2022_C006.fm Page 177 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Transport, 6 Ion Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance W.S. Marshall and M. Grosell CONTENTS I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................179 A. Major Osmoregulatory Strategies..............................................................................179 1. Hyper-/Hypo-osmoregulation and Osmoconformity...........................................179 B. Major Osmoregulatory Organs..................................................................................180 1. Gills......................................................................................................................180 2. Kidney..................................................................................................................181 3. Gastrointestinal Tract...........................................................................................181 4. Rectal Gland (Elasmobranchs) ............................................................................182 5. Skin and Opercular Membrane ...........................................................................182 6. Urinary Bladder ...................................................................................................183 II. Marine Teleost Hypo-Osmoregulation...............................................................................183 A. Gill Microanatomy and Chloride Cells.....................................................................183 1. Cell Morphology..................................................................................................183 2. Sea-Water Transport Mode — Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+,K+, 2Cl– Co-transport .................................................................................................184 3. Anion Channels ...................................................................................................185 4. Potassium Recycling and Secretion ....................................................................185 5. Is Na+ Secretion Passive? ...................................................................................186 B. Gastrointestinal Tract.................................................................................................187 1. Drinking Reflex and Regulation..........................................................................187 2. The Role of the Esophagus .................................................................................188 3. Role of the Intestine ............................................................................................189 4. NaCl Absorption ..................................................................................................190 5. HCO3– Secretion and Anion Exchange................................................................191 6. Divalent Ions........................................................................................................191 7. Alkaline Precipitation ..........................................................................................191 C. Kidney........................................................................................................................192 1. Tubule Anatomy...................................................................................................192 2. Aglomerular and Glomerular Kidney Function ..................................................192 3. Renal Tubular Secretion ......................................................................................192 4. Renal Tubular Reabsorption ................................................................................194 5. Urinary Bladder ...................................................................................................195 6. Integrative Perspective.........................................................................................195 III. Freshwater Teleost Hyperosmoregulation .........................................................................196 177 2022_C006.fm Page 178 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 178 The Physiology of Fishes A. Gill .............................................................................................................................196 1. Gill Mitochondria-Rich (MR) Cells....................................................................196 2. Role of Pavement Cells .......................................................................................197 3. Ion Uptake Models ..............................................................................................197 4. Vacuolar-Type ATPase and Na+ Transport .........................................................197 5. Na Channel and Na Uptake.................................................................................199 6. NKCC and Na Uptake.........................................................................................201 7. Cl– Uptake: Exchanger or Co-transporter? .........................................................201 8. Ammonia Handling .............................................................................................202 9. Cultured Epithelia and Fresh-Water Opercular Membranes...............................202 B. Intestinal Salt (RE)Absorption ..................................................................................203 C. Kidney and Urinary Bladder .....................................................................................203 1. Tubule Anatomy...................................................................................................203 2. Glomerular Filtration ...........................................................................................204 3. Tubular Reabsorption...........................................................................................204 4. Role of the Urinary Bladder................................................................................204 IV. Marine Osmoconformation and Hypo-Ionoregulation ......................................................205 A. Elasmobranchs and Coelacanths ...............................................................................205 B. Gill Function..............................................................................................................205 1. Impermeability to Urea .......................................................................................205 2. Ion Transport........................................................................................................205 C. Rectal Gland ..............................................................................................................206 1. Ion Secretion........................................................................................................206 2. Regulation of Secretion .......................................................................................206 C. Kidney........................................................................................................................207 1. Tubule Anatomy...................................................................................................207 2. Glomerular Filtration ...........................................................................................207 3. Tubular Reabsorption...........................................................................................207 V. Freshwater and Euryhaline Elasmobranch Hyperosmoregulation .........................................................................................................208 A. Ion Absorption at The Gill ........................................................................................209 B. Rectal Gland ..............................................................................................................209 C. Kidney........................................................................................................................209 VI. ACID–Base Balance ..........................................................................................................210 A. Where Fish are Different...........................................................................................210 B. General Model ...........................................................................................................211 C. Extreme Environments ..............................................................................................212 1. Alkaline Lakes .....................................................................................................212 2. Acid Lakes ...........................................................................................................212 3. Estivation Pouches and Burrows .........................................................................213 VII. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................213 A. Intertwining of Acid–Base and Ion Regulation ........................................................213 B. Euryhalinity, Complexities of Regulation .................................................................213 C. Metamorphosis for Migration, Complexities of Heterochrony ................................213 D. Freshwater Transport Diversity, Multiple Evolutionary Events ...............................213 E. Feeding and Osmoregulation.....................................................................................214 Acknowledgments ..........................................................................................................................214 References ......................................................................................................................................214 2022_C006.fm Page 179 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance I. 179 INTRODUCTION A. MAJOR OSMOREGULATORY STRATEGIES 1. Hyper-/Hypo-osmoregulation and Osmoconformity Fishes have evolved three fundamental strategies in handling the composition of the extracellular fluid (plasma, lymph, and interstitial fluid): osmoconformity, where fish plasma osmolality matches the marine environment; hyperosmoregulation, where fish plasma is regulated at a level higher than the (dilute) environment; and hypo-osmoregulation, where fishes regulate body fluid composition below that of sea water (Figure 6.1). A minority of species have a broad capacity to maintain body fluid composition in both dilute and concentrated environments. These euryhaline animals vary in their ability to adapt to salinity changes, with the hardiest generally being estuarine animals that frequently experience large salinity changes. Still other species such as salmon (Atlantic and pacific species),235 shad (Alosa sapidissima),388 gaspereau (Alosa pseudoharengus), eel (Anguilla spp.) and lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) undergo metamorphic changes a few times in their lives for anadromous (upstream) and catadromous (downstream) reproductive migrations into and out of freshwater streams. Excellent reviews exist of smolting (metamorphosis prior to downstream migration) in salmonids and the hormonal control of smolting by Hoar161 and McCormick235 and of recent molecular advances in eel osmoregulation.59 a. Hyperosmoregulation. For osmoregulation in dilute environments, where there is diffusive ion loss and osmotic water gain across the large surface area of the gill epithelium, the animal produces large volumes of extremely dilute urine in a kidney specialized for electrolyte absorption and gains ions by food and by active ion uptake. For detailed and quantitative approaches to general fresh-water animal 2.0 Osmoidentity Blood Osmolality (Osm/kg) Osmoconformer (marine) 1.5 Stenohaline marine Hyperosmoregulation Stenohaline freshwater Euryhaline teleost (freshwater type) (Oreochromis mossambicus) 1.0 Hypoosmoregulation 0.5 Euryhaline teleost (marine type) (Fundulus heteroclitus) Euryhaline elasmobranch (Dasyatis sabina) 0.0 0.00 0.25 DW HFW 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 SW Environment (Osm/kg) 1.75 2.00 FIGURE 6.1 Graphic overview of osmoregulatory capabilities of major fish groups. Abscissa: environmental osmolarity (Osm/kg) — DW, distilled or soft fresh water, HFW, hard fresh water; Ordinate: blood osmolality with isotonicity being 0.3 Osm/kg. Osmoconformers live strictly in sea water (hagfish), while marine elasmobranchs osmoconform in sea water but can actually survive by hyperregulating to varying extents in salinities down to one third sea water. Most marine “stenohaline” teleosts can also survive in sea water and in dilute salinities down to isotonic conditions. Stenohaline fresh-water forms typically can survive in DW, HFW, and in salinities up to one third sea water. Euryhaline marine (e.g., the goby Gillicthys mirabilis, the mudskipper Periopthalmus schlosseri and the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus) and euryhaline fresh-water teleosts (e.g.,the tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus) survive in sea water and lower salinities down to hard fresh water. In addition, the freshwater type euryhaline teleosts can typically survive in soft fresh water (“DW”). 2022_C006.fm Page 180 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 180 The Physiology of Fishes osmoregulation, see Kirschner.187,188,190 In fresh water, most teleosts have a small positive transgill electrical potential that favors anion (Cl–) uptake, but because the concentration gradients are so large, both Na+ and Cl– must be actively pumped into the blood across the gill epithelium.188,287 b. Hypo-osmoregulation. In contrast, sea-water teleosts osmotically lose water across the gills and must drink to maintain osmotic balance through absorption of the salts and water across the gastrointestinal tract. This strategy loads the blood with NaCl that is secreted actively across the gill and skin epithelia, where the osmotic permeability is very low. In sea water, the transgill electrical potential is large and positive, favoring cation (Na+) secretion; thus, Cl– is the major actively transported ion, whereas Na+ secretion is passive.188,287,289 In marine teleosts, the kidney exhibits very low glomerular filtration or even lacks glomeruli and produces a minimal volume of isotonic urine that is rich in divalent cation salts. c. Osmoconformity. True osmoconformers benefit from not having to spend metabolic resources on osmoregulation, but even the hagfish (Eptatretus stouti) regulates plasma ions to some extent.245 Connected with the osmoconforming strategy, hagfish stand out in that they have very high osmotic permeability 1.28 cm.s—1 × 10–4 compared with marine teleosts 0.074 to 0.29 cm.s—1 × 10—4.188 Marine elasmobranchs have plasma osmolality that is actually slightly hyperosmotic to sea water, typically 944 to 1,095 mOsm·kg–1 compared with sea water from various sources at 925 to 1,074163 such that they can gain water without drinking any. Homer Smith328 found that urea is the principal osmolyte retained, typically at 350 mM, which, in turn, allows these animals to osmoconform while hyporegulating Na+, Cl–, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42– and other ions. This chapter includes hormonal regulation only peripherally, focusing instead on osmoregulatory strategies by various fish groups. Readers interested in hormonal regulation of ion transport and osmoregulation are directed to recent reviews by Evans et al.,82 who deal with cell level signaling; McCormick,236who emphasizes hormonal regulation of euryhaline animals; WendelaarBonga,365 who examines stress; and Shepherd et al.,313 who focus on functions of prolactin and growth hormone. B. MAJOR OSMOREGULATORY ORGANS 1. Gills Teleost, sarcopterygian, agnathan, and elasmobranch gills have 8 to 10 paired holobranchs or gill arches. On each arch, there are numerous gill filaments that support thousands of platelike lamellae that are primarily for gas exchange (Figure 6.2). The epithelium of the gill filament itself is instead specialized for ion transport. The gills are the major site for not only gas exchange but also ion transport, acid–base regulation, and nitrogenous waste excretion. These multiple functions of the gills were reviewed in detail by Evans et al.87 There is a dual blood supply to the filaments such that branches of the afferent arteriole serving the posterior side of each filament supply the lamellae and the oxygenated blood is recollected in the efferent arteriole on the anterior side, the arterioarterial vasculature.197 Branches of the efferent arterioles (oxygenated blood) supply the filament proper through anastomoses that drain into a central venous sinus in the core of the filament.197,361 Blood from the venous sinus then drains into filamental veins. This is the blood supplying the iontransporting cells that include flattened pavement cells and cuboidal to columnar mitochondria-rich cells. This dual gill vasculature is shared among all fish groups, except the Dipnoi, in which the nutrient circulation lacks the venous sinus.197 In their review of perfusion methods, Perry et al.,276 evaluated in vitro perfusion of single gill arches and the perfused head preparation, among others. The latter system provided the main evidence supporting the functional separation between the arterioarterial and the arteriovenous gill circulation, typified by the ion transport of the