Lawrence M. Hinman, curriculum vitae - Ethics Updates

Lawrence M. Hinman
curriculum vitae
Department of Philosophy
University of San Diego
5998 Alcalá Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Voice: (619) 260-4787
Fax: (619) 260-5950
Alternate Fax: (619) 260-4227
E-mail: hinman at sandiego dot edu
WWW Site:
Teaching Experience
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Visiting Asst. Prof.
University of San Diego
University of San Diego (Tenure 1980)
University of San Diego
Loyola Marymount University (L. A.)
Loyola University of Chicago
Administrative Experience
Director and Founder
Acting Chair
Director and Founder
Director and Founder
Co-director & Co-founder
Honors Program
Philosophy Department
Rank and Tenure Committee
Philosophy Department
Ethics across the Curriculum
The Values Institute
Center for Ethics in Science & Technology
Richard P. Geyser Ethics Award Finalist
May 2006
"Fifty People to Watch in San Diego"
Distinguished University Professorship
Lowell Davies Award for Faculty Excellence
Faculty Research Grants & Sabbaticals
NEH Summer Institute Fellowship
Kantian Moral Philosophy
NEH Summer Seminar Fellowship:
Phenomenology and the Life-World
ASLMU Outstanding Service Award
Best Teacher Award, Philosophy Department
Arthur J. Schmitt Dissertation Fellowship
Research and Teaching Assistantships
Illinois State Scholarships
San Diego Human Dignity
San Diego Magazine
University of San Diego
University of San Diego
University of San Diego
Johns Hopkins University
Yale University
1966-69, 1972-73
Loyola Marymount Univ.
Loyola Marymount Univ.
Loyola University/Chicago
Loyola University/Chicago
Loyola University/Chicago
B. S., Hum. (Phil)
M.A. (Philosophy)
Loyola University of Chicago
Loyola University of Chicago
Hinman: Curriculum vitae
Dissertation Research
M.A. ( Marriage, Family & Child Counseling)
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University of Bonn, Germany
Loyola University of Chicago
University of San Diego
Thesis and Dissertation
M.A.: The Atheism of Jean-Paul Sartre (James J. Dagenais, Director)
Ph.D.: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Play (Hans Seigfried, Director)
a. Books, monographs, edited volumes
Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory. Fourth Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,
Contemporary Moral Issues: Diversity and Consensus. Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 2005. Fourth edition in preparation.
Lawrence M, Hinman, principal editor of the Proceedings for CEPE2007: Computer Ethics,
Philosophical Ethics, published by the University of Twente, 2007.
Michael W. Kalichman, Lawrence M. Hinman, Evan Y. Snyder, guest editors, Stem Cell
Reviews, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2005). Special Issue: Alternative Sources of Human Pluripotent Stem
Cell Lines.
Instructor’s Manual for "Contemporary Moral Issues." Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
b. Web Sites
Editor and principal contributor to Ethics Updates, a World Wide Web site devoted to recent
developments in both applied ethics and ethical theory. This site now averages over 5,000
visits per day during the academic year. Address:
Founder and editor of Ethics Videos, a World Wide Web site devoted to streaming video of
ethics-related lectures, discussions, and interviews.
Current course web sites:
o Phil. 120: Ethical Theory
o Phil. 321: Social Ethics
o Phil. 334: Ethics at the Frontiers of Science
o Phil. 334: Existential Ethics
c. Articles
“Euthanasia: An Introduction to the Moral Issues,” Why We Kill: Understanding Violence
across Cultures and Disciplines,” edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna R.
Adler (London: Middlesex University Press, 2009), pp. 97-122.
“Abortion: Understanding the Moral Issues,” Why We Kill: Understanding Violence across
Cultures and Disciplines,” edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna R. Adler
(London: Middlesex University Press, 2009), pp. 83-96.
“The Role of Imagination in the Moral Life,” Australian Journal of Professional and Applied
Ethics (vol. 9, number 2, Sept., 2007).
“Searching Ethics: The Role of Search Engines in the Construction and Distribution of
Knowledge,” Web Search: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Michael Zimmer and
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Amanda Spink (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 67-76. Digital Formations series, edited by Steve
“Kantian Robotics. Building a Robot to Understand Kant’s Transcendental Turn” Computing
and Philosophy in Asia, edited by Soraj Hongladarom (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2007), 135-142.
“Searching the Semantic Web,” a short version of this paper was published in Glocalisation:
Bridging the Global Nature of Information and Communication Technology and the Local
Nature of Human Beings Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference (Global e-SCM
Research Center, Meiji University, 2007).
Michael W. Kalichman and Lawrence M. Hinman, “Consensus and the Search for Pluripotent
Stem Cells,” Stem Cell Reviews, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2005).
Michael W. Kalichman, Lawrence M. Hinman, Evan Y. Snyder, “Introduction” to special Issue:
Alternative Sources of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines. Stem Cell Reviews, Vol. 1, No. 4
Evan Y. Snyder, Lawrence M. Hinman, Michael W. Kalichman, "Can science resolve the ethical
impasse in stem cell research?" Nature Biotechnology, Volume 24, Number 4 (April 2006), pp.
"Esse est indicato in Google: Ethical and Political Issues in Search Engines," IRIE,
International Review of Information Ethics, Vol. 3 (6/2005), 19-25
"Teaching with a Screen," Teaching Philosophy: Theoretical Reflections and Practical
Suggestions, edited by Tziporah Kasachkoff (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, forthcoming.
