USC Factbook - University of the Southern Caribbean

The Department of Quality Assurance and Institutional Research (QAIR) is pleased to present to the USC
community the first annual University of the Southern Caribbean Factbook. The purpose of the Factbook is
to make readily available to all members of the campus community, a wealth of up to date institutional data
about USC’s students, faculty, staff and programmes, to support planning, assessment, decision making and
for public information purposes.
Thus, the Factbook strives to be a source of official, reliable and timely institutional data for the university.
The goal of the QAIR Department is to make the USC Factbook an annual publication, which will be available
online. Various university departments were responsible for supplying the information presented here and
we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of and express our gratitude to, our
colleagues in the following departments:
• Department of Human Resources
• Office of Admissions and Records
• The Forde Library
• Department of Academic Administration
• Department of Financial Affairs
• Division of Student Development & Services
• Communications Department
• Department of Research and Graduate Studies
• Office of Satellite Sites and Extension Campuses
Most importantly, I would like to thank the staff in the Department of Quality Assurance and Institutional Research
for their outstanding work in the compilation of this Factbook.
A Factbook should be a relevant, functional, dynamic tool. Your suggestions for improving subsequent editions
are welcome. Please email your suggestions to
Gersha Pierre
Director of Quality Assurance
July 2013.
USC Factbook
Dear Reader,
It is a privilege for me to introduce you to our first comprehensive University Factbook. Here in one document,
we have provided the essential facts and figures of the University of the Southern Caribbean. Students, parents,
researchers and media personnel will now have a quick and easy reference to meet their varied informational
needs. The intent is to update this Factbook on an annual basis.
This Factbook is a reflection of USC’s commitment to transparency and its desire to make information about the
University readily available to its various constituencies. We welcome your feedback on this Factbook and we
value your suggestions as to what other statistical data might be useful to include. Let me take this opportunity
to thank Director, Gersha Pierre and her staff in the Department of Quality Assurance and Institutional Research
for putting together this important document. Feedback may be directed to that Department.
USC is a values-driven University and its decisions and priorities are driven by data, in harmony with institutional
mission. As the oldest tertiary institution in Trinidad and Tobago, USC continues to fulfill its mission of seeking
to provide the local, regional and international communities with young people who exhibit intellectual curiosity,
moral integrity, cultural diversity and spiritual maturity.
Clinton A. Valley, MBA, Ed.D
USC Factbook
General Information About USC5
Who We Are
Our History
Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Motto, University Text, Core Values
University Colors
The Mace
University Song
Governance and Administration11
Members of the USC Board of Trustees
Caribbean Union Conference
University of the Southern Caribbean
Inter-American Division of SDA
Fields & Missions Presidents
Lay Persons
Education Directors
Alumni Representatives
Members of the USC Administrative Council14
President’s Council
Academic Deans14
Standing Directors
Rotating Directors
Academic Chairs15
Nominated Members
Programmes Offered
Undergraduate Programmes offered by Schools and Campuses 2012-2013
Graduate Programmes offered by Schools 2012-2013
Faculty and Staff Data
Faculty Data by School & Rank
USC Factbook
Summary Statistics on Faculty by Rank
Summary of Faculty Distribution by Gende
Summary of Faculty by Highest Credentials Attained
Summary of Faculty by Religion & School
Number and Percentage of Staff by Department
Research Projects Done by Faculty and Staff for 2012 – 2013
Completed Research Projects for the 2012 – 2013 Academic Year
Library Services40
Library and Library Resources
Library Operations
Library Services
Student Enrollment 45
Freshmen Enrollment by Religion
Freshmen Enrollment by School and Major
Freshmen Enrollment by Country of Origin
Freshmen Enrollment by Entry Qualifications
General Enrollment by Programme and Major
Total Student Enrollment by Gender 2011 – 2013
Graduation Statistics
Graduation Statistics 2012 – 2013 by School, Major, Gender
Graduation Statistics 2012 – 2013 by Academic Ranking
Auxiliary Services and Related Information
Residence Halls
Listing of USC Buildings and Replacement Cost
Financial Information
Summary of Revenue
Expenditure by Division
University Outreach & Miscellaneous Highlights 68
University Outreach Activities
SPED Highlights 2012-2013
USC Factbook
USC Factbook
The University of the Southern Caribbean is a private, coeducational, tertiary level university, located in the twinisland Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The University has a diverse community of faculty, staff and students
representing about forty countries. It is operated by the Caribbean Union Conference of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, which consists of the following territories: Barbados, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago,
the British and U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Windward and Leeward Islands, excluding the French Dependencies.