arteriovenous 2022_C006.fm Page 181 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 181 Ef.E A C is this a Greek mu? ditto au/PE: please check Ef.E Ef.E * .E * Ef * B L * Af.E arch Ef .E Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance * D FIGURE 6.2 Scanning electronmicrographs of gills from various fish groups. A: Gill arch from a Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) with radiating gill filaments. One part (boxed) includes a gill filament and lamellae. Bar 100 mm. B: Higher magnification of gill filaments from an agnathan (pouched lamprey Geotria australis) with the blood efferent edge (Ef.E) on the upper surface. The asterisk indicates one lamella. Bar 100 mm. C: Profile ditto of a gill filament from an elasmobranch (ocellated river stingray Potamotygon motoro) with the blood afferent edge (Af.E) and blood efferent edge (Ef.E) and lamella (L) labeled. Bar = 100 mm. D: Gill filament from Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina) cut lengthwise to expose the interior of the lamellae with numerous pillar cells (arrows) that separate the lamellar epithelia and lamellar blood spaces (asterisk). Bar = 50 mm. From ditto Evans et al., 2004, without permission (thus far). system and the gas exchange of the arterioarterial system. Whereas the gills of teleosts and elasmobranchs are clearly the major source for ion uptake from fresh water,87 the role for marine elasmobranch gills is less clear.87,371 2. Kidney The teleost kidney is mesonephric and contains renal tubules (nephrons) that may possess glomeruli (fresh-water and euryhaline species), possess greatly reduced glomeruli, or completely lack glomeruli and thus be aglomerular nephrons (the latter two forms are found mostly in marine species).151 Elasmobranchs and lampreys, marine and fresh water, all have glomerular nephrons. Blood supply to the kidney is twofold, the renal arteries as branches of the dorsal aorta supply the glomeruli (if present) and the renal portal system that drains from the posterior portion of the animal anterior to the tubules.151 Drainage is into the cardinal sinus and from there anterior to the heart. No fish kidney has loops of Henle, and thus, none can produce urine that is hypertonic to the blood. In fresh water, glomerular filtration rate is rapid, and urine flow rates are high. The urine produced is strongly hypotonic, to minimize ion loss, as shown in the pioneering work by Marshall and Smith.214 In marine aglomerular species, small volumes of urine are produced by secretion, and secretion is important even in glomerular species.18 In both cases, the isotonic product excreted is rich in divalent ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42–), very often to the point of super saturation and precipitation.18 In marine forms, the main purpose of the kidney appears to be excretion of excess multivalent elements that the animal gains likely from intestinal diffusive reabsorption. 3. Gastrointestinal Tract The morphololgy of the gastrointestinal tract of fishes varies greatly among species depending, in part, on feeding strategies.30,303,329 In fishes, the stomach is usually guarded by a cardiac sphincter 2022_C006.fm Page 182 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 182 The Physiology of Fishes regulating entry from the esophagus and a pyloric sphincter regulating transfer from the stomach to the intestine; but in contrast to higher vertebrates, there are no obvious charateristics to indicate the presence of a large intestine. A minority of teleosts possess pyloric ceca which vary greatly in size, shape, and number (from one to thousands).175 These ceca are located in the anterior part of the intestine immediately distal to the pyloric sphincter. In marine teleosts, the gastrointestinal tract plays a direct critical role in osmoregulation by taking up water to compensate for osmotic water loss to the hyperosmotic environment. Esophageal desalinization and drinking reflex (regulation of the cardiac sphincter) form the first two steps, while intestinal absorption (and secretion) processes as well as rectal fluid output complete this process (see Marine Teleost Hypo-osmoregulation below). Retention time of fluid within the gastrointestinal tract is controlled by the drinking reflex, fluid absorption rates, and, finally, rectal fluid flow rates. The latter most likely is regulated by rectal and anal sphincters that separate the posterior intestine from the rectum and the rectum from the surrounding sea water, respectively. In addition to this direct role of the gastrointestinal tract in marine teleost osmoregulation, the digestive functions of the gastrointestinal tract also have implications for osmoregulation in all fishes. Digestion is achieved by a combination of secretions and absorption, which in all cases involves electrolyte transport,175 and ingested meals contain different concentrations of electrolytes, depending on food type. In addition, feeding events have implications for water balance because swallowing is associated with direct water intake191 and ingested natural food has high water content. Further, drinking rates are clearly altered postprandially.356,357 Currently, very little is known about the interactions between osmoregulation and feeding. 4. Rectal Gland (Elasmobranchs) The rectal gland secretes NaCl in aid of marine elasmobranch ionoregulation, but gland extirpation does not produce ionic imbalance.371 Many branched secretory tubules draining into a central canal form this simple, tubular rectal gland. Secretion from the rectal gland drains via the central canal through a duct into the intestine, distal to the spiral valve. Blood is supplied to the gland from a single rectal gland artery and drains from the gland via a large intestinal vein,182 with blood supply being highly regulated (see below). The artery branches into arterioles that feed the capillaries surrounding the secretory tubules and appear to be arranged in a countercurrent direction to tubular flow.256 The latter arrangement suggests postsecretory modification of fluid within the tubules, but this remains to be documented. The secretory tubules are composed of cells possessing numerous mitochondria and greatly expanded basolateral membrane regions and are similar (at least in appearance) to the salt-secreting cells of marine birds and reptiles.31,74,315 5. Skin and Opercular Membrane au: symbol missing? In most fish species, the gills are virtually the only transporting portion of the body surface, but in animals with well-vascularized skin containing mitochondria-rich (MR) ion-transporting cells, the skin can contribute significantly not only to gas exchange but also to ion transport, particularly in gobies (Gillichthys mirabilis 215,216,230) mudskippers (Periophthalmus modestus385), and blennies (Blennius pholis 259). For Gillichthys that have MR cells covering all exposed skin except the lenticule over the eye, there is potentially 10 to 25% ion transport and an equivalent amount of gas exchange across that surface. For blennies, it is even larger, about 60%.259 In the killifish and goby, the skin lining the opercular bone is rich in MR cells.69,230 This is a smaller total surface area, but transport rates are very high, more than 10 mEq Cl– cm–2 · h–1. The opercular epithelium of tilapia and killifish and the goby skin have been used extensively as model preparations of MR cells in the study of ion transport and its regulation.69,70,98,215,222 In addition, the yolk sac epithelium of fish larvae, before the development of gills, has MR cells that serve as the ion transport organ for the embryo in fresh water and sea water.135,157,159 Not only is the skin an important accessory osmoregulatory organ, it is also a valuable model system for ion transport that has helped us understand gill function. 2022_C006.fm Page 183 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 183 6. Urinary Bladder The urinary bladder of teleosts in fresh water acts as a final location for ion uptake, guaranteeing that the urine released is as hypotonic as possible, thus minimizing renal salt loss. In rainbow trout, ureteral urine collected via a catheter has a much higher NaCl content (10 to 15 mM) compared with the approximately 1 mM NaCl in urine collected directly from the bladder post mortem 219 or that spontaneously released by free-swimming fishes.57 In the euryhaline goby, the urinary bladder has zones that are more active in ion transport and are affected by prolactin.206 In sea-water teleosts, the reabsorption of NaCl occurs in the urinary bladder as well, but the epithelium has a higher osmotic permeability, thus causing reabsorption of more water167,206 and often producing bladder stones containing Ca2+and Mg2+ salts. II. MARINE TELEOST HYPO-OSMOREGULATION A. GILL MICROANATOMY AND CHLORIDE CELLS 1. Cell Morphology The ultrastructure of sea-water mitochondria-rich (MR) cells is shown in Figure 6.3. These cells, first observed by Keys and Willmer,185 have an elaboration of the basolateral membrane, of branching and anastomosing tubules similar in appearance to smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Sardet et al.,305 who analyzed the tubular system, saw that it was continuous with the basal fluid and showed that lanthanum could penetrate the system as well as the leaky junction between chloride cells and B A ac v P MR C D rer MR mv acc FC FIGURE 6.3 Electronmicrographs of mitochondria-rich (MR) cells from the jaw skin of the seawater goby Gillichthys mirabilis. A: The MR cell has a typical invagination or crypt at the apical surface (ac) and below the apical membrane are numerous vesicles (v), possibly involved in apical membrane turnover. The pavement (P) cells attach tightly to the MR cell and have microridges on their apical surfaces (r). B: Higher magnification highlights the tubular system (arrows) that ramifies among the mitochondria and is continuous with the basolateral membrane of the cell. C: Near the nucleus (labeled MR) are well-developed Golgi bodies (arrows in C and D), and surrounding the MR cell are actin-rich filament containing cells (FC). D: The Golgi bodies, rough endoplasmic retulum (rer), and multivescicular bodies (mv) indicate rapid protein and organelle turnover au: symbol? in the MR cell, while an accessory cell (acc) has fewer mitochondria. Lines in all figures are 2 mm. 2022_C006.fm Page 184 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 184 The Physiology of Fishes accessory cells. In sea water, the apical membrane is cup shaped, and the main MR cell is juxtaposed and interwoven with an accessory cell with fewer mitochondria.165,305 The two cells form an operative NaCl secretory unit, a microscopic marine salt secreting “gland.” The surrounding pavement cells join with each other and with MR cells and accessory cells with elaborate, well-developed junctions that have low permeability. Foskett and Scheffey 98 showed that current from active chloride secretion flows only in localized micro-zones through chloride cell complexes. Hence, the secondary active transcellular transport of anions and the paracellular leak for cations are effectively at the same locus. The apical surface of the MR cell is highly plastic, typically with an apical crypt in sea water279 and changes with salinity from “deep-hole” openings in sea water to “shallow-hole” openings in ion-rich fresh water; in ion-poor fresh water, the apical surface usually is thrown into microvilli, likely to increase surface area for transport.40 2. Sea-Water Transport Mode — Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+,K+, 2Cl– Co-transport NaCl secretion by teleost gills is accomplished by secondary active transport of Cl– and passive transport of Na+ (Figure 6.4) and the mechanism has been recently reviewed in detail.87,160 The driving force for the active transport is Na+,K+-ATPase, which maintains intracellular Na+ at low Seawater MR Cell Complex (NaCl secretion; Ca2+ uptake) Seawater 500 mM NaCl 0 mV Blood 150 mM NaCl P +35–40 mV AC Na+ Na,K,2Cl− Cl− K+ Na+ Cl− Na+ Cl− ~ MR Na+ K+ Ca2+ Ca2+ P Na+ ~ Ca2+ ~ Channel Symport Exchanger Active pump FIGURE 6.4 This model of mitochondria-rich salt-secreting cell complexes typical of marine teleost gills and opercular epithelium includes a mitochondria-rich (MR) cell and an accessory cell (AC). The MR and AC cells form a leaky paracellular shunt that is cation selective and allows Na+ to be secreted passively, while pavement (P) cells form a diffusive barrier. Symbols for channels, co-transporters, exchangers, and pumps are below the figure; approximate NaCl concentrations and electrical potentials are included. In a membrane with low osmotic permeability, Cl– enters via the Na+,K+,2Cl co-transporter driven by the Na+ gradient, which is maintained by Na+,K+-ATPase. Cl– accumulates above its electrochemical equilibrium intracellularly, sufficient to allow exit at the apical membrane through CFTR type anion channels. Shown also is an independent Ca2+ absorptive pathway that is essentially the same in sea water as well as fresh water and involves Ca2+ entry apically via channels and basolateral exit via Na+–Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+ ATPase pump. Not shown is the au: symbol? tubular system that folds the basolateral membrane to within 2 to 5 mm of the apical membrane, thus the ditto? complex functions as a very thin (ca 5 mm) NaCl secretory pump. 2022_C006.fm Page 185 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance au: should this be expanded at first occurrence? 185 levels and intracellular K+ at high levels. The enzyme has been shown to be localized by tritiated ouabain binding to the basal part of the cells.176 By biochemical precipitate and TEM,164 and more recently by immunogold studies and TEM,63 Na+,K+-ATPase is shown to be localized specifically to the tubular system. Cl– secretion by the opercular membrane and goby skin is inhibited by ouabain only from the basal side,69,215 consistent with the basolateral enzyme-powering transmural NaCl transport. Most recently, transfer of rainbow trout from fresh water to sea water evokes a switch from expression of one catalytic (a) subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase to another, presumably marine form in the gills,302 thus underscoring potential differences in operation and regulation of the pump with salinity. Meanwhile, there is differential regulation of H+-ATPase and Na+,K+-ATPase when rainbow trout acclimate to sea water. H+-ATPase activity, typical of ion uptake cells (see below) is greatly reduced, while Na+,K+-ATPase activity rises in the peanut lectin–negative subtype but falls in the peanut lectin–positive subtype.142 From these two elegant studies, it is now apparent that the Na+,K+-ATPase isoform switching observed at the molecular level302 results from the differential responses of two subtypes of the MR cell.142 Also on the basolateral membrane is the epithelial Na+:K+:2Cl– cotransporter sodium, potassium, 2 chloride co-transporter 1 (NKCC1, the secretory isoform of this family of co-transporters).137 The NKCC1 was originally cloned out of shark rectal gland and expressed in HEK-293 cells, where it imparts bumetanide-sensitive uptake that is activated by depletion of the cells of Cl–.384 Two closely related isoforms of NKCC1 have been cloned from European yellow eel (Anguilla anguilla) expressed heavily in fresh-water and sea-water gills and in sea-water esophagus and stomach.58 Sea-water adaptation evokes increased NKCC1 abundance in the gills starting one day after transfer.58 NKCC protein abundance increases up to 30-fold after smolting of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in accord with its role in sea-water osmoregulation.352 Secretion of Cl– by the isolated goby skin and killifish opercular membrane is dependent on Na+217and is blocked by furosemide and bumetanide.69 The NaCl secretion is also dependent on K+ and, as K+-free solutions inhibit much more rapidly than does ouabain,224 the NaCl entry step apparently requires K+. Hence, Cl– secretion clearly involves basolateral Na+:K+:2Cl– co-transport. 