KP8108 project work: Calculation of partial derivatives of the GERG-2004 equation of state using Matlab Magnus G. Jacobsen December 17, 2009 Contents Contents 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Scope of this report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3 2 Description of the GERG-2004 equation of state 4 3 Derivatives of A with respect to V and N 3.1 Negative pressure and chemical potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Derivatives of αr , αroi and αrij with respect to δ and xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 4 Implementation in MATLAB, results 4.1 Rearranging expressions for αroi and αrij . . . . 4.2 Importing parameters for the equation of state 4.3 MATLAB call hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Differences between report and MATLAB code 4.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Initializing flash calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 9 10 10 12 5 Conclusions and future work 5.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16 16 References 17 A Derivatives of reducing functions with respect to mole numbers 18 B MATLAB m-code 19 C Miscellaneous plots 24 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction The GERG-2004 equation of state [1] is an equation of state (EOS) expressed in terms of Helmholtz energy, A(T, V, N ). It is intended as a reference equation of state for natural gas applications, over a wide range of temperature and density. The equation of state was developed at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum with support from the Groupe Européen de Recherches Gazières or GERG for short. In this project work, the volume and mole number derivatives of the equation are coded in Matlab. This exercise is part of the course KP8108 Advanced Thermodynamics With Applications to Phase and Reaction Equilibria. The report contains the following: 1. A description of the equation of state and its derivatives with respect to volume and mole numbers 2. A description of how it has been implemented in MATLAB 3. Plots of various properties for given T and N 1.1 Background The GERG-2004 equation of state is a rather complex equation of state, especially compared to cubic equations of state like the widely used Soave-Redlich-Kwong EOS [2]. The motivation for using such complex equations of state is the need for very accurate calculations (especially of density) in the low-temperature region. This is very important for example in the LNG business, where one needs to know the density of the liquefied natural gas to set the price correctly. Having a very accurate equation of state available as a reference is also useful when one is using other equations of state for calculation of different thermodynamic properties. A reference of good quality over a large range of temperatures and pressures, for all relevant components, can be used to assess the quality of other, simpler equations of state. According to [1] this was an important motivation for the work undertaken by the authors of [1]. 1.2 Intended use Within our group, we intend to use the GERG-2004 equation of state to study various problems related to processes for liquefaction of natural gas. Regardless of choice of process, one has to deal with heat transfer at low temperatures (as low as 114K, which is the boiling point of methane at atmospheric pressure) and with small temperature differences. A typical problem to study is the steady-state solution of a multi-stream heat exchanger like the one shown in figure 1. Figure 1: Typical three-stream heat exchanger with expansion valve 2 Here, the streams shown in red are the streams that reject heat whereas the stream in blue receives heat. The ”warm” refrigerant typically enters at the same temperature as the natural gas, and has a similar temperature profile. In the valve, the refrigerant is let down to a smaller pressure, providing the desired temperature decrease. Solving the steady-state model of the heat exchanger is typically carried out by discretizing the entire exchanger into a finite number of intervals, and performing a heat balance calculation over each interval. The heat transferred in each interval will depend on the temperature in each stream within that interval, or at the boundaries of the interval (depending on the exact model formulation). Since phase transfer goes on throughout the exchanger, a number of flash calculations need to be carried out. Say the exchanger is discretized in 10 intervals, and the model is solved by iterating on temperatures. Then, at each iteration, 30 flash calculations have to be performed. Whether this happens at given volume or given pressure again depends on the model formulation. Regardless of formulation, it is obvious that an inaccurate EOS can cause large errors when one is operating with small temperature differences - especially when operating close to the JouleThompson inversion temperature of the gas. It is therefore in our interest to carry out calculations on a model of the system shown in figure 1 using the GERG-2004 EOS, and compare the results to those obtained when using a cubic EOS like SRK or Peng-Robinson [3]. 