Original Article Evolving Significance of Human Chordae Tendineae in Cardiac Anatomy 1 2 3 M. Kavimani , WMS Johnson , Christilda Felicia Jebakani , 1 2 3 Assistant professor , Associate professor , Retired director , 1, 2 Sree Balaji Medical college, Chennai 3 , Madras Medical College, Chennai . ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Aim of the present study was to analyse the morphologic details of the Chordae Tendineae. This study done was in the department of Anatomy at Madras Medical College, Chennai.45 fresh normal human postmortem heart specimen were from taken at autopsy from the Institute of forensic medicine, Madras Medical College, Chennai, within 24 hours from the time of death. The rough zone chordae are observed in all the 45 hearts studied. Amongst these rough zone chordate, two rough zone chordae known as strut chordae are thicker than the rest and are attached to the central part of the anterior leaflet. They were seen arising one from the apex of anterior papillary muscle and the other from the apex of the posterior papillary muscle as observed in all the 45 specimen. Commissural chordae were inserted into the free margin of the commissural area in a fan shaped manner in all 45 hearts (100%). Similar to commissural chordae fan shaped chordae are observed to insert in the clefts between the scallops of the posterior leaflet. These are called as cleft chordae and are seen in all the 45 hearts. Basal chordae are chordae tendineae which arise directly from the ventricular wall to get inserted in the posterior leaflet. Such basal chordae were seen in all age groups of 43 hearts, expect in 2 specimen where basal chordae are absent. The present study will be useful for cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in, invasive cardiology, surgical reconstructive of mitral valves and for artificial chordae tendineae replacement. Chordae Tendineae,Mitral Valve, Commissure, Cleft. INTRODUCTION The opening of a new field of surgical endeavor often arouses interest in the detailed study of the anatomy of the involved part of the body.As a result of such studies, current notions may be so changed and extended so as to understand better. The morphologic structures of the organ and to provide a scientific basis for its function. The impetus given to mitral valve surgery in the course of the last few years has prompted revision of our knowledge concerning the anatomy of the normal. In our present study the morphologic analysis of human Chordae Tendineae were studied and then compared with the works of many eminent scientists in this field .Chordae Tendineae are endothelial covered 1 collagenous threads. The chordae classified according to their attachments to the leaflets are follows – commissural, cleft, rough zone, strut 2 and basal Chordae. The commissural and cleft Chordae are fan shaped, and are attached to the indentations and margins of adjacent leaflets. The rough zone Chordae attached to close to the free margin. Strut Chordae is two peculiar and strongest strands of rough zone Chordae. Basal Chordae extend from the ventricular wall to the basal zone of the leaflets.Normal mitral valve function depends upon the anatomic and mechanical integrity of the Chordae Tendineae. This study will be of much help for procedures such as artificial Chordae 22 Anatomica Karnataka, Vol-5, (1) Page 22-28 (2011) Original Article Evolving Significance of Human Chordae Tendineae in Cardiac Anatomy Te n d i n e a e r e p l a c e m e n t , p e r f o r m i n g commissurotomy. Commissural Chordae is a guide for identification of commissure. Chordae Tendineae length either its increase or decrease leads to mitral valve prolapse. Chordae Tendineae is ruptured in myocardial infarction. the mitral valve . Each rough zone chordae on approaching the leaflet splitted into three strands. One was attached to the free margin. The other to the junction of rough and clear zones and the third st to a point between the 1 and 2nd attachment. This type of rough zone chordae were observed in all the 45 hearts studied. Amongst these rough zone chordate, two rough zone chordae known as strut chordae were thicker than the rest and were attached to the central part of the anterior leaflet. They were seen arising one from the apex of anterior papillary muscle and the other from the apex of the posterior papillary muscle as observed in all the 45 specimen. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study Material: 45 autopsied human hearts were studied. Photograph 1 Fraser syndrome Collection of specimen: 45 fresh adult human postmortem heart specimen were taken during autopsy from the Institute of forensic medicine, Madras Medical College, Chennai, within 24 hours from the time of death. Commissural chordae [Fig-1]were inserted into the free margin of the commissural area in a fan shaped manner in a all 45 hearts (100%). The postmortem specimen were collected ,who died due to non-cardiac causes mostly from road and train accidents. There was no evidence of cardiac disease. Commissural chordae arose as single strand from the apex of the anteromedial and posterolateral papillary muscles, but divided to form various branching patterns at insertion into the commissures. After dissecting each heart a detailed examination was made of the chordea tendineae. Following morphological