Back Matter - Journal of Cell Science

Illustrating the Rev. Thomas Hincks's paper on the Protozoon Ophryodendron abietinum, Claparede and
1.—A colony of Ophryodendron (Claparede and Laclimann), on a calycle
o. lHunmlaria pinnaia, a the proboscidian zooid; b, the lageniform zooid. All the figures are very highly magnified.
2.—Ophryodendron pedicellaium, Hincks, the proboscidian zooid, showing
the pedicle.
3.—Ophryodendron pedicettatum, the lageniform zooid with curved pedicle ;
x, the clear space below the oral aperture.
4.—Ophryodendron abieiinum, Claparede and Lachmann; a single sessile
proboscidian, bearing a lageniform bud (5) and one of the flaskshaped zooids beside it, with a straight pedicle.
6.—Ophryodendron abiehnum, the proboscidian zooid bearing a fully developed lageniform individual.
6.—The flask-shaped zooid of Ophryodendron pedicellulnm, with bud.
Illustrating Rev. Thomas Hincks's paper, " Contributions to
the H i s t o r y of t h e Polyzoa."
1.—Two zooecia of Bicellaria ciliata, Linn., containing germ-capsules in
different stages of development, a, a germ-capsule surrounded by
a mass of pale-yellowish globules; a', a germ-capsule partially
developed into the polypide.
2.—A zooecium of Bicellaria ctliala containing a germ-capsule (a), in which
the formation of a polypide-bud is just commencing at x.
3.—A zooecium of Bugula plumosa, Pallas, in which the polypide-bud on
the germ-capsule has reached a more advanced stage.
4.—A zooecium of Bugula plumosa containing a perfect polypide recently
developed from the germ-capsule.
5.—A germ-capsule removed from the zooecium. a, the capsule, of a dark
reddish-brown colour; b, the bud, in which the tentacles of the
polypide are traceable (the bud is of a light greyish colour); c, an
oval body, of a pale golden colour; d, the (so-called) funicuius.
6.—The digestive sac of a polypide removed from the zooecium. ce, the
base of the oesophagus; i, the intestine; s, the stomach; a, a
globular appendage of the stomach, formed by a constriction of its
walla at y.
7.—The lower part of the stomach, showing the commencement of the
constriction (c, c) by which the globular appendage is ultimately
8.—An adult zooecium of Bugula, in which a polypide is budding from the
endocyst (b).
9.—A zooecium, with a bud from the endocyst, in a more advanced stage.
10.—The ooecium of Bicellaria ciliata. o, the ovum; x, the membranous
capsule which closes the opening; m, muscular band by which the
capsule is retracted.
11,—The same, o, the ovum in an early stage; x, the capsule partially
withdrawn; m, muscular band.
12.—A portion of the stem of Valkeria pustulosa, Ellis and Solander, showing
the colonial nervous system, a, points at which the zooecia are
attached; b, b, nerve threads forming part of the plexus; c, mass
of cells; z, a zooecium in situ; g, the ganglion of the branch.
13.—The same more highly magnified. This figure is diagrammatic, the
parts represented not being all in focus at the same time, t, t,
thicker nerve.cords; t', i', nerve-threads forming part of the
plexus; g, ganglion at the base of a zooecium.
14.—Portion of the stem of Fesiculctria spinosa, Linn, t, the nerve-trunk;
g, g, the ganglia at the base of the branches.
15.—The embryo of Pedicettina echinatu, Sars. b, the ciliated edge of the
mantle; c, the lobe bearing the oral aperture; d, the opposite lobe
furnished with long and flexible setiform processes; e, the projection at the base of the body by which the embryo attaches itself.
16.—The same as it appears when creeping.
All the figures are very highly magnified.
Illustrating M. Ranvier's paper on the Connective Tissue
arid Vessels of Nerves.
1.—Transverse section of the large bundle of the sciatic nerve of the dog;
prepared with picric acid, gum, and alcohol, a, circular space
lined with endothelium. (100 diameters.)
2.—Transverse section of the sciatic nerve of the rabbit, in which the
laminae of the sheath have been separated by an injection of silver
gelatine. (80 diameters.)
3.—Transverse section of the laminated sheath of the sciatic nerve of the
dog after impregnation with nitrate of silver. (SO diameters.)
4.—Laminae of the laminated sheath of the sciatic nerve of the dog, dissected with needles from a longitudinal section, after impregnation
with nitrate of silver. (50 diameters.)
5.—Elastic plates and reticulations of the internal laminBe of the laminated
sheath in the dog. b, network of nodulated fibres; c, chains of
refracting granules. (600 diameters.)
6.—Elastic fibre from the lax subcutaneous connective tissue of the dog,
after the action of osmic acid. (GOO diameters.)