1.3 Scope of this report This report, which is written as part of the course KP8108 Advanced Thermodynamics, is intended to do the following: 1. To present the equation of state in a clear way, and show how to calculate the most important derivatives 2. To describe the working process and the assumptions behind the MATLAB code which is the main result of this project 3. To show some simple calculations that will give an indication of the difficulty of applying the GERG-2004 EOS to the problem outlined above 3 2 Description of the GERG-2004 equation of state The GERG-2004 equation of state is expressed in terms of the reduced Helmholtz energy α = where n is the total mole number. We have the following expression 1 : α(δ, τ, x) = α0 (ρ, T, x) + αr (δ, τ, x) A nRT (1) The ideal part, α0 , is equal to α0 (ρ, T, x) = N X i=1 xi α0oi (ρ, T ) + ln xi (2) The residual part, αr , is given by the following expression: αr (δ, τ, x) = N X xi αroi (δ, τ ) + i=1 N−1 X N X xi xj Fij αrij (δ, τ ) (3) i=1 j=i+1 The variables δ and τ are defined as δ = ρρr and τ = TTr respectively, with ρr and Tr being functions of x. The form of the functions αroi (δ, τ ) and αrij (δ, τ ) as well as the reducing functions Tr (x) and ρr (x) are given in equations 5, 6, 7 and 8. The ideal Helmholtz energy of each component, α0oi , is given by the following expression: ρ Tc,i Tc,i R∗ 0 0 0 = log + noi,1 + noi,2 + noi,3 log R ρc,i T T X R∗ X 0 T T c,i c,i 0 0 + noi,k log sinh υoi,k − n0oi,k log cosh υoi,k R T T α0oi (ρ, T ) k=4,6 (4) k=5,7 The GERG-2004 equation of state uses the same general form for the residual Helmholtz energies of the individual components as the one suggested by Span and Wagner [4] - it can be written on the form αroi (δ, τ ) = K P ol X KExp npol,oi,k δ dpol,oi,k τ tpol,oi,k + k=1 X nexp,oi,k δ dexp,oi,k τ texp,oi,k e−δ cexp,oi,k (5) k=1 KP ol,ij +KExp,ij αrij (δ, τ ) = X nij,k δ dij,k τ tij,k e−ηij,k (δ−εij,k ) 2 −βij,k (δ−γij,k ) (6) k=1 For the KP ol,ij first terms, the parameters η, ε, β and γ in equation 6 are all zero. This is due to a slight modification of the parameter lists given in [1], where the number of coefficients (Kpol , Kexp ) vary from component to component. Originally, equation 6 is also formulated as two sums like equation 5. This is more closely explained in section 4.1. To fully describe the system, we also need the expressions for the reducing functions: N N−1 N X X X 1 1 xi + xj 1 = x2i + 2xi xj βν,ij γν,ij 2 ρr (x) ρc,i βν,ij xi + xj 8 i=1 Tr (x) = N X i=1 1 Notice i=1 j=i+1 x2i Tc,i + N−1 X N X 2xi xj βT ,ij γT ,ij i=1 j=i+1 that ρ here means molar density - in [1] they use the unit 4 1 1/3 ρc,i + 1 1/3 ρc,j !3 xi + xj 0.5 (Tc,i · Tc,j ) βT2 ,ij xi + xj mol dm3 (7) (8) All parameters used in equations 3-8 are listed in [1]. 2 The developers of the equation of state claim that the normal range of validity is from 80 K to 450 K, and for pressures up to 35 MPa. This covers more than the area necessary for LNG applications, where the pressures rarely exceed 4 MPa, and temperatures are usually in the range from 110 K (in the cold end of the main heat exchanger) to 350 K (at compressor outlets). This means that the EOS is supposed to be accurate enough in the relevant range of temperatures and pressures. As can be seen from the above equations, the model has many parameters compared to simpler equations of state. For example, the SRK EOS uses only three parameters for single-component calculations (critical pressure and temperature plus acentric factor). The GERG-2004 EOS has got more than 100 parameters per component as well as a large number of parameters for component pairs. The total number of components for which parameters have been estimated is 18. Table 1 shows the number of parameters per component and table 2 the number of parameters per component pair.3 Table 1: Number of coefficients per component Coefficient name Number of coefficients Used in equation n0oi 7 4 0 υoi 7 4 npol,oi 7 5 dpol,oi 7 5 tpol,oi 7 5 nexp,oi 18 5 dexp,oi 18 5 texp,oi 18 5 cexp,oi 18 5 ρc 1 4, 7 Tc 1 4, 8 Total 109 N/A Table 2: Number of coefficients per component pair Coefficient name Number of coefficients Used in equation nij 12 6 dij 12 6 tij 12 6 ηij 12 6 εij 12 6 βij 12 6 γij 12 6 Fij 1 3 βν,ij 1 7 γν,ij 1 7 βT ,ij 1 8 γT ,ij 1 8 Total 89 N/A If we consider a system with 5 components, where all 10 possible pairs have nonzero Fij entries, we get no less than 2007 parameters, including critical temperature and density (but this also includes 2 The fraction R∗ is included to correct for the fact that when the mixture model was developed, the developers R used a different value for the molar gas constant R - see page 104 in [1]. 