features of chordea tendineae were studied namely Similar to commissural chordae fan shaped chordae were observed to insert in the clefts between the scallops of the posterior leaflet. These are called as cleft chordae and were seen in all the 45 hearts. Basal chordate [fig-2] are chordae tendineae which arise directly from the ventricular wall to get inserted in the posterior leaflet. Such basal chordae were seen in all age groups of 43 hearts, expect in 2 specimen where basal chordae were absent. (A). Types of chordea (i). Rough zone chordea. (ii) Strut chordea. (iii) Commissural chordea. (iv) Cleft chordea. (v) Basal zone chordea. RESULTS Ventricular aspect of the mitral leaflet was inspected to observe the patterns of insertion of the chordae tendineae into the leaflet in all age groups. DISCUSSION 3 Henry Gray reported the false Chordae and true Chordae of the mitral valve complex. False chordae interconnect papillary muscles, that extend from the papillary muscles to a point on the ventricular wall or interconnect two points The valvular insertion of chordae fanned out in several small chords. Rough zone chordae attached were to the free margin and the adjoining ventricular aspect of both leaflets of 23 Anatomica Karnataka, Vol-5, (1) Page 22-28 (2011) Evolving Significance of Human Chordae Tendineae in Cardiac Anatomy Original Article Fig - 1 Fig - 2 24 Anatomica Karnataka, Vol-5, (1) Page 22-28 (2011) Original Article Evolving Significance of Human Chordae Tendineae in Cardiac Anatomy mural leaflet since they arise directly from the ventricular wall or from small trabeculations. They insert to the basal portion of the leaflet and run only a short distance towards the free margin. 6 Lam JHC et al did a study on chordae tendineae from 50 normal mitral valves and they distinguished “four main types by their mode of insertion. (1) Commissural chordae inserted into the commissures between anterior and posterior leaflets. (2) Rough zone chordae inserted into the ventricular aspect of the distal rough portion of the anterior and posterior leaflets. In this rough zone chordae two of the anterior leaflet rough zone chordae are thicker than the others and are called strut chordae. (3) Cleft chordae inserted into the clefts between the scallops of the posterior, leaflets. (4) Basal chordae are single strands that arise from the posterior ventricular wall and inserted into the basal zone of the posterior leaflet. They say that this classification gives clear definition of mitral valve anatomy and forms a sound basis for functional studies of chordae tendineae. 7 Becker A.E and DW Wit APM studied 100 hearts and showed that uniformity of the chordal attachment was uncommon. Normal valves have a spectrum of choral support and this lack of uniformity could lead to leaflet prolapse, particularly in older individuals. 8 A.K. Datta et al studied thirty human hearts and observed the following : The rough zone chordae are attached to the free margin and the adjoining ventricular aspect of both leaflets of the mitral valve. Each rough zone chordae on approaching the leaflet splits into three strands : one is attached to the free margin, the other to the points on the ventricular walls. They are ignored in many accounts and when mentioned considered of little or no functional significance. True chordae of the mitral valve complex may first be divided into interleaflet or commissural chordae of the latter those of the anterior leaflet are rough zone chordae, including special strut chordae. Those of the posterior leaflet include rough zone chordae, cleft chordae and basal chordate.Most true chordae divide into branches from a single stem soon after its origin from the apical third of a papillary muscle, or proceed as single cord dividing into multiple fine cords near their attachment. Anterolateral and posteromedial commissural chordae arise near the tips of papillary muscles by a single stem fanning out at once into radiating stands attached to the smooth free margin of the commissure. 4 Tandler.J. suggested most commonly used classifications of chordae tendineae into three orders. Ist order – chordae tendineae inserted into the leaflet’s edge. IInd order - Chordae Tendineae inserted into the 6 to 8 mm beyond the free margins. IIIrd order - Chordae Tendineae inserted into the basal portion of the ventricular aspect of the posterior leaflet. 5 Quain’s elements of Anatomy distinguishes three orders of chordae tendineae according to the site of attachment to the leaflets. Ist order – chordaes are those inserted on the free edge. They are numerous delicate and often form networks near the edge. IInd order – chordaes insert on the ventricular surface of the leaflets beyond the free edge forming the rough zone. These are thicker than first order chordaes. IIIrd order – chordaes attached only to the flet . 