools (4 sessions per week), you will work with a designated caseload as part of a team serving primary schools.
You should have at least three years’ experience and want to develop your knowledge of children with moderate/severe learning
disability and autism. Excellent training and supervision is available.
Therapists and school staff are supportive and will welcome a new member of the team.
Speech & Language Therapist
School-age Children with ASD/Mainstream Schools
Band 2 Spine Points 27-29 (subject to Agenda for Change Evaluation)
Ref: 320305
This post is an excellent opportunity for someone wishing to further develop their clinical skills with school-age children in
mainstream schools and with school-age children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in a special support class.
This post consists of sessions in a class for children with autism attached to a mainstream school, as well as sessions in other
mainstream schools. You will require a knowledge of symbols, signs, PECS and teaching methods for children with
ASD. Appropriate support and training will be given to develop these skills further.
In mainstream schools, you will work as part of a dedicated and imaginative team serving primary schools with a commitment to
training and working collaboratively with parents, teachers and assistants.
Car driver essential for all posts.
For further information or to arrange an informal visit, contact Fiona Mackison, Clinical Manager, Speech and Language
Therapy Service on 01903 843143. To discuss the Older People post, contact Jane Bradshaw, Clinical Co-ordinator, Community
Speech and Language Therapy Team on 01903 843218.
To apply online for this post and for further information on AAW Teaching PCT, please refer to www.jobs.nhs.uk
For an application pack, please contact our 24 hour job line on 01903 708464 or email: recruit@aaw.nhs.uk quoting the
appropriate reference number.
Closing date: 6th June 2005.
The PCT offers a generous final salary pension scheme, a childcare voucher scheme, flexible working and development
opportunities to all staff.
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Royal College of
Speech and Language
Notice to all
Bulletin Supplement
Advertisements to
be published in the
June issue should be
received by Midday
16th May.
This issue is to be
distributed on
1st June.
Advertisements to
be published in the
Mid June issue
should be received
by 1st June.
This issue is to be
distributed on
15th June.
Got a new job? Congratulations
Don’t forget to tell College when you change
your email address:
email: membership@rcslt.org
with your new details
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
All enquiries
relating to classified
advertising should
be directed to:
Katy Eggleton at
TG Scott
9 Savoy Street,
Tel: 020 7878 2344
Fax: 020 7379 7155
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
Two Lectureships in Clinical Linguistics/Speech and Language Pathology
Lecturer A/B - Ref. AC0514
Lecturer B/Senior Lecturer - Ref. S0508
Lecturer A £23,643 - £27,116 p.a. Lecturer B £27,989 - £35,883 p.a.
Senior Lecturer £37,558 - £42,573 p.a.
Possibility of appointment on a Clinical salary scale for appropriate candidates
Two full-time posts based in the Clinical Linguistics Section of the School are tenable from 1 October 2005. The grade of appointments made will depend on
the qualifications of the successful applicants. One appointment may be made at Senior level. The University is prepared to negotiate appointments on a
clinical salary scale in order to appoint high calibre candidates who have a clinical qualification, as well as the required academic qualifications and
experience. One of the appointments will be in the area of developmental speech/language disorders.
For both posts, a clinical qualification in speech and language therapy is desirable but other candidates with experience in clinically related research and
teaching will be considered.
Candidates for the A/B Lectureship will have a higher degree, teaching experience in at least one aspect of developmental or acquired language disorders and
will be active in clinically related research. The successful candidate will be expected to play a role in developing clinical research in an area of
speech/language disorders.
Candidates for the B/Senior Lectureship will have an established record of teaching and research in an area of developmental or acquired speech and/or
language disorders. They will be able to demonstrate an ability to contribute to the leadership of the Section in teaching, administration and research.
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Michael Garman (Head of School) m.a.g.garman@reading.ac.uk or to Professor. Susan Edwards (Head of
Clinical Linguistics Section) s.i.edwards@reading.ac.uk
Application form and further particulars available from Personnel Office, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading,
RG6 6AH, telephone (0118) 378 6771 (voicemail). E-mail personnel@reading.ac.uk giving your full name and address. Interviews are expected to
take place in June/July. Closing date for applications is Friday 3 June 2005. Please quote appropriate reference number.
Scope is a national disability organisation whose focus is
people with cerebral palsy. Our aim is that disabled people
achieve equality.
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Speech and Language Therapist
£34,415 - £41,872
£20,518 - £30,074
Both roles will involve you in every aspect of the pupils’
communication, eating and drinking skills. Your aim will be to
work directly with the children and to provide active advice that
helps promote a consistent, caring and learning environment in
which pupils can gain, practice and generalise skills.
You will have experience in working with children who have
multiple and complex needs. You will be working as part of
a highly professional and innovative multi-disciplinary team.
In the specialist role, you will be expected to oversee all
aspects of speech and language work across the school,
including, supervising a less experienced therapist. To succeed
you will need specific knowledge of children with motor learning
difficulties and a keen interest in developments and research
in the management of cerebral palsy. Experience of AAC and
qualification in the assessment and management of eating and
drinking skills is essential. You will also need to be an excellent
communicator who genuinely enjoys working with children and
is committed to their wellbeing and self-esteem. We can offer
good team support, training opportunities, management
supervision and appraisal.
Personal direct experience and/or knowledge of disability and
disability issues will be an advantage.
For more information and an application pack, please
contact the Resource Manager, Rutland House School,
Elm Bank, Mapperley Road, Nottingham NG3 5AJ.
Telephone: 0115 9621315 or e-mail: rutland.house@scope.org.uk
Closing date for applications: 10th June 2005.
We are committed to equal opportunities and we
encourage applications from disabled people.
Find out more about us at www.scope.org.uk
Registered charity no 208231
Rutland House School provides day and residential services
for children and young people with cerebral palsy. We take
responsibility for their education, therapy and care.
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Highly Specialist Speech and Language
Therapist, Head and Neck Oncology 0.6 w.t.e
Band 2 Spine Point 32-34 – £29,134 - £31,514 per annum pro rata
We have been successful in obtaining funding from Macmillan for a 0.6 w.t.e Speech and Language Therapist based at Russells Hall
Hospital Dudley to lead a project over the next 2 years’ to identify the needs of people following head and neck oncology who reside
within the Dudley area.
You will be responsible for identifying the patients suffering from head and neck cancer and their needs with regard to assessment,
therapy input, care and support to them and their carers. You will also develop a seamless service between Russells Hall Hospital,
Dudley and New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton and the provision of ongoing care and support from specialist and support services,
e.g. user groups, Macmillan, palliative care teams within the hospital and the community. You will provide therapy to this client group
whilst attending relevant meetings within the cancer network.
Dudley is just 10 miles from Birmingham's city centre, and offers easy access to Shropshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire.
We will offer you support, regular team meetings, appraisals and the opportunity for further training.
Informal enquiries and visits are welcome. For more information please contact Anne Adams, Service Area Manager – Adults on
(01384) 456111 ext 4565 or Jo Williams, SLT Service Manager on (01384) 366400. Email: ann.adams@dgoh.nhs.uk or
For an application pack and job description please contact the Speech Centre Central Clinic on (01384) 366400.