3 The coefficients used in equation 6 only apply to 15 component pairs, because only 15 elements of F ij in equation 3 are nonzero. For the reducing functions, all 153 possible pairs are taken into account 5 the zeros and ones used to fill in the tables). It is therefore important to be very systematic when importing the parameters into any application. 6 Derivatives of A with respect to V and N 3 ∂A )T ,n and µ = ( ∂A In order to do equilibrium calculations, we need the derivatives −p = ( ∂V ∂n )T ,V . Since the equation of state is expressed in terms of δ, τ and x we need the partial derivatives of these with respect to V and N as well. Some of these partial derivatives are quite nasty, since δ and τ depend on x in a nonlinear manner. 3.1 Negative pressure and chemical potential ∂τ ∂A , we have (remember, ∂V is obviously zero since τ does not For negative pressure, defined as ∂V depend on V ): r ∂A ∂α0 ∂(ρ/ρc,i ) ∂δ ∂α = ntot RT + (9) ∂V ∂(ρ/ρc,i ) T ∂V ∂δ τ ∂V n x The derivatives with respect to δ and xi are common for the −p and µ expressions and are summarized in section 3.2. The remaining derivatives are (∂ρ/∂V )n and (∂δ/∂V )n , which are both quite simple: ∂(ρ/ρc,i ) ntot 1 ρ 1 =− 2 · =− · (10) ∂V V ρ V ρ c,i c,i x When differentiating with respect to V , the reducing function for density, ρr , is constant since it is a function of x only. ∂δ ntot 1 ρ 1 =− 2 · =− · (11) ∂V x V ρr V ρr The partial derivative of ideal Helmholtz energy with respect to density is very simple, since only one term in this expression contains the density (as can be seen from equation 4). ∂α0 R∗ ρc,i = · (12) ∂(ρ/ρc,i ) T R ρ For the chemical potentials, we have (with ∂ntot /∂ni = 1 and recalling that A = RT · ntot α): ∂A ∂nα = RT (13) ∂ni T ,V,nj ∂ni T ,V,nj Splitting nα in its ideal and residual parts and differentiating each with respect to ni gives that r ∂nα ∂α = α0oi (ρ, T ) + 1 + ln xi + αr + ntot (14) ∂ni T ,V,nj ∂ni T ,V,nj Being able to calculate the fugacity coefficient (ϕi ) may also be necessary when doing equilibrium calculations. The fugacity coefficient of component i can be expressed in the following way: r ∂α ∂nαr ln ϕi = − ln 1 + δ (15) ∂ni T ,V,nj ∂δ τ 3.2 Derivatives of αr , αroi and αrij with respect to δ and xi In this section, the derivatives needed to express the pressure, chemical potential and fugacity coefficients are shown. The exception is the derivatives of the reducing functions Tr and ρr with respect to mole numbers, these are shown in appendix A.4 4 αr xi = “ ∂αr ∂xi ” τ,δ,xj 7 n ∂αr ∂ni = δαrδ T ,V,nj " 1 1− ·n ρr ∂ρr ∂ni # + τ αrτ nj 1 ·n Tr The derivatives of reducing functions with respect to ni (n ∂Tr ∂ni ∂ρr ∂ni + αrxi − nj nj ∂αr ∂δ ∂αr ∂xi = τ,x N X = αroi + τ,δ,xj xi i=1 N X xk αrxk (16) k=1 and n in appendix A. From equation 3 we get the derivatives of αr with respect to δ and xi : N X xk Fik αrik ∂Tr ∂ni nj ) are shown (17) k=1,k6=i ∂αroi ∂δ + τ N−1 X N X i=1 j=i+1 xi xj Fij ∂αrij ∂δ (18) τ Equations 17 and 18 are quite simple because αroi and αrij are not functions of x. Now we just need the derivatives of αroi and αrij with respect to δ. They are obtained by differentiating equations 5 and 6. By doing this, we get the following expression for the individual components (equation 19) and component pairs(equation 20): ∂αroi ∂δ KP ol,i X = τ KExp npoloi,k dpoloi,k δ (dpoloi,k −1) tpoloi,k τ k=1 + X nexpoi,k τ texpoi,k δ (dexpoi,k −1) (dexpoi,k − cexpoi,k δ cexpoi,k )e−δ k=1 ∂αrij ∂δ = τ KP ol,ij +KExp,ij X k=1 (19) nij,k δ dij,k tij,k τ dij,k − 2ηij,k (δ − εij,k ) − βij,k exp −ηij,k (δ − εij,k ) − βij,k (δ − γij,k ) δ 2 (20) 8 cexpoi,k 4 Implementation in MATLAB, results 4.1 Rearranging expressions for αroi and αrij In [1], equations 5 and 6 are both written as two sums - one from 1 to Kpol and one from Kpol + 1 to Kpol + Kexp . Since the values of Kpol and Kexp varies from component to component (and from component pair to component pair), it was considered better to rewrite both in a simpler form, as they are shown in section 2. The reason for letting equation 5 remain split, was that there is no cexp,oi,k general choice of the parameter cexp,oi which will make e−δ = 1 for the Kpol first terms of the sum. This is easily done for equation 6, by setting η, ε, β and γ equal to zero for the polynomial terms. 