3. Anion Channels The NKCC co-transporter accumulates Cl intracellularly above its electrochemical equilibrium such that Cl– exits passively via anion channels in the apical membrane. These anion channels are low conductance (7 pS), 4,4’-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2’-disulfonic acid (DIDS) insensitive, 5nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) bezoic acid (NPPB) inhibited, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) activated and have linear I/V relations that are indistinguishable from cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) ion channels.76,226 CFTR has been cloned and sequenced from Fundulus gill tissue,32 expressed in amphibian oocytes, and imparts cAMP-stimulated anion conductance to that system. Also, CFTR has been localized immunocytochemically to the apical membranes of sea-water chloride cells of several species: (Fundulus heteroclitus 179,229; mudskipper Periophthalmus schlosser 370; and Hawaiian Goby Stenogobius hawaiiensis).238 In cultured pavement cells from fish gills, there appears a CFTR-like channel76 and a maxi Cl– channel.260 Further, gill CFTR expression is evoked by transfer to sea water coincident, from 24 hours after transfer, with augmented transepithelial Cl– secretion by chloride cells in the opercular epithelium.228,320 4. Potassium Recycling and Secretion NaCl secretion in opercular membranes is blocked by barium,68 suggesting dependence on K+ channels. Because NKCC and Na+,K+-ATPase both carry K+ into the cell, it is thermodynamically necessary to recycle K+ out via conductive pathways. One candidate K+ channel, identified in cultured epithelial cells from sea bass gills,75 is a large conductance-stretch-sensitive channel that may be a contributor to cell volume regulation. However, cultured epithelia from teleost gills have au: please provide 2022_C006.fm Page 186 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 186 The Physiology of Fishes few actual MR cells, and so it is not clear that this channel is present in chloride cells. A very promising candidate is the hypertonicity induced, inward-rectifying K+ channel expressed richly in gills of sea-water-acclimated Japanese eel but weakly in fresh-water eel gills.339 Further, immunoelectronmicroscopy has localized this K+ channel to the tubular system of chloride cells,339 and because the inward rectification is not complete, with in vivo K+ gradients, the channel will conduct K+ out of the cell. This channel activates with the same stimulus (hypertonicity) that activates Cl– secretion in the opercular epithelium, consistent with chloride cell transport regulation.386 Because sea-water fish gills also secrete small amounts of K+, seen in vivo304 and in vitro in the sea-water opercular membrane,216 one can predict that there may be several regulated K+ channels involved in chloride cell operation. 5. Is Na+ Secretion Passive? The cation selectivity of the sea-water-adapted trout gill189 and that of membranes containing large numbers of chloride cells70,217 led to the conclusion that Na+ is secreted passively down its electrochemical gradient through the lateral intercellular spaces and leaky junctions between chloride cells and accessory cells. With NaCl gradients mimicking sea-water conditions, both the Gillichthys mirabilis skin217 and the Fundulus opercular epithelium272 secrete Cl– against the approximately 3.4:1 concentration gradient and +37 to 40 mV electrical potential. The magnitude of that electrical potential in vivo has been measured by transgill potentials of sea-water teleosts (Table 6.1), and they range from +17 to +40 mV (see Figure 6.4). This voltage, which includes large diffusive and smaller electrogenic components,287,289 is in the right direction but, in most cases, is too small to drive Na+ across the gill epithelium out of the animal into sea water. The fact that the huge surface TABLE 6.1 Transgill Electrical Potentials (with respect to ground outside animal) for Freshwater and Marine Teleosts, Measured in vivo in Various Environmental Media Name Species (acclimation salinity) Freshwater Teleosts Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (FW) Brown trout Salmo trutta (FW) Goldfish Carassius auratus (FW) Rainbow trout Seawater Teleosts Oncorhynchus mykiss (SW) Eel Anguilla anguilla (SW) Fat sleeper Dormitator maculatus (SW) European flounder Platichthys flesus (SW) Bermuda killifish Fundulus bermudae (SW embryos) Opsanus beta (SW) Toadfish * Ca2+ content of 1.0 mM or greater. Medium FW FW FW FW FW FW (Hard)* (soft) (Hard) (Soft) (Hard) (Soft) SW FW SW FW SW FW SW 10% SW FW SW 5% SW SW Transgill PD (mV) References +8 –14.8 +5 –18 +10 –20 184 183 286 +10 –40 +22 –35 +17 –36 +19, +34, +27 –28 –78 +40 –11 –8 189 78 212 166 86 72,288,289 135 81 2022_C006.fm Page 187 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 187 area of pavement cells in the gill adds a passive shunt in parallel to the chloride cell complexes likely reduces the voltage measured in vivo from that localized at the chloride cell. In three experimental Cl– secreting systems without the lamellae — notably the Fundulus yolk sac embryos in vivo,135 the isolated Gillichthys skin,217 and the isolated Fundulus opercular membrane,272 — the voltage measured in sea water is +37 to +40 mV, which is several mV greater than the calculated Nernst equilibrium potential of +29 mV. Thus, there is ample voltage, generated by the Cl– active secretion, to drive Na+ through the cation selective shunt, out of the fish, and into sea water. In a few species, notably sygnathids and toadfish (Opsanus sp.), the transgill potential in seawater instead is slightly negative (see Table 6.1). For these species, the ion permeability of the gill must be different (less selective for cations), and the Na+ secretion pathway may not be passive, as it appears to be for most marine species. B. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT au: expand? It was first recognized in 1905 by Dekhuyzen71 that formation of isotonic or hypotonic urine by marine teleosts requires osmotic work. Subsequently, Smith326 demonstrated that renal and extrarenal fluid loss to the concentrated marine environment was compensated for by ingestion of sea water. In these early studies, drinking rates of 2.8 and 4.8 ml kg–1 h–1 were determined in eel and sculpin, respectively, using phenol red. Since then, drinking rates have been determined, mainly using esophageal cannulation, 51Cr-EDTA and 14C-polyethylene glycol (PEG) techniques in a large number of marine teleosts to be in the order of 1 to 5 ml kg–1 h–.1 38,103,125,129,203,273,312,343,373 Regulation of drinking and alimentary fluid and electrolyte transport in marine teleosts have been discussed in detail in recent excellent reviews.4,208,344 1. Drinking Reflex and Regulation Ambient salinity greatly influences drinking rate such that euryhaline fishes exhibit 10- to 50-fold higher drinking rates in sea water than they do in fresh water.38,104,203,213,273 The many additional individual factors which influence drinking in stenohaline and euryhaline teleosts (Table 6.2). Although some controversies exist, the renin–angiotensin system (RAS) also is clearly involved in the regulation of drinking in teleosts. 38,105,106,273,343 In fishes, angiotensin II (ANGII), the terminal biologically active part of RAS, stimulates reflex swallowing centers in the medulla oblongata and thereby initiates water ingestion.342,343,345 TABLE 6.2 Summary of the Influence of Various Stimuli on Drinking Rates in Teleosts Stimulus Ambient [Cl–] [Cl–] in the intestinal lumen Distension of stomach Distension of intestine Hemorrage/hypovolemia Plasma hypertonicity Plasma hypertonicity Nitric oxide Atrial natriuretic peptide Bradykinins Cortisol Growth hormone Drinking Species Environment Reference Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Salmo salar Anguilla japonica Anguilla japonica Salmo salar, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oreochromis mossambicus Salmo salar Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine Freshwater Freshwater Freshwater & Marine Marine Marine & Freshwater 154 5 154 154 154,346 154,346 154 106 354 347 102,204 Marine 103 2022_C006.fm Page 188 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 188 The Physiology of Fishes The concentration of ANGII or plasma renin activity is generally higher in sea-water-adapted than in fresh-water-adapted euryhaline fishes, and there is a transient increase in both following abrupt sea water transfer.330,351,354 This may, at least in part, explain the higher drinking rates in marine fishes. However, the constant drinking rates seen in the Japanese eel, despite suppression of plasma ANGII levels,343 suggest that factors in addition to RAS are involved in the regulation of marine teleost drinking rate. Elevated ambient Cl– concentration but not that of Na+, immediately stimulates the drinking reflex. The onset of drinking occurs within minutes, prior to any changes in plasma osmolality and is regarded as an anticipatory response to elevated salinity.9,154 A negative gastrointestinal feedback system also seems to be in place to downregulate drinking when the stomach or the intestine is distended154 and when intestinal Cl– concentrations are increased.5 These negative feedback loops appear beneficial because they act to reduce drinking when the gastrointestinal tract is distended from fluids already ingested and when high intestinal Cl– concentrations provide substrate for intestinal fluid absorption (see below). The potential links between these negative feedback loops and RAS remain to be investigated. Reduced blood volume154 and reduced blood pressure caused by vasodilation106 potently stimulate the drinking reflex, while elevated plasma osmolality alone has an inhibitory effect.154,346 The combined action of reduced blood volume and elevated plasma tonicity caused by esophageal cannulation, however, is to stimulate drinking.38 Because the increased drinking response during vasodilation can be inhibited by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, it seem likely that increased drinking during hypovolemia and hypotension is mediated through the RAS system.106 Perhaps surprisingly, hypertonicity induced by NaCl infusion failed to induced drinking in sea-water-adapted eels but, rather, transiently reduced drinking.154 This seems counter intuitive, and it is possible that the decreased drinking was instead a response to hypervolemia caused by the rapid infusion. The effect of hypervolemia on the drinking reflex in marine fishes remains to be characterized (see Iwama et al., elsewhere in this volume). Bradykinins (BK) form an active component of the kallikrein–kinin (KK) system which, in mammals, influence vascular permeability. BK is present in fishes and inhibits the drinking reflex in sea-water eels.55,347 Interestingly, both the KK and the RAS systems utilize the ANGI-converting enzyme, which is responsible for the production of ANGII and at the same time the degradation of BK.110. The complexity of the drinking response regulation is further illustrated by findings of reduced drinking rates during BK infusion despite a simultaneous increase in plasma ANGII.347 Also interacting with the drinking reflex and RAS is the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which inhibits drinking while lowering plasma ANGII levels.354 At present, it is unknown whether ANP acts directly on the drinking reflex or if the ANP effect is mediated through RAS. The catadromous eel, the anadromous salmon, and the euryhaline flounder have evolved highly sensitive drinking reflexes, presumably to cope with salinity change during migration. Drinking control in stenohaline marine forms is similar to the migratory type, but stenohaline fresh-water fishes clearly have reduced sensitivity12 and may have secondarily lost the reflex. In euryhaline fishes, experimentally elevated cortisol stimulates a more immediate and pronounced drinking response, compared with control fishes after transfer from fresh water to sea water.102,204 However, cortisol seems to have no effect on drinking rate in fresh-water fishes204 and may inhibit drinking rate in euryhaline fishes fully acclimated to sea water.102 Similarly, growth hormone, which has no effect on drinking rate in fresh-water salmon, stimulates drinking in fish upon transfer to sea water.103 Whether cortisol and growth hormone are involved in regulation of drinking rate in stenohaline marine fishes awaits clarification. 2. The Role of the Esophagus The ionic composition of the ingested sea water medium changes dramatically along the gastrointestinal tract as illustrated in Figure 6.5. Processing of imbibed sea water begins in the esophagus, and esophageal NaCl absorption reduces Cl– and Na+ concentrations as well as osmolality so that 2022_C006.fm Page 189 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 189 300 100 30 Cl− Na+ Mg2+ SO42− 14 10 3 K+ HCO3− 12 10 1 pH 8 Ca2+ 6 4 [K+], [Ca2+], (mM) & pH [Na+], [Cl], [Mg2+], [SO42−], [HCO3−] (mM) & mOsm Osmolality Esophagus um ct r io er st Re id Po er nt A M io r h ac om St SW 2 Intestine FIGURE 6.5 The progressive change in the composition of imbibed sea water along the gastrointestinal tract in an unfed typical marine teleost fish (note logarithmic Y-axis). Data are derived from a total of 24 different marine or sea-water acclimated euryhaline teleosts. Some species are represented by more than one measurement, and no single species contributed data to all parameters reported for all five segments of the gastrointestinal tract.36,128,186,263,312,324,326,373 the stomach fluid is much less concentrated than sea water.186,263,326,373 The absorption of NaCl in the esophagus consists of both passive and active components and is the main reason for the reduced concentration of these ions, although some dilution via fluid secretion may occur in the stomach.263 The esophageal epithelium is largely impermeable to other ions and exhibits low water permeability.155,263 From the few studies of esophageal transport, it is clear that the active uptake of Na+ is driven by the basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase and depends on the presence of Cl–. However, in the winter, flounder Na+ uptake is insensitive to furosamide, ruling out the involvement of Na+:Cl– (NC) and Na+:K+:2Cl– (NKCC) co-transporters. NaCl uptake is sensitive to amiloride in the luminal saline, suggesting the presence of Na+–H+ exchangers (NHE) and/or Na+ channels.263 3. Role of the Intestine The osmolality of intestinal fluids is further reduced to approximately 400 mOsm in the anterior intestine and as low as 300 to 360 mOsm in the rectal fluids (see Figure 6.5). The main osmolytes of intestinal fluids are not Na+ and Cl–, as in sea water but, rather, Mg2+, SO42,– and HCO3– (see Figure 6.1). The unique chemistry of the intestinal fluids is the product of combined absorptive and secretory processes (summarized in Figure 6.2) as well as the differential permeability of the intestinal epithelium. It should be noted that although the overall function of the marine teleost intestine clearly is to absorb Cl– and fluids, this epithelium switches, if strongly stimulated, to Cl– and fluid secretion.233 The intestinal epithelium exhibits higher osmotic permeability than does the 2022_C006.fm Page 190 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 190 The Physiology of Fishes esophagus,77,155 and in marine teleosts, the majority of water absorption, which is critically linked to Na+ and Cl– absorption, occurs in the intestine. The exact mechanism of water absorption remains unknown and may involve both transcellular and paracellular pathways. Although aquaporins are present in the intestinal tissue, there is no direct evidence that they are involved in water absorption.2,61,199 However, several co-transporters, including K+:Cl– and Na+:glucose transporters, have been demonstrated to transport water205 and may contribute to transcellular water movement in the marine teleost intestine. 4. NaCl Absorption Regardless of the mechanism, water transport is tightly linked to the active absorption of Na+ and Cl– .210,321,358 Na+ absorption is fueled by the basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase extruding 3Na+ across the basolateral membrane in exchange for 2K+.322,323 The activity of this enzyme thus maintains low intracellular Na+ concentration207 and sustains a substantial cytosol-negative membrane potential (Figure 6.6). The importance of Na+,K+-ATPase for successful sea water osmoregulation is illustrated by increased Na+,K+-ATPase messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression and Na+,K+ATPase enzymatic activity in the intestinal epithelium of euryhaline fishes following sea water transfer.60,174,210,310 The apical electrochemical Na+ gradient energizes the absorption of both Cl– and K+ by two parallel co-transport systems: Na+:Cl– (NC) and Na+:K+:2Cl– (NKCC) co-transporters (see Figure 6.6).93,101,140,253 Removal of Cl– from the intestinal lumen blocks Na+ absorption (consistent with NKCC operation), whereas limited Cl– absorption persists even in the absence of Na+,128,211 demonstrating an alternative Cl– uptake pathway. The involvement of NKCC in sea water osmoregulation is evident also from increased NKCC mRNA expression in the intestinal epithelium of Lumen Extracellular fluid Na+, K+, 2Cl− K+ Na+ ~ Cl− K+ Cl− Na+, Cl− HCO3− HCO3− Cl− CO2 + H2O CA H+ K+ ~ H+ H2O Na+ Cl− −20 mV −100 mV 0 mV Apical membrane Basolateral membrane FIGURE 6.6 Schematic cellular model of transport processes in the intestinal epithelium of marine teleosts. Transcellular and/or paracellular fluid absorption is driven by the active NaCl transport fueled primarily by the basolateral Na+:K+-ATPase which provides the electrochemical gradient for Na+, Cl– and K+ import across the apical membrane. Two parallel symporters, the Na+:Cl– and the Na+:K+:2 Cl– co-transporters, account for Na+ and some Cl– uptake, with the remaining Cl– uptake occurring in exchange for HCO3–. The apical anion exchange accounts for 30 to 70% of the net Cl– absorption and produces highly elevated luminal HCO3– concentrations. The source of HCO3– for the exchange process appears to be endogenous CO2. Carbonic anhydrase facilitates CO2 hydration to sustain the high HCO3– secretion rates. Cl– exits the epithelial cells across the basolateral membrane via Cl– channels and K+:Cl– co-transporters. 2022_C006.fm Page 191 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 191 European eel after transfer from fresh water to sea water.58 A large number of studies show much higher net absorption rates for Cl– than for Na+ both in situ and in vitro,92,93,113,211,234,252 which may, in part, be explained by the stoichiometry of NKCC. However, considering the relatively low K+ concentration in sea water and intestinal fluids, NKCC by itself cannot explain the often substantial excess net Cl– absorption. 