Closing date: 31st May 2005.
This post will be subject to a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure.
The Trust is committed to equal opportunities and is an ‘Improving Working Lives Practice award’ organisation.
We also offer an excellent final salary pension for all employees.
Dudley South PCT is a no smoking organisation.
Royal College of Speech
and Language Therapists
Notice to all Bulletin
Supplement Advertisers
Advertisements to be
published in the June
issue should be received
by Midday 16th May.
This issue is to be
distributed on 1st June.
All enquiries relating to
classified advertising
should be directed to:
Katy Eggleton at
TG Scott Healthcare,
9 Savoy Street, London
Tel: 020 7878 2344 Fax:
020 7379 7155
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Services are provided across Ashford, Folkestone, Romney Marsh, Dover and Deal. There is good motorway access across
the area to London and the Channel Ports. Take Eurostar from Ashford to Paris, or enjoy the countryside, historic cities and
towns of Kent.
Speech & Language Therapist
Specialist in ENT/Head & Neck
Spine Points 33-35, £30,302 - £32,772 p.a.
Full-time - Ref: WWI5165
We are looking for a flexible and enthusiastic Therapist to continue to
build on existing links with a busy ENT Department. The post is based at
the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, with two days spent at Buckland
Hospital, Dover, where both ENT and Neurological patients (In and
Outpatient) will be seen.
Ideally you will have a minimum of three years’ experience with a wide
range of ENT/Head and Neck patients, and be experienced with Stroke
and Progressive Neurological disease. Advanced Dysphagia training,
and management of patients who have undergone Surgical Voice
Restoration is desirable.
There is a thriving Laryngectomy club, and joint clinics are held with the
ENT Department.
The Adult Team is small but dynamic, and regular supervision, team
meetings and on-going training are a priority.
For more information or to arrange an informal visit, please contact
Anne Dalrymple, Chief Speech & Language Therapist, Adult Services on
01233 616623 or email: anne.dalrymple@ekht.nhs.uk
Speech & Language Therapist
Early Years Team
Band 1, Spine Points 19,
Band 2, Spine Points 23-25 after first year
Based: Dover/Deal - Ref: WDI 5348
If you are an enthusiastic new graduate, qualifying this year, or recently
qualified and interested in developing skills working with young children,
then this well-supported post could be for you.
You will work from the Team base in Dover Health Centre, with some
sessions in Deal, with both individual children, and with groups, and be
involved in the development of our service to playgroups and nurseries.
The clinics are well-equipped, with good secretarial support.
We offer:
• excellent support from a friendly team
• experienced Chief & Specialist Therapists to provide clinical supervision
• well-established supervision and appraisal systems
• regular Team and Departmental meetings
• commitment to developing skills and knowledge, with excellent access
to both internal and external training
• opportunities from multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working.
For more information, and to arrange an informal visit, please contact
Deirdre Pacey, Speech & Language Therapy Manager on 01303 854460
or email: deirdre.pacey@ekht.nhs.uk
Speech & Language Therapist
All posts are pay award pending.
Schools Team
Band 2, Spine Points 28-30
Full-time, term-time only considered
Based: Ashford - Ref: WZI 5042
For an information pack and application form, please contact our
24 hour Recruitment Line on 0800 085 1807, quoting the appropriate
reference number or write to the Recruitment Team, Human Resources
Directorate, Kent & Canterbury Hospital, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury,
Kent CT1 3NG. Email: Recruitment.team@ekht.nhs.uk
If you are recently qualified, and keen to consolidate and develop your
skills with children, then this could be for you.
Closing date for all posts: 27th May 2005.
Three days a week will be spent at Linden Grove Language Unit,
a 22 place unit in a mainstream Primary School, with ten places at
Key Stage 1, and 12 at Key Stage 2. To provide support, the unit is staffed
by experienced Teachers, Learning Support Assistants and two other
Speech & Language Therapists (1.0 wte).
For other job opportunities within East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust go to
our website www.ekhtjobs.nhs.uk and click on vacancies.
The other two days will be spent supporting children with a range of
communication needs in mainstream schools in the Ashford area.
Some knowledge of the National Curriculum, and experience of delivering
training would be advantageous, but in-service training will be provided.
Some posts are subject to Agenda for Change.
East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. All
positions within the Trust require a Criminal Records Bureau check, for posts working
regularly or unsupervised with children or vulnerable adults an enhanced check will be
carried out. All other posts will require standard checks.
We positively promote flexible working practices. To ensure that our workforce reflects
the population we serve, East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust welcomes applications from all
sections of the community. We are actively discouraging smoking at work.
Passionate about care. Serious about careers.
Visit www.rcslt.org and access the RCSLT online
Find the latest College information and SLT news; access the new Clinical Guidelines and updated
publications, and keep in touch with the profession. Use the PIN and membership number on your
new RCSLT membership card to access member-only areas
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Be part of a team helping young people to a brighter future
Royal College of Speech
and Language Therapists
Tyne and Wear Autistic Society Adult Services is an independent residential/day specialist provision for
people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Aspergers Syndrome. The Society, based in Sunderland
was established in 1980, opening the Adult Services provision in 1994. Adult Services strives to be a
centre of excellence in education, social & vocational training and care for people with autism.
Why Apply ?
● Excellent Salary, dependant upon experience.
● Generous annual leave.
● Group Personal Pension Scheme, including Life Assurance.
● Comprehensive induction programme.
● Opportunity for further professional development.
● Opportunity to make a difference to young peoples lives.
Notice to all Bulletin
Supplement Advertisers
Advertisements to be
published in the June issue
should be received by
Midday 16th May.
This issue is to be distributed
on 1st June.
Due to continued expansion within the Society, we are currently seeking an innovative and highly motivated Speech and Language
Therapist to join our Adult Services Unit, who work in partnership with the NAS and other Autism Specific Service Providers.
You will form part of a dynamic unit, working with young adults age 18 and over with autistic spectrum disorders and specific language
impairments. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake individual casework with students and become involved with
Augmentative Communication Systems.
You should enjoy a challenge, and like working as part of a team. With excellent communication skills you will need to demonstrate
patience, enthusiasm and resilience for what is often a very demanding but rewarding vocation.
Ideally you should have two years or more specialist experience and will be familiar with working with people with autism.
Whilst this is a stand alone position, professional support will be provided by the Speech and Language Therapy Service, within our
children’s service provision.
For an informal discussion, please contact Judy Pye on 0191 5168163
To be challenged and rewarded in equal measure, please call for further information and an application pack on 0191 5154646
/ 0191 5154645, alternatively you can email recruitment@tawas.org.uk
All enquiries relating to
classified advertising should
be directed to: Katy Eggleton
at TG Scott Healthcare,
9 Savoy Street, London
Tel: 020 7878 2344 Fax: 020
7379 7155
Closing date for applications is Monday 6th June 2005
Together we’re
making a difference.
Band 2 £27,808 – £30,074 per annum (pro rata) (Under Review)
22.5 hours
Dunoon is a seaside town situated on the west coast of Scotland, which can
easily be reached by road and ferry.