Illustrating Prof. McNab's paper on Hanstein's Researches on
the Development of the Embryo in Monocotyledons and
The letters apply to all the figures.
ui, proembryo; vkl, basal cell of proembryo, attaching it to apex of the
embryo-sac; km, embryo mother-cell, a, lower daughter-cell or cells,'_forming hypoeotyledonary portion of embryo, b, upper daughter-cell or' cells,
forming cot.ylodonary portion of embryo, c, hypophyse-cell and cells formed
from it. 1, 2, 3, with a, b, c, indicate daughter-cells, formed by transverse
division in order from above downwards, i. e. from cotyledon to root, s, cells
formed from the hypophyse; .s1, hypophyse-cell ending the periblem ; s'2, hypopliyse-cell ending the dermatogen; s3, first cell of pileorhiza. h, cells of
pileorhiza. v, portion of stem-bud, q, quarter cells formed by division of
embryo mother-cell, m, first longitudinal division-wall of embryo mothercell, d, dermatogen and its mother-cells, pe, peri-blem and its mother.cells.
pi, plerom and its mother-cells, pr, procambium mother-cells, fa, embryosac.
Pigs. 1 to 9.—Capsella Bursu-pastoris.
Kg. ].—Embryo and proembryo of Capsella, with greatly enlarged basal
cell; the mother-cell of the embryo showing the first division-wall (longitudinal).
Kg. 2.—Embryo showing division of the embryo mother-cell into four
Kg. 3.—Embryo in which the four dermatogen mother-cells have formed.
Fig. 4.—The same, showing further division of dermatogen cells.
K g . 5.—Further stage; the hypophyse-cell has divided by a transverse
wall. Indications of periblem and plerom.
J?ig. 6.—Embryo still further advanced ; the form is still spherical; the
plerom-cells have divided, and the first cell of the procambium {pr) formed;
hypophyse-cells divided by a longitudinal wall.
Kg. 7.—Cotyledons beginning to form by being elevated, the position of
origin of the stem-bud remaining unchanged; the cells in the interior rapidly
dividing, the dermatogen increasing, and the hypophyse divided into three
series of cells.
Kg. 8.—Embryo becoming more cordate; the tissues of the hypoeotyledonary portion distinctly separated into periblem and plerom; no such
change seen in the cotyledonary portion ; the dermatogeu-cells dividing and
forming the pileorhiza, with part of hypophyse.
Fig. 9.—Section of root end, showing formation of pileorhiza and the
position of the dermatogen, periblem, plerom, and procambium cells (plerom
and dermatogen shaded).
Kgs. 10 to li.—Alisma Plantago.
Kg. 10.—Embryo-sac of Alisma Plantago, with large basal cell of proembryo ; the two embryo mother-cells (a and b) have divided by a transverse'wall, and the hypophyse-cell (c) is divided by a longitudinal wall.
Fig. 11.—Division of the inner cells and separation of the dermatogen;
hypophyse-cell divided by a transverse wall.
Fig. 12.—Separation into cotyledonary and hypoeotyledonary part indicated; the development of the hypophyse and differentiation of inner celJa
Fig. 13.—Entire embryo, showing cotyledon and stem-bud.
Fig. 14.—Section of root end ; periblem and dermatogen shaded, plerom
and pileorhiza not shaded.
.2%. v
M'F«rkm kKrshtie T.ilKKJin'
Illustrating the abstract of Dr. Cohn's " Memoir on Bacteria."
1.—Micrococcus prodigiosus {Monas prodigiosa, Bhr.). Spherical Bacteria
of the red pigment, aggregated in pairs and in fours; the other
pigment Bacteria are not distinguishable with the microscope from
this one.
2.— Micrococcus vaccinm. Spherical Bacteria, from pock-lymph in a state
of growth, aggregated in short 4—S-jointed straight or bent
chains, and forming also irregular cell-masses.
3.—Zooglcea-form of Micrococcus, pellicles or mucous strata characterised
by granule-like closely set spherules.
4.—Rosary-chain (Torula-form) of Micrococcus ure<s, from the urine.
5.—Rosary-chain and yeast-like cell-masses from the white deposit of a
solution of sugar of milk which had become sour.
G.—Saccharomyces glutinis {Cryptococciis glulinis, Fresen.), a pullulating
yeast which forms beautiful rose-coloured patches on cooked
7.—Sarcina spec, *from the blood of a healthy man, **from the surface
of a hen's egg grown over with Micrococcus luteus, forming yellow
8.—Bacterium ttrtno, free motile form.
9.—Zooglsea-form of Bacterium termo.
10.—Bacterium-pellicle, formed by rod-shaped Bacteria arranged one against
the other in a linear fashion, from the surface of sour beer.