The University is located on three hundred and eighty-four acres of land in the beautiful Maracas Valley, which
is about ten miles northeast of Port-of-Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago. The University estate, which
borders the Maracas River, is covered with beautiful and varied tropical verdure. The mild, invigorating climate,
with moderately cool nights, is not only conducive to study, but also provides an environment for healthy living.
The USC reputation extends beyond Trinidad and Tobago to the Caribbean region, and the rest of the world.
Graduates of the University serve the church and society, not only in the Caribbean, but also in many parts of
the world.
Our History
Our Beginnings
The University of the Southern Caribbean was founded in 1927 as East Caribbean Training School, for the
purpose of educating the youth of the Caribbean Union Conference. Two years later, it became Caribbean
Training College. In 1945, the College developed a well-defined college preparatory instructional programme;
and in 1947, Caribbean Training College was officially declared a junior college, offering two-year post-secondary
certificates in Theology, Teacher Training, and Business and Secretarial Science.
Caribbean Union College
In 1956, the College again assumed a new name: Caribbean Union College. In September 1970, an important
academic extension was instituted at Caribbean Union College. The two-year junior college programme in
Theology was extended to a four-year programme, leading to the Bachelor of Theology degree. Subsequent
changes included the conferring, since 1985, of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business
Administration, and Associate degrees in a wide range of disciplines, in affiliation with Andrews University,
Michigan, USA.
University Status
A significant change in status was received in February 2006, when the University was registered with the
Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) and was officially conferred the title of “University.” In May
2012, the University was awarded full institutional accreditation by ACTT.
USC then became the first private,
faith-based and the third accredited University in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Motto, University Text, Core Values
University Mission Statement
The University of the Southern Caribbean seeks to transform ordinary people into extraordinary servants of God
to humanity through a holistic tertiary educational experience.
USC Factbook
The University will accomplish this mission by instilling in every USC man and woman:
• a clear knowledge of God, faith in the Supreme, and an appreciation and respect for diverse beliefs
and practices
• morals and values, which positively impact society, inclusive of integrity, honesty, and fairness
• an awareness of, and sensitivity to, characteristics of a diverse society
• a desire for critical thinking and problem-solving skills at the highest level
• a passion for life-long learning
• commitment to a life of service to humanity
• the capacity to be productive, conscientious, law-abiding citizens and agents of change in discharging
civic responsibility
• the experiences that demonstrate the development of the head, the hand and the heart
• the ability to communicate effectively to diverse populations globally
• an appreciation for the finer graces of life, inclusive of appearance, graciousness, kindness, mercy,
and the arts
• a healthy lifestyle, inclusive of practiced laws of physical and emotional health
• an appreciation and advocacy for the wise use of the world’s resources, inclusive of natural resources,
money, and other acquired wealth
University Vision Statement
A Seventh-day Adventist University fully reflecting the character of God through spiritual, intellectual, physical,
social and cultural development.
University Motto
Beyond Excellence
University Text
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Luke 2:52
Core Values
The University of the Southern Caribbean is committed to:
LOVE - The love of Christ constrains us to love as Christ loved
COMPASSION - Sympathetic willingness to be engaged in the ministry of caring for one another – students
and employees – and going beyond the call of duty as portrayed in the story of the Good Samaritan.
INTEGRITY - The eminence of backing positive conviction with commensurate action.
HONESTY - The commitment of the University family to honesty in all its dealings
EXCELLENCE - The commitment to significantly exceed the minimum standards and expectations.
COMPETENCY - The freedom and privilege to perform competently under any circumstances.
JUSTICE - The commitment to treat everyone with equity and justice and to always act without fear or favor.
PURITY AND SELF-CONTROL - We strive to be morally upright and moderate in all that is good, with complete
control over our emotions, desires, and actions.
HUMILITY - The willingness to serve others in a sacrificial manner, with self-respect that renounces
haughtiness or arrogance.
