The Early Universe Ch. 17 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Early Universe exceedingly hot and dense Energy of photons high enough to create matter and vice versa Big Bang Theory Big Bang theory explains how the early state of the Universe cooled and produced the Universe that we observe today Big Bang Theory • • • • Early Universe was so hot that all four forces were merged As Universe cooled, four fundamental forces became unique GUT - combination of strong force and electroweak force Supersymmetry - combination of GUT force and gravity Planck Era • t< • T > 10 K • Current physics unable to understand -43 10 s 32 times before the Planck era • Need to unite physics of small scale (quantum mechanics) with physics of large scales (general relativity) GUT Era • • 10 K > T > 10 K • Supersymmetry force splits into GUT 10-43s < t < 10-38s 29 32 force and gravity Electroweak Era • • • • 10-38s < t < 10-10s 15 10 K >T > 29 10 K GUT force separates into strong and electroweak forces • Huge release of energy → inflation Intense radiation produces matter and antimatter, which annihilate to photons b a l • • • • • ! d e t s e t Particle Era 10-10s < t < 0.001s 1015K > T > 1012K Electroweak force separates into weak force and electromagnetism • All 4 fundamental forces are distinct Temperature too low for continued conversion between particles and photons Quarks are produced, which turn into (anti-)protons and (anti-)neutrons • billion+1 protons for every billion antiproton ! d e t s e t Era of b a l Nucleosynthesis • 0.001s < t < 5min • 10 K > T > 10 K • Fusion begins • Temperature still so high that He 12 9 nuclei can break apart • Expansion reduces density so that fusion stops despite T>109K • 75% H and 25% He, D, Li b a l ! d e t s e t Era of Nuclei • 5min < t < 380,000yrs • 10 K > T > 3000K • Electrons and nuclei are separate 9 since photons still hot enough to ionize any atoms that might form • Photons cannot travel far since they are scattered by electrons b a l ! d e t s e t Era of Atoms • 380,000yrs < t < • T < 3000K • Temperature drops low enough for 9 ~10 yrs atoms to form • With electrons bound to atoms, photons can now travel large distances • • Cosmic Microwave Background Dark Ages Era of Galaxies • • Universe filled with nearly t > ~109yrs homogeneous distribution of matter and dark matter after Era of Atoms • Regions of slight overdensity collapse to form first stars and galaxies • Gravity is the strongest influence in the Universe Evidence for Big Bang Big Bang Theory makes testable predictions 1. Leftover light from the end of Era of Nuclei and beginning of Era of Atoms 2. Amount of Helium produced during the Era of Nucleosynthesis should match observed values Cosmic Microwave Background Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) • Theorized to form at the end of Era of Nuclei and beginning of Era of Atoms • • • Age of Universe - 380,000yrs Black body radiation • Temperature ~ 3000K Universe expanded by a factor of 1000 since then - CMB should have cooled as much • Observed CMB temperature = 2.73K (~3K) CMB Spectrum COBE WMAP PLANCK CMB fluctuations Seeds of structure formation Added support for WIMP dark matter • without DM, fluctuations not large enough to form galaxies within few billion years Helium Abundance • Observed He makes up 25-28% of matter • Can only have created 10% of He in stars • Big Bang Theory & CMB temperature tell us that 25% of matter was He by the end of the Era of Nucleosynthesis! • Need most of He produced before stars Helium Abundance • Need Deuterium (D) to form He • Amount of D determined by the relative number of neutrons and protons • Neutrons quickly decay into protons • 7 protons for 1 neutron for nucleosynthesis Helium Abundance Assuming all neutrons go into forming He Get 1 He atom for every 12 H atoms In terms of mass, 4/16th = 25% is He; 12/16th = 75% is H Element Abundances Not all D is fused into He Abundance of D determines density of ordinary matter If density was higher, more D goes into He, less D is left Ordinary matter density is 4% of critical (total) density Lingering Questions • Where did the large scale structure come from? • Why is the Universe so uniform? • Why is the density of the Universe so close to the critical density? Inflation Inflation • Expansion of the universe by a factor of 30 10 in -36 10 seconds! • Energy for expansion comes from separation of strong force from GUT force Inflation and Structure • Huge expansion would make tiny (quantum) fluctuations in density into large ripples • atom-sized fluctuations solar-system sized ripples • Leads to density enhancements that give rise to structure Inflation and Uniformity • Expect uniformity if different parts of the universe are in “causal contact” • • light can travel travel between different parts of the universe within the age of the universe Parts of universe initially in causal contact moved out of causal contact due to inflation Shape of the Universe Three possible shapes depending on density of universe Density of our universe is (DE, DM, normal matter) very close to critical density Universe is flat! Inflation and Flatness Inflation and CMB Support for Inflation Predictions using inflation theories match CMB data very well Olbers’ Paradox Why is the night sky dark?