Guaranteed Admissions Transfer Program (GATP) College of DuPage & College of Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The College of DuPage (COD) and the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) form a cooperative relationship through the Guaranteed Admissions Transfer Program to better serve our students and public constituents, facilitate transfer, minimize duplication of instruction, and build on community college and university learning experiences. The GATP agreement offers COD students a pathway to guaranteed admission to the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. GATP students must meet all of the requirements outlined in this agreement to be guaranteed admission. GATP Requirements ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: A. As part of this agreement, COD students must complete the courses listed below (under "Required Courses") in order to be admitted to the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. B. Students must maintain a 3.3 GPA in these Required Courses. C. Students must earn a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA in all courses taken at COD. D. Students are expected to enroll full-time (12 or more semester hours) each semester in coursework that meets the course requirements towards the intended baccalaureate degree. Students must complete all requirements within 3 years of the date of initial COD enrollment in order to be eligible for the admission guarantee. Students must petition the UIUC transfer representative for guaranteed admission if he or she has been part-time for two or more semesters (excluding summer terms) within that three year period. 1 E. Students are required to inform COD of their participation in the program. F. It is recommended that students use these Required Courses to complete an Associate in Engineering Science (AES) degree at COD. Students who transfer before completing the AES degree may be eligible to receive their AES degree after transferring to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign through a program 1 Initial enrollment does not include enrollment in dual credit or dual enrollment programs while still enrolled in high school. Students must take 12 or more credits to be considered full-time during fall and spring terms. designed to retroactively identify COD degree completers. See Memorandum for details. Both COD and UIUC will encourage students to complete their Associate's degree. REQUIRED COURSES: Students are required to complete the following COD courses to be eligible for the GATP agreement (the corresponding equivalent course at UIUC are in parentheses) A. For intended majors in Computer Science, Engineering Physics, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering: 1. English 1101 and 1102 (Rhetoric 105) -Composition I 2. Math 2231 (Math 220) - Calculus I 3. Math 2232 (Math 231) -Calculus II 4. Math 2233 & 2235 (Math 241) -Calculus III 5. Math 2270 (Math 284) -Differential Equations 6. Physics 2111 (Physics 211) -Mechanics 7. Physics 2112 (Physics 212) -Electricity & Magnetism 8. Physics 2115 (Physics 213, 214) -Thermal and Quantum 9. Chemistry 1551 & 1552 (Chemistry 102/103 and 104/105) -Chemistry I and II 10. Computer Science 2485 (CS 101) -C++ for Science and Engineering --Computer Science majors are required to take Math 2115 (CS 173) before transferring, and CIS 2571 instead of CIS 2485. B. For intended majors in Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, General Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering: 1. English 110I and 1102 (Rhetoric I 05) - Composition I 2. Math 2231 (Math 220) -Calculus I 3. Math 2232 (Math 231) - Calculus II 4. Math 2233 & 2235 (Math 241) - Calculus III 5. Math 2270 (Math 284) -Differential Equations 6. Physics 2111 (Physics 211) -Mechanics 7. Physics 2112 (Physics 212) -Electricity & Magnetism 8. Physics 2115 (Physics 213, 214) -Thermal, and Quantum 9. Engineering 2201 (TAM 211) -Statics 10. Engineering 2202 (TAM 212) -Dynamics 11. Engineering 2203 (TAM 251) -Mechanics of Materials 12. Chemistry 1551 & 1552 (Chemistry 102/103 and 104/105) -Chemistry l and II 13. Computer Science 2485 (CS 101) - C++ for Science and Engineering C. Students are strongly encouraged (but not required) to complete the third level of one language other than English before they transfer. The third level is required for graduation. A "level" is one year of high school language or one semester of college language. COD/UIUC GATP ADVISING REQUIREMENTS: A. COD will assign each potential GATP student a program area adviser to work with until his/her transfer to the UIUC. The GATP adviser will assist students with course selection, registration, and provide students with information regarding admissions policies to the College of Engineering under the terms of this agreement. B. In the spirit of this agreement, COD advisers will work closely with UIUC advisers on a regular basis to maximize productive advising. Additionally, UIUC and COD will collaborate to promote the program and to recruit potential students through various activities. C. UIUC advisers will provide regular advising to GATP students on academics and admission policies. UIUC advisers will also work with COD advisers to find ways to engage students in engineering (e.g. campus visits and seminars).