A dynamic and self-motivated therapist you’ll work with pre-school aged
children with a wide range of communication difficulties including children
with additional support needs. It will involve working in a range of locations
including pre-school establishments and mainstream primary schools.
You’ll have five years’ paediatric clinical experience working with a wide range
of communication difficulties. Knowledge of the 5-14 curriculum is desirable.
Car driver/HPC AND RCSLT registration essential. The team offers friendly
and supportive colleagues, a well-developed peer support and mentoring
structure and regular professional development opportunities.
For informal enquries, please contact Mrs Tricia Shaw or Ms Donna Walker
SLTs Tel (01369) 708312. (Ref: 05lv/151)
Band 1 £17,371 – £20,319 per annum (Under Review) 37.5 hours
Fixed term For one year
A dynamic and self-motivated therapist is required for this full time temporary
paediatric post. You’ll work with pre-school and school aged children with
a wide range of communication difficulties including children with additional
support needs. It will involve working in a range of locations including
pre-school establishments, mainstream primary schools and a Language and
Communication Unit within a mainstream primary school. Car driver/HPC
and RCSLT registration essential. The team offers friendly and supportive
colleagues, a well-developed peer support and mentoring structure and regular
professional development opportunities.
For informal enquiries, please contact Mrs Sheila Downie, Professional Lead
Speech and Language Therapist, Tel: (01389) 812031. (Ref: 05lv/96)
For an application pack (quoting appropriate ref) contact the
Recruitment Team on 0141 842 7296 or email:
Closing date: 28 May 2005.
Visit www.rcslt.org and access the RCSLT online
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
The RNTNEH is situated at Kings Cross and is well served by trains, tubes and buses. The Speech and Language
Therapy Department forms part of Therapy Services at the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust where great emphasis is placed
on staff training and development.
Nuffield Hearing and Speech Centre
Adult Cochlear Implants (30 hours per week)
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
£34,130 - £36,680 p.a. pro rata • Band 2 Spine points 33 - 35
Maternity Cover - 9 month fixed term contract
WANTED! Therapist to work in Adult CI Team
We are looking for someone who can rise to a challenge! Do you have experience
working with deaf people and want to explore the challenges of a Cochlear Implant
Team? If so, we have the post for you!
We have nine experienced Specialist Therapists working in deafness across the
hospital, six of whom provide clinical input to the Cochlear Implant Teams. This is a
marvellous opportunity to work in a specialist unit, which has a supportive
environment and commitment to staff development.
You would work alongside a Specialist SLT and assist her in the provision of a service
to implanted adults within the multi-disciplinary Cochlear Implant Team. You would
participate in the assessment, monitoring and review of adults attending the longest
established adult programme in the UK.
As a team, we offer high levels of professional support and supervision as well as
regular team meetings. As a teaching hospital we have a range of opportunities for
training and teaching and have good library resources with the ILO and RNID
libraries onsite. Access to good clerical, secretarial and IT support is provided.
For further information or to arrange a visit, please contact Julie Hare, Principal
Therapist - Deaf Team on 020 7915 1532 (Mon - Thur) or Anne O’Sullivan, Co-Lead
Principal on 020 7915 1633 (Mon, Wed or Fri)
All grades and salaries are subject to review as part of the implementation
of the new NHS pay system.
Application packs are available from the Human Resources Department, Lower
Ground Floor, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG.
Tel: 020 7830 2449, quoting ref: RNTS183 or email: hr@royalfree.nhs.uk
(quoting the reference number in the subject box).
The Speech and Language Therapists in both Adult and Paediatric programmes work
closely with Audiologists, Medics, Hearing Therapists, Teachers and Psychologists to
Closing date: 3rd June 2005. Interview date: 22nd June 2005.
provide holistic care. Most implanted adults who are referred are deafened, but
For further information about the Trust and other vacancies available visit our
some are congenitally deaf. An ability to work in partnership with carers and families website.
as well as in close liaison with a range of external agencies is essential.
You would need experience of working with deaf people, preferably adults. Any
additional experience working with voice patients and brain-injured adults would
also be considered advantageous. On-site training where necessary would be
provided. We are looking for someone who also has proven skills in working closely
with other professionals within a multi-disciplinary context for this tertiary setting.
We need someone who can work flexibly, has excellent communication skills and can
acquire insight into the effects of deafness.
Applications are welcome from people wishing to job share or work flexible
patterns. Committed to Equal Opportunities.
Department of Human Communication Sciences
University of Sheffield
Two new full-time MPhil/PhD Studentships
ESRC Collaborative (CASE) Studentship
Project: Adults with persisting childhood speech and
language difficulties: Life experiences and outcomes - A
collaborative project with ICAN following up into adulthood
children who attended Dawn House School.
University Studentship
Project: Social Disadvantage, Language, Literacy and
Behaviour in Secondary School-age Children.
Further Information: Both studentships will commence in
September 2005 and include a home tuition fee element and a
maintenance grant. Applicants should have or be completing a
Masters Degree in a relevant area.
Closing date for applications: May 26th 2005.
We are also now recruiting on the following programmes:
• Msc in Human Communication Sciences Research
• Postgraduate Certificate in Cleft Lip and Palate Studies
• Msc/Diploma/Cert in Language and Communication
Impairment in Children (Distance Learning)
For further information about the studentships please see the
HCS website http://www.shef.ac.uk/hcs or contact
Professor Joy Stackhouse j.stackhouse@sheffield.ac.uk
Tel: 0114 222 2455/2429 or Dr. Judy Clegg
j.clegg@sheffield.ac.uk. Tel: 0114 222 2450.
For further information about our postgraduate programmes
please contact MSc & PgCert Cleft Palate Programmes:
Chris Thomas Tel: 0114 222 2405
LACIC Programmes: Jenni Dorling Tel: 0114 222 2402
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Specialist Speech & Language
Therapist (Neurology)
Grade 2, Spine Points 23-25: £21,135 - £22,857 p.a.
inc. plus additional £1,696 Outer London Weighting
Ref: 337TPH159
With a minimum of one/two years’ postgraduate experience in the field of
adults with neurological disorders, you will have an interest in working within
an innovative team dedicated to providing effective clinical care to patients in
both inpatient, outpatient and community settings. Developing your skills in
the area FEES, Videofluoroscopy and Tracheostomy Management, you will
have an interest in joining a dynamic, well-resourced department.
Postgraduate dysphagia experience or training is required.
Joining our team of 24 Adult Therapists, you will see predominantly inpatients
with some outpatient and community work. There is a strong emphasis on
multi-disciplinary team working within the service with goal setting, outcome
measurement and the use of clinical care pathways. You will be line managed
by the Principal Speech & Language Therapist (Neurology). Additionally, there
is support and regular mentoring from the Highly Specialist Neurology Speech
& Language Therapists and an opportunity to be involved in SLT led FEES &
Videofluoroscopy Clinics. This post may be part of a rotation within ENT and
other rehabilitation services in the future.
For further information or to arrange an informal visit, please contact
Kim Clarke, Head of Adult Speech & Language Therapy or Sue Fenwick-Elliot,
Principal Speech & Language Therapist (Neurology) on 020 8869 2410.
