Clearing of the several invoices and customer payment done

Clearing of the several invoices and customer
payment done by the business segment with
credit limit control
Small general description
In one of the biggest companies in the FMCG market in the branch office located in Russia
customers were buying different types of products from different business segments.
Business Partners eXcellence Sp. z o.o.
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 28/30, 53-333 Wrocław
ul. Równoległa 2, 02-235 Warszawa
(+48) 22 350 74 55
Case Study description
Payment that was done by chosen customer was not directly connected with the sales invoice but
amount that was paid by them was a total amount for the all invoices related to the chosen
business segment. Because number of the mentioned invoices was very large there was a problem
with matching (invoices with payments) – it was very time consuming and open for any user errors.
Additional requirement was to track consumption of the credit limit which was assigned to the
customers per business segment.
Solution to the problem
Because sales invoice could be posted only in the SAP FI but also thru the SAP SD module we
decided that the best approach will be to implement proper process covering both modules.
Base on the agreement with the business representative we decided that each business segment
will be reflected in SD module as separate sale area (sales organization, division, distribution
channel) and in the FI module as a Credit Control Area (CCA). Sales area and Credit Control Area
will be connected so each billing document that will be generated automatically will be connected
with the proper Credit Control Area. With this setting in the posted FI document for each sales
invoice we’ve had information about the credit control area – business segment (for documents
posted from SD populated automatically, for documents posted directly in FI default CCA was
populated with option to change it manually).
As a next step we’ve made proper modifications that were populating credit control area number in
the assignment field of the FI document (posted from both modules) and made proper set up in the
bank statement upload functionality which was populating CCA in the assignment field base on the
chosen information stored in that statement.
The benefit obtained
After implementation of the solution business get below main benefits:
1. Reduction of the time that was spent to match sales invoice with the payment.
2. Up to date information about consumption of the credit limit for chosen customer (no
unjustifiable customer block).
3. Possibly to have different credit limit for the chosen customer per business segment.
(+48) 22 350 74 55