Finance Department Fee Policy - Medical University of Bahrain

Roya l Col l e g e of S u r g e ons in I r e l a nd M e d ica l Univ e r s it y o f Ba hr a in
Finance Department
Fee Policy
Approved By: Management Committee
Prepared on: 17th November 2013
RCSI-MUB Fee Policy
March 2009
Amended: Nov 2013
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INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 3
DEFINITIONS............................,................................................................... 3
FEE RATES ……………………………… .....................................................................3
FEE INVOICES………....................................................................................... 4
FAMILY DISCOUNT………..……........................................................................ 4
REFUND OF FEES…………................................................................................ 5
STUDENT REGISTRATION............................................................................. 6
LEAVE OF ABSENCE……................................................................................ .7
CHANGE OF PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES.................................................... 8
METHOD OF PAYMENT................................................................................. 8
RCSI-MUB Fee Policy
March 2009
Amended: Nov 2013
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RCSI Bahrain is a not for profit organization, overseen by a Board of Governors. All fee income is
used to fund the University resources and facilities.
Payment of tuition and other fees is the responsibility of the student. Where a student has his/her
fees paid by a sponsoring body, it is the responsibility of the student to provide the sponsor
details to the Admissions Department.
Word / Acronym/ Phrase
Student Fee Officer
RCSI Bahrain Debtors
Definition / Description
Record all fee receivable & database for students
An institution that supports student/s through payment of
tuition fees.
RCSI – Bahrain
An internal group to oversee defaulting cases of student fees
and meeting students who are withdrawing due to financial
Details of the current rates of fees are available in the website.
While every effort is made by the University to keep fee increases to a minimum, an increase may
be applied to the fees each year to cover the inflation in the costs of operating the University.
3.1 Fee Categories
The following fees are applied by the University:
 Course tuition fees
 Application fees to BSc Medicine, BSc Nursing, and Medical Commencement Program
 Fee charged for late payment of course fees
 Fee charges for repeat sitting of examinations (first sitting of exam is included in
course fees)
 Fee for recheck and appeal of exam results (these fees are refunded if the exam mark
is adjusted upward as a result of the recheck or appeal)
 Fines for books not returned to the LRC
 Fee for replacement of student access card
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Amended: Nov 2013
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3.2 Fees payable by new students
The fees payable by students entering the University are set out in the offer letter
issued to them.
A non refundable deposit of 25% is payable on acceptance of a place/conditional place at
RCSI Bahrain. The balance of fees must be paid by the date specified in the offer letter
issued by the Admissions Department.
Students who are sponsored must present a valid sponsorship letter and details of the
terms and conditions of their sponsorship to the Admissions Department as soon as possible
and in any case prior to registration.
3.3 Fees payable by continuing students
All continuing students, whether sponsored or self funding, must register at the start of
each academic year.
At registration, sponsored students must provide confirmation of sponsorship from
the sponsoring body or an electronic email confirmation from the Student Fees Officer.
Self funding students must pay at least 50% of the fee prior to registration, and must have
proof of payment available at registration. The remaining fees are payable on or before 31
Students who did not complete the registration or who have not paid the second moiety
of their fees by the due date will not be permitted to attend classes or use the University
facilities, and will not be provided with transcripts of other certificates from the
Invoices for tuition fees are generally issued to ongoing students during the month of July. If
you have not received an invoice by mid August, please contact the Student Fees Officer at and request a duplicate invoice.
Where two or more members of a family (brothers or sisters) are enrolled in the University at the
same time a 10% discount is applied to the fees of the second and subsequent family member.
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Fees are not transferable between RCSI campuses or courses.
Tuition fees are normally not refundable specifically the new intake 25% deposit for tuition fees
except when an applicant fails to meet the academic conditions of their offer. In some cases, student
financial circumstances change. Therefore, tuition fee refund is allowed in certain conditions as
outlined below.
7.1 New Intake Applicants
It is a precondition for enrollment to pay the full tuition fees by the date
specified in the Offer Letter issued by the Admissions Department (usually by
1st August) and in any event, before registration.
Any applicant who officially communicates to withdraw his/her application
before 1st August will be granted a refund of fees excluding the deposit fees
(25% of full tuition fees) and administration charges .
If an applicant is not granted a visa by the Immigration Office of the Kingdom
of Bahrain, a refund of tuition fees paid less administration charges(*) will be
If an applicant does not received an approval from the Higher Education
Council, a refund of tuition fees less administration charges (*) will be given.
If an applicant is tested positive on Blood Borne Virus (BBV), a refund of
tuition fees less administration charges (*) will be given.
7.2 New and Ongoing students
If an applicant or a student officially withdraws between 1st August and two
weeks after the registration date, a refund of 50% of the full tuition fees paid
less administration charges(*) will be given.