The RRU is a 26-bedded unit within Northwick Park Hospital, offering
intensive, inter-disciplinary treatment to adults with acquired neurological
disability, mainly through head injury and CVA.
The SLT service on the RRU consists of a Chief SLT and Highly Specialist SLT,
in addition to the advertised Specialist and Highly Specialist (Hertfordshire
Outreach) posts and has close links with the District Service. With regular
professional and clinical liaison, we are well equipped with communication
aids, computer software packages and have access to videofluoroscopy,
FEES and Voice Clinic services.
Specialist Speech & Language
Therapist (Neurological
Band 2, Spine Points 23-25: £21,135 - £22,857 p.a.
inc. plus £1,696 Outer London Weighting
Ref: 337ORR138
With postgraduate experience in neurological disorders, you will be keen to
further develop your skills in neuro-rehabilitation. Working within a dynamic,
supportive, multi-disciplinary team, you will work with adults with a range of
acquired neurological conditions at the post-acute stage of their rehabilitation.
Dysphagia therapy is an integral part of this post, and post-qualification
training/experience is essential, however, ongoing supervision will be provided.
Demonstrating the ability to work within a multi-disciplinary team, you will
work as a keyworker for 1/2 patients, will be involved in staff training and have
the opportunity to develop student supervision skills.
Highly Specialist Speech &
Language Therapist (Neurological
Band 2, Spine Points 31-33: £28,920 - £31,279 p.a.
inc. pro rata, plus £1,696 Outer London Weighting
Ref: 337ORR137
Full-time (part-time may be considered)
We offer specialised and unique care/therapy primarily for working age adults
with single insult acquired brain injury or progressive neurological conditions.
The SLT service at the Gardens and Jacobs Centres has direct links with the
SLT service at the Regional Rehabilitation Unit (RRU), Northwick Park Hospital,
with regular professional and clinical liaison.
With a minimum of three years’ experience in acquired neurological disorders,
you will be keen to further specialise in neuro-rehabilitation. This post offers an
excellent opportunity to work within a dynamic, supportive, interdisciplinary
team and you will be expected to work with adults with a range of acquired
neurological conditions at the post-acute and maintenance phases of their
rehabilitation. Dysphagia therapy is an integral part of this post,
and post-qualification training is essential.
Experience with patients with tracheostomy is also essential. In addition to
clinical duties, you will be required to participate in teaching and the
supervision/line management of students and SLT Assistants.
We are committed to providing regular supervision and support within the
team both onsite and through weekly offsite supervision/support from the
RRU, Northwick Park Hospital.
For further information about the above two posts, please contact Pip Taylor,
Principal Speech & Language Therapist, RRU on 020 8869 2807.
With a commitment to providing regular supervision, support and mentoring
within the team, all posts have the opportunity for personal and professional
development through weekly in-service training, internal and external courses,
excellent library facilities and regular appraisals. Audit, research and teaching
as well as an involvement in the nationally recognised Northwick Seminars is
actively encouraged. The RRU has close links with King’s College Hospital
Rehabilitation Department, and plays a leading role in Rehabilitation & Health
Services Multi-site Research.
The Trust is able to offer holiday playscheme, crèche (subject to waiting list),
social events and a commitment to flexible working practices. A recently built
on-suite accommodation is available on site.
Please note all posts are subject to Agenda for Change.
Apply on-line at www.nwlh.nhs.uk/jobs
Alternatively, call 020 8869 2410 to receive an application pack.
Please quote the appropriate reference number.
Please return your completed application form to the Adult Speech & Language Therapy
Department, Northwick Park Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3UJ.
Closing date for all posts: 3rd June 2005.
The Trust operates a no smoking policy. The Trust is committed to equal opportunities, Investors in People, IWL and offers a range of family friendly policies.
Add a Splash of colour to your advert
Contact Katy Eggleton on
020 7878 2344
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
South West Oxfordshire
South East Oxfordshire
Primary Care Trust
Primary Care Trust
Oxfordshire Speech & Language Therapy Service for Adults
The Oxfordshire Adult Speech & Language Therapy Service is a dynamic and progressive team of 22 wte therapists, who provide an integrated service
countywide across acute, community and learning disability sectors. We have a well-defined structure, which provides scope for development. Professional
and personal development is actively encouraged, with regular management and clinical supervision forming a routine element of working practice.
We have some wonderful opportunities to work with enthusiastic colleagues in the beautiful city of dreaming spires!
Due to retirement, relocation and new funding, we are able to offer the following posts:
Band 7/8a Highly Specialist/Principal SLT- AAC
Ref: P0472
(dependent on experience)
Hours: 30 per week
Salary: Band 7 - £25,628 - £35,527 pro rata per annum
Band 8A - £34,372 - £41,246 pro rata per annum
Working in a multi-disciplinary team at the Centre for Enablement, you will
have a supra-regional responsibility for the assessment and management of
adults requiring AAC services. There is a recurrent budget allocated for
purchasing client aids. You will oversee the work of the advanced support
practitioner in AAC on a day-to-day basis.
Band 6 Specialist - Adult Learning Disabilities
Ref: P0476
Hours: 37.5 per week
Salary: £22,328 - £30,247 per annum
Our ALD service is highly progressive and supportive. We have a great
opportunity for a therapist with at least 2 years experience to join this team
which works as a part of a Learning Disability Trust. You will work in a
multidisciplinary model with colleagues from Health & Social Care, and our
SLT advanced support worker will assist you for a part of your working week.
Band 5 Speech & Language Therapist Community/
Acute Medicine
Ref: P0477
Candidates require a minimum of 4 years’ experience in AAC and acquired
neurological conditions.
Hours: 37.5 per week
Salary: £17,598 - £24,198 per annum
Band 7 Highly Specialist - Neurorehabilitation
This post holder would work in a post split evenly between Acute and
Community. The caseload is an even mix of more acute inpatient and
ongoing outpatient rehabilitation and voice work. The successful applicant
would be well supported by more experienced colleagues as required. The
post would appeal to both new graduates, and therapists already established
in their first position.
Ref: P0473
Hours: 22.5 per week
Salary: £25,628 - £35,527 pro rata per annum
This post would suit a therapist who is ready to take a joint leading role in a
small team of therapists and assistants providing intensive therapy to the
neurorehab service in the Centre for Enablement. Candidates should have a
minimum of 4 years relevant experience.
Band 6 Specialist - Neurorehabilitation
Ref: P0474
Hours: 15 per week
Salary: £22,328 - £30,247 pro rata per annum
Hours: 37.5 per week
Salary: £22,328 - £30,247 per annum
This integrated post is equally divided with sessions in neurorehabilitation
and the continuing disability management service. You would be based in
our modern multidisciplinary Enablement Centre. A good team player with
creative flair, candidates should have 2 years’ relevant experience.
Band 6 Specialist - ENT/H&N and Neurorehabilitation
Hours: 37.5 per week
Salary: £22,328 - £30,247 per annum
Band 6 Specialist Speech & Language Therapist Community Hospitals
Ref: P0478
Ref: P0475
We have a two-day post which would appeal to a therapist with a minimum
of 2 years experience working in community settings with adults with
acquired communication and dysphagia disorders. We have a strong support
network to enable therapists to develop their skills.
