WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL 2016 Phone: 689 8920 Fax: 689 8925 www.waimatehigh.school.nz Email gen@waimatehigh.school.nz Principal: Mrs Janette Packman Email principal@waimatehigh.school.nz Deputy Principal: Mr David Shea Deputy Principal: Ms Kellie Tagiaia Useful contacts: BOT Chairperson: Mr M Dooley NCEA / NZQA: Miss T Dollan Pastoral Managers 11, 12 & 13 Mrs D Dooley Guidance Counsellor: Miss J Fisher Uniform Co-ordinator: Mrs V Scott Learning Advisors: CSH Mr N Schumacher GBR Ms L Brook LSP Miss P Spencer PHA Ms A Harvey Learning Support Co-ordinator: Mrs S Geaney 9 & 10 Mr S Albrey 7 & 8 Mrs J Simpson Careers Counsellor: Mrs D McKenzie Bus Controller: Mrs S Peters CSM Mr M Simonsen CTG Ms K Tagiaia GSN Miss C Sneesby GSS Mrs J Simpson LGY Miss R Getty LFM Mr G Familton PLD Mr B Liddy PGD Ms A Geddes Quote of the week: “I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before.” Neil Gaiman 26 February 2016 The Principal’s word Kia ora koutou On Monday our Year 7 students enjoyed their day at the Waihao Marae. They started the day by being welcomed on to the marae with a powhiri and then participated in a series of activities learning games and skills. On Wednesday our three exchange students accompanied me to the Mayoral Reception in Timaru. This provided a wonderful opportunity to meet with exchange students from all the other schools in Timaru and South Canterbury. As we were early for the function we checked out the bird aviary and Constant found a friendly bird. We are most fortunate to have these exchange students choosing to attend Waimate High School as they add a special dimension to our school. A special thank you to the host families who have welcomed them into their homes. Constant and friend Clement, Constant and Lova For the first two terms, Year 13 Peer Support Leaders work in small groups with our new Year 7 students. The senior students become valued friends and supporters to these juniors, helping them to assimilate into secondary school life at Waimate High School and to teach them positive values such as co-operation and communication. This week the groups have been working together to create interesting characters out of old newspapers. Raupo Harvest Tuesday saw a group of eight Year 8 students and Ms Tagiaia head out to Waihao Marae to be part of harvesting Raupo (bullrush). This is a project we are doing with the local marae in restoring a very old mokehe (boat) for the brand new facelift and entrance (waharoa) to the marae. The students spent the day harvesting the Raupo and will then work to split and dry it before it being used to repair the boat that is the largest and oldest left in the Southern Hemisphere. It will then be displayed in a large purpose built glass fronted casing. The students did a fantastic job and worked very hard and enjoyed the experience and learning about the project. It was exciting seeing the development plans and hearing about and seeing the boat. Students were eager to hear when the large whale jaw will be lifted out that will be part of the new entrance. Today these year 8's and the year 7's are out at the marae working through the next stages of the project. PCT Challenge This week Waimate High School entered a Year 8 team in the South Canterbury PCT Challenge. They competed against other South Canterbury Year 7 & 8 students and won the competition. The students completed a fitness course which sworn police officers have to complete every two years. The course consisted of 12 components including pushing a trailer, walking along a raised beam, jumping a 1m hurdle, jumping through a window and dragging a 74kg dummy. The students worked really well as a team and smashed the time they completed in the heats, in the final. A big thank you to our local Police Officer, Rebecca Aitchison for training the team and taking them to the competition. Brodie Wilson, David Edh, Hannah Soper, Emily Hargreaves with their trophy and medals after winning the PCT Challenge A reminder about the Senior Students NCEA Parents meeting that is scheduled for Tuesday 1 March. We warmly invite students and parents to a BBQ at 6pm and this will be followed at 7pm with the meeting in the Library. This will be an opportunity for us to share information with you and answer any questions you may have. We will be providing information about attendance, student diaries, NCEA – what it all means, and assessment. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure we establish a strong home-school partnership which is so important for every student’s success. Nga mihi nui Janette Packman Principal Emergency Services Day On Wednesday the Year 7 and 8 students attended the Waimate Emergency Services Day. The students participated in activities which involved learning how to respond in an emergency, interacting with our emergency services teams, developing an understanding of the roles each services plays in an emergency and to build safety skills in day to day life activities. A big thank you to our parent helpers, Rochelle Charles, Anna Melville and Barbara Mewburn, who supported our staff and students. Learn English Classes at Waihao Downs School on Monday evenings 6pm to 8pm. For further information email aoraki@englishlanguage.org.nz or 027 864 3567 Babysitting Course for 14-18 year olds Starts Saturday 2 April 2016 9am-5pm at Timaru Parents Centre, 38 Stafford Street, Timaru Cost $30 (usually $50). Course covers: Ages and stages; employee/employer expectations; nappy folding and changing; safety of children and safety of babysitter; baby bathing; child and infant CPR; pay rates. On completion of course participants received both a Pro-Med attendance first aid certificate along with Timaru Parents Centre babysitting course certificate. For enrolments contact Amanda Webber 027 389 5219 or email timaruparentscentre@gmail.com Self Massage and Facilitated Stretching Workshops A workshop is being offered to our students and the Waimate community later in the year. Jacky Keen, assisted by Geoff Lienert and Massage Diploma students from Otago Polytechnic will facilitate action focused, enjoyable and easy learning. This workshop is ideal for any student looking at leading a healthy and fulfilling life, along with anyone intending to study Health Science at University or Polytechnic and sports people. At this point we are engaging interest in the Workshop. Anyone interested should either see Mrs McKenzie or put your name up on the noticeboard outside her office. Children’s Fun Day Sunday 6 March 1-5 pm at Norman Kirk Swimming Pool. Normal entry fee. Under 8’s must be accompanied by an adult 16 years and over. Free sausage sizzle, games, prizes, lolly scramble. Prizes or best dress up – Hat. Sport Waimate Annual Duathlon-Triathlon 2016 Children, Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, Workmates... enter individually or get together with your friends and compete as a team. Sunday 20th March. Registration 12pm at Boland Park. $10 entry fee (under 16) $20 (16+) More information at www.sportsground.co.nz/SportWaimate or contact Andrea Atkinson 027 646 0754. You can enter online or entry forms will be available at your school office. TShirts and Singlets can also be ordered. Join in the fun! 2016 Inter-School Competition Table Tennis Wednesday 6 April 2016 6.30pm to 8pm. Entry $60 per team of 3 ($20 per player) plus $2 per person per night. Bats and balls provided. Entries close 25 March 2015. Coaching Available by arrangement. Social Nights – Come for a Hit – Keep Fit over Winter Tuesdays 6.30pm to 8.30pm commencing 29 March 2016 – all ages - $2 per person Senior Competition Wednesdays from 8pm commencing 6 April 2016 – All levels - Subs $50 plus $5 per night Active in Age Tuesdays 2pm to 4pm – All welcome – All year around Enquiries to: Karen McKenzie on 688 3521 mckenzie.engineering@xtra.co.nz Knox Community Youth Group Year 7 – 10, Knox Church Hall 7 – 9pm February 26 – Subway Night March 11 – Family Sausage Sizzle (Meet at Community Centre/Skate Park) April 1 – Team Games April 15 – Treasure Hunt around Waimate For more information call: Sharon Ronson 689 1423 or Pam Roberts 689 1176 Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer By Rick Riordan Tues 1 Mar Thu 3 Mar Fri 4 Mar Mon-Tues 7-8 Mar Tues 8 Mar Wed 9 Mar Thu 10 Mar Tues 15 Mar Wed 16 Mar Thur 17 Mar Fri 18 Mar Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers. One day, he’s tracked down by an uncle he barely knows—a man his mother claimed was dangerous. Uncle Randolph tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision. Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . . Calendar Senior Parent Hui & NCEA evening Athletics half day Athletics full day Year 7 Camp Gunns Bush Yr 12 Bio Rocky Shorefield trip all day Athletics pp day Country Schools Athletics Primary Swimming TBC Aoraki Athletics Aoraki Athletics pp day Primary Swimming pp day Aoraki Athletics pp day