5. HCO3– Secretion and Anion Exchange Recently, apical Cl–/HCO3– exchange (AE) has been demonstrated to play a role in Cl– absorption and accounts for 30 to 70% of net Cl– uptake under in vivo–like conditions.125,127,128,133 The apical AE secretes copious amounts of HCO3– and produces luminal HCO3– concentrations — in some cases, higher than 100 mM372,375 — which may be associated with highly alkaline intestinal fluids reaching pH values of 9 or more. The source of HCO3– for luminal secretion appears to be endogenous epithelial CO2,374 with hydration being catalyzed, in part, by carbonic anhydrase373 (see Figure 6.6). The H+ arising from this hydration reaction is extruded across the basolateral membrane through a mechanism yet unidentified. Species-specific differences in the mechanism of luminal HCO3– secretion likely occur because Na+-dependent, transepithelial HCO3– transport has been demonstrated in the Japanese eel.6 Regardless of the route of apical Cl– entry into the epithelial cells, Cl– transport across the basolateral membrane appears to occur via Cl– channels209 and K+:Cl– co-transporters.139 6. Divalent Ions By far the dominant divalent ions in the intestinal fluids are Mg2+ and SO42–, reaching concentrations, in some cases, higher than 100 mM128,130,326 (see Figure 6.5). Thus, Mg2+ and SO42– are concentrated well above seawater levels of approximately 50 and 30 mM, respectively, as a function of water absorption. Marine fishes continuously void small volumes of rectal fluid. The rate of rectal fluid excretion accounts for 15 to 40% of the corresponding drinking rate with the remaining 60 to 85% of the imbibed water being absorbed along the intestine.312,324,326,373 Assuming 75% fluid absorption in the intestine and no net absorption of Mg2+ and SO42-, the predicted concentration of these ions in the rectal fluids would be 200 and 120 mM, respectively. The predicted concentration of SO42– is thus very similar to the average rectal fluid SO42– concentration displayed in Figure 6.5. This suggests that no, or very little, SO42– is absorbed by the intestinal epithelium in vivo, despite a substantial transepithelial gradient that favors uptake. Part of the explanation for this could be the active extrusion of SO42– in exchange for Cl– , as observed in the winter flounder.270 This exchange mechanism may not only explain the apparent lack of net SO42– uptake but may also assist Cl– absorption. In contrast to SO42–, the predicted concentration of Mg2+ exceeds the average rectal fluid Mg2+ concentration in marine teleosts (see Figure 6.5) by approximately 80 mM, which suggests substantial intestinal Mg2+ uptake. However, a recent study on the European flounder, with control of both Mg2+ ingestion and rectal excretion, revealed that >90% of Mg2+ entering the intestine can be recovered in the rectal fluids showing only very modest net intestinal Mg2+ uptake.374 These observations are in agreement with findings from those of the Southern flounder.150 7. Alkaline Precipitation The Ca2+ concentrations in intestinal and rectal fluids are substantially lower than sea-water Ca2+ concentrations. This led to numerous suggestions of a substantial intestinal net Ca2+ uptake in marine teleosts.83,150,177 However, recent findings have revealed that intestinal absorption of Ca2+ is modest and that the low Ca2+ concentrations in the intestinal fluids are the result of alkaline precipitation, rather than intestinal absorption. The high luminal HCO3– concentrations and the alkaline conditions result in CaCO3 precipitation, evident as white mucus-coated precipitates within 2022_C006.fm Page 192 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 192 The Physiology of Fishes the intestinal lumen. These precipitates are excreted with the rectal fluids and can be easily observed in the water of aquaria housing marine teleosts. The precipitation can account for 30 to 65% of the ingested Ca2+312,374 but only a minor fraction (<5%) of the ingested Mg2+,374 as the precipitates consists largely of CaCO2 and MgCO2.362 The precipitates reduce the concentration of Ca2+ and CO32– substantially, resulting in a reduced osmolality of the intestinal fluids by as much as 73 mOsm.374 Although the intestinal epithelium is capable of absorbing water against an osmotic gradient,321 such a reduction in luminal osmolality undoubtedly is advantageous for marine teleosts combating dehydration. C. KIDNEY Marine teleosts with glomerular or aglomerular kidneys produce low urine flow rates of 0.03 to 0.89 or 0.03 to 0.45 ml kg–1 h–1, respectively.18,96,151,241,242,244,326 The tonicity of urine in marine teleosts (with glomerular or aglomerular kidneys) is similar to the extracellular fluids; however, the major electrolytes are Mg2+ , SO4 2– , and Cl– , rather than the Na+ and Cl– of blood plasma.18,28,151,241,242,312 1. Tubule Anatomy With few exceptions, both glomerular and aglomerular stenohaline marine fishes lack a distal nephron,64 which is responsible for NaCl reabsorption in fresh-water fishes and other vertebrates.151 The typical marine glomerular nephron consists of a renal corpuscle containing the glomerulus and a neck segment followed by two or three proximal segments (which make up the major portion of the nephron). The proximal segments connect directly to the collecting duct via the collecting tubule. In contrast, the nephrons of the aglomerular kidney, which have been reported from approximately 30 teleost species (mostly marine but a few fresh-water),18,22 lack a renal corpuscle; the aglomerular nephron consists entirely of a proximal tubule segment connecting directly to a collecting tubule and duct. 2. Aglomerular and Glomerular Kidney Function Although fishes with aglomerular kidneys are rare, it seems that the loss of glomeruli has occurred on three separate occasions during evolution.18 These multiple evolutionary events combined with reports of aglomerular teleost fishes present in brackish water and even fresh water18 suggest that tubular secretion is an intrinsic part of renal function in fishes and perhaps all vertebrates.18 Multiple species of the toadfish family, Batrachoididae inhabit fresh water,52,53 indicating that true aglomerular fresh-water species are perhaps more numerous than previously thought. Importantly, tubular secretion is not restricted to fluids and electrolytes but also include secretion of creatinine231 and a number of organic cations and anions.28,64 Glomerular filtration rates in marine teleosts are generally much lower than in fresh-water teleosts,10,28,151 while obviously no filtration takes place in aglomerular nephrons. Despite glomerular filtration rates of ~0.5 ml kg–1 h–1 in glomerular marine teleosts, urine flow rates of aglomerular and glomerular marine fish are similar to each other (see above). Further, urine composition from glomerular and aglomerular fishes is indistinguishable.19,22 These observations strongly suggest that the renal contribution to marine teleost osmoregulation, regardless of the presence or absence of glomeruli, is dominated by tubular secretion; subsequently, this preurine is modified by absorption. 3. Renal Tubular Secretion Fluid secretion rates and composition are very similar in isolated tubules from aglomerular and glomerular kidneys with Na+ and Cl– being the dominant electrolytes. Figure 6.7 presents a schematic overview of tubule anatomy and principal transport characteristics. Although Mg2+ and 2022_C006.fm Page 193 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 193 GFR ~ 0.3 ml kg−1h−1 Na+ Cl−+2 Mg SO42− H2O Early proximal tubule Glucose and other organic solutes Na+ Cl− Late proximal tubule H2O A Collecting tubule Na+ Cl− Mg2+ SO42− H2O Bladder Na+ Cl− H2O Early proximal tubule + Na Cl− H2O UFR ~ 0.3 ml kg−1h−1 Late proximal tubule B Collecting tubule Bladder Na+ Cl− H2O UFR ~ 0.3 ml kg−1h−1 FIGURE 6.7 Overview of ion and water movement in glomerular (A) and aglomerular (B) tubules of marine teleosts. Urine flow rate and composition in aglomerular and glomerula fishes are generally indistinguishable, thus pointing to the importance of tubular secretion. Inspired by schematic illustrations by Nishimura & Imai.257 SO42– concentrations in tubular secretions are elevated far above plasma concentrations and thus may contribute to fluid secretion, it appears that the majority of proximal tubule fluid secretion is driven by Na+ and Cl– transport in the early proximal tubule. Insight into the mechanisms of tubular fluid secretion come from studies performed on the dogfish Squalus acanthias16,20 and has since been confirmed for marine teleosts using sea-water-acclimated killifish.48,49 Tubular secretion of Na+ and Cl– occurs as secondary active transcellular Cl– transport with electrically coupled paracellular Na+ transport (Figure 6.8). Electrochemical gradients for K+ and Na+ allow Cl– entry across the basolateral membrane presumably via NKCC and results in cytosolic Cl– concentrations above equilibrium. Apical Cl– secretion is via a cAMP-stimulated conductive pathway, presumably via anion channels.20,50 Although Mg2+ concentrations in tubular secretions are lower (~20 mM17,21,51,297) than in bladder urine (~140 mM11,151,248), tubular fluid Mg2+ concentrations must be the product of active transport. Passive entry of Mg2+ across the basolateral membrane is thought to occur via Mg2+ channels,18 whereas the active exit of Mg2+ across the apical membrane occurs either via Mg2+:Na+ exchange254,301 ultimately driven by Na+,K+-ATPase or via Mg2+:H+ exchange driven by H+ pumps 2022_C006.fm Page 194 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 194 The Physiology of Fishes A Early proximal tubule Lumen Extracellular fluid Na+ Na+ Cl− Na+ Mg2+ K+ + + Na , K , 2Cl− Mg2+ H+ H+ ~ CA Cl−/HCO3− CO2 + H2O ~ SO42− Na+ 2− H+ SO4 K+ OH− H2O B Late proximal tubule Lumen H2O Extracellular fluid Na+ Na+ Glucose, aa Na+ H+ HCO3− K+ ~ Na+, 2HCO3− Cl− Cl− FIGURE 6.8 Schematic cellular model of secretory and absorptive processes in the early (A) and late (B) proximal tubule of glomerular and aglomerular marine teleosts. A: Secretory processes include secondary active Cl– secretion driven by the activity of the basolateral Na+:K+-ATPase providing the electrochemical gradient for Cl– entry via the basolateral Na+:K+:2Cl– co-transporter. Cl– exits across the apical membrane down its electrochemical gradient to the lumen via Cl– channels (presumably CFTR type), while Na+ is excreted via electrically coupled paracellular pathways. Mg2+ secretion involves carrier-mediated entry of Mg2+ across the basolateral membrane down its electrochemical gradient that provides cellular Mg2+ for Na+/Mg2+ exchange and H+–Mg2+ exchange across the apical membrane. The H+–Mg2+ exchange process may be driven by apical H+-pump activity, while the Na+–Mg2+ exchange process is fueled by the Na+ gradient established by the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase. Secretion of SO42– involves anion exchange processes in both the basolateral and the apical membranes and is dependent on carbonic anhydrase (CA). (See excellent recent reviews by Beyenbach18 and Pelis & Renfro271 for more detail). present in the apical membrane18 (see Figure 6.8). Tubular SO42– secretion is evident from concentrations of approximately 10 mM in tubular secretions in marine fishes.17,51 Even in teleosts with glomerular renal tubules, the majority of renal SO42– excretion is the result of active tubular secretion.23,73,299 Tubular SO42– secretion is facilitated by DIDS-sensitive electroneutral anion exchange mechanisms in both the basolateral and the apical membrane and by intracellular carbonic anhydrase269,298,300 (see Figure 6.8). Basolateral import of SO42– occurs via exchange with OH–, while apical extrusion into the tubular lumen occurs in exchange for uptake of HCO3– or Cl–.271 4. Renal Tubular Reabsorption The high bladder urine concentrations of Mg2+ and SO42– (~140 and 80 mM, respectively151,248) is the product of not only tubular secretion (see above) of these divalent ions but also of Na+, Cl– and water reabsorption. The NaCl reabsorption occurs in the late proximal tubule and in the urinary 2022_C006.fm Page 195 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 195 bladder (see below) and results in a low-average urine flow rate in marine teleosts of ~0.3 ml kg–1 h–1. The discrepancy between average glomerular filtration rates and urine flow rates in marine teleosts is not large, but fluid secretion rates are substantial and may exceed glomerular filtration rates by several times. In his recent and thorough evaluation of aglomerular urine formation, Beyenbach18 demonstrates, from measurements of tubular fluid secretion rates and composition of tubular fluid, that tubular secretion may exceed glomerular filtration by as much as three- to fourfold. In his example, even a glomerular marine teleost exhibits tubular fluid reabsorption in the order of 2 ml kg–1 h–1. This substantial reabsorption of largely secreted, rather than filtered, fluid explains the high concentrations of Mg2+ and SO42– in bladder urine. The reabsorption of Na+ and Cl– in the proximal tubule is reviewed in detail by Dantzler64 and Braun and Dantzler.28 The driving force for solute and fluid reabsorption is provided indirectly by the basolateral Na+, K+-ATPase, that creates a favorable gradient for Na+ entry from the tubular lumen across the apical membrane and drives Na+-glucose, Na+-amino acid co-transport and Na+/H+ exchange. Tubular reabsorption of Cl– occurs via an electroneutral process also driven by the electrochemical Na+-gradient and is suggested to occur via Cl–/HCO3– exchange coupled with the Na+/H+ exchange process (see Figure 6.8). 5. Urinary Bladder The urinary bladder of sea-water fish contributes to NaCl and water absorption, thereby concentrating divalent ions in the urine and minimizing water loss. The NaCl uptake by isolated flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) urinary bladder is interdependent,295 is ouabain and furosemide sensitive, and is accompanied by fluid reabsorption, with a calculated absorbate concentration of about 145 mM.294 Na+,K+-ATPase is localized to the basolateral surfaces of urinary epithelial cells.296 In the toadfish (Opsanus tau), the in vivo bladder reabsorbs 60% of the urine volume.167 In seawater gobies (Gillichthys mirabilis), there is both electroneutral and electrogenic, ouabain-sensitive NaCl reabsorption in mitochondria-rich columnar cell portions of the urinary bladder.206 A unique thiazidesensitive NaCl co-transporter is expressed only by flounder urinary bladder, while other tissues express a different NaCl transporter.109 The caudal neurosecretory system (urophysis) and its peptides (urotensin I and I) may control transport and contractility of the urinary bladder.15 Whereas freshwater rainbow trout urinary bladder is urea permeable, that of the toadfish (Opsanus beta) is not, an interesting association of intermittent urination (by toadfish) and low urea permeability.240 6. Integrative Perspective Table 6.3 summarizes exchange of water and major electrolytes with the marine environment for nonfed marine fishes in steady state. Typical drinking rates and urine flow rates as well as seawater chemical composition have been assumed for the following considerations. The majority of the fluid loss occurs across nonrenal and nonintestinal surfaces and is assumed to take place mainly across the gill epithelium, with renal fluid loss contributing only about 15% of whole body fluid loss. Of the NaCl ingested with sea water >95% is absorbed along the gastrointestinal tract, and very little of this absorbed NaCl is ultimately eliminated through the urine. Consequently, the vast majority, a net extrusion of 800 to 900 µmol kg–1 h–1 Na+ and Cl–, must occur at the gills. While these extrusion rates may seem high, they are only one tenth the corresponding unidirectional efflux rates of Na+ and Cl– reported for marine teleosts.132,383 As for Mg2+ and Ca2+ balance, an individual study used carefully controlled intestinal infusion rates and measurement of rectal loss of these cations.374 These considerations reveal that only 10 to 20 % of the ingested divalent cations are absorbed by the intestine and that renal excretion of divalent cations easily accounts for the observed uptake by the gastrointestinal tract. The same is not true for SO42– because gastrointestinal absorption appears to exceed renal excretion. It should be noted, however, that the apparent need for branchial SO42– secretion is based on average values of urine flow, drinking rate, and SO42– concentration in rectal fluid and urine. Gastrointestinal SO42– intake and rectal output have yet to be measured 2022_C006.fm Page 196 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 196 The Physiology of Fishes TABLE 6.3 Summary of Mass Balance of Fluid and Major Electrolytes in a Typical Nonfed Marine Teleost Component Gastrointestinal Tract Gills* Water (µl kg–1 h–1) Na+ (µmol kg–1 h–1) Cl– (µmol kg–1 h–1) Mg2+ (µmol kg–1 h–1) SO42– (µmol kg–1 h–1) Ca2+ (µmol kg–1 h–1) K+ (µmol kg–1 h–1) –1,300 –814 –905 19 –16 (?) 