If an applicant or student officially withdraws two weeks after the registration
date and later, no tuition fee refund will be given.
(*) Administration charges are 1% of full tuition fees up to $500.
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March 2009
Amended: Nov 2013
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If an applicant or student wants to appeal his/her case, the matter should be
discussed with Finance Department at the earliest opportunity.
Documentation is required and the case will be forwarded to the Global
Debtors Review Committee and/or RCSI Bahrain Senior Management
Committee. There is no guarantee that the decision will be different from the
tuition fee refund policy as above stated.
Every student needs to register at the beginning of each academic year. By registering for a course, a
student enters into a legally binding contract to pay all fees on time and to be bound by the University
rules and regulations. A registration form is circulated to complete beforehand and submit during the
registration. This process is an opportunity for students to update their personal details which are very
8.1 New Intake Students
The new intake enrollees are registered by the Admissions Department.
8.1.2 Payment of full fees is required for registration.
8.1.3 Sponsorship letter or written confirmation of funding is required to register a
sponsored student.
8.2 Ongoing students – self paying
8.2.1 Ongoing students are registered by Finance Department.
8.2.2 Self-paying students are required to pay at least 50% of the fees for registration.
8.2.3 Sponsored students, fully or partially funded by an organization, are also required to
complete the registration process by presenting funding confirmation.
8.2.4 It is the student’s responsibility to provide proof of sponsorship otherwise, the student
is considered self-paying.
8.2.5 Students need to submit the completed registration form which is to be stamped by
Finance Department and Library & Resource Centre (LRC). Clearance from both
departments is required otherwise, the student will not be considered registered.
8.2.6 Students must present their ID card and LRC card. If the card is lost or misplaced, the
student must ensure that a replacement has been arranged before the registration
Unregistered students
Students who did not complete the registration process for whatever reason, will be considered unregistered during the academic year. Their names will be highlighted in the class lists for academics
staff reference. They will not be given access to the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
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March 2009
Amended: Nov 2013
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An official letter from the Office of the Associate Director for Academic Affairs will be issued to unregistered students, two weeks after the registration date. A grace period will be given to the
students to complete their registration.
Failure to meet the deadline, the student will be considered “Withdrawn” for the academic year.
The student will be required to formally exit from the University following the Withdrawal
Procedures starting with the Student Learning & Support Centre.
Class list
Class lists are administered by the Finance Department. The Admissions Department sends to
Finance Department a complete list of newly registered students. This list is combined with the list
of continuing students based on the registration process. The Finance Department sends out the
official class lists to all relevant academics and administration staff via electronic email. The tally in
the FINAL Official Class Lists issued by the Finance Department should remain the same until
the end of the academic year. The only adjustment to the class list is the change of student’s status
should they withdraw or be granted with leave of absence during the academic year. This is to be
officially announced by the Student Records Office. The student’s name must remain in the class
list with updated status. Changing the student’s status is the responsibility of Finance Department.
RCSI Bahrain is consistently working to support students with their academic studies. But
situations may arise when a student may request to take leave from their studies for a period of
time. In certain cases, RCSI Bahrain may place a student on an involuntary leave of absence when
student’s health and safety become a threat to self and others.
Once a student is registered, full tuition fees become payable. Thus, taking leave of absence
during academic term may have financial implications.
To transfer tuition fees paid to the next academic year, applications for leave of absence must be
submitted within the first month from the start of each academic year or two weeks before the
start of the second semester.
Sponsored students should seek permission from their sponsor. A copy of written confirmation
from the sponsor must be attached to the request for leave of absence.
A separate document for Student Leave of Absence Policy & Procedures is available with the
Student Support & Learning Centre.
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March 2009
Amended: Nov 2013
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Where a student has difficulty complying with this fee policy due to a change in their financial
circumstances, they should discuss the matter with the Head of Student Support Center at the
earliest opportunity. Documentation will be required from student and the case will be submitted
to the Global Debtors Review Committee and/or the Senior Management Team for review.
Payment of fees can be made by cash, cheque but preferably by bank transfer. Credit or debit
cards are not accepted by the University. All payments must include details of the student name
and number.
Fees can be paid in the following ways:
10.1 Payment at the Finance Department
Cash or Cheque can be paid to the Student Fees Officer in Finance Department Office
during office hours.
Note: When paying by cheque, it is important to make the cheque payable to:
Royal College of Surgeons In Ireland – Medical University of Bahrain
10.2 Direct bank transfer
The University bank details are as follows:
Account name
RCSI – Medical University of Bahrain
Account Number
Ahli United Bank
BH05 AUBB 00001-797799-002
It is important that the student instructs the bank to record the invoice number or student
number with the payment to enable the University to allocate the payment to the correct account.
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March 2009
Amended: Nov 2013
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