IELP Course Information

The mission of the IELP is to offer innovative programs to international students. These
programs are designed to increase English proficiency, to assist with acculturation of life
in the United States, and to facilitate academic success at the undergraduate and
graduate levels.
Basic Level
ENIN 020 Culture of American Classroom
3 semester hours
Course Description: In this course, students will develop their knowledge of American culture
in order to function in a foreign community. In addition, students will learn proper classroom
etiquette and study skills. This is a developmental course and does not count toward degree
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use effective strategies for communicating with professors, peers, and community members
2). Manage time and meet deadlines
3). Find and use campus resources
4). Share one’s culture with peers and instructors
5). Exhibit proper classroom etiquette
Overarching Grammar Objectives
1). Identify and use nouns, verbs, and adjectives
2). Use prepositions
3). Use the following tenses in speaking and writing:
a). simple present
b). simple past
c). future
4). Use there is and there are correctly in speaking and writing
5). Use irregular verbs correctly
6). Use the negative form of be
7). Use subject pronouns
8). Use possessive adjectives and nouns
9). Use count and non-count nouns
10). Ask questions using or, how many, and how much
11). Use adverbs of frequency
ENIN 021 Computer Skills for Non-native Speakers
3 semester hours
Course Description: In this course, students will develop computer skills necessary for
academic success. An emphasis will be placed on using computers to improve English
proficiency such as word processing, creating PowerPoints, sending appropriate emails, and
using Blackboard. This is a developmental course and does not count toward degree
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Type documents in Microsoft Word, using the following features correctly:
a). spell check
b). grammar check
c). underline, bold, italicize
d). insert table
2). Format texts in Microsoft Word, following MLA guidelines
3). Create PowerPoint slides in which students:
a). embed clip art or other graphics
b). embed text
4). Use BlackBoard to:
a). check and complete assignments
b). communicate with instructor and peers
5). Send appropriate emails to instructors and peers
6). Use MyFindlay to:
a). check schedule
Overarching Grammar Objectives
1). Identify and use nouns, verbs, and adjectives
2). Use prepositions
3). Use the following tenses in speaking and writing:
a). simple present
b). simple past
c). future
4). Use there is and there are correctly in speaking and writing
5). Use irregular verbs correctly
6). Use the negative form of be
7). Use subject pronouns
8). Use possessive adjectives and nouns
9). Use count and non-count nouns
10). Ask questions using or, how many, and how much
11). Use adverbs of frequency
ENIN 022 Basic Literacy for Non-native Speakers
4 semester hours
Course Description: In this course, students will develop their literacy skills. Reading sight
words, recognizing spelling patterns, using proper word meaning, and using correct grammar
functions will be addressed in this course. Class meets five hours per week. This is a
developmental course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use a process approach when writing letters and paragraphs
2). Write complete sentences: simple, compound, complex
3). Identify specific details and main ideas in informative and fictional texts
4). Complete/fill out forms
Overarching Grammar Objectives
1). Identify and use nouns, verbs, and adjectives
2). Use prepositions
3). Use the following tenses in speaking and writing:
a). simple present
b). simple past
c). future
4). Use there is and there are correctly in speaking and writing
5). Use irregular verbs correctly
6). Use the negative form of be
7). Use subject pronouns
8). Use possessive adjectives and nouns
9). Use count and non-count nouns
10). Ask questions using or, how many, and how much
11). Use adverbs of frequency
ENIN 023 Vocabulary Basics for Non-native Speakers
3 semester hours
Course Description: In this course, students will develop their vocabularies necessary for
survival in the United States. An emphasis will be placed on using collocations and developing
strategies for using vocabulary in a grammatically correct way. In addition, students will
improve their pronunciation skills by learning how to correctly pronounce the specific
vocabulary covered in the class. Students will also learn how to spell new vocabulary words.
This is a developmental course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Pronounce new vocabulary words and phrases correctly
2). Spell new words and phrases correctly
3). Group related words and phrases correctly
4). Identify the parts of speech for new vocabulary words
5). Identify prepositions that follow certain verbs
6). Identify verbs that are used with particular nouns
7). State the plural form of a noun
8). State a singular form of a noun
Overarching Grammar Objectives
1). Identify and use nouns, verbs, and adjectives
2). Use prepositions
3). Use the following tenses in speaking and writing:
a). simple present
b). simple past
c). future
4). Use there is and there are correctly in speaking and writing
5). Use irregular verbs correctly
6). Use the negative form of be
7). Use subject pronouns
8). Use possessive adjectives and nouns
9). Use count and non-count nouns
10). Ask questions using or, how many, and how much
11). Use adverbs of frequency
ENIN 024 Basic Level Communication Skills
3 semester hours
Course Description: In this basic level course, students will develop speaking and listening
skills needed for successful interaction on an English-speaking campus and in an Englishspeaking community. Students will participate in group activities, simulations, and lab
experiences with classmates and native speakers to learn appropriate linguistic responses and
correct cultural context for using them. Students will practice rhythm, stress, and intonation of
English as well as vowel and consonant sounds of the language. Class meets five hours weekly.