Part-time applicants would be considered for all posts.
Closing date: 27th May 2005.
Interview dates: 15th and 17th June 2005.
This is an exciting chance to be involved in developing the regional ENT
service to users through a new initiative. For 22.5 hours per week, you
would work in a post rotating with a colleague to develop skills in ENT
and Head & Neck. The remainder of the post would be worked in the
neurorehab team at the Centre for Enablement, and in a community
setting. Minimum of 2 years’ experience required.
For further information on the above posts, please contact Sally Evans,
Manager, Adult Speech & Language Therapy Service, on 01235 205797 or
Michele Knox, Co-ordinator for Acute Services, on 01865 224259.
The successful canditates will be expected to apply for an Enhanced
Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau as the posts involve working
with children/vulnerable adults.
24-hour Jobline answerphone on 01993 209572
Human Resources Department, Bourton House, 18 Thorney Leys Park, Witney, Oxon OX28 4GJ
Improving Working Lives
IWL is an NHS initiative offering flexible working arrangements, childcare vouchers, family-friendly policies and generous staff benefits including an excellent pension scheme.
We are an equal opportunities employer and value the strength a diverse workforce brings therefore we positively encourage applications from all areas of the community.
Looking for someone to work with
a delightful 9 year old boy who
presents with social
communication difficulties and
features of ASD. He attends a
specialist school for children with
dyslexia and dyspraxia, and we are
looking for someone to work with
him during the summer holidays
and possibly on evenings after
school. The person would be
required to address language and
communication issues with the
child and work together with
significant adults in the child’s
Please contact Kate Henderson
at KateatLake@aol.com
Tel: 01980-626-090
We are looking for a paediatric speechlanguage therapist to join our
multidisciplinary and multi national team of
therapists in a growing private practice.
You should preferably have at least 3 years
of paediatric experience and be
comfortable working with children who
have Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We
assess and treat children from the ages of
1 year and early intervention is a priority.
We currently have 1 part time speech
language therapist, 6 OTs and a PT and are
seeking someone who enjoys being part of
a team. We offer a competitive salary
package commensurate with your years of
experience.If you are interested in this
position and would like more information
please contact us at:
kaleidoscopeotc@hotmail.com or call Kim
Nicolson at tel: 006562565342
Senior Speech & Language post in South
Kerry covering a pediatric caseload with
intellectual disability. There is a Manager
in post and a full, supportive and
established multi-disciplinary team. A
recognized qualification is essential for
For further information contact:
Jenny Nowell, Speech & Language
Therapy Manager, St Mary of the
Angels, Beaufort, Killarney, Co. Kerry.
Tel: 00353 (0)64 44133
Visit www.rcslt.org
and access
the RCSLT online
To access the
Bulletin and
Bulletin Supplement
and use the
password: whyme
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Visit www.rcslt.org and access
the RCSLT online
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Somerset Coast
Primary Care Trust
Taunton & Somerset Hospital - Speech & Language Therapy Department
Specialist Speech & Language
Therapist for Dysphagia
• £24,906 - £26,939 p.a. • Grade 2 Spine Points 28 - 30 • Ref: SC757
Come and join our new Speech and Language Therapy Stroke Team based
at the Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust Acute Hospital. This is a new
full-time role providing a seamless service for patients admitted to the acute
site. You will work across acute assessment and rehabilitation settings,
working closely with Speech and Language Therapists and Speech and
Language Therapy Assistants.
Supervision and support will be provided by the Head of Department/Clinical
Lead Dysphagia and the Clinical Lead for Stroke. There will also be
continuing action research project work to support the appointment of a
second therapist to join the Stroke Dysphagia team.
You should have Dysphagia training at post basic level with a total of three
years Dysphagia experience. Experience of recent project work, audit and
teaching is desirable. Active involvement in working with Stroke patients in
previous positions is essential.
For informal enquiries please contact Esther Corrick, Head of
Department, Adult Speech and Language Therapy on 01823 342149.
For an application pack please contact the Recruitment Department
on 01749 836526 or email: recruitment@mendip-pct.nhs.uk quoting
the reference.
The closing date for applications is 30 May 2005.
HR: Working with You & Working for You
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Part of the Witherslack Group of Schools
P A E D I AT R I C S P E E C H & L A N G U A G E T H E R A P Y S E R V I C E
Recent re-structuring and additional resources have created exciting
opportunities in our team.
We can offer you:
Witherslack Group of Schools is a Nationally recognised group of
Independent Special Schools.
Pontville School, requires additional Speech and Language Therapy input
to meet the needs of communication-impaired students (primarily 11 – 19
years) within the context of our broad based school day and residential
curriculum. The post is based at Pontville School with outreach work to
other provision within the Group, where required.
We are looking for an enthusiastic Speech and Language Therapist to join
our team. We offer a support network through mentoring and appraisal.
CPD is encouraged and facilitated.
• a large, sociable and supportive team • small manageable caseloads
• involvement in a range of innovative projects and training packages
• easy access to specialists in all clinical areas, who can provide second
opinions/shadowing/advice • excellent support systems with weekly
support for newly qualified therapists as well as well-established peer
support groups and frequent team meetings • personal appraisal,
objectives and training plans designed to meet your specific needs
• collaborative working with education at all levels • designated admin
session and planning time during school holidays.
Specialist Speech and
Language Therapist
Speech and Language Therapy posts have fully paid school holidays and
a salary range according to the National Pay Scale (Agenda For Change).
Pre-school Special Needs/
Mainstream Schools
All positions are subject to an enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure.
Grade 2, Spine Points 26-28 (1.0 wte)
£25,465 - £27,405 p.a. inc. (Agenda for Change pending)
Ref: 337CHD066
Closing Date: 27th May 2005
For further details, please contact:Mr. I. Sim, Head Teacher or
Mrs. J. Brown , Speech and Language Therapist.
Pontville School, Black Moss Lane, Ormskirk, Lancs. L39 4TW
Tel No. 01695 578734
Fax No. 01695 579224
E-mail : office@pontville.co.uk
Nottinghamshire Healthcare
NHS Trust
Speech and Language Therapist Band 1 (19-22)
This post offers the opportunity to further develop specialist skills working
with children with special needs. You will work across both pre-school and
schools services in collaboration with early years and schools staff,
providing a high quality service to a defined caseload of children with a
range of special needs attending a small number of Harrow’s mainstream
schools/nurseries and at the children’s centre at Northwick Park Hospital.
You will contribute to multi-disciplinary project work, audit and training
across the service.
Speech and Language
Mainstream Schools
Grade 1/2, Spine Points 19-25 (1.0 wte)
£19,761 - £24,553 p.a. inc. (Agenda for Change pending)
Ref: 337CHD070
£18,065 - £20,319 pa (subject to evaluation under Agenda
for Change)
As a newly or recently qualified therapist, you will be keen to get your
career off to a good start in our dynamic, forward thinking team.
Due to promotion we have a vacancy for a new speech and language therapy
graduate wanting to work with people with physical and/or learning disabilities.