2 –15 Renal System Ingestion Rectal Fluid Net GI 2,000 840a 980a 100a 60a 20a 20a –400 –20a –39a –80d –20a –16g –5a 1,600 820 941 20 40 4 15 –300 –6b –36c –39e –24f –6h <1i [Average urine flow rate of 0.3 and drinking rate of 2 ml kg–1 h–1 and typical seawater composition has been assumed for these calculations. The net contribution of the gastrointestinal tract (“Net GI”) is simply the difference between ingested water and ions and volume and composition of voided rectal fluids.] * or nongastrointestinal and nonrenal surfaces au: correct? a values obtained from Figure 6.1. b assumed urine [Na+] of 20 mM18,151 c assumed urine [Cl–] of 120 mM18,151 d fractional values for rectal Mg2+ loss obtained from Wilson & Grosell374 e assumed urine [Mg2+] of 180 mM18,151 f assumed urine [SO42–] of 80 mM18,151 g values of rectal fluid Ca2+ loss make up 80% of ingested Ca2+ and include Ca2+ in voided precipitates374 h assumed urine [Ca2+] of 20 mM151 i assumed urine [K+] of 1.4 mM151 simultaneously in a marine teleost; they should be determined together to assess whether renal SO42– elimination is sufficient to maintain homeostasis. Further, it seems clear that the majority of the K+ absorbed along the gastrointestinal tract must be eliminated across the gills because renal output is minimal. Finally, it should be noted that almost everything we know about gastrointestinal contributions to osmoregulation is derived from studies performed on nonfed animals and that feeding undoubtedly will influence osmoregulatory processes. A large meal for a piscivorous fish, for example, will provide a substantial K+ and Ca2+ load (from prey intracellular K+ and bone, respectively), although this remains to be documented, and will, at the same time, influence bile and pancreatic secretion rates as well as intestinal re-absorptive processes.175 III. FRESHWATER TELEOST HYPEROSMOREGULATION A. GILL 1. Gill Mitochondria-Rich (MR) Cells The debate continues as to whether mitochondria-rich (MR) cells are the only ion-transporting cells of the gill and whether there are subtypes of MR cells. The function and morphology of MR cells have been reviewed.87,276 The morphological changes in MR cells with salinity, particularly 2022_C006.fm Page 197 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance au to provide ditto 197 in the elaboration of the apical membrane in fresh water,40,285 imply changes in apical membrane components as well. Morphologically, the electron dense b cells and less dense a cells are distinct, but the a cell is involved in fresh water as well as sea water transport, while the role for the b cells is not clear.285 Lungfish have MR cells in the gill and skin epithelia337 that are physiologically similar to fresh-water teleosts. The recent findings of lectin binding to one subpopulation of MR cells but not another in rainbow trout gill120 may have resolved the issue. There are two functional subtypes (at least) that are very similar ultrastructurally. The peanut lectin–insensitive (peanut agglutinin, PNA–) cells have higher levels of H+ -ATPase activity. Furthermore, the PNA– cells have high levels of acid-stimulated, phenamil- and bafilomycin- sensitive Na+ uptake,293 demonstrating co-localization of the putative Na+ channel and V-type H+-ATPase pump in one cell type. The peanut lectin–sensitive (PNA+) cells, on the other hand, have as high levels of Na+,K+ATPase, about half the V-type H+-ATPase level compared with the PNA+ cells and no phenamilsensitive Na transport.108,293 2. Role of Pavement Cells au: could you please simplify this sentence? Partitioning of fluxes across the gills of teleosts into two portions — the lamellar circulation and the filamental circulation — not only produced strong evidence for major involvement of the filament MR cells in ion transport but also revealed a minor contribution by lamellae to ion exchanges in both marine and fresh-water fishes (reviewed by84,267,276). Pavement cells form a continuous epithelial sheet of the lamellae and interlamellar regions and are joined to each other and to MR cells by well-developed, tight intercellular junctions. Because of the tight junctions and the paucity of mitochondria, they were thought not to contribute significantly to either the passive ion loss or to active ion uptake. Pavement cells grow vigorously in culture and easily form confluent epithelial sheets.8,378,380 With fresh water on the outside, these sheets prove to be a significant passive barrier, with electrical resistances and low permeability to radiolabelled polyethylene glycol.378 The findings that ion transport proteins are detected by immunocytochemistry in the pavement cells of fresh-water-adapted rainbow trout, including H+-ATPase and an epithelial sodium channel,369 and, by basolateral CFTR immunofluorescence in killifish229 suggest that some small amount of transport may occur across pavement cells. However, without substantial metabolic potential to drive transport, the contribution of these cells to ion uptake is likely minor. 3. Ion Uptake Models Summary models for ion uptake abound87,160,221,275 and have changed substantially, since the previous edition of this book, based on new molecular and immunocytochemical discoveries. Goss and coworkers108,120 have successfully separated from fresh-water teleost gills acid and base secreting cells, based on their affinity for peanut agglutinin (PNA). Hence PNA+ and PNA– mitochondria rich (MR) cells have different components (Figure 6.9). Pivotal to the model is the V-type H+ATPase that serves as the core driving force for both Na+ and Cl– uptake. 4. Vacuolar-Type ATPase and Na+ Transport The vacuolar-type (V-type) proton ATPase is a ubiquitous enzyme of organelles and of the plasma membrane.255 Until recently, it was thought that the H+-ATPase was immunolocalized only to the apical membrane of (some) MR cells, especially in rainbow trout.200 This was the logical location, parallel with a phenamil-sensitive Na+ channel, to drive Na+ uptake across the gill epithelium. This model clearly explains the ability of rainbow trout to excrete acid equivalents in acidic environments (down to about pH 5.5.201,202 Evidence for the proton ATPase is strong. Bafilomycin is a specific inhibitor of the H+-ATPase and, when added to fresh water, strongly inhibits Na+ uptake in whole animal flux experiments au: please provide ditto 2022_C006.fm Page 198 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 198 The Physiology of Fishes PNA+ MR Cell (Cl− uptake; base secretion) Ca2+ Freshwater 1 mM NaCl 0 mV ~ Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Cl− HCO3− HCO3− Blood 150 mM NaCl +10 mV ~ K+ CA CO2 Cl− ~ H+ PNA− MR Cell (Na+ uptake; acid secretion) Na+ Na+ H+ ~ ~ K+ Cl− CA HCO3−− CO2 FIGURE 6.9 Fresh-water teleost gills have morphologically similar cell types that are functionally distinct, separable with peanut agglutinin (PNA). The PNA+ cells secrete base and take up Cl– by an apical Cl––HCO3– exchange driven indirectly by a proton pump that is situated on the basolateral membrane (V-type ATPase). Cl– exit basally is via CFTR-like anaion channels. Shown in this cell type only (but probably present in both) is the Ca2+ uptake involving apical Ca2+ channels and basolateral Na–Ca exchange and Ca-ATPase. By contrast, PNA– cells are specialized for acid secretion and Na+ uptake, where the V-type ATPase is in the apical membrane along with an epithelial type Na+ channel. Electrical gradient established by the H+-ATPase drives Na+ into the cell, and it exits via the Na+,K+-ATPase pump. Here, HCO3– exits the basolateral membrane in exchange for Cl– which, in turn, recycles through CFTR-like anion channels. au: minus hundred okay? with tilapia, carp,90 rainbow trout,37,124 and zebrafish.25 Estimates of the metabolic cost of ion pumping by freshwater cutthroat trout using bafilomycin and phenamil demonstrate that only about 4% of total oxygen consumption is expended on gill ion transport.249 Immunocytochemical localization places the proton ATPase on the apical membranes of the MR cells of rainbow trout gills.200,369 Immunostaining in the apical membrane of the pavement cells of trout gills also occurs (using an antibody to the carboxy terminus), and there is upregulation of expression of H+-ATPase by the gill when the animals are exposed to respiratory acidosis.338 The gene for H+-ATPase has been cloned and its expression characterized in rainbow trout gills.277 In this work, the beta subunit is shown to be 85% identical to other vertebrate H+-ATPases, is highly expressed in ion transporting tissues (kidney and gill) with low expression in muscle and liver. Further, gill and kidney expression of H+-ATPase is enhanced by respiratory acidosis.277 In the operation to take up Na+, it is proposed that the H+-ATPase generates a high apical membrane potential in the order of –100 mV that can drive Na+ down its electrochemical gradient into the cell even from low Na+ (<1 mM) environments. No direct transmembrane voltage measurements exist, and the channel has not been isolated, but there is growing evidence of an Na+ channel. 2022_C006.fm Page 199 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 199 GFR ~4 ml kg−1 h−1 Glucose and other organic solutes + Na Proximal tubule Cl− H2O Na+ Cl− Distal tubule Na+ Cl− Collecting tubule Bladder Na+ Cl− UFR ~3 ml kg−1 h−1 Note to author/PE: Figures 6.10 through 6.12 have not been called out in text. FIGURE 6.10 Overview of water and ion movement in the freshwater teleost nephron. Glomerular filtration is an important component of urine formation in fresh-water glomerular fishes, with the ultrafiltrate being modified by reabsorptive processes in the proximal, distal and collecting tubules, as well as in the urinary bladder. While the proximal tubules exhibit some water re-absorption, the distal and collecting tubules are highly water impermeable allowing for the production of very dolute urine. 5. Na Channel and Na Uptake Evidence for the sodium uptake pathway points to an epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the apical membrane. Phenamil, a potent inhibitor of epithelial Na+ channels, inhibits Na+ uptake by rainbow trout in vivo37,124 and by isolated MR cells from rainbow trout gills.293 An ENaC-like protein has been immunologically localized to apical surfaces of the MR cells and possibly pavement cells in the tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and rainbow trout gills.369 There is good evidence that the environmental toxin silver and the essential micronutrient copper transits the same pathway as does Na+.37,124 There are still some questions, however, because (1) the genetic model teleost zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an excellent survivor in extremely low Na+ , low Ca2+ environments and exhibits limited response to amiloride derivate,25 and (2) searches of the zebrafish genome have failed to locate the ENaC gene. Also, attempts to clone ENaC from teleosts have not been fruitful.275 For some species, there may be alternative cation channels that could conduct Na+ (such as epithelial Ca2+ channels) or relatively nonselective channels275 (such as those of larval amphibians153) that may serve as substitutes for the ENaC. 2022_C006.fm Page 200 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 200 The Physiology of Fishes Early distal tubule Extracellular fluid Lumen Na+ Na+ Na+ ~ K+ H+ Na+,K+, 2Cl− Cl− K+, Cl− K+ FIGURE 6.11 Schematic presentation of major ion transport mechanisms in the water impermeable distal tubule. The tubular lumen exhibits a positive potential and the active absorption of Cl– is driven by the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase which creates gradients favoring apical import of Na+, K+ and Cl– via NKCC. Apical K+ channels allow for recycling of K+ across the apical membrane. Cl– exits the tubular cells across the basolateral membrane via K+:Cl– co-transport and conductive pathways. Both apical Na+:H+ exchange and paracellular pathways may, in some cases, contribute significantly to Na+ absorption. UFR ~ 1 ml kg−1h−1 Dorsal Na+ Cl− H2O Urea Intermediate segment Na+ Cl− H2O Urea Mg2+ SO42− Na+ Cl− H2O Urea Distal tubule Na+ Cl− H2O Urea Intermediate segment Na+ Cl− H2O Proximal tubule Neck GFR ~ 3.5 ml kg−1 h−1 Proximal tubule Collecting tubule Glucose and other macro molecules Ventral FIGURE 6.12 Schematic presentation of the marine elasmobranch nephron consisting of four loops forming five closely adjacent tubular segments, which make up the tubular countercurrent system. Urine formation in marine elasmobranchs is the product of high glomerular fitration rates, highly efficient urea reabsorption mechanisms as well as Na+, Cl–, and water reabsorption. Transport processes in the early proximal tubules is dominated by absorption of Na+,Cl–, water, glucose, and other macromolecules, while the majority of the urea reabsorption occur in the intermediate and distal segments. As in marine teleosts, secretion of divalent ions takes place in the proximal tubules. 2022_C006.fm Page 201 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 201 6. NKCC and Na Uptake With regard to energy, the Na+,K+,2Cl– co-transporter (NKCC2) may perhaps be able to contribute to Na+ uptake in some dilute media (see).190 To take up Na+ by this means requires a source of extracellular K+ and sufficient NaCl in the boundary layer to allow Na+ uptake down its concentration gradient (NKCC2 operates neutrally, unaffected by the voltage). It is unlikely to operate for NaCl uptake in extremely dilute solutions (<2 mM NaCl). Hiroi158 reported NKCC2 immunofluorescence in the apical region of the MR cells of tilapia gill membranes when the animals were adapted to a high sodium fresh water; Preest et al.,290 reported bumetanide-sensitive Na and Cl uptake across goldfish gills, suggesting that NKCC may, in some way, contribute to salt uptake in some freshwater species. au: change okay? 7. Cl– Uptake: Exchanger or Co-transporter? au: okay to put this in parentheses? au to expand While Na+ uptake can occur through cation channels in the apical membranes of freshwater fish gills, the same cannot be true for Cl– because of the approximately 60-mV electrical potential operating against anion uptake. Therefore, the greatest focus in chloride uptake is on neutral anion exchangers, such as the band III protein of erythrocytes. Immunocytochemical evidence places the anion exchanger in the apical region of the MR cells of the gill epithelium of freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), and in the red blood cells in the capillaries of the same sections. However, trout gill epithelium was negative for the anion exchanger, while the erythrocytes were still positive,369 and so not all animals apparently use this anion exchanger. This might explain the inconsistent results with band III protein blockers, DIDS, and 4-acetamino-4'-isothiocyantostilbene2,2'-disulphonic acid (SITS). While proton excretion by trout gills is insensitive to SITS,201 trout in unbuffered alkaline water (0.1 mM SITS) produced increased plasma HCO3– and lowered plasma Cl– concentrations; this indicates the role of branchial Cl–/HCO3– exchange in regaining the lost Cl– and eliminating the HCO3– accumulated during exposure to alkaline water.246 Expression of trout anion exchanger AE1 in cell lines operates in Cl–/HCO3– exchange but is insensitive to DIDS.65 NaHCO3 infusion (metabolic alkalosis) causes an increase in bicarbonate secretion and Cl– uptake as well as an increase in the surface area of MR cell exposure in the gill epithelium of rainbow trout;122,274 thus, physiologically, the exchanger exists. Addition of SITS to the water significantly inhibits Cl– uptake by freshwater rainbow trout and results in retention of HCO3– and the development of metabolic acidosis.276 The Osorezan dace instead has an Na+/HCO3– co-transporter (sodium bicarbonate co-transporter 1, NBC1) that is DIDS sensitive when expressed in PSA120 cells; it is expressed specifically in the gills and upregulated by acidification of the environment.156 NBC1 co-localizes with Na+,K+-ATPase, apparently on the basolateral membrane, where its presumed function is to accumulate HCO3– intracellularly. The fresh-water elasmobranch Potamotrygon has saturable Cl– uptake (Km 300 to 500 mM) that is insensitive to (low concentrations of) DIDS and SITS but is blocked by diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC).379 Whereas Cl– uptake and HCO3– secretion in most fishes are tightly linked to each other and have dual acid–base and ionoregulatory functions, the mechanisms used are not universally an apical-membrane-located band III–type exchanger. However, in support of anion exchange mediating Cl– uptake include observations of reduced Cl– uptake in zebrafish and rainbow trout treated with lipophilic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors which presumably depletes the apical anion exchange for cytosolic HCO3– substrate.25,278 Extrusion of H+ across the apical membrane via H+-ATPase appears to fuel Cl– uptake by allowing for cytosolic accumulation of HCO3– from CO2 hydration. This occurs because inhibition of H+-ATPase activity by bafilomycin A1 results in reduced Cl– uptake in tilapia and zebrafish, at least at low ambient Cl– concentrations.25,90 Notably, these observations are in agreement with studies of active Cl– uptake by amphibian skin driven by H+-ATPase activity.172,173,196 Recently, an additional link between H+ extrusion and Cl– uptake has been proposed. According to this suggestion, proton extrusion, which acidifies the unstirred boundary layer at the gill surface, au: please expand 2022_C006.fm Page 202 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 202 The Physiology of Fishes may effectively titrate HCO3– in this microenvironment.221 Such removal of external HCO3– would aid HCO3– extrusion and would thus favor Cl– uptake via Cl–/ HCO3– exchange. At the basolateral membrane, Cl– uptake can continue passively, if afforded anion channels in the basolateral membrane to exit into the interstitial fluid. There are two candidate channels, the first being the CFTR-like channel of the fish gill, which is, however, expressed in the basolateral membranes instead of the apical membrane, as in sea water. Evidence for the CFTR channel, by immunocytochemistry, is that it appears in the basal portions of MR cells in fresh-water Fundulus heteroclitus.229 This distribution has not been universally observed,179 and this channel is DIDS insensitive but blocked by DPC. The second candidate is the maxi-Cl channel observed in cultured gill epithelia.260 This channel has single-channel conductance in excess of 370 pS and has permeability ratios (P) of Cl– to other anions of P(HCO3)/P(Cl) = 0.81, P(SO4)/P(Cl) = 0.31, and P(isethionate)/P(Cl) = 0.53. This maxi-channel is blocked by Zn2+, SITS, DIDS, and DPC. Finally, there are fishes that seem to lack high affinity Cl– uptake mechanisms. To date, the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus,265,266 the American eel (Anguilla rostrata),121 the European eel (Anguilla anguilla),126 and the bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)353 have been shown not to have high affinity Cl– uptake. The American eel has a different way of handling metabolic alkalosis (HCO3– infusion) from that of trout — it manipulates Cl– efflux. In these animals, presumably Cl– would be maintained through the diet rather than by transgill uptake. 