11.—Bacterium lineola, free motile form.
12.—Zooglsea-form of B. lineola.
13.—Motile filamentous Bacteria with a spherical or elliptical highly refringent' head,' perhaps developed from Gonidia.
14.—Bacillus sublilis, short cylinders and longer, very flexible motile filaments, some of which are in process of division.
15.—Bacillus ulna, single segments and longer threads, some breaking up
into segments.
16.—Vibrio rugula, single or in process of division.
17.—Vibrio serpens, longer or shorter threads, some dividing into bits, at *
two threads entwined.
IS.—'Swarm' of V. serpens, the threads felted.
19.—Spirillum tenue, single and felted into 'swarms.'
20.—Spirillum undula.
21.—Spirillum vohtans; * two spirals twisted around one another.
22.—Spirocluele plicalilis.
All the figures were drawn by Dr. Ferdinand Conn with the immersion
lens No. JX of Hartnack, Ocular 111, representing a magnifying power of
C50 diameters.
Illustrating Mr. B. Wills Richardson's Observations on
a, a, a. Bodies resembling spherules of urate of soda in appearance. Similar-looking bodies Lave been obtained by the writer by acting
upon amorphous xanthine with nitric and with sulphuric acids.
b. Dark mass resembling amorphous xanthine, having crystals protruding from a portion of its surface.
With the exception of a, a, a, and b, the crystals represented in Plate VI
are very transparent.
All the figures are magniDed 150 diameters.
^ A tl'lrMl
Illustrating Dr. Heitzmann's Memoir on Bone and Cartilage.
1.—Two bone-cells from the uninjured scapula of a cat.
chromic acid. Magnified 800 diam.
Prepared with
2.—Bone-cell from a cat's scapula, crushed with the hone-forceps, after
three days' inflammation. Chromic acid. S00 diam.
3.—Bone-cell, with marks of division, from a dog's scapula, in the neighbourhood of the wound, produced by breaking out a piece. Chromic
acid, 800 diam.
4 and 5.—Bone lacuuse, containing blood-corpuscles, from the compact
substance of a dog's tibia injured by the actual cautery, after eight
days' inflammation. Chromic acid. 800 diam.
6.—Bone-cells from the same object as figs. 4 and 5, iu two planes, drawn
with topographical accuracy. Forms of the hfematoblastic substance :—a, parietal border; b, darkly outlined lumps; e, pale grey
discs; d, completely formed blood-corpuscle; e, lamella perforated
with small vacuoles. 800 diam.
7.—Section of cartilage, coloured with nitrate of silver, from the edge of
the external coudyle of the femur of a young dog. 800 diam.
8.—Section of cartilage, coloured with chloride of gold, from the lateral
surface of the external femoral condyle of an old dog. 800 diam.
9 and 10.—Forms of cartilage-cells from close to the calcified portion of
the articular cartilage of the femoral condyle of young rabbits, wholly
from vertical sections. The cells show transitional forms of hcematoblastic substance up to the formation of almost perfect bloodcorpuscles. From preparations partly fresh, partly decalcified with
hydrochloric acid. 800 diam.
Illustrating Prof. Schwendener's Papers on the Nature of
The amplification is indicated by the figures in brackets on the plates.
Figs. 1 & 2.—Lichen "Pannaria- affinis," Tuck.—1. Portion of a section of
a thallus with embedded Scytonema-fH&ments. At a, b, and c the sheaths assumed
the well-known green colour with hydrochloric acid. The tissue is without
interstices, parencbymatous in the interior with the cells elongate, towards
the surface short-celled with almost isodinmetral cells.—2. Portion, of a section
of a thallus with curved $>^ose«za.threads in colourless sheaths, which are
intimately united to the neighbouring oells. To the left below, a slightly
altered Scytonema-fHament with dead heterocyst.—The tissue of this lichen is,
o,u the whole, Pcmnaria-like, calling to mind in several points of view also
Lichina. The embedded Gonidia-chains, which sometimes appear as unaltered
Scylommea, but sometimes also form irregular convolutes, not rarely show
globular heterocysts. In the interior of the thallus-lobes the sheaths are
altogether colourless; at and near the surface, a green colour presents itself on
the application of hydrochloric acid. This lichen was communicated to me by
Prof. Tuckerman, with the remark: " absque fructu, California."
Fig. 3.—Portion of a freely-vegetating Scyionema-?A&me,\\t from the same
substratum as the lichen from Tuckerman just mentioned. The sheath towards
the right hand was colourless, at the end to the left, however, yellowish (in
hydrochloric acid green). Is manifestly the gonidia-t'ormer of the foregoing
Figs. 4—8.—Pannaria flabtllesa, Tuck.—4. Pi.adi»l section through the
under part of the thallus wiih a similar sheath as in fig. 2.—5. The same
radial seotion completely from the upper to the under cortical stratum.
