Chapter 4 Wind Forced Motions Topics We Will Cover 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wind Stress Ekman Layer Depth Ekman Transport Wind driven Ocean Circulation Storm Surge, Downwelling Upwelling Reading: Ch8 Cushman Roisin Ch 10 Marshall 1 Dispersion Relationship For a 2D wave travelling in the x direction: d 2η d 2η − gh 2 = 0 2 dt dx Assumptions: •No Coriolis •No friction •Constant density •Shallow water/ motion of water particles x-dir only η = Acos(kx − ωt) Try a wave like solution ω2 = hgk 2 Dispersion relation 2 Dispersion Relationship For a 2D wave travelling in the x direction: If we relax the shallow water approximation, so water particles can move in x and z direction: ω = gk tanh(kh) 2 Dispersion relation But should be able to get back to shallow water dispersion relation for h<<λ … 3 Phase Velocity ω2 = gk h>>λ ω2 = gk 2 h h<<λ Deep water waves: h > λ /2: c= g = k gλ 2π Shallow water waves: h < λ/20: c = gh ω c= k Bigger wavelength = faster waves, thus DISPERSIVE Shallow water = Slower waves 4 3.2 Refraction, Diffraction and Shoaling Wave Refraction: Wave crests tend to become parallel to the shore as the wave moves inshore… Because c=√gh, c decreases as h decreases C j = gh j > C i = ghi Ci Cj 5 ‘Clean’ Waves: Deep water waves • The longer wavelength waves reach shore quicker than the shorter wavelength waves, • Because speed depends on their wave length. • Waves that have traveled a long distance are ‘sorted’ into wave packets, creating ‘clean’ swell. 6 Phase Speed and Group Speed Superposition of two sinusoidal travelling waves Shows the difference between: • • Distance travelled by a crest Phase Speed (Cp) of the wave crests & Group Speed (Cg) of the wave envelope. Distance travelled by the group Gill1981 7 Group Velocity • Group Velocity is the velocity at which a group of waves travels, & the velocity that wave energy propagates: dω cg ≡ dk Remember the Phase Velocity is given by • Using the approximations for the dispersion relation it can be shown: • Deep Water Group Velocity ω 2 = gk h > λ/4 • Shallow-water Group Velocity ω 2 = gk 2 h h < λ / 11 ω c= k g c = cg = 2ω 2 c g = gh 8 Tide generating forces: Sum of centrifugal and gravitational forces Centrifugal force: Centrifugal Centrifugal forces are are the same everywhere … Gravitational force: Gravitational force is greatest closest to the sun/moon Gravitational • Spring tides occur when M2, and S2 reinforce. • Neap tides occur when M2, and S2 oppose. Successive springs occur about every 14 days. • Mixed tides occur when the relative magnitude of K1 and 01 are sufficiently large that they interfere with the semi-diurnal 10 tides. Effect of rotation and boundaries Co-range lines (lines of constant tidal range) run around amphidromic points in quasi-circular fashion. Co-phase lines (lines of constant phase, or lines which connect all places where high water occurs at the same time) emanate from amphidromic points like spokes of a wheel. 11 Types of Vorticity Two types of rotation 1. Planetary Vorticity (rotating because the planet is rotating) f = 2 Ω sin ( φ ) 2. Relative Vorticity (spinning on its own axis) dv du ζ= − dx dy 3. Total or Potential Vorticity f +ζ Q= h 12 Change in Relative Vorticity Column Stretching Production of relative vorticity by changes in the height of a fluid column. As the vertical fluid column moves from left to right: •vertical stretching reduces the moment of inertia of the column, •causing it to spin faster. We are not considering the effect of planetary vorticity here. (Stewart) 13 Relative Vorticity Calculation A cold core eddy (diameter 100km) formed at 30S, 200E, in 1km depth water has: the north end is 1.2 m/s, the south end -1.1 m/s, the west side 1.1 m/s, the east side -1.5 m/s. 1. What is the relative, planetary and absolute vorticity of this eddy? Is it cyclonic or anticyclonic? 2. The eddy moves east to 220E, what happens to the eddys relative/planetary vorticity? Why? 3. The eddy moves south to 40S, what happens to the eddys relative/planetary vorticity? 