Also in APA Newletters, Vol. 02, No. 2 (Spring 2003), pp. 225-229.
"Virtual Virtues," The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives, edited by Robert Cavalier
(Albany: SUNY Press, 2005).
o Reprinted in Chris Anderson and Lex Runciman, OPEN QUESTIONS: Readings for
Critical Thinking and Writing (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2005)
“Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web,” Computers and Society, Vol. 31, No. 1 (March
2002), pp. 33-42.
"The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives in Academia," Ethics and Information
Technology, Volume 4 no. 1 (February 2002), pp. 31-35.
"Learning to Be Wise." The Science of Wisdom and the Laws of Life, edited by Warren S.
Brown (Philadelphia and London: Templeton University Press, 2000), pp 413-24.
"Als Rentner Eltern werden?" Novo: Politik Gesellschaft Wissenschaft, Nr. 49 (11/12, 2000),
pp. 20-23.
"Streaming Video: Adding Real Multimedia to the Web," Syllabus Magazine, Volume 12, No. 5
(January, 1999).
"Escaping from Flatland: From Paper to Multimedia Authoring." Syllabus Magazine Vol. 13,
No. 3 (October, 1999).
"Stunning Morality: The Ethical Dimensions of Stun Belts." Criminal Justice Ethics, Vol. `7,
No. 1 (Winter/Spring, 1998).
"Using Computing Technology for Professional Cooperation: An APA Report," The Digital
Phoenix, edited by Terrell Ward Bynum and James H. Moor (Blackwell, 1998), pp. 397-405.
Italian translation: La Fenice digitale, edited by Terrell Bynum and James H. Moor.
"Ethics Resources on the World Wide Web," The Digital Phoenix, edited by Terrell Ward
Bynum and James H. Moor (Blackwell, 1998), pp. 359-78. Italian translation: La Fenice digitale,
edited by Terrell Bynum and James H. Moor.
"Using Computers in the Classroom," USD Access, Spring, 1998.
"The Virtual Seminar Room: Using the World Wide Web to Teach Ethics." Teaching
Philosophy, Vol. 19, #4 (December, 1996), pp. 319-329.
"Are Appeals to the Emotions Necessarily Fallacious?" Inquiry, Vol. XV, No. 1 (Autumn, 1995),
p. 53-62.
"The State of Contemporary Moral Theory" Reader’s Guide to "Warsaw, 1939." Chariot
Software Group (San Diego, 1990).
"Why Study the Holocaust?" Reader’s Guide to "Warsaw, 1939." Chariot Software Group (San
Diego, 1990).
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"The Role of Emotions in Moral Education," Moral Dilemmas: Philosophical and Psychological
Reconsiderations of the Development of Moral Reasoning, C. G. Harding, ed. (Chicago, 1985),
"The Case for ad hominem Arguments." The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 60, No. 4
(December, 1982), pp. 338-45.
"Mittelman on Perspectivism, Becoming, and Truth in Nietzsche," International Studies in
Philosophy, Vol. XVI, No. 2 (1984), 23-26.
"‘Is’ Presupposes ‘Ought.’ A Note on Searle’s Derivation of ‘Ought’ from ‘Is’." Philosophical
Studies [Dublin], Vol. 30 (1984), 121-26.
"On the Purity of Our Moral Motives: A Critique of Kant’s Account of the Emotions and Acting
for the Sake of Duty." The Monist, Vol. 66, No. 2 (April, 1983), 251-67.
"Teaching Epistemology: Reflections on the Relevance of Theories of Knowledge." Teaching
Philosophy, Vol. V, No. 4 (October, 1982), pp. 287-99.
"The Ambiguity and Limits of a Sociobiological Ethic." International Philosophical Quarterly,
Vol. XXIII, No. 1 (March, 1983), 77-89.
"Can a Form of Life Be Wrong?" Philosophy, Vol. 58, No. 225 (July, 1983), 339-52.
"Nietzsche, Metaphor, and Truth." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XLIII, No.
2 (December, 1982), 179-99.
"Descartes’ Children: The Skeptical Legacy of Cartesianism." The New Scholasticism, Vol.
LVI, No. 3 (Summer, 1982), 355-70.
"Temporality and Self-Affirmation: A Kierkegaardian Critique of Nietzsche’s Doctrine of the
Eternal Recurrence of the Same." Kierkegaardiana, Vol. XI (1980), 93-119.
"Philosophy and Style," The Monist, Vol. 63, No. 4 (October, 1980), pp. 512-29.
"Quid facti or quid juris? The Fundamental Ambiguity of Gadamer’s Understanding of
Hermeneutics," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. XL, No. 4 (June, 1980), 51235.
"How Not to Naturalize Ethics: A Critique of Max Hocutt’s Proposed Naturalistic Semantics for
Ethics," Ethics, Vol. 89, No. 3 (April, 1979), 292-97.
"Can Skinner Tell a Lie? Notes on the Epistemological Nihilism of B. F. Skinner." The
Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XVII, No. 1 (Spring, 1979), 47-60.
"Heidegger, Edwards, and Being-toward-Death." The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Vol.
XVI, No. 3 (Fall, 1978), 193-212.
"Marx’s Theory of Play, Leisure, and Unalienated Praxis." Philosophy and Social Criticism
[formerly Cultural Hermeneutics], Vol. V, No. 2 (July, 1978), 192-228.
"On the Limits of the Quest for Relevance." Philosophical Research and Analysis, Vol. VII, No.