4.2 Importing parameters for the equation of state This was the most time-consuming task of the project; in [1], the parameters for equations 4-8 are listed in a relatively compact form. Wherever possible, components with the same number of terms (equal Kpol and Kexp ) have been joined into one table. As a result of this, the overall structure of the parameter list is not straight-forward. Therefore, a stepwise procedure was carried out: 1. The tables were copied manually from the PDF document into Excel spreadsheets and saved in .csv format 2. This resulted in one table per component for equations 4 and two per component for 5 (for exponential and polynomial coefficients), one table per component pair for equation 6 as well as tables of critical parameters, a table representing the Fij matrix of equation 3, and tables of the parameters for the reducing functions (equations 7 and 8) 3. Wherever necessary, the tables were filled in with zeros (in order to get the same value of Kpol for each component). This was done in a way that would ensure that where the original formulation had fewer terms, the last terms would be zero, but at the same time avoiding divisions by zero. 4.3 MATLAB call hierarchy The MATLAB implementation of the equation of state is relatively simple, and consists of three MATLAB m-files. 1. loadsort.m: Takes an 18-element vector of mole numbers as input (the total number of components for which coefficients are listed is 18. This file loads each of the .csv tables into the MATLAB workspace, identifies those who correspond to nonzero mole numbers, and arrange these in arrays of size (ncoeff × ncomp ). Then the file outputs these arrays in a structure called par. 2. gergdiffs.m: This is the file which produces the derivatives. The inputs are temperature T, volume V, mole numbers N and the structure par produced by loadsort.m. The outputs are pressure, chemical potentials µi and the natural logarithm of the fugacity coefficients (ln ϕi ). 3. isotherm.m: This is a script used to produce plots of the outputs from gergdiffs.m. Within this script, the temperature, molar numbers and volume are defined, loadsort.m is run to load the coefficients and parameters, and gergdiffs.m is run for each combination of temperature, volume and mole numbers. The files gergdiffs.m and isotherm.m are shown in appendix B. 9 4.4 Differences between report and MATLAB code Some of the equations shown in this report are not written in exactly the same way inside gergdiffs.m; this is because there are more efficient ways of carrying out these calculations. For example, 4 and 5 are not written with one expression per component; instead, they are written by element-wise operations on the coefficient matrices, and then the sum is taken over the dimension corresponding to the coefficients. The result is a vector of size ncomp . For equation 6 things are slightly more complex; instead of matrices we have three-dimensional arrays of size (ncomp × ncomp × (Kpol + Kexp )), and after summation we get a matrix of size (ncomp × ncomp ). Also, equations 2 and 3 are expressed by matrix-vector multiplication instead of summation. α0 (ρ, T, x) = xT α0oi (ρ, T ) + ln x (21) αr (δ, τ, x) = xT αroi (δ, τ ) + xT (Fij ⊗ αrij (δ, τ ))x α0oi (ρ, T ), αroi (δ, τ ) In equations 21 and 22, ln x and and ⊗ symbolizes multiplication element by element. 4.5 are vectors, Fij and (22) αrij (δ, τ ) are matrices Results The figures following show various isotherms for pure methane and for a mixture of methane, nitrogen, ethane and propane. All are for a total mole number of 1 kmol. Figure 2 shows isotherms for pure methane at temperatures from 180K to 195K (the critical temperature of methane is 190.5640K). The non-cubic behaviour of the equation of state becomes clearly visible at the lowest temperature, where we observe that the curve has two distinct local minima. When the temperature is further lowered, these minima become more distinct and the curve will eventually go below zero provided the temperature is low enough. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the critical isotherm for methane for the GERG-2004 equation of state and the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) EOS. The data used for the SRK equation of state are taken from [5]. To further illustrate the difference between the cubic SRK equation and the GERG-2004 equation at intermediate molar volumes, the isotherms for 180K are also included, see figure 4. Finally, isotherms for a mixture consisting of 40 % methane, 10 % nitrogen, 40 % ethane and 10 % propane are shown for four temperatures in the range from 225K to 262.5K - see figure 5. 5 10 T = 180 K T = 185 K T = 190 K Pressure (kPa) T = 195 K 4 10 2 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 2: Isotherms for pure methane at 180, 185, 190 and 195 K 10 GERG−2004 SRK 5 10 Pressure (kPa) 4 10 2 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 3: Critical isotherms for methane GERG−2004 SRK 5 10 Pressure (kPa) 4 10 2 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 4: GERG-2004 and SRK isotherms at 180 K 11 225K 237.5K 250K 262.5K 5 10 Pressure (kPa) 4 10 3 10 2 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 5: Isotherms at 225, 237.5, 250 and 262.5 K for a mixture of methane, ethane, propane and nitrogen In figure 6, a plot of ln ϕ versus P is shown. As one would expect from the shape of the