WestJet Policy Agency Debit Memos

WestJet Policy
Agency Debit Memos
Effective: March 14, 2013
WestJet publishes its policy on Agency Debit Memos (ADMs) to Travel Agencies to articulate the
circumstances under which ADMs will be issued and the guidelines that WestJet applies. WestJet will issue
ADMs through ARC Memo Manager and BSP Link.
See below for full details of WestJet ADM policy.
Definitions and Abbreviations
Agency Debit Memos. An invoice issued to a travel agency to collect additional
monies owed to WestJet for ticketing outside the Fare Rules or any other
violation of WestJet’s Booking and Ticketing Policy.
ARC Memo Manager
ARC Memo Manager provides an easy way for ARC participating travel
agencies and carriers to electronically process and settle memos. This
application allows processing of both debit and credit memos, and electronic
BSP Link
BSP Link is the global interface for travel agencies and airlines to access the
IATA Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP). IATA currently provides services for
the settlement of financial transactions between travel agencies and the
airlines. This service consolidates the amounts owed by each agent and the
amounts due to each airline and enables the settlement to be made through a
single financial transfer for each participant.
A travel agency, including a corporate travel department, approved by ARC,
BSP, or IATA to issue airline traffic documents.
Global Distribution System
Computer Reservation Systems
IATA's Travel Industry Exchange Settlement Solutions (TIESS) facilitates the
billing and settlement between travel industry suppliers and travel agencies and
any other point of sale, providing an efficient platform to distribute, validate,
collect and process sales.
1. Scope
1.1 WestJet will issue ADMs to collect amounts or make adjustments to agency transactions related to the
issuance and use of WestJet traffic documents, issued by, or at the request of the Agency, regardless of
which airlines are included in the itinerary of the WestJet traffic document.
1.2 WestJet will be auditing all transactions to identify non-compliant practices. WestJet reserves the right to
issue a monthly invoice or ADM (Agency Debit Memo) to recover GDS/CRS booking costs per segment plus
as administrative service fee for any and all non-compliant practice.
2. WestJet Practice
2.1 ADMs will be submitted in accordance with the table below except in cases of suspected abuse or fraud.
2.2 WestJet provides an Agency with a 30 day period of notice, in order to review any ADM and dispute it.
2.3 An ADM will not be issued for a value less than $10.00CAD. However, if there is a persistent practice of
under-payment (multiple occurrences of under payments less than $10.00CAD by the same Agency (IATA
location), WestJet may raise an ADM to recover the under-payments.
2.4 WestJet or representing agents will endeavor to provide as much information as possible on an ADM to
ensure it is specific in its detail about the reason a charge is being made.
2.5 If WestJet raises an ADM for non-compliance with fare rules, the general principle applied is to raise the
fare to the highest fare. Any divergence from this principle (e.g. a fixed amount penalty charge) is
communicated to the Agency in advance, e.g. through notes in the fare rules, by letter, or any other
communication used in the market in question.
2.6 WestJet instructions specify any applicable fees must be collected and linked to the ticket concerned.
Failure to follow this procedure may result in a charge to be collected by ADM for incorrect ticketing
2.7 WestJet will endeavor to handle rejected or disputed ADMs in a timely manner. Agencies with BSP Link
access must dispute an ADM via their BSP Link dispute facility within the ADM dispute period. If WestJet
does not agree with the dispute, an explanation will be communicated to the Agency prior to rejection of the
dispute on BSP Link. The communication will give the Agency a time period within which to respond with
additional information for WestJet to reinvestigate the dispute. If no response is received by WestJet within
the time period indicated in the communication, the ADM will be submitted for settlement to BSP Link.
Agencies who do not settle through BSP Link must dispute an ADM within the dispute period via e-mail.
WestJet will acknowledge receipt of the Agencies’ dispute via e-mail. If WestJet rejects the dispute an
explanation for the rejection will be sent to the Agency. The communication will give the Agency a time
period within which to respond with additional information for WestJet to reinvestigate the dispute. If no
response is received by WestJet within the time period indicated in the communication, the ADM will be
submitted for settlement.
2.8 If an Agent disputes an ADM after it has been included in the BSP settlement, WestJet will:
2.8.1. Within 30 days of the receipt of the dispute acknowledge receipt to the Agency.
2.8.2. Investigate and communicate their decision on the dispute within 30 days from the date of
receipt of the dispute. In circumstances where the Agency has furnished insufficient information to
support the dispute or the airline decision is subject to further commercial consideration, WestJet
will communicate their decision no later than 60 days from the date of receipt of the dispute.
2.9 WestJet wants to address causes that give rise to ADM issuance and for this reason the airline will
contact an Agency if the volume and types of errors of that Agencies’ transactions are deemed to be above
average or are recurrent. WestJet will attempt to address these issues bilaterally with the Agency
2.10 ADMs are not commissionable, i.e., an Agency may not withhold commission from ADM proceeds
remitted to WestJet.