8. Ammonia Handling In examining ion exchanges in fresh-water aquatic animals, Krogh192 came to the conclusion that Na+ influx balanced ammonium ion efflux, an Na+/NH4+ exchange. This idea — a combined excretion of nitrogenous waste in exchange for a needed ion — was appealing, but subsequent experiments found some inconsistencies. The situation is examined in detail by Wilkie366 and Kirshner.190 Avella and Bornancin7 showed that influx of Na+ was a better match for H+ ion excretion than it was for ammonia movement. In accord, Wilson et al.,376 found that the Na+ influx rate was reduced by amiloride and low Na+ and the ammonia efflux rate was altered by buffering of the boundary layer, but the corresponding changes in the flux of the other substance failed to follow in a tight one-for-one exchange. Ammonia excretion occurs mostly by direct excretion of dissolved NH3 passing across the gill lamellae (completely uncoupled from Na+ efflux, with a smaller portion opportunistically occupying the Na+–H+ exchanger.366 However, important to the smooth operation of NH3 excretion is the acidification of the boundary layer of water next the gill, where NH3 is converted to NH4+ to maintain the gradient for NH3 diffusion. This may, in part, explain the apparent link between Na+ and NH4+ excretion, as originally pointed out by Krogh.192 Because ammonia protonization is pH sensitive and high pH reduces the rate at which NH3 can be protonized in the boundary layer near the gills, alkaline waters present special problems for ammonia excretion. As a case study in the adaptation, the Lake Magadi tilapia (Oreochromis alkalicus grahami), lives in extreme high pH (and temperature) and survives by switching to urea excretion.368 Wilkie367 also has reviewed urea transport and urea-facilitated diffusion mechanisms in teleosts. 9. Cultured Epithelia and Fresh-Water Opercular Membranes au: okay or leak pathways? Several attempts have been made to devise a freshwater gill model that is geometrically simple, that is, a flat membrane preparation that can be studied in detail as an isolated system. Freshwater teleosts do not have high densities of MR cells in opercular epithelia or related skins, and these epithelia in vitro lack active Na+ and Cl– uptake.227,237 Mounted with fresh water on the mucosal side, opercular epithelia from fresh-water-adapted euryhaline teleosts show Cl– uptake by the Ussing flux ratio criterion; however, because of proportionately large leaks pathways (likely the result of shunt pathways opening during tissue dissection), the net fluxes are negative.225 Another approach has been to culture gill epithelia from dispersed gills of fresh-water fishes. These cultured au: please correct 2022_C006.fm Page 203 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 203 epithelia, comprising pavement cells, have extremely low permeability but also have little, if any, NaCl uptake.380 Lately, double seeding of MR cells into prepared pavement cell epithelia have provided evidence for NaCl uptake. With fresh water on the mucosal side, there is a negative transepithelial potential and detectable Na+ uptake from fresh water but, disappointingly, still net negative ion balance overall.378,387 The in vitro membranes in asymmetrical conditions all have negative transepithelial potentials,225,378,380,387 while the whole animals (i.e., intact fresh-water fish gills) have a positive electrical potential, if the fresh water has sufficient Ca2+ (see Table 6.1). This polarity difference points to possible differences in ionic conductance. Clearly, there remain some problems in managing shunt permeability or missing factors that maintain/augment ion uptake systems in these isolated preparations that will turn these “losers” into “gainers.” B. INTESTINAL SALT (RE) ABSORPTION While osmotic dehydration presents a physiological challenge to marine teleosts, freshwater species instead experience osmotic water gain. In addition to the diffusive water gain across the gills, water ingested with food191 must be compensated by renal elimination (see below). Secretion of ions is associated with the production of digestive fluids in the stomach and intestine and will thus present a potential disruption of salt balance. However, while some of the secreted ions are recovered by salt reabsorption, ingested food may provide a substantial contribution to ion uptake.331 For example, an ingested meal of 3% body mass containing 50 mM Na+ kg–1 (typical whole body Na+ concentration in fishes)126 represents a potential Na+ gain of 150 µmol kg–1. To put this in perspective, assuming a urine flow rate of 3 ml kg–1 h–1 and a urinary Na+ concentration of 1 mM, renal Na+ loss in a typical fresh-water fish would be 3 µmol kg–1 h–1. Thus, a single feeding event, assuming complete salt absorption in the intestine, would offset urine Na+ loss for a 48-hour period. In unfed fresh-water fishes, typical branchial Na+ uptake rates131 are ~200 µmol kg–1 h–1, and so the potential intestinal salt absorption may not appear to be quantitatively important. However, it should be noted that especially in environments where branchial Na+ uptake may be limited, such as ion-poor waters and acid waters, dietary salt intake may be of significance.62,382 In the fresh-water stingray (Potamotrygon sp.) the ambient Na+ concentration at which the gill Na+ uptake is sufficient to counterbalance the Na+ diffusive loss is about twice as high as Na+ concentrations in the waters of its natural habitat.379 The obvious conclusion from these observations is that dietary Na+ (and Cl–) uptake contributes significantly to ionoregulation in these freshwater elasmobranchs. C. KIDNEY AND URINARY BLADDER Urine flow and composition in fresh-water teleosts differs greatly from that of sea-water fishes. Urine flow rates are highly variable among freshwater species but typically range between 2 and 10 ml kg–1 h–1.28,57,130,134,151,243 These high urine flow rates reflect the need to eliminate excess water gained from the dilute fresh-water environment presumably via the gills, and the high urine flow also serves to rid the animal of many metabolic waste products such as creatine and creatinine.151 Unlike terrestrial vertebrates, which excrete nitrogenous waste products renally as urea or uric acid, nitrogenous waste is excreted by teleosts mainly across the gills, primarily as ammonia (for mechanisms of ammonia excretion, see above).381 The dominant electrolytes in fresh-water teleost urethral urine is Na+ and Cl– with concentrations typically being less than 5 to 10 mM151 and other electrolytes being in the submillimolar range. 1. Tubule Anatomy In contrast to the marine teleost kidney, the kidneys of fresh-water species have distal renal tubules connecting the proximal segments (via a narrow, short intermediate segment) to the collecting duct (via collecting tubules).151 With very few exceptions (aglomerular fresh-water fishes, see above) fresh-water teleosts have glomeruli contained in renal corpsules. 2022_C006.fm Page 204 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 204 The Physiology of Fishes 2. Glomerular Filtration Urine formation in fresh-water teleosts consists of glomerular ultrafiltration and substantial reabsorption of especially monovalent ions across tubular epithelia. In contrast to the tubular epithelium of marine fishes, that of fresh-water fishes exhibits much lower water permeability, with the lowest permeability seen in the distal regions.151 However, some water is absorbed (presumably mostly in the proximal tubules) with the reabsorption of electrolytes and organic solutes such that urine flow rates are lower than glomerular filtration rates. Interestingly, a linear relationship exists, within species, between glomerular filtration rate and urine flow rate, with a fixed proportion of the filtered fluids being reabsorbed by the tubules, regardless of glomerular filtration rates and metabolic rates.149,151,162 Urine flow rates in fresh-water teleosts are thus directly controlled by glomerular filtration, which is in contrast to the regulated tubular water reabsorption seen in terrestrial vertebrates.28 Whole kidney glomerular filtration is the result of the regulation of filtration by individual nephrons. Perhaps, with the exception of cyclostomes,247,292 nonmammalian vertebrates regulate filtration by individual nephrons in an all-or-none manner, rather than by the graded regulation of individual nephron filtration rates in mammals.28,151 This glomerular intermittency was illustrated by Brown et al.,29 in studies on rainbow trout; they found that the percentage of all glomeruli that were perfused and filtering was 45% in fresh water but only 5% in sea water. Perfused but nonfiltering nephrons appear to be common in trout acclimated to both fresh water and sea water, particularly when the hydrostatic pressure falls below the colloid osmotic pressure. Further, nonfiltering and nonperfused nephrons appear to be abundant in sea-water-acclimated trout.29 This is not equivalent to renal failure, as would be the case in mammals, but rather reflects a water conservation strategy.18 3. Tubular Reabsorption While some reabsorption of electrolytes may occur in the late proximal tubules, as outlined for marine teleosts above, the majority of the monovalent ions are reabsorbed in the water-impermeable distal tubules of nonmammalian vertebrates.28 In addition, the urinary bladder contributes to conservation of monovalent ions, as discussed below. The mechanisms of reabsorption of monovalent ions in the distal tubules differ from those seen in the late proximal tubules (see section on marine teleosts) and appear to be common for vertebrates in general (with the exception of fresh-water lampreys).28,64 In the early distal tubule, there is a lumen positive potential that is dependent on the presence of both Na+ and Cl– in the lumen, sensitive to luminal loop diuretics, and inhibited by serosal ouabain; together, this indicates the involvement of basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase and apical NKCC in NaCl reabsorption.28,64,258 The apical NKCC co-transporter allows for cellular Cl– accumulation above the thermodynamic equilibrium and Cl– exit across the basolateral membrane via K+:Cl– co-transporters or conductive Cl– channels. The Na+ and Cl– absorption via NKCC may rely partly on cycling of K+ across the apical membrane via apical K+-channels.28,64 Apical Na+:H+ exchange occurs across the apical membrane and may contribute to Na+ absorption in amphibian, mammalian, and possibly teleost nephrons,119,261 and paracellular Na+ transport driven by the lumen positive potential may also contribute to Na+ reabsorption. Nothing is known about the transport mechanism in the late distal tubules, collecting tubules, and collecting ducts of teleosts. 4. Role of the Urinary Bladder au: please check word, unable to verify (counterion?) The urinary bladder of fresh-water teleosts is the final “diluting segment”. The urinary bladder is a high-resistance, tight epithelium with very low water permeability that actively absorbs NaCl and is capable of net absorption from dilute urine down to about 2 mM NaCl. In brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Na+ and Cl– active uptake is electrically silent and largely independent of the counterion.35,219 NaCl uptake is partially inhibited by amiloride,219 suggesting Na+/H+ exchange, but is insensitive to thiazide and bumetanide,35,219 2022_C006.fm Page 205 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 205 inhibitors of NaCl-coupled transport. In Cl–-free media, Na+ uptake is accompanied by acidification of the urine,219 that is blocked by 1 mM amiloride,223 indicating Na+/H+ exchange. Osmotic permeability and mannitol permeability are exceedingly low, yielding a calculated absorbate concentration of 1.56 M NaCl.220 The trout urinary bladder is urea permeable and has a urea transporter.240 In hard fresh water, the rainbow trout urinary bladder takes on a different profile and seems to be leakier and have coupled NaCl uptake,99 more like the sea water condition. The mechanism also involves a basolateral anion channel that is sensitive to diphenylamine-2-carboxylate.41 IV. A. ELASMOBRANCHS AND MARINE OSMOCONFORMATION AND HYPO-IONOREGULATION COELACANTHS Very little is known of osmoregulation in the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae, but its blood composition seems to be isosmotic with sea water through hypo-ionoregulation and retention of urea,123 very similar to the blood composition of elasmobranchs. The coelacanth also has a postanal gland, structurally and ultrastructurally similar to the rectal gland of sharks,198 that likely secretes NaCl. For these reasons, this section on elasmobranchs covers what likely occurs also in lobefinned fishes. B. GILL FUNCTION 1. Impermeability to Urea The large surface area of the gill epithelium in marine elasmobranchs must have very low permeability to urea to maintain the 350 mM urea that they retain for osmoregulation, but as it turns out, urea transport may also be needed. Pärt et al.,264 measured urea permeability of perfused gills to be 3.2 × 10–8 cm s–1, the same as in vivo values. Because the competitive inhibitor of urea transport, phloretin, increases urea efflux, they concluded that a urea transporter in the basolateral membrane keeps cytosolic urea low in gill cells, thus reducing the apical urea gradient and the passive urea loss. More recently, urea transport across the basolateral gill membrane of spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, in the direction from cell to extracellular fluid, has been implicated in urea retention by the branchial epithelium.94 In addition, Fines and co-workers reported an unusual phospholipid membrane bilayer composition, presumably with low urea permeability. In accord with this model, Hill et al.,152 found low urea and water permeability in elasmobranch apical membrane vesicle preparations from gill epithelium. However, because the permeability is not low enough to explain the large concentration gradient in urea, it seems that specific and apparently active urea transport systems, as described by Fines et al.,94 are involved. 