USC Factbook
Logo – Its Meaning and Significance
The Open Book:
The open book has two major significances. It
symbolizes the academic excellence reflected in
the Motto of USC. It also represents the Holy Bible,
which we hold as a revelation of the character, the
will, and purpose of God. These sacred Scriptures
shape our philosophy, our morality and our standard
of living. That in the end the precious words, ‘well
done, thou good and faithful servant: … enter thou
into the joy of thy Lord’ (Matt. 25: 21), can be the
accolade that everyone who walks the corridors of
this University will receive.
The Flame:
The “flame” is both historical and theological:
historical in that Caribbean Union College, the
foundation on which USC is built had as its motto ‘a
light to the Caribbean and beyond’. It is theological
in that cloven tongues of fire marked the descent and
presence of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
The flame in this logo is a constant petition from administration, faculty, staff and student body that the power
and influence of the Holy Ghost will pervade this campus. “The Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The
Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6) is an abiding guest.
The flame emanates from the open book. The Holy Spirit and the Bible form the foundation of the philosophy
and value system of this University. Jesus, the Master Teacher, is the model.
The Shape:
The predominant shape of the circle reminds us that the University of the Southern Caribbean is part of the
global academic community. It illustrates the global outlook of USC and its determination to positively impact
the global community.
Eight Stars:
The Eight Stars represent the eight Conferences and Missions, which together comprise the Caribbean Union
Conference of Seventh- day Adventists. The Caribbean Union Conference of Seventh day Adventists is the
governing body of this University.
USC Factbook
University Colours:
Green represents the lush Maracas Valley and rich foliage that is the physical environment of this University.
Gold represents excellence in scholarship and service; the sunshine that lightens the gospel, which faculty,
students and graduates carry to the world.
The Ceremonial Mace - Symbolism
The university mace is a symbol of the institution’s
authority and is carried before the president or chancellor
and other dignitaries of the platform party during
commencement processions and other traditional
ceremonies. This beautiful work was designed by
Malvern Mentore, a past Dean of Men at this institution
and was sculpted by artist/sculptor Ivan Bocas.
The ceremonial mace of the University of the Southern
Caribbean is a 52-inch staff carved from wood, copper
and bronze and is divided into four distinct sections.
The base symbolizes the multiple peoples and the
differing places of origin that make up the University’s
The second segment symbolizes the growth of the
institution in strength and purpose towards oneness.
The third segment is a copper cylinder with three figures
in reposé. The first figure, an old man, represents the
wisdom and vision of C.J. Boyd, the founder of the
The next figure (a young lady clothed in athletic uniform in a running pose), which signifies health and vitality,
receives a lighted torch from the old man and stretches out her hand to pass it on to the third figure (that of a
graduating young man), who proudly strides onward and upward towards an unknown future. This section is
symbolic of the torch of knowledge and experience being passed on from person to person and generation to
Crowning the staff is the fourth section, shaped like a chromed ball held up by three stylized hands, representing
the triple emphasis of true education “the development of the head, heart and hand”, which when properly
developed, will surround the world with the positive influence flowing from the University of the Southern
USC Factbook
University Song
In the quest for knowledge and dignity,
With our hearts aflame we have come;
Called to serve the Church and society,
We will join our hands as one.
As we foster friendship and unity
Our identity we’ll maintain;
God before us, our goals in focus
Great achievements we will attain!
Beyond excellence, toward the light!
In truth and loyalty, we’ll do the right.
To always honour our alma mater
Our beloved USC!
Our beloved USC!
USC Factbook
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USC Factbook
Faculty by Rank 25 20 15 10 5 0 male female School of Business Male Female Male Female School of EducaAon and Human Sciences Professor Male Female School of HumaniAes Male Female School of Science School of Social and Technology Sciences Associate Professor Assistant Professor Male Female School of Theology and Religion Instructor 28 28
USC Factbook
Percentage Distribution of Faculty (Full Time and Contract /Part Time) by Rank 8% 12% Professor 20% 60% Assoc. Professor Assistant Professor Instructor 29 USC Factbook
USC Factbook
Faculty DistribuOon by Gender 25 20 15 10 5 0 male female School of Business Male Female Male Female School of EducaAon and Human Sciences Professor School of HumaniAes Associate Professor Male Female School of Science and Technology Male Female Male Female School of Social School of Sciences Theology and Religion Assistant Professor Instructor 31 USC Factbook
USC Factbook
Faculty by Religion and School 35 30 25 Total Other 20 None Muslim 15 Hindu Pentecostal 10 Anglican Roman Catholic Seventh Day-­‐AdvenAst 5 0 FT Con School of Business FT Con FT Con School of School of Theology EducaAon and Religion and Human Science FT Cont School of HumaniAes FT C School of Social Sciences FT Con Science and Tech. 33 USC Factbook
USC Factbook
FOR 2012 – 2013
USC Factbook
2012 – 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR
1. Letroy O. Cummings, PhD.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work
• Unmasking Political Personalities in the Presidential Contest for Political Leadership in Guyana. • Aspiring Political Leadership in Guyana. Presented at the Caribbean Studies Association 37th Annual
Published in International Humanities Review, Northern Caribbean University, 2012.