3 (Summer, 1978), 10-12.
"The Starting Point of Philosophical Reflection: Nihilism or Alienation?" Philosophy Today,
Vol. 21, No. 1/4 (Spring, 1977), 90-100.
"On Work and Play: Overcoming a Dichotomy." Man and World, Vol. VIII, No. 3 (August, 1975),
"On the Possibility of Doing Philosophy in the Classroom." Metaphilosophy, Vol. 6, Nos. 3-4
(July/October, 1975), 347-56.
"Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Play." Philosophy Today, Vol. 18, No. 2/4 (Summer, 1974), 106-24.
d. Book Reviews and other short pieces
Review of Distributive Justice website, Teaching Philosophy, Vol. 27: 3 (September 2004), pp.
Ruth Grant, Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau and the Ethics of Politics, in
Ethics, Vol. 111, No. 1 (October, 2000), p. 204.
"Web Capabilities of Office 2000." APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing
"Review of Dreamweaver Attain." APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing (1999)
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"From the Blackboard to the Screen: Reflections on Using a Computer in the Classroom."
APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing, Volume 98, Number 1 (Fall, 1998)
"Using Audio and Video in World Wide Web Ethics Conferences and Lectures" APA
Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing, Volume 98, Number 1 (Fall, 1998)
"Globalink PowerTranslation Program," APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computing
Volume 97, Number 2 (Spring, 1998)
Review of Webcrossing. Volume 97, Number 1 (Fall 1997) of the APA Newsletters
Neal O. Weiner, The Harmony of the Soul in Ethics (Ethics)
John Kekes, The Morality of Pluralism, in International Studies in Philosophy. (Forthcoming)
David Carr, Educating the Virtues, in International Studies in Philosophy. (forthcoming)
Justin Oakley, Morality and the Emotions, in International Studies in Philosophy.
John Beebe, Integrity in Depth, in Ethics ().
Jerry H. Gill, Wittgenstein and Metaphor. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XLV, 3
(March, 1985), 282-83.
David Couzens Hoy, The Critical Circle. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XLI, 3
(March, 1985), 281-82.
Zygmunt Bauman, Hermeneutics and Social Science. Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, XLIV, 2 (December, 1983).
Berel Lang, ed., Philosophical Style, in Teaching Philosophy [forthcoming].
Robert O. Johann, ed., Freedom and Value. (with John Donnelly) in The Heythrop Journal, XIX,
1 (January, 1978), 90-95.
John A. Williams, Heidegger’s ‘Philosophy of Religion’, in International Philosophical
Quarterly, XVIII, 4 (December, 1978), 490-92.
George Stack, Kierkegaard’s Existentialist Ethic. (with John Donnelly) in The Heythrop
Journal, XIX, 3 (July, 1978), 327-31.
Arthur Danto, Jean-Paul Sartre. (with John Donnelly) in Journal of the History of Philosophy,
XVI, 4 (October, 1978), 492-94.
e. Encyclopedia articles
"John Rawls," Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, CD-ROM (Microsoft Press, 1998).
"Richard Rorty," Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, CD-ROM (Microsoft Press, 1998).
f. Op-ed articles
Michael Kalichman and Lawrence M. Hinman. "Words that divide. Stem cell debate is semantic
minefield." San Diego Union-Tribune. May 24, 2006.
"Ethics Is Worth a Million Bucks," Voice of San, Friday, April 21, 2006.
"Why Google matters." San Diego Union-Tribune, March 16, 2006
"Hurricane Katrina: A 'Natural' Disaster?" San Diego Union-Tribune, Sept 8, 2005. pg. B.
"We must help good candidates rise to the top: Trust and Government," San Diego UnionTribune, July 24, 2005.
“Evaluating acts of elected officials," San Diego Union-Tribune, June 20, 2005.
"Pushing Negativity in the Mayoral Election," Voice of San Diego, June 15, 2005.
Lawrence M. Hinman and Michael Kalichman, "The Schiavo Case: What Can We Learn?" Voice
of San Diego, April 25, 2005.
Michael Kalichman and Lawrence M. Hinman, "The Schiavo Case: Ethics and the End of Life,"
North County Times, March 26 2005.
Michael Kalichman and Lawrence M. Hinman, "Moral Questions about stem cell research,"
San Diego Union-Tribune, January 6, 2005, B9. Reprinted in California Journal of Science
Education, Vol. IX, No. 2 (Spring, 2009), 89-92.
"Giving Thanks." San Diego Union-Tribune, November 28, 2004. Insight section, p. 1.
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"The Right Fright." The Baltimore Sun, October 22, 2004, Op-ed.
"How to Fight College Cheating." Washington Post, September 3, 2004. A19.
o Reprinted variously, including in The Dallas Morning News, September 8, Viewpoints;
Burlington (Vermont) Free Press, September 9, 2004, Opinion, p. 10; Austin American
Statesman, September 7, 2004, Opinion; The Kantipur Post, September 8, 2004,
Expression; Tallahassee Democrat, September 8, 2004.
"Rover Is Not Replaceable--Forget Cloning." Los Angeles Times, August 28, 2004, Op-ed page.
o Reprinted variously, including in the Concord Monitor [New Hampshire], September 4,
2004, Opinion; the Minneanopolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, September 4; the Deseret
News, September 5, 2004, Opinion;
"The Problem with 'good vs. evil' Perspective," Baltimore Sun, June 6, 2004, Editorial p. 5C.