pressurevolume curve (figure 4), the curve crosses itself several times. Figure 7 shows a similar plot for the chemical potential (µ). If one traces both graphs from the right (high pressure) towards the left, the point at which the curve first crosses itself is at the same pressure in the two figures. It corresponds to the fugacity coefficient (or chemical potential) at the point where vapour and liquid are in equilibrium with each other. If the temperature is lowered further, the p−µ curve crosses itself even more times, as can be seen in figure 8. In this plot one can spot six solutions to the equilibrium problem p1 = p2 , µ1 = µ2 . Only one of these will correspond to a true vapour-liquid equilibrium. The pressure and volume values at the six intersections in figure 8 are shown in table 3, in the order they appear when the curve is traced from small volumes (large pressures). For illustrative purposes, figure 9 shows the volumes and pressure for the point marked 1 in figure 8. For the point 2-6, corresponding pressure-volume curves are included in appendix ??. Table 3: Intersections in figure 8, pressure and volume values p (kPa) V1 (dm3 ) V2 (dm3 ) 2777 54.35 95.51 2336 55.19 100.8 2258 55.36 125.6 2559 76.43 138.2 2894 78.17 301.0 2861 94.68 309.2 4.6 Initializing flash calculations When carrying out a two-phase flash calculation at given (T, V, N ), the equilibrium conditions are: p1 = p2 (µ1 ) = (µ2 ) (23) Here, µ is a vector of chemical potentials and 1 and 2 refer to the two phases. As we can see from figure 8, at 175K there are 6 solutions to this problem, even for a single component where it 12 −0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 −0.25 ln(phi) −0.3 −0.35 −0.4 −0.45 −0.5 −0.55 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Pressure (kPa) Figure 6: ln ϕ versus P for methane at 180 K 3900 3800 3700 mu (J/mol) 3600 3500 3400 3300 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Pressure (kPa) Figure 7: Chemical potential for methane (µCH4 ) versus pressure at 180 K 13 3500 3450 3400 5 6 4 3350 3 3300 1 2 Chemical potential (J/mol) 3250 3200 3150 3100 3050 3000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Pressure (kPa) Figure 8: µ against P for methane at 175 K 5 10 Volumes corresponding to the point labeled "1" in p−mu plot 4 10 3 10 2 3 10 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 9: Pressure-volume curve at 175 K with point 1 shown 14 is obvious that there is only one possible solution. This means it is critical to have a good initial guess for any iterative solution of the flash problem. [1] do not address this problem directly, but for the problem where density is to be calculated at given pressure (where the non-monotonic nature of the isotherm causes similar problems) they suggest using the Peng-Robinson EOS to provide initial guesses. In their report, they have included comparisons of GERG-2004, Peng-Robinson and other equations of state to experimental data, and densities calculated by the Peng-Robinson equations of state are shown to be somewhat higher than those calculated by GERG-2004. 15 5 5.1 Conclusions and future work Conclusions A simple implementation of the GERG-2004 equation of state has been carried out in Matlab and tested by plotting isotherms for different components and temperatures. The most time-consuming job was to make the tables containing the coefficients of equations 4-8 workable. Some effort has also been made in writing some of the equations in a simpler form within Matlab than the form they are formulated here (for example, many sum expressions were possible to replace with matrix-vector multiplication). For pure methane, the chemical potential (µ) and the logarithm of the fugacity coefficient (ln ϕ) have been plotted against pressure, and the isotherms calculated by the GERG-2004 equation of state have been compared to isotherms calculated using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state. The presence of multiple crossings in the plots of chemical potential against pressure (figure 7) indicate that flash calculations may be difficult, as there are multiple solutions (at constant temperature, equilibrium is defined by equal pressure and equal chemical potential in the phases that are present). 5.2 Future work It is a goal of future work to include the reference equation of state in steady-state models of LNG plants, to compare with the results one obtains using cubic equations of state (typically SoaveRedlich-Kwong, Peng-Robinson). Liquefaction processes for natural gas involve phase transfer at low temperatures (down to 116K which is the boiling temperature of CH4 at atmospheric pressure). At these temperatures, which are also close to the Joule-Thompson inversion temperature of methane in the pressure range of interest, it is crucial to have an accurate thermodynamic model. Carrying out simulations with a model especially made for this type of systems, will give a better understanding of how precise (or imprecise) the far simpler cubic equations of state are. An especially interesting problem could be heat curve generation for the cold end of LNG heat exchangers, where heat exchange between more than two two-phase streams takes place at small temperature differences (∆Tmin ≈ 1K). With this small temperature differences, small differences in the flash calculation can be significant. 