Conference, Unpacking Caribbean Citizenship (s): Rights Participation and Belonging, Le Gosier,
Guadeloupe, 2012.
• Aspiring and Strategizing for Political Leadership in Guyana. President Brown Bag, University of the
• Popular Mobilization and Social Unrest in Guyana’s Bauxite Mining Town, University of the Southern
Southern Caribbean, 2012.
Caribbean Research Day, Charter Week, 2013. This paper is awaiting submission to a journal for
• Social and Structural Factors and the Increasing Risk of Child Abuse in Guyana, University of the
• A Micro Analysis of the Factors Impacting Child Abuse in Guyana, Caribbean Studies Association
Southern Caribbean Research Day, Charter Week, , 2013.
38th Annual Conference, Caribbean Spaces and Institutions: Contesting Paradigms of Development in
the 21st Century, May, 2013.
• Social and Structural Factors and the Increasing Risk of Childhood Victimization in Guyana.
Conference of Youth, Parenting and Counselling, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus,
Trinidad, July 2013.
• Interpersonal Conflict among Mating Couples in Jamaica and Guyana. A joint work with Dr. Krim
Lacey, University of Michigan Institute for Social Research and Dr. Karen Powell, Denison University. This
paper will be submitted to a journal for publication.
2. Aleksandar S. Santrac, DPhil, PhD.
Professor of Religion, Ethics and Philosophy, School Of Theology and Religion
• “Death and Dying in Chinese Philosophy”
Ethics and Culture Conference
University of the Notre Dame, IN (forthcoming) Nov 7-8, 2013
USC Factbook
• “Sola Scriptura: Benedict XVI’ Theology of the Word of God”
Adventist Theological Society
Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA (forthcoming) Nov 19-23, 2013
• “Adventist Philosophy of Race and John Harvey Kellogg”
Society of Adventist Philosophers
Baltimore, USA (forthcoming) Nov 19-23, 2013
• “Untying the Knots of Thinking: Wittgenstein and the Role Of Philosophy”
University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad
Annual Research Conference Celebrating Creativity March 14, 2013
• “Towards the New Integration of Psychology and Christian Faith: The Lordship of Christ and the Faculties of Human Personality”
Conference “Mind of Christ” (Integration of Psychology and Christian Faith)
Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica Feb 19-21, 2013
• “Influence of Postmodernism/Postmodernity on the Development of Adventist Theology,
Education and Mission”
1st Symposium on Postmodern Studies
Center for Secular and Postmodern Mission
Andrews University, MI Oct 18-20, 2012
• “Philosophy of Human Rights”
Caribbean Philosophical Association
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Trinidad, WI July 19-20, 2012
• “Influence of Greek Philosophy on the Doctrine of Trinity”
Theological Symposium on Trinity,
Montemorelos University, Mexico July 3-8, 2012
• “Philosophy of Human Rights”
Conference MDG (Millennium Development Goals) March 14-15, 2012
University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad
3. Dragoslava Santrac, PhD.
Associate Professor of Biblical Languages And The Old Testament, School Of Theology and Religion
• “Sanctuary in the Book of Psalms”
USC Factbook
4th Interdenominational Theological Symposium
“Sanctuary/Women in Ministry
University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad, WI Oct 2012
“Commentary on the Book of Psalms 76-150”
SDA New Bible Commentary (forthcoming) 2015
• “Influence of Greek Philosophy on the Doctrine of Trinity”
Theological Symposium on Trinity,
Montemorelos University, Mexico July 3-8, 2012
• “Philosophy of Human Rights”
Conference MDG (Millennium Development Goals) March 14-15, 2012
University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad
4. From the Department Of Quality Assurance
• “From Baby steps to Giant Steps: Toward the Establishment of a Quality Driven eLearning Programme at the University of the Southern Caribbean.”
