華語教學英語 SYLLABUS Class Time: Tuesday 10:10~12:00 Classroom A706 Instructor: Vivian Chang (張 雅 玲) Email: ylchang@nuu.edu.tw Textbook: J.E. Katchen, Public Speaking in English for Chinese Students, Crane S.L. The Art of Public Speaking/P.D. Speech Communication Made Simple Other supplementary materials Week (Date) Topic Important Event Week 1 9/21 Class Introduction Introducing your partners Week 2 9/28 Pronunciation tips Introducing your hometown(1) Week 3 10/5 The power of public speaking Week 4 10/12 Ch.2 Delivery your message Week 5 10/19 Ch.3 Putting your speech together Week 6 10/26 Developing Confidence Week 7 11/2 Presentation Skills (Reading1) Class discussion (Reading2) summary report Week 8-9 Midterm presentation Week 10 11/23 Classroom languages Week 11 11/30 Teaching Chinese in English (1) 發音入門教學 (3) Teaching Chinese in English (2) 華語句構基礎教學 Teaching Chinese in English (3) 漢字基礎教學 Teaching Chinese in English (4) 疑問詞問句及疑問助詞問句教學 Teaching Chinese in English (5) 反覆問句及附加問句教學 Teaching Chinese in English (6) 餐廳華語教學 Week 12 12/7 Week13 Week14 12/14 12/21 An “Old Bag” speech(2) Teaching Chinese in English (7) 旅遊華語教學 Teaching Chinese in English (8) Week 15 12/28 Teaching Chinese in English (9) 商務華語 電話華語教學 Teaching Chinese in English (10) Week 16-18 * presentation(1-4) ** Final Presentation 說明 請見附件 Syllabus (Vivian Chang) #1 (*4) Course Policies: Instructor Assistance: If you have any questions about an assignment, or need help with your presentations, please contact me. I can be in school on Tuesdays, or reached me through e-mail. Attendance: Because this is a performance-based course, to receive credit for having attended class you are required to: 1) arrive on time to class 2) remain in the classroom until class is officially dismissed, and 3) come prepared to participate intelligently in class activities. Red Dots Policy: If you are not in class at the time I take attendance, you will be marked with a “red dot.” If tardiness, leaving class early, or absenteeism are a problem, then this is not the class for you! 1- 2 red dots : no penalties 3-4 red dots: 80% off from final grade 5-6 red dots: 70% from final grade 7 red dots: fail the class Grading Attendance & Class Discussion 30% Midterm presentation 20% Teaching Chinese in English 20% Final presentation 20% Syllabus (Vivian Chang) #2 Presentation Instruction No. 1 2 Presentation topic Location Weather Specialty How to get there… 4 見附件) Teaching Chinese in English 見附件) Final presentation 請比較中國與西方異同之處,分六 大主題: (暫定/調整後再另行公 告) 中文與英文 飲食習慣 交通運輸/城市 家庭 節日 教育/校園生活 (G) Individual (I) X I O I 10min O G 10 mins O G mins FINAL NOTE: Have fun with this class! And remember: Group other aids 3-4 Mid-term presentation ( Slides or 1 min My hometown ( 3 Length Fortune favors the brave! Syllabus (Vivian Chang) #3 Project 2 (Mid-term Presentation) ANY OLD BAG WILL DO: A SPEECH OF SELF-INTRODUCTION Prepare and present a short speech (3-4 minutes) based on the theme “Any Old Bag Will do.” Fill any old bag with three items. The bag and each item chosen should symbolize something about your life: the first item should represent something from your past, the second from the present, and the third item representing something about your future. The bag itself should also symbolize something of significance about you. You will display each item one at a time and explain how each item and the bag exemplify you and your life. The items should be innovative and can be as abstract as you wish as long as you clarify for your audience how it relates to you or a significant situation. Give your audience insight into your interests, hobbies, ambitions, goals, concerns, etc. Keep in mind that your objects should be large enough to be seen from the back of the room. Passing around objects serves only as a distraction to you and you audience. Strive to be creative! Innovative Examples: A bag of coffee bought in Venezuela (enroute home from serving in Desert Storm); a stuffed cow (she claimed to be bull- headed); a map (he claimed to feel lost in life an is searching for direction); an old security blanket (he always will be looking for reassurance); and a brick (to represent a solid marriage). The bag can be ‘any old bag,’ from a pillow case to a decorated grocery bag, as long as it represents something to you. Criteria for Speech : Prepare your bag and three items Organize your speech into 3 main points – 1) past 2) present 3) future Practice, practice, and practice !!! Outline/Framework to organize your speech : Introduction: Get audience’s attention (Introduce your topic and discuss why you chose your “bag.”) Preview Main Points (Tell audience what you will discuss in the body of the speech) Body: Past /Present/ Future Conclusion: Summarize Main points Syllabus (Vivian Chang) #4 “Any Old Bag Will Do” Evaluation Form Speaker: ________________________________________________________________ Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Needs Improvement Presentation: Organized Well E A S N Edited Well E A S N Stayed Within Time Limit E A S N Sustained Eye Contact E A S N Confident, Relaxed Posture E A S N Conversational Quality E A S N Adequate Volume E A S N Fluency, Well Rehearsed E A S N Absence of Verbal Fillers E A S N Originality/Depth of Discussion E A S N Enthusiastic Presentation E A S N Grade: _____ Additional Comments: Distracting Mannerisms: Use of Podium/Floor: Presentation of Objects/Bag: Other: Syllabus (Vivian Chang) #5 Project 3 Teaching Chinese in English 分九組 分九組: 1. 發音入門教學(包括聲調與變調) 2. 華語句構基礎教學 3. 漢字基礎教學〔取一本教材的一課生字生詞來教〕著重形音義的解說與帶領書寫, 組字遊戲等 4. 疑問詞問句及疑問助詞問句教學 (Interrogatives Questions and Particle Questions) 5. 反覆問句及附加問句教學 (A-not-A Questions and Tag Questions) 6. 餐廳華語 (如菜單、點菜、抱怨、結帳等) 7. 旅遊華語 (如:景點介紹、飯店內設施及訂票,突發狀況等) 8. 商務華語教學 (如:商務接待、辦公室華語等) 9. 電話華語教學 (各種電話用語及練習) 對象: 皆為全班同學 請每位同學 每位同學準備 10 分中左右的教學內容並攥寫教案 每位同學 同學自行找教材教,並準備影印教材 上台前一週請 email lesson plan 至老師信箱 (ylchang@nuu.edu.tw) 評分標準: 評分標準 1. 教案 教案: 20% 2. 團隊表現 隊表現及課程分配 及課程分配 20% 3. 個人成績 個人成績: 成績 60% (教學內容 教學內容: 20% /教學 教學表現 /課堂管理 課堂管理:20%) 教學內容 教學表現:20% 表現 課堂管理 Syllabus (Vivian Chang) #6