2. Ion Transport Unlike the marine teleost gill which excretes Na+ and Cl– and thereby forms an active component of salt homeostasis, the marine elasmobranch gill does not appear to contribute to net NaCl secretion.315 Rather, the rectal gland appears to be the primary NaCl homeostatic organ (see below). Marine elasmobranchs contain branchial mitochondria-rich (MR) cells, but these cells lack the extensive tubular system seen in teleosts.371 The marine elasmobranch MR cells appear to comprise two distinct types, with one type containing relatively high levels of basolateral H+-ATPase and another containing relatively high levels of basolateral Na+/K+ ATPase.281,371 Rather than being involved in ion extrusion, these cells appear to be involved in the regulation of acid–base balance (see Section VI below). Consistent with this, the anion exchanger pendrin is expressed in the MR cells containing the basolateral H+ pump,283 while the Na+–H+ exchanger expressed in the gill cells of elasmobranchs79 is hypothesized to be co-localized with Na+/K+-ATPase.283 While these apical 2022_C006.fm Page 206 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 206 The Physiology of Fishes exchange processes are most likely involved in the regulation of acid–base balance by being able to extrude HCO3– and H+, they provide uptake of Cl– and Na+ rather than excretion and thus do not contribute to salt balance in marine elasmobranchs. That these systems are not involved primarily in salt homeostasis is illustrated by decreased abundance of H+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase in euryhaline elasmobranchs following sea water acclimation280,281 and the failure of the gills to upregulate MR cells after rectal gland extirpation.371 C. RECTAL GLAND Burger and Hess34 were the first to demonstrate the function of the rectal gland in salt homeostasis in marine elasmobranchs. Since then, this organ has become an extensively used model for studies of epithelial Cl– secretion, not only in elasmobranchs but also in vertebrates in general. In their early studies, Burger and Hess demonstrated that the rectal gland secretes a fluid iso-osmotic to the extracellular fluid with Na+ and Cl– being by far the principal solutes. The concentrations of Na+ and Cl– in rectal fluid secretions are approximately twice those found in the extracellular fluids, and the gland secretions therefore amount to substantial Na+ and Cl– elimination. Although the spiny dogfish is able to compensate for rectal gland removal371 by increasing urinary salt excretion, with diuresis as a consequence, the lack of a rectal gland impairs the ability to effectively clear injected NaCl loads from the plasma.32 Similar findings have since been reported for other marine elasmobranchs, illustrating the importance of the rectal gland for NaCl homeostasis.39,145 1. Ion Secretion Mechanisms of NaCl secretion by the rectal gland is, in principle, similar to those seen in the marine teleost fish gill (see Figure 6.4) and the secretory segments of renal tubules (see Figure 6.8). The activity of the basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase maintains Na+ well below equilibrium within the cell; this allows for entry of not only Na+ but also Cl– and K+ via the secretory isoform of NKCC which is as well located in the basolateral membrane.95,141 K+ recycles across the basolateral membrane via K+ channels,317 while Cl– exits the cell across the apical membrane via CFTR-type channels down the electrochemical Cl– gradient.232 Na+ is extruded across the basolateral membrane by Na+,K+-ATPase, follows its electrochemical gradient, and is secreted via paracellular pathway to accompany the secondary active transcellular Cl– secretion. 2. Regulation of Secretion Regulation of rectal gland secretion appears to be complex, involving several types of neural and hormonal receptors and second messengers. Chiasson43 made the interesting initial observation that stingray spinal cord destruction impaired salt balance, and he concluded that the control mechanism for elasmobranch ion regulation resided in the posterior of the animal, long before the association of the rectal gland with ion balance.144 Excellent recent publications summarize the current knowledge about regulation of rectal gland secretion.85,146,316,318 Hypervolemia stimulates secretion of cardiac natriuretic peptide (CNP)309,334 that, in turn, stimulates rectal gland secretion.333 Approximately half the NaCl secretion resulting from CNP release is an indirect response caused by local release of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) from rectal gland nerves.319 This VIP release initiates a cAMP-mediated Cl– secretion, at least in some species.146 In addition, CNP directly stimulates secretion by the rectal gland because isolated tubules and cultured cells without neural components respond by increasing Cl– secretion. The direct action of CNP is not via cAMP pathways but rather via guanylate cyclase and protein kinase to stimulate NaCl secretion.136,318 In addition to direct regulation of transport activity, rectal gland secretion rates appear to be correlated with the gland blood perfusion rate.315 It appears that the vasculature within the gland is partly constricted under normal physiological conditions caused by circulating levels of catecholamines314 and that stimulation of the gland must be associated with local vasodilation. As such, 2022_C006.fm Page 207 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 207 adenosine and VIP abolish norepinephrine-mediated vasoconstriction in spiny dogfish, perhaps indicating that some of the stimulatory effects of of these secretagogues may be related to increased blood perfusion and not caused by direct effects on tubular cells.314 More recently, stimulation of an extracellular Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaR) has been demonstrated to cause rectal gland artery constriction. This type of receptor is inhibited by increased ionic strength, which suggests that CaR may cause vasodilation and thus increased gland secretion when extracellular fluid NaCl concentrations are elevated.88,89 Finally, the rectal gland itself contains a peripheral smooth muscle ring that may be involved in the regulation of secretory function by changing whole gland dimensions.85 C. KIDNEY With extracellular fluids of slightly higher osmolality than the surrounding sea water, marine elasmobranchs gain “free” water osmotically. Drinking rates in marine stenohaline elasmobranchs are thus very low (but measurable)66 compared with those in marine teleosts, but glomerular filtration rates are of the same magnitude as in fresh-water teleosts. In agreement with these observations, urine flow rates tend to be lower than in fresh-water teleosts.151 The marine elasmobranch urine is generally hypo-osmotic by 50 to 250 mOsm compared with the extracellular fluids,33,327 with Na+ and Cl– being the dominant electrolytes at concentrations similar to those of the blood plasma. 1. Tubule Anatomy au: should this be corpuscle? The marine elasmobranch nephron is very long and has large glomeruli. The nephrons consist of a long neck segment connecting the corpsule to the proximal segments, followed by an intermediate segment leading to the distal segments and the collecting tubules and ducts. The proximal, the intermediate, and the distal tubules all contain numerous specialized segments, presumably with unique transport properties, which, by and large, remain to be fully characterized (see Lacy & Reale193 for a detailed review of functional elasmobranch nephron morphology). The marine elasmobranch nephron displays a complicated three-dimentional structure with a total of four loops arranged such that tubular fluids travel in opposite directions in five closely adjacent tubular segments from the same nephron. This arrangement forms the renal countercurrent system,27,195 which likely serves to enhance retention of urea and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) (see below). 2. Glomerular Filtration Whole animal glomerular filtration rates average 4 ml kg–1 h–1 in marine elasmobranchs151 and appear to be regulated by the number of filtering individual nephrons (glomerular intermittency)181,311,332 as is the case for euryhaline teleosts.29 3. Tubular Reabsorption The fraction of filtered fluid being reabsorbed varies greatly with average reabsorption being in the order of 60 to 85%151,181,307 and is closely associated with the reabsorption of urea and TMAO, the most abundant solutes in the absorbed fluid. Although secretion can occur in the proximal tubules of elasmobranchs,20 filtration and tubular reabsorption are the important renal functions for marine elasmobranch osmoregulation.18,20 The proposed mechanisms of salt and fluid secretion in the proximal tubules appear to be similar in elasmobranchs and teleosts and are summarized in Figure 6.8A. Consistent with fluid reabsorption, 60 to 70 % of the filtered Na+ and Cl– are reabsorbed by active Na+ and passive Cl– transport, as outlined in Figure 6.8B. The most efficient reabsorption in the marine elasmobranch nephron is that of urea and TMAO, with more than 90% of the filtered load being reabsorbed.97 The majority of this reabsorption could 2022_C006.fm Page 208 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 208 The Physiology of Fishes perhaps be accounted for by simple solvent drag because ~70% of the filtered fluids are being reabsorbed. However, because urine urea concentrations are much lower than plasma urea concentrations, excess urea (and TMAO) transport must occur. The tubular reabsorption of urea has received much attention for nearly a century, but the mechanisms involved are far from being resolved. It is clear that the majority of the urea reabsorption takes place between the end of the proximal tubule and the beginning of the collecting ducts306 or even within the collecting ducts.336 Furthermore, urea reabsorption has long been recognized to be linked to Na+ reabsorption in a fixed ratio over a wide range of urine flow rates.308 The complex countercurrent arrangement of the nephron has led to suggestions of passive rather than directly active movement of urea along favorable concentration gradients created by the absorption of Na+, Cl–, and water.27 According to this suggestion, the absorption of water results in low urea concentrations in the environment surrounding the distal segments of the nephron, thus providing a gradient for urea diffusion. Along similar lines of thinking, selective permeability for water and urea, together with the countercurrent arrangement of the nephron, could concentrate urea within the tubules to encourage passive diffusion out of the terminal nephron segments.100 Interestingly, both these proposed mechanisms for passive urea reabsorption would rely on Na+, Cl–, and water absorption and thus are in accord with the original observations of correlated Na+ and urea reabsorption. Carrier-mediated urea transport in elasmobranch kidneys has long been assumed143,181,195,307,308,327 but is now conclusively demonstrated. A facilitated urea transporter (shark urea transporter, ShUT) cloned from the spiny dogfish shark exhibits high expression in the kidney and in phloretin-sensitive urea transport when expressed in oocytes.325 Even more recently, two separate apical urea transport pathways have been characterized from elasmobranch kidneys. A phloretin-sensitive, nonsaturatable uniporter is found primarily in the dorsal section, whereas a saturatable, phloretin-sensitive Na+-urea co-transporter is dominant in the ventral section.250 While ShUT is a diffusion carrier that may facilitate urea diffusion along local gradients, as discussed above, the Na+-urea co-transporter may perform secondary active urea transport driven by Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the basolateral membrane. Since the discovery of the ShUT, facilitative urea carriers have also been identified from the dogfish168 and the Atlantic stingray.169 Findings of UT expression exclusively in the final segments of the nephron168 agree with the proposed role of this region in urea reabsorption. Although the recent identification of at least two urea carrier systems have added to our understanding of renal urea handling in elasmobranchs, this area and the that of tubular TMAO handling remain challenging topics for further research. Finally, like marine teleost urine, marine elasmobranch urine also contains high concentrations of divalent ions, especially Mg2+ and SO42–,151,336,377 which, considering plasma concentrations of these ions and even the high glomerular filtration rates, must be secreted by the proximal tubule as in teleosts (see above).151,336 V. FRESHWATER AND EURYHALINE ELASMOBRANCH HYPEROSMOREGULATION Of an estimated 1,100 species of cartilaginous fishes, approximately 43 species in four families tolerate fresh water for extended periods of time.54 Several elasmobranches are truly euryhaline, such as the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas and the Atlantic stingray Dasyatis sabina, but only very few are stenohaline fresh-water residents, such as the members of the Potamotrygonidae family, the stingrays of Rio Negro and tributaries. Early work by Chiasson43 found that skates in dilute media maintain blood osmolality higher than the environment. Smith327 found that freshwater elasmobranchs slowly lose urea by diffusion across the gills and that the kidney actively conserves urea (see section on kidney below). The degree of euryhalinity in representatives of the group has been reviewed and assessed by Hazon et al.,146 and they concluded that even marine elasmobranchs 2022_C006.fm Page 209 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 209 have the ability to independently regulate Na, Cl, and urea in brackish water. In all cases, adaptation to dilute environments results in the animals losing urea and yet maintaining blood osmolality much higher than the environment. Freshwater elasmobranchs, such as the Atlantic stingray67 and Amazonian stingray Potamotrygon,379 do not retain urea in their tissues, nor are they ureotelic; instead, they have low urea levels more typical of freshwater teleosts and are ammoniotelic. The Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina) has a landlocked fresh water population that is physiologically euryhaline; if challenged by transfer to sea water, it increases NaCl and urea concentrations in plasma and osmolality to almost seawater levels.282 Increased salinity also induces a transient drinking response in euryhaline elasmobranchs following the increase in ambient salinity, which does not occur in their marine equivalentso.3 A. ION ABSORPTION au: please provide symbol AT THE GILL Piermarini and Evans282 put forward a novel model for ion uptake by the freshwater Atlantic stingray Dasyatis sabina, in which V-type H+ ATPase is localized to the basolateral membrane of one subtype of MR cells, while Na+,K+-ATPase is more prevalent in another subtype. This points to division of transport of Na+ and of Cl– by different cell types. For Na+, the driving force from the vacuolar type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) is on the basolateral membrane, which explains the relatively high Km of Na+ uptake. In Potamotrygon, NaCl uptake is saturable and has a relatively high Km of 300 to 500mM and Na+ uptake was inhibited by amiloride and its analogs. However, Cl– fluxes were insensitive to DIDS and SITS but were strongly inhibited by the anion channel blocker DPC,379 consistent with the Piermarini model. B. RECTAL GLAND Rectal gland secretion is predicted to be of little importance in elasmobranchs residing in lowsalinity environments, since compensation for diffusive salt loading is not required. Therefore, it is not surprising that freshwater acclimated euryhaline elasmobranchs have smaller rectal glands than do marine elasmobranchs112,262,282,284 and that these glands have fewer glandular tubules. In the only true fresh-water elasmobranchs (Potamotrygonidae), the rectal gland is reduced in size and severely atrophied.111 C. KIDNEY Although the rectal gland of marine elasmobranchs is obviously involved in regulating extracellular Na+ and Cl– levels (see above), it is clear that the kidney plays an important role in the regulation of Na+, Cl–, urea, and water in euryhaline species exposed to reduced salinity. Renal tubule morphology of euryhaline elasmobranchs does not differ from that of marine elasmobranchs (described briefly above), but the stenohaline fresh-water stingray (Potamotrygonidae) exhibits a different tubular anatomy.193 Unlike the four loops found in marine and euryhaline renal tubules, freshwater stingrays have only two loops and lack the tubular bundles (i.e., the countercurrent system).194 Euryhaline elasmobranchs respond to reduced salinity by increasing glomerular filtration and urine flow rate, while reducing retention of major plasma electrolytes, urea, and presumably TMAO.44,117,118,171,268,327,377 Although marine elasmobranchs adjust extracellular fluid osmolality to be lower when they are held in low-salinity environments, these fishes still maintain high levels of urea, Na+ and Cl–. The changes in osmolyte concentrations are not proportional to the change in external salinity; this results in an increased osmotic gradient282,284 that favors increased osmotic water gain, which, in turn, explains the need for increased urine flow rate. Even though Na+ and Cl– concentrations in the urine of euryhaline elasmobranchs are greatly reduced in response to reduced ambient salinity, a substantial renal loss of these electrolytes still occurs because of the high urine flow rates. Presumably, the ion loss must be compensated for by the gills. The increase 2022_C006.fm Page 210 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 210 The Physiology of Fishes in urea excretion appears to exceed the excretion of electrolytes and becomes the dominant urinary solute.170,268,327,377 Interestingly, as pointed out by Janech et al.,170 overall renal urea reabsorption is increased during exposure to dilute environments, even though the fractional tubular retention is reduced. This phenomenon relates to the increased glomerular filtration rates and clearly demonstrates the importance of the kidney in osmoregulation in euryhaline elasmobranchs at lower salinities. In the only truly fresh-water elasmobranchs (Potamotrygonidae), however, ureotely has apparently been lost, and plasma levels of urea and electrolytes are similar to those of fresh-water teleosts.24 In these animals, even elevated salinity fails to markedly increase urea levels.111,348,349,350 