By Gersha Pierre, Director of Quality Assurance, USC
• “The Role of Quality Management in Improving the Student Experience: The University of the Southern
Caribbean Perspective”
By Denise Dennis-Horsford, Quality Assurance Officer and Nordian Swaby-Robinson, Administrative
Research Officer, USC
• “Justification for Increasing Use of PowerPoint in Education Delivery Processes”
By Anthony Brumble, Associate Director for Institutional Research, USC
5. Edward Clarke, PhD., Dean, School of Social Sciences
• “Test Anxiety Among Students Preparing for the Secondary Education Assessment(SEA) Examination”
6. Noel Brathwaite PhD., Director of Research and Graduate Studies
• “Premature Mortality Among Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean”: Assessment of
• “Weight Perception and Control Measures Among High School Students.”
Premature Mortality in South Africa and the Caribbean”
USC Factbook
7. Loverne Browne, PhD., Dean, School of Humanities
• “Public Health Among Slaves in Saint Vincent”
• “History of Pathfinder Movement in Trinidad and Tobago”
8. Akila Riley, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences
• “The Secret Everybody Knows About - Child Abuse”
9. Claudette Mitchell, PhD., Assistant Professor, School of Education and Human Sciences
• “The Impact of the Nutrition Course FDNT230-02 on Senior Nursing Students”
• “Research Brief: Dietary Intakes of Children 7 – 11 Years and Adolescents 12 – 16 Years in the Caribbean
Region: A Review of the Literature”
10.Chidozie Ibeneme, PhD., Chair, School of Business
• “Performance of USC Graduates in the Workforce 2002-2012”
11.Carol Daniel
• “Knowledge of Consequences, Academic Performance and Drug Consumption Among Undergraduate
Students” (forthcoming).
USC Factbook
USC Factbook
Mission Statement
The provision of quality services to students, faculty and staff, for the enhancement of their intellectual, spiritual,
social and cultural well-being through appropriate access to existing forms of knowledge and information in
support of the mission of the University of the Southern Caribbean.
Vision Statement
A reservoir of information that utilizes modern technology and library networking to assist patrons in accessing
and utilizing information for academic research.
Library Operations
The Main Collection/Forde Library
Students are free to browse and select material from the main collection on the first floor of the library. The loan
period for this collection is three weeks.
The Forde library, the academic center of the University of the Southern Caribbean, provides access to
information as well as a number of services that cater to academic needs. Its material is principally divided
across seven collections.
Library resources include:
Print Books
Bound Periodicals
Periodical subscriptions
Access to these resources along with thousands of electronic journals, full text, abstract and
indexed can be obtained by onsite or electronic access.
The Reference Collection
The reference or ‘R’ collection includes subject dictionaries, encyclopedias, commentaries, directories,
concordances, yearbooks, manuals, bibliographies, atlases, indexes, newspaper clippings and material that
can only be consulted in the library but not checked out.
USC Factbook
The Reserve Collection
Books are placed in the Reserve Book Collection to provide required and supplemental reading in connection
with class assignments. This system is intended to ensure the accessibility of limited but vital material to a large
number of students. Reserve items are to be used in or out of the library for a specified time period.
Library Hours
Regular Hours
Sunday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Mon.: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm, (ASSEMBLY), 4:20 pm – 10:00 pm
Tues. and Thurs.:
8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Wed.: 8:00 am – 7:15 pm, (VESPERS), 8:15 pm – 10:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
(NB. Any changes in the regular library hours are duly posted.)
Library Services
My Library
Under the My Library umbrella is a group of services geared towards patron empowerment. These services
allow patrons to check their library record, renew material, place holds/requests, remotely access databases
and more.
Orientation sessions introduce students to the wealth of information obtainable at the Library in various formats
(books, journals, databases, e-books, multimedia and audio-visual resources, etc.). They also provide an element of hands-on experience.
Class sessions on use of the library’s facilities are held each semester and are geared toward the development
of skills needed for quality research. These lectures cover critical thinking skills, breaking down search queries,
accessing and assessing research material and other aspects of the science of library research.
Reference Queries
The Forde Library offers guidance for students experiencing difficulties in satisfying their research needs.