"Do Hussein photos serve to inform or inflame?," San Diego Union-Tribune, July 25, 2003, B8.
"A Moral Challenge: Business Ethics after Enron." San Diego Union-Tribune; Mar 31, 2002; pg.
"Terrorism and the Rhetoric of Evil," San Diego Union-Tribune, November 28, 2001, p. B-7. Oped.
"Don't Market Kids' Rx Drugs to Parents," Los Angeles Times, November 18, 2001.
"A Vision for Creating Lasting Peace, Justice." San Diego Union-Tribune, October 12, 2001,
"Download Your Workload, Offload Your Integrity," Los Angeles Times November 15, 1999,
Monday, Metro; Part B; Page 7; Op Ed Desk.
"Changing the Terms of the On-going Moral Debate," San Diego Union-Tribune, January 28,
"Stun Devices Are Open to Abuse," Los Angeles Times, August 10, 1998.
"Cultivating Integrity to Combat Plagiarism," San Diego Union-Tribune, October 2, 1997.
"What Really Counts in Parenthood?" San Diego Union-Tribune, April 30, 1997.
o Reprinted in Biomedical Ethics: Opposing Viewpoints (Greenhaven Press, 1998).
Papers, Commentaries, etc. Presented at Conventions
“Companion Robots: Some Ethical Questions to Consider.” ICRA2009, The 2009 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 17, 2009. Kobe, Japan.
“Implementing Ethics across the Engineering Curriculum” at the First International
Engineering Ethics across the Curriculum (EAC) Conference at the Tokyo Toranomon Campus
of KIT University on March 11, 2009.
“Searching the Semantic Web,” Ethicomp 2007, at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, on March
28, 2007.
“Computing Research and Ethical Theory,” at the Federated Computing Research Conference
(Town & Country Hotel, San Diego) on June 12, 2007.
“Values and Ethics across the Curriculum: Three Current Perspectives.” University of South
Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus. June 7, 2006.
“Academic integrity: some ethical considerations.” Seminar hosted by Hawke Research
Institute for Sustainable Societies. June 8, 2006.
“Why Google matters: implications for privacy and markets.” Seminar in School of
Commerce, University of South Australia, Visiting Scholar series. June 8, 2006.
“Lessons from the Terri Schiavo case.” Jointly hosted with Ethics Centre of South Australia
which is a joint activity of the three Adelaide universities and the SA state government, and
the ecumenical St Paul’s Centre. June 9, 2006.
“Moral Imagination.” Keynote Address, Australian Association of Professional and Applied
Ethics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. June 13, 2006.
“Ethical Issues in Search Engine Technology.” Australian Association of Professional and
Applied Ethics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. June 14, 2006.
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"Kantian Robotics: Building a Robot to Understand Kant's Transcendental Turn," The Second
Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference, AP- CAP 2005 January 7 - 9, 2005,
Novotel Hotel, Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand.
"Ethical Decision Making: What you need to know and why,” with Michael Kalichman. San
Diego Stem Cell Consortium Meeting, The Burnham Institute, December 8, 2004
"The Development of Ethics Software." Douglas Englebart Keynote Address. Computing and
Philosophy Conference (CAP@CMU), Carnegie-Mellon University. August 5. 2004.
"Character and Courage," NROTC Battalion, University of San Diego/San Diego State
University. March 2, 2004
"Ethics across the Curriculum Programs," American Philosophical Association, Pacific
Division, March 27, 2004
"I, Immanuel. Building a Robot to Understand Kant's First Critique" American Philosophical
Association, Pacific Division, March 27, 2004.
"Against Egoism: Overcoming the Egoism-Altruism Dichotomy", APPE, February 27, 2004.
"Identifying Funding Sources for Ethics Centers," APPE Colloquium on Ethics Centers, Feb.
26, 2004.
"Ethics in Education," Center for Learning and Technology, University of San Diego. February
12, 2004.
Plenary Panel Presentation, "Academic Integrity is for Everyone," 2003 Meeting of the Center
for Academic Integrity, October 18, 2003.
"Overcoming the Dichotomy between Egoism and Altruism." Mesa College. October 10, 2003.
"The Possibility of Reconciliation: Sayyid Qutb's Critique of the West", War and
Reconciliation: Perspectives of the World Religions, at Clare Hall, Cambridge University,
England on May 28, 2003.
"Quincy Troupe, Academic Integrity, and UCSD: What Have We Learned?" UCSD Biomedical
Ethics Series, May 21, 2003
" Internet Plagiarism and What to Do About It," American
Philosophical Association, session arranged by the American Association of Philosophy
Teachers, Central Division Meeting, Cincinnati, April 24, 2003
Commentator on James Kellenberger, "War, Justice, and Religion," Conference on War and
Reconciliation: Perspectives of the World Religions, Chapman University, April 1, 2003.
Co-organizer and Chair, "Service Learning and Ethics," Committee on Teaching and
Philosophy, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, March 27, 2003.
"Extending Ethics across the Curriculum to the Middle School and High School Levels,"
APPE, 3-1-03
"Programming Excellence: Ethics across the Curriculum." APPE Ethics Centers Colloquium,
APPE, 2-27-03
"Educating for Trust," Keynote Address. Character Education Academy. Best Practices in
Character Education: Curriculum & Teaching. June 25, 2002.
"Terrorism and Retaliation: Moral Philosophers Reflect on Current Events," North American
Society for Social Philosophy, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting,
March 28, 2002.
