Paw Talk - Humane Society Tacoma

Paw Talk
A publication of the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County – William Gazecki Animal Shelter
Fall 2013
Zeke and Zoe
Zeke and Zoe came to the shelter hoping for a new home, after
their owner passed away. The 13 and
11-year-old dogs were best friends, and
a very bonded pari. Although they had
two beds in their extra-large kennel,
they preferred to cuddle together. If
one was petted, the other had to join
in, too. We didn’t want to separate
them, but finding a home for two
chunky, elderly Pit Bulls wouldn’t be
easy. So they remained at the shelter,
going for daily walks, getting lots of
attention from staff and volunteers,
and waiting. Five months went by. They
were featured on Facebook, websites,
and radio shows, and went to offsite
adoptions events and the Dog-A-Thon.
But still they waited.
Meanwhile, a nice family with two
teenage boys was visiting the shelter
often, looking for a young, mediumsized family dog. They learned of Zeke
and Zoe’s long stay, and made a point
of greeting them when they walked by.
Then one day, they asked for an official
meeting. These two seniors were far
from what the family thought they
were looking for, so they said they
would go home and talk it over. A few
hours later, they were back, asking to
adopt them both.
When word spread that Zeke and
Zoe had found a home, it was near
chaos at the shelter. Everyone wanted
to thank the new owners, get a photo,
and say their tearful goodbyes. The
dogs had carved out a special place in
the hearts of the staff and volunteers,
reminding everyone that with time,
patience, and perseverance, every dog
can find its forever home.
The Perfect Gentleman
This sweet cat, Logan, came to the
shelter with a badly broken tail. He was
thin, exhausted, and so scared that the
staff couldn’t touch him. It was several
weeks before he warmed up, but gradually his sweet personality came out.
He quickly became a staff favorite, and
Home at Last!
Cami was missing
for more than a year,
but the Krogh family
never gave up searching for her. They put
posters up, placed an
ad on Craigslist, and
constantly checked
the shelter. Even after
they resigned themselves to never seeing
her again, they still
checked our website
Kids Who Care
For years, we’ve been taking the
dogs to a weed-choked patch of dirt
at the end of the parking lot for potty
breaks. The ground was uneven, prone
to mud puddles, and difficult to keep
clean. So we were thrilled when the
5th grade class at First Presbyterian
Church School decided the pups
deserved better. They raised $1,500
for their Legacy Project and then
pitched in to do the grunt work. The
no one could pass his cage without
talking to him and giving him a quick
pet. After he plumped up, had surgery
to amputate his tail and was neutered,
he was finally ready for a permanent
home. But even though Logan was a
sweetie, he was so calm and quiet, he
didn’t attract attention. He just sat at
the back of his cage, watching people
go by. A month later, Paige came in “just
to look” and spent some time getting to know Logan. The next day she
was back, saying she just couldn’t stop
thinking about him. She wanted a calm,
easy-going cat for her young family, and
Logan was the perfect gentleman.
-- just in case. So imagine their surprise when they looked online and
saw Cami smiling back at
them! She had been at
the shelter for more than
a week, behaving like the
calm, quiet, elderly dog
she was. But when she
saw her family, she turned
into a bouncy, excited
puppy! When she left the
shelter, she had a mouth
full of treats and a microchip, and was clearly
overjoyed to be back
with her people.
“potty place” is now an attractive,
raised square of deep gravel with a
block border, shade panel and metal
bench. The dogs love it, and the staff
and volunteers do, too!
Sleeping Beauties
When a foster puppy began making
a ruckus in one of the staff cubicles,
Amber offered to settle him down. She
is one of the Humane Society’s youngest volunteers, but she’s already an experienced puppy-raiser and dog trainer.