4. The water then moves into a region where depth increases to 1.5km. What are the possible changes to the eddy? Schmitz (1996) 15 Wind Stress • Wind blowing over the ocean produces a force per unit area τ xτ y • Given by (τ x ,τ y ) ≈ ρ air cD (u , v ) 2 2 • where CD is a drag co-efficient, typically 0.002 • ρair is 1.3 kg/m3 • u,v is the speed of the wind (x,y compnent) at a height of 10m above sealevel • Units are Pa or N/m2 16 Wind stress U10 • • Analogous to a wind blowing over the ocean. It is for this reason that we generally measure wind speed at a height of 10m above the ocean. Cushman Roisin Ch8 17 Is the Ocean speed important? (τ x ,τ y ) ≈ ρ air cD (u , v ) 2 2 CD 0.002 ρair is 1.3 kg/m3 u is the speed at ~10 m, but the important number is actually the relative wind speed, between ocean and atmosphere. If u=10m/s calculate the wind stress What is the % error, if the ocean speed id 1m/s in the same direction as the wind? Cushman Roisin Ch8 18 Wind drag (τ x ,τ y ) ≈ ρ air cD (u , v ) 2 2 The drag coefficient is a measure of friction between wind and ocean, but this depends on the roughness of the surface CD = (0.44 + 0.063 U10 )/1000 Annual Mean Surface Wind Stress CI = 0.05 N/m2 Marshall Ch10 20 Geostrophic Balance In the equation of motion, acceleration is 1/100 smaller than the Coriolis Force and Pressure Force Over long timescales ocean is in “Steady State” (no acceleration) Thus the balance is between Pressure and Coriolis Forces -Geostrophic Balance OR ∂η = fv ∂x ∂η g = − fu ∂y g For a barotropic ocean Geostrophic Balance: How is it set up? (cont) • As the water starts to move, the Coriolis effect (rotation) deflects the water to the right (NH) or left (SH). • The water keeps getting deflected until the force due to the pressure difference balances the Coriolis force. • This balance is called a geostrophic balance and the resulting current is referred to as a geostrophic current. du 1 a= = ∑F dt m τ force per m2 To get F/m need to divide by (ρh) F τ = m ρh Check that the units are correct Ekman Velocity Consider the steady (accn=0) equations of motion for a barotropic ocean of depth h In the absence of wind with weak (zero) bottom stress the equations of motion would be the geostrophic equations (Ch 2). du dη = −g + fv + friction dt dx dη dv = −g − fu + friction dy dt If we add surface wind forcing they become dη τ x − fv = − g + dx ρh dη τ y fu = − g + dy ρh • We split the velocity field into the sum of the geostrophic and wind driven components i.e. u = u g + ue v = v g + ve • Where ug, vg denote geostrophic velocities such that dη − fv g = − g dx dη fu g = − g dy 25 • We are then left with a wind-driven component of velocity (ue, ve ) • i.e the remainder of velocity must balance the wind forcing τx − fv e = ρh τy fu e = ρh These equations give the velocity averaged over the full ocean depth. In fact the direct effects of wind only felt over Ekman layer depth (He) τx = 0 τy > 0 Steady State • Assume initially • Initially there is no motion • Column accelerates, • As the water column moves faster, – – – – • Coriolis force increases (fv) Column is deflected to the right (NH) This continues until Ve vanishes and A steady state is reached. Coriolis and Wind forcing balance 27 The Ekman Depth (He) The effects of the wind stress on the ocean extend through the surface of the ocean to a depth He He = 2K | f | K is the vertical eddy diffusivity(viscosity) which indicates vertical mixing. Typically K~2 x 10-2 m2/s so that with |f|=10-4 s-1, He ~20m In regions of high wind driven turbulence, K increases (K~0.5 m2/s) so that He can reach ~100m Marshall Ch10 The wind stress diminishes to zero with depth 28 Depth Averaged Ekman Layer • • • Direct effects of wind only felt over Ekman layer depth (He) What then is the velocity in the Ekman layer? Ekman layer velocities (Ue and Ve): h τy h Ue = ue = He ρH e f τx h Ve = ve = He ρH e f Cushman Roisin Ch8 29 Depth Averaged Ekman Velocities • While driven by the wind stress, Ue, Ve are actually perpendicular to the wind stress wind τy ρh Ekman Velocity