16 References [1] Kunz, O., Klimeck, R., Wagner, W., Jaeschke, M.: ”The GERG-2004 Wide-Range Equation of State for Natural Gases and Other Mixtures” [2] Soave, G.: ”Equilibrium constants from a modified Redlich-Kwong equation of state”, Chemical Engineering Science, 1972, vol. 27, pp. 1197-1203. [3] Y. Peng, D. B. Robinson: ” A New Two-Constant Equation of State”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. 15 (1976) p. 59 [4] Span, R., Wagner, W.: ”Equations of State for Technical Applications. II. Results for Nonpolar Fluids”, Int. Journ. of Thermophysics, Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2003 [5] Green, Don W,; Perry, Robert H.: ”Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook (8th Edition)”, McGraw-Hill (2007) 17 A Derivatives of reducing functions with respect to mole numbers n ∂ρr ∂ni = nj ∂ρr ∂xi − ∂Tr ∂ni n N X xj xk k=1 nj = ∂ρr ∂xk , with ∂Tr ∂xi − xj xj N X k=1 xk ∂ρr ∂xk ∂Tr ∂xk = −ρ2r xj ∂(1/ρr ) ∂xk (24) xj (25) xj Next are the individual derivatives with respect to xk - these are quite complex: ∂Yr ∂xi xj = 2xi Yc,i + i−1 X k=1 cY,ki N X ∂fY,ki (xk , xi ) ∂fY,ik (xi , xk ) + cY,ik ∂xi ∂xi (26) k=i+1 x +x j In this equation, fY,ij (xi , xj ) = xi xj β2 i xi+x and cY,ij = 2βY,ij γY,ij Yc,ij where Yc,ij is either j Y,ij 3 0.5 1 1 1 or (Tc,i · Tc,j ) . 1/3 + 1/3 8 ρc,i ρc,j We now need to express the partial derivatives inside equation 26 in terms of xi and xj . ! ∂fY,ki (xk , xi ) xk + xi 1 xk + xi = xk 2 + xk xi 2 1− 2 ∂xi βY,ki xk + xi βY,kixk + xi βY,ki xk + xi xk ! xk + xi 1 xk + xi ∂fY,ik (xi , xk ) 2 = xk 2 + xi xk 2 1 − βY,ik 2 ∂xi βY,ik xi + xk βY,ik xi + xk βY,ik xi + xk xk (27) (28) The different parameters βY,ij and γY,ij used in equations 7, 8 and 26-28 are also given in [1]. The index Y is replaced by ν for the density reducing function and T for the temperature reducing function. It is important to notice that we are doing summation over upper triangular matrices when we are dealing with both (xi , xj ) and (xj , xi , as in the above equations, i and j are such that we remain above the main diagonal. 18 B 1 2 3 MATLAB m-code function [p ln fi mu] = gergdiffs(V,T,N,par) %negp Calculate −p(V,T,N1,...) = (@A/@V) t ,n1,... from the GERG %equation of state. Output will be in kPa. 4 5 6 7 8 % % % % Input: Volume (in dm3) Temperature (in K) Mole numbers (in mol) % % % % This file takes V, T and the 18−element vector N and calculates the volume derivative of the Helmholtz energy A. This involves calculation of the reducing functions Tr and Rhor, as well as pertial derivatives of the individual contributions to A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 %Calculate molar fractions 16 17 18 N=N(:) ; x = N/sum(N) ; 19 20 %Identify the nonzero elements of N 21 22 [i x j x xnz] = find(x) ; % Get the indices for the nonzero molar amounts 23 24 x = xnz ; %From here on, work with only nonzero elements of z 25 26 27 28 Tc = par.Tc ; mw =; %#ok<NASGU> rhoc = par.rhoc; 29 30 31 n ideal = par.n ideal ; upsilon ideal = par.upsilon ideal; 32 33 34 35 36 nexp cexp dexp texp = = = = par.nexp; par.cexp; par.dexp; par.texp; 37 38 39 40 npol = par.npol; dpol = par.dpol; tpol = par.tpol; 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 F = par.F ; dij = par.dij ; tij = par.tij ; nij = par.nij ; etaij = par.etaij ; epsilonij = par.epsilonij ; betaij = par.betaij ; gammaij = par.gammaij ; 50 51 52 53 54 beta vij = par.beta vij; beta tij = par.beta tij; gamma vij = par.gamma vij; gamma tij = par.gamma tij; 55 56 57 R = par.R ; Rmod = par.Rmod ; 58 59 %Now, calculate reducing functions (Tr, rhor) 60 61 62 rr = (x.ˆ2)'*(1./rhoc) ; % "ii" contribution to reducing density Tr = (x.ˆ2)'*Tc ; 63 64 if length(x) > 1 19 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 for i=1:(length(x)−1) for j=(i+1):length(x) rr ij = 2*x(i)*x(j)* beta vij(i,j)* gamma vij(i,j)*((x(i)+x(j))/... ((beta vij(i,j)ˆ2)*x(i)+x(j)))*(1/8)*(1/(rhoc(i)ˆ(1/3)) + ... 1/(rhoc(j)ˆ(1/3)))ˆ3 ; Tr ij = 2*x(i)*x(j)* beta tij(i,j)* gamma tij(i,j)*((x(i)+x(j))/... ((beta tij(i,j)ˆ2)*x(i)+x(j)))*(Tc(i)*Tc(j))ˆ0.5 ; rr = rr+rr ij ; % Add contribution from pair ij to total Tr = Tr + Tr ij ; end end end %Calculate reduced temperature and reduced density 78 79 80 81 rho = sum(N)/V ; % Molar density in mol/dm3 = rho*rr ; tau = Tr/T ; ∆ 82 83 84 %Calculate the derivatives of ideal and residual Helmholtz energy % as well as derivatives of ∆ and rho 85 86 87 drhoi dV = −(rho./rhoc)/V ; % rhoi = rho/rhoc d∆ dv = −∆/V ; 88 89 %Calculate ideal Helmholtz energy, alfa id, and residual Helmholtz energy, alfar 90 91 92 93 94 95 alfa id i = (Rmod/R)*(log(rho./rhoc)' + n ideal(1,:) + n ideal(2,:).