Amber participates in “Clicker Training” sessions with shelter dogs, and has
raised dozens of foster puppies over
the past four years.We knew the little
In the spring of 1995, the Humane
Society got a call from a local business
owner: For months, a cat had been
hiding out in their building, setting off
the night alarm. She was too skittish to
catch, so a humane trap was set, and
the kitty was
soon safe at the
shelter. She was
wearing tags,
so the owners
were called, and
they were quite
shocked to hear
that “Junior” was
alive. She had
been missing for
fifteen months!
The grateful
owners called
the business to
thank them for their part in capturing
Junior, and they all appeared on the
cover of our spring newsletter. A few
weeks ago, we received this note:
Dear Humane Society:
Eighteen years ago, our cat Junior
made headlines in your newsletter
when she was reunited with us after
being lost for fifteen months. She was
only three years old. We thought at
guy was in good hands, and we were
right. Moments later, we found them
both sound asleep on the office floor.
that time, she’d used up most of her
“nine lives”. She went on to enjoy a
long life, however, and recently passed
away just shy of her 22nd birthday.
Junior was born in our home in
Japan and given away as a baby. When
she was returned, we realized she
was destined to become queen of
our house. She
made the long
trip with us
from Tokyo to
Tacoma, survived being lost
for more than a
year, and tolerated moving
houses four
times. A few
months ago she
was diagnosed
with chronic
renal failure, and
was given only a few days to live. But
she made a remarkable turnaround
and her quality of life returned for
a short time. When she was finally
ready for her new journey, we were
with her as she left peacefully. Thank
you for helping us find her so long
ago. She will forever hold a special
place in our hearts.
– Roger and Sawa Wilkey.
$240,000 Raised for Homeless Pets!
2013 was not
only a whole
lot of fun, it
was also the
most successful
event held so
far.The Humane
Society’s 22nd
annual walk
for homeless
pets attracted
more than 1,500
participants and
raised a record
Sponsors and
vendor booths contributed $34,000,
individuals raised more than $70,000,
and twelve teams from a wide variety
of businesses, clubs, organizations,
families and friends raised $130,000 in
pledges. After the event, the proceeds
from the barbeque, microchip clinic,
matching gifts and donations brought
in another $6,000.
Dog-A-Thon proceeds are vital to
supporting adoptions, medical care
for ill and injured animals, spay/neuter
and other programs that are saving
lives and helping to create a community where all pets have a loving,
permanent home. And, although it’s a
dog walk, all the animals at the shelter
benefit from the funds raised -- dogs,
cats, rabbits and other small mammals.
Dog-A-Thon 2013 Sponsors
The staff, volunteers, board
members, and animals here
at the shelter thank all of our
generous members, sponsors,
vendors, and Dog-A-Thon
participants for helping to
save lives by making this the
best walk ever!
Remember, Dog-A-Thon is
always the fourth Saturday in
July – so mark your calendars
now for July 23, 2014!
Top Teams
Top Individuals
Team Maggie
Paw Kettle
Mixed Bag O’ Mutts
Boeing Furry Friends
Villaggio’s Pack
Columbia Bank Barking Bankers TCC
Team Oskar
Laurie Cinotto
Diane Chervenak
Walt Sommers
Lynette Young
Ron Pace
Dan Kyler
Jan Schwenger
Vanessa Giles
Patty Rusnak
Kathleen Olson
The Itty Bitties Do It Again!
This year,
Laurie Cinotto
raised a whopping $117,000
for cats through
her charming
blog, theittybittykittycommittee.
com. Thousands
of readers from
all over the globe
sent donations in
honor of her Hu- Wylla hands a miniature check to shelter veterinarian, Dr. Robbins.
mane Society foster
tive disorder called “Megaesophagus”
kittens, exceeding
and required months of special care
last year’s total by 35%! Her team
before she was strong enough to
walked in honor of cats, and she even
be adopted. By that time, Laurie had
brought along the latest addition
decided to make her a permanent
to her household – wee Wylla. This
family member.
special kitten was born with a
Soft-Hearted Bikers
Early one morning, just as the
shelter was opening, there was a
loud rumbling noise and a long line
of motorcycles began streaming into
the parking lot. The riders rolled their
bikes into neat rows, then all twenty
of them walked up to the wide-eyed
staff, smiling as one held out a check.