Printing & Photocopying
Printing of material from the Library’s electronic databases, other scholarly databases, the Internet and removable media is available. Patrons also have access to two photocopiers. Patrons must be mindful of the copyright restrictions when copying material.
Document scanning is also available at the library through its copiers. Documents can be scanned to an email
inbox or flash drive.
USC Factbook
Remote Access
The library provides remote (off-campus) access to its subscribed databases, catalog and discovery services.
Patrons may borrow certain material for use outside the library and agree to return that material at the end of
the loan period or at the request of the library, in accordance with the Library’s Loans Policy.
Subscribed Databases Breakdown
Databases can be used as general search options for a wide variety of research needs. Types of material include
e-books, reference e-books, e-journals, international newspapers, reports, news articles and much more. The
library’s databases include the following:
Academic One File| Academic Search Complete | Academic Search Premier | AP NewsMonitor Collection
| Caribbean Search | E-Book Academic Collection | E-Book Collection | Funk & Wagnalls New World
Encyclopedia | Gale Virtual Reference Library | General One File | National Geographic Magazine Archive from
1888 | OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition | Points of View Reference Center | Press Display | Readers’ Guide Full
Text Mega
Additional Resources by School
School of Business
Business Abstracts with Full Text | Business Source Complete | Regional Business News
School of Education & Human Sciences
Education Full Text | Educational Administration Abstracts | ERIC | Family Studies Abstracts
School of Humanities
Art Museum Image Gallery | Communication & Mass Media Complete | Fuente Academica Premier | Humanities
Full Text
School of Science & Technology
CINAHL with Full Text | Computer Source | Computer and Applied Sciences Complete | General Science Full
Text | GreenFILE | MEDLINE
School of Social Sciences
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection | Social Sciences Full Text | SocINDEX with Full Text
School of Theology & Religion
ATLA Religion Database with ATLA Serials | Religion & Philosophy Collection
USC Factbook
Other Databases
Library, Information Science & Technology with Full Text | Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
| Mas Ultra – School Edition | Middle Search Plus Primary Search | Vente et Gestion
Staff Directory
Library Director
Petra Pierre-Robertson
Ext 2100
Associate Librarian
Stacyann Quintero
Ext 2103
Assistant Librarian
Grace Lawrence
Ext 2101
Library Attendants Supervisor
Anthony Mitchell
Ext 2105
Library Systems Administrator
Alyssia Alexander
Ext 2104
Library Assistant
Shelly-Ann O’Neil
Ext 2102
Library Assistant
Chemela Huyghue
Ext 2102
Library Assistant
Wendy-Ann McIntyre
Ext 2102
Library Assistant
Dana Felix
Ext 2102
Library Assistant
Anastasia Mulraine- Campbell
Ext 2102
Library Assistant
Colleen Tappin
Ext 2106
Library Assistant
Germaine Browne
Ext 2102
Library Assistant
Karleen Patrick
Ext 2102
Library Attendant
Michele Mendoza
Ext 2102
Library Attendant
Halem Wilson
Ext 2102
Library Attendant
Kerron Jeanville
Ext 2102
Library Attendant
Kevon Farrell
Ext 2102
Account Clerk
Selina Charles
Ext 2102
Keisha Joseph
Ext 2102
USC Factbook
USC Factbook
RELIGION FRESHMEN ENROLLMENT 13 13 1 7 33 1 3 9 11 8 1 Anglican Baptist Boboshanti Church Of God Christian Ethiopian Orthodox Evangelical Full Gospel Hindu Islam Methodist Moravian Nazarene Open Bible Pentecostal Presbyterian Roman Catholic SDA Wesleyan Holiness None TOTAL 46 46
1 2 1 81 2 65 264 1 51 568 USC Factbook
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STUDENT ATTRITION BY GENDER GENDER 2011-­‐2012 MALE FEMALE TOTALS 182 410 592 2012-­‐2013 133 396 529 Trend in Student Attrition 2011-­‐2013 600 500 400 FEMALE 300 MALE 200 100 0 2011-­‐2012 2012-­‐2013 57 USC Factbook