This is a developmental course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Listen for specific details and main ideas
2). Distinguish word stresses
3). Pronounce syllables correctly
4). Use a process approach for creating short, informal presentations
5). Follow directions/instructions
Overarching Grammar Objectives
1). Identify and use nouns, verbs, and adjectives
2). Use prepositions
3). Use the following tenses in speaking and writing:
a). simple present
b). simple past
c). future
4). Use there is and there are correctly in speaking and writing
5). Use irregular verbs correctly
6). Use the negative form of be
7). Use subject pronouns
8). Use possessive adjectives and nouns
9). Use count and non-count nouns
10). Ask questions using or, how many, and how much
11). Use adverbs of frequency
Beginning Level
ENIN 030 Beginning Level Listening for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: "S" in ENIN 024 or placement test
3 semester hours
Course Description: In this course, students will develop and improve listening skills needed
to function in the United States. Listening to learn cultural information will be stressed.
Emphasis is placed on listening for main ideas, specific details, and contextual clues. This is a
developmental course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Identify specific details and main ideas in oral passages
2). Indentify stressed and unstressed syllables
3). Identify specific intonations
4). Distinguish minimal pairs (similar sounds)
5). Follow simple oral directions
6). Determine key vocabulary by using context clues
ENIN 031 Beginning Level Grammar for Non-native Speakers
3 semester hours
Course Description: In this basic level course, students will develop speaking and listening
skills needed for successful interaction on an English-speaking campus and in an Englishspeaking community. Students will participate in group activities, simulations, and lab
experiences with classmates and native speakers to learn appropriate linguistic responses and
correct cultural context for using them. Students will practice rhythm, stress, and intonation of
English as well as vowel and consonant sounds of the language. Class meets five hours weekly.
This is a developmental course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use the following verb tenses correctly in speaking and writing
a. simple present
b. present continuous
c. present prefect
d. simple past
e. past perfect
2). Use infinitives and gerunds
3). Use participial adjectives
4). Use the verb wish correctly in present and future tenses
5). Apply copyediting strategies when peer and self-editing written texts
6). Use phrasal verbs
7). Form negative yes/no questions
8). Use present conditionals
9). Use adverb clauses of time
10). Express degrees of certainty
11). Use tag questions
12). Use wh questions properly
ENIN 032 Beginning Level Reading for Non-native Speakers
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: successful completion of the basic level or placement test
Course Description: In this course, students will develop skills and proficiency in reading
authentic materials on various topics. Emphasis is placed on using reading strategies to increase
speed and comprehension, reading for different purposes, and developing vocabulary in
authentic contexts. Reading for pleasure is encouraged. Class meets four hours weekly. This is a
developmental course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester, you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Identify specific details and main ideas in written texts
2). Determine confusing vocabulary by using context clues
3). Indentify an author’s purpose for writing
4). Outline or annotate written texts
5). Infer when reading written texts
6). Make predictions when reading written texts including novels
7). Use textual evidence to support, develop, and analyze ideas
8). Annotate written texts
9). Create sequence(s) of events based on information presented in texts
10). Interpret graphs and tables
ENIN 033 Beginning Level Communication for Non-native Speakers
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: successful completion of the basic level or placement test
Course Description: In this course, students will develop and improve their communication
skills. Reading and writing are integral to completing some tasks. Students will develop the
ability to discuss their ideas in a small group setting. Formal presentations are introduced.
