FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Tutor Application Form o Received: Tutor Essay Recommendation(s) Peer Tutor Application Name _______________________________________ 81X Number ____________________ Pronouns (ex: he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs): ____________________________ Local Address ________________________________ Telephone _______________________ UGA E-Mail Address ________________________ Major _______________________________ Class Standing FR_____ SO_____ JR_____ SR_____ GRAD_____ Please check the course(s) you want to tutor* and specify the grade(s) you received. Indicate what level you can tutor (EX: “up to MATH 2250”) if a specific course number is not listed. ACCT 2101 ACCT 2102 ARAB BCMB 3100 BIOL 1103 BIOL 1104 BIOL 1107 BIOL 1108 CHEM 1110 CHEM 1211 CHEM 1212 CHEM 2100 CHEM 2211 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ CHEM 2212 CSCI 1301 CSCI 1302 ECON 2105 ECON 2106 ESL Conv. FINA 3000 FREN GRMN ITAL MATH MIBO 2500 MIBO 3000 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ MSIT 3000 ___________ PHYS 1111 ___________ PHYS 1112 ___________ PHYS 1211 ___________ PHYS 1212 ___________ SPAN ___________ STAT 2000 ___________ Other _________________ Other _________________ Other _________________ Other _________________ Other _________________ Other _________________ *As part of your application you must request a faculty recommendation for each subject (not course) you want to tutor. A recommendation form is available at List any tutoring, leadership, and professional experience that is relevant to this position. Please feel free to attach additional information such as a resume. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Submit a brief essay with your application. Discuss the reasons you want to be a peer tutor, indicate the skills you have that will make you an effective tutor, and describe what you believe to be the responsibilities and limitations of a peer tutor. Applicant Signature _____________________________________ Date _______________________ Please return this completed application and your essay to Mercy Montgomery, Academic Resource Center Coordinator, 126 Milledge Hall, Athens, GA 30602. Faculty recommendation(s) can be submitted by you or your professor. Please contact Mercy at or (706) 542-5436 with any questions.