Based in Nottinghamshire you'll gain experience of high and low tech AAC,
working in a college setting and working within an integrated health and social
services community learning disability team - a supportive team with an excellent
Working with a defined caseload of children with a range of special
educational needs in a small number of mainstream schools in Harrow, you
will work collaboratively with school staff to support curriculum access.
The post is split between Portland College in Mansfield (3 days) and the
Community Speech and Language Therapy service based in Nottingham (2 days).
Portland College is a National Centre of Excellence for young adults with wide
ranging physical, cognitive and communication needs. Many students are AAC
users, and this post is an excellent opportunity to develop skills working with voice
output communication aids. The community speech and language therapy team
works within multi-disciplinary / agency teams to meet the communication needs
of individuals and their environments, through a wide variety of different models
of working.
You'll be joining our speech and language therapy team of 19 enthusiastic and
forward thinking individuals who work with people with physical and/or learning
disabilities across both Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. You'll enjoy close links
with our SLT colleagues across the East Midlands and benefit from excellent levels
of support, supervision, IT and CPD opportunities. A car driver is essential.
For an informal discussion and/or informal enquiries, please contact Felicity Court,
Lead Clinician at Portland College on (01623) 499124, Della Money, Head of
Service on (01636) 685927 or Sue Thurman, Head of Service (0115) 9159627.
Application forms and job descriptions are available by ringing our 24 hour
answering service on Nottingham (0115) 934 6799 (voicemail) or by sending text
requests to 07899 994515. Alternatively applications can be requested by contacting
Please quote reference NHC55 on all correspondence. Closing date: 3 June 2005.
Interview date: 22 June 2005.
We are committed to improving employees working lives and aim to be an Equal
Opportunities Employer. We positively encourage people who have experienced mental
health problems to apply for a role within the Trust.
For further information regarding either post, please contact
Melanie Abba, Chief Speech and Language Therapist - Schools’ Team on
020 8869 2476 or Karen de Bruin, Chief Speech and Language TherapistPre-school Team on 020 8869 2415.
Apply on-line at www.nwlh.nhs.uk/jobs
For a job description and application pack, please call 020 8869 3010 leaving your
name, address, telephone number and quoting the appropriate reference number.
Please return your completed application form to the Paediatric Therapy Service,
Chaucer Unit, Level 3, Northwick Park Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3UJ.
Closing date: 2nd June 2005.
Provisional interview date: w/c 13th June 2005.
The Trust operates a no smoking policy. The Trust is committed to equal
opportunities, Investors in People, IWL and offers a range of family friendly policies.
To access the Bulletin and Bulletin
Supplement online.
Visit: www.rcslt.org/bulletin.shtml
and use the password: whyme
bulletin supplement May 2005
Lecturer/Teaching Fellow in
Speech and Language Therapy
Department of Health & Human Sciences
The Department of Health and Human Sciences is a fast-growing
multidisciplinary department, which is innovative in teaching and highly
research active (further details may be seen at http://www.essex.ac.uk/hhs).
We offer a range of post-registration professional training courses at
undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. We also provide preregistration Masters degrees, which offer a fast-track accelerated route to a
Nursing or Physiotherapy qualification and are at the forefront of training
health care professionals. In addition we have two undergraduate degrees,
BSc Social Psychology and Sociology and BSc Health Psychology and
Health Sciences.
Existing staff include nurses, medical practitioners, health managers, other
health care professionals, economists, psychologists and medical
sociologists and there is excellent administrative support.
This post will support the development and delivery of an innovative preregistration Masters degree, which offers a fast-track accelerated route to a
Speech and Language Therapy qualification. This degree offers many
opportunities for inter-professional learning. The post is based in the
Department of Health and Human Sciences but involves close collaboration
with the Department of Language & Linguistics.
The successful candidate will be a registered Speech and Language
Therapist with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and
have membership of the Health Professions Council and/or have a
research record in phonetics, phonology or their clinical applications.
Appointment to this post will be made either on the scale £27,116 £35,883 per annum for Lecturers, or on the scale £22,507 - £35,883 for
Teaching Fellow Staff per annum, dependent on skills and qualifications.
Full or Part-Time working will be considered. (All salaries pro rata for part
time working).
Closing date: 6 June 2005
Application details may be obtained by telephoning Colchester
(01206) 872462 (24 hours), quoting reference number L/841SLT, by
writing to the Personnel Section, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park,
Colchester, CO4 3SQ or by visiting our website:
Swansea NHS Trust
Morriston Hospital
Speech and Language Therapy Department
South Wales South West Managed Clinical Network
for Cleft Lip and Palate
Developing Specialist Speech and Language
Therapist Cleft Palate
Band 2 (up to spine point 30) according to experience,
full/part-time considered
We require an enthusiastic Therapist with a keen interest in Cleft
Palate to join the new Managed Clinical Network. You will be based
at Morriston Hospital working closely with two Specialist Speech and
Language Therapists, participating in multi-disciplinary clinics,
undertaking assessment and therapy. You will also be involved in the
team’s audit and research.
This post would suit a recently qualified Therapist or a Therapist with
some experience seeking to extend their skills working with Cleft
Palate. Experience in Cleft Palate is desirable although not essential,
as full training will be given.
The department benefits from excellent clerical support and has a
commitment to continuing professional development, clinical supervision,
regular in-service training, journal clubs and peer monitoring.
Further information from Helen Extence, Deputy Lead Speech and
Language Therapist, South Wales/South West/MCN on 01792 703855.
For an application pack telephone 01792 703386.
Closing date: 27 May 2005
These posts are subject to a disclosure check by the Criminal Records Bureau
These posts will be subject to the new terms and conditions of service introduced
in accordance with the Agenda for Change Agreement. Further information will
be supplied on application.
May 2005 bulletin supplement
Department of Psychology and Speech Pathology
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
£23,643 - £36,428 pa (salary under review)
Full time, fractional, job share and secondment
will be considered
Ref. RW236
As a result of increasing student numbers, we require an enthusiastic
speech and language therapist who can contribute to the teaching
within our Department and develop research and other scholarly
activities. Interests in clinical phonetics, developmental communication
disabilities, specific language impairment, voice, or fluency would
be welcomed.
A higher degree in a relevant discipline and previous experience in
teaching would be an advantage. Informal enquiries may be made
by contacting Jois Stansfield, Programme Leader, on 0161 247 2577
or email j.stansfield@mmu.ac.uk
Interviews will be held on 16 June 2005.
Research Fellow
£26,671- £30,363 pa pro-rata
18.5 hrs per week, temporary for 12 months,
secondment will be considered
Ref. RW237
As an enthusiastic speech and language therapist, you will
contribute to the research and teaching within our Department.
Specialist areas are negotiable but we are particularly interested
in any applicant offering expertise in the areas of:
● Developmental communication disabilities
● Specific language impairment
● Research methods
● Clinical education
A higher degree in a relevant discipline and previous experience in
teaching would be an advantage. Informal enquiries may be made
by contacting Juliet Goldbart, Reader, on 0161 247 2578 or email
Interviews will be held on 20 June 2005.