2.11Ticket Refunds policy is applicable when it is cancelled within the following parameters of the fare that is
purchased. Anything outside of these parameters an ADM will be raised.
3. WestJet expectations of Travel Agencies:
3.1 to adhere by WestJet’s CRS/GDS booking and ticketing policy as published on WestJet’s website.
3.2 to adhere to fare rules as they are filed in ATPCO
3.3 to train their staff in ADM procedures; their purpose and the dispute period that exists.
3.4 to ensure that when an ADM is disputed, the response is specific in detail and the relevant supporting
information is sent to WestJet via ARC’s Memo Manager online memo distribution system or to the
address/fax indicated on the ADM.
3.5 not to dispute an ADM where the reason is valid and evidence to the contrary is not available.
3.6 to raise all disputes within the BSP/ARC dispute period.
3.7 to ensure that their contact details (phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses) are up to date in
BSP Link, ARC Memo Manager online system, or TIESS.
3.8 to provide specific contact details when logging a dispute in BSP Link to enable WestJet to make contact
concerning the dispute.
4. Commission, Fare, and Tax Violations
4.1 Sales Audit (Published & Contract)
Carrier Identification Plate (CIP)
Incorrect Airline CIP chosen for
issuing tickets
Fare Class Use
Checking to ensure correct ticketing
class is being booked and entered on
the ticket.
Advance Purchase requirements
Checking to ensure that the
documents have been issued in
accordance to the Advance Purchase
requirements of the fare rule.
Weekend Surcharges
Ensuring correct weekend surcharges
Audit Time
Charged the difference in fare to the
“Y” fare + the respective fare taxes
based on the first outbound carrier on
the document.
$25 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any ticket that has been issued on an
RBD which does not match the
permitted class as per the fare basis
will be charged the difference in fare
to the “Y” fare + the respective fare
$50CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has a requirement of
Advance purchase and the same has
not been adhered to will be charged
the difference in fare to the “Y” fare +
the respective fare taxes.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has a requirement of
weekend surcharge and the same
has not been collected will be
$25 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
Audit Time
have been collected when flights are
booked on weekend fares with
charged the difference in fare to the
“Y” fare+ the respective fare taxes.
Routing/Flight requirements
Any ticket which has no adhered to
the specific routing or flight
requirement as per the fare used will
be charged the difference in fare to
the “Y” fare+ the respective fare
$25 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Charged the difference in fare to the
next applicable fare + the respective
fare taxes as per itinerary and travel
$25 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has validity with
regards to the sale date (start &
termination) and the same have not
been adhered to will be charged the
difference in fare to the “Y” fare + the
respective fare taxes.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has open jaw
restriction and the same has not been
adhered to will be charged the
difference in fare to the “Y” fare + the
respective fare taxes.
$25 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Stopover checks & transfers
$25 CAD + GST
Checking for abuse of
stopover/transfer rules, where
stopovers/transfer are not permitted
or limited. Ensuring stopover/transfer
fees are paid where
stopovers/transfers are permitted at a
Any fare which has a restriction
on stopover/transfer and the
same has not been adhered to
will be charged the difference in
fare to the “Y” fare+ the
respective fare taxes.
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has a surcharge
on stopover/transfer and the
same has not been collected an
ADM will be raised for collection
of the surcharge.
Any fare which has seasonality
restriction and the same has not been
adhered to will be charged the
difference in fare to the “Y” fare+ the
respective fare taxes.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has restriction on
travel dates and the same has not
been adhered to will be charged the
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
Ensuring the contract permits the
routing and flights used on the ticket.
Missing Discount code on the
Ensuring that the correct discount is
mentioned on the ticket as per the
discount claimed.
travel date
Discounts should be applied as per
the corporate reference sheet. If any
other discounts are applicable then
the same will be mentioned in the
fares. Ticket will be mention some
reference code for corporate &
government official traveling.
Sale Validity
Ensuring tickets are issued with the
sale validity of the fare in respect to
both start and end dates.
Sector fare logic is applicable
Open Jaws
Ensuring that open jaw fares are
used only when and where allowed
and the fare calculation rule is
correctly applied.
Sector fare logic is applicable.
Season Checks
Ensuring correct seasonal fares are
collected wherever applicable.
Travel Restriction/Black out
Ensuring travel restriction is adhered
Audit Time
to according to the fare collected.
difference in fare to the “Y” fare + the
respective fare taxes.
Commission Check
Any ticket on which the agent has
over-claimed or under-claimed the
applicable commission amount an
ADM will be raised.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
An ADM will be raised for all undercollected and missing applicable
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Charged the difference in fare to the
“Y” fare+ the respective fare taxes for
non-adherence/missing information
on authority.