The gonidia-chains in the upper part of the thallus are irregularly curved,
here and there conglomerated into regular clusters; the sheaths here become
coloured in hydrochloric acid slightly or intensely green (the same, as in
Raeoblenna). Diam. of the cortical cells in the fully-grown state 10 m.rn.m. and
wore.—6. Portion of a thallus section with partly straight, partly more or
less curved, gonidia-chains. Tissue indistinct on account of the previous
warming with hydrochloric acid. Below a portion of the lower (blue-coloured)
oortex in obliqu« superficial view, somewhat crushed and put out of position.
The gonidia here do1 not lie at the upper surface.—7. Young thallus-lobe in
superficial view ill order to present its form and the arrangement of the
gonidia. 8. A curved gonidia-obak with sheath (same as fig. 6 to the right).
'l'h« sbeath becomes coloured intensely green in hydrochloric acid. This
lichen essentially agrees with the foregoing, only the globular heterocysts
were here m*ore r*re. Free Scyfonema-mammis of 8—10 m.m.m. thickness
were not rate upon the same substratum, Rivuluriea none. Ou the label
Tuckerman had added the remark: 'Obs. Lich. in Proceed. Acad. Amer.,'
5, p. 401. In Nova Anglia.
Fig. 9.—Cephalodia Slereoccmlorum.—Sirosipkon-gTOup from the medullary
portion of a Cephalodium; with exception of the projecting apices of the alga,
closely surrounded by Stereocazilon-Hbres.—This figure is given in completion
of what has been mentioned previously.
Tig. 10. — SpharompAale fma. — Hymenial-gonidia; mostly two-celled and
then 10—14 m.m.m. long and 3£ — 4 in.m.m. broad; besides others also
three-celled, as in the figure, which reach 17 m.m.m. in length. Membrane
very delicate; contents, in comparison with the rest of the gonidia, more
bluisA-green. Agree exactly with Slichococcus bacillaris, which, for the sake
of greater certainty, I examined from examples which Dr. llabenhorst kindly
sent me as " forma minor."
Kg. 11.—Polyblastia intercedens ?, flepp.—(«) Alga, that is, gonidia in a free
condition. Cells as much as 20 m.m.m. in diameter, ordinarily 12—16 m.m.m.,
often with brown, more frequently with colourless, membrane; [b] the same
green cells on the surface of the thallus (here without cortex), partly involved
by short-celled hyphfe.
Figs. 12 & 13.—Gonionema.—12. Young spermogoniutn. The development
of these spermogonia manifestly took place in the interior of the Scylonemasheaih, that is, in the membrane-substance itself; for the yellow coloured
peripheral membrane-lamella is swollen out in an inflated manner and longitudinally torn. Such occurrences speak in any case rather for than against the
parasitism.—13. A portion of the thallus of the same lichen from Arnold
exceptionally with curved gonidia-chains. As a rule, the thallus is more
slightly surrounded and appears like an unaltered Scytonema-fA&mvwt.
Fig. 14.—Secoliga gyalectoides, Mass.—Two gonidia-groupa, manifestly
belonging to Chroolepus. Contents intensely orange-coloured.
Fig. 15.—Secoliga upon " Bryoplutgns."—Median section through an apothecinm. The hypothecium (its maximum thickness 20 m.m.m.) is directly seated
upon the jelly of BryopAugus, and sends downwards numerous individual hyphee,
which surround the scattered Chroococcaceous colonies. To the left (at the
margin at a) and somewhat deeper in the interior are two obliquely intersected brown moss-leaves; below (at b) colonies of Oloeothece. The spores
of this Secoliga were linear-spindleshaped, 12 m.m.m. long and about 2 m.m.m.
The following figures are copied from the Plates (coloured in the original)
illustrating the ' Algentypen der Mechtengonidien :'—
Figs. 16 & 17.—" Thamnidium Willeyi" Lichina, sp.—16. Portion of the
shrubby thallus of " Thamnidium Willeyi," Lichina, spec, showing a lermiual
apothecium (t. i, f. 4, in orig.).—17. Portion of a longitudinal section through
the thallus of the same. The embedded gonidia, which here figure as gonidia,
partly still possess yellowish-coloured sheaths and flagellate ends (t. i, f. 5, in
Fig. 18.—Racoblenna.—Two gonidial chains, bent zig-zag and with parenchymatous envelope. A portion of a larger convolute, in which here and there
some algal filaments, still unaltered, projected outwards (t. ii, f. 2, in orig.).
