ARTH 1103 – Survey of Art History 3 Class Hours, 3 Credits [AES Core]
An introduction to art and architecture from Ancient Egypt to modern times.
Prerequisite : CUNY proficiency in reading and writing.
Textbook : A History of Western Art , Revised 4 th
Edition, by Laurie Schneider Adams
[ISBN - 0073526460 ]
Available at the City Tech Bookstore and On Reserve in the City Tech Library
Sample Schedule of course topics
Week 1 – Course Introduction
Week 2 – Chapter 5: Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture
Week 3 – Chapter 7: Ancient Greek Art and Architecture
Week 4 – Chapter 9: Ancient Roman Art and Architecture
Week 5 – Chapter 10: Early Christian and Byzantine Art
Week 6 – Chapter 12: Romanesque Art
Week 7 – Chapter 13: Gothic Art
Week 8 – Midterm Exam
Week 9 – Chapter 15: The Early Renaissance
Week 10 – Chapter 16: The High Renaissance in Italy
Week 11 – Chapter 17: The Baroque Style in Western Europe
Week 12 – Chapter 21-22: Neoclassicism and Romanticism: Late 18 centuries th
and early 19th
Week 13 – Chapter 24-25: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Week 14 – Chapter 26-30: Twentieth-century European and American Modernism
Week 15 – Chapter 31: Innovation and Continuity
Week 16 – Final Exam
Learning Outcomes : After taking the course, the student will have gained a basic understanding of artistic development in the cultures and time periods discussed.
Assessment Methods : Classroom discussion and student responses to pertinent questions allow the instructor to asses, on a daily basis, how well the student comprehends the material that is being taught. The students are encouraged to ask questions, and the nature of their questions can guide the instructor concerning what needs further explanation
Assignments/Course Requirements : This course requires the completion of a Midterm exam, a Final exam, and a short paper assignment based on the description of two artworks in one of the city’s museums.
Grading Methods : The student’s final grade will be on exam and paper grades, but may be affected by poor attendance.
Grade value of exams and assignments:
1 Midterm Exam worth 30 percent
1 Final Exam worth 40 percent
1 Museum Paper worth 30 percent
New York City College of Technology Policy on Academic Integrity
Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York
City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic
Integrity may be found in the catalog.
Attendance / Lateness Policy
Class attendance in mandatory. A student may be absent no more than three times during the semester. A fourth absence may result in a grade of “WU.”. Three latenesses are equal to one absence.
Revised 2009