$25 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any fare which has a requirement of
day or specific time band and the
same has not been adhered to will be
charged the difference in fare to the
“Y” fare + the respective fare taxes. $50 CAD + GST 9 months
from final
travel date Charge
Audit Time
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
Ensuring correct commission levels
are applied to documents. Particularly
useful where a carrier has a different
commission level on particular routes,
for example, domestic or regional or
has differing commission structure at
country, city, and agent level.
Ensuring correct taxes have been
paid for the journey ticketed.
Waiver Codes
Ensuring correct waiver/authority
codes are endorsed on tickets, as per
the waiver /authority list received from
Day/Time requirements Checking to ensure that the
documents have been issued in
accordance to the Day and Time
requirements of the fare rule travel date
4.2 Refunds Audit
Refunds computation
Any fare which does not permit
refund and has been erroneously
claimed by agent – ADM will be
raised to recall this amount.
Full refund which has been
claimed on partly utilized ticket –
ADM will be raised to recall the
additional refund claimed over
the partly utilized ticket.
Duplicate refund – ADM will be
raised to recall the entire
refunded amount.
Any refund which has been
claimed against a reissued ticket
for which the original ticket has
been issued by a different carrier
– ADM will be raised to recall the
entire refunded amount.
Ensuring refund is made based on
applicable rules and regulation of the
fare collected on the ticket.
Cancellation fee
Ensuring that the correct cancellation
fee or percentage has been charged
to net and IATA fares.
Ensuring commission at the correct
rate is repaid on any refund, or
refundable portion, of a fare or on a
cancellation charge.
Tax refunds
Ensuring that only tax which is
refundable has been refunded, and
any tax applicable to a flown journey,
on a partially refunded document, is
not refunded.
Any fare which can be refunded with
a cancellation penalty and has not
been correctly included in this refund
calculation an ADM will be raised to
collect this amount.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
Any refunded ticket where
commission has not been calculated
as per the originally issued ticket an
ADM will be raised to recall the
additional commission claimed.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
Any refunded ticket where tax has
not been calculated as per the
traveled sector or non-refundable
taxes have been refunded an ADM
will be raised to recall the incorrect
tax claimed.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
Audit Time
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
Applicable change fee for re-issued
tickets if not collected an ADM will
be raised to collect this amount.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
Any exchanged ticket where
commission has not been calculated
as per the originally issued ticket an
ADM will be raised to recall the
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from date of
4.3 Exchange Audit
Fare recalculation
Fare will be re-calculated as per
the date of issue of the original
document in case of partial reissue.
Fare will be re-calculated as per
the date of issue of the
exchanged document in case of
full re-issue.
Tax will be re-calculated as per
the date of issue of the
exchanged document for the
untraveled portion in case of
partial re-issue.
Tax will be re-calculated as per
the date of issue of the
exchanged document in case of
full re-issue.
Ensuring the new fare has been
recalculated correctly.
Tax recalculation
Ensuring correct or additional tax has
been included on the reissued
Change fee
Ensuring that any change fees, both
on net documents and IATA fares
have been applied.
Ensuring commission at the correct
rate is applied to exchanged tickets.
additional commission claimed.
5.0 Credit Card Chargebacks
When a travel agent accepts a credit card as form of payment from a guest WestJet expects the following;
For Face-To-Face transactions
Collect an imprint of the card, front and back; ensure card number, cardholder name, expiry and
signature are clear and readable.
Collect contact information for the cardholder, phone numbers and billing address
Ensure the signature on the credit card matches the sales contract being signed when completing
the transaction
Retain all supporting documents about the sale
Non Face-To-Face
Validate the Card Verification Value (3 digits on the back of Visa and MasterCard and 4 digits on
the front of Amex cards)
Collect the Cardholder’s billing address
Collect the Cardholder’s contact phone numbers
Utilize address verification services where possible
Retain all supporting documentation about the sale
GDS issued ticket chargeback
Ensuring the credit card taken as
form of payment is valid.
TA Web issued ticket chargeback
Ensuring the credit card taken as
form of payment is valid.
WestJet Vacations issued ticket
Audit Time
Any ticket which a credit card is used
as the form of payment where the
guest or issuing party on behalf of
the guest informs they did not
authorize the purchase. An ADM will
be raised via BSP or ARC to collect
this amount; payment of ADM is
mandatory through BSP & ARC.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any ticket which a credit card is used
as the form of payment where the
guest or issuing party on behalf of
the guest informs they did not
authorize the purchase. An invoice
will be issued to collect this amount
payment by cheque is mandatory.
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
from final
travel date
Any ticket which a credit card is used
$50 CAD + GST
9 months
Ensuring the credit card taken as
form of payment is valid.
as the form of payment where the
guest or issuing party on behalf of
the guest informs they did not
authorize the purchase. An invoice
will be issued to collect this amount
payment by cheque is mandatory.
from final
travel date