Figs. 19—21.—Nostoc.—19. A Nosloc-co\ony, into which a fungal-thread has
penetrated from without (t. ii, f. 13, in orig.).—20. A portion of a larger
Nostoc-cotonj penetrated by a fungal thread (t. ii, f. 14, in orig.).—21. Nostoe
threads with special sheaths (HormosipAon) permeated by fungal threads. Seen
in a tangental section through the thallus of Lempkolemma (t. ii, f. 15, in orig.).
I K . B adult. Stl.
W, Tailing h. EtsTom, litt™ ElinT
Jtux <#omJl
?.M.B.»dimt. Jel.
i Erskiit, LiWT Edin
Plate XI.—To illustrate the paper upon the Growth and Development of the
Layers of the Blastoderm.
Pig 1.—Section through an utiincubated blastoderm, showing the upper
layer, composed of a single row of columnar cells, and the lower layer, composed!
of several rows of rounded cells in which no nucleus is visible. Some of the
" formative cells," at the bottom of the segmentation cavity, are seen at (b).
Fig. 2.—Section through the periphery of an eight hours' blastoderm, showing
the epiblast (p), the hypoblast (A), and the mesoblast commencing to be formed (a),
partly by lower-layer cells enclosed between the epiblast and hypoblast, and partly
by formative cells. Formative cells at the bottom of tbe segmentation cavity are
seen at i. At s is one of the side folds parallel to the primitive groove.
Fig. 3.—Portion of the bypoblast of a thirteen hours' blastoderm, treated with
silver nitrate, showing the great variation in the size of the cells at this period.
An hour-glass-shaped nucleus is seen at a.
Fig. 4.—Periphery of a twenty-three hours' blastoderm, showing cell for cell
the junction between the hypoblast (A) and white-yolk spheres (to).
Fig. 5.—Junction between the white-yolk spheres and the hypoblast cells at
the passage ismt the area pellucida to the area opaca. The specimen was treated
with silver nitrate to bring out the shape of the cells. The line of junction
between the opaque and pellucid areas passes diagonally.
Plate XII, figs. 1 to 3.—To illustrate the paper upon the Primitive Groove.
Figs. 1 and 2 are sections through an embryo rather earlier than the one drawn
in fig. 3. Section 1 passes through the just commencing medullary groove (md),
which appears in fresh specimens, as in fig. 3, merely as an opaque streak coming
from the end of the primitive groove. The notochord is hardly differentiated, but
the complete separation of mesoblast and hypoblast under the primitive groove
is clearly shown. Section 2 passes through the anterior end of the primitive
groove (pr), and shows the fusion between the mesoblast and epiblast, which
is always to be found under the primitive groove.
i'ig. 3 is a view from above of a twenty hours' blastoderm, seen as a transparent object. Primitive groove (pr). Medullary streak (in, d), which passes otf
from the anterior end of the primitive groove, and is produced by the thickening
of the mesoblast. Heudfold (p,f).
Plate XII, figs. 4, 5, 6, and V.—To illustrate the paper upon the Growth and
Development of the Layers of the Blastoderm.
Fig. 4.—Section through the primitive streak of an eight hours' blastoderm.
The specimen shows the mesoblast very much thickened in the immediate
neighbourhood of the primitive streak, but hardly formed at all on each side of
the streak. It also shows the primitive groove just beginning to beformed (pr),
and the fusion between the epiblast and the mesoblast under the primitive
groove. The hypoblast is completely formed in the central part of the blastoderm.
At f is seen one of the side folds parallel to the primitive groove. Its depth
has been increased by the action of the chromic acid.
Fig. 5.—Hypoblast cells from the hinder end of a thirty-six hours' embryo,
treated with silver nitrate, showing the regularity and elongated shape of the
cells over the embryo and the smaller cells on each side.
Fig. 6.—Epiblast cells from an unicubated blastoderm, treated with silver
nitrate, showing the regular hexagonal shape of the cells and the small spherules
they contain.
Fig. 7.—Portion of the epiblast of a thirty-six hours' embryo, treated with silver
nitrate, showing the small rounded cells frequently found at the meeting points
of several larger cells which are characteristic of the upper layer.
Plate XIII.—To illustrate the paper on the Primitive Groove.
Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, are sections through the blastoderm, drawn in fig. 6 through
the lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively.
The first section (fig. 1) passes through the true medullary groove (me); the
two medullary folds (A, A) are seen on each side with the thickened mesoblast*
and the mesoblast cells are beginning to form the notochord (no) under the medullary groove. There is no adherence between the mesoblast cells and the epiblast
under the medullary groove.
The second (fig. 2) section passes through the medullary groove where it has
become wider. Medullary folds, A, A ; notochord, ch.
In the third section the notochord (ch) is broader, and the epiblast is raised in
the centre, while the medullary folds are seen far apart at A.