Ue fu e Northern Hemisphere, Aerial View, F >0 fve τx ρh wind Ekman Velocity Ve 30 Question P 48 a) Find the Ekman layer depth He and the Ekman Velocity ue and ve when a wind of stress 0.5 Pa (0.5N/m2) blows to the north in the mid-latitudes (NH). Assume h is 1000m, take K=0.1 m2/s and f=10-4s-1 b) What is the Ekman layer velocity Ue and Ve ? c) Sketch the resultant flow 31 τx − fve = =0 ρh τy 0.5 fue = = ρ h 1000(1000) ue = 0.5 ×10000 1000(1000) 2K He = | f | τy =0.005m/s =√(2x0.1/10-4)=44.7m 0.5 Ue = = = 0.11m / s −4 ρ H e f 1000 × 44.7 ×10 Ekman Spiral Consider the ocean in terms of multiple layers: First layer - forces acting are wind, friction from layer below and Coriolis 1. Wind Friction Coriolis Friction 2. Wind Coriolis At the next layer: But, in this configuration forces can’t balance Flow curves to the right due to Coriolis – and speeds up due to wind. As flow changes direction and increases in speed Coriolis and Friction change direction and become greater also. Wind (an external force) remains the same. But now the forces can balance Wind 3. Fri c Flow adjusts until a balance can exist: tio Fo n Co rio li Fo rc s ea bov e Fr i Layer 2 current at an even greater angle And so on for subsequent layers Coriolis Friction Surface current at an angle to the wind c t io rce n abo ve Co ri ol i s 34 Summary • On average wind driven ‘Ekman flow’ is at 90 degrees to the right (left) of the wind direction in the NH (SH) • Ekman flow is confined to the top few 10s of meters (unlike geostrophic flow) • Because of friction between layers of water the flow actually forms a spiral that diminishes with depth (with the average flow perpendicular to the wind) Divergence and convergence • If there are differences in Ekman wind wind strength (or direction) it can lead to converging or diverging flow • This causes a piling up of Convergence water (for convergence) or Ekman a trough in the surface (for wind divergence) Divergence • This leads to pressure wind gradients Ekman NH Gyre – Southern Hemisphere Consider a rectangular basin with a wind stress as shown The mass transports are convergent in the centre of the Basin causing a sealevel rise. The pressure gradient drives a geostrophic current Winds Ekman Transport Geostrophic Current H H 37 Sea Surface Elevation Jason Satellite uses radar altimetry to collect sea surface height data of all the world's oceans. Images are processed to highlight the interannual signal of sea surface height. The mean signal, seasonal signal, and the trend have been removed. 38 Now it’s your turn …… Use the map of the global ocean wind field. Using the concepts that we have been discussing, draw: 1.arrows showing the Ekman transport 2.contours showing the adjusted sea-level 3.the upper ocean currents 39 EQ 40 Remember Ekman Transport is: the movement of the surface waters as a response to wind forcing EQ EKMAN TRANSPORT 41 Ekman Transport causes a rise in the sea surface elevation… HIGH HIGH EQ HIGH HIGH SEALEVEL ELEVATION HIGH HIGH 42 Because of the rise in sea surface elevation a balance is set up between the pressure gradient (PG) and rotation (CF) HIGH HIGH EQ HIGH HIGH HIGH PG CF SEALEVEL ELEVATION 43 This causes Currents in the ocean… Geostrophic currents HIGH EQ HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH PG CF GEOSTROPHIC FLOW 44 46 Wind Forced Ocean Circulation • • Schematic diagram showing the classification of ocean gyres and major ocean current systems and their relation to the prevailing zonal winds. Patterns of Ekman transport in regions of upwelling and downwelling are also marked. Marshall Ch10 47 48 49 Q 2b: f = 10-4 s-1 τx = 0.1 Pa h = 4000 m ρ = 1000 kg m-3 He = 200 m 2K He = | f | Ekman velocities: (depth-averaged) ve = -τx / ρhf = (-0.1) / (1000 x 4000 x 10-4) = 2.5 x 10-4 m s-1 Ekman transport: (Ekman-layer velocity) = (4000 / 200) x 2.5 x 10-4 m s-1 = 5 x 10-3 m s-1 50 Summary • Wind Stress on the ocean surface moves the ocean • Effects are felt through the Ekman Layer • Major ocean gyres are driven by the resulting geostrophic balance. 51