The group had raised more than
$10,000 in memory of their friend
and fellow-biker, Scottie Cull. Since he
loved animals, and most of the members had shelter pets themselves,
they decided to donate the proceeds
to the Humane Society. After a
quick tour of the shelter, where they
cooed at the kittens and melted at
Continued on next page
Aaron & Jordan
Rex & Brad
Aaron Anderson & Jordan Mammel
Rebecca J. Samudre
Ashley Davis
Jason Lombard
Louise Schumock
Crystal Kingston
Dr. Robert Whitney
Blue & Max
Michele L. Slotemaker
Christine Siebel-Bryant
Callie Vitcovich
Koreen Gray
Cathy & David Lester
Donna Mayer
Darcy & Scott
Judith Frederick
Doug & Amanda Caldwell
Phil Faessier
Matthew Gehrett
Consuelo Sanudo
Dr.Theresa Bell
Marsha McLean &
Jeanette Wheeler
Elisabeth Connett
Arya Kukreja
Fenrir, Freya & Cleo
Curt E. Rickard
Gary G.Walston
Jane Walston
Gene Roland
Paul Roland
Jake & Gretchen
Carol O’Connor
Joan Albu
Marceline M. Lazzari
John & Cindy Gazecki
Jill McEntee
Bill & Linda Gazecki
Joy Fernandez
Mary Jane Olivas
Katherine Stolz
The Special Judges Fund - Pierce
Co. Superior Court
Kathleen Olson
Griselda Lehrer
Kathy Paris
Rob & Dana Alsbury
Kitty Buster
Kathleen & Rick Olson
Kris Symer & Peg Winczewski
Wendy Jacobs
Kristine Jasper
Kathryn & James Seley
Angela & Jeff Sorenson
Michael Turco
Kyoko Hall
Johnnie & Taiko Stroud
Lauren Nearing
Gloria Kidd
Junior Razon
Laurie Cinotto
Dog Time Media
Lidia Gonzalez
Larry O. Barstow
Mark Cockerill
Marguerite Richmond & Tam Jackson
Laurel Tuttle
Mason Euteneier
Eric Euteneier
Megan Millimaki & Philip Klatte
Wendy Hunter
Mike & Jessica Fields
Dawn Muench
Pace Brothers Invitational
Marlene Heblich-Hertel
Patricia Olswang
Kelsey Olswang
Ella Walken
Ponders Loan
Richard McKinney
Humane Happenings
pet-related events
Ongoing Pet Adoptions
New Volunteer Orientations
Daily during business hours at the
following locations:
PetsMart Tacoma - Cats
Petco Tacoma - Cats and Rabbits
Petco Federal Way - Cats and Rabbits
Petco Bonney Lake - Cats and Rabbits
Petco Lakewood - Cats and Rabbits
Petco Puyallup - Cats and Rabbits
Petco Gig Harbor - Rabbits only
Metropolitan Veterinary
Hospital - Cats
William Gazecki Animal Shelter
2608 Center Street, Tacoma
2nd Floor Classroom
Open to the first 100 people
No RSVP needed
Bunny and Guinea Pig Spa Day
(nail trims, basic grooming)
No charge, all welcome
First Saturday of every month:
Noon - 4 p.m.
Randy Wilson
Beau Figliola
Riley Walker Johnson
Beverly Bergmann
Joel Livingston
Ron & Cindy Soule
Diana Stafford
Ruth Gay & John Sherlock
Robert & Rebecca Jenkin
Columbia Veterinary Clinic
Shirley Mills
America’s Credit Union
Sherry Jenkins
Megan & John Abbott
Terri Metzler
David Rubenstein
Tiffany Campbell
Cheri Warner & Louis Asumendi
Tug & Yack
Sue Padden
Twade Padula
Dawn Padula
Wendy & Robert Kennedy
Fran Ladzinski
Zoe & Salazar
Marlaina Wall
Friday, October 4th: 10 a.m. – Noon
Sunday, October 6th: 10 a.m. – Noon
Pet Loss Support Group
Meets every 2nd Saturday - 10 a.m.