For an application form and further particulars, returnable
by 1 June 2005, please contact Personnel Services on
0161 247 6464 quoting the relevant reference number
or e-mail m.wyatt@mmu.ac.uk Alternatively download
these documents from our website
MMU values diversity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.
Newcastle, Co Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Tel: 01 6010300
Speech and Language Therapists
Suitably qualified therapists with interest and skills in adult
communication and/or dysphagia management / rehabilitation are
welcome to apply for the above positions in a progressive
department committed to a strong teamwork approach. Successful
candidates will enjoy professional support, with opportunities for
developing areas of clinical specialism. CPD is encouraged and
facilitated. A minimum of 3 years experience is required for a
senior position.
Please forward a letter of application, accompanied by a curriculum
vitae to the Speech and Language Therapy Manager, Peamount
Hospital, Newcastle, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Closing date:
31 May 2005
bulletin supplement May 2005
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and Bulletin
Supplement online
Visit: www.rcslt.org/
bulletin.shtml and use
the password: whyme
Got a new job? Congratulations
Don’t forget to tell College when you change
your email address:
email: membership@rcslt.org with
your new details
May 2005 bulletin supplement
Children’s Community Speech and Language
Therapy Service
We are a large Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Department
hosted by South Birmingham Primary Care Trust working across all 4
Primary Care Trusts in Birmingham, from Sutton Coldfield to
Longbridge and Sheldon to Handsworth.
We offer a supportive working environment involving mentorship,
clinical supervision, appraisal and access to twelve clinical leads across
a range of specialist provision. We, as a conscientious and
professional team of staff, are committed to developing effective and
efficient ways of working in order to meet the diverse needs of
children in Birmingham.
Due to new initiatives, we are looking to employ a:
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Speech and Language Therapist
Band 2 SP 31 - 33 £28,920 - £31,279 pa (subject to
Agenda For Change matching)
New funding has created an exciting opportunity for a permanent full
time Speech and Language Therapist to work with the Child & Adolescent
Mental Health Services team based in Heart of Birmingham PCT which
covers Central and Western Birmingham. This post will be the first of
its kind in the department with the expectation that further funding
may be gained for similar posts elsewhere in the City.
You will be based within the Tier 3 CAMHS team and contribute to the
holistic assessment and intervention with children and young people
known to the team, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorders
and other neurodevelopmental disorders. You will also act as a link to
community Speech and Language Therapy services being provided by
other members of the South Birmingham PCT department. Providing
training to CAMHS staff, other professionals and carer groups is an
essential component of this post.
The Speech and Language Therapist will be managed within the South
Birmingham Speech and Language Therapy department and receive
professional and clinical support from a designated Speech and
Language Therapy manager and the departmental Clinical Lead in
ASD. Mentorship within the CAMHS team will also be arranged.
For further information and informal discussion, please
contact: Ali Beard, Clinical Lead ASD on 0121 507 9518 or
Emma Mays, Head of Children’s Speech and Language
Therapy Service on 0121 411 1109.
For an application pack please contact Stella Sharpe on
0121 411 1109.
Closing date: 3rd June 2005.
We are committed to equal opportunities and actively discourage smoking at work.
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and SLT news; access the new Clinical
Guidelines and updated publications,
and keep in touch with the profession.
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bulletin supplement May 2005
Speech and Language
Adult Neurological Acute and Community Service
West of Berkshire Speech and Language Therapy
Service, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading
Full time - Band 5 £18,698 - £24,198 p.a.
Due to the promotion of the current post holder we have an
opportunity for a keen and innovative Speech and Language
Therapist to join the adult team in the west of Berkshire.
This post comprises six sessions at the Royal Berkshire Hospital,
Reading including two sessions in the acute stroke unit, one
session in adult learning disability specifically looking at
supporting these clients and the ALD - SLT team during acute
episodes and investigations and three sessions community
out-patient work.
The integrated adult team comprises of acute in-patient,
community out-patient and adult learning disability services.
We can offer a supported and friendly environment with
specialists in dysphagia, aphasia, progressive disorders, elderly
services and learning disability.
If you are about to qualify or are newly qualified, you are
welcome to apply, as this post is fully supported.
For further information, please contact Daphne Banat, Head of
Adult Services on 0118 946 9918.
Services for Children & Young People
Highly Specialist Speech &
Language Therapist (Complex
Special Needs)
Currently Grade 2 Spine Point 31-33 (Subject to
agenda for change implementation)
Part time - up to 8 sessions per week
We require an enthusiastic and dedicated Therapist to work
within Special Schools catering for children with both severe and
moderate learning difficulties within the Telford area. The post
would include outreach into mainstream schools following the
local Education Authorities progressive policy on Inclusion.
We have a well established Special School Team which includes
specialists in dysphagia and AAC who work in close collaboration
within the schools.
You will have experience in this field of work and ideally have
knowledge of picture exchange, communication, Makaton
and dysphagia.
We are a friendly and supportive team and offer regular team
meetings, peer support groups and opportunities for training
and continuing professional development.
For further information or an informal discussion please contact:
Elaine Dodd, Facilitator for Speech & Language Therapy,
tel: 01743 450847.
For further an application pack please contact: Sara Highfield/
Faye Moore, Secretaries for Therapy Heads of Service,
tel: 01743 450839.
Closing date: 27th May 2005.
0118 982 2912 (24 hour answerphone).
Please quote the above reference number.
For all other enquiries contact the Human Resources
Directorate on 0118 982 2759.
Closing date: 27th May 2005.
We welcome applications regardless of age, gender, race,
disability or sexual orientation. We particularly welcome
applications from Black and Ethnic Minority candidates.
The PCT supports a no-smoking policy.
Vacancies on the web: www.nhs-shropshire.com
Applicants should note that Pay Modernisation under Agenda for Change was
implemented from 1st December 2004. All posts will be subject to review and
transfer to new pay bands from the effective date.
Working towards equal opportunities & a smoke free environment.
Visit www.rcslt.org and access
the RCSLT online
Add a Splash of colour to your advert
Contact Katy Eggleton on
020 7878 2344
May 2005 bulletin supplement
West Coates, Edinburgh, EH12 5JJ
Eastbourne is located on the South East coast surrounded by the
picturesque South Downs. London, Brighton and the continent are within
easy reach.
Speech & Language Therapists
Paediatric team - Rotational development (3 posts)
Uckfield Hospital/Peacehaven Clinic
SP 23-28
35 hours per week
Are you interested in:
• Protected time for funded professional development?
• Being part of a professionally managed, forward thinking and dynamic
• Clinical support from expert practitioners across a range of disorders?
• Working in a flexible and supportive environment?
You will be based for five sessions in either the community clinic or
mainstream schools team. For the remaining five sessions you will have the
opportunity to develop your competencies and confidence within the
following areas: SLI, ASD, PMLD, Complex Needs, Learning Disability and
EBD. These sessions are based in either a Special School or a Language Unit.
Scotland’s National School for the Deaf and for
Young People with Speech and Language Disorders.
Speech and Language Therapist
full time (part-time will be considered)
Salary - Spine points negotiable, depending on experience
Donaldson’s College is situated on the edge of Edinburgh’s city
centre and offers an attractive location as well as an
interesting and dynamic place to work.