25 Anatomica Karnataka, Vol-5, (1) Page 22-28 (2011) Evolving Significance of Human Chordae Tendineae in Cardiac Anatomy Original Article commissural cords, one supporting each free margin of the commissural region.These cords arise as a single stem but branch like the struts of a fan that on closing and opening, allow the adjacent leaflets to coapt and to move apart. According to him leaflet cords are of several forms. The most numerous are rough zone cords. Rough zone cords in the mural leaflet are generally shorter and thinner than those found in the aortic leaflet. Among the rough zone cords of the aortic leaflet two are the largest ant thickest, termed strut cords. They arise from the tip of each papillary muscle and are thought to be the strongest. Basal cords are unique to the mural leaflet. Another type of cord, the cleft cord, is found only in the mural leaflet. Each is a miniature version of a commissural cord whose branches insert into the free margin between adjacent segments while the main stem runs into the rough zone.He says, according to Toronto classification, the strut cords and parts of the Rough zone and cleft cords correspond to second order cords.Parts of the rough zone cords, cleft cords, and the commissural cord that insert to the free edge of the leaflets correspond to first order cords. 12 Yoav Turgeman., MD says that Tandler’s classification of chordae tendineae into first order, second order, and third order based on the site of insertion of chordae tendineae into the valvular leaflet is simple to use and it neither emphasizes the morphologic differences between chordae tendineae nor relates their sites of insertion to their function. In our present study based on 45 specimen ,this four main types were observed in 43 specimen. In 2 specimen basal chordae were absent. The commissural chordae , rough zone chordae and cleft chordae were observed in all the 45 hearts studied. junction of rough and clear zones, and the third to a point between them. Two rough zone chordae known as strut chordae are thicker than the rest and are attached to the anterior leaftlet on either side of the tip, one arising from the apex of anterior papillary muscle and other from the posterior papillary muscle. The basal chordae are observed only in the posterior leaflet of all age groups, but are more prominent in the third age group. These are attached along a narrow basal strip close to the mitral annulus. 9 Vander Bel. Kahn J, Becker A.E did a study on a series of floppy valves revealed pronounced derangements in chordal branching and in their attachments to the leaflets, leaving part of the affected leaflet less well supported. 10 Solomon Victor, Vijaya M. Nayak reported that there is no consistent fan-shaped chordal pattern at the commissural lines or at the slits. However the chordae arising from each papillary muscle group, in toto, form a fan, reaching out to the corresponding adjacent halves of the 2 leaflets, restraining their splaying out in diastole and upward bulge during systole. 11 Syho described that the tendinous cords are string like structures that attach the ventricular surface or the free edge of the leaflets to the papillary muscles. The tendinous cords of the mitral valve are attached to two groups of papillary muscles or directly to the posterior inferior ventricular wall to form the tensor apparatus of the valve. Cords that arise from the apices of the papillary muscles attach to both aortic and mural leaflets of the valve. Since cords usually branch distal to their muscular origins, there are five times as many cords attached to the leaflets as to the papillary muscles. Normally there are only two 26 Anatomica Karnataka, Vol-5, (1) Page 22-28 (2011) Evolving Significance of Human Chordae Tendineae in Cardiac Anatomy So our present study coincides with the study of Lam J.H.C.et al.whereas Tankler J. 1913 and Quains identified rough zone chordae and basal chordae. Original Article REFERENCES 1.Hollinshed WH.Thorax.In: Anatomy for surgeons. Second edition, vol.1.Hoeber Harper. New York. 1957. pp.115-118. 2. Datta A.K. Essentials of Human.vol.2.Thorax th and Abdomen.5 edition. Kolkata: Current Books International; 2004. pp.25-29. 3. Roberts WC, Cohen LS: Left ventricular papillary muscles.Circulation 1972; 46:138-154. 4. Berdajs D, Lajos P, Turin-MI.A new classification of the mitral papillary muscle.Med sci monit. 2005. Jan:119(1): pp. 18-21. 5. Walmsley T. the heart in: Sharpey Schafer E, Symington J , Byrce T.H.,eds Quain ‘s elements th of anatomy ; 11 edition , vol .4,pp. 3-5. 6 . L a m J H C , R a n g a n a t h a n N . 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M.D. and Tiberio Rosenfeld M.D. The subvalvular 29 - CONCLUSION The present study to understand the anatomy of the constituent parts of the mitral valve complex not only helped examination of these parts in cross sectional interrogation but also enhanced appreciation of valvular 13 anomalies. In essence, the reparative procedure adopted for mitral incompetence should restore the chordal fan on either side. With this aim it is necessary to judge the type of repair required and to assess the length and number of chordal substitutes and location of site for reimplantation of ruptured 14 chordae and papillary muscles. In mitral valve prolapse syndrome the left ventricle assumes various configurations which is possibly dependent on the architecture and location of papillary muscles with chordae tendineae subject to pull by the prolapsing leaflet. Chordea tendineae length big or short lead to mitral valve 15 prolapse. 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No -26, Joseph colony, Adambakkam. Chennai -600088. Phone number – 044 22530954 , Cell no – 9380977346. Email id –dr.kavimani@gmail.com 28 Anatomica Karnataka, Vol-5, (1) Page 22-28 (2011)