In section fig. 4 the medullary folds (A) are still to be seen enclosing the anterior end of the primitive groove (pr). Where the primitive groove appears
there is a fusion of the epiblast and mesoblast, and no appearance of the notochord.
In the last section, fig. 5, no trace is to be seen of the medullary folds.
Figs. 6 and 7 are magnified views of two hardened blastoderms. Pig. 6 is
twenty-three hours old; fig. 7 twenty-five hours. They both show how the medullary canal arises entirely independently of the primitive groove and in front of
it, and also how the primitive groove gets pushed backwards by the growth of the
medullary groove, pv, Protovertebrte; other references as above. Fig. 6 is the
blastoderm from which sections 1 to 5 were cut.
Plate XIV.—To illustrate the paper upon the Development of the Vascular
System in the Chick.
Fig. 1 is taken from the anterior part of the pelhicid area of a thirty hours'
chick, with four proto-vertebrse. At n is a nucleus with two nucleoli.
Kgs. 2 and 8 are taken from the posterior end of the pellucid area of a cliick
with eight proto-vertehrse. In fig. 3 the nuclei are seen to have considerably increased in number at the points of starting of the protoplasmic processes. At »
is seen a nucleus with two nucleoli.
Fig. 4 is taken from the anterior part of the pellucid area of an embryo of
thirty-six hours. It shows the narrow processes characteristic of the anterior part
of the pellucid area, and the fewer nuclei. Small spaces, which have the appearance of vacuoles, are shown at v.
Fig. 5 is taken from the posterior part of the pellucid area of a thirty-six
hours' embryo. It shows the nuclei, with somewhat irregular nucleoli, which
have begun to acquire the red colour of blood-corpuscles; the protoplasmic processes containing the nuclei; the nuclei in the protoplasm surrounding the
corpuscles, as shown at a, a'.
Fig. 6 shows fully formed blood-vessels, in part filled with blood-corpuscles
and in part empty. The walls of the capillaries, formed of cells, spindle-shaped
in section, are shown, and also the secondary investment of Klein at k, and at b
is seen a narrow protoplasmic process filled with blood-corpuscles.
Fig. 7 is taken from the anterior part of the pellucid area of a thirty-six hours'
embryo. It shows a collection of nuclei which are beginning to become bloodcorpuscles.
Figs. 1—5 are drawn with an \ object-glass. Fig. 6 is on a much smaller
scale. Fig. 7 is intermediate.
Plate XV.—To illustrate the paper upon the Development of the Vasculnr
System in the Chick.
Fig. 1.—A transverse section through the dorsal region of a f jrty-fivo hours'
embryo; ao, aorta with a few blood-corpuscles, v, Blood-vessels, all of them
being formed in the splanchnopleure, and all of them provided witli the secondary
investment of Klein; p, e, pellucid area; o, p, opaque area.
Kg. 2.—Small portion of a section through the opaque area of a thirty-five
hours' embryo, showing protoplasmic processes, with nuclei passing from the
somatopleurc to the splancbnopleure.
Kg. 3.—Section through the heart of a thirty-four hours' embryo, a, Alimentary canal; hb, hind brain; nc, uotochord; e, epiblast; s, o, mesoblast of the
soisatoplcure; sp, mesoblast of the splanchnopleure; hy, hypoblast; hz,
cavity of the heart.
Fig. 4.—Section through the same embryo as fi#. 3, and passing through the
orifice of the omphalo-meseraic vein, of, Omphalo-meseraic vein; other references as above.
These two sections show that the heart is entirely formed from the mesohlust
of the splanchnopleure, and that it is formed by the splitting of that part of the
mesoblast which bus turned to assume its normal direction after being folded in
to form the muscular wall of the alimentary canal. In fig. 4 the cavities so
formed on each side have not yet united, but in fig. 3 they have united. When
the folding becomes more complete the cavities (of, of) in fig. 4 will unite, and
in this way the origin of the omphalo-meseraic veins will be carried further backwards. In the section immediately behind section 4 the mesoblast had become
thickened, hut had not split.
M T«l.nt h. ErAiM,LfflP Edirf
F.W.B. aiml.a.1.
M'Muit l> Srih'ni, Lift? ESin
Illustrating Mr. Edwin T. Newton's paper on the Structure
of the Eye of the Lobster.
1.—.Front part of the head of a lobster (Homarus vulgaris), natural
size, the upper part of carapace and rostrum being removed.
(a) The right eye showing the semilunar form of the cornea and
(i) its basal joint. The upper portion of the left eye has been
removed to show the optic nerve which swells anteriorly to form
(c) the so-called optic ganglion, (d) The kidney-shaped body
seen in section in fig. 13r. (e) The supra-oisophageal ganglion,
raised somewhat out of its natural position.