We are looking to appoint a specialist therapist with expertise
in autistic spectrum disorders and/or speech and language
impairments to join an established team of experienced therapy
staff. The post offers an exciting opportunity to work within a
multi-disciplinary team with a small caseload of hearing and
deaf pupils (both secondary and primary) who have a complex
range of communication needs.
Newly qualified therapists are invited to apply and appropriate support and
mentoring will be provided.
Donaldson’s is a bilingual (English and BSL) environment and
knowledge of sign language would be an advantage, although
not essential, as training will be provided.
For an informal discussion, or to arrange to visit the department please
contact Lisa Brock on 01323 446247 or email:
For further information, please contact: Marjorie Douglas on
0131 337 9911 or marjoriedouglas@donaldsons-coll.edin.sch.uk
For an application pack please go to
www.eastbournedownspct.nhs.uk or telephone 01323 747747
(24 hour line) quoting job reference SLT 0507.
The College welcomes applications from all sections of the
community, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation or
Closing date: 3 June 2005.
These posts will be subject to review under the new NHS pay and
conditions of employment scheme.
Working towards equal opportunities. A No Smoking Policy
applies. Flexible working and job share will be considered.
Final salary pension scheme.
Application forms and job description can be obtained from:
Olivia Lovely, HR Officer, at above address, tel/text 0131 337
9911 or e-mail olovely@donaldsons-coll.edin.sch.uk
Closing date: 12 noon, Friday 27th May 2005
Interview date: Monday 6th June 2005
w w w. e a s t s u s s ex n h s j o b s. o rg
Add a splash of colour to your advert
Contact Katy Eggleton
Tel: 0 2 0 7 8 7 8 2 3 4 4 or email katy@mcmslondon.co.uk
bulletin supplement May 2005
Further Opportunity to join the
Isle of Wight Healthcare Trust!
You may have seen the advertisement for posts in the Isle of Wight
Healthcare Trust, in the April 15 edition. Because of a clerical error
for that advert, the cut off date has been extended to three weeks
from the date of publication of this issue of the Bulletin. For further
details, please check the 15 April edition.The posts on offer:
Band 1 to 2, Salary range £16,828 - £28,016.
Agenda for Change pending (Post ref: 04-458)
If you are a newly qualified therapist, regular supervision and
support is available from experienced colleagues, but if you are
already experienced we can offer the chance to develop specific
skills. You would manage a defined caseload of children who
would be seen in clinics and home visits, as well as preschool and
school settings, providing assessment, diagnosis and treatment.
You would also participate in the Service’s provision of clinical
experience for students.
To access the Bulletin
and Bulletin
Supplement online
Visit: www.rcslt.org/
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the password: whyme
Band 2, Salary range £ 24,906 - £28,016.
Agenda for Change pending (Post ref: 04-469)
This is an opportunity for an experienced therapist to join the
interdisciplinary Intermediate Care Team comprised of nurses,
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation assistants,
care manager, community care officer and a speech and language
therapist. You would provide a comprehensive Speech and
Language Therapy service for adults referred to the Intermediate
Care Service, and offer training to staff, students and carers. This
post would be suitable for a therapist with a minimum of 2 years
experience managing acquired disorders; post-basic dysphagia
training is essential.
The above posts require travelling to a range of settings e.g.
domiciliary visits, hospital, clinic and schools so you would need a
current driving licence.Assistance with relocation costs, and
temporary accommodation is available.
If you are only looking for a short- term contract or part-time
work please contact us. Please call Sally-Ann Garrett,
Head of Service, for an informal
discussion, or to arrange a
visit, on 01983 521948, or
01983 524081, ext 4502, or email
An application form and
information pack is available
from the Personnel Department,
St Mary’s Hospital, Newport,
Isle of Wight PO30 5TG or call
the 24 hour recruitment line on
01983 534275 quoting the
appropriate reference number.
We’re waiting to hear from you!
The Isle of Wight Healthcare
NHS Trust is working toward
equal opportunities and offers
flexible working.
May 2005 bulletin supplement
Bulletin Supplement
Schedule 2005
Issue Date
Booking & Copy
by Midday
Expected to
reach SLT’s
June 2005
Mid Jun 2005
16th May 2005
1st Jun 2005
1st Jun 2005
15th Jun 2005
July 2005
Mid Jul 2005
15th Jun 2005
30th Jun 2005
1st Jul 2005
15th Jul 2005
August 2005
Mid Aug 2005
15th Jul 2005
2nd Aug 2005
1st Aug 2005
15th Aug 2005
September 2005
Mid Sept 2005
16th Aug 2005
2nd Sept 2005
1st Sept 2005
15th Sept 2005
October 2005
Mid Oct 2005
15th Sept 2005
3rd Oct 2005
1st Oct 2005
15th Oct 2005
November 2005
Mid Nov 2005
17th Oct 2005
2nd Nov 2005
1st Nov 2005
15th Nov 2005
December 2005
Mid Dec 2005
16th Nov 2005
2nd Dec 2005
1st Dec 2005
15th Dec 2005
Please note:
Advertising rates for 2005: Recruitment £21 per SCC Courses £19 per SCC
Full Page discounted to £1900
10% Surcharge on all 3-column adverts. Agency Commission 10%
We only accept digital copy, bromides are not accepted
Column Sizes 1=42mm 2=90mm 3=136mm 4=188mm
To make a booking or for further information please call
Katy Eggleton on 020 7878 2344
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
Bulletin Supplement Advertising
For advertising information, or to make a booking for the mid May Bulletin
Supplement, please contact Katy Eggleton at TG Scott Healthcare on
tel: 020 7878 2344 or email katy@mcmslondon.co.uk
Deadline for all bookings & copy for the 1st June issue is 16th May, midday.
For the 15th June issue the deadline is 1st June midday.
As of the January issue advertising rates have increased, please see below for
a guide to our advertising rates. For more information please contact Katy
on the details above.
£21 per single column centimetre
Conferences & Courses
£19 per single column centimetre
Quick look dates
£24 for 1 insertion
£40 for 2 insertions
Full Colour
+ £550
Spot Colour
+ £250
All rates subject to VAT
Column Widths
1 column
2 columns
3 columns
4 columns
Size in MM
Full Page
270 x 188
Discounted £1900
Half Page Vertical
270 x 90
Half Page Horizontal
130 x 188
Quarter Page
130 x 90
Inserts are dependent on size and weight please call for an exact quote.
TG Scott Healthcare 9 Savoy Street, London, WC2E 7HR
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement
To advertise your Quick Look Date please contact Katy Eggleton
on 020 7878 2344 or email Katy@mcmslondon.co.uk.
All notices need to have a maximum of 40 words including date,
title and venue of notice.
The cost of advertising is £24 for one issue or £40 for two issues.
This must to be pre-paid by either cheque or credit card.
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Bulletin Supplement
Company Details
Telephone No.
Advert Details
Issue dates for notice:
Date of event: Day:
Title of event:
Main advert text
Credit Card
Credit Card No:
Expiry date:
Last 3 digits of security no.
TG Scott Healthcare 9 Savoy Street, London, WC2E 7HR
May 2005 bulletin mid-month supplement