William Gazecki Animal Shelter
2608 Center Street, Tacoma
No charge; all welcome
the sight of a sleeping
Chihuahua, they were
on their way with a
thundering roar. We
appreciate their generosity, and are grateful
for the compassion of
all many other community groups, clubs,
and organizations who
help us help homeless
Jamie Morgan
Adrienne Gamble
Karen Wallin
Alta M. Conner
Mr. & Mrs. William M.
Steding III
Heidi & Chris Schooley
Bailey Brown
Laura Brown
Barbara Louise Morgan
Jane Colombini
Richard & Hazel Morgan
Baxter Barringer
The Crooked Pint Staff
Beau & Charlie
Julie & Scott Touchette
Bob Lucia
Elizabeth McDowell
Brutus Seley
Angela & Jeff Sorenson
Charles Bert Halladay
Pilkey, Hopping, &
Ekberg Inc.
Jeanette Campus
Debra Howard
Rosalyn Lueck-Mammen
Christina Graham
Jeremy Davy
Keith & Gail Plumb
Erling & Cherlyn
Cleo Cuellar
Women of the Moose
Lakes #511
Virgil & Barbara Hulsey
Karen & Russell Ripp
Cocoa Joy
Karen Kotash
Deleva & Gary Ulseth
Andra Kondra
Daisy Mae
Mary Burnsides
Bob Cogswell
Daniel McDermott
Patricia Michaud
Denise M.Thaldorf
Richard Leary
Diana Dolin
Sarah Dempsey
Dana Chambers
Dooney & Max
Sandi & Richard Trask
Doreen Doran
Agnes Becker
Tacoma British Wives Club
Doris Walsh
Christine Maltby
Dr. Jack Gillette, Sr.
Sharon Michelson
Dr. Lou Bernhardi
Linda Patterson
Edward Doherty
Cherie Peterson
Heidi & Chris Schooley
Faye Olson
Allan Olson
Filbert Stout
Lynn Cooper
Marlene Hirose
Frank Jacobs
Karen Bellamy
Kathy & Joe Scorcio
Gary G.Walston
The Krenik cousins
Mary Bush
Heidi & Chris Schooley
William & Ann Riley
Sally Boyle
Holly Lynn
Leigh Curtin
Ida Johnson
Pamela Harris
Suzanne Saylor
Jack Walker
Gail, David, Peggy & Bob
Ardath Eichler
Virdie Golliher
Jay D.Turner
The Larsen Family
Louis Summers
Charleen Erkers
Jean Wrenn
Ray Thomas
Jeanne Hamilton’s dog
Kate Walters
Joan Miraldi
Patricia Miraldi
Joe Robert Ash
Joanne Armour
Diane Bendixen
Michael Brewick
Elizabeth & Lee Gingrich
Jane Gingrich
John & Patricia Hickey
Dale & Kay Houg
North Proctor LLC
Mary Jean Rovai
Joe & Carol Stortini
John & Alice Tollefson
John Davies
Nancy Freeman
Joyce Gaffney Sigafoos
Joy Vail
Karen & Russell Ripp
Roger & Sawa Wilkey
K. L. Evans Lynn Evans
Kakook & BamBam
Deleva & Gary Ulseth
Kalee Breckenridge
Barb Anderson & Pete
Bonnie Cargol
Kitty Moore
Helga Omero
Lady & Ellie Viers
Ray Viers
Linda Ackerman
Bev Sayle
Loretta Alyworth
John & Maudy Gosnell
Gussie & Joyce
Irene Koth
Russ & Gloria Odell
Jeanne Werner-Spaulding
Linda & Lucille Thompson
Lori Talcott
Maria Rabisa
Doris Conatzer
Ralph & Walburga Eckart
Cecilia Lucas
The Pet Doctor
Marina Earl
Betty Pavlas
Marvel Nordstrom
Hitomi & Joshua Bercey
Debra Howard
Lynn Pelegruti
Heidi & Chris Schooley
Margaret Stack
Teri Hermann
Prangsri Suwanart
Mr. Mooch
Judith Galbraith
Mr.Todd Bell
Dana Chambers
Victoria Shomo
Napoleon, Josephine & Shadow