2.—A longitudinal and horizontal section of a right eye seen by reflected
light (X 8). (a) Cornea, (b) First baud of pigmentj beneath
which are the crystalline cones, (c) A broad band of radiating
fibres free from pigment, (d) Second black band composed of the
pigmented spindle-shaped bodies; the lower ends of these bodies
are covered with an opaque white pigment which forms («) the first
white band. ( / ) The third black band; the fine line running in
the centre of this band is the fenestrated structure (fig. 19), it
shows the boundary of the so-called optic ganglion, (y) Second
white band, (h) Bundles of radiating nerve-fibres, (i) Enlarged
end of the optic nerve. The musclea and connective tissue which
naturally fill the cavity ( X ) have been omitted in this figure.
3.—Portion of cornea as seen by reflected light, showing the cross and
central spot.
4.—Perpendicular section from the middle of the cornea, showing the
smooth outer and slightly convex iuner surfaces.
5.—Similar section near edge of cornea, showing smaller size of facets and
their more convex inner surface. This section is viewed somewhat obliquely, arid, therefore, three or four rows of facets are
visible upon the inner surface.
6.—Similar section at junction of cornea (#), with the calcareous portion
(i). (c, d, e) The three layers into which the shell appears to be
7.—Cornea seen by transmitted light. The shaded part a is a portion of
the substance intermediate between the cornea and crystalline
8.—A gronp of elements showing the relation of the pigment to the cones.
The cornea is not present, (a) Substance intermediate between
cornea and cone. (£) Crystalline cone, (e) Nerve-rod, (a)
Pigment, (d) Festoons of pigment.
9,10,11,—Crystalline cones, with portions of the nerve-roda, after treat-
PLATE XVI.-contimied.
ment with caustic potash (eye having been hardened in chromic
acid), showing the tendency to break up into separate portions.
12.—Longitudinal and perpendicular transparent section of optic nerve
and ganglion, (d) Spindle bodies; a portion of these are represented as broken away from / , the perforated structure forming
the surface of the so-called optic ganglion (sclerotic of Leydig).
(y) Nerve-fibres running together to form the bundles (A), h to
o as in fig. 20. (p) First lenticular body, (q) Second ditto.
(r) Kidney-shaped body seen at d, fig. 1.
13.—Kidney-shaped body enlarged.
14.—Longitudinal and horizontal transparent section of optic nerve and
ganglion with some of the crystaline rods and cones left attached,
a to A as in fig. 2, the remainder as in fig. 12.
15.—A partly diagrammatic view of one of the elements of the eye from the
cornea to the optic ganglion. («) cornea, {a') Substance between
cornea and cone, {s n.) Semper's ? nuclei. (A) Lower end of
crystalline cone, (c) Nerve-rod, around which is seen the investing membrane with its nuclei {d). (d) Spindle-shaped or transversely striated body, {d') Nuclei in the horns of the spindle
body. ( / ) Perforated membrane at surface of optic ganglion.
16.—View of surface of a number of elements after treatment with potash.
(«) Crystalline cone, (i) Investing membrane much swelled.
17.—Penestrated structure found near the lower part of the investing membrane parallel with the surface of the optic ganglion, (a) nerverods passing down to the spindles.
18.—Spindle body enlarged to show disposition of pigment.
19.—Portion of the perforate membrane covering outer surface of optic
ganglion. The nerve-rods and. pigment occupy the apertures,
which have a diameter of ^gVs ' n>
20.—Enlarged view of a portion of the optic ganglion. Letters correspond
with those in figs. 1, 2, and 14. (h) Bundle of nerve-fibres.
(i) Horizontal layer of nerves. (Jc) Bundles of nerves leaving
interspaces in which are cells and fibres. (/) Horizontal nervefibres and elongated cells ?, below which are numerous horizontal
blood-vessels, (m) Two layers of cells. («) Layer of cells and
blood-vessels, (o) Nerve-fibres with .interspaces in which are
spindle-shaped cells.
21.—Blood-vessels which, for the sake of distinctness, were not represented
in the last figure. The fine parallel capillaries at m occupy naturally
a position among the cells indicated by the same letter (m) in
fig. 20.
22.—Enlarged view of the first lenticular body (p, fig. 14) showing the
bands and blood-vessels.
Demaftumj Fuscispormn:
IwMilk I.
In Milk II.
Bacterium W°1I.
In Urvru.
//e Turnip In/usion /[ InTurnip Infuswn II
In Milk.
I a-c
•"•> i
a dive,
1** Stpt.
\Jn Pasters Solution,.
nn 28?Aug.
In,- Sour Milk
In. Turnip In/ii/non,
In BoilexL Milk, I
used for utccula/ion
1"] -Auq.