*(Tc/T)' + ... n ideal(3,:).*log(Tc/T)' + n ideal(4,:).*(log(sinh(upsilon ideal(4,:).*(Tc/T)'))) ... + n ideal(6,:).*(log(sinh(upsilon ideal(6,:).*(Tc/T)'))) − ... n ideal(5,:).*(log(cosh(upsilon ideal(5,:).*(Tc/T)'))) − ... n ideal(7,:).*(log(cosh(upsilon ideal(7,:).*(Tc/T)')))) ; 96 97 %alfa id = (alfa id i+log(x)')*x ; % Ideal Helmholtz energy for the mixture 98 99 100 101 102 alfar oi = sum((npol.*(∆.ˆdpol).*tau.ˆtpol),1) + ... sum(nexp.*(tau.ˆtexp).*(∆.ˆdexp).*(exp(−∆.ˆcexp)),1); alfar ij = sum(((nij.*(∆.ˆdij).*tau.ˆtij).*exp(−etaij.*((∆ − epsilonij).ˆ2) ... − betaij.*(∆ − gammaij))),3) ; 103 104 alfar = alfar oi *x + x'*(F.* alfar ij)*x; 105 106 %Derivative of ideal Helmholtz energy w.r.t. density 107 108 dalfa 0 drhoi = (Rmod*rhoc/(R*rho)) ; 109 110 % Derivative of residual Helmholtz energy for individual components a r oi 111 112 113 114 115 dalfar oi d∆ = sum((npol.*dpol.*(∆.ˆ(dpol−1)).*tau.ˆtpol),1)+... sum(nexp.*(tau.ˆtexp).*(∆.ˆ(dexp−1)).*((dexp − cexp.*∆.ˆcexp).*(exp(−∆.ˆcexp))),1) ; % Do the calculation element−wise, then for each component take the sum of the corresponding column. %The result is a vector of length ncomp 116 117 118 % Derivative of residual Helmholtz energy departure function a r ij w.r.t. % ∆ 119 120 121 122 dalfar ij d∆ = sum(((nij.*(∆.ˆdij).*tau.ˆtij).*exp(−etaij.*((∆ − epsilonij).ˆ2)... − betaij.*(∆ − gammaij)).*(dij./∆ − 2*etaij.*(∆ − epsilonij)−betaij)),3) ; % Same as above − the result is a matrix of size ncomp*ncomp 123 124 125 126 dalfa dV = (x'*(dalfa 0 drhoi. *drhoi dV)) + ((dalfar oi d∆.*d∆ dv)*x)... + (x'*(F.* dalfar ij d∆.*d∆ dv)*x) ; % Sum together contributions %dalfa dV ideal = (x'*(dalfa 0 drhoi. * drhoi dV)) ; 127 128 129 130 dA dV = sum(N)*Rmod*T* dalfa dV ; % Unit: kPa p = −dA dV ; %dA dV ideal = sum(N)*Rmod*T* dalfa dV ideal ; % Unit: kPa 131 132 %Now to the slightly more ugly stuff. For fugacity coefficients, we must 20 133 134 135 %calculate first derivatives with respect to mole numbers. This means we %also need first derivatives of residual Helmholtz energy with respect to %mole numbers/ fractions. 136 137 138 139 140 dalfar oi dtau = sum((npol.*tpol.*(∆.ˆdpol).*tau.ˆ(tpol−1)),1) + ... sum(nexp.*texp.*(tau.ˆ(texp−1)).*(∆.ˆdexp),1) ; dalfar ij dtau = sum(((nij.*(∆.ˆdij).*tij.*(tau.ˆ(tij−1))).*... exp(−etaij.*((∆ − epsilonij).ˆ2) − betaij.*(∆ − gammaij))),3) ; 141 142 143 144 dalfar d∆ = dalfar oi d∆*x + x'*(F.* dalfar ij d∆)*x ; dalfar dtau = dalfar oi dtau *x + x'*(F.* dalfar ij dtau)*x ; dalfar dx = alfar oi' + (F.* alfar ij)*x ; 145 146 147 % Exception; If we have one component only, we don't need the composition % derivatives. 148 149 150 151 152 if length(x) < 2 ln fi = (alfar + ∆* dalfar d∆) − log(1+∆*dalfar d∆) ; mu = R*T*((alfa id i + 1)+(alfar + ∆* dalfar d∆)) ; %Residual chemical potential elseif length(x) ≥ 2 153 154 155 % If we have two components or more, we need to calculate derivatives of rr % and Tr with respect to composition. 156 157 %Calculate the ugly, ugly derivatives from table 7.10 158 159 160 dTr dx = 2*x.*Tc ; d invrr dx = (2*x).*(1./rhoc) ; 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 for i=1:length(x) if i == 1 % If at first component, only the last sum is needed for j=(i+1):length(x) dTr dx(i) = dTr dx(i) + 2* beta tij(i,j)* gamma tij(i,j)*((Tc(i)*Tc(j))ˆ0.5)... *(x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)) +(x(i)*x(j)*... 1/(beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))*(1 − beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*(x(i)+x(j))/... (beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))) ; % Add j'th term d invrr dx(i) = d invrr dx(i) + 2*beta vij(i,j)*gamma vij(i,j)*... ((1/8)*(1/(rhoc(i)ˆ(1/3)) + 1/(rhoc(j)ˆ(1/3)))ˆ3)*... (x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)) +... (x(i)*x(j)*1/(beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))*(1 − beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*... (x(i)+x(j))/(beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))) ; %Add j'th term end elseif i>1 && i<length(x) % If not at the first or last component, we must sum both below and above i for j = 1:(i−1) dTr dx(i) = dTr dx(i) + (2* beta tij(j,i))* gamma tij(j,i)*((Tc(i)*Tc(j))ˆ0.5)... *(x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta tij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)) +(x(j)*x(i)... *1/(beta tij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j)+ x(i)))*(1 − (x(j)+x(i))/... (beta tij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)))) ; % Add j'th term d invrr dx(i) = d invrr dx(i) + (2*beta vij(j,i))*gamma vij(j,i)*... ((1/8)*(1/(rhoc(i)ˆ(1/3)) + 1/(rhoc(j)ˆ(1/3)))ˆ3)*... (x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta vij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i))... +(x(j)*x(i)*1/(beta vij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)))*... (1 − (x(j)+x(i))/(beta vij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)))); %Add j'th term end for j = (i+1):length(x) dTr dx(i) = dTr dx(i) + 2* beta tij(i,j)* gamma tij(i,j)*((Tc(i)*Tc(j))ˆ0.5)... *(x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)) +(x(i)*x(j)*... 