Thus, renal handling of urea is of little importance to osmoregulation in these fresh-water elasmobranchs because nitrogenous waste is excreted as ammonia rather than urea.379 Renal function in this unique group of elasmobranchs offers an exciting area for investigation. VI. ACID–BASE BALANCE This brief section only supplements the excellent reviews of the topic by Claiborne et al., 45,47 Perry et al., 275,276 and Heisler 147,148 and a biographical treatment of the remarkable work of T. Maren.340 We also include some recently revealed adaptations of fishes to extreme environments. A. WHERE FISH ARE DIFFERENT The gills of fishes are ventilated by huge volumes of water with relatively low oxygen content so that the animals can maintain sufficient oxygen uptake for normal activity. Dissolved CO2 is freely permeable across biological membranes and has high solubility in aqueous liquids. The result is that metabolic CO2 is cleared from the blood very efficiently, and the blood PCO2 is very low, compared with that of animals with lungs. In turn, the low PCO2 results in high blood pH levels of 7.7 to 7.9 and low HCO3– concentrations ~2 to 7 mM.45,47,147,148 A consequence of low blood PCO2 is that fishes have little scope or need for reduction in PCO2 by hyperventilation in compensating for acid–base perturbations. Another large difference in acid–base reality for fishes is that normal behavioral activity is very likely to produce massive metabolic acidosis from the operation of large white muscle mass. Whereas cruising muscles are typically oxidative and “red,” burst swimming that is typical during pursuit of prey or escape from predators uses the much larger mass of “white” glycolytic muscle. This is a practical issue in the treatment of fishes in catch-and-release sports fisheries. Even short duration (30 s) aerial exposure at critical times after extreme exercise of rainbow trout results in 80% mortality in the released fish91; and for small- and largemouth bass, there are species differences in hypoxia tolerance and acidosis.107 Aquatic species also have no choice but to be exposed to changes in environmental pH and thus are stressed in highly acidic or basic lakes. Sea water, on the other hand, is well buffered, and its pH varies very little. Fresh water chemistry in this area is multifaceted because of variable amounts of organic acids, ammonia, carbonate, phosphate, and bicarbonate, all contributors to the buffer capacity of the water. Furthermore, as one of many water chemistry variables that can affect heavy metal availability,364 slight reductions in water pH changes the speciation of heavy metals in the water and can increase the effective toxicity of the metal180 (important for the fishes) and the rate of metal accumulation by the fishes (important for the people who eat those fishes).138,364 Given these possible perturbations of acid–base status, fishes (elasmobranchs and teleosts) regulate blood pH to within 0.15 pH units across species,147 and all respond similarly to temperature change, with plasma pH falling as temperature rises. Typical plasma pH is 7.95 at 10°C, decreasing to 7.80 at 20°C and 7.70 at 30°C.148 2022_C006.fm Page 211 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 211 B. GENERAL MODEL au: please expand In general, metabolic CO2, buffered by intracellular proteins, passes, by diffusion, to extracellular fluid. CO2 is then carried in the blood mostly as HCO3– in the plasma compartment because red cells contain carbonic anhydrase and band III anion exchanger that allows HCO3– out of the cells into the plasma.45,47 The vast majority of CO2 released, primarily across the gill epithelium, is as dissolved CO2. In small fishes and larvae, there is larger contribution by skin and yolk sac epithelia.147 The balance of CO2 may be secreted as HCO3– in effective secretion of alkaline equivalents; this is envisioned to occur at the PNA+ cells (see Figure 6.9). In acidic environments and with metabolic acidosis from strenuous exercise, there is acid secretion, powered in trout by the H+-ATPase201 or in some other species by more indirectly using Na+-H+ exchange.47 From this brief overview, we will proceed to deal with the major components, starting with carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) catalyzes the bicarbonate buffer system that has a lower buffer capacity than in lunged animals but still is the predominant buffer system. Teleost CA, cloned from trout, gar, and zebrafish, is similar to human CAI, CAII, and CAVII isoforms and is primarily cytosolic in its distribution in red blood cells and gill epithelial cells.80 In Antarctic fishes with red blood cells and in those lacking hemoglobin, 97% of blood CA is localized to the cytosol of blood cells, while the remaining 3% is membrane associated, anchored by phosphatidylinositol–glycan linkage.355 In the Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalas acanthias), unlike in a representative teleost (rainbow trout), there is evidence from membrane-impermeant CA inhibitors suggesting that extracellular branchial CA exists and is sufficient to contribute to CO2 excretion115 and to compensate for severe anemia.114 Extracellular CA has been shown to extend to ratfish (i.e., all condrichthians) and is membrane bound.116 Thus, these buffer reactions are well catalyzed and should be in equilibrium both in the red blood cells and in the gill epithelium. In the mudskipper, CA is localized to the apical portions of MR cells along with the Na+–H+ exchanger.370 Thus, transport of CO2 and bicarbonate should be very sensitive to local pH. There is good evidence for the acidification of the boundary water next to the gill lamellae,367,370 which at once contributes to acid secretion and enhances ammonia excretion. Whether CA is membrane bound is an important issue. Mammalian carbonic anhydrase II is ionically linked to the cytosolic side of the anion exchanger AE1 via a negatively charged tetrad of amino acids with a lead leucine (LDADD) near the carboxy terminus of AE1360 and via a binding site on extracellular loop 4 of AE1 to a second CA (IV) on the extracellular side,335 thus forming an efficient Cl–/HCO3– transport “metabolon.” BLAST searches reveal that the mammalian LDADD sequence is exactly the same in fugu and zebrafish genomic AE1, while the corresponding elasmobranch sequence has one amino acid substitution with the same charge (LDGDE). For rainbow trout, the sequence is LDASD (less negatively charged but still capable of binding carbonic anhydrase.360 The complementary binding site on mammalian CAII has four basic amino acids in the first 17 residues of the amino terminus that bind to AE1.359 Elsamobranchs are the fish group that has membrane bound CAII 341 and presumably this group has the CAII/AE1/CAIV metabolon intact. In the elasmobranchs, there are basic residues near the amino terminus of CAII (... RQ ... NQ..., tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier), even though in a sequence unrelated to the mammal. This is not so in the case of teleosts, where the CAII amino terminus lacks the requisite basic residues. Thus, the inability of CAII to bind to membrane resident AE1 in teleosts apparently resides in fewer basic and more acidic amino acids in the first 17 residues at the amino terminus of CAII (true for zebrafish, flounder, rainbow trout and fugu CAII). This explains how most CAII in teleosts is instead cytosolic and coupling of anion exchange with CO2 hydration is less efficient. The H+-ATPase, as discussed in the section on hyperosmoregulation, is present and creates a pH gradient, along with a voltage gradient across the apical membrane of at least some MR cells in the gill epithelium of some fresh-water teleosts. For these animals, acid secretion is straightforward. However, in fresh-water elasmobranchs and fresh-water killifish, the H+-ATPase is instead 2022_C006.fm Page 212 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM 212 The Physiology of Fishes located on the basolateral membrane.178,281 Furthermore, the acid-tolerant Osorezan dace (see acid lakes, below) secretes acid equivalents very effectively, apparently without involving H+-ATPase but rather by a combination of apical Na+–H+ exchange and basolateral Na+-HCO3– co-transport linked to the Na+,K+-ATPase pump.156 Clearly, there is a diversity of mechanisms for acid–base balance in fishes. The Na+–H+ exchanger was cloned from fresh-water rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) red blood cells, euryhaline killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus), marine sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus), and the gills of the dogfish shark.26,46,251 Whereas the rainbow trout uses H+-ATPase to drive acid secretion and Na+ uptake, the Osorezan dace156 and the brackish and marine fishes apparently use the Na+–H+ exchanger for acid secretion. For brackish and marine forms, where environmental Na+ is above cytosolic Na+, the Na+–H+ exchanger would not have to be linked to an active pump46. Cl––HCO3– exchanger is present in the plasma membrane of red cells but also apparently in the gill epithelium of some species. Its location and operation are dealt with in the section on Cl– uptake (above). C. EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS 1. Alkaline Lakes As we have seen with ammonia handling by the Lake Magadi tilapia (they have become ureotelic), acid–base balance by these animals is highly specialized for life in an alkaline environment.291,368 The Lake Magadi tilapia, living in 32°C water at pH 9.9, has blood pHe, pHi, and [HCO3–] of approximately 8.1, 7.6, and 15 mM, respectively — slightly alkalotic when compared with rainbow trout. The Lake Magadi tilapia becomes severely acidotic in neutral pH water, evidence of its apparent obligatory secretion of alkaline equivalents. This fish drinks large volumes of the alkaline medium and, by anatomical side pocketing of the stomach, protects the stomach contents from alkalinization. More than 80% of the imbibed water and NaCl goes on to be absorbed,14 which is necessary apparently because the animal is rather leaky to NaCl. How these fishes secrete base is still unknown. Teleosts in alkaline saline lakes, such as the scale-less carp (Gymnocypris przewaslskii), instead of resorting to ureotelism, seems to be ammonia tolerant.363 2. Acid Lakes Many teleosts cannot tolerate low pH (<5.0) and die because of decreased plasma ions and osmoregulatory failure.180,239 The cause of this is an increase in paracellular diffusive leak pathways218 that apparently open as a result of titration of Ca2+ out of intercellular tight junctions in the gill epithelium. Those few animals that survive at low pH must have more acid-stable intercellular tight junctions first, as well as other adaptations. Some teleost species survive in extremely acidic conditions, such as the dace (Tribolodon hakonensis) that normally inhabits Lake Osorean at pH of 3.5 but returns to neutral pH streams to spawn.156 The MR cells of the gills concentrate CA (isoform II), Na+–H+ exchanger type 3, Na+,K+ATPase, Na–HCO3– co-transporter, and aquaporin III, all upregulated by the adaptation of the dace to acid waters. In the Osorezan dace, H+-ATPase is expressed at a low level and is not upregulated by acid exposure. While the electrogenic Na+–2HCO3– co-transporter and Na+,K+-ATPase are basolateral in location, and CA is cytosolic, the Na+–H+ exchanger is apparently in the apical membrane. In the gill, there are multicellular follicles with two distinct cell types, one expressing NBC and the other not, suggesting a balanced cooperation in NaCl uptake and acid secretion in a controlled microenvironment of the follicle lumen.156 If the apical N+–H+ exchanger were to be exposed to the low pH bulk solution, it would almost certainly operate in reverse, gaining acid and losing Na+ to the detriment of the animal. The composition of the crypt fluid and placement of Cl––HCO3– exchangers and H+-ATPase are essential to understanding how this complex system works. 2022_C006.fm Page 213 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:43 PM Ion Transport, Osmoregulation, and Acid–Base Balance 213 3. Estivation Pouches and Burrows au: is this a reference? Estivation in lungfish invoves the animals remaining completely inactive in a dried mucus coccoon for more than 40 days. Lungfish do this in air, and so oxygen supply is plentiful, but oxygen uptake continues at a vastly diminished rate. These animals avoid acid–base imbalance by shifting from ammonia to urea as the nitrogenous waste product, and blood ammonia levels actually fall during estivation.42 Tropical burrowing fishes, such as the Gobiid mudskipper Periopthalmodon schlosseri, have hypoxic, hypercapneic water in the burrow that is partly filled with air pockets supplied by the animal gulping air from the surface and transporting it to the brood chamber. They maintain oxygen uptake mostly by buccopharyngeal ventilation, a process stimulated by hypercapnia1; the acid–base consequences are unknown. Gulf toadfish, which are intertidal burrowers, exhibit pulsatile urea excretion by activation of recently cloned and sequenced gill urea transporter(Walsh, P.J., 2000 2399 /id). VII. CONCLUSION In the multivariate field of ion transport and acid–base balance, there are still some complexities to be resolved. A. INTERTWINING OF ACID–BASE AND ION REGULATION There is a tendency for researchers to measure either acid–base variables or ion transport aspects, but rarely the entire suite of variables in one study. In spite of the difficulty, it may be beneficial to repeat classic experiments and monitor transport and acid–base variables together. In this way, the integrated response by the animal may be revealed. B. EURYHALINITY, COMPLEXITIES OF REGULATION The way in which fishes adapt to salinity change is multifaceted and develops in stages. Some immediate responses involve changes in cell exposure and phosphorylation states of existing transporters. Later developments revolve around de novo sysnthesis of new transporters and their regulatory proteins. In the final stages, new ion transporting cells replace the reorganized cells. Meanwhile, real euryhaline fishes make sojourns, often of short duration, into different salinities thus “coping” and avoiding metabolically expensive larger adaptations.222 C. METAMORPHOSIS FOR MIGRATION, COMPLEXITIES OF HETEROCHRONY Preparation for upstream or downstream migration involves, for salmon, eel, shad, and gaspereau, a whole suite of different characters and a complex of hormones in tight chronological order.235,236 There are frequent failures (stunted and “desmolt” salmon) that, having missed the critical time or stage, will render the fishes unable to migrate or even survive. It will be exciting to uncover the suite of genes involved and their regulators and to compare the well-studied commercial species and other anadromous and catadromous fish. D. FRESHWATER TRANSPORT DIVERSITY, MULTIPLE EVOLUTIONARY EVENTS The apparent diversity of fresh-water ionoregulatory mechanisms arises from the diversity of freshwater species and the fact that fresh water geologically is a “temporary” environment, which is ultimately destroyed by inundation or desiccation. Each time a new body of fresh water is formed, there is the opportunity for yet another genetic adaptation to the fresh water habitat. For instance, three spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) have a suite of characters, including reduced body au: is this okay? 2022_C006.fm Page 214 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:27 PM 214 The Physiology of Fishes armor and reduced pelvic girdle, that allows them to evolve to a fresh-water form; they do so within a few generations13 and have done so repeatedly in geological history of fresh-water lakes in North America.56 In addition, the presence of relatively small amounts of NaCl and CaCl2 in some bodies of fresh water can allow an entirely different suite of transporters, more typical of brackish water, to operate to the benefit of the animal, adding to the diversity of mechanisms operating. For these reasons, and from emerging differences already observed, it is clear that one model involving a single set of transporters cannot explain ionoregulation in all fresh-water fishes. Instead, we should organize the diversity we see. E. FEEDING AND OSMOREGULATION The impact of feeding on osmoregulation is a topic that has been almost universally avoided by physiologists, who routinely deny food to experimental animals or who use in vitro models. Some fishes, notably sharks, are intermittent feeders, and thus, feeding is among the largest of impacts on their physiology. Because the free-living animal has recourse to diet and diet changes when migrating or facing salinity challenge, it will be necessary to include these variables in the study to understand the whole phenomenon. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by NSERC discovery grant to W.S.M. and by NSF-IBN 0416440 to M.G. Thanks to R.S. Nishioka for TEMs in Figure 6.2. REFERENCES 1. Aguilar, N. M., Ishimatsu, A., Ogawa, K. and Huat, K. K.: Aerial ventilatory responses of the mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, to altered aerial and aquatic respiratory gas concentrations., Comp.Biochem.Physiol., 127A, 285–292, 2000. 2. Alves, P., Soveral, G., Macey, R. 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