"Presentation of Results of Workshop on Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web," 11th
Annual Conference of the Center for Academic Integrity. Texas A & M University. October 21,
"The Impact of the Web on the Traditional Classroom," 11th Annual Conference of the Center
for Academic Integrity. Texas A & M University. October 20, 2001.
"Streaming Ethics Video." CAP@CMU 2001: Computing and Philosophy 10th Annual Meeting.
Carnegie-Mellon University. August 11, 2001.
"Living Together: The Academic Virtues" Keynote Address. Character Education Academy.
Best Practices in Character Education: Curriculum & Teaching. June 27, 2001.
"A Global Perspective on Virtue Ethics." American Philosophical Association, Pacific
Division, March 31, 2001.
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"Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web," American Philosophical Association, Pacific
Division, March 30, 2001.
"Ethics Videos on the Web." Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, March 3, 2001.
"Professional Ethics and Distance Learning" Association for Practical and Professional
Ethics, March 3, 2001.
"The APA Teaching Philosophy Web Site and Ethics Updates." Southern California
Philosophy Conference, California State University at Long Beach, October 21, 2000.
"Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web," CEPE 2000: Computer Ethics, Philosophical
Enquiry, Dartmouth College, July 14, 2000
"Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web," Association for Practical and Professional
Ethics, February 25, 2000.
Commentator, "Ethics in the University." Association for Practical and Professional Ethics,
February 26, 2000.
"Virtual Virtues: Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web." Center for Academic Integrity
9th Annual Conference. Duke University. October 16, 1999.
"Finding Your Niche: A Guide for Developing Ethics across the Curriculum Programs."
Philosophical Issues in Ethics across the Curriculum. Rochester Institute of Technology,
October 14, 1999.
"Escaping from Flatland: How the Web and CD-ROM's Transform Authoring." CAP99:
Computing and Philosophy Conference. Carnegie-Mellon University, August 5, 1999.
"Why Character Counts," Educating Hearts and Minds. University of San Diego. June 28,
"Starting an Ethics across the Curriculum Program," American Philosophical Association,
Central Division Meeting, May 8, 1999.
"Ethical Pluralism as a Framework for Understanding Moral Disagreement," Conference on
Moral Education in a Diverse Society, Kenan Ethics Center, Duke University, April, 1999.
"Ethics across the Curriculum: The Seattle Prep Experience" Co-presenter: Sandra Foy.
National Catholic Education Association, New Orleans, April, 1999.
"Are Some Parents Too Old?" Conference on the Ethics of Parenting. Pace University.
February 25, 1999.
Commentator, "The Science of Wisdom," Fuller Theological Seminary, October 6, 1998.
"Is the NCAA Firing Blanks?" The Summit: The International Conference on Ethics in Sports.
The Ethics Center, University of South Florida (May 21, 1998. Orlando, Florida)
"Is There a Game We Don’t See?" The Summit: The International Conference on Ethics in
Sports. The Ethics Center, University of South Florida (May 21, 1998. Orlando, Florida)
"Using Video in Teaching Ethics," Committee on Philosophy and Computing, American
Philosophical Association, Central Division (May, 1998)
"Ethics across the Curriculum," Association of Practical and Professional Ethics (February 28March 1, 1998, Dallas)
"Extending Ethics across the College Curriculum," Moral Education in a Diverse Society,
Kenan Ethics Center, Duke University (February, 1998)
"Using Multimedia Resources in Teaching Ethics," Southern California Philosophy
Conference, University of California at Irvine. (October, 1997)
"Using Computing Technology for Professional Cooperation," Conference on Philosophy and
Computing (CAP), Carnegie Mellon University (August 8, 1997)
"Breakfast with an Author," Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE). Winter,
"Using the World Wide Web in the Classroom." Chapman University (January 30, 1997)
"Teaching Ethics Using the Web," Computing and Philosophy Conference, Carnegie-Mellon
University (August 10, 1996)
"Teaching with Technology in Philosophy," Southern California Philosophy Conference
(October 26, 1996).
"Resources in Ethics on the Internet." American Philosophical Association, Central Division
(April, 1996).
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"Reproductive Choices: Are Some Parents Too Old?" American Philosophical Association,
Pacific Division (April, 1996)
"Publishing on the World Wide Web." American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division
(April, 1996)
"Narrative, Argument and Rhetoric in Ethics." Northwestern University (May, 1989)
"The Role of Argument in the Moral Life." Orange County Moral and Political Philosophy
Society (October 22, 1988)
"Is Virtue Boring?" American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting (April, 1987)
"Gossip." American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting (March, 1987)
"The Role of Argument in the Moral Life." American Philosophical Association, Eastern
Division Meeting (December, 1986)
"Emotion, Morality, and Understanding." American Philosophical Association, Central
Division Meeting (May, 1986)
"False Feelings: Epistemic Criteria for Assessing and Educating the Emotions." American
Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting (March, 1985)
"Hermeneutics and Morality." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
(October, 1985)
"The State of Moral Theory Today." Conference on the Spiritual Situation of the Age.
University of San Diego (June, 1985).
"Metaphors of Truth." American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting
(December, 1984).