1/(beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i)+ x(j)))*(1 − beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*(x(i)+x(j))/... (beta tij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))) ; % Add j'th term d invrr dx(i) = d invrr dx(i) + 2*beta vij(i,j)*gamma vij(i,j)*... ((1/8)*(1/(rhoc(i)ˆ(1/3))+ 1/(rhoc(j)ˆ(1/3)))ˆ3)*... (x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j))... +(x(i)*x(j)*1/(beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))*... (1 − beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta vij(i,j)ˆ2*x(i) + x(j)))) ; %Add j'th term end 198 199 200 elseif i == length(x) for j = 1:(i−1) 21 dTr dx(i) = dTr dx(i) + (2* beta tij(j,i))* gamma tij(j,i)*... ((Tc(i)*Tc(j))ˆ0.5)*(x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/(beta tij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i))... +(x(j)*x(i)*1/(beta tij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)))*(1 − (x(j)+x(i))/... (beta tij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)))) ; % Add j'th term d invrr dx(i) = d invrr dx(i) + (2*beta vij(j,i))*gamma vij(j,i)*... ((1/8)*(1/(rhoc(i)ˆ(1/3))+ 1/(rhoc(j)ˆ(1/3)))ˆ3)*(x(j)*(x(i)+x(j))/... (beta vij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i))+(x(j)*x(i)*1/(beta vij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i)))... *(1 − (x(j)+x(i))/(beta vij(j,i)ˆ2*x(j) + x(i) ))); %Add j'th term 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 end end %End of "if" loop end %End of outer "for" loop 212 213 214 215 d rr dx = −(1/rrˆ2)* d invrr dx ; n drr dn = d rr dx − x'* d rr dx ; n dTr dn = dTr dx − x'* dTr dx ; 216 217 218 219 220 221 n dalfar dni = zeros(length(x),1); for i=1:length(x) n dalfar dni(i) = ∆* dalfar d∆*(1−rr* n drr dn(i)) + ... tau* dalfar dtau*(1/Tr)* n dTr dn(i) + dalfar dx(i) − x'* dalfar dx ; end 222 223 224 dn alfa0 dni = alfa id i' + 1 + log(x) ; dnalfar dni = alfar + n dalfar dni ; 225 226 227 228 mu = R*T*(dn alfa0 dni + dnalfar dni) ; %Vector of chemical potentials ln fi = dnalfar dni − log(1+∆* dalfar d∆) ; %Vector of ln fugacity coefficients end 229 230 end 22 1 %Create isotherms of the GERG equation of state and (if desired) SRK equation of state 2 3 4 5 % par.CH4.Tc = 190.564; % par.CH4.Pc = 4.59e6 ; % par.CH4.acentric = 0.0115 ; 6 7 8 close all clear all 9 10 11 T = 180.5640 ; % Tc ch4 − 10 K Ntot = 1000 ; % mol ; 12 13 14 15 16 ind = [1 2 4 5] ; % Methane, nitrogen, ethane, propane x = [1 0 0 0] ; N=zeros(18,1); N(ind) = Ntot*x ; 17 18 par = loadsort(N) ; 19 20 21 V = logspace(1.5,3.5,1000); p=zeros(length(T),length(V)); 22 23 24 25 if nnz(x) ==1 % We want potential and ln fi if we have single component mu = zeros(length(T),length(V)) ; ln fi = zeros(length(T),length(V)) ; 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 %psrk=p ; for i = 1:length(T) for j = 1:length(V) [p(i,j) ln fi(i,j) mu(i,j)] = gergdiffs(V(j),T(i),N,par) ; %Ask for fi and mu if one component only %psrk(i,j) = p srk(V(j),T(i),N,par.CH4) ; % Only valid for pure methane end end figure(2), plot(p,ln fi) ; figure(3), plot(p,mu) ; else for i = 1:length(T) for j = 1:length(V) 39 40 [p(i,j)] = gergdiffs(V(j),T(i),N,par) ; % For multicomponent, retrieve pressure only 41 42 43 44 45 %psrk(i,j) = p srk(V(j),T(i),N,par.CH4) ; % Only valid for pure methane end end end %End of IF loop 46 47 48 49 50 51 if min(min(p)) < 0 figure(1),plot(V,p) ; else figure(1), loglog(V,p); end 23 C Miscellaneous plots 5 10 Volumes corresponding to the point labeled "2" in p−mu plot Pressure (kPa) 4 10 3 10 2 3 10 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 10: Pressure-volume curve at 175 K with point 2 shown 24 4 10 Volumes corresponding to the point labeled "3" in p−mu plot Pressure (kPa) 3 10 2 3 10 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 11: Pressure-volume curve at 175 K with point 3 shown 5 10 Volumes corresponding to the point labeled "4" in p−mu plot Pressure (kPa) 4 10 3 10 2 3 10 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 12: Pressure-volume curve at 175 K with point 4 shown 25 5 10 Volumes corresponding to the point labeled "5" in p−mu plot Pressure (kPa) 4 10 3 10 2 3 10 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 13: Pressure-volume curve at 175 K with point 5 shown 5 10 Volumes corresponding to the point labeled "6" in p−mu plot Pressure (kPa) 4 10 3 10 2 3 10 10 Volume (dm3) Figure 14: Pressure-volume curve at 175 K with point 6 shown 26