Charles & Phebie Cey
Mary Latimer
Nutmeg Joque
Jen & Darrell Joque
Heidi & Chris Schooley
Oscar Hokold
Shirley Lancaster
Paul Shelton IV
Roberta Shelton
Pen & Apple Wolcott
John Wolcott
Kathy & Joe Scorcio
Jennifer Tracer
Elise Polo
William & Gail Lehman
Lynn Evans
Beth Richardson
Ralph A. Emerson
Sonja Stansberry
Linda Patterson
Roann Milligan’s two dogs
Kate Walters
Robert G. Lewis
Bill & Linda Gazecki
Robert Johnson
Susan Johnson
Roy A. Peltoniemi
Ray Thomas
Richard & Cathleen Nelson
Michelle Broome
Cathy Pfarr
Scottie Cull
S. L. Boggs
Brickyard Pub
Paul Constante
James & Nancy Cross
Steve & Sue Hennagir
Rick & Paula Leavitt
Janie Pierce
Steffen & Hinz, PLLC
Kelly Boyle
Shirley Lake
Jen & Darrell Joque
Louise Schumock
Karen Krueger
Vicki Tart
Susan Oros
Reed Oros
Jim & Shana Osmer
Teddy Arthur & Eleanore Farnham
Byron Ellingson
David & Kelly Roberts
Tom Snyder
Mary Artzer
Vivian Entz
Cindy Connally
Wally Fleissner
Mark Endresen
Wayne B.Willis
Frank & Lorraine Bowers
M. Goldstein
Erling & Cherlyn KuesterPijanowski
Maryalis & Wilfred Frink
promote positive relationships between
animals and people.
Tacoma, WA
Permit No. 429
Mission of the Humane Society is
Tto headvance
the welfare of animals and
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
he Humane Society envisions a comTmunity
where every pet has a permanent
and loving home, every companion animal is
spayed or neutered and all pets are treated
with respect and compassion.
The Humane Society is a private, non-profit
organization that relies on donations to fund
its vital programs. The Humane Society is
not associated with any government agency,
nor is it affiliated with any national animal
welfare organization.
Board of Directors
Christopher Marston, President
Chad Osvog,Vice President
Melissa Hortsch, Treasurer
Michael Carney, Secretary
Lynette Young, Past President
Rhonda Arnett
Amy Bettesworth
Jeanne Betzendorfer
Holly Bukes
Julie Curtis
Martha Jacobs
Marcy Kulland
Ron Pace
Patty Rusnak
Walt Sommers
Jenn Trettin
Barb Van Haren
Kathleen Olson, Executive Director
Denise McVicker, Deputy Director
Frank Strueby, Finance Director
Marguerite Richmond, Development Director
Monica Wylie, Community Outreach Director
Kim Robbins, Shelter Veterinarian
Jessica Emel, Kennel Supervisor
Carrie O’Connor, Spay/Neuter Clinic Coordinator
Cecily Joque, Adoption and Behavior Coordinator
The Humane Society for Tacoma
& Pierce County
2608 Center Street
Tacoma,WA 98409-7694
(253) 383-2733
Shelter Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri
9:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
11 a.m.–6 p.m.
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Closed Sundays & Holidays
Customer Service
Membership & Donations
Found Pets List
(253) 383-2733
(253) 284-5823
(253) 284-5838
(253) 284-5832
(253) 383-2733, press 1