In Fasteurs Solution,' inoculated fronts Urine I
. :, \
ijU'Aug 8 IS a m,. ; very asctvn.-, 21*Aug.
25* Aug.
JRacteruzms Lactic. (con/inu-tM J
Irv Urin^, II
' from, Pa^ie.nrs Solution .
2JibAtLg. IZ Kozzrs coffer
hours a/Yts
CrardenJ of' Urines uiocfzlat&d fromj Fastairk Solution/
fix-e- hours ufl/er
In,Boiled Milfoil
—-Ji e
7?iotionless, bud smaller ones <
//?, l/nru ILT, iswculttted from Urine- II.
one i/ioiisajijZth* of an irn-li.
S n Sept.
To illustrate Dr. E. Klein's contributions to the Anatomy of
Auerbach's Plexus in the Intestine of the Frog and Toad.
1.—a. Nerve branches.
b. Medullated nerve-fibre.
c. Nuclei of the sheath.
d. e,f. Ganglion cells.
Magnifying power: Hartnack's eye-piece I I I : Obj. 7.
2.—An isolated ganglion cell like/in fig. 1.
a. Nucleus.
b. Cell substance.
c. Nucleated placoids, into whicli some of the processes spread out.
Magnifying power: Hartnack's eye-piece I I I : Obj. 9.
3.—A similar ganglion cell as in fig. 2.
a. A nerve branch, with which the ganglion cell is in connexion.
b, c. As infig.2.
Magnifying power: Hartnack's eye-piece I I I : Obj. 9.
The explanations of Plates XIX, XX, and XXI, illustrating
Professor Lister's paper on Bacteria and the germ theory,
are given on the plates themselves.
Illustrating Mr. E. Ray Lankester's paper on a Peachcoloured Bacterium.
All the figures, with the exception of fig. 1, were drawn from specimens
under observation with Hartnack's objective ' 10<i immersion.'
1. Portion of a growth of Bacterium rubeseens from the side of a glass jar.
a. Homogeneous biscuit-shaped plastids, forming single and compound,
dense, gloeogenous, globose aggregates, b. Homogeneous plastids of
larger size, forming loose gleeogenous masses, c. Unilocular sphoerous
plastids, forming a very dense, dark-coloured, irregular, slightly gloeogenous mass.
2. Acicular mnltilocular forms of B. rubeseens, and mnltilocular sphsrOuB
forms attached to a linear growth (leptothrix-forin) of a colourless
5. Unilocular sphseroids of B. rubeseens in catenular aggregation.
4. Linear aggregate of B. lineola. The units are biscuit-shaped (bacterioid).
6. a. Bacillar-forni of a colourless species, b. Biscuit-shaped form of ditto.
6. Linear growth of a colourless form smaller than fig: 4. The units are
generally biscuit-shaped, but have themselves the aspect of being
formed by fusion of from two to three spheroids.
7. Bacterium termo from a turnip infusion, sp. gr. 1016, after twenty-four •
hours' standing in an uncleansed test-tube, a. B. termo as limited by
Cohn. Biscuit-form of this memoir. 4. Microcoecus sp., Colin; sphaerous-form of this memoir, c. More minute condition of 6.
8—9. Glaeogenous Spirillum undula, forming Zooglma masses.
10 to 29 are all plastids of B. rubeseens.
10. Homogeneous biscuit-forms, loose, glceogenouB.
11. Large ditto, with two highly refringent loculi.
12. Large ditto, with diffused coloration and numerous deeply-coloured loculi.
13. Walled or unilocular biscuit-forms.
14. Globose gleeogenous aggregates of large homogeneous biscuit-forms.
15. Smaller ditto.
16. Separate inultilocular sphseroid forms with the colour confined to the loculi.
17. Globose frlceogenous aggregate of the same.
18. Globose naked, aggregate of unilocular or walled sphserous plastids. Colour
entirely looular.
19. Eeticular aggregate of unilocular, prismatic, biscuit-shaped plastids.
20. Multilocular sphasroid plastids, in stages of sub-division.
21. Part of a tesselate aggregation of walled, biscuit-shaped plastids (m/codema-phase).
22. Large unilocular or walled bacterioids or biscuit forms developing secondary
loculi in their walls. Some of these are of excessive size and irregular
23. Eeticular aggregate of trilooular biscuit-shaped plastids.
24 Multilocular filaments or linear aggregates of unilocular sphjeroida ; subdivision of the coloured loculi is in process.
25. Ditto, of smaller diameter.
26. Unilocular or walled forms of plastid; spharous, biscuit-shaped, and
27. Unilocular spheorous forms tending to the biscuit shape.
28. Stellar aggregate of the acicular plastids.
29. Isolated actively swimming acicular plastidi. a. The dotted part indicates
the mode of vibration of the extremity.
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