Arch Session 1: Wisdom 10:30-11 Faculty Speaker 11:00-11:10 FYO 11:10-11:20 DAE 11:20-11:30 Career Center Use this number (CRN) in Athena PROMOTING RETENTION, PROGRESSION, AND GRADUATION Making Good Students Better DEAR FRESHMAN ME WHY IS THIS NUMBER SIGNIFICANT 39,076 % DAE Student Contacts in 2013 46% Math/Science Labs & Test Reviews 38% -Tutoring -Writing Assistance -Online Services 12% -CARE -Early Alert -Drop Back -Courses -Counseling -Workshops 1% -Freshman College -Coca-Cola First Generation Scholars -Special Projects 3% UNIV Courses & Related Instruction ACADEMIC RESOURCE CENTER Our Peer Tutorial Program provides tutoring and academic support for students in a variety of ways: Test review sessions for Math and Statistics Online, Drop-In, and Appointment based tutoring Locations around campus, including a satellite office in Brumby Hall TUTORING Offered in the following subjects: Mathematics Chemistry Biology Physics Writing Accounting Economics Foreign Languages and many more! TUTOR EVALUATION COMMENTS “I’ve never had a bad tutor here, and Milledge Hall is my saving grace. I wouldn’t know what to do without the tutors!” “I enjoy coming to tutoring because it helps me understand PreCalculus more. My grades are much better.” “It’s my first time here and I already planned to come back tomorrow!” “Very helpful and would recommend to anyone.” DROP BACK PROCESS Designed for students who are concerned with their academic progress in the following courses but DO NOT WANT TO WITHDRAW FROM THE COURSE. - MATH 1101 - MATH 1113 - ENGL 1101 Intro to Math Modeling Pre-calculus English Composition I Students can retain their credit hours by requesting a section change to: - UNIV 1108 - UNIV 1110 - UNIV 1115 Introduction to Data Analysis Introduction to Pre-Calculus Introduction to Academic Writing These three hour elective degree credit courses prepare students for re-enrollment into their required MATH or ENGL course the following semester. UNIV COURSES UNIV Courses help students transition to college through courses that focus on: - writing - problem solving - mathematical skills - critical thinking - study strategies - computer skills UNIV courses are offered for elective degree credit A FEW POPULAR UNIV COURSES: UNIV 1102 Learning to Learn UNIV 1103 Strategies and Life-Skills Needed for Success UNIV 1108 Introduction to Data Analysis* UNIV 1110 Introduction to Pre-Calculus* UNIV 1111 Textbook Comprehension and Vocabulary Improvement UNIV 1115 Introduction to Academic Writing* UNIV 1120 Online @UGA * Courses recommended based on placement test results LICENSED PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS PROVIDE ACADEMIC COUNSELING IN A ONE ON-ONE SETTING, FOCUSING ON ASSISTING S T U D E N T S W I T H VA R I O U S I S S U E S T H AT HINDER ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. ACADEMIC WORKSHOPS Study Strategies Time Management Overcoming Test Anxiety Applying Learning Styles Improving Writing Skills FOR MORE INFORMATION: • V I S I T U S T O M O R R OW M O R N I N G AT T H E R E S O U R C E FA I R I N TAT E G R A N D H A L L • CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE DAE.UGA .EDU • VISIT US ON FAC EB O O K : U G A T U TO R I N G P RO GR A M T W I T T E R : @ U G AT U T O R I N G