"Are Appeals to the Emotions Necessarily Fallacious?" Association for Informal Logic and
Critical Thinking. American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (December, 1984)
Commentator on Robert Hollinger, "Hermeneutics and Practical Reason." American
Philosophical Association, Pacific Division (March, 1984)
"Heidegger and the Cognitive Dimension of the Emotions." California State University at
Northridge (February, 1984)
"Kant’s Copernican Revolution." Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia. (January 19, 1984)
"Heidegger and the Emotions." Philosophy Department, Georgia State University, Atlanta,
Georgia (January 18, 1984)
"Symposium: Gleichnis in Nietzsche." North American Nietzsche Society, American
Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (December, 1983)
"Kant, Morality, and the Emotions." Institute on Kantian Ethical Thought, Johns Hopkins
University (July 27, 1983)
"Symposium: Being and Play." Seventeenth Annual Heidegger Conference. (May 13, 1983;
University of New Hampshire)
"Transcendental Feelings." American Philosophical Association, Western Division (March,
"Nietzsche, Metaphor and Truth," North American Nietzsche Society, American Philosophical
Association, Eastern Division (December, 1982)
"Heidegger, Emotions, and Truth," American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division
(December, 1982)
"Befindlichkeit and Truth," Sixteenth Annual Heidegger Conference (May 22, 1982; Chicago,
Commentator on Willard Mittelman, "Perspectivism, Becoming, and Truth in Nietzsche," North
American Nietzsche Society, American Philosophical Association, Western Division (April,
"The Case for ad hominem Arguments." American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division
(March, 1982)
"Philosophy and Style." Philosophy Department Colloquium, University of California at San
Diego (February 29, 1980)
Commentator on Allen Buchanan, "Exploitation, Alienation and Injustice," American
Philosophical Association, Pacific Division (March, 1979)
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"Quid facti or quid juris? The Fundamental Ambiguity of Gadamer’s Understanding of
Hermeneutics." Loyola University of Chicago (August 8, 1977)
"On the Limits of the Quest for Relevance." American Philosophical Association, Pacific
Division (March, 1975)
Presentation on “Ethics during Crises” as part of “Leading in a Crisis,” Rady School of
Management, UC San Diego, November 14, 2008.
Presentation on “Moral Leadership” for the Navy Corporate Business Course, Rady School of
Management, April 12, 2006.
Workshop for faculty at Francis Parker School, San Diego, on “Moral Imagination” August 30,
Workshop presentation, "Academic Integrity: Some Ethical Considerations." Faculty
Development Workshop on Academic Integrity, University of San Diego, January 26, 2005.
Workshop for North Seattle Deanery (Catholic elementary school principals): "Principals and
Principles" 1/22/04
Presentation: Parent Meeting, Assumption-St. Bridget School, Seattle, "Moral Imagination and
Leadership" 1/22/04
Workshop for Reno & Las Vegas dioceses 2/5/04-2/6/04
Follow-up workshop: "Implementing Ethics across the Curriculum," for participants in San
Diego EAC summer workshop. Seattle, 1/23/04
"Ethical Theories and Their Applicability to Bioethics," Kaiser Ethics Committee Retreat, San
Diego, April 23, 2003
A one-day workshop (with Sandra Foy) on Ethics across the Curriculum for Middle and High
School Administrators and Teachers, School of the Assumption, Seattle, May 3, 2003
A five-day workshop (with Sandra Foy, Seattle Prep) on Ethics across the Curriculum for
Middle and high School Administrators and Teachers, University of San Diego, June 17-21,
"Ethics across the Curriculum for Middle and High School Teachers," Workshop for
Superintendents and Principals, Dioceses of Reno and Las Vegas, on Ethics across the
Middle and High School Curriculum Sept. 4-5, 2003.
"Ethics across the Curriculum: Challenges and Possibilities." Augustana College. Rock
Island, Illinois. June 11, 2001.
"A Trainer’s Guide to Ethical Dilemmas in the Classroom." MIDP Update Conference '01. San
Diego Regional Training Center. June 25, 2001.
"Academic Integrity: Pros and Cons of Technology." Character Education Academy. Best
Practices in Character Education: Curriculum & Teaching. June 26, 2001.
"Ethics across the Curriculum: A Workshop for High School Teachers." (with Sandra Foy).
University of San Diego, June 18-20, 2000.
"Ethics across the Curriculum: A Workshop for High School Teachers." (with Sandra Foy).
University of San Diego, June 14-15, 1999.
"Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web." 10th Annual Meeting of the Center for
Academic Integrity. Colorado Springs, Colorado. November 3, 2000" Integrating Ethics into the
High School Curriculum," Seattle Preparatory High School (Seattle, Washington, February,
"Fundamental Principles of Academic Integrity." Center for Academic Integrity Invited
Conference. (April 17-18, 1998, San Diego, CA)
"Visualizing Knowledge: Integrating Computing into Education," and "Using Video on the
World Wide Web," Belmont University, Nashville, Tennessee, October 9, 1998
Public Lectures, etc.
Hinman: Curriculum vitae
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“Ethics @ the Frontiers of Science,” Keynote Address, Summer Research Program, University of San
Diego. June 22, 2009.
“Ethics and Science” (with Mike Kalichman), ARCS Annual General Membership Meeting &
Luncheon, Fairbanks Ranch Country Club, June 10, 2009.
“Our Robots, Our Selves,” as part of the “Exploring Ethics” series at the Fleet Science Center, March 4 ,
2009, San Diego.
“Ethical Issues at the End of Life.” Pacific Azusa University, January 28, 2008.
“Moral Imagination in Business,” Catholic Business Association, St. Rose of Lima, May 31, 2006.
“Ethics across the Curriculum,” San Diego Independent School Heads, IPJ, March 17, 2006.
“Ethical Considerations about Privacy and Search Engines,” part of “Surfing the Web: Who’s Watching?