Pronunciation strategies and rhythm as well as intonation are reviewed. This is a developmental
course and does not count toward degree requirements.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester, you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Participate in class discussions and role play
2). Pronounce blended words
3). Use visual aids (multimodal) appropriately when presenting in front of an audience
4). Begin to use attributes of a good speaker
a. tone
b. eye contact
c. gestures
d. volume
e. clear pronunciation
5). Use a process approach for creating oral and multimodal presentations
ENIN 034 Beginning Level Composition for Non-native Speakers
4 semester hours
Prerequisite: successful completion of the basic level or placement test
Course Description: In this course, students will be able to write a variety of effective
paragraphs using the writing process. The course emphasizes the development, expression, and
organization of ideas along with accuracy of language use in finished texts. Class meets five
hours weekly, including one hour of computer lab time. This is a developmental course and
does not count toward graduation.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester, you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Write a variety of sentences
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
2). Write in a variety of tenses
a. simple past (narrative and interview)
b. simple present (summary and process analysis)
3). Write cohesive paragraphs to include the following:
a. topic sentence
b. supporting sentences
c. concluding sentence
4). Use transitions to connect ideas in writing
5). Use a process approach to write paragraphs and create multimodal compositions
Intermediate Level
ENIN 400 Intermediate Listening for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 030 or placement test
3 semester hours
Course Description: This lab course is designed for advanced students to develop listening
skills through note-taking and discussions. Using multi-media and authentic materials, the
students will practice listening for main ideas and specific details and will develop their notetaking strategies. Class meets three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Identify specific details and main ideas in oral passages
2). Determine key vocabulary by using context clues
3). Follow oral directions
4). Annotate while listening to a brief lectures
ENIN 410 Intermediate Grammar for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 031 or placement test
GE 3 semester hours
Course Description: This English grammar course is designed to help non-native speakers
refine their use of compound and complex sentence structure in discourse. Specific emphasis is
placed on expanded verb tenses and clause connectors. Activities focus on accuracy in formal
academic contexts. Class meets three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use gerunds and infinitives correctly in speaking and writing
2). Use the following tenses correctly in speaking and writing
a. present perfect
b. present conditional
c. simple past
d. past perfect
e. future conditional
3). Use inseparable and separable phrasal verbs
4). Use active and passive voice
5). Use clauses with although and unless
6). Ask and answer Wh questions
7). Use adjective clauses
ENIN 420 Intermediate Reading for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 032 or placement test
GE 3 semester hours
Course Description: This reading course is designed to help students learn to apply critical
thinking skills and develop reading strategies needed to comprehend authentic academic
readings. Reading for pleasure is encouraged. Class meets four hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Identify specific details and main ideas in written texts
2). Determine confusing vocabulary by using context strategies
3). Identify an author’s purpose for writing
4). Outline or annotate a written text
5). Paraphrase passages from a written text
6). Recognize inferences
7). Identify assumptions and supporting statements of theory
8). Explain and justify opinions in response to reading
9). Interpret graphs and tables
ENIN 430 Intermediate Communication Skills for Non-native Speakers GE 3 semester hours
Prerequisite: ENIN 033 or placement test
Course Description: This class is designed to help advanced ESL students improve their English
communication skills, especially in the areas of speaking and listening. Students present
speeches, as well as participate in group discussions and problem-solving tasks. Course work
may also involve interaction with American students in a classroom setting. Pronunciation
techniques are reviewed. Class meets three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Participate in group discussions
2). Orally express wants, needs, desires, likes, and/or dislikes
3). Use visual aids (multimodal) when presenting in front of an audience.
4). Use attributes of a good speaker
a. tone
b. eye contact
c. gestures
d. volume
e. clear pronunciation
5). Use a process approach for creating oral and multimodal presentations
ENIN 440 Intermediate Composition for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 034 or placement test
4 semester hours
Course Description: This composition course is designed to help students improve their
writing for academic purposes. Following the writing process, students compose a variety of
five-paragraph essays and are introduced to basic MLA documentation for the purposes of
writing a summary/reaction essay. Class meets five hours weekly, including one hour of
computer lab time.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Write for specific audiences and purposes
2). Write well-developed essays to include the following:
a. introduction
b. body
c. conclusion
3). Use transitions to connect ideas in writing
4). Write grammatically correct sentences when writing for different genres
a. narrative –past tense
b. summary –present tense
5). Summarize and react to texts
6). Construct a works cited page, using basic MLA documentation
7). Use a process approach to write essays and create multimodal projects
Advanced Level
ENIN 460 Advanced Grammar for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 410 or placement test
GE 3 semester hours
Course Description: This English syntax course focuses on individual needs in preparation for
advanced academic work. The complexities and discrete points of the English language are
explored and analyzed. Students will self and peer-edit written and spoken texts. Class meets
three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use the following verb tenses correctly in speaking and writing:
a. progressive
b. simple present
c. present perfect
2). Use have + noun phrase
3). Use modals
4). Use active and passive voice correctly
5). Use markers for direct and indirect speech
6). Use noun clauses
7). Use modifiers in noun clauses
8). Use prepositional phrases to modify nouns
ENIN 470 Advanced Reading for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 420 or placement test
GE 3 semester hours
Course Description: This is a course that focuses on the rhetorical styles used by many
English-speaking authors. Students are expected to use reading skills and strategies to interpret
authentic materials as required at the graduate level. Emphasis is placed on developing critical
thinking skills. Reading for pleasure is encouraged. Class meets four hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Indentify specific details and main ideas in written passages
2). Determine the meaning of confusing vocabulary by using context clues
3). Analyze and synthesize texts
4). Outline or annotate written texts
5). Identify referents in a complex passage
6). Identify an author’s purpose for writing
7). Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research
ENIN 480 Advanced Communication Skills for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 430 or placement test
GE 3 semester hours
Course Description: This class is designed for high-advanced students to develop
communication skills for academic presentations and discussions. Guidelines for organizing and
delivering various types of speeches (e.g. informational and article reviews) are presented and
practiced. Class meets three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use formal and informal language correctly, depending on the target audience
2). Formulate and answer questions that either encourage or limit conversation
3). Use attributes of a good speaker
a. tone
b. eye contact
c. gestures
d. volume
e. clear pronunciation
4). Use visual aids (multimodal) when presenting in front of an audience
5). Use a process approach for creating oral or multimodal presentations
6). Consider and analyze one’s audience when presenting
7). Defer between logical and emotional appeals and use them properly when presenting
ENIN 485 Advanced Listening for Specific Purposes
Prerequisite: ENIN 400 or placement test
3 semester hours
Course Description: This lab course is designed for high-advanced students who plan to study
at the graduate level. Students will be exposed to typical, field-specific lectures in order to learn
appropriate note-taking strategies as well as questioning and summarizing techniques.