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SUMMARY OF REVENUE (TT DOLLARS) Sources of Revenue for 2012 – 2013 Source of Revenue Amount (Millions) Tuition & Fees Academic funding sources e.g.GATE, HELP etc. Other Operating Investment Income Appropriations Other Income TOTAL *Part of Tuition and Fees Percentage of Total Revenue 67.6M 73% 44M* 13.5M 14% 11.2M 13% .005M ~ 92.305M 100% EXPENDITURE BY DIVISION 2012 – 2013 (TT DOLLARS) Division President’s Office Academic Administration Advancement & Alumni Financial Administration Marketing & Enrolment Student Development Amount of Expenditure 5.5M Percentage of Total Expenditure 6% 50M 58% 1.1M 1.2% 14.5M 16.8% 2.08M 2.3% 13.2M 15.7% 67 USC Factbook
USC Factbook
UNIVERSITY OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Socio-­‐Cultural Outreach Events Dates Freshman Social Domestic Violence Awareness Month Diversity Seminar with Dr. Samuel Betance, renowned Diversity Consultant International Students' Week at USC Stress Free Day Feast of Lights and Tree Lighting USC Olympiad at Ato Boldon Stadium Brazilian Embassy Visit Administrative Professionals Week Sep 29, 2012 October 2012 October 2012 November 11-­‐18 2012 29 November 2012 December 2012 March 2013 March 2013 April 22-­‐26, 2013 Academic Outreach Events Dates USC Essay and Short Story Competition Leadership Conference with Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago South East Brazilian Union of Universities and USC sign MOU Effective Security Management Three Day Seminar USC Signs Allied Health MOU/ Three day Historic Consultation USC Launch of Center for Drug Prevention Studies USC Presidential Visits to Tobago House of Assembly USC Research Day USC Graduation concluded Aug 29, 2012 October 10 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 8-­‐10, 2013 January 28 2013 January 2013 March 14 2013 May 17-­‐19,2013 Evangelistic Outreach Events Dates Cochrane SDA Church contribution of TT$ 10,000 to Auditorium Rebuilding Project, Sep 2012 Fund Week of Spiritual Emphasis 4-­‐10 November 2012 Link Up for Life: Week of Activities May 13-­‐19,2013 69 USC Factbook
USC Netballers under the expert coaching of
Mrs. Grace Parkinson-Griffith:
• Placed first in the UTT intervarsity netball competition.
• Placed second in the Courts All Sectors Netball
• Defeated defending champions TSTT and Power
House Police to place second in that tournament and
also placed second in the San Fernando Netball
USC Olympiad
Six schools participated for the prestigious March Past
challenge trophy and the overall winning team challenge
At the end of the day, the March Past challenge trophy
was won by School of Education and the overall winning
trophy went to School of Business for the third year in a
row. Victor Ludurum Male went to Mr. Kadeem Graham
and Victrix Ludurum Female went to Ms. Philia James.
Our footballers made it to the semifinal round of the Maracas Community Village Council Football Competition.
This was a great accomplishment after being eliminated in the round robin phase of that tournament.
Annual La Coupe Basketball Competition
Trinidad and Tobago Baldheads retained the title for an unprecedented 5th time defeating East Carib in the first
two games of the best of three finals.
SPED started a hiking club on campus and held its first hike to RINCON waterfall in November of 2012.
USC Factbook
Other highlights
Athletes of the year male and female went to volleyball players Ms. Ashley
Burrows and Mr. Ewin Mathurin
Link Up for Life
USC basketball team hosted a combined Hoop of Life basketball team as part of
USC’s Values Emphasis Week “LINK UP for Life” initiative. A special request is
made for this event to be an annual event.
SPED Staff Achievements
Our Gym instructor/ National Hockey player, Mr. Andre Rocke was voted as the best goalkeeper at the 1st round
World hockey tournament and goalkeeper of the year 2012 for Trinidad & Tobago. He also played an important
role in helping Trinidad & Tobago to fourth place at the 2nd round of the world hockey tournament in Brasil.
Mr. Nolan Tash, our female volleyball coach, received his FIVB international volleyball referee certificate after
passing the exam in Argentina.
Mr. David Camacho, our male volleyball coach was voted by the Trinidad and Tobago volleyball federation as
the senior men’s volleyball coach.
Mrs. Grace Parkinson-Griffith, our netball coach, was elected as the head coach of the National under 21
netball team. Her mission is to prepare the National under 21 netball team for the upcoming world under 21
netball competition, which will be held in Trinidad later this year.
USC Factbook
USC Factbook