Who’s Censoring?” Sponsored by the Center for Ethics in Science & Technology, produced by KPBS.
University of San Diego, March 20, 2006.
"Moral Imagination: What it is and why you need it in business, law, and life." USD Academy for
Financial and Estate Planning, Office of Planned Giving, November 9, 2005
“Ethical Considerations about Privacy and Search Engines,” part of “Surfing the Web: Who’s
Watching?” The Neuroscience Institute, November 2, 2005.
“Ethical Considerations about the Terri Schiavo Case,” part of “Terri Schiavo: Medical, legal and ethical
perspectives.” Neurosciences Institute, April 26, 2005.
“Ethics on the Cutting Edge of Science,” Downtown Rotary November, 2005, with Michael Kalichman.
“Ethics on the Cutting Edge of Science,” Downtown Breakfast Rotary, September 29, 2005, with Michael
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus León, October 14-15, 2004:
o “The Role of Parents in the Ethical Education of Children”
o “The Role of Teachers in the Ethical Education of Children”
o “The Advantages of Being Ethical”
o “Implementing Ethics across the Curriculum”
"Smallpox Vaccination: Ethics and Science in the Era of Bio-Terrorism," Scripps Research
Institute, May 13, 2003
Keynote Address, "Ethics after Enron," San Diego Society for Human Resource Management
Meeting, September 17, 2003.
"Justice and the Belmont Report," Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, November 12, 2002.
"Visions of Peace." University of the Third Age. January 8, 2002.
"Ethical Issues in the Death Penalty." San Diego County Association of Criminal Trial
Lawyers. U. S. Grant Hotel, September 12, 2001.
Discussant for panel on "Information Revolution and Global Politics." International Studies
Association Annual Meeting. Hong Kong. July 28, 2001.
"Ethical Perspectives on Crisis Management in Product Recalls." Chinese University of Hong
Kong. July 27, 2001.
"Academic Integrity and the World Wide Web: An International Perspective." Chinese
University of Hong Kong. July 27, 2001.
"Two Concepts of Integrity," Berkeley-Stanford NROTC, April 6, 2001.
"Ethics Matters: Ethics Education at the University of San Diego." St. Thomas More Society.
Westgate Hotel, October 6, 2000.
"Ethical Issues in End-of-Life Decisions: A Guide to Understanding Differences." Sharp ReesStealy Medical Group 3rd Annual CME Weekend Retreat, September 10, 2000.
"Combat Ethics: Saving Private Ryan." Berkeley-Stanford NROTC, April 6, 2000
"Character: What Aristotle Would Say to a DI." Marine Corps Recruit Depot, March 8, 2000
"Academic Ethics and Civility." Keynote address, Grossmont College Faculty Development
Week. January 18, 2000.
"What Makes a Good Cop? What Aristotle Would Say if He Were an FTO." Escondido Police
Department, November 3, 1999
"Ethics, Character, and the Military Officer," NROTC, USD, April 27, 1999
"Character and the Littleton Experience," Excelsior Academy, San Diego, April 1999
"Character and the Marine Corps," Marine Corps Recruit Depot, September 23, 1998
"WIC, Integrity, and You," WIC, Seattle, September 15, 1998
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"Integrity and Our Children," Solana Beach PTA (Solana Beach, CA, March 11, 1998)
"Integrity," Keynote Address, National Conference on EBT and Program Integrity, National
Association of WIC Directors. (December 8, 1997, Kona Kai Hotel, San Diego)
Courses Taught
Introductory Level Courses: Introduction to Logic; Introduction to Philosophy; Critical
Thinking; Philosophy of Human Nature
Upper Division Courses: Epistemology; History of Modern Philosophy; Advanced Studies in
Modern Philosophy; Philosophy of Social Sciences; Kant and Heidegger (team-taught);
Philosophy of God (team-taught); Phenomenology and Existentialism; History of
Contemporary Philosophy; Contemporary Theories of Human Nature; Ethics; Virtues and
Vices; Ethical Theory; Social Ethics
Special Topics Courses: Marx; Theories of Alienation; Theories of Work and Play; Marx and
Nietzsche; Objectivity; Theories of Emotions; Love and Friendship; Forgiveness; Gender and
Ethics; Moral Pluralism
Interdisciplinary Team-Taught Courses: Philosophical Problems in Psychology (Psychology);
Values and the Behavioral Sciences (Psychology); Ethics and Education (School of
Education); Philosophy and Literary Theory (English); The Possibility of Religious Knowledge
(Religious Studies); Sexism and Feminism (Sociology); Ethics and Literature (Literature);
Contemporary Moral Problems (Sociology); Theories of Emotions (Psychology); The Limits of
Expression: The Holocaust (History, Literature, Religious Studies, and Communications);
Narrative and Virtue (Literature); Gender Differences (Literature, Sociology, Communications);
Comparative Ethics: Native American and Western Traditions (Religious Studies); The Moral
of the Story: Ethics and Literature (English); A World at Risk (Sociology); Computer Ethics
(Computer Science).
Selected University Activities
Member, Co-founder
Untenured Philosophy Dept. Faculty
Rank and Tenure Committee
Dean’s Search Committee
ad hoc Committee on Rank and Tenure Policy
Professional Opportunities Committee
WASC Steering Committee
Peace and Justice Center Committee
Academic Integrity Steering Committee
Academic Computing Advisory Committee
CIO Search Committee
1981-83, 84-88
Fall 2005
Conference Organizing
Primary organizer of a major Conference on the Virtues, held at the University of San Diego in
February, 1986. Participants included Robert M. Adams, Marcia Baron, Fred Berger, Larry
Blum, Cora Diamond, Philippa Foot, Philip Hallie, Jean Hampton, Thomas Hill, Ronald Milo,
Frederick Olafson, D. Z. Phillips, Michael Slote, Robert Solomon, Richard Taylor, Bernard
Williams, and Thomas Wren.
Primary organizer of a major Conference on the Theory and Practice of Teaching Ethics held
at the University of San Diego in February, 1987. Conference participants included Harry Brod,
Michelle Dumont, John Fielder, Jonathan Jacobs, Burton Leiser, Kai Nielsen, Richard Purtill,
Tom Regan, Gerry Santos, Nancy Sherman, Stephen Toulmin, John Waide, Virginia Warren,
Elizabeth Wohlgast, and Thomas Wren.
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Co-organizer of a Symposium on Ethics and Public Leadership. Lyceum Theatre on June 6,
1988. Participants included former Councilwoman Celia Ballesteros, former Congressman
Clair Burgener, Professor Bob Fellmeth, PBS correspondent Gloria Penner, San Diego Tribune
Editor Barbara Herrera, and campaign consultant Jim Johnston. Funded by the University of
San Diego and AT&T.
Principal Organizer, Campion-Weber Ethics Lectures
o 1993: Rita Manning, "Gender and Moral Agency"
o 1994: John Kekes, "Pluralism and the Value of Life"
o 1995: Kenneth L. Vaux, "From Debbie to Dr. Kevorkian"
Principal Organizer, Ethics Across the Curriculum Workshops and Lectures
o January, 1997: Professor Carol Gilligan, Harvard University
o January, 1998: Professor Tu Weiming, Harvard University
o January, 1999: Daniel Callahan, The Hastings Center
o January, 2000: Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
o January, 2001: Michael Josephson, Josephson Institute for Ethics
o January 2004: Michael Kalichman, Research Ethics Program, UCSD
Co-organizer, Admiral James Bond Stockdale Ethics and Leadership Symposium
o February, 1998. Principal speaker: Professor Nancy Sherman, Georgetown University
and the United States Naval Academy
o February, 1999. Principal speaker: Professor James Toner, U. S. Air War College
o April, 2000. Principal speaker: Professor Louis Pojman, United States Military
o April, 2001. Principal Speaker: Dr. Albert C. Pierce, United States Naval Academy
o April, 2002: Principal Speaker: ADM Leon Edney, USN, Ret.
o April, 2003: Principal Speaker: H. R. McMaster
o April, 2004: Principal Speaker: Joe Galloway
o September, 2004: Principal Speaker: Admiral Stan Arthur
o September, 2005: Principal Speaker: James Webb
Co-organizer with Michelle Grier of a Conference on Kantian Ethics: Interpretations and
Critiques. Keynote speakers and panelists include Henry Allison, Stephen Darwall, Barbara
Herman, Thomas E. Hill, Jr., Robert B. Pippin, Andrews Reath, and Allen Wood.
Principal organizer of CEPE2007: Computer Ethics, Philosophical Ethics 2007. July, 2007.
University of San Diego.
American Philosophical Association Activities
Member, Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division (1987-88)
Member, Executive Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division (1992-95)
Member, National Committee on Philosophy and Computers, American Philosophical
Association (1994-2000)
Member, National Committee on Teaching and Philosophy, American Philosophical
Association, 2002-2005 (chair: 2003-2005)
Member, Nominating Committee, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division (20022003)
Chair, National Committee on Teaching and Philosophy, American Philosophical Association,
Member, APA Executive Committee, 2003-2006
Member, APA Fund Drive Steering Committee, 2003-2004
Member, Board, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE)
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Grant Activities
Co-author of a successful grant application to the National Endowment for the Humanities to
develop team-taught inter-disciplinary values courses at U.S.D.
Co-author of a successful grant application to the National Endowment for the Humanities to
develop interdisciplinary freshman preceptorial courses at U.S.D.
Co-author of a successful grant application to the Matchette Foundation to partially sponsor a
national Conference on the Virtues at U.S.D.
Co-author of a successful grant application to the Exxon Foundation to be the primary
sponsor of a national Conference on the Virtues at U.S.D.
Author of a successful grant proposal to the Matchette Foundation to partially sponsor a
national Conference on the Theory and Practice of Teaching Ethics at U.S.D.
Co-author of a successful grant application for an endowment for the Campion-Weber Lecture
Series in Ethics at the University of San Diego.
Co-author of a successful grant application to the E. L. Wiegand Foundation for a two-year
Ethics Across the Curriculum initiative at U.S.D; renewed for a third year for 1998-99.
Contributing author for a successful grant application to the Hewlett Foundation as part of a
grant to the Center for Academic Integrity
Author of a successful grant proposal to the E. L. Wiegand Foundation for Ethics Videos on
the Web, 2000-2001; continued 2001-2002.
Author of a successful grant proposal to the Skirball Foundation for "A Gathering of San
Diego-area Ethicists."
Co-author of a successful grant proposal to the E. L. Wiegand Foundation with Sandra Foy
(Seattle Preparatory School) for extending Ethics across the Curriculum to the middle school
level, 2002-2003.
Grant from the Legler Benbough Foundation for the Center for Ethics in Science &
Technology, 2008.
Revised July 23, 2010