Attending University-sponsored presentations and using a variety of authentic materials will be
included. Class meets three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Identify specific and main ideas in oral passages
2). Annotate while listening to a lecture
a. choose key words to note
b. use abbreviations and symbols
c. use visual representations
3). Note numbers while listening to a text
4). Recognize structures (organizational patterns) in lectures
5). Predict while listening to a lecture based on content and the organization of a lecture
6). Make connections between written and spoken texts
7). Use lecture notes to answer various test-type questions
ENIN 490 Advanced Composition for Non-native Speakers
Prerequisite: ENIN 440 or placement test
4 semester hours
Course Description: In this composition course, students develop their writing skills to meet
typical graduate-level academic expectations. Assignments include writing research papers
using primary and secondary sources with appropriate APA documentation. Class meets five
hours weekly, including one hour of computer lab time.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use APA documentation correctly to write an article review, a literature review, and an
argumentative research paper.
2). Use a process approach to write essays and create multimodal assignments such as outlining
and brainstorming
3). Use electronic library databases to locate peer-reviewed research to be used in formal
research writing assignments
4). Craft research questions to be answered when writing a literature review and argumentative
research paper
Undergraduate Writing Sequence
ENIN 450 Writing Review for Non-native Speakers I
Prerequisite: ENIN 440 or placement test
3 semester hours
Course Description: This writing course is designed to prepare non-native speakers of
English for composing academic tasks. The course will stress the use of the writing
process by having students compose a formal informative research paper. Emphasis is
placed on MLA documentation. Assignments will develop students' analytical and critical
thinking skills. Class meets three hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability to:
1). Use MLA documentation correctly to write an analysis paper and informative research paper
and conduct primary research
2). Use a process approach to write essays and create multimodal assignments
3). Analyze, critique, and respond to texts and/or rhetorical situations
4). Conduct primary research and accurately report findings
ENIN 450L Writing Review for Non-native Speakers I/Lab
1 semester hour
Course Description: During lab time, students will workshop papers, practice reading
strategies, and conference with instructors.
ENIN 451 Writing Review for Non-native Speakers II
3 semester hours
(This course runs parallel to ENGL 104. Students must successfully complete this course
before they may advance to ENGL 106 (UF Writing Competency)
Prerequisite: ENIN 450 or placement test
Course Description: This is a transitional course preparing non-native speakers of English
for meeting the University's writing competency requirement. Emphasis is placed on
understanding the importance of the writing process and developing strategies for
composing academic essays. MLA documentation will be reviewed. Class meets three
hours weekly.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester you will demonstrate the ability:
1). A recognition that writing can be a pleasurable activity as well as a useful one
2). The ability to use writing for personal expression –that is, to use writing to convey personal
experiences, ideas, opinions, and values
3). The ability to use writing to sharpen analytic and critical-thinking skills
4). The ability to use flexible composing processes that are well-suited to a variety of occasions
for narrative, analytical, and argumentative writing
5). The ability to analyze the writing conventions, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation
conventions of standard American English
6). The ability to use effective processes for revising and improving work
7). The ability to write a well-organized essay that offers a clear thesis and then supports and
develops that thesis with explanations and examples
8). The ability to summarize, paraphrase, and quote sources effectively
9). Application of basic principles for integrating sources, including (a) the ability to use
quotations and paraphrases without violating basic principles of fair usage and (b) the ability to
provide informal in-text documentation and simple MLA works-cited entries
10). The ability to draw on readings and personal own experiences in order to verify, critique,
and extend the perspectives offered by other writers
11). The ability to construct reasonable and persuasive defenses of personal positions when
they are critiques by advocates of other positions
ENIN 451L Writing Review for Non-native Speakers II/Lab
1 semester hour
Course Description: During lab